07-28-97 CCCITY OF OTSEGO ­��T RLQULNr H� 11%ji. AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE 7. ANDY MAC ARTHUR, CITY ATTORNEY 7/2$/97 - 6:30PM s T1"IT T)[S Tfl /fin ITEM N INSER: ITEM 1JX;5C: 1 -L -e_ svr4 : rX%.MArrai rJ+� •may . — f •••• 7.1.CONSIDER FINAL DRAFT OF THE INTERIM ADMINISTRATOR/INDEPENDENT CONTRACT AND ADVERTISE IN THE LMC MAGAZINE AND THE ELK RIVER STAR NEWS. BACKGROUND: This item was on the last Council Agenda of 7/14/97 and Andy MacArthur, City Attorney was asked to do some changes to the contract and bring it back to the Adm. Sub -Committee Meeting of 7/22/97 at 4PM. This was done and a few more changes made. Andy now has the revised information which is attached for Council Review and approval. Packets will be made up with applications/Contract copies/List of work to be performed for applicants to pick up at City Hall. REC0I4t�MNDATION : This is a Council decision. Staff recommends approval of the Contract and notice placed in the LMC Magazine and Elk River Star News. Thanks Elaine William S. Radzwill Andrew J. SfacArthur Michael C. Court Megan M. McDonald July 23, 1997 RADZWILL & CO URI Attorneys at Law 705 Central Avenue East PO Box 369 St. Michael, MN 55376 (612) 497-1930 (612) 497-2599 (FAX) City Council Members City of Otsego c/o Elaine Beatty, City Clerk 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Elk River, Mn 55330 RE: Interim Administrator Contract, Exhibit, And Proposed Advertisement Dear Council Members: Please find enclosed revised draft of proposed contract for Interim City Administrator, attached Exhibit A setting forth tasks to be accomplished during the term of the proposed Agreement, and a proposed advertisement for the position. These documents incorporate changes previously requested by the City Council, as well as the Administration subcommittee. I would request that the Council approve these documents as drafted and direct the City Clerk to commence advertisement for proposals in both the Elk River Star News and the League of Minnesota Cities Bulletin. If you have any questions regarding this matter I will be available to answer them at the regularly scheduled City Council meeting on Monday night. An ew J. ,M-acArth� DZWIL4/,& COURI Encls. cc: David Licht, Bob Kirmis, NAC Kevin Kielb, Larry Koshak, Hakanson Anderson Proposed Agreement, City of Otsego Interim City Administrator INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA AND THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this day of ,1997, by and between the City of Otsego, a municipal corporation under the laws of the State of Minnesota ("City") and ("Independent Contractor") RECITALS: WHEREAS, the City of Otsego is at a crucial period in its development and desires assistance in evaluation of present government operations, and guidance in establishing the necessary administrative structure to deal with development pressures, construction of needed infrastructure, and delivery of municipal services; and _ WHEREAS, the Independent Contractor has substantial experience in these areas, and in City Administration, and is uniquely qualified to assist the City as a consultant; and WHEREAS, the City desires to contract with the Independent Contractor for the performance of certain consulting tasks; and WHEREAS, the Independent Contractor's principal place of business is located at the following address: ; and WHEREAS, the independent Contractor declares that he is engaged in an independent business and has complied with all federal, state and local laws regarding business permits and licenses of any kind that may be required to carry out said businesses and the tasks as set forth in this Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Independent Contractor declares that he is, or remains available to be, engaged in the same or similar activities for other clients during the term of this contract, and that the City is not to be construed as the Independent Contractor's only client or customer. NOW, THEREFORE, for the reasons set forth above and in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants made herein, it is agreed as follows; 1. Services to be Performed: The City engages the Independent Contractor to perform the following consulting tasks and services: 1.) Review the organizational make up of the City of Otsego and make recommendations regarding changes in said organizational make up; 2.) Oversee existing operations during the term of this contract including evaluation of personnel and positions, evaluation of contract services, finance, economic development, appointed committees and commissions, public works, and development of service infrastructure; 3.) Review existing codes, ordinances, rules, and by-laws and make recommendations regarding any changes to the same. 4.) Review plans for proposed service infra -structure facilities, make recommendations regarding the same, and oversee the implementation of any project for the delivery of City.sewer and water services; 5.) Assist the City in setting goals for the City; 6.) Attend all regular and special City Council, Planning Commission, staff or other meetings as directed by the City Council. 7.) Any other tasks which the Independent Contractor and the City mutually agree upon. The tasks that the Independent Contractor will be expected to complete during the term of this agreement are more specifically set forth on the list of tasks as set forth on Exhibit A to this Agreement which is incorporated herein by reference. 2. Terms of Payment: The City shall pay the Independent Contractor according to the following terms and conditions: The Independent Contractor shall be paid (between $25.00 to $40.00 per hour, to be negotiated depending upon the extent of administrative expertise demonstrated by the applicant and evaluation of the candidate and his proposal by the Otsego City Council). It is estimated that no more than 1,500 hours of consulting time will be necessary to complete the tasks set forth in this Agreement. Based upon that expectation, the total value of the services to be performed under the contract shall not exceed (a range of 37,500.00 to 60,000.00 depending upon the negotiated hourly fee.). Payment shall be made on or about the first day of each month and shall be based on the submission of an invoice showing the number of hours of work performed by the Independent Contractor during the previous month. If all tasks required by this Agreement are completed prior to the time herein estimated, than the Independent Contractor shall be paid at the agreed upon per hour rate only to the extent of the actual hours needed to complete the tasks as set forth. 3. Instrumentalities: The Independent Contractor shall provide for his or her own vehicle, and any necessary equipment, tools, materials and supplies, except for nominal office supplies, for the performance of the obligations specified herein. The City shall provide the Independent Contractor with use of a work area within the City offices, including use of a computer and usual furnishings. 4. Expenses: The Independent Contractor shall be responsible for his or her own expenses, except that the City will reimburse him or her for any necessary photocopies, mileage and meal or lodging expenses as usually approved by the City. The expenses reimbursed by the City shall be paid monthly and shall be based on the submission of an expense reimbursement invoice by the Independent Contractor. Any expenses paid by the City pursuant to this paragraph shall be considered as part of the total agreed upon hourly compensation as set forth in this Agreement at paragraph 2 above. In no event shall the Independent Contractor receive payment for the services described in paragraph 1 and/or expenses which exceeds the total upward limit of compensation as agreed upon and as set forth in said paragraph 2. 5. Control: The Independent Contractor retains the sole and exclusive right to control or direct the manner or means by which the work described herein is to be performed. The City retains only the right to control the ends to insure its conformity with that specified herein. 6. Payroll or Employment Taxes: No payroll or employment taxes of any kind shall be withheld or paid with respect to payments to the Independent Contractor. The payroll or employment taxes that are the subject of this paragraph include, but are not limited to, FICA, FUTA, federal personal income tax, state disability insurance tax, and state unemployment insurance tax. The Independent Contractor is responsible for payment of any and all taxes related to compensation received under this Agreement. 7. Worker's Compensation: No workers' compensation insurance has been or will be obtained by the City on account of the Independent Contractor or any employees of the Independent Contractor. 8. Termination: This agreement shall terminate no later than , 199_ (nine (9) months from the date of its execution), or earlier if all tasks set forth have been substantially completed prior to that date, and unless all tasks have been completed prior to that date, may not terminate earlier (except for cause) without seven (7) days prior written notice from one party to the other. For purposes of this Agreement, cause is defined as any violation of law occurring during a period when City work is being performed, or any other actions by the Independent Contractor deemed to be detrimental to the City by, and at the sole discretion of, the City Council. The City Council shall also determine, at its sole discretion, whether or not all tasks set forth in this Agreement have been substantially completed. 9. Option to Extend: Upon written agreement of the parties, this Agreement may be extended through , 1998, or to any other future date mutually agreed upon. It is agreed that the value of any such extension will be at the same hourly rate as set forth in paragraph 2 above, including expense reimbursement. lo. Severability: Should any term or condition of this Agreement be found invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, such finding shall not affect or invalidate the remaining terms and conditions of this Agreement. 11. Merger: Any previous agreements between the parties, either written or oral, are hereby merged into this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the day and year written above. CITY OF OTSEGO Larry Fournier, Mayor Elaine Beatty, City Clerk INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR By: EXHIBIT A TO PROPOSED INTERIM ADMINISTRATOR AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF OTSEGO AND INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR TASKS 1. Review and make recommendations regarding existing City organizational plan. 2. Review Personnel Policy manual and make recommendations regarding the same. 3. Review current budget and make recommendations regarding next years budget. 4. Review proposed sewer and water plans and make recommendations regarding implementation of plans. 5. Review current City Comprehensive plan and provide Planners office with input and recommendations regarding revision of existing plan. 6. Review current EDA projects and make recommendations regarding potential projects and evaluate the role of the EDA within the City organization. 7. Review present contracted financial services and make appropriate recommendations regarding the same. 8. Review consultants contracts and make recommendations regarding the same. 9. Review existing ordinances and make recommendations regarding current ordinances, recommendations for change, and work on codification of ordinances. 10. Review fire contracts, law enforcement and other service contracts and make recommendations regarding the same. 11. Provide general information and recommendations to EDA and EDDAC, including Tax Increment Financing options. 12. Provide general information and recommendations to Planning Commission. 13. Review established City committees (Parks and Recreation, EDDAC, and Heritage Preservation) and make recommendations regarding their structure and role within the City organization. 14. Review Public Works organization and operations and make recommendations. 15. Make general recommendations regarding Council procedure, subcommittees, and any other relevant matters. 16. Coordinate acquisition of land, engineering, legal, and planning matters related to construction of sewer and water services, if approved by the City Council. 17. Review existing ordinances regarding utilities and assessments and make recommendations for the establishment of new ordinances or changes in the existing ordinances. 18. Make recommendations to Council regarding job description for full time City Administrator, whether or not the position is necessary based upon evaluation of City organization, and initiate hiring process for full time administrator if applicable. 19. Any other tasks assigned by the City Council. INTERIM CITY ADMINISTRATOR, INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. The City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota is seeking proposals for an Interim City Administrator on an Independent Contractor basis for an estimated period of 9 months, subject to possible extension by mutual agreement. The City of Otsego was incorporated in 1990 and is presently undergoing strong development pressure, and is also considering the establishment of City sewer and water services in the near future. The Interim City Administrator will report directly to the City Council and will be expected to evaluate and make recommendations to the City Council regarding the present City administrative structure, evaluate and make recommendations regarding existing ordinances, internal rules and regulations, and will oversee all City functions during this crucial period in the City's history. Position requires, at minimum, a Bachelor's Degree in public administration, urban studies or a closely related field; substantial experience as a City Administrator or City Manager; demonstrated knowledge of all facets of City government; substantial experience with City sewer and water systems, and the development, construction, and maintenance of such systems. Proposed hourly rate as an Independent Contractor is $25.00 per hour, or more depending upon qualifications. A proposed contract is on file at the Otsego City Hall, with attached list of tasks too be completed. Please write or call for the information above and submit proposals, resumes, and cover letters to: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk Otsego City Hall 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Elk River, MN 55330 (612) 441-4414 by , 1997. AGENDA SECTION: CITY OF OTSEGO U��l i'UK CUUlrl:1L At- 11V1-4 DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE 5. CONSENT AGENDA(non-controversial items)7/28/97 - 6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: YAZrAr.'.Zli is s 5.1. Approval of Public Works Employees as follows: #1. Brad Kelash #2. Rick Knutson 5.2. Approve August 5, 1997 at 4:30PM for Council Workshop on Financial information from Tom Trusinski, of Juran and Moody BACKGROUND: 5.1. We have interviewed and approved two employees for Public Works at a former Council Meeting. Those two employees were offered the jobs and decided to turn down the offers. Larry Fournier updated the Council at the 7/14/97 meeting on the two employees that were hired. This is to get the information into the minutes and have the Council formally approve these two Public Works Employees as follows: No. 1: Employee -Brad Kelash,$12.00 per hour + Benefits, Start date: July 25, 1997 No. 2: Employee -Rick Knutson,$12.00 per hour + Benefits Start date July 28, 1997 5.2. The Council approved to have Tom Trusinski meet with Engineers to get background information on Sewer and water projects and project some financial figures for same. Tom has met with Larry Koshak and John Harwood and said he got good information and is running the figures. He will bring back the figures to the Engineers and have them review and comment, then will make any changes needed. He will be ready to present some figures to the Council at a Special Workshop on August 5, 1997 at 4:30PM. We need this meeting approved to go over these figures. RECOMMENDATION: This is a Council decision. Staff recommends approval of the consent agenda as written. Thanks CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE 6. BOB KIRMIS< ASST. CITY PLANNER 7/28/97 - 6:30PM ii II Bob is on Vacation and Dan Licht will attend this meeting in his I place ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: PREPARED BY: EB,CC 6.1. Consider Request by Mark C and Valerie L Bullock, 16750 70TH ST NE PID #118-500-264413, Sec 26, Twp 121, R23 as follows: 1. Consider a Zoning Admendment to allow: a. Horses as an interim use in R-2 (Immediate Urban Service Large Lot Residential Zoning) 2. Consider an Interim Use Permit to allow: a. Horses as an Interim use in R-2 (Immediate Urban Service Large Lot Residential Zoning) BACKGROUND: This item came before the Planning Commission at their meeting of Wednesday, July 16th, 1997 at 8PM. After explanation of NAC's Report by Bob Kirmis, and much Planning Commission and Applicant discussion the following was motioned: Item #1: Richard Nichols Motioned to approve the Zoning Amendment which would establish the keeping of horses as an interim use in the City's R-1 and R-2 Zoning Districts. Seconded by Arleen Nagel. Motion carried with Richard Nichols, Arleen Nagel, Carl Swenson, Ing Roskaft and Jim Kolles voting in favor. Eugene Goenner and Bill Jones opposed. Motion Carried five to two (5 to 2). Item #2: Richard Nichols Motioned to approve the Interim Use Permit to allow the keeping of a horse upon the owners property subject -to the conditions of NAC's Report except for Item B-3 revised to read "controlled as to ventilated and lighting compatible with the health and comfort of the animals."" (Omitting controlled temperature). Ing Roskaft Second the Motion. Motion carried unanimously. Note: Attached is the unapproved minutes for information only. Also attached is a copy of the Findings of Fact and Decision and a copy of the Ordinance Amendment. RECOMMENDATION: This is a Council decision. Staff recommends approval of the Zoning Ordinance Amendment and Interim Use Permit as per Planning Commission recommendation. f PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OTSEGO CITY HALL JULY 16, 1997 8:00 PM 1. Chair Swenson will call meeting to order: Chair Carl Swenson called the Planning Commission meeting to order at 8:00 PM ROLL CALL: Chair; Carl Swenson, Commission Members; Jim Kolles, Ing Roskaft, Eugene Goenner, Arleen Nagel, Richard Nichols, William Jones, Alternate. Absent, Bruce Rask- Council askCouncil Representative; Vern Heidner, Staff: Bob Kirmis, City Planner; Carol A. Olson, Secretary Mayor; Larry Fournier, CM Ackerman 2. Consideration of the Planning Commission Minutes of June 18th, 1997 Eugene Goenner - Motion on page 2, Should read - Bill JONES MOTIONED TO AMEND THE MOTION TO ADD THE NINE CONDITIONS FROM NAC's REPORT. EUGENE GOENNER SECONDED THE AMENDMENT. ALL IN FAVOR. AMENDED MOTION CARRIED. RICHARD NICHOLS MOTIONED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF JUNE 18, 1997. ING ROSKAFT SECONDED. ALL IN FAVOR. MOTION CARRIED. 2. Consider an Interim Use Permit to allowe A. Horses as an Interim Use in R-2 (Immediate Urban Service Large Lot Residential Zoning) Chair Swenson went over the applicants request and asked the applicant to comment. Valerie Bullock - On page two of NAC's report, under Recommendation: number 2,b. It is better for horses not to have a heated building. Mr. Kirmis - Mark and Valerie Bullock are requesting to keep a horse on 2.5 acre property located north of Co. Rd. 37 (70th St.) and east of Hwy 101. The property is zoned R-2, Residential - Immediate Urban Service (Large Lot) which presently does not allow the keeping of farm animals. To accommodate the request an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance and an interim use permit is necessary. The intent of prohibition of farm animals within residential zoning districts relates to compatibility issues such as value impact, odors, noise and animal confinement. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING of July 16, 1997 cont'd Page 2 The site is considered unique in that it lies within the "rural service area". The rural area is intended to identify lands where a continuation of agricultural uses is desired. Related issues include value impact, odors, noise, and animal confinement. Mr. Kirmis went on to explain Exhibit A, Draft Amendment, and Exhibits B, C, and D. (see attached) Provided the City approve the ordinance amendment, NAC would recommend approval of the interim use permit subject to five conditions which Mr. Kirmis read. Chair Swenson opened the Hearing to the public. No one wished to be heard. Discussion was brought back to the Planning Commission. Eugene Goenner - I read in the report that if this was brought into the Immediate Urban Service Area, it would be considered an illegal non -conformity. Mr. Kirmis - There are 2 happenings. One, upon change in the City's zoning regulation which render the use non -conforming not allowing this any more, the permit terminates. Second is the property is included in the IMMEDIATE URBVAN SERVICE AREA. Eugene Goenner - wouldn't it already be considered a non -conforming use. Under the Feedlot Ord. all livestock facilities are considered legal non -conformities already, We are talking about putting animals that we are not allowing in the rural areas into an R=2 District. while not allowing A-1 to expand. Then allow 2 horses on a smaller scale in a R- 1 or R-2 District. Opposed to this zoning Ordinance amendment, under that fact, if we are not allowing expansion to any extent to new or limiting expansion of existing farms doesn't make sense to allow it in a somewhat developed area in an R-2 District. Concern with potential problems, therefor, have problems with this amendment. RN - There are a number of lots having horses. Are the setbacks. There is protection with the Interim Use Permit which provides revocation not a CUP. This is more stringent Under E. page 3 the 4. Mr. Kirmis - Manure setback requirements apply in every area of the city. Density requirements apply here. Feedlot related setbacks are different. Found on page 142, Sec.20-27-4, Zoning General and specific requirements which are included in the report. Carl Swenson - With 2.5 acre as long as there are safe guards it seems appropriate to allow this request. Bill Jones - Isn't it also true that in other communities to be able to have the first horse there is a 10 or 15 acre minimum. Concerned with allowing this and opening more concerns for the future. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF July 16, 1997 CONT'D Page 3 Chair Swenson directed discussion back to the public. Valerie Bullock - Has dealt with Sherburne Co., Hennepin Co., and Zimmerman, and this is consistent with other areas. I am zoned Res. and have people dumping manure on a consistent basis within 300 feet of my lot line. I could complain about that and I could make them stop, but we live in the country and I think it should be live and let live. There is a commercial horse ranch across the street and I lease 20 acres from Schwabs. If you are going to have horses you will do whatever is necessary to maintain their health. . Mr. Kirmis - One point One of the Condition. of allowing this is that the property lie within the Rural Service Area. There are instances of R-2 within RSA, but not many. The city not recommend rezoning any property in the city res. without it being the Immediate Urban Service Area. The Rural service area is intended to be agriculturally zoned land. This would only apply to a few scattered area. (approximately 3 to 6) Chair Swenson closed the public hearing and brought the discussion back to the Planning Commission. RICHARD NICHOLS MOTIONED TO APPROVE THE ZONING AMENDMENT WHgCH WOULD ESTABLISH THE KEEPING OF HORSES AS AN INTERIM USE IN THE CITY'S R-1 AND R-2 ZONING DISTRICTS. SECONDED BY ARLEEN NAGEL. MOTION CARRIED WITH RICHARD NICHOLS, ARLEEN NAGEL, CARL SWENSON, ING ROSKAFT, AND JIM KOLLES VOTING IN FAVOR. EUGENE GOENNER AND BILL JONES OPPOSED. MOTION CARRIED FIVE TO TWO. (5 TO 2) RICHARD NICHOLS MOTIONED TO APPROVE THE INTERIM USE PERMIT TO ALLOW THE KEEPING OF A HORSE UPON THE OWNERS PROPERTY SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS OF NAC'S REPORT EXCEPT FOR ITEM B-3 REVISED TO READ "CONTROLLED AS TO VENTILATED AND LIGHTING COMPATIBLE WITH THE HEALTH AND COMFORT OF THE ANIMAL(S)." (Omitting controlled temperature.) ING ROSKAFT SECONDED. Discussion: Bill Jones - If this is approved, how do we set the time period and who sets it. Is the duration the length of the interim use? Is it something we need to incorporate in at the time of passage. Mr. Kirmis - Condition E establishes events that would trigger the termination of the Interim use permit. When one of these happens it triggers the event of termination. Bill Jones - liked having the controlled temperature left in under 2.b.3. in the list of the conditions. Chair Swenson asked Commission Member Jones if he was offering that as an amendment. Bill Jones - No PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING of July 16,1997 cont'd Page 4 Richard Nichols - Don't think it appropriate for large animal livestock temperatures are normally controlled on a farm with ventilation. Problem with leaving it in is how do you define what it is and who determines. Bill Jones - The same way as with ventilation and lighting. At least make that a concern and by removing it from the document we have no control as far as heat. Richard Nichols - The State has laws on how animals have to be kept. Ventilation is the means to controlling temperatures. In my opinion temperature control should be struck. Chair Swenson - It has been my experience that people who own horses are generally very concerned with their well being. ALL IN FAVOR. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. EXEMMIM47MMIri M- Ir-, Me, 1-IMITIT-M 5. Ad'Dorn: ING ROSKAFT MOTIONED TO ADJOURN. ARLEEN NAGEL SECONDED. ALL IN FAVOR. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. The Planning Commission adjourned at 8:50 PM. Jim Kolles, Secretary Recorded by: Carol A. Olson NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS INC COMMUNITY PLANNING - DESIGN - MARKET RESEARCH 9 O z,7 MEMORANDUM TO: Elaine Beatty FROM: Bob Kirmis DATE: 17 July 1997 RE: Otsego - Bullock FILE NO: 176.02 - 97.09 Attached please find a Zoning Ordinance amendment "original' pertaining to. -the Bullock interim use permit request. If no changes are directed by the City Council, the provided "original" should be signed by the Mayor and yourself. Please note that I will be on vacation July 21 st through July 28th. As a result, Dan Licht of our office will be covering the 28 July Council meeting at which this item is to be considered. 5775 WAYZATA BOULEVARD, SUITE 555 ST. LOUIS PARK, MINNESOTA 554 1 6 PHONE 6 1 2-595-9636 FAX 6 1 2-595-9837 CITY OF OTSEGO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA ORDINANCE NO. 97 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 27 OF THE OTSEGO ZONING ORDINANCE REGARDING THE KEEPING OF HORSES IN R-1 AND R-2 ZONING DISTRICTS. THE CITY OF OTSEGO ORDAINS: Section 1. Section 20-27-4 of the Otsego Zoning Ordinance (Farm Animals) is hereby amended to add the following: F. The keeping and maintaining of horses shall be allowed by interim use permit in the R-1 and R-2 zoning districts, provided: 1. The provisions of Section 35 of this Chapter are considered and determined to be satisfied. 2. The lot lies within the City's Rural Service Area, the boundaries of which are defined within the City's Comprehensive Plan. 3. The minimum lot size upon which the horses are to be located shall be two and one-half (2'/) acres. 4. The horses are not confined in a pen, feedlot, or building within two hundred (200) feet of any R-3 Residential District property line not owned or leased by the operator. 5. The keeping and care of horses is provided as regulated by the City Code. 6. The density of horses does not exceed one (1) horse per acre. 7. A shelter or stabling facility shall provide a minimum of one hundred (100) square feet of enclosed area per horse. Section 2. Section 20-53-3 of the Otsego Zoning Ordinance (R-1 District interim uses) is hereby amended to add the following: B. The keeping of horses as regulated by Section 27.F of this Chapter. Section 3. Section 20-54-3 of the Otsego Zoning Ordinance (R-2 District interim uses) is hereby amended to add the following: D. The keeping of horses as regulated by Section 27.F of this Chapter. Section 4. This ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and publication. ADOPTED by the Otsego City Council this 28th day of July 1997. CITY OF OTSEGO Larry Fournier, Mayor ATTEST: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator 6 INC TO: FROM: DATE: RE: FILE NO: NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS COMMUNITY PLANNING - DESIGN - MARKET RESEARCH Otsego Mayor and City Council Bob Kirmis 17 July 1997 Otsego - Bullock Zoning Ordinance Amendment and Interim Use Permit 176.02 - 97.09 Attached please find a "Findings of Fact" applicable to the Bullock interim use permit request. Please note that the findings reflect the recommendations of the Planning Commission. This item is scheduled for City Council consideration on 28 July. pc: Andy MacArthur Kevin Kielb 5775 WAYZATA BOULEVARD, SUITE 555 ST. LOUIS PARK, MINNESOTA 554 1 6 PHONE 6 1 2-595-9636 FAX 6 1 2-595-9837 INTERIM USE PERMIT APPROVAL CITY OF OTSEGO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA IN RE: FINDINGS OF FACT AND DECISION Application has been made by Mark and Valerie Bullock for an interim use permit to allow the keeping of a horse upon their 2.5 acre property located north of County Road 37 (70th Street) and east of Highway 101. The applicants' property is zoned R-2, Residential - Immediate Urban Service which allows the keeping of farm animals as an interim use. On 28 July 1997, the Otsego City Council met at its regularly scheduled meeting to consider the application for the interim use permit. Based on the application, the recommendation of the Planning Commission, and the evidence received, the City Council now makes the following findings of fact and decision. FINDINGS OF FACT The City has determined that the keeping of horses is acceptable as an "interim use" under certain conditions within the City's R-1 and R-2 Zoning Districts, and has amended the ordinance accordingly to allow such use. 2. The Legal description of the subject property is attached as Exhibit A. 3. The residentially zoned site in question is considered unique in that it lies within the "rural service area", as identified in the Comprehensive Plan. 4. Section 20-35-2.13 of the Zoning Ordinance directs the Planning Commission and City Council to consider the following.- a. ollowing: a. The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the official City Comprehensive Plan. Comprehensive Plan includes numerous policies intended to ensure cohesive land use relationships and neighborhood compatibility. Provided the keeping of the horse does not pose a public health or safety hazard and may compatibly exist with surrounding uses, its keeping on an interim basis is considered consistent with the provisions of the Comprehensive Plan. b. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. The proposed use is compatible with present and future land uses in the area. C. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained herein (i.e., parking, loading, noise, etc.). As a condition of interim use permit approval, all applicable performance standards relating to the keeping of the horse must be satisfactorily met. d. The proposed use's impact upon property values of the area in which it is proposed. The proposed use will not negatively impact area property values. While no detailed study has been conducted, the proposed use is not anticipated to negatively impact area property values. e. Traffic generation by the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the property. The granting of the request will have no impact upon traffic generation. f. The proposed use's impact upon existing public services and facilities including parks, schools, streets, and utilities, and its potential to overburden the City's service capacity. The proposed use will not impact upon existing public services and facilities including parks, schools, streets, and utilities, or overburden the City's service capacity. 5. On 16 July 1997, the Otsego Planning Commission conducted a public hearing to consider the proposed Interim Use Permit application preceded by published and mailed notice. Upon review of the Interim Use Permit application and evidence received, the Otsego Planning Commission closed the public hearing and recommended, on a split vote, that the City Council approve the Conditional Use Permit based on the aforementioned findings. DECISION Based on the foregoing considerations, the applicant's request for an Interim Use Permit to allow the keeping of a horse (or horses) upon the site in question, is hereby approved 2 subject to the following conditions: 1. No more than two horses are located upon the property in accordance with maximum animal density requirements of the Ordinance. 2. The facility used to house the horse is: a. Constructed of such material as is appropriate for the keeping of such animal. b. Maintained in good repair. C. Controlled as to ventilation, and lighted compatible with the health and comfort of the animal(s). d. Of sufficient size to allow each animal to make normal postural and social adjustments with adequate freedom of movement. Inadequate space may be indicated by evidence of malnutrition, poor condition of debility, stress or abnormal behavior patterns. e. Cleaned as often as necessary to prevent contamination of the animal(s) contained therein and to minimize disease hazards and reduce odors. 3. If two or more written complaints are filed in any one month period regarding nuisance issues, the City may at its discretion, hold a rehearing of the interim use permit with the potential revocation of the permit being ordered by the City Council. 4. All fencing used to contain the horse comply with applicable City fencing requirements. 5. The interim use terminate on the happening of any of the following events, whichever first occurs: a. Upon violation of the conditions under which the interim use permit was issued. b. Upon change in the City's zoning regulations which render the use non- conforming. C. The redevelopment of the use and property upon which it is located to a permitted or conditional use allowed in the zoning district. 3 d. The Comprehensive plan is amended to include the subject property in the immediate urban service area. Such inclusion would establish the site as appropriate for urban development. ADOPTED by the Otsego City Council this 28th day of July , 1997. ATTEST: 0 CITY OF OTSEGO la Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator M Larry Fournier, Mayor City of Otsego Engineer's Agenda Items City Council Meeting July 28, 1997 8.1 PUBLIC WORKS UPDATE A. Consider Buffalo Bituminous, Inc. contract award for: 1 . Odean Avenue Crackfilling One quote was received for the crack repair work required for Odean Avenue. Buffalo Bituminous, Inc. provided a quote based upon a lineal foot cost of material to repair the cracks. The quote of $1 .68/LF includes a flagman. The quote is attached for reference. • Our analysis indicates that the project can be completed for $15,000-$18,000. 2. Shouldering Machine Rental for Mississippi Shores Shouldering Quotes were received from Buffalo Bituminous, Inc. and Hardrives, Inc. for rental of a shouldering machine for topsoil placement in the Mississippi Shores Subdivision. The quotes were as follows: Contractor Cost Buffalo Bituminous, Inc. $140/hour Hardrives, Inc. $225/hour The quotes included the shouldering machine and two laborers. The Hardrives quote included a $450 mobilization charge. The Buffalo Bituminous, Inc. quote was port to port, meaning the $140/hour would be charged for travel time to and from the site (about one hour each way). The topsoil has been stockpiled behind City Hall. City crews would haul the topsoil to the project site. We anticipated the shouldering machine rental to cost between $3,500 to $6,000. agenda7.28 B. Update on Public Works Street Program We are currently in the process of completing an inventory of the streets in Otsego with respect to condition and serviceability. Attached is a July 17, 1997 memo describing our work effort to date. We anticipate completing the inventory and preparing a rating system for the roadways. This information will then be utilized to prepare a Public Works budget for 1998. We will be available at the July 28, 1997 City Council Meeting to discuss this issue further. 8.2 ANY OTHER ENGINEERING BUSINESS agenda7.28 JUNr18-97 WED 13:40 BUFFALO BITUMINOUS FAX N0, 612 0`2 6522 P,02 / ! l Item 8.1a QUOTE PRQPOSAL To: (hereinafter called the "Owner").: City of Otsego Project: Bituminous Repair & Overlay Odean Avenue & 85th Street - City of Otsego BUFFALO BITUMINOUS Blacktop Contractors Proposalof: P.O. Box 337 (hereinafter called the "Quoter"), organized and existing under the laws of the State of ,.J and doing business as *Insert "a corporation", "a partnership" or "an individual" as applicable. in compliance with the Advertisement for Quotes, the Quoter hereby proposes to perform all work for the construction of the above referenced Project in strict accordance with the Contract Documents, within the time set forth therein and at the prices stated. By submission of this Quote, each Bidder certifies, and in the case of a joint quote, each party thereto certifies as to his own organization, that this Bid has been arrived at independently, without consultation, communication or agreement as to any matter relating to this quote with any other Bidder or with any competitor. The Quoter hereby agrees to commence work under this contract on or before a date to be specified in the Notice. to Proceed and to fully complete the projects in accordance with the schedule provided in the Special Provisions. The. Quoter further agrees to pay liquidated damages as provided in the General Conditions of the Specifications. The Quoter acknowledges receipt of the following addendum: 1. 2. 3. 4. 1 JUN -18-97 WED 13:41 BUFFALO BITUMINOUS FAX NO, 612 682 6522 P. 03 Quoter agrees to perform all the work described in the Contract Documents for the following unit prices and/or lump sums which include sales tax and other applicable taxes and fees: Schedule "A" - Bituminous Repairs & Overlay Item Description 1. 2331 Type 31 Bituminous Mixture for Repair 2. 2331 Type 41 Bituminous Mixture for Overlay Estimated Unit quantity Pri 350 Ton $--I(- Ton $ CTi 064-0w 01, 00 100 Ton 5,' Ton $ D r ' pi pD 3. 2357 Bituminous Tack Coat 50 Gal $__ Gal $ /D 0 Traffic Control Sr rrPS 1 LS $ 0O0 °� LS $ /0,0 0 'f W f oP.44r04 /3 ° �°u'Q TOTAL BID SCHEDULE "A": t Poor ro Popr) 3 $ X146 uL o� .Ips - ro,� 7'CP 71,4 D u r),%:*e- / -� 11 7"D )y" Lx) 1A7'3S�D 7-0 AJ 6-r a ' �4,PY,4 �UouL4 y/fLb Opp ao.Y. a y00o 41�J �r i4n,; 350 -ro � g r a # �� 7'h/� ro 8 w % wo�L� yc��t�-pfQ°X JUN -Id -df WCU 1J-41 bUrHLU b11Ul11NUUb hHA NU, b1C bdC bbLC 1 r� t QUOTE PROP05AS Respectfully submitted: Signature Title � .. Attest: BUFFALO BITUMINOUS lgiar lop Contractors Address P.O. Box 337 80414, MN 65313 Date Attest: SLEAL (if Quote is by a corporation) Signature Title Address Date License Number (if applicable) Note: Two corporation officers are to sign if applicable il• -� 3l• iP iF M 4F .y � ilk .K, i6 X• IF jl• i!• % 'h �• * % * iF 4 3F iF fP ,w ;� 1F •IF •ilk 4 It •M• �@ iF .w 3E -Jh -1F -a * � # +F k dF .� ail• 7h i1 .* iF k .w # !F •i * iF STATE OF COUNTY OF V. U4 The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 1997. Notary Public,'. _ _ My Commission Expires 3 County, Minnesota "a UY HARDRIVES, INC. Memo To: LARRY KOSHAK From: DONALD HALL Date: June 17, 1997 Re: SHOULDER MACHINE RENTAL WE PROPOSE TO RENT OUR SHOULDER MACHINE WITH TWO OPERATERS, ONE RUNNING THE MACHINE AND THE OTHER OPERATING THE SCREW CONTROL. THIS RENT RATE WOULD BE $225.00 PER HOUR. MOBILIZATIONS WOULD BE $450.00 EACH IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS FEEL FREE TO CALL DONALD R HALL • Page 1 P.O. Box 519 • St Cloud. MN • 56302-0579 1.1475 Quiram Drive • Rogers, MN • 553749461251-5178 ,c,o, n,)a_asurr- . Y (A19) 4,^P—RPM An Eaual O000rtunity Employer (320) 25t 7376 •Fax (320) Item 8.1b MEMORAIDUNI TO: Lawrence G. Koshak, PE FROM: Janele M. Taveggia� DATE: July 17, 1997 RE: Street Rating Program for City of Otsego FILE: OT910 The City of Otsego consists of approximately 68.1 miles of existing roadway. 45.6 miles are paved roadways and 22.5 miles are gravel roadways. Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. is currently collecting all of the pertinent roadway data for assessing both the flexible pavement condition and the unsurfaced condition of all the roadways in the City of Otsego. The flexible pavement condition is determined by surveying each paved section of roadway for the following distresses: • Alligator Cracking • Longitudinal Cracking @ Centerline • Longitudinal Cracking @ Travelled Lane • Transverse Cracking • Block Cracking • Edge Cracking • Joint Reflection Cracking • Permanent Patches • Rutting • Potholes • Curb Replacement Each distress identified in the field is categorized into a severity degree of low, medium, or high. Each distress is then measured and recorded on the Flexible Pavement Condition Survey Form (see attached). The unsurfaced roadways will be assessed according to guidelines established by the Army Corps of Engineers. Lawrence G. Koshak, PE Page 2 July 17, 1997 Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. will be utilizing all this data to provide a final assessment for a street management program for the City of Otsego. A determination of costs to maintain and improve all roadways in Otsego will also be completed. Attached is a copy of the Flexible Pavement Condition Survey Form, the preliminary Flexible Pavement Street Listing spreadsheet, and the preliminary Gravel Street Listing spreadsheet. kas Enclosure ot901 .mel OT910str WK4 FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT CONDITION SURVEY FORM CITY OF OTSEGO . Jame: Length: ft. Date Surveyed: Location: Width: R Completed By: Section Type: (urban or rural) Other Area: sq. ft. Section: Total Area: sq. ft. Sheet #-. Alligator L + + + + + + Cracking M + + + + + + _ (sq ft.) H + + + + + + _ Longitudinal L + + + + + + _ Cracking @ + + + + + + Centerline M + + + + ++ (lin. ft.) H + + + + + + + + + + + + Longitudinal L + + + + + + Cracking @ + + + + + + _ Travelled Lane M + + + + + + (lin. ft.) + + + + + + + _ H + + + + + Transverse L + + + + + + Cracking + + + + + + _ (lin. ft.) til + + + + + + H + + + + + + _ 81 L + + + + + + _ _ C + + + + + + (s,, M + + + + + + _ H + + + + + + _ Edge L + + + + + + _ Cracking M + + + + + + (lin. ft.) H + + + + + + Joint Reflection L + + + + + + Cracking M + + + + + + (lin. ft.) H + + + + + + _ Permanent L + + + + + + _ Patch M + + + + + + (sq. ft.) H + + + + + + _ Depressions L + + + + + + _ (sq. ft.) M H + + + + + + + + + + + Rutting L + + + + + + _ (sq. ft. or tin. ft.)M + + + + + + _ H + + + + + Pothole L + + + + + + – (count) M H + + + + + + + + + + _ + _ ---- + _ Curb N E + + _ _ + - _-- + _-_- + _ Replacement S W_ — + — — -- (lin. ft.) Cis --- — ------- -- ----------- -- ----- --- OT910str WK4 -FEET NAME LOCATION FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT STREET LISTING .ITV OF OTSEGO SUBDM31ON LENGTH WIDTH WIDTH OTHER OTHER TOTAL FUNCTION WHEN OVER• SEAL NAME SECTION SHEET a (IL) n9hl-.1-Way (IL) AREA (r. of W.) AREA SURFACE CLA531FICATION CONSTRUCT PAVED LAID COATED STRIPING NOTES IRA led. It led. tt.l AREA I.d. S.1 07/16197 ;19f Ueli V:KI k �l ,wNE :CSAn39 to 85M SI HE N15 8 S15 8 N22 5265385/ fi 520 660 0 0 I 0 L i IrJaoer HE Ace HE to Kadler Ave HE — N22 61 6,280 66.0 0 0 0 L 7 93 _ c.c NE I"on,end Id Kahul Ave NE _ Sit 47— 0 0_ 0 L 93 — _ _y650 _ —87 c+a NE _ _Fl 1A+_a NE 10 101.1 St HE — Sit _ 17 _ 1 170_ _ 0 0 0 L 87 93 .e HE _ _ 1101St SI HE to CSAH39 _ _ N11 50 2360 0 0 0 L 87 91 93 WNa1 Outlay IB$N ,e NE Sl rvE to BOIn St NE S22 55 2,620 0 0 0 L 83 93 A.e _ _ _ ___ Honn en_d to CSAri37 - Mdr _ Otsego IndusOMl P -k N34._. 66 1,200 0 0 0 IC 95 95 NOT ACCEPTED HE ba62r Ave HE to Jalger Ave HE N27 61 1.260 0 L 92 95 FINR S1 HE to Kadle7 Ave HE N27 6 S27 61 8 65 6,960 0 0 0 MIC 92 92 MN RO ___177ln _ ,.ve HE SINE to 771. SI HE S22 8 N27 55 8 60 4,600 66.0 0 0 0 L 96 FIN HD __�851n _ c.e HE Kadler Ase NE to 101.1 SINE Island View Esuhrs Sit 17 1.1500 660 240 0 0 38,400 L 72 96 r..e nE 101.1 St NEIo 991n SI NE Island VW. Estatn sit 17 1.2m 68.0 240 0 0 ?9.280 L 72 96 - -- -- c,e .E i9nn Sl r.E m Kalenaa Ave NE laland V..1 -1 —d Enalu N14 60 1,290 66.0 21.0 0 0 30.960 L 72 98 c.e HE Kalenw A.a NE to 97m 51 HE ArrowMad Ealales H14 50 500 S6.0 210 0 0 12000 L 72 96 _ . NE End to Kahl- Ava NE Island VI— EWA- NN 60 1 010 66.0 21.0 0 0 21960 L 72 96 __ _._. _. HE I,Kahlei Ave HE to K11 ­0a Ara HE _ .— alownead Emit. N14 60 1,070 68.0 210 0 0 25.680 L 72 96 .. NE TCW dl UC to KW..da Ate HE Ai—head Eelam N1/ 60 310 660 210 1 8.160 L 72 96 a .e HE _ IKanlel A,e NE to CSA -1439 _ _ _ -_ All—head Esut.s NII ___50 2,010 660 21.0 0 0 16960 L 72 98 r.E L.ler A.e HE Id CSAIl 19 — N26 62 5,300 0 0 0 L 83 93 HE ;•CEAHI1 to Mac Nal Ave HE N25 60 6.250 0 0 0 L 7 87 Re Ys rIE S26 63 6.270 0 0 0 MIC 92 92 V2 ALBV T_ NE _ _ Mac Lei Ase HE ld Man—c LaNE — S19 8 N30_ 13 8 32 _1.380 660 — - 0 0 0 L E 7 67 Re Ire s Ase r.E X83'. S1 HE Io MI, St HE _._ —_ — S19 O 1_ 20 _ 0 0 0 L 7 87 Re h I rrE _ 'Mandv.e A.e HE Io Mii.on Asa NE _ — S19 13 1,310 0 0 0 L If 87 Re h A.c r.E iC 3? to B71n 51 NE -- N19A S18 — 12811 — 7960 — 0 0 0 L 7 87 A.. HE 871n S1 NE to 83rd S1 NE 519 6 Rig 13 6 12 2,530 0 0 0 L 7 67 . A.e HE _ ;Honn end b 701n St H -._ --_ Meyer Addlllon S26 8f 1,320 0 0 0 L 92 93 d A.e HE ICSAH31 to 60th St HE - — �-_-176m 8 S33 38 6 39 6270_ 68.0 0 0 0 L 91 96 - — --- _N33 —5288 N26 29620 1310-�---- —0 0 0 MAC If 98 MSA .e HE St NE tc CSA1/37 _---- A.e HE-- �851n SINE l0 78m SI NE — — — _ — M28 6 S21 17 8 28 3.5w 0 0 0 MAC If 98 MSA A:e HE I9Uth S HE to 85tn St NE N21 16 2. 70.0 0 0 0 MAC 7 96 1 MSA a As HE iCSAH39 l0 63rd Sl NE — 17 8 20 9 8, 14&15 7 060 660 0 0 0 MIC 92 97 95 MSA —T— I A,e NE eno to Nasnw_ Ale HE I — SO 9 _1 0 L 97 _- TWont, a HE •tlasnw Ace HE Io Na.on_SI Bulow EslBulov Eslales/Sotenson Ridge S17 9 610 0 0 0 L 94.95 94.95 _ __ +_ S" I-dssac to 9Ld vl ._ _ Sonnwn Ridge SIT —9 1060_-600 11110 0 L 95 96 __�r it HE INason St to NaugNw SI _ —__ _ Screnwn RidOe N 17 8 S17 B 8 9 310 60.0 _ 0 0 0 L 95 1 95 _ .. nlu Sl fit— SAH39 to 9Ld 81 _-- Saenwn Ridge —N178 3I7 _889 1,440 600 0 0 O L 96 95 kielm PNo1s _ S18 7 830__ -_600_ 0 L 06 —!5-- S35 — __13 0 L 96 MN/DOT S' HE _ IOusi. Ase NE 10 HM 101 ._ -._ - _—_—_ NIIIIag1 PUlne ;19f Ueli V:KI k �l N z 0 a N O d I y C W 4 y`� s a a I I I I I ql $ a I s� s s sl s s s sl aI I .I I "IT I s s sl s a a s a U --- J J O O O O OI O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O i O O � `•I e I { 1 I OI O I OI O O O O OI O O O O O O O O OI OI O O OI O O OI I Oi O .1 OI O OI O O O O 0 a 0 0 I 0� 0 0 ( o i e o 0 0 0l e o o e o e o e o 0 0 0 0 0 0 o eIf o I o t o I I I I 1 of o 0 0 s o I o) 0 0 0 0 0� ! o e� oI i ' I ! QI fsi i= sl��altl� mT l��'a vl N 01i.2I N� w. es! .. �! ! �slsi jRl I ir,T��lm! I „f '- ! • q I O` ml ^1 � n •� I I Ot � H �! q wl wI -I �i ' -1 O' q _ _ qi I I A •I -) wI dl wl M1I ^I -I ! ' w, �! - I wl + wl � mi .I ,ai •! yl -I ql -I -i a I -� mI wt ! -! wl -I wl -I NI I -I C, NI � NI I � ! � 1 I I y 2�! rl1 Zr� 2 I Z! Z m ='I til) al m N u�! N uRl� Li N -I Yli .•I rA O r2 m� 2I O 2 -I n� yl - N Z O I rl I et 2� a 2 d oI 2 N WI I w HI ( •ll ! ' N I N N I ! NI s s I $ s` I �i 8I N� Al ! 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WI j zl g' - gj 31 w w1 zi LI O'I z! - a' WI z: st =1 .I al a _ I al ,,. a c- ^� � J - z z c i a S 1 ,n ? of ° Z. ° ^ ^ pl F� � a •>I _ A Af AL;;_U • °gig a si -� ° -'•- '. °' -'--��i—^�_v x � _..F_��_ � _ $�s�_ �- = -- w I I yl wl w! wl ' 2: STREET NAME LOCATION a61r. St NE a3ro Cs trE riyn Ca N_E Seth Sl NE Biro C+ hE gist C+ NE 114n.5.21on Ca NE F+. 142 A.$ NE Fan A.a IIE ' nd Ave HE St HE to 92nd 51 NE � AN to Pan Ave HE b 901!1 A NE ._ _ .e NE to den Ave NE Ava FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT STREET LIST ME CITY OF OTSEGO O7/1dn77 SUBDIVISION LENGTH WIDTH VADTH OTHER OTHER TOTAL FUNCTION WHEN OVER- "AL NAME SECTION SHEETS (IL) 'Itild W -wow (IL) AREA (I. of w.) AREA SURFACE CLASSIFICATION CONSTRUCT PAVED LAID COATED STRIPING NOTES A.I.I.pa Pant SIG 7 1,120 600 24.0 26660 L 92 92 96 Mississippi Sh.as Iat 2nd 41h SSlh Addns. Nis 4 4167 66.0 240 0 0 100,488 MIC 7 96 91 MBS451PPI Shores Sth Addn. S15 5 754 660 22.6 16965 L 7 96 91 Md+lsslppl Shores 1x16 2nd Addn NIS 4 550 66.0 23.0 12,650 L 7 9d 91 Neslsslppl Snores 2nd Addn SIS 5 640 660 22.0 14 060 L ? 96 91 Mss,.$ pl Shores3id Addn. S15 5 713 660 235 16,603 L ? 96 91 Msss3Wpl Shows 5th Addn. S16 5 374 660 22.6 6,416 L T 96 91 1,16.4.1ppi Shwes 3rd Addn S16 5 566 660 22.5 12,780 L ? 96 91 Mls,issippl Snores 1st 6 2nd Addn. N 15 6 S15 4&5 1 763 66.0 22.6 0 0 39,443 L 7 96 91 Mississippi Snores 2nd Addn, NO 4 1,606 66.0 72.6 0 0 36,135 L 7 1 Be 91 Mssss pi Shwes2nd Addn N15 4 409 660 22.0 6996 L ? 96 91 Mississippi Shows 31d S 4th Addna NIS 6 $16 4 6 6 4,161 660 23.0 0 0 0,703 L 7 96 01 Mississippi Shores 6th 6 7N Addns SIG 5 1,320 GOLD 0 L 2 b Mississippi Shows 5th Addn S16 6 1 677 1 660 23.0 0 0 1 20.1171 L i 96 91 Mississippi Shows 4th 6 51h Addne. S15 5 1.780 66.0 22.5 1 0 0 40,050 7 96i Mississippi Shores 5th Addn. 315 6 1.687 66.0 22.6 0 0 35,706 7 95 91 Maslssppi Shores 3rd 6 41h Addrs 315 5 978 66.0 23.0 22,494 ? 98 91 Mississippi Shwas 41h Add.. S15 5 1,655 68.0 22.5 0 0 37,236 ? 96 91 Lin Bar Estates S25 29 600 0 0 96 96 SIB 7 1610 0 I MAC 7 MSA Msssslppl Packwood SIG 7 1,140 0 0 0 L SIT 69 93 Halm 3rd Addn. N21 16 360 0 L 7 1 91 Island Vi— Estates Sit 47 1.380 B6.0 24.0 0 0 33,120 L 96 — 0 0 96 96 —1 0 0 1 96 198 30 044 �_. 240,824 '1 paL� P v 019109, WK4 Paps 4 �ELl�dii�€�i�'1 STREET NAME LOCATION SUBDIVISION NAME ,*ry GRAVEL STREET LISTING FOI, .;ITY OF OTSEGO 0711797 LENGTH WIDTH WIDTH OTHER OTHER TOTAL FUNCTION WHEN GRAVELED SECTION SHEET K (ft.) right-of-way (R.) AREA (r. of w.) AREA SURFACE CLASSIFICATION CONSTRUCT LAST NOTES w. i 130tn Si NE ICul-de-sac to Cul-de-sac B111slrom's Addn. & N15 46 & 52 310 66.0 0 L 7 i Jaeger Ave NE 1100th St NE to CSAH39 Billstrom's Addn_15 52 1,500 66.0 0 0 0 L 7 — — gaoler Ave NE ±CSAH39 to 92nd St NE FN14&SI4&SI5 50&51&53 2 050 0 0 0 L 95 Kadlei Ave NE 192nd St NE to 65111 Sl NE & N22 53 & 54 3,960 66.0 0 0 0 L 95 Kadler Ave NE� 80th SI NE to 701h St N_E N27 & S27 64 & 65 —5_,170 0 0 0 L 94 Kadler Ave NE IBNRR to CSAH37 N34 66 1,050 0 0 0 ML 7 Kadler Ave NE ICSAH37 to 60th St NE S34 67 2 630 0 0 0 L 97 1/2 ALBV 60tH St_NE__ Jacer Ave NE to Jason Ave NE S34 67 2.580 0 0 0 L 7 1J2 STM Ave NE IBNRR to CSAH37 - 65th S27 & N34 65 & 66 4,470 0 0 0 L 7 112 MON TWP .taut re!CSA_H39 to South end Kanr Ave NE N14 & S14 50 & 51 2,090 66. 0 0 0 L 97 _ LaBeau!< Ave '60th St NE to 75th St NE 79tH St NE ICSAHt9 to Mac Iver Ave NE Beaudy Addn. N25 S25 60 61 2,580 5.240 82.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 L L 7 94 112 ALBV tAac ever Ave f i80tn St NE to 70th SI NE N25 &S25 60 & 61 5,290 66.0 0 0 0 L 94 Mac Iver Ave NE 701h St NE to 67th St NE N31 34 1,330 66.0 0 0 0 L 94 1/2 ALBV 'Mac Ner Ave IJE t67tn St NE to Southwest end --•- N31 & S31 34 & 35 2,910 66.0 0 0 0 L 94 1/2 ALBV 671h St NE tvur A_ve NE to McAllister Ave NE_— N31 34 4.020 66.0 0 - 0 0 L 90 _ 1Mac tiRr. S1 NE iMcAllister Ave NE to Nadala Ave NE N31 34 1,080 66.0 0 0 0 L 90 Nadala ASNE St NE to 671h St NE I 70tn Si rJE !Nadala Ave NE to CSAH37 - N32 N32 36 36 1,730 5,070 66.0 66.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 L L 80 90 1/2 MSA MCAII,ster Ave NE 67tn St NE to CSAH37 _ N31 & S31 34 & 35 3,980 _ 66.0 0 0 0 L 94 _ -- _1 . - ------ — IdcAmsier Ave NE 17_71n St NE to 67th St NE_ - — N31& S30 34 & 33 4,000 66.0 0 0 0 L 94 _.— '771mSt fiE 1McA8rster Ave to Nashua Ave NE _— N29 & N30 30 & 32 4160 66.0 0 0 0 L 85 4Nasnua AveN1...Jf83(d SI NE to 77th St NE_ N29 & S20 30 & 15 2,700 66.0 0 0 0 L 95 MSA _ — 83rd St NE IM350n Ave NE to Nasnua Ave NE—_ _ S19 & S20_ 13 & 15 5,230 66.0 0 0 0 L 95 67th St NE 1West end to Mason Ave NE .67tH Cu NE CSAH37 to cul-de-sac •---• Pra hl's Addn. N19 N33 12 — 38 1.560 1,050 — 60.0 0 0 0 0 ML L — 7 _ ..- -----F---H------------- I 60th St NE !CSAH37 to Packard Ave NE - S33 39 5,590 66-0 0 0 0 L 94 112 STM 60in St 14E !Paard Ave NE to East end ck ----• S34 41 2,310 66.0 0 0 0 L 94 12 STM oSo Gdean NE 'CSAH37 to South end an Avee --•-• N33 38 2 940 66.0 0 0 0 L 87 - ... -- then-------- 661n St NE 'Na ler Ave to Needham Ave -------- ..... - 6 — 1,670 0 0 0 L 7 Napex Ave NE—. !Nodh end to CSAH 39 _— N17 8 900 0 0 0 L 7 �— — — --- — — -- 'Q�,aoay Ave 14E ICSAH42 to 72nd St 72nd St lOuaday Ave IJE to Ft 101 Parson Aw NE _ 172nd SI to CSAH37 Sub -Total _. ___ —.— •••-• _--•- N27 & jS27 a S26) S26 28 8 77 2iZ4) 24 3,820 66.0 0 0 0 L 96 MSA 910 0 L 96 S27 27 — _1,690 66.0 0 0 0 L 96 _ -___. _._ __- —. -----_ .._—_.—__ 87570 —_ OT910str WK4 Pegg 1 qJ A RA9EP...4e Y LISTING FOI, .TY OF OTSEGO 07/11/97 SUBDIVISION LENGTH WIDTH WIDTH OTHER OTHER TOTAL FUNCTION WHEN GRAVELED STREET NAME LOCATION NAME SECTION SHEET# (fL) rl9htof-way (tt) AREA (r.ofw.) AREA SURFACE CLASSIFICATION CONSTRUCT LAST NOTES ftii s ft.AREA1 ft Eno S ,65m S Guale b:na '65th S O'Bna 87tn i O'Bna 561n O'Day Faro, 52nd K a0le 6?n0 CSA CSAt Sub - TAT St St _n_Ave St H --- -------T I NE !West Ertd NE to Hwy 101 _ Christian Acrec S35 43 0 L 97 0 L U? CSAH42 ----- S35 8 S36 43 & 45 t NE _ _---TH.A to T6.080 Ave NE SI NE to 62nd St Christian Acres S35 43— 0 0 0 L ? jj65th _ -- T-- - ---- West end to Ouam Ave NE Christian Acres S35 43 0 0 0 L 7 MNlOOT _ !Page Avenue _NE to Pare0 Avenue NE --- Barthel Acres— N22 _--18 — 1,100— —L6.0 0 0 0 L 94 - n Ave NE�NonY aI line to 85th St NE Vasseufs Oak Grove Estates N21 16 1,640 66.0 0 0 0 L 94 95 IJE O'Brian Ave NE to Odean Ave NE Vasseur'a Oak Grove Estates N21 16 2,250 86.0 0 0 0 L 94 95 196th S16 & N16 7&6 890 33.0 0 0 0 L 7 Inadequate Row NE_ St NE to CSAH39 H_yto Acres Acres N16 8 1,360 0 0 0 L 7 Inadequate Row iO•&ian Ave NE to ODa Ave NE NE Ave NE i961h St NE to CSAH39 — —__ —Hylo Acres 2nd Addn. S16 & N16 7&6 1 170 0 0 0 L - 1CSAH39 to 891h St NE Barthel Acres N22 1S 470 0 L 84 Cu __ Ave NE S15 53 1,320 66.0 0 0 0 95 S1 NE West end to Kadler — -- — ,------- horn - N34 66 11,1160 0 0 0 93 r Avenue St to 1.94 ._—�---- ------ 0 0 0 7 1rz ALsv Sheet City lrmdc to Mac Iver Ave_— _... s3s 6e eeo — -- 0 0 7 35 Service RtllOcnoa Ave to East End _ •--•• TJetmark 0 0 7 - i 39 Service Rd Ave NE to Wed at line of H P -•-•• I 21 1I Total __ Al Page 2 07910s1r YJK4 CITY OF OTSEGO AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE 9.COUNCIL ITEMS: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk 7/28/97 - 6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: P1<EYAt ElU bx : 9.1. Discussion of Water and Sewer: a. Consider direction to Staff to gather information for Public Information Meeting. b. Set date for Sewer and Water Public Information Meeting. C. Discussion and determination if Planner should proceed with sewer and Water Policy Document. BACKGROUND: All these items are related to Sewer and Water and is being put on the Council Agenda to try to meet our deadlines which were set. a. We need to get started with the information to present to the Public Informational Meeting in order to be ready and have to have Council review the information before presented and be comfortable with it. b. Date should be set as August 15th is our deadline for a Public Information Meeting. (August 12th (Tues) or 14th (thurs) at 7PM is a couple of dates suggested) C. Dave Licht discussed with the Council at our last Workshop on Sewer and Water of the need for a Policy Document to be written up. This item is for discussion and a yes or no to this question by the Council. RECCbRAENDATION: This is a Council decision. Staff recommends approval of going ahead with these items to keep our timeline for Sewer and Water,,October 1st deadline w/MPCA on track. Thanks Elaine CITY OF OTSEGO REOUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE 9.COUNCIL ITEMS: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk 7/28/97 - 6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: rss : 9.2. Consider Ed's Fence Co. Contract for Repair of Fence a. Fence around well b. Fence around cemetary BACKGROUND: Attached is a Contract and price for the above a. and b. The Fence around the well is to repair damage resulting from the July 1, 1997 storm/quote is to fix fence and get reimbursement from the insurance Co. The fence around the cemetary is broken and I asked for a quote as that is also in need of repair and I thought we should have a quote for that also. Ed's fence has been consistently lower in price for fencing than other contractors. RECObMNDATION : This is a Council decision. Staff recommends approval of going ahead with both of these items. Thank Elaine Ed's Fence Co. 15156 - 96th St. N.E. Elk River, MN 55330 Phone: (612) 441-2605 Contract Submitted To: Name Street City_ State_ CONTRACT Pax: (612) 441-2605 No. 428 Date 27 — �/ - q 7 Sheet No. 1328 Work To Be Performed At: Street City State Date of Plans Architect - We hereby propose to furnish the materials and perform the labor necessary for the completion of C - All material Is guaranteed to be as specified, and the above work to be performed in accordance with the drawings and specifications sub- mitted for above work and completed in a substantial workmanlike manner for the sum of Dollars ($ with payments to be made as follows. I Any alteration or deviatlon from above apecifications Involving extra costs, will Respectfully submitted Edward H. Stie be executed only upon written orders, and will become an extra charge over �� �, and above the estimate. All agreements contingent upon strikes, accidents or Per delays beyond our control. Owner to carry tire, to aUaand other Public r Llabltl Note - This contract may be withdrawn by us ' not accepted insurance upon above work. workmen's Compena Liability Insurance on above work to betaken out by Ed's Fence Co. within O days. ACCEPTANCE OF CONTRACT The above prices, specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. You are authorized to do the work as specifled Payment Will be made as outlined above. SIGNATURE DATE _ SIGNATURE Claims List for approval MUNICIPAL OF CITY OF OTSEGO 07/Z4/97 For the oeriod 07/24/97 to 07/24:97 ,_. _.._ CLAIM TOTAL AC(-Uurvi ­­ , AMOUNT FOR WHAT PURPOSE - DATE NUMBER CLAIM NUMBER )2 J TO WHOM PAID - 4,93- 2686 9 60.00 101-43100-220 60.00 •DUANE'S .. REPAIR REPAIR 07i24/97 2687 07/24/97 2688 252.29 101-43100-220 252.29 e ZIEGLER INC PARTS -67 124,19;z 2689 101-41560-302 101-41560-302 292.00 2,207.59 • 411-41560-302 700.00 411-41560-302 1,893.37 ),2 -PR9FEGS 101-41560-302 18,818.29 - - 701-41560-302 7,052.73 > m _..PROFESSIANA6101-41700-301 101-41700-301 3,316.00 680.00 , -, ,a e 07/24/97 2 2693 -, 237.92 — _— 101-41400-410 237-92 1,050.00 �• ' EAST SIDE LEASING CO. COPIER LEASE SERVICES 07/24/97 2694 1,050.00 101_41600_390 '20 GARY A- GROEN, CPA - JUNE ACCOUNTING - _ 303 70 354.15 2 u NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED -CONSULTANTS JUNE SERVICES 07/24/97 2696 3,575.99 101-41570-303 - 1,665.20 ] 24 -'07/24/97 2697 8,395.00 101-41570-303 101-42100-390 1,200.00 8,395.00 2e WRIGHT C04NTY AUDITOR -TREASURER JULY CONTRACTUAL SERVICES _ 07/24/97 2699 65.38 101-43100-220 65.38 317.50 LITTLE FADS MACHINE E PARTS & SUPPLIES 07/24/97 2700 317:50 101-41610-390 BFI - WOODLAKE SANITATION SERVICE JUNE RECYCLING 101-41400-360 71.82 31 101-41400-321 9.45 )32!�IQG-43G - 3] STORM DAMAGE REPAIR 07/24/97 2703 514.00 101-41940-402 605-48000_410 514.00 2,925.00 )35 B & D PLUMBING & HEATIING GENERATOR RENTAL FOR SCHOOL WELL 07/24/97 2704 2,925.00 TRAUT WELLS x 07/24/97 2706 - 5,346.00 101-43100-a3a . 5,346.00 37 ,RUM RIVER CONTRACTING STREET. REPAIR ON 85TH AVENUE _ 07/24/97 2707 - 3,768.00 101-41600-140 3,768.0 Je 'MINNESOTA UC FUND SECOND QUARTER UNEMPLOYMENT-COKLEY 12 i 119;z :2708 101-41600-304 3,500.00 ]• `O AUDIT FOR 1996 07/24/97 2709 3,500.00 311.82 101_43100_370 311.82 ).+ ABDO ABDO & EICK SAND & GRAVEL 07/24/97 2710 12 CAMAS 07/24/97 2712 47.80 101-43100-393 47.80 _ EARL G ANDERSON INC STREET SIGNS 07/24/97 2713 10.86 101_43100_220 10.86 .NORTHERN AIRGAS OXYGEN,ACETYLENE,ETC 1,273.75 A5 WHG6EGA6p - .e JUNE RECYCLING 07/24/97 2715 1,273.75 273.26 101-41610-390 101_41400_350 138.88 ) CORROW TRUCKING 4> PRINTING & PUBLISHING 07/24/97 2716 ECM PUBLISHERS INC 77.00 101-45200-230 77.00 49 DOMINOS PIZZA FAMILY FUN DAY FOOD 07/24/97 07/24/97 2717 2718 303.92 101-41400-201 66.24 J50 CUB FOODS 51 OFFICE & FAMILY FUN DAY SUPPLIES \e 53 54 351 1 For the Period 07/24/97 to 07/24/97 Claims List for Approval MUNICIPAL OF CITY OF OTSEGO 07%24/97 i i TO WHOM PAID FOR WHAT PURPOSE CLAIM DATE NUMBER TOTAL CLAIM ACCOUNT ACCOUNT NUMBER AMOUNT s e ° _ TOTAL YEAR TO DATE 72,586.51 72>586_ 9 10 IJ o oa J'4 - Z20 2o S 22 23 24 2] 26 27 1 ~ 28 39 32 33 34 J3 >e 37 3e 3e 40I a] 44 43 46 47 4e a9 SO lyl !2 ]J SSI �Se 2