08-05-97 WSCITY OF OTSEGO SPECIAL COUNCIL WORKSHOP FOR FINANCING SEWER AND WATER AUGUST 5, 1997 - 4:30PM MINUTES 1. Mayor Larry Fournier will call meeting to order: Mayor Fournier called the meeting to order at 4:30PM Roll Call Mayor Larry Fournier, CM Vern Heidner, CM Virginia Wendel and CM Berning were present. CM Suzanne Ackerman was absent. Tom Truszinski, Vice President, Juran & Moody, Inc., John Harwood and Kevin Kielb, City Engineers, and Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator were also present. 2. Information on financing of sewer and water .project by Tom Truszinski, Juran and Moody. Inc., with input from John Harwood and Kevin Kielb, Engineers, Mayor Fournier turned the meeting over to Tom Truszinski who distributed a cash flow sheet for preliminary finance information of the sewer and water project. (see attached). Mr Truszinski reviewed the sewer and water information on financing with the Council. The water improvement interest is based on current market, bumped up 1/4%. He does not know what 1998 rates are. The total debt service will start out low and gradually increase over the loan. ( He explained further) Kevin Kielb stated that year 10 more work needed to be done re: replacement and additional customers on line. John Harwood added that they followed the system for the wastewater treatment study. Discussion of size of water tower and that it will be matched to the'treatment plant. Tom Truszinski went on to explain that No. 8 is No.6A multiplied by column No. 7, (with cost of inflation plus two percent per year - multiplied together). No's 6A and 7 is a revenue source. Column No. 9 is other system revenue. Column 10 assumes 5.25% on debt service fund money. Column 13, every year you are in the black 2019 you would have one million six hundred in excess cash based on connection charges of $3,875.00. (conservative increase). The reason this is favorable is by the time you update the system, you will have a trunk fund. Virginia Wendel asked if cost per connection (#7) includes pipes to the house? John Harwood answered only connection costs, If the pipe is in the street, add costs for that. (Lateral add to connection costs.) More discussion of lateral and how charged. John Harwood said it depends on the average of the project. Laterals would be part of the development cost for their internal system. The operation and maintenance (O & M) $32,000. per year. That is above and beyond the water bill. Tom Truszinski said he looked solely at debt as he didn't want an inflated picture. CITY OF OTSEGO SPECIAL COUNCIL WORKSHOP FOR FINANCING SEWER AND WATER OF AUGUST 5, 1997 - 4:30PM -Page 2 - John Harwood said some of the costs are better than a feasibility cost. When refined, the connection charge of $3,875.00 may be reduced, when we order a public improvement project. Discussion was had as to costs presently to drill a well/install a septic system. Wastewater was discussed - (See Page 2 of report attached). In the year 2000, 200,000 gal plant $2,100,000.00. Collection $2,134,000.00 ($165.00 capitalized interest put on). In year ten, the second improvement put on of 1.9 million dollars. John Harwood indicated that those were numbers from Bonestroo's report. Splitting these apart is very important. Interest rate below 4% (conservative number). From date project bid, 18 -months loan free interest for the construction period (no interest). The bad thing is you pay even principal (straight amortization). The payment is the same year 1 and year 20. $150,000.00 capitalized interest to cash flow the project for the first ten years. Column No. 1 - $4,399,000. Year 2,000 Column No. 2 - Interest Column No. 3 - Total debt service Column No. 3A - Future debt - 20 year bond - 20 year analysis Column No. 4 - O & M - Based in information from John Harwood. John Harwood stated that with ten year increments, if refined, we can do annual increase. Column No. 5 - O & M/Debt service/future debt Column No. 6 - Residential Equivalent Connections per year Column No. 6A - Cum. REC'S Column No. 7 - $5,100.00 - ($3,000.00 for collection - $2,100.00 to treat) Column No. 8 - Annual connection income (bumped by 2%). Column No. 9 - Accumulated connections John Harwood said it is based on $40.00 per quarter - sewer charge. No. 13 - $150,000.00 interest cash flows. Year 2010 (second loan) always in the black. (based on assumptions) Mayor Fournier asked where collection system comes into play? John Harwood said $2,134,000.00 has 1.3 some basis - two major lift stations connect forcemains to treatment. Trunk portions are incorporated into this bond issue. Mark Berning - PFA Loan has no legal, engineering or planning expense included?. Answer: Those are calculated in this. Discussion of acquiring land and if it would be done by condemnation, etc. Mayor Fournier asked what costs are not included? John Harwood - Cost in treatment plant study - land figured at $5,000.00 per acre. Collection system cost figures existing right-of-way and existing easement, platted property as it develops, other along the existing right of way and easements. (Very little easement costs, if it goes consistant with development). Mayor Fournier asked if it includes engineering and legal fees? John Harwood answered normally yes. CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL WORKSHOP RE: SANITARY SEWER /WATER PROJECT AUGUST 5, 1997 - 4:30PM - PAGE 3 - Discussion was had on figures from reports regarding costs for water and sewer and how they compare with other cities. Bonding was discussed and if we had a limit for same. Conclusion was that the City of Otsego has the ability to finance these projects and is in good shape with bonding capacity compared to other Cities. Tom Truszinski said he would work with the system so it does not impact the general fund. Municipal bonds are now at a thirty year low as far as interest rates. Mark Benning was concerned with slow hook-ups in the beginning and our two lift stations in the center of the commercial areas. Its one-quarter mile to residential. Very few communities allow leap frog development, industrial takes two to three years to get going. John Harwood said there will be some leap frog development. There appears to be development pressure. We are trying to come up with cost for 1/4 mile. I assume the City would pay the cost for leap frog. Cost funded by trunk system. Discussion of #39 and Parish area and servicing West of this area Commercial properties. John said we can come up with an estimate. Discussion was had of interest rates - The next 6 to 12 months things look stable. Discussion of present moratorium and development, possible extension of the immediate service area. Discussion of 68 RSCS being conservative, stormwater and other fees that are an issue of development. It was noted that the interest rate is a fixed rate on date of PFA loan execution. John Harwood will meet with property owners in the sewer and water service area. 4. Any Other Business: There was no other business Vern Heidner motioned to adjourn the meeting, Virginia Wendel seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. ADMINISTRATOR