08-11-97 CCCITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION At Vans cVCTIAv. DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE: DEPARTMENT: PREPARED BY: MEETING DATE 4. OPEN FORUM (5 -Min Limit) (Elaine) August 11, 1997 6:302M TrPL"M r7MT-ZW"P. TTFM DFSCRIPTION: 4.1. Special presentation by Rod McGillivray, Superior FCR Landfill - Discuss the information he previously mailed to you in June of 1997 (See attached letter) BACKGROUND: Mr Rod McGillivray contacted me in June and asked to be placed on this agenda to review with the Council Superior FCR Landfill information. He mailed a booklet to your homes and attached is the letter he sent to me. He will give a presentation and ask you for any questions. RECOMMENDATION: This is for Council information at Mr. McGillivray's request. Thanks, Elaine tune 16, 1997 City of Otsego :Elaine Beatty City Clerk 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Otsego, MN 55330 Dear Elaine Beatty: Superior Superior FCR Landfill, Inc. 175 County Road 37NE Buffalo, Minnesota 55313 (320) 963-3158 (800) 963-3158 FAX (320) 963-3051 Superior FCR Landfill Inc., has been servicing the needs of Wright and other area counties for over thirty years. We recently retained a firm to conduct a survey in Wright County to determine the public awareness of Superior FCR Landfill. The survey indicated that Superior FCR Landfill, Inc. is relatively unknown by the public. We therefore have decided to develop a public relations program to identify Superior FCR Landfill, Inc. to the public. Our first effort is to provide information to elected officials, Chambers of Commerce and media. have enclosed, for your review and reference, a study, "Environmental and Socioeconomic Impacts of Superior FCR Landfill, Inc. in Wright County, Minnesota." Your review will raise questions, I'm sure. As you are aware, Wright County is currently studying Conditional Uses of agricultural zoned land. Our present facility and future expansions are located on zoned agricultural land. I will be asking for your support and responding to your concerns regarding landfills as an acceptable conditional use of agricultural lands. I will be requesting to be on the agenda for one of your City Council meetings in July or August. In addition to responding to your questions and comments, I will also present some visuals to provide more information about today's landfills. Please contact me by phone if you have immediate questions or to arrange for a tour of Superior FCR Landfill, Inc. Rod McGillivray General Manager PROVIDING "SUPERIOR" WASTI_' SERVICES ?3,J.J� tune 16, 1997 City of Otsego :Elaine Beatty City Clerk 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Otsego, MN 55330 Dear Elaine Beatty: Superior Superior FCR Landfill, Inc. 175 County Road 37NE Buffalo, Minnesota 55313 (320) 963-3158 (800) 963-3158 FAX (320) 963-3051 Superior FCR Landfill Inc., has been servicing the needs of Wright and other area counties for over thirty years. We recently retained a firm to conduct a survey in Wright County to determine the public awareness of Superior FCR Landfill. The survey indicated that Superior FCR Landfill, Inc. is relatively unknown by the public. We therefore have decided to develop a public relations program to identify Superior FCR Landfill, Inc. to the public. Our first effort is to provide information to elected officials, Chambers of Commerce and media. have enclosed, for your review and reference, a study, "Environmental and Socioeconomic Impacts of Superior FCR Landfill, Inc. in Wright County, Minnesota." Your review will raise questions, I'm sure. As you are aware, Wright County is currently studying Conditional Uses of agricultural zoned land. Our present facility and future expansions are located on zoned agricultural land. I will be asking for your support and responding to your concerns regarding landfills as an acceptable conditional use of agricultural lands. I will be requesting to be on the agenda for one of your City Council meetings in July or August. In addition to responding to your questions and comments, I will also present some visuals to provide more information about today's landfills. Please contact me by phone if you have immediate questions or to arrange for a tour of Superior FCR Landfill, Inc. Rod McGillivray General Manager PROVIDING "SUPERIOR" WASTI_' SERVICES CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE: DEPARTMENT: PREPARED BY: MEETING DATE 4. OPEN FORUM (5 -Min Limit) (Elaine) August 11, 1997 6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: 4.2. Special presentation by Leo Offerman, Wright Hennepin Re: Updated information on Lighting Improvement and Cost Savings Proposal for Otsego City Hall. BACKGROUND: Mr Leo Offerman from Wright Hennepin Electric was at a Council Meeting recently and presented figures to the Council for a Lighting Improvement and Cost Savings Proposal for the lighting at City Hall. The Council at that time asked him to update some information and bring it back. He has an updated report to present (a copy of which is attached). RECOMMENDATION: This is for Council information and will be under Council Items for a decision to approve or deny this proposal. This is a Council decision. Than Elaine A CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE: DEPARTMENT: PREPARED BY: MEETING DATE 4. OPEN FORUM (5 -Min Limit) (Elaine) August 11, 1997 6:302M ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: 4.3. Karen Wilson, Violation of Nuisance Ordinance H91-23,6-2-4 Abatement of Nuisance regarding the Wilson property on 14738 - 83RD ST NE BACKGROUND: Attached is a letter from Steven R Conroy, Attorney who works with the City on junk and blight cases. He outlines the process that has been followed to date. Jerry Olson has worked with Mr Conroy and they have not been able to get this lot cleaned up to date. The letter and information from Jerry Olson explains what has gone on. We are now asking the Council to listen to Karen Wilson if she attends this meeting and no response is required, only thank you. I do have it under Council items for a decision by the Council to proceed with this abatement of the Nuisance. As you can see this has been ongoing for quite awhile. We have had lots of neighbor complaints on this. RECOMMENDATION: This is for Council information and will be under Council Items for a decision to approve or deny this abatement. Abatement would mean have someone clean this up and the cost of clean-up would be certified to her taxes. This is a Council decision and is under Council Item: 9.3. T ks, Elaine i i CON ROY LAW OFFICE, Ltd. _ Stephen R. Conroy 1 Attorney at Law �u i j July 28, 1997 Ms. Karen Wilson 14738 - 83rd Street N.E. Elk River, MN 55330 Re: Abatement of Nuisance Dear Ma. Wilson: 261 East Broadway Mot%it,�l� h X55362 -phone (612)295-6666 Fax This letter is to formally notify you that the issue of abating the nuisance (that is, having personal property constituting a nuisance located on your premises removed and disposed of) will come before the Otsego City Council at a meeting to be held: Monday, August 11, 1997 at 6:30 p.m. Otsego City Hall 8899 Nashua Ave., N.E. Elk River, MN 55330 You have the opportunity to appear and be heard regarding this issue at that time. The items which constitute the nuisance to be abated are listed on the attached letter from Jerry Olson dated June 3, 1997. Any other items found on the premises after August 11, 1997 in violation of the ordinance will also be removed, if the Council authorizes this action. This action is required because you have not brought your property into compliance with the nuisance ordinance, despite repeated warnings, summarized as follows: 1. On April 25, 1996, you were mailed a letter from Mr. Olson citing violation of Nuisance Ordinance 91-23, 6-2- 4. 2. In June, 1996 you were served with a Summons and complaint alleging nuisance violations. 3. On August 8, 1996, you appeared at an arraignment in Wright County District Court and entered a not -guilty plea. 4. On September 23, 1996, you entered a guilty plea and agreed to clean up the property to Mr. Olson's Ms. Karen Wilson July 28, 1997 Page Two satisfaction by October 23, 1996. 5. Because the property was not cleaned up, you appeared in Court for a probation violation on November 19, 1996. At that time you denied violating probation. 6. A contested probation hearing took place on February 13, 1997, at which time you admitted violating probation. At that time Judge Johnson gave you until April 15, 1997 to clean up the property or report to jail. 7. On April 18,1 997, your Public Defender, Forest Larson, brought a motion on your behalf to delay your jail report date until May 15, 1997 to permit you to take advantage of the Otsego Clean Up Day to dispose of property. 8. On May 27, 1997, a Revocation Pretrial Hearing was held. At that time Judge Douglas gave you until June -13, 1997 to cleanup the property or report to jail. 9. On June 11, 1997, Forest Larson, Jerry Olson and I met with you at your home to clarify items that needed to be removed. At that time it was obvious that items would not be removed voluntarily, despite your pending jail sentence. The above does not include numerous written and verbal contacts by Mr. Olson over the past one and one-half years. Sincerely, Ste hen R. Conroy SRC/bv cc: Jerry Olson eElaine Beatty CITY OF OTSEGO 1899 Nashua Avenue N.E. ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD (612) 441-4414 Ik River, MN 55330 Fax: (612) 441-8823 June 3, 1997 Karen Wilson 14738 83rd Street NE Elk River MN 55330 The following items need to be removed from your property. A. s X11 Tires Trash bags of aluminum cans Plastic buckets Carpet scraps Glass Windows Aluminum Frames Scrap Aluminum Rolls of Tarpaper Appliance Scraps Scrap Lumber Scrap Metal Truck Seats not inside of a properly licensed and operable vehicle Glass Aquarium Wood & Metal Plant Stand Overstuffed Livingroom Chair Cardboard Boxes of Miscellaneous Household Items Partial Truck Frame Wire Fence Materials Scrap Pieces of Particle Board Karen Wilson Letter of June 3, 1997 Page 2 One Ford Pickup Truck - Missing Front Fender, Hood, and Bumper Mid 80's Model One Pontiac (Firebird ?) Plate # 229 MLE One Chevrolet - Monte Carlo Plate # 016 KQE One Chevrolet Car Plate # 818 DJH - One Blue Volkswagen Car No Plates One Ford Station Wagon No Plates One Ski -Doo Snowmobile Plate # LC 592 All Auto Parts -Scrap -Metal -Tires -Glass -Pans of Oil (This is to be properly recycled) ,U Jeiry'Olson, Building Official City of Otsego JO/co enc. PC: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Adm. Stephen Conroy, Attorney at Law CITY OF OTSFGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE: DEPARTMENT: PREPARED BY: MEETING DATE 6. BOB KIRMIS, ASST. CITY PLANNER (Elaine) August 11, 1997 6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: 6.1. Consider an amendment to Otsego's Zoning Ordinance Section 20-19 regarding processing requirements for building re -locations. BACKGROUND: This item is on tonight's Planning Commission Agenda and the comments from the Planning Commission and recommendation will be provided tomorrow. Bob Kirmis will be here to explain. RECOMMENDATION: This is for Council decision. Than is; Iaine ! I N INC MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: RE: FILE NO: NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS COMMUNITY PLANNING - DESIGN - MARKET RESEARCH Otsego Planning Commission Bob Kirmis / David Licht 5 May1997 Otsego - Zoning Ordinance: Building Relocations 176.08 - 97.05 Attached please find a draft amendment to the Zoning Ordinance which would allow building relocations via administrative rather than conditional use permit. At the 28 April meeting of the City Council, staff raised question as to the intended applicability of the City's building relocation requirements. As you are aware, the relocation of a building or structure within the City currently requires the processing of a conditional use permit. Specific question was raised by staff as to whether the current conditional use permit is desired to apply to newly constructed homes assembled off site (i.e., replacement manufactured homes). Considering that the City of Otsego is characterized by "mobile home" subdivisions, replacement manufactured homes are commonly processed by the Building Inspector (approximately five per year). As a matter of standard practice, such manufactured home replacements have not been processed by a conditional use permit but rather simple building permit issuance. Technically speaking, this practice does not meet the strict letter of the Ordinance. According to the City Building Inspector, the past practice of exempting replacement manufactured homes from building relocation CUP requirements has been based on the following rationale: 5775 WAYZATA BOULEVARD, SUITE 555 ST. LOUIS PARK, MINNESOTA 554 1 6 PHONE 6 1 2-595-9636 FAX 6 1 2-595-9837 1. The replacement homes are "new" and meet all applicable Building Code requirements. 2. New, on-site construction does not require the processing of a conditional use permit. In terms of actual final home product, little difference exists between off-site and on-site construction. 3. The costs associated with the processing of a conditional use permit may discourage property owners from replacing dilapidated manufactured homes. In informal consideration of this matter, the City Council has initiated a Zoning Ordinance amendment which would make building relocations an administrative approval. It was generally concluded that potential adverse impacts of such relocations may be satisfactorily addressed through the existing performance standards and security requirements (to be retained). For reference purposes, proposed ordinance text modifications have been highlighted. This item is scheduled for public hearing on 21 May. -1 pc: Elaine Beatty Andy MacArthur Larry Koshak DRAFT - DRAFT - DRAFT CITY OF OTSEGO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA ORDINANCE NO. 97 - AN ORDINANCE ADDRESSING PROCESSING REQUIREMENTS FOR BUILDING RELOCATIONS. THE CITY OF OTSEGO ORDAINS: Section 1. Section 20-19 of the Otsego Zoning Ordinance (Building Relocations) is hereby amended to read as follows: 20-19-1: REVIEW PROCESS: The relocation of any building or structure on a lot or ............................... onto another lot within the City shall be subject to the psir requirements, regulations and conditions of section " Genditional Use .................................................................... S t r� `3>> '' tnt-8�#' �[ Permit of this Chapter as well as Section 20-19-2 ......:...:...::.........:..:....:....:........:..:..:...:..:.. below, of this Section. 20-19-2: PERFORMANCE STANDARDS: The following performance standards shall apply: A. Upon relocation, the building shall comply with the applicable requirements of the State Uniform Building Code. B. The proposed relocated building shall comply with the character of the neighborhood in which it is being relocated as determined by the City Council. C. The relocated use will not result in a depreciation of neighborhood or adjacent property values. D. The relocated structure shall be similar to the market valuation of adjacent principal structures as determined by the City or County Assessor. E. The relocated structure shall be ready for occupancy within six (6) months from the date of location on the site. 20-19-3: PERFORMANCE SECURITY: A performance security shall be provided to the City as specified in Section 20-4-7 of this Chapter. Section 2. This ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and publication. ADOPTED by the Otsego City Council this day of 1997. CITY OF OTSEGO Larry Fournier, Mayor ATTEST: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator 2 A CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE: ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: 6.2. Discussion of Council Workshop on Sewer and Water of 8/19/97 BACKGROUND: Attached is a memo and proposed agenda for the sewer and water work4hop (for preparation of the information meeting for public) of August 19, 1997 6:30PM. This is for Council review. Bob Kirmis will explain. Dave Licht cannot attend this meeting, but thought the Council should review and approve or change this agenda. RECOMMENDATION - This is for Council decision. Than , Elaine -1 AUG -06-1997 11:4? NAC 612 595 9837 P.02iO4 INC MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: RE: FILE NO: NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS COMMUNITY PLANNING - DESIGN - MARKET RESEARCH Otsego Mayor and City Council David Licht 6 August 1997 Otsego - Sewer Study: Workshop Organization and Agenda 176.08 - 96.19 At the direction of the Council, staff has initiated work on the preparation of a workshop meeting to organize for a public information session on the sewer and water study. In addition, staff is preparing responses to questions concerning the project which have been posed by Council members in past meetings or through written comments. So as to insure the workshop session addresses all matters which need to be considered, our office has prepared a draft agenda which is presented on the following pages. We would note that while one objective is a "dry run" of a public presentation of the project, there are also a number of matters which need to be discussed and resolved. Until those items are finalized, we do not believe that we can establish a public informational meeting_ In this regard, while we will provide you with advance materials, it may be necessary to hold at least one additional workshop prior to the public informational session. 5775 WAYZATA BOULEVARD, SUITE 555 ST, LOUIS PARK, MINNESOTA 554 1 5 PHONE 6 1 2-S95-9636 FAX 6 1 2-595-9637 AUG -06-1997 11:48 NAC IV. DRAFT - DRAFT - DRAFT AGENDA CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP SANITARY SEWER / WATER PROJECT 19 AUGUST 1997 9:30 PM CITY HALL Call to Order / Roll Call (Mayor Fournier) Unresolved Issues / Assumptions (D. Licht) 612 595 9julf( P. 03/04 A. Treatment Plant Site B. City of Dayton Participation C. Trunk System D. Service Area Identification - First Phase / Property Owner Contact E. Service Area Boundaries F. Council Questions / Issues Draft Policies (D. Licht) A. Background and Purpose B. Review of Initial Draft C. Council Discussion D. Additional Topics / Matters of Consideration E. Establishment of Date for Council Action (Preliminary Approval) Public Information Program (D. Licht) A. Newspaper Articles B. Special Addition - City Newsletter C. Public Informational Meetings 1. By Area 2. City -Wide V_ Public Informational Meeting(s) Presentation Outline A. B. C_ D. E. F. G. Background Issues and Need (D. Licht) Study / Work To Date (D. Licht) Decision -Making Process / Time Schedule (D. Licht) Sewer Treatment System Plan (J. Harwood) Trunk System (J. Harwood) Water System (K. Kielb) System Finance (J. Harwood / G. Groen) AUG -06-1997 11:48 NAC 612 595 9837 P.04iO4 H. System Policies (D. Licht I J. Harwood) I. Public Comment VI. Public Informational Meeting(s) Format A. Council Participation B. Moderator C. Staff Assignments D. Other VII. Other Business Vlll. Adjourn PC: Elaine Beatty Judy Hudson John Harwood Kevin Kielb Andy MacArthur Larry Koshak Gary Groen TOTAL P.04 �V AUG-11-1997 07 24 INkcc- TRANS M ITTAL NRC O l G -1 - --- NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS 5775 WAYZATA BOULEVARD, SUITE 555 ST.LOUIS PARK, MINNESOTA 554 1 6 PHONE (6 1 2)595-9536 DATE:. 11 August 1997 TO: Elaine Beatty FROM: Bob -Kirmi s NUMBER OF PAGES INCLUDING COVER: 5 QUANTITY: MATERIAL/DESCRIPTION: DATED: VIA: 1 PICK UP L DELIVERY Memo with attachment REMARKS: For. tonight's meeting. 8/8/97 P R OJ ECT: Otsego - Zoning .Ordilnance - Building Relocations JOB NUMBER: 176.08 - 97.05 HUU-11-1» r r -- NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS INC COMMUNITY PLANNING - DESIGN - MARKET RESEARCH MEMORANDUM TO: Otsego Mayor and City Council FROM: Bob Kirmis DATE: 8 August 1997 RE: Otsego - Zoning Ordinance Amendment - Building Relocations FILE NO: 176.08 - 97.05 At their 6 August meeting, the Planning Commission recommended several changes to the draft zoning Ordinance amendment relating to building relocations. As you will recall, the City Council had previously directed staff to prepare a draft amendment to the Ordinance which would make building relocations subject to administrative rather than conditional use permit approval. Such direction was based in part on an intent to simplify and reduce the costs associated with locating new replacement manufactured homes upon lots. Rather than allowing all building relocations to be approved administratively, the Planning Commission has recommended that certain exemptions be made from the current conditional use process. Specifically, the Planning Commission has suggested that the following relocations be exempted from the current CUP process: 1. Relocations which occur solely within the confines of a single lot or parcel. 2. Manufactured homes within manufactured home parks. 3. Prefabricated and industrialized/modular buildings as defined by the State Building Code being relocated to their first permanent building site_ The preceding exemptions have been utilized in a draft Zoning Ordinance recently prepared for St. Augusta Township in Stearns County. 5775 WAYZATA BOULEVARD, SUITE 555 ST. LOUIS PARK. MINNESOTA 554 1 6 PHONE 6 1 2-595-9636 FAX 05 1 2-595-9837 Attached is a draft amendment which reflects the Planning Commission's recommendation. This item is scheduled for City Council consideration on 11 August. Pc: Elaine Beatty Andy MacArthur Jerry Olson F -` DRAFT - DRAFT -- DRAFT CITY OF OTSEGO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA ORDINANCE NO. 97= AN ORDINANCE ADDRESSING PROCESSING REQUIREMENTS FOR BUILDING RELOCATIONS. THE CITY OF OTSEGO ORDAINS: Section 1. Section 20-19 of the Otsego Zoning Ordinance (Building Relocations) is hereby amended to read as follows: 20-19-1: REVIEW PROCESS. The relocation of any building or structure on a lot or onto another lot within the City shall be subject to the:: ' requirements, regulations and conditions of Section 4, Conditional Ilse Permit of this Chapter as well as Section 20-19-3 below, of this Section. 209. ' 20-19-3: A. 00 r..pj; ^:£�:r.:: �'4':;'.{w-.am •:r» :::Y..Y•i:: ..te:.�r £:L•'s•;: :s:�+s.k.w .::✓ .:ry,��: 4.:r:^^mt• ;:2Y.±„r ;•.rr• ;t:$:ie i•.i:s:a:`t��'iw:>i"3:::.:x:r::;�••ri:,:<� PERFORMANCE STANDARDS: The following performance standards shall apply: Upon relocation, the building shall comply with the applicable requirements of the State Uniform Building Code. B. The proposed relocated building shall comply with the character of the neighborhood in which it is being relocated as determined by the City Council. C. The relocated use will not result in a depreciation of neighborhood or adjacent property values. D. The relocated structure shall be similar to the market valuation of adjacent principal structures as determined by the City or County Assessor. E. The relocated structure shall be ready for occupancy within six (6) months from the date of location on the site. 20-19-4: PERFORMANCE SECURITY: A performance security shall be provided to the City as specified in Section 20-4-7 of this Chapter. Section 2. This ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and publication. ADOPTED by the Otsego City Council this day of 1997. ATTEST: By: CITY OF OTSEGO By: Larry Fournier, Mayor Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator 2 TOTAL P.05 Vass e-vXv's -Vv txAk(- N�X�-k 10 kA0- NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS INC COMMUNITY PLANNING - DESIGN - MARKET RESEARCH MEMORANDUM TO: Otsego Mayor and City Council Otsego EDA Advisory Committee FROM: Dan Wilson DATE: 29 July 1997 RE: Otsego - Manufactured Housing Redevelopment Options FILE NO: 176.11 - 97.01 I met with the EDAAC on 7 July 1997. They had requested that I attend to discuss redevelopment options available for areas of the community currently occupied by manufactured homes on large lots. There was not a quorum present to conduct an actual meeting. We did informally discuss how a city could proceed should the city choose to become involved in the redevelopment process. Background The 1990 Comprehensive Plan included a housing co ssment that revealed over 50 percent of the units in Vasseurs Oak Grove Estates to be in "poor" condition. The area is currently not served with sanitary sewer. The area is experiencing failing septic systems. Manufactured homes are not as easily rehabilitated or brought up to Code due to the nature of their construction. Manufactured homes built prior to approximately 1976 cannot be reconnected to gas and electric lines per State Building Code. Some of the manufactured home areas could be considered substandard or a blighting influence on the rest of the community. 5775 WAYZATA BOULEVARD, SUITE 555 ST. LOUIS PARK, MINNESOTA 55416 PHONE 6 1 2-595-9636 FAX 6 1 2-595-9837 Redevelopment Options The options available will reflect the degree to which the City/EDA might choose to become involved: 1. Do nothing. 2. Paint up / fix up. 3. Code enforcement. 4. Spot redevelopment. 5. Area wide redevelopment. Perhaps different options would apply to different areas. The availability of sewer or community drain fields may influence your options. The EDAAC has made no findings or recommendations. They have just raised the question as an area for discussion. One suggestion was to survey the residents to see what they want to do. Perhaps a public information meeting would be helpful. These type of projects can be very controversial. The City should be convinced that a serious public problem exists that will require public input in the solution before going much further. A typical project would require the City/EDA to acquire several parcels, relocate the owners and then sell the accumulated site to a developer. The likely redevelopment would be townhouses in order to increase the density and reduce per unit costs. This type of project is not uncommon and can be financially sewerlwle. Grnts ould caeatenthe Beed forabommunitle to p with some of the costs. The lack of sanitary drain fields. I would suggest that the City Council/EDA discuss the problems present and if there is sufficient interest to proceed with any type of formal study. PC: Elaine Beatty 2 Ix City of Otsego Engineer's Agenda Items City Council Meeting August 11, 1997 8.1 ISTEA FY96 CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION AND AGREEMENT In order to receive Federal Aid for the proposed bike trails, the City is required to enter into an agency agreement with Mn/DOT. The agreement has been reviewed by the City Attorney (see attached letter). Mn/DOT requires that a resolution is passed authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to sign the agreement. Attached for review are the following: 1 . A Resolution 2. An Agency Agreement 3. A review letter from the City Attorney 4. A brief summary outlining the responsibilities of the City and Mn/DOT We are requesting that the City Council pass a resolution authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to sign the agreement. 8.2 PUBLIC WORKS UPDATE The preliminary pavement rating is complete. The gravel roads are now being analyzed. We have also prepared a preliminary five year roadway maintenance plan for the City. We would like to have a Public Works Committee meeting to discuss the pavement rating system and also the five year maintenance plan. The five year plan will be a basis for setting the Public Works budget for 1998. We are requesting that the Council set a date for a Public Works meeting to discuss the Preliminary Pavement Rating System and Preliminary Five Year Roadway Maintenance Program. 8.3 ANY OTHER ENGINEERING BUSINESS agenda8.11 Item 8.1 RESOLUTION NO. FY96 ISTEA PROGRAM Authorization to Enter into Agreement WHEREAS, the City of Otsego proposes to construct the FY96 ISTEA Improvement Project, AND WHEREAS, the project is partially funded by Federal Aid, AND WHEREAS, the City must enter into an agreement with the Commissioner of Transportation as a requirement of receiving project funding, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF OTSEGO: 1. That pursuant to Minnesota Stat. Sec. 161.36, the Commissioner of Transportation be appointed as Agent of the City of Otsego to accept as its agent, federal aid funds which may be made for available transportation related projects. 2. Resolved, the *(Mayor) and the *(Clerk) are hereby authorized and directed for and on behalf of the City to execute and enter into an agreement with the Commissioner of Transportation prescribing the terms and conditions of said federal aid participation as set forth and contained in Minnesota Department of a copy 76570" ent No A Transportation Agency Agreement , p of which said agreement was before the City Council and which is made a part hereof by reference. Mayor Clerk OT709.res Item 8.1 AGREEMENT No. 76570 STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AGENCY AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF OTSEGO This agreement made and entered into by and between the City of Otsego (hereinafter "City") and the Minnesota Department of Transportation (hereinafter "Mn/DOT"), WHEREAS, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 161.36 (1996), the City desires Mn/DOT to act as its agent in accepting federal aid on the City's behalf for construction, improvement, or maintenance of transportation facilities financed either in whole or part with federal monies (hereinafter "Projects"); and WHEREAS, Mn/DOT is willing to act as the City's agent; and WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes Section 161.36 (1996) requires that the terms and conditions of the agency be set forth in an agreement; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: I. DUTIES OF THE CITY. A. APPOINTMENT. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 161.36 (1996), the City appoints Mn/DOT as its agent to accept and receive all federal aid funds made available to the City for the Projects and to let contracts pursuant to law for the construction and improvement of transportation facilities. B. ELIGIBILITY. The federal aid participation eligibility for the Projects will be determined in accordance with Federal and State guidelines promulgated for the administration of Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991(ISTEA) funding. Any costs incurred by the City prior to federal authorization approval, as described in section II.F., will not be eligible for federal aid participation. The City shall request approval from Mn/DOT for costs expected to exceed the Projects construction contract bid amount, prior to incurring such costs. C. CONSTRUCTION FUNDING. It is anticipated that the eligible federal costs of the Projects will be paid from federal aid funds made available by the Federal Highway Administration, and the remaining costs shall be paid by the City. (7/96) Agency Agreement (Mn/DOT Agreement No. 76570) (ADMIN. 10511) Page 1 Any City funds to be applied to the construction contract for the Projects, such as matching funds or funds for work that is not eligible to receive federal aid funds, shall be deposited with Mn/DOT prior to the award of the construction contract in accordance with Minnesota Rules Chapter 8820.1500 Subp. 3. After the approved final payment estimate has been submitted to Mn/DOT, the City shall pay to Mn/DOT such additional sums as necessary which together with the federal aid funds received for the Projects will be sufficient to pay all the costs of the Projects. If the final amount due is less than the funds advanced by the City together with federal aid funds received for the Projects, then the City portion of the balance of advanced funds shall be returned to the City without interest. If for any reason the Federal Highway Administration fails to pay any part of the cost or expense of the Projects, then the City shall pay to Mn/DOT the amount of money that the federal aid funds would have paid. D. CONTRACT LETTING REQUIREMENTS. The City shall publish the advertisement calling for bids on the Projects in the officially designated newspaper of the City. The advertisement or call for bids shall specify where the sealed proposals or bids will be received by the City on behalf of Mn/DOT as agent of the City. The advertisement shall state that proposals, plans, and specifications are available for the inspection of prospective bidders at the office of the Department of Transportation, 395 John Ireland Boulevard, St. Paul, Minnesota 55155, and at a designated office of the City. After the bids are opened, the City Council shall consider the bids and thereupon transmit to Mn/DOT the City's recommendation that the lowest bid submitted by a responsible bidder be accepted, or that all bids be rejected. If the City fails or refuses to approve a recommended contract award and. litigation thereby results, the City shall defend and indemnify Mn/DOT in such litigation. E. CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS. Projects shall be constructed in accordance with plans, special provisions, and standard specifications for each Project. The plans and special provisions for each Project shall be on file in the Department of Transportation, State Transportation Building, 395 John Ireland Boulevard, St. Paul, Minnesota 55155. The standard specifications shall be the latest edition of the Mn/DOT Standard Specifications for Construction and all amendments thereto. The plans, special provisions and standard specifications are a part of this Agreement by reference as though fully set forth herein. F. CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISION. The City shall furnish and assign a publicly employed registered engineer (hereinafter "Project Engineer") to be responsible for the Projects and to supervise and direct the work to be performed under any contract let for the Projects, on behalf of ivin/DOT. The City hereby authorizes (7/96) Agency Agreement (Mn/DOT Agreement No. 76570) (ADMIN. 1051i) Page 2 its Project Engineer to approve project documents for the City, including but not limited to, partial and final estimates and supplemental agreements. The City further agrees to furnish such other personnel, services, supplies, and equipment as shall be necessary in order to properly supervise, inspect and document the work for the Projects. If the City recommends changes in the plan or character of the work, and Mn/DOT concurs in such recommendation, the Project Engineer will prepare the supplemental agreements in accordance with Mn/DOT procedures and transmit to Mn/DOT for execution. During the progress of the work on the Projects, the City hereby authorizes its Project Engineer to request in writing from Mn/DOT, specific engineering services to be performed by skilled employees of Mn/DOT, pursuant to Minnesota Statute Section 161.39. Mn/DOT may, but is not obligated to, furnish the requested services. If Mn/DOT furnishes the services requested, then the City shall reimburse the Trunk Highway Fund for the full cost and expense of furnishing of such services. The costs and expenses shall include the current Mn/DOT labor additives and overhead rates, subject to adjustment based on actual direct costs that have been verified by audit. G. CONSTRUCTION REPORTING. The Project Engineer shall prepare required reports, keep records, and perform work so as to enable Mn/DOT to collect the federal aid funds sought by the City. All records and reports shall be retained by the City in accordance with Mn/DOT's record retention schedule for federal aid projects. At regular monthly intervals after work has started under the contract for the Projects, the City, through its Project Engineer, shall prepare partial estimates in accordance with the terms of the contract for the Projects and the procedures established by Mn/DOT's Office of Construction. Each partial estimate, shall be certified by the Project Engineer and by the individual, firm, or corporation contracting for and undertaking prosecution of the prescribed work (hereinafter "Contractor"). The Project Engineer shall immediately after preparing each partial estimate, transmit the partial estimate to Mn/DOT in quintuplicate. Upon completion of the Projects, the Project Engineer shall prepare and submit to Mn/DOT the final estimate data, together with the required project records in accordance with the terms of the contract let for the Projects. Quantities listed on partial and final estimates shall be documented in accordance with the guidelines set forth in Mn/DOT's Documentation Manual for Construction Pay Quantities. H. FINAL INSPECTION. When work is completed on the Projects, the City shall inspect the Projects and advise NIn/DOT whether or not the work should be (7/96) Agency Agreement (Nin/DOT Agreement No. 76570) Page 3 (ADMIN. lUSli) accepted as being performed in a satisfactory manner. In the event the City should recommend to Mn/DOT that the work performed should not be accepted, then the City shall specify in particularity the defects in the work and the reasons why the work should not be accepted. I. MAINTENANCE. The City shall assume full responsibility for maintenance and operation of any facility constructed, reconstructed, or improved by any Project under this Agreement. II. DUTIES OF Mn/DOT A. ACCEPTANCE. Mn/DOT accepts appointment as agent of the City and shall act in accordance herewith. B. CONTRACT LETTING REQUIREMENTS. In the letting of a contract for the Projects, the following procedure shall be followed in accordance with Minnesota Law. Mn/DOT shall cause the advertisement calling for bids on the Projects to be published in the Construction Bulletin. Mn/DOT shall furnish the City with an advertisement for publication in the officially designated newspaper of the City. The advertisement or call for bids shall specify that sealed proposals or bids will be received by the City on behalf of Mn/DOT as agent of the City. The advertisement shall state that proposals, plans and specifications are available for the inspection of prospective bidders at the office of the Department of Transportation, 395 John Ireland Boulevard, St. Paul, Minnesota 55155, and at a designated office of the City. The bids received by the City in response to advertisements for bids shall be opened for and on behalf of Mn/DOT by a District State Aid Engineer of Mn/DOT or such other representative of Mn/DOT as may be selected by Mn/DOT. The bids shall be immediately transmitted to Mn/DOT's Office of Construction. Upon receipt of all bids, Mn/DOT shall tabulate all bids and shall make a determination as to the acceptability of the lowest responsible bidder in accordance with law. Upon receipt of the City Council's recommendation, Mn/DOT shall accept the bid from the lowest responsible bidder, or shall reject all bids. C. CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION. Mn/DOT shall administer and have charge of the Projects. The construction contract with the Contractor will be prepared and approved by Mn/DOT, as defined in the latest edition of the Mn/DOT Standard Specifications for Construction. (7/96) Agency Agreement (Mn/DOT Agreement No. 76570) (ADMIN. 10511) Page 4 Mn/DOT may make such changes in the plans or the character of the work as shall be recommended by the City Project Engineer. If Mn/DOT concurs in such recommendations, Mn/DOT may enter into supplemental agreements with the Contractor for the performance of the extra work or work occasioned by any change in plans or construction, for and on behalf of. the City. D. CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS. Mn/DOT shall receive the funds to be paid by the City and the federal aid funds to be paid by the Federal Highway Administration for the Project, and shall pay any and all sums that may become due the Contractor. Mn/DOT shall pay from said funds partial payments to the Contractor as provided for and designated as partial estimates in the construction contract for the Projects. On the completion and acceptance of the work by Mn/DOT, Mn/DOT shall pay from said funds the final payment to the Contractor as provided for and designated as the final estimate in the construction contract for the Projects. E. FINAL INSPECTION. When work is completed on the Projects, Mn/DOT shall conduct a final inspection of the Projects to determine whether or not the work has been acceptably performed and whether to accept or reject the work performed by the Contractor under the contract. F. AUTHORITY OF MN/DOT. Mn/DOT shall make the necessary requests for authorization of federal aid participation in the Projects and reimbursements of federal aid funds. Mn/DOT may enter into any agreement for and on behalf of the City with the Federal Highway Administration that may be necessary or required for the purpose of procuring and actually causing to be paid the federal aid funds available for the Projects. To that end, Mn/DOT may bind and commit the City in such agreement to the performance of any and all things required by any law of the United States or federal regulation for the purpose of obtaining the federal aid funds available for the Projects. Mn/DOT may perform on behalf of the City any other acts as may be necessary or required to cause the Projects to be completed in a satisfactory manner for the purpose of obtaining the federal aid funding available for the Projects. The decision of Mn/DOT on acceptance of bids, final acceptance of the Projects, and other matters necessary to complete the Projects, shall be final, binding, and conclusive on the parties hereto. Mn/DOT, the Federal Highway Administration, or duly authorized representatives shall have the right to audit, evaluate and monitor the work performed under this Agreement, and shall have access to all books, records, and documents pertaining to the work hereunder. (7/96) Agency Agreement (Mn/DOT Agreement No. 76570) (ADMIN. 105h) Page 5 III. LIMITATIONS. The City and Mn/DOT shall comply with all federal and state laws, rules and regulations applicable to the work. A. NONDISCRIMINATION. The City and Mn/DOT shall comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, and 49 Code of Federal Regulations (C.F.R.), Part 21 through Appendix H and 23 C.F.R. 710.405 (b), which are made a part hereof by reference with the same force and effect as though fully set forth herein. B. DISADVANTAGED BUSINESS ENTERPRISE. The City and Mn/DOT shall take all necessary and reasonable steps to insure that Disadvantaged Business Enterprises and Women Business Enterprises have the maximum opportunity to compete for and perform on construction contracts and subcontracts, in accordance with 49 C.F.R., Part 23, which is made a part hereof by reference with the same force and effect as though fully set forth herein . C. UTILITIES. The City shall treat all public, private or cooperatively owned utility facilities which directly or indirectly serve the public and which occupy highway rights of way in conformance with "A Policy for the Accommodation of Utilities on Highway Rights of Way" as approved on April 5, 1988, by the United States Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Minnesota Division, which is made a part hereof by reference with the same force and effect as though fully set forth herein. IV. AUDIT A. The City and Mn/DOT shall comply with the Single Audit Act of 1984 and Office of Management and Budget (OMB) circular A-128. B. The City and Mn/DOT shall provide access to their records, financial statements, accounting procedures and practices for examination by the Federal Highway Administration, Mn/DOT, the Legislative Auditor, or any independent auditor designated by Mn/DOT or the United States Government, as necessary for compliance with state and federal laws, rules and regulations. V. LIABILITY. A. Each party shall be responsible for its own acts and the results thereof to the extent authorized by law and shall not be responsible for the acts of any others and the results thereof. City and MrL/DOT liability shall be governed by the provisions of the Minnesota Tort Claims Act, Minnesota Statutes Section 3.376 (1996) and other applicable law. B. The City shall pay any and all lawful claims or demands of any kind or nature whatsoever arising out of or incidental to the performance of the work under the contract let for the Projects, in the event that the Federal Highway Administration does not pay the same. In all events, the City shall hold Mn/DOT harmless from (7/96) Agency Agreement (Mn/DOT Agreement No. 76570) (ADMIN. 1051i) Page 6 any claims arising out of this Agreement and shall pay any and all expenses and costs connected with the Projects or the construction thereof which the Federal Highway Administration does not pay. VI. ASSIGNMENT. Neither the City nor Mn/DOT shall assign or transfer any rights or obligations under this Agreement .without prior written approval of the other party. VII. TERM OF AGREEMENT. This Agreement shall be effective upon execution by the City, Mn/DOT, and the appropriate State officials, whichever occurs later, and shall remain in effect until terminated by either parry. VIII. AMENDMENTS. Any amendments/supplements to this Agreement shall be in writing, and shall be executed by the same parties who executed the original Agreement, or their successors in office. IX. CANCELLATION. This Agreement may be canceled by the City or Mn/DOT at any time, with or without cause, upon ninety (90) day's written notice to the other party. Such termination shall not remove any unfulfilled financial obligations of the City as set forth in this Agreement. (7/96) Agency Agreement (Mn/DOT Agreement No. 76570) (ADMIN. 1051i) Page 7 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be duly executed intending to be bound thereby. CITY OF OTSEGO MINNESOTA By: Title: Date: By: Title: Date: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION By: Title: Director. Division of State Aid Date: Approved as to Form and Execution: By: Title: Assistant Attorney General Date: DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION By:_ Title: Date: (7/96) agency Agreement (,'Yin/DOT Agreement No. 76670) (ADMIN. (051i) Page 8 OIL= S. Radzwill Andrew J. MacArthur Michael C. Couri Megan M. McDonald RA.DZWILL & CO URI Attorneys at Law 705 Central Avenue East PO Box 369 St. Michael, MN 55376 (612) 497-1930 (612) 497-2599 (FAX) July 18, 1997 City Council Members City of Otsego c/o Elaine Beatty, City Clerk 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Elk River, MN 55330 RE: FY 96 ISTEA Agreement Agency Agreement No. 76570 Dear Council Members; Item 8.1 At the request of the City Engineer, I have reviewed the above mentioned agreement between the City of Otsego and MnDOT. The Agreement is a form agreement wherein MnDOT agrees to act as the City's agent and perform certain functions on behalf of the City. Such an arrangement must be reduced to written agreement form pursuant to Minn. Stat. 161.36. The City must deposit any funds necessary for construction of the project with MnDOT prior to award of the contract. The contract requires that the City designate its own engineer to review documents and supervise construction of the project. Any change in the project proposed by the City must be approved by MnDOT. The City must cause the final construction to be inspected and make recommendation to MnDOT as to whether or not the final construction should be accepted or not. The City is responsible for advertising for bids on the local level. The bids will be tabulated and the acceptability of the lowest responsible bidder will be decided by MnDOT, taking into account input from the City. The contract will be administered by MnDOT and they shall do a final inspection of the work performed under the contract. Letter to Otsego City Council July 21, 1997 Page 2 The parties agree that they are not responsible for any acts of the others in the course of this project. The Agreement may be cancelled by either party, with 90 days written notice, but such cancellation does not remove any obligation of the City to make payments as set forth in the Agreement. The Agreement as drafted is satisfactory in light of the mutual responsibilities being undertaken by the parties. I would recommend that the City execute the Agreement as drafted. Vermy yours,, Andrew J: MacArthZir ✓RADZWII,"L & COURI cc:Xerland Otto, Larry Koshak, Hakanson Anderson Item 8.1 CITY OF OTSEGO FY96 ISTEA PROJECT AGENCY RESPONSIBILITIES Mn/DOT Prepare Advertisement for Bids Mn/DOT Furnish City with copy of the Ad for Bids Mn/DOT Place Ad in the Construction Bulletin City Place Ad in the Elk River Star News Mn/DOT Open and Tabulate Bids Mn/DOT Send Bid Tabulation to City City Review Bid Tabulation City Make recommendation of Award to Mn/DOT Mn/DOT Award the project based upon City recommendation City Authorize the Project Engineer to: • Approve project documents • Be responsible for the project administration/coordination with Mn/DOT • Inspect the project during construction Mn/DOT Make payments to the Contractor as recommended by the Project Engineer Mn/DOT Conduct final inspection of the project City Assume Maintenance responsibility of the facilities agenda.att MEMORANDUM TO: FILE OT504 FROM: Janele M. Taveggia v4,YvL; — DATE: August 11, 1997 RE: Drinking Water Revolving Fund Eligibility for City of Otsego FILE: OT504 The Drinking Water Revolving Fund (DWRF) program provides below market rate loans to assist in financing the cost of planning, designing, improving and constructing drinking water treatment, storage, and distribution systems. Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. researched the eligibility of the City of Otsego and its probability of receiving a DWRF loan for 1998. The City of Otsego is eligible for funding under the DWRF program. It meets the basic requirements of a city "responsible for the treatment and distribution of piped drinking water for human consumption, serving or proposing to serve a minimum of 15 connections or 15 living units or serving or proposing to serve an average of 25 people daily for 60 days of the year." Even though the City of Otsego is eligible for funding, the City of Otsego must also be placed on the Minnesota Department of Health's (MDH) Project Priority List (PPL). The PPL ranks all drinking water projects interested in funding from highest priority to lowest priority. The PPL becomes essential when the amount of money requested for projects in a given year is greater than the amount of money available for loans. The deadline for submitting project proposals to the MDH for review and placement on the PPL is September 8, 1997 (see Attachment A). A request for placement on the 1998 Intended Use Plan must also be submitted to the Minnesota Public Facilities Authority, which is due September 15, 1998 (see Attachment B). The DWRF program's intent is that the highest level of priority should be given to projects that are addressing existing public health threats. The second level of priority should be given to projects which are improving existing infrastructure. According to the DWRF Priority Point Worksheet (see Attachment C), the City of Otsego would not even be eligible for Financial Need priority points (Section 4720.9040 of Attachment C). The City of Otsego's median household income is $38,704 which is greater than the metropolitan median household income of $36,816. As of August 8, 1997, approximately $36 million in project funding requests have been submitted to the MDH. The MDH has approximately $46 million in loan money available for the DWRF program in 1998. If requests reach the $46 million level or higher, the MDH will then use the PPL to determine which entities will receive loans for 1998. If the City of Otsego decides to submit a proposal by September 8, 1997 to the MDH, everything outlined in Attachment A must be included and the following guidelines must also be followed: The proposal must include language regarding that the proposed water system is for existing industrial, commercial, and/or residential areas. • Future growth language should not be included in order to be eligible. • Fire protection language should not be included in order to be eligible. If the City of Otsego is approved for a loan through the DWRF program, the loan papers must be filled out by the end of this fiscal year (June 30,1998.) Also, the City of Otsego must be ready to begin construction in the spring of 1998. The loan is guaranteed to have an interest rate of 5.13% or less. Contact people at the MDH: John Schnickel, DWRF Program Coordinator #215-0784 Brian Noma, Public Health Engineer #215-0947 ot504.dwr Minnesota Department of Health 121 East Seventh Place P.O. Box 64975 St. Paul, MN 55164-0975 612/215-0770 Af/lc,i�wj/t-t A Drinking Water Revolving Fund Requirements for Placement on the Project Priority List Please submit two copies of your written request for consideration for the Drinking Water Revolving Fund (DWRF) program to the following address: _Minnesota Department of Health DRF Program 121 East Seventh Place P.O. Box 64975 St. Paul, Minnesota 55164-0975 Deadline for receiving proposals is September 8, 1997. General Requirements for Placement on the Project Priority List: • Name of project • Location of project - Entity responsible for final project - Map of the geographical area the project will serve • Contact person information - Name, address, phone number, and fax number • Scope of project - Planning, design, or construction • Population and number of households to be served by project • Current cost estimate (per project basis) - Amount of financial assistance requesting if different from total cost 0 Proposed project schedule Additional Requirement for Planning and Design Projects: • Description of the need for improvements 'Additional Requirements for Construction Projects: • Description of the current drinking water system • Description of existing and potential problems; current system failures- Documentation ailuresDocumentation relevant to project (e.g., laboratory results, Minnesota Department of Health correspondence, etc.) • Analysis of alternatives considered with cost estimates Alternative selected with detailed cost estimate and reasons for selection • Status of approved emergency and water conservation plan if required by the Minnesota - Department of Natural Resources *If this project will be ready for funding within the year, you should simultaneously request for placement on the Intended Use Plan. Do this through the Public Facilities Authority. 5/97 Minncsota Depactmcnt of Hcalth 2- NES()p Trade & Economic Development Business & Community Development 44kGOme,K1 F Minnesota Public Facilities Authority Drinking Water Revolving Fund Requirements for Placement on 1998 Intended Use Plan The Drinking Water Revolving Fund program will become operational in late 1997. The Public Facilities Authority plans to adopt the 1998 Intended Use Plan in September 1997. The Intended Use Plan will identify those projects that are targeted to receive loans in state fiscal year 1998 (July 1997 - June 1998). If you will be submitting a request for placement on the Minnesota Department of Health's Project Priority List and you anticipate that your project will receive all necessary approvals and be ready to proceed by June 1998, you must also submit a request to the Minnesota Public Facilities Authority for placement on the 1998 Intended Use Plan. To be eligible for placement on the Intended Use Plan, a project must be listed on the Department of Health's Project Priority List, and a written request must be submitted to the Authority that includes: • A brief description of the project. • An updated project cost estimate and the requested loan amount, if different. • A project schedule. • An estimate of the monthly disbursement of loan proceeds. (The loan proceeds will be disbursed as costs are incurred.) Requests for placement on the 1998 Intended Use Plan should be submitted to the Public Facilities Authority as soon as possible. The deadline for receiving these requests is September 8, 1997. Requests should be sent to: Jeff Freeman Minnesota Public Facilities Authority Department of Trade and Economic Development 500 Metro Square 121 Seventh Place East Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101-2146 a Drinking Water Revolving Fund Priority Point Worksheet kk�h#w� c-, Date Received: �' �'� s -Project o - - 4 s 4' b ° 5 ..I '••4 �n `System.Name , Reviewed.BX �WSID t r Total Points'Assigned Project Type: ❑ Watermain ❑ Storage ❑ Treatment Plant ❑ Chemical Feed ❑ Other (Specify) Directions for Assigning Priority Points ♦ Proposed projects must directly address an existing problem to be assigned points. ♦ Violations of secondary MCLS (e.g., iron, manganese) and hardness are eligible for basic infrastructure improvement points only. ♦ Priority point values are listed on the right side of the sheet. No partial points are assigned unless otherwise indicated. ♦ The 36 -month window for contaminant violations is measured from the date proposal is received. ♦ Supporting documentation, if available, should be enclosed or noted on the line below the violation type. ♦ Priority points for each item may be assigned only once, even if two separate occurrences qualify for priority points in one proposal. See enclosed glossary of terms for explanation of abbreviations. Under priority points N.A. means not applicable. 4720.9020 PUBLIC HEALTH PRIORITY POINTS Priority Points Subp. 1. Existing eligible public drinking water -supply Only existing eligible public drinking water supply projects can be assigned N.A. points under subp. 2, 3, and 4. Subp. 2 - Acute violations A. Acute violation of MCL for any contaminant in the past 36 months (greatly 0 25 exceeds the MCL for an extended period of time including THMs for surface water, VOCs, SOCs, and IOCs. An acute violation under this category will be determined by the MDH health risk assessment on a case-by-case basis) B. Acute violation of the MCL for nitrate or nitrite in the past 36 months 0 25 (must have a NOV or other special conditions). C. Occurrence of a waterborne disease outbreak or an acute infectious illness 0 25 during past 36 months. 1 D. Acute violation of MCL for total coliforms in the well or point of entry to the distribution system for surface water systems in the past 36 months (must have a boil order issued by MDH or positive repeat sample). E. Acute violation of MCL for total coliforms in the distribution system in the past 36 months (must have a boil order issued by MDH or positive repeat sample If you have assigned points under item D above, points cannot be assigned here). Subp. 3 -Failure to comply with treatment technique requirements A. Failure to comply with the MDH requirement for filtration or disinfection orders as outlined in the Surface Water Treatment Rule. B. Failure to comply with the MDH requirement for treatment other than in subpart 3(A) in the past 36 months (e.g., Lead and Copper Rule, any future regulations). Subp: 4 -Nonacute violation A violation of a nonacute primary MCL during the past 36 months, including THMs for surface water, VOCs, SOCs, and IOCs. 0 25 0 15 0 15 0 13 0 15 -ubp. 5 - Contaminated private wells Only projects resulting in the creation of, or connection with, an eligible public water supply will be assigned points under this subpart. If greater than 50 percent of the private wells tested exceed MCLS, then full points are assigned; If 50 percent or less of the wells tested exceed MCLS, then one-half of the maximum points are assigned. Data from an approved laboratory must be submitted. A. Private well test results indicate an acute violation -.of -any -contaminants, nitrate, 0 nitrite, waterborne disease outbreak, acute infectious illness, total coliform, VOCs, SOCs, or IOCs. B. Private well "Drinking Water Advisory' -'has been -issued by -the MDH. 0 4720.9025 INADEQUATE WATER SUPPLY PRIORITY POINTS Subp. 1. Consistently provide. Subp. 2 - Existing public drinking water supplies. Supplies serving a population greater than 1,000 people must have a Minnesota Department of Natural Resources approved emergency and water conservation plan that has been approved, and evidence of implementation by the PWS. A. Existing PWS is unable to consistently provide for domestic water demand, excluding industrial and commercial uses. 12.5 25 5 10 N.A. N.A. 0 15 B. Existing PWS is able to consistently provide for domestic water demand, but 0 7 unable to consistently provide for other uses, including industrial and commercial. Subp. 3 - Inadequate supply from private wells Only projects that result in creation of, or connection with, an eligible public water supply will be assigned points under this subpart. A. Greater than 50 percent of private wells are unable to consistently provide an 0 15 adequate amount of water for general household purposes as demonstrated by analysis of the aquifer supply and the demand of water in the area. B. 50 percent or less of private wells are unable to consistently provide an adequate 0 5 amount of water for general household purposes as demonstrated by analysis of the aquifer supply and the demand of water in the area. 4720.9030 PUBLIC DRINKING WATER INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS Subp'1. - Existing public drinking water supplies Only existing eligible public drinking water supply projects can be assigned priority N.A. points under this part, and under only one subpart. Projects cannot be assigned points under this part if points have been assigned under parts 4720.9020 or 4720.9025. abp. 2 -System reliability Demonstrated need for a backup well or interconnection with another system. 0 7 Subp. 3 -Looping of watermains. 0 7 Subp. 4 -Chlorine feed equipment. 0 7 Subp. 5 -One day storage. 0 6 .� Subp. 6 -Other infrastructure projects. 0 5 4720.9035 ADDITIONAL PRIORITY POINTS CATEGORIES Subp. 1 - Natural disaster Points will be assigned under this subpart only if an existing PWS, or portion thereof, N.A. has been damaged or destroyed by a natural disaster. A statement must be submitted that other state or federal relief is not available. A. Greater than 50 percent of the proposed project will replace or repair an existing 0 15 PWS damaged or destroyed by a natural disaster. B. 50 percent or less of the proposed project will replace or repair an existing PWS 0 10 damaged or destroyed by a natural disaster. 3 ibp. 2 - Compliance Proposed project enables PWSs to comply with an APO, BCA, permit, or other enforceable 0 10 document issued by the MDH. Subp. 3 - Consolidation Proposed project will result in consolidation of existing public drinking water supplies. 0 10 Subp. 4 - Source water protection A proposed project, or any portion thereof, is needed in order to protect the drinking water 0 3 source. Financial assistance to implement a WHP plan is eligible for priority points, but financial assistance for the development of WHP plans is not eligible (e.g., sealing wells). 4720.9040 FINANCIAL NEED Subp. 1 - General Only projects sponsored by community public drinking water supplies can be assigned N.A. priority points under this subpart. Subp. 2 - Median household income The median household income levels of the state must be determined from income N.A. data from the most recent census of the United States or data from the state demographer. ubp. 3 - Assignment of points Project sponsored by community PWS with median household income less than either 0 5 the median household income for a metropolitan or nonmetropolitan area, as applicable. Minnesota Department of Health District Engineers Northeast District Office 218/723-4642 Mike Luhrsen Duluth, Minnesota Northwest District Office 218/755-3820 Larry Cole Bemidji, Minnesota West Central District Office 218/739-7587 Steve Pederson Fergus Falls, Minnesota Central District Office 320/255-4216 Dave Schultz 'ill Anderl on Groethe St. Cloud, Minnesota .Metro District Office Bob Smude Bassam Banat Brian Noma Karla -Peterson. St. Paul, Minnesota 612/215-0766 612/215-0750 612/215-0947 612/215-0761 South Central District Office 507/389-2501 Mark Sweers Mankato, Minnesota Southeast District Office 507/285-7289 Paul Halvorson Rochester, Minnesota Southwest District Office 507/537-7308 John Blomme Marshall, Minnesota 4 5/97 Minnesota Department of Health CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION 11 AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE U 9.COUNCIL ITEMS: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk 8/11/97 - 6:30PM ITEM NU111BER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: PREPARED BY: EB , CC 9.1. Discussion of Water and Sewer a. Choose site selection for Sewage Treatment Plant b. Any other sewer and water business BACKGROUND: a. Attached is the information from John Harwood regarding the two site selections that the Counicil recommended he review at the last Counicl Meeting. Also is the site selection S. of #36 that Dayton preferred. John has not recommended, he has just given you the information. The Council can determine what they feel is best. John will be at this Council Meeting for any questions. b. Any other Sewer and Water Business I have the Agenda proposed for the 8/19/97 wrokshop uhder Bob Kirmis Planning items so he can review with you and then be able to leave. This item is for any other business you may need or want to bring up. RECOMMENDATION: This is a Council decision. Than -k Elaine Hakanson F)7/ 3601 Thurston Avenue 103 Pine Street Anoka, Minnesota 55303 Monticello, MN 55362 Anderson (612) 427-5860 (612) 295-5800 A,ssoc,,Inc, (612) 427-a4e1 Fax (612) 295.4488 Fax OfZ o Memorandum To: c Date: 9 �y o� OTld y o Subject: GtJGUT/� .%irk �•t rig F File #: Narrative: 1-rrIc'Y60 /I /9IfrA o� 7 -WO Tc"'ree? /aGNri/co ,1/ ,�/rd ( / - ZY- o/ 4tiv / y1 -Oa, ,moo T/� .Ti r6 iQr=c /�i s �n v Gu i r�C /sTiry /.s..�-i XIrd C��rllt�.vs, O� C'a�cR6 cr/a.� �E�•ctiicd��•vrl . �of� Cyac,. c0 1-J cC d rr'c 'V 'eRv w C. /Z • 34!r . cc: '06WC. y /y '00n. T/u.*J O !4 .1 //f2re 6 /t AOfA c � L Ti%EtiG` GvocicQ *Fd loz4 /�i/irY /,y .'(C Aof0Ad'OL �y /000.) �/ s�� /�� �O t� r /aw • .r _f�l/C -- i I� lrriJllil /'�/' C �i / Ct,,f C &//.i 4.' 7- .iE E.�.I' To Ld ir�i O�yE .i'C d �y�2iO ��,� ,�uru�+c � Oiid/rt�1 c c n�.G/1 ficr y _ ,rd d WO OA- 40491TIO,J�+6 Coir 1,4&7,,f ./ Gv/rJ( lodlc` A00FA cd4 r . 15/lAcCG /- yZ -oo rvii/ RG f U,,Ad /7 /24eet C//,!'d Td 1 al"eecr /.cj ,4IV40ki,.f4re4 ��uAl eeIVW Vee 2.fA-,'o 1 / 2 S C. 1 , T. 120, R.23 ALSO PART OF SEC. 12 ,T.12O ,R.23 ?o 2Cc !Co 0 2co / ~ R b 77 J r "WO717] ,r-,� .,cam, '� �'•'"� � `t`" • . s t Ica AMC" nf. C- rW k -j -MIS ..... ..... 4 ty t 4 AMC" nf. C- rW k -j -MIS ..... ..... ice- -la SCZ� IN ra-T SEC. 3 6. 74 "It 4L =& mt R7 lk n I., .Aar 14- r� lt�f P N. I/2 S CE C - 1 7 T. 120, R.23 ALSO PART OF SEC. 6, T. 120, R.22 200 100 0 2CO SCALE IN F---1 S EC'. --, 6 , T. i'Z 1, P 2-55 0124-'[ QI1. 6Zo lei 012404 Ao 012 400 N. 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Z.� Z �F-.-� r-• �'. c ��. -r � �` C �r� xi^�c--' � _ I. a. a'- .,�-li•j L��j�.1• y �'��•��+Q�} �. 1 �� yry� x J.� � •'�T� _ �; 45-�{ i*..�� �`e• N... � ,' "�i- 2'Y•f -tom ��NF f S �.T� ;�++!' - ' . � 3x_ _ �. �'' t�ns' -�.a;r r... rte.• is _ —.ch .�,ki.. .,..w -�" C` .�. �ti: .,.1• t �i' u } � � L��'t R'��� �� �i �. �! t r X �=-3}4,F�1 - p� 3 �` xc •� f. ,..zu •%+• y,�, � � �,i3. � :r S .. � .+i.0 r* .. ' 1. - 47 �dZ7Z...� kr i Wit_ h,�TT 3 t «+ t t b4 tCr ' "4 r'' � �--re•- r? _ .t-',tr. '"" + .n I �`•' Y.� a.... ti a. �`, ` ,h" •r4 •tom - '�•-u ��k Y. s - —> ...�:1>` •,�s�- _ f� v � � ..fes„ •sir'.: �}_. ''�-..c -�.. a__ i..•. t' r' �rr t --S •� mss, - '�`-�!' _ .i --��:;�+e. �[�!! "'�'� ; "ry -i cif: •,f"-1 � _ _ _. g. ._ •_ t. -� G/toc.•� iL/uc� l Hakanson ® 3601 Thurston Avenue 103 Pine Street Anoka, Minnesota 55303 Monticello55362 Anderson (612) 427-5860 (612) 295-- 58080 0 Assoc., Inc. (612) 4274404 Fax (612) 295-4488 Fax dfzO To : /llAy oma. eery Caauc < < clTy y oris o Attn: Memorandum Date: Subject: LtJGc�r/� .Ti rd f File #: Narrative: /�TT/J�//Gc� /f Afro PA> TGyo ARG/f6xredX /A! �1 c ria,-wJ qly✓/C 4 �c fg 6•v�a�� `A A GvwrR. $art( ./'irc�r ,ISE Z'Nft OA .%N/l fLGu� /�G�inl. frE /litE/lAR�tt�oN LJvuc� Tld�ui.t� tic c ,/,V fi�iC f'4*0-V A4.4"A)-Oe4dcll • To zdoiEto fOdrd ftdt Glirl 71fd PC!V g/E,cY e1?^cy /.v i9NY J'irc.` /l%d�yr� fie rTia•v .lG�«c�'/ON /l/lac t tJ' Ji T;( c< 00 0 _r/rd /U d oo c &IA 4'/4; -rl, L: / - // -o., f//J-, ooa J rG A?el7 —> 6'0 //c u1.4w/6' cc je'ew- /le-e/"I - l,4.4nr Xlr141< :I if t •j T . i _may t t . Yt � y�•:i�iay' �. Ile- . Ilk mv • ttS i��gg ,�I -i ti,� n {�,•,i•.:tip• •�� �r♦���k�4.��G.Kr At - X�. � �R�( •�- .C� _ .. �g� H,,e•�-f .. ��. Graf-k� � Ate^" �i r. •a ati ,�y � � � P� .y A- •y .y` 1, � � 4 1 M �O ` ; a Vii} �'►'�?+ i 2�- jf 3* � \ \ t C'- +'-Jai vtir��•`' �� - �.. ♦ _ `-L� "'FQ��S'^s �, �;;K V V � � r: • t t'`ar�r) SJ J � 9iy���a •'' C C � [• � as •�� �r`r T�{w'Sy,�ti' {3tY � �, ` � � � �-c?f'�- ,1. u, +,k� o l J i +� '1!•4 •.� i •• t� it�.� by .t \ `O r. 4V1'e x` ,� [��y�y:•e. e� � N Io . •Jr •' ,.7�%ayi TI •i� :� s7' -:% >. `,' �n ti 1 .- . 1 1 7 jv ! :,t, � Lys ♦ l �,ti �i'� � 71 Hakanson Anderson Assoc.,Inc. O.?Jefo DESCRIPTION: _ Ergreers, Surveyors L Landscape Architects 3601 Trcrstcn Avenue, ArQ4a, Nnresata 55303 612-427-5860 FAX 612-427-3401 JOBB NO.: SHEET OF DESIGNED BY: DATE: CHECKED DATE: 0 ENGINEERS 0 0 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS A I SURVEYORS 0 '' OFF W m WA EM, Im9.Li' " ANN! m ■■■■■■■■■■■■ ON ■ ■■■�■■■■■��■ON■■■EINEE■ • - �r��■■r�����■®tea- • ■��■■■■■■ ■■■■ NOTRA - 50m- wma��■ �*rs� � ■ON ■■■■ ■■■ ■■■■■■■■■ MiESEENE ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ISEENNIENINaNO 0■il■■■■■ ON IMEN ■■■■■■■■W IN ■NEIN■■■ ■■■■■■.■iii■■■■■■■W Xz ■■■■■■/r teFREE ■■0 Mme■■■ ■■ ■. on ■ ■ C . n■■ :� 0 ENGINEERS 0 0 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS A I SURVEYORS 0 . f•Y� y� i ' tf: :Fit• r •!',Ti !.� Ay CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION DEPARTMENT MEETING DATE Council Items August 11, 1997 ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: PREPARED BY: 9.2 City owned Pole Bldg. Judy Hudson, Deputy Clerk and Jerry Olson, Bldg. Off Attached is a quote for the repair of the pole building located on the City Hall site. The quote of $2,072.00 is outlined in the attached statement from Pro Star Buildings. This is just for structure work and doesn't include windows and fixing the nail holes. Also not included in this quote is painting the building. With new metal sheets being used there would be a difference! ! ! ! Replacement cost for a 40 X 100 foot pole building (colored metal) is approximately $23,000. The average pole building runs about $6.00 per square foot per Big Lake Lumber. According to the 1997 MN Building Valuation Data a new stick built would run about $23 per square foot and according to City Ordinance this is the type that would be required. Insurance: Judy talked to Dan Green, regarding insuring the current building. The insurance would run about $189.00 annually. In fact, Dan did a binder for us if the Council decides to insure it. The coverage is for replacement value. If the building was destroyed it would be replaced. This is a non -conforming use and any new building would have to meet City requirements. If the City would decide not to replace it, the depreciation factor would be paid. If the City would want to replace the building but at a different location and of a different type the City would still be paid the replacement value. A letter was received from the Minnesota Fire Museum, Inc., (attached) stating they would remove the building at no cost of liability to the City. I checked with Gary Groen to see if there is any money available for a new building!!! The attached Capital Equipment Budget shows $87,700. Out of this, approximately $30,000 will go towards the crack sealing project, leaving about $57,000. None of the items on this list have been purchased. There is also approximately $130,000 in the Building Fund that has never been used. If the Council decides to repair, the money will probably come from the $7,000 Paint Pole Shed Budgeted amount. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The current building appears to be less than 50% damaged and therefore could be repaired. There is money available for the cost of repair and possibly paint. If this is what the Council decides, we recommend to hire professionals to do the repair. Or, is this the time to consider evaluating the Public Works needs, the Park and REC needs, and look into what these needs require for a newly constructed building located on a different site than what it is presently located. We recommend insuring the building. MINNESOTA FIRE MUSEUM, INC. 913 MAIN STREET ELK RIVER, MN 55330 August 4, 1997 Ms. Elaine Beatty, City Clerk City of Otsego Otsego City Hall 8899 Nashua Avenue Otsego, MN 55330 Dear Ms. Beatty: In the event the City of Otsego determines not to repair the metal storage building located adjacent to the City Hall, the Minnesota Fire Museum is prepared to dismantle and remove the structure at no cost of liability to the City. The Museum would relocate the building to a site on the Pioneer Power facility near LeSueur. Very truty-ypurs, �MN OTA FI MUS UM, INC R nald G. lack GB:jt c: G. Runquist . AUG 5 1997 1; - MINNESOTA FIRE MUSEUM, INC. 913 MAIN STREET ELK RIVER, MN 55330 August 4, 1997 Ms. Elaine Beatty, City Clerk City of Otsego Otsego City Hall 8899 Nashua Avenue Otsego, MN 55330 Dear Ms. Beatty: In the event the City of Otsego determines not to repair the metal storage building located adjacent to the City Hall, the Minnesota Fire Museum is prepared to dismantle and remove the structure at no cost of liability to the City. The Museum would relocate the building to a site on the Pioneer Power facility near LeSueur. Very truty-ypurs, �MN OTA FI MUS UM, INC R nald G. lack GB:jt c: G. Runquist Jul -23-97 12:49P COUNTRY LUMBER 6122614134 P.01 A division of CountryLumberinc. 7-23-97 City of Otsego 8899 Nashawa Ave. Otsego, Mn. 55330 Attn. Jerry Olson Re: Storm damage to building Estimate to repair: 30' of roof steel, purlins, ridge cap and closures, also to laminate 1- 2x8x20' to the side of damaged truss. Price includes replacing 1- 16'3"x 11'8" sliding door on endwall. ( All steel is galvanized Materials, tax, delivery and labor = $2,072.00 Note: Jerry, The roof steel design that you have on your roof is not available anymore. So I figured our standard steel. If you have any questions please give me a call. Thank You &4A 4* Brad Bishop Pro -Star Buildings Inc. Lic. # 20039253 P.O. Box 425 - Becker, MN 5530 1-800-247-0295 12) 261-4444 rat -)c MIN I IR liz MOT 71 IV FIT. ix. V. NA& -4,4, -'�N4 zw . .,�at ;A Z 77 nv 3z s i. VS. T� cad .�j S- Axcsr�� S3 JAIC1 it Wy - Jo 74, cad .�j S- Axcsr�� S3 JAIC1 i Budget WMUheets Fund 206 Service Activity for Capital Equipment 1997 Expenditures -Capital Equipment Amount Streets & Roads Trailer 7,700 Bobcat Lease 10,000 2 Overhead Doors 10,000 Air Compressor 4,000 Pressure Washer 3,000 2 Gas Fan Heaters 4,000 Salt Shed 5,000 Paint Pole Shed 7,000 Total 50,700 General Government Special Assessment Software 1,000 PID Software 5,000 Payroll Software 3,000 Awning -Service Counter 1,000 Paint Shed at 8899LNashua 5,000 Replace Front Steps-Schooi 10,000 Total 25,000 Emergency Preparedness Siren System 12,000 Total Capital Outlay 87,700 -v 27 �,,, CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCK ACTION 11 AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE 9.COUNCIL ITEMS: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk 8/11/97 - 6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: PREPARED BY: EB , CC 9.5. Discussion of Otsego Cemetery (See attached information) BACKGROUND: At the last Council meeting the Council asked that the Otsego Cemetery be checked out as to how it woxks with the association. I called Della Anderson and she said she had turned her records over to Elaine Norin for her to put together a book on the cemetery. I called Elaine Norin and she has been researching the cemetery and attached is the information I thought you would like to see. Elaine will have a book coming out soon. The cemetery is owned by the City of Otsego and run by an association and as you will see it has changed over the years but is still being run by an association committee. If after you read the enclosed information, you need to have more we can see if Harlan Rask would be willing to come to a Council Meeting to answer questions, or if you have questions I can let him know and get answers. Hope this helps. RECOMMENDATION: This is for Council information. Thanks �e Elaine GRAVES IN THE OTSEGO CEMETERY The following list is alphabetized for easy reference. Information included here was derived from sight inspection of the cemetery, old books of records and the Otsego Township Register of Deaths records for the years 1871 to 1914. Facts are shown just as they appear on the source document where words and names are often misspelled. For some there is very little information available; for others, very complete facts were found. Where handwritten records, or inscrip- tions on stones were not legible, material is shown: ? , 1884?, r ? , etc. The first column contains the name. Next is the block and lot number wh-ich identifies the location on the map. The date and place of birth follows the abbreviation "b"; the date and place of death follows "d". The last column contains additional information. Epitaphs are enclosed by " ". Age at death is often shown as the number of years "y", months "m" and days "d". Parents' names and places of birth, occupation of the deceased, marital status (married, widow, etc.), cause of death, name and location of attending physician and name and location of the undertaker/funeral director/mortician are included when known. Names of cities in Minnesota do not include "MN". Many "place of death" entries show Elk River. It is possible that some of these should be Otsego.—The post office address was often used instead of the Township location. In some cases there is a written record of burial, but no marker has been found. If known, the block and lot number is indicated. It is possible that these may have been wood which deteriorated, or some stones may have broken up or were lost to vandalism. Some stones, overgrown with grass or shrubs may still be hidden. DRIYr- h/AY 1 I I I I 3 I ! H %1 - --- - 174-�f5- T Al4 3 w 1 I ---159 -- - -.bo- -- .61- y 56 1 0 - - II'Lot number'tY R, -39 . , �` + 3 y Block number 9 .I Total Area - 4 acres Ij Middle lots - 36 X 36 feet West side lots - 13 1/2 X 36 feet ! N Eye99 East side lots - 27 X 36 feet e QZ �t�. OTSEGO (-wIjLJMETE-jY :Y• •i c »-!r• l � � f.>S, .�•�i.� ;�1.;�. I i�;, ;'3iS,*• y,,� � y}' �.' `r .. .. / t I ,Y/('� t�:C :. .w .'�` t'. .�C tliv �• t. ./ f `'• �'f:/� '// I ,,..,t.�.�� c �..-+Y• 'tet ��' ;� fir, i :���,( ,i. �. �.- `i'f.f'�i , f„ r' �. !fir, �1 �'• ! i cY r � • yl�, ' t _ d ;' ,` `L i �! ,.'•�� :/ �y Ar ,••�� MJF( ���;'�t t .�,, ��'•.. v,. 7�� ?its.. Lt ;a<t ,l ,y :t �� 7` •+r � .��, ` `� fir. o � r � c' •n.••r '': � , nV, � rs: �, :6. t .1 c �L) . \}I♦ f .:'tfi,�..:- t � � ` � S I ;t 1 I � ' } �.c. s ✓ : :H�. r ,. ... f c / • :.4.. ! ` � � � j '�� � r • . � � 11t ''a !- A •.ft!. n •. i+s = [.' i z c z o ,,,�,... ' >n, Ile Ai •frY zf: re: • � • tIs , .. �' _� I I • I 1 �. "•J.r',r .H• i ...az:• ...:,1,. \��_'. ., ear 1 - . t 1 to ' r Lt 6-"W94,4 '►/ a '!. �' : i .f:'.?R.' jv'�• f . r c r • . i N _ �r,. j 2', M �1%"ii�ift/>rJ'R NrM r ' �` �r, 'j+ � •• �- h �fbb ,• t4 rti �-"•v n -..r i to s `' -7> .�f �fff'1•7,a'My�f f' tr f(,,�, +MF x"�'1% i c , - y x L��yyf •.I r ;! � y.Z N.rpr .•r•Y �r.y� t>� ;`!'••�r,7t » „ !•' •�` ` . ry-`.♦' fe ��, w rl !� L �. ICv•(.y •w.if ....iv`y., .!%� T— .•"fir. , ••.�T. •M "i •'P.•� 1 �� .r rri q�'!t'y'i:„"t ""'sl �i,•� rrp•�'°I'1 •840j -4o ,1 zaLMO 4TJLa go saur u smoL(S i n T:� r if•'9`�!�r.ef►f<, dew p o A19A Ri tngo 'w�f►�+ 'u i sno f► a riQ 'pa'4EpLRl STL(Z IVI•'„`•'^ �...� a ,. • : * ' �• + ,;,� -+ i 7 �. �. wyp►lvss t Tth mi'��O s� L1E ,of I 1..-�s ti - r..•r .K't 4 rj SLA cth .y�'7C'✓ cl r”" a ih£ f of c92 fdd r .._ „ ..rr..� ! ! 1"•'1Id"7 / �. , '! !j'"7w+"S .'i'�r /r•+•.K'� V f / •d".t�^(r ••r r ..�..L t\• w, y ..(�"?!�!'[+\% b _h•., .. ,t M ,:1., a l��• C 1 • '` T e `"YL"4 7 Y T •" l ri , • �} r 6T r I �[7-�� ST 1Z ri �'•�j=. �• .�. ! . _C..�.�...-.� _ J+/'•"W `;,"/ h ,y,.•. v.� y, •f f :!i'�r�� r '�.1.-'i rrl / r f�ea0: , ri.• )i'►/iL r • .. ... •.'"�'K _� Y 4 ...�wM�.M, N a.; l,''L '1 •Y �.v♦,,,r.rM ♦ �•�.��-?..ter ""pit' f `or=^^nrbL� NAME Ackerman Helen A. Ralph E. Adams Dott H. Ida M. Justin R. Lydia E. Samuel Anderson Conrad Judy Ann Andrews Marshall A. BUCK/ DATE & PLACE Lar # BORN & DIED INSCRIPTIONS, ETC. 35-1 b. Nov. 14, 1932 Dare's, Elk River d. Feb. 23, 1996 "Accidently" 35-1 b. Apr. 14, 1932 Dare's, Elk River d. Feb. 23, 1996 36-2 d. Apr. 12,;1863 "Son of Saml. & L E Adams" Age 2y 3m 7d 36-2 d. Apr. 24, 1864 "Daughter of Saml. & L E Adams" Age 9y 2m 36-3 b. Sep. 13, 1865 'bur Brother" Divorced Laborer MN Parents - Samuel & Lyde E. b. Maine d. Jan. 15, 1906 Shot & Killed by W. E. Brandt Dr. A. G. Moffatt, Coroner, Wright County 36-2 b. 1827 Age 77y 6m Maine d. Nov. 6, 1904 36-2 b. 1821 Age 77y 6m Maine d. Feb. 25, 1899 d. Apr. 30, 1996 Dare's, Elk River 17-2 b. 1943 Dare's, Elk River d. Aug. 14, 1943 80-4 b. May 19, 1824 "An honest man is the noblest work Mass. of God" d. Apr. 21, 1894 Age 69y llm 2d Occupation - Mason Parents - Amos & Elizabeth b. Maine In 1989 a group of dedicated volunteers raised funds and made major improvements. A new chain-link fence now surrounds the site and a beautiful wrought iron gate welcomes visitors. The driveway was extended and an abandoned well was sealed. Local organizations made generous contributions to the project: Elk River American Legion $2500.00 Albertville Lions 2000.00 Elk River Veterans of Foreign Wars 2000.00 Albertville Jaycees 500.00 Elk River Eagles 500.00 Numerous smaller contributions were made by interested individuals.,_ During the summer of 1996, the Otsego Heritage Preservation Commission started a project to provide an accurate and permanent record of the graves. A site inspection was needed to identify graves not listed on any written records. A new map was necessary to identify locations of graves by block and lot numbers. Peter Rognli of Boy Scout Troop 90 was looking for a community service project to work on. After learning what was needed he volunteered to help. He recruited a group of Boy Scouts: Frank Anderson, Aaron Arstein, Eric Arstein, Dan Bauer, Chris Behnecke, Jeff Bratz, Mike Hurley, Chad Schumacher, Brent Steuve and Wade Will from Elk River and Peter Lantto, Charles Rodby, Mike Rosenow, Rick Stack and Chris Womson from Otsego. Donna Bratz, Elk River and Jacquie-"Pognli, Otsego served as adult on-site supervisors. Many hours of work were completed during some hot summer weather. These volunteers located the corner markers for the numbered blocks - most of these were overgrown with grass. Temporary flags were placed to mark the blocks and alleys. A new map was drawn. In addition, they listed all visible names in every block. They cleaned up overgrown brush, pruned some trees, straightened some leaning monuments and uncovered some stones overgrown with grass. Inscriptions on gravestones were read and recorded by Jacquie Rognli and Elaine Norin. In many cases they were so old and worn that only a few words could be read. The result of this research and these projects is the following list of over 450 identifiable graves and a map to show their locations. T H E O T S E G O C E M E T E R Y The Otsego Cemetery is a treasured historical site. There is evidence that it was used as early as 1854. The oldest graves were discovered by sight inspec- tion. O Charlie Pippin - died Oct. 28, 1854 - age 1 year 6 months O Charlie L. Pippin - died Feb. 8, 1861 - age 4 years 10 months 6 days A single monument marks these two graves. It is inscribed "Suffer the little children to come to me and forbid them not for of such is the Kingdom of God" "Children of J & J Pippin" O Albert E. Porter - died Feb. 13, 1858 - age 6 years O Juliett Porter - died Apr. 10, 1864 - age 18 years The epitaph on their monument reads "Children of S & M J" O Julia LaPlant - died Jan. 31, 1861 - age 4 years 3 months 15 days Her gravestone identifies her as "Daughter of C & E LaPlant" O Charles B. Cooley - died Feb. 9, 1861 - age 3 years 3 months O Emma F. Cooley died Jan. 31, 1864 - age 2 years 5 months 12 days Their monument is engraved "Children of A L & M Cooley" Charlie L. Pippin, Julia E. LaPlant and Charles B. Cooley all died within a ten day period in 1861. All were young children. It may be assumed that they were victims of some contagious childhood disease such as Scarlet Fever or Diptheria. These families lived very near one another and the LaPlants and Pippins were related to each other. Later township records of deaths reveal evidence of epidemics; a series of deaths within a short time - all attributed to the same communicable disease. The families bereaved by the above deaths : John Baptiste Pepin (often spelled Pippin in early records), his wife Julia (Osier) and children John and Priscilla, came to Otsego in 1854 with Charles LaPlant, his wife Elizabeth (Osier) and children Oliver and Mary. Julia and Elizabeth were sisters of Lewis Osier who had established a trading post in Otsego. Alvah Landers Cooley, his wife Margaret (Faulkner) and children Burton Sidney, Ellen Viola and Ada Marie came to Otsego in 1853, only a year after the first permanent settler, John McDonald. Seneca Porter and his wife Mary Jane arrived in Otsego in 1855 with their children Juliett, Jane, Alice, Albert and Ellen. The cemetery covers approximately four acres. About two acres on the east side Y�� were acquired by Otsego Township for $20.00 from Alvah Cooley. The deed was recorded in Wright county March 25, 1867. xkbI -72- -r4 Al 41" 1:21Y � r r 70 5, -gT �5VY-ol- .UUT aaArg ainoll UOTITOS Slalom053SIO3 0 This notice changed the method of charging for gravesites: NOTICE Effective as of January 1, 1964, the Otsego Cemetery will be run on a Perpetual Care Basis as follows: Each New Lot Will Be $50.00 Each New Grave Entered $40.00 All people paying dues will continue to do so until first burial takes place, then they go into perpetual care. Anyone. wishing to make a settlement in a lump sum may do so. Signed: Otsego Township Board Otsego Cemetery Association Dues payments for old graves continued through 1972. In 1973 the board decided to discontinue annual dues and sent letters requesting $25.00 per grave as final settlement for perpetual care. There are records of $65.00 payments for gravesites from 1973 through Feb. 1978. From Oct. 18, 1978 through 1981 there are payments of $125.00. The price of $150.00 per gravesite plus $75.00 for perpetual care was in effect from July 1982 to December 1992. In 1993 the price was increased to $350.00 per site plus $100.00 for perpetual care. The cemetery is owned by the City of Otsego. It is non -denominational and gravesites can be purchased only by residents of Otsego. Cemetery business and administration is handled by an unpaid volunteer board of directors iden- tified as the "Otsego Cemetery Association". The earliest record found naming members of the board is in minutes of a meeting held May 28, 1927. Jean Vail, S. A. Holt and Nellie Pepin are designated "Directors". The following changes in personnel are recorded in subsequent meeting notes: 1945 Guy LaPlant, President Mamie Thomas, Secretary -Treasurer Sid Mosman, Director Lewis Davis, " Lee Vail, it 1946 Gerald Peavey was elected Secretary -Treasurer to replace Mamie Thomas. 1953 Guy LaPlant, President Gerald Peavey, Secretary -Treasurer Roy Spencer, Director Lewis Davis, If Lee Vail, of 1964 William Bell, President Gerald Peavey, Secretary -Treasurer Frank Johnson, Director Andy Davis, Jr., " John Anderson, ” 1967 Della Anderson was elected Secretary -Treasurer to replace Gerald Peavey (deceased). 1975 Harlan Rask replaced Frank Johnson. 1978 William Bell transferred the presidency to Harlan Rask and remained a Director. Eugene Kreuser was elected to replace Andy Davis, Jr. 1991 William Bell died Dec. 28. on the following page is a copy of the minutes of early meetings of the board. C .... The major cost of maintaining the cemetery appears to be mowing the grass. The following hourly rates are mentioned in meeting notes: 1953 $ .80 1964 1.35 1966 1.50 1974 1.60 1978 2.65 1984 4.00 This copy of an early record illustrates early costs. It appears that the hourly rate in 1947 was $.50. Early sales were apparently "by the lot". Land in the cemetery is sectioned in numbered blocks, most of which measure 36 by 36 feet. Each block contains four lots, measuring 18 by 18 feet. Some lots contain as many as six graves. Blocks are separated by three foot wide alleys. The earliest record of payments is a book covering the period from June 18, 1924 through.1933. Many individuals paid $2.00 and $3.00 "dues" and Otsego Township paid $50.00 a year. Minutes of the April 3, 1953 meeting confirm the amounts charged for "dues". Claims Li,- or Approval MUNICIPAL OF CITY OF OTSEGO For the period 08/06/97 to 08/06/97 nkinF.io7 )2 3 TO WHOM PAID FOR WHAT PURPOSE DATE CLAIM NUMBER TOTAL CLAIMNUMBER ACCOUNT ACCOUNT AMOUNT _ - i5 GOPHER, "PORT PARK EQUIPMENT 08/06/97 2725 1,044.20 101-45200-501 1,044.20 6 UNLIMITED ELECTRIC, INC SERVICE CALL 08/06/97 2726 61.00 101-41940-402 61.00 iB ELK RIVER MUNICIPAL UTILITIES SERVICE TO 7/3 08/06/97 2728 643.28 101-41940-322 36.68 9 0 101-43100-322 24.62 L„ G & K TEXTILE LEASING SYSTEMS JULY SERVICES 08/06/97 2729 290.92 101-41940-220 91.50 12 13 - _ _ 66,'06/95' 2-7aE) 101-43100-220 199.42 I14 5 1fi RANDYS SANITATION .7/,2? MAY & JUNE RECYCLING 08/06/97 2731 610.86 545.00 i0i 45290 390 101-41940-390 101-41610-390 GSG.GG 460.00 i 545.00 �17 IB 7'Q07 997 27,32 444.80 101-41400-320 101-43100-320 345. 64.22 19 101-45200-320 34.93 L 20 t - - • 21 101-41940-322 69.25 f �^ PARTS 08/06/97 2734 91.22 101-43100-220 91.22 '22 23 ELK RIVER FLORAL ARRANGEMENT 08/06/97 2735 42.60 101-41400-203 4 24 BFI - WOODLAKE SANITATION SERVICE JULY SERVICE 08/06/97 2736 317.50 101-41610-390 .60 317.50 25 7 S S JULY SERVICE 08/06/97 2737 507.47 101-41940-389 507.47 H GWEBER OIL COMPANY 7/17 DELIVERY 08/06/97 2738 700.56 101-43100-202 00. 6 ,.-26 NAPA OF ELK RIVER INC 7/29 PARTS 08/06/97: 2739 12.65 _.101-43100-220 12.65 271BAUFR Y ROS - -SAND & GRAVEL 08/06/97..2740 .1,073.52 101-43100-370 1,073.52 2B RIVER VALLEY LUMBER INC PARTS 08/06/97 2741 40.23 101-43100-220 1129 EARL G ANDERSON INC FREIGHT & SALES TAX 08/06/97 2742 12.57 101-43100-393 12.57 30 DUERRS WATeRCARE SERVICE JULY SERVICE 08/06/97 2743 19.80 101-43100-203 19.80 31 AT & T SERVICE TO 7/21 08/06/97 2744 19.36 92 33 101-41400-320 5.33 101-43100-320 8.55 34 STEPHENCONROY, ATTORNEY JUNE SERVICES 08/06/97 2745 2 6.0 1 1 X35 MINNESOTA COPY SYSTEMS INC. SUPPLIES FOR COPIER 08/06/97 2746 29.06 101-41400-201 29.06 36 37 WRIGHT-HENNEPIN CO-OP ELECTRIC ASSN SERVICE TO 7/17 08/06/97 2747 680.49 605-48000-322 32.04 38 - _4194 - 101-43200-322 . `39 q 22.63 101-43200-322 304.61 5 RADZWILL LAW OFFICE LEGAL SERVICES 08/06/97 2748 41410.10 101-41/00-3015 l40 701-41700-301 172.50 5 42 43 JULIE A. DALEIDEN DEPOSIT REFUND 08/06/97 2749 375.00 101-21803- 400.00 5 5 44 ZIEGLER CONSTRUCTION ESCROW REFUNDS 08/06/97 2750 1,200.00 - - 702-39100- - 5 1,200,00 5 45 ECM PUBLISHERS INC PRINTING & PUBLISHING 08/06/97 2751 999.24 101-41400-350 866.94 6 LAPLANT SANITATION INC RECYCLING & SERVICE A/C 4798&3209 08/06/97 2752 592.72 -4a 101-41940-325 6 102.72 6 EST DISPOSAL SERVICE AUGUST RECYCLING 08 0 /9 101-41610-390 - 490.00 6 6 50 [48 a -s 6 TOTAL FOR MONTH ,6']i TOTAL YEAR TO DATE 20,291.86 20,291.86 ] 7. 7: '.56 7 1 7. 7`