ITEM 1 Prairie FestivalITEM TO: Otsego Parks and Recreation Commission FROM: Ross Demant, Parks and Recreation Manager DATE: February 9th, 2015 RE: Otsego Prairie Festival Background: The 2014 Otsego Prairie Festival was an overwhelming success due in large part to the Committee members. I would like to thank each of them for their time and effort in help make the 2014 Festival a success. The Committee members included Jim Stockamp, Kim Welter, Brandy Favilla, Dan Licht, and myself. Kim Welter again provided media relations and website support throughout the year. She donated many hours making the look of the Festival modern and inviting. She again worked with our many sponsors to ensure that all of their information was accurate and accessible. Brandy Favilla again provided invaluable services when dealing with the 90 plus merchants that came to the Festival. Brandy fined tuned the process from 2013 which made check-in and take down run much smoother. Tami Loff also contributed your talents during the check-in process which added to the process being streamed lined. Jim Stockamp is the veteran member of the committee; his experience with past Festivals and of course the car club is a valuable asset to the committee. The car club continues to draw thousands of people each year. Jim is also considered the `Jack of All Trades" of the committee as he is affiliated with Otsego Rod and Custom, Lion's Club, and the Festival Committee. Dan Licht was another invaluable member of this committee; Dan is another committee member who is a "Jack of All Trades" also being affiliated with the Festival Committee, Lion's Club, and Otsego Rod and Custom. Dan provides valuable input throughout the planning process, and helps ensure the Festival is adhering to all policies and City Codes!!! The new events for the 2014 Festival included fireworks, the band Outside Recess, and a beer garden put on by the Lion's Club. All of these events were very popular with many requests to have them again in 2015. The committee estimated that we had close to 6,000 people participating the in day's festivities. Each year, the people involved with the Festival hear requests asking for more activities for teenagers. The Committee met and discussed different possibilities to meet this growing need. The idea was generated to propose a incorporating a carnival into the Festival. The Committee then researched local carnival vendors and is recommending contracting with Cody Rides. Cody Rides is a local full service carnival vendor offering rides, games, food, and inflatables. Cody Rides proposal includes them setting up and running their carnival Friday night and all day on Saturday. The attached map shows their proposed location, this location currently does not have any other Festival features on it. The proposed agreement would include the following: • 110 service to run rides, refrigeration, and campers for workers. Access to water for food tents. • Area for 4 campers to be set-up from Wednesday, September 9t" to Sunday, September 13tH 10% of ticket sales to the Festival. The carnival is set-up, tore -down, and operated completely by paid carnival staff many of which are current college students. Conclusion: On behalf of the Festival Committee I would like to thank the City Council for all of their support during the planning process and the day of the event. The Committee continues to strive to make the Festival a fun family event with many free and reduced entertainment opportunities. 2 PROPOSED 2015 OTSEGO PRAIRIE FESTIVAL BUDGET ENTERTAINMENT COST Outdoor Recess $2,100 Stage $900 Dancing Caravan $100 Sound $800 Fireworks $4,500 Naked Cowboys $600 Petting Zoo $1,700 Total $10,700 MISC. EXPENSES COST Port -O -Potties $400 Generators $500 Volunteer T -Shirts $320 Website $500 Insurance $500 Signage $500 Staffing $580 E-mails $250 Bags/ Bag Stuffers $1,530 Total $5,080 Expenses $15,780 FOOD & RIDE VENDORS PROJECTED FEES COLLECTED Vendors $1,900 Merchants (45) $2,506 TOTAL $4,406 SPONSORS PROJECTED In -Kind Donations $9,500 Cash Donations $6,500 INCOME City of Otsego $5,000 Carry Over from 2014 $5,889 Vendors & Merchants $4,406 SponsorShips(Cash) $6,500 $21,795