08-27-97 WSCITY OF OTSEGO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA CITY COUNCIL BUDGET WORKSHOP 4 P OTSEGO CITY HALL AUGUST 27, 1997 1 Mayor La= Fournier will call meeting to order - Mayor Fournier called the meeting to order at 4 PM. Roll Call: Mayor Larry Fournier, Councilmembers: Vern Heidner, Virginia Wendel, Mark Berning, Absent: Suzanne Ackerman Staff: Gary Groen, City Accountant; Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator; Judy Hudson, Deputy Clerk; Carol Olson, Secretary. 2 Further review of Budget - GaEy Groen. Gary Groen stated the Revenue Numbers are good. F.xpenditures There is about $157,000 more on expenditures than on the projected revenues and need to go over these. The Engineer's number have been added in the handout. Mayor and Council No Change Administration Increased by $30,000 to the Administrator Consultant position for a total of $60,000. Finance No change No change L"al Changed to $40,000 (by comparing to last year's and as per Council direction) Planning Commission No change As projected by the Planner CM Berning questioned if the $12,500 is a carry over from the 1997 for the Comp. Plan. Gary said this can be picked up as a revenue and than show it on the expenditure. CM Heidner questioned if money should be budgeted for developers coming in prior to submittal of application. It was discussed to take this money for expenses incurred from this from the Council Contingency Fund. The Council asked Staff to work on a policy for this. Council Budget Meeting of August 27, 1997, cont'd. Page 2. Economic Development Auhori T LeRoy Lindenfelser indicated they could cut budget $5,000 as stated in their minutes and the $5,000 included in the NAC proposal should actually be in this Budget. Therefore, reduce the Planner to $41,000 and $6,492 (total) for EDAAC. City Hall and Peavey House Council requested to separate these: Peavey House, Old City House and New City Hall. Drop the utilities to $9,000. Police 2,920 hours There was discussion on adding hours by CM Berning. Building Inspection Council requested to split Inspections and Enforcement. F.nvivincei ng CM Wendel asked if this includes the work with the sewer project. Mr. Kielb replied it does. He also stated he is asking for MSA reimbursement. Also discussed was money spent on the sewer project that could be reimbursed some day. Budgeted is for Council, staff, MSA needs, wetland reviews, public works projects. The Council requested Kevin to list out under the different names and for Gary to also list out separately. CM Ackerman arrived at this point (5:16 PM). Mr. Kielb went over the items from his August 25, 1997 letter. The overlays would be assessed and not included in this budget. CM Berning questioned the dust coating if this could be reduced and use the money in another area. There was also discussion on overlays - not assessing but taking funds out of the General Fund. CM Heidner would like to see more of a breakdown between winter and summer maintenance costs. Streets and Roads Gary went over the changes as requested by the Council from the last Budget Meeting. CM Berning thought Item 202 should be increased to $18,000 and delete Item 372 for $11,400 since it might be in the Item 373 Salt & Sand. Elaine will discuss this with Dave Chase. Animal Control Change to $3,500. City Council Workshop of August 27, 1997, cont'd. Page 3. Recycling Change to $32,000. Community Recreation Reduce to $15,000 Park Maintenance Remove $2,500 for engineering since the $8,500 is to cover all these expenses. Heritage Preservation Commission No Change But included as in the others the decision to pay the commissioners once a year which will also include the Planning Commission. Capital Equipment Fund Have about $87,000 sitting there that hasn't been used but could. $30,000 has been used for Street Maintenance which leaves about $57,000. 3 Any other Budget Lnformation/Ouestions Council directed Gary Groen to find out if this budget will increase the taxes. Also need to find out from David Chase on the Expenditures Budget. 4. Adjourn, CM Heidner motioned to adjourn. Seconded by CM Ackerman. All in favor. Motion carried. ayor L r Fo Hier ttest: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk&o#ing Adm. Judy Hudson Deputy Clerk CITY OF OTSEGO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP SANITARY SEWER/WATER PROJECT AUGUST 27, 1997 6:30 PM 1. Call Meeting to order by Mayor Lary; Fournier_ A. Roll Call: Mayor Larry Fournier; Councilmembers: CM Ackerman, CM Berning, CM Heidner, CM Wendel. Staff: Andrew MacArthur, City Attorney; David Licht, Bob Kirmis, City Planners; Kevin Kielb, John Harwood, City Engineers; Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator; Judy Hudson, Deputy Clerk. Mayor Fournier announced there would be no public input taken at this Workshop. 7. Unresolved Issues/Assumeionsavid Licht) David Licht: Purpose of this workshop is to give staff direction. A_ Treatment Plant Site Mayor Fournier stated the Council selected a site but is subject to change because there might be a willing seller. Mr. Licht said this decision must be made very soon. Is the Council firm on using Imminent Domain if necessary? B_ City of Dayton Participation Mayor Forseth gave solid support for Dayton Participation and they set a Public Hearing for September 29 but will try to change to September 22. They have agreed on Dayton's capacity for 100,000 gallons. CM Heidner asked if Dayton is willing to start construction in 1998. Mayor Forseth didn't see a problem with this and they need to adhere to the Shoreline Ordinance for year 2000. C. Trunk System David Licht: Assumes there is a general agreement that it extends down by CSAH 42 to CSAH 39. Council agreed except for CM Berning had concerns with this. - New site of plant - where will this trunk line go -from where it was originally or go down 36 and up 101? - Why a force main down 101? John Harwood: No significant change - but need to know exactly where plant site is. There is a significant wetland in the area. Could go in County ROW. Regarding the force main - gravity system - entire area from of top of hill runs north to lift station and from there pumped, all individuals services and buildings feed into a gravity sewer and from there pumped to treatment site. Most economical system is have everyone served by a gravity sewer City Council Workshop of August 27, 1997, cont'd. Page 2. and that is what is being proposed - entire system is gravity but when it gets to a point than have to pump it by force main to treatment. The lower portion by river area, that goes to a lift station by gravity from there it would get into force main. CM Berning: Asked why not a force main at 60th Street (St Michael Boundary) and therefore hookup commercial and industrial. Mr. Harwood agreed with this. There was further discussion on the size required for this. CM Berning: Questioned if there are problems crossing a gas line. Mr. Harwood: Can be done without a lot of problems, costs should be included in the report but are not detailed individually. D Service Area Identification - First Phase/Property Owner Contact David Licht: Critical to identify that development will carry cost of project. Mr. Harwood went over this with overheads of where he, Mr. Kielb and NAC have projected where development will first take place. Also gone over were the costs as attached. Mayor Fournier asked how these figures compare with other communities. Mr. Harwood noted they are in the same range for total costs. a_ Decision Mr. Licht noted the focus is for October 1 for submission of information to MPGA. Tom Roushar, Bonestroo: Requirements for State Revolving Fund is that PCA needs an approval facility plan by October 1. If this date is missed the next date is May 1. A Public Hearing must be held as a requirement and common policy to hold open for one week after the hearing. The advertisement is left up to the local entity and should reference in this the words "facility plans". The presentation should also cover waste water treatment. CM Heidner wanted to clarify that the September 30th deadline is only to secure funding through the State Revolving Fund and Otsego could always go through bonding or other means of funding. b Construction (Treatment Plant &Trunk Line) Mayor Fournier wants construction to start in 1998. Mr. Roushar stated typically it takes 18 months for construction. Allow 3 months for bidding process. John Harwood: Award contracts early spring of 1998 for start up in August 1999 Mayor Forseth: Determination is needed for running the plant and suggested the two city attorneys start on this. Decision: Joint Powers or Sewer District City Council Workshop of August 27, 1997, cont'd. Page 3. David Licht suggested that Bonestroo, Kielb, Harwood and MacArthur put together a timeline for construction and operation of treatment plant and trunk line - a flow chart of all the elements of the system. Mayor Forseth: Bonestroo (Ted Fields) needs in writing from the two cities outlining their capacity and process and a definite go ahead to finish the study. After discussion the Council consensus was for Bonestroo to complete the Feasibility Report except for CM Berning who feels rushed in areas of the service area and pending street projects where pipes can be placed in the middle of the road therefore going deeper which would eliminate lift stations. Also concern for the older developments in the city where septics could start failing, pipes going to those areas would everyone be assessed along the way. If pipe goes in Odean and assessed that area the assessment wouldn't be high and the availability would be there. Mr. Harwood noted if the entire service area was fully served it would be 1.4 million gallon treatment plant. In time everyone will be served but don't know when. The first step is get the plant built and the basic system in place. Mr. Licht noted that back in 1990 staff was directed that no properties developed were to be assessed and that is the directive they have followed. CM Berning stated if that is the case he feels very uncomfortable showing the public this area. Mr. Licht - The reason is trying to address the fundamental problem - the area with the one acre lots will fail someday and its the City's responsibility to be prepared. CM Berning also stated he feels the entire Lefebvre Watershed should have been included. Mr. Licht said this gets into policy and the service area line can change. CM Berning stated he is still not convinced to the show the developed areas at the Public Information Meeting. 3_ Draft Policies (David L.ichtl Mr. Licht stated that what has been presented is from direction of the Council. Mayor Fournier stated he agreed with them. CM Berning questioned how much burden would go on the General Fund if development doesn't take place as expected. Mr. Licht suggested this should be calculated out and other options explored. CM Wendel asked if this system could serve the entire City. Mr. Harwood replied it could through lift stations, plant expansion etc., but he wouldn't expect it. A. Background and purpose B. Review of Initial Draft C. Council Discussion D Additional Topics/Matters of Consideration E. Establishment of date for Council Action (Preliminary Approval) City Council Workshop of August 27, 1997, cont'd. Page 4. 4 Public Information Program David Licht) Public Information Meeting will double as the Public Hearing on the Wastewater Treatment Facility Plan. A_ Newspaper Articles Elaine Beatty and Staff will prepare. B. Special Addition - Cit, Newsletter Jacquie Rognli is preparing with staff and Mayor input. Public informational Meetings a. By Area b. City Wide The Council agreed to have one meeting City wide. 5 Public Informational Meetings(s) Presentation Outline A. Background Issues and Need (David Lichr.) B. Study/Work to Date (David Licht) C. Decision -Making Process/Time Schedule (David Licht) add Preliminary presentation of policies (�/ho is assessed and who pays the bill) D. Sewer Treatment System Plan (John HanA ood) Wastewater Treatment/Facility Plan (Bom;;troo) E. Trunk System (John Harwood) Trunk Collection System F. Water System (Kevin Kielb) F. System Finance (John Harwood/Gary Groen) H. System Policies (David Licht/John Harwood) I. Public Comment The Council agreed with all of the above. 6 Public Information Meetings Format A Councilap rticipation Consensus was for no direct council participation. Mayor will open and do introductions. Mayor and Council will be available for answering questions. B_ Moderator Council discussed for Mayor Fournier to be moderator. Staff will give some options. CStaff Assignments Staff feel they have clear direction. D_ Other 7 Other Business Mayor Fournier suggested another meeting of September 10, 1997 at 6:30 PM. City Council Workshop of August 27, 1997, cont'd. Page 5. R Adjourn CM Heidner motioned to adjourn. Seconded by CM Ackerman. All in favor. Motion carried. Workshop adjourned at 9 PM. Mayor Lar Fournier test: Elaine Beatty, ity Clerk/ rung Adm *RecedHudson, Deputy Clerk City Seal WSCC897.wps