09-08-97 CCCITY OF OTSEGO CITY COUNCEL MEETING SEPTEMBER 8, 1997 5. CONSENT AGENDA: 5.1. Gary Groen - Aprove Preliminary Tax Levy for 1998 CITY OF OTSEGO INVESTMENT SCHEDULE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1997 Investment Purchase Maturity Balance 1997 1997 Balance Type Date Date 12/31/96 Purchases Sales 7/31/97 Lasalle CD 7/14/95 12/2/02 $ 22,176.00 FHMA 7/14/95 12/10/98 98,750.56 MBNA -CD 7/18/95 5/10/99 51,274.17 FNMA 7/18/95 3/10/97 50,932.95 FNMA 7/19/95 4/13/98 78,572.81 CD 7/24/95 1/24/97 50,000.00 FNMA 8/2/95 2/18/97 49,855.00 FNMA 12/27/95 8/12/98 51,171.88 FNMA 7/10/96 5/21/99 50,291.34 FHLM 7/19/96 7/9/98 25,080.21 FHLB 7/25/96 3/5/01 29,885.87 FHLB 10/8/96 3/6/01 59,641.99 CD -Bk of ER 12/31/96 12/31/97 100,000.00 FNMA 3/25/97 11/10/05 65,330.59 CD -Bk of ER 12/31/96 12/31/97 100,000.00 CD -Bk of ER 12/31/96 12/31/97 200,000.00 CD -Bk of ER 7/15/97 7/15/98 100,000.00 CD -Bk of ER 7/16/97 7/16/98 100,000.00 CD -Bk of ER 7/17/97 7/17/98 100,000.00 Marquette Bank 7/9/97 9/7/97 100,000.00 Marquette Bank 7/9/97 10/7/97 100,000.00 100, 000.00 100, 000.00 $ 22,176.00 98,750.56 51,274.17 50,932.95 78,572.81 49,855.00 51,171.88 50,291.34 25,080.21 29,885.87 59,641.99 65,330.59 200, 000.00 100, 000.00 100, 000.00 100, 000.00 100,000.00 100, 000.00 Totals $1,017,632.78 $ 565,330.59 $ 250,000.00 1,332,963.37 PLUS SMITH BARNEY FUNDS 7,150.57 TOTAL $1,340,113.94 July Cash and Investments consistsof: Checking $ 15,100.61 Money Market Savings 91,943.50 Investments as scheduled above 1,340,113.94 Total Page 1 $1,447,158.05 MUNICIPAL OF CITY OF OTSEG C A S H C 0 N T R 0 L _..l i % / ? TOTAL $1,253,869.28 $1,115,624.92 $ 922,336.15 $1,447,158.;_ ri �V I t-lL Li VV.L IYl,7 NAME OF FUND BALANCE RECEIPTS DISBURSEMENTS BALANCE GENERAL FUND $ 441`,430.10 768,604.82 $ 672,056.93 $ 537,977.< F I RE FUP,ID FUND 54 , 885.94 44,691.89 77,461.18 22 , 116. r PARK DEVELOPMENT FUND -28,647.48 83,494.49 9,513.69 4S,333.-- 5,333.;SECURITY SECURITYDEPOSITS FUND 0.00 0.00 0.00 O.0 CAPITAL EQUIPMENT. FUND 29,859.17 0.00 0.00 29,859.E PACKARD AVE CONSTRUCTION FUND 0.00 0.00 0.00 O.0 BUILDING Cor,ISTUCTION FUND FUN@34,622.98 0.00 0.00 134,622.E WATERSHED PROJECT FUND FUND 7,989.61 �t,86S.00 0.00 52,854.- PROJECT +94 -2 -37TH ODEAN >FUND10 , 732 .40 0.00 0.00 10,732,.,= MISSISSIPPI SHORES FUND 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 G.O.BONDS OF 1996A FUND 97,661.39 52,559.70 33,480.00 116,741.: Hd'Hi1eIRAE E .E✓ DEVELOPMENT ESCROW FUND -11,398.32 66,006.04 37,786.95 16,820.- BUILDERS.ESCROW FUND 10,484.60 2,500.00 4300.00 12,084. TOTAL $1,253,869.28 $1,115,624.92 $ 922,336.15 $1,447,158.;_ MUNICIPAL OF CITY OF OTSEGO IN-1ERIM FINANCIAL REPORT AS GF NERAL FUND CHARGES FOR SERVICES -GENERAL 5,000.00 327 .50 Variance CONDITIONAAL USE/VARIANCE FEES 2,500-00 2,1- 50.00 Favorable SURDIVISIGN ZONING/TEXT AMENDMENT FEE 1,000.00 450.00 ( 550.00) ReceiPt--: 0.00 200.00 200.00 BLDG PERMIT SURCHG PAYABL 0.00 1,541.80 1,541.80 DAMAGE DEPOSIT PAYABLE 0.00 3,800.00 3,800.00 PROPERTY TAXES 722,758.00 408,928.19 ( 313,829.81) RECREATION FEES 2,575.00 4,62. -.GQ 2 -, c Q 0 1 DOG LICENSES 100.00 95.00 ( 5.00) BUILDINGPERMITS50,000..00 -- 35,855.97 ( 14,144.03) .. SEPTiG ,- -r P4 :Fc- - -�..'. �Z-P ^ c) .. 1:-v g =1:-v .. QC) 4 4- 5 ^ 0 - c- M -Z M WETLAND REVIEW FEES 700.00 '2 840.00 140.00 WEIGHT PERMITS 50.00 90.00 40.00 I GG G.GG 1-3 962 @2- 171';'62.62 -- GT ,ATE GrRA"NTG & A LOCAL GOVERNMENT AID 101,805.00 , - 54,982.00 (_ 46,823.00) HOMESTEAD CREDIT 140,276-00 89 73,427.00,( 66,849.00) REC`(C L I h!G GRANT/AID 3,000-00 1,934.60 ( 1,065.40) POLICE AID 8,000.00 0.00 ( 8,000.00) CHARGES FOR SERVICES -GENERAL 5,000.00 327 .50 ( 42672 ..60 ) CONDITIONAAL USE/VARIANCE FEES 2,500-00 2,1- 50.00 ( 350. 0o ) 989.50) SURDIVISIGN ZONING/TEXT AMENDMENT FEE 1,000.00 450.00 ( 550.00) INTERIM USE FEES 0.00 200.00 200.00 �? ; 5-9 ;il -- SNOW PLOWING 1,100.00 1,047.50 r ( 52.50) MAPS/COPIES/MISC.SALES 500.00 461.29 G G 9 ( 38.71) 2 ; Cg pn g ) RECREATION FEES 2,575.00 . 75.00 ( 2,500.00) INTEREST EARNINGS 10 , 00/0 ./000 30,894.S8 20,e94.58 OLD CITY HALL/PEAVEY HSE RENT 9,300.00 4,870.00 ( 4,430.00) FRANCHISE FEES 7,100.00 8,285.02 ' 1,185.02 ESCROW ACCOUNT 0.00 3,346.93 3,346.93 CLEAN UP DAY 3,000-00 2 , 5�4 5{ .00 ( 455.00) t� tY'1t7,7Y[,�C'ttCt'tT7 n Q G { 1 Q- 6 ^I 7 29 ' C' 111/1 n i YtG7-� ttY•�J--c7C-- CITY HALL RENT t 5.000.00 �C 3,914.00 C 1,090.00) Total Revenues 1 173.610.00 768,604.82 C 405,005.18) Other Financing Sources SALE OF INVESTMENTS 0.00 46 ,.......__..._.._...........__....,..-...._ ...._...__._.,......Y._..._.a.7?x:,_-r.£L.Yoav'q._.. 471 50 51 3, 53 MUNICIPAL OF CITY OF OTSEGO AS OF 07/31/97 Varlarice 55 - 56 Bud��t Actual ( Unfavorable ) Disbursements: CITY COUNCIL ADMINISTRATION 72,410.00 20,688.49 51,721.51 PLANNING COMMISSIOiI 188,566.00 90,814.22 97,751.78 c (' 3,700.00 3,055.22 644 .78 ENGINEER G r' 52,000.00 a F n on 80,277.44 ( 28,277.44) FLANNR INANCE 59,900.00 31,386.14 28,513.86 RECYCLING 61,431.00 35,703.39 25,727.61 36,000.00 17,140.81 18,859.19 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 14,790.Q0' CITY HALL 79,276.00 BUILDING INSPECTOR 29,500.00 ANIMAL CONTROL 3,100.00 E STREET LIGHTING 16,600.0 RECREATION PROGRAMS 18,725.0 PARK COMMISION HERITAGE PRESERVATION 0.00 4,800.00 117.21 i4,672-79 61,515.87 17 760.13 17,218.13 12,281.87 150.00 2,950.00 `8,745.29: 1,854�71 27,966.10' ( 9,241.10) 547.42 173.17 bbb , 106 .47_ 547.42) 4,626.83 507,503:53 Other Financing Uses PURCHASE OF INVESTMENTS 0.00 +'w } ) £�"� �f�• �C "ir � W' R•`v' •i,,p��'r��•cf1y�}..i� fu`[ r- az-�.5. % .-�sxa,,��8Q4•+tj � _- a.a'�d�'�'r-•�ys... 'r ... F••t°'� -J.; +.i�y►: k���.•�lTr'f�. Y' ^ c _x w'G --a?YQ.�`Z .e sc., ....aha+., ..rt T, + "i ��.. CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MLNNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 97-10 RESOLUTION APPROVING A PROPOSED TAX LEVY FOR 1998 BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Otsego City Council that there is hereby approved for proposed expenditures from general taxes, the following sums for the purpose indicated: GENERAL GOVERNMENT $908,360 PARK DEVELOPMENT $ 15,000 BONDED INDEBTEDNESS 29.550 TOTAL PROPOSED LEVY $952,910 LESS HACA4$1 6,855 TOTAL LEVY TO BE CERTIFIED80� 6,055 FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that as required by Truth in Taxation Legislation, the City Clerk shall certify to the Wright County Auditor a copy of this Resolution approving a proposed levy of80_$ 6,055 for 1998 Budget Appropriations for the City of Otsego. Dated this 8TH Day of September, 1997 CITY OF OTSEGO Larry Fournier, Mayor ATTEST: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator City of Otsego Summary Of Peposed 1998 Tax Levy 1998 1997 Revenue $ 761,505 $ 722,758 Bonds 29,550 52,700 Parks 15,000 15,000 $ 806,055 $ 790,458 Percent Increase 1.97% CITY OF OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 8, 1997 6 BOB KIRMIS, ASST. CITY PLANNER: 6.1. Consider Herman Moseng, Jr. and Patricia H., Joint Tenants, 14353 81st Street NE, Otsego, MN 55330. PID#118-036-003040. Lot 4, Block 3, Walesch Estates, Section 21, Twp. 121, Range 23, County of Wright, City of Otsego, MN Request is as follows: A. Conditional Use Permit to allow more than one detached accessory building on a residential lot At the Planning Commission Meeting Hearing of September 3, 1997, Motion was to approve Herman Moseng, Jr. and Patricia H. Moseng's request for a CUP to allow for more than one detached accessory building on a residential lot subject to the six conditions in NRC's report dated August 25, 1997. Motion carried unanimously. 6.2. Any otherlap nning business: a. Otsego - Superior FCR Landfill, Inc. - Draft Letter to Wright Co. Board of Commissioners (See 9.3 Council Packet) SEP -04-1997 08:13 NAC 612 595 9837 P.02i05 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS INC COMMUNITY PLANNING - DESIGN - MARKET RESEARCH MEMORANDUM TO: Otsego Mayor and City Council FROM: Bob Kirmis DATE: 4 September 1997 RE: Otsego Moseng CUP FILE NO: 176.02 - 97.15 Attached is a findings of fact applicable to the Moseng conditional use permit request to be considered by the City Council on 8 September. Please note that the findings reflect the recommendation of the Planning Commission. PC-. Elaine Beatty Andy MacArthur Kevin Kielb 5775 WAYZATA BOULEVARD, SUITE 555 ST, LOUIS PARK, MINNESOTA 554 1 6 PHONE 6 1 2-595-9636 FAX 6 1 2-595-9$37 SEP -04-1997 08 13 NAC 612 595 983? P.03i05 CITY OF OTSEGO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA IN RE: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPROVAL FINDINGS OF FACT AND DECISION Application of Herman and Patricia Moseng for a conditional use permit to allow construction of more than one detached accessory building in association with a detached single family residential use. On 8 September 1997, the Otsego City Council met at its regularly scheduled meeting to consider the application of Herman and Patricia Moseng for the aforementioned conditional use permit. Based on the application, the recommendation of the Planning Commission, and evidence received, the City Council now makes the following findings of fact and decision. FINDINGS OF FACT The applicants are requesting a conditional use permit to allow the construction of more than one detached accessory building in association with a detached single family residential use. 2. The subject property is zoned R-3, Residential -Immediate Urban Service Area. 3. The subject property lies within the City's Immediate Urban Service Area, as illustrated in Otsego's duly adopted Comprehensive Plan. 4. The legal description of the property is as follows: Lot 4, Block 3, Walesch Estates, City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota 5. Section 20-4-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance directs the Planning Commission and City Council to consider seven possible adverse effects of the proposed conditional use. The seven effects and findings regarding them are: a. The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the official City Comprehensive Plan. SEP -04-1997 08 14 NAC 612 595 9837 P.04i05 The proposed use of the subject property will be compatible with adjacent properties. As such, the use is consistent with the intent of the Comprehensive Plan and the property's R-3 zoning designation. b. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. The proposed accessory storage building (garage) will be compatible with present and future uses in the area. C. The proposed use conforms with all performance standards contained herein (i.e., parking, loading, noise, etc.). The proposed use will conform to all applicable performance standards. d. The proposed use's effect on the area in which it Is proposed. The proposed use will not tend to or have an adverse effect upon the area in which it is proposed. e. The proposed case's impact upon the property values of the area in which it is proposed. While no detailed study has been conducted, similar situations dictate that the proposed use will not tend to depreciate area property values. f. Traffic generated by the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the property. Traffic generated by the proposed use is within the capabilities of 81 st Street which serves the property. g. The proposed use's impact upon existing public services and facilities including parks, schools, streets and utilities, and its potential to overburden the City's service capacity. The proposed use can be accommodated by existing public service facilities and will not over burden the community's service capacity. 6. The planning report dated 25 August 1997, prepared by Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc., is incorporated herein_ K SEP -04-1997 08:14 NAC 612 595 9837 P.05i05 7. On 3 September 1997, the Otsego Planning Commission conducted a public hearing to consider the proposed conditional use permit application preceded by published and mailed notice. Upon review of the conditional use permit application and evidence received, the Otsego Planning Commission closed the public hearing and recommended that the City Council approve the conditional use permit based on the aforementioned findings. DECISION Based on the foregoing considerations and applicable ordinances, the applicants' request for a conditional use permit to allow more than one detached accessory building in association with a detached single family residential use is approved in its present form and subject to the following stipulations: 1 _ A building elevation of the proposed accessory structure is submitted which specifies structure height. The proposed structure shall be required to comply with applicable height requirements. 2. The proposed accessory structure is not to be utilized for home occupation, commercial related activities, or the keeping of animals. 3. The proposed accessory structure match the principal building in color. 4. Any driveway associated with the accessory building is surfaced with material suitable to control dust and drainage_ 5. The City Engineer provide comment/recommendation in regard to drainage and utility easement establishment. ADOPTED by the Otsego City Council this 8th day of September 1997. CITY OF OTSEGO By: ATTEST: Larry Fournier, Mayor By:: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator 3 TOTAL P.05 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS INC COMMUNITY PLANNING - DESIGN - MARKET RESEARCH TO: Otsego Mayor and City Council FROM: Bob Kirmis DATE: 27 August 1997 RE: Otsego - Superior FCR Landfill, Inc. FILE NO: 176.08 At the City Council's directive, we have prepared a draft letter to the Wright County Board of Commissioners which responds to the request of Superior FCR Landfill that the City of Otsego support the establishment of "landfills" as acceptable conditional uses upon agriculturally zoned lands of Wright County (as provided in the Wright County Zoning Ordinance). The acceptability of the draft letter will be discussed at the forthcoming 8 September City Council meeting. PC.. Elaine Beatty Andy MacArthur Kevin Kielb 5775 WAYZATA BOULEVARD, SUITE 555 ST. LOUIS PARK, MINNESOTA 554 1 6 PHONE 6 1 2-595-9636 FAX 6 1 2-595-9837 DRAFT - DRAFT - DRAFT 27 August 1997 Wright County Board of Commissioners 10 NW 2nd Street Buffalo, MN 55313 RE: Otsego - Superior FCR Landfill, Inc. Dear Commissioners: This letter is written in response to a request by Superior FCR Landfill, Inc. that the City of Otsego support the establishment of "landfills" as acceptable conditional uses upon agriculturally zoned lands of Wright County (as provided in the Wright County Zoning Ordinance). It is our understanding that Wright County has established a moratorium which prohibits the establishment or expansion of landfills and solid waste processing management facilities. Superior Landfill has specifically requested that the City of Otsego pass a resolution of support for such uses (draft resolution prepared by Superior Landfill, Inc. is attached). While the City of Otsego does not allow the establishment of landfills within its borders, it recognizes the continuing need for such facilities in the region and the services which they provide. The City of Otsego will not, however, adopt a resolution of general support of such uses without first being given assurances that proper performance standards and financial guarantees are in place to mitigate possible adverse impacts associated with these types of uses. Of primary issue to the City is minimum separation (or setback) distances which will be imposed from municipal boundaries. Resultantly, the City of Otsego supports the continuation of landfills as conditional uses within agriculturally zoned lands in Wright County (as provided in the Wright County Zoning Ordinance) only with an understanding that reasonable protective measures will be imposed to mitigate adverse impacts including a minimum separation distance from the City of Otsego's municipal boundaries of not less than feet. Respectfully, Larry Fournier Mayor, City of Otsego pc: Elaine Beatty Kevin Kielb Andy MacArthur Bob Kirmis/David Licht FROM :-CITY OF OTSE00 RESOLUTION FHONE NO. : 612 441 4414 WHEREAS, on , 1997, the City of ("City") met to consider issuing a resolution in support of Superior FCR Landfill, Inc. ("Superior") in its effort to secure a conditional use permit for the continuation of a business which provides a positive environmental impact to the citizens and businesses of Wright County. WHEREAS, the County Board of Commissioners of Wright County issued an Interim Ordinance on or about November 6, 1996, which, among other things, established an interim moratorium for land uses in the agricultural zoning district (the 'Moratorium '). Said Moratorium precluded the construction or expansion of any landfill and any solid waste processing or management facility. WHEREAS, the City desires to protect the public health, safety, and welfare of its citizenry by assuring adequate solid waste disposal capacity without interruption or incurring undue delay or expense. NOW THEREFORE, THE CTI''Y HEREBY RESOLVES: 1. To supp ort the continuation of landfills as an accepted Conditional Use of agricluture zoned lands in Wright County as provided in the current Wright County Zoning Ordinance. 2. To strongly encourage the County Board of Commissioners of Wright County to exercise its right to lift or otherwise modify the Moratorium so as to allow Superior to proceed with expansion and expeditiously issue a conditional use permit to so expand said sanitary landfill. 3. Forthwith to communicate this resolution to the County Board of Commissioners of Wright County and Superior. APPROVED BY THE CITY on this the Day of 1997. Name: Title: ~I Name: Title: William S. Radzwill Andrew J. NlacArthur Michael C. Couri Megan Ni. McDonald September 4, 1997 RADZWILL & CO URI Attorneys at Law 705 Central Avenue East PO Box 369 St. Michael, MSV 55376 (612) 497-1930 (612) 497-2599 (FAX) City Council Members City of Otsego c/o Elaine Beatty, City Clerk 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Elk River, MN 55330 RE: Proposed Amendment To Interim Ordinance Establishing Moratorium Dear Council Members: As per the direction of the City Council at the last regular meeting please find enclosed a proposed amendment to the Interim Ordinance establishing a moratorium as well as a resolution adopting the same. I will be available to further discuss meeting on September 8. At that tim matters regarding the Otsego Cemetery. Veryrnly, your . And w J. cArthur/ 1bZWILL COURI ' e/ Enclosure cc: Bob Kirmis, NAC Kevin Kielb, Hakanson Anderson Mike Emberton, Allied Mortgage this matter at the Council e I will also discuss the CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA ORDINANCE NO. ORDINANCE AMENDING OTSEGO INTERIM ORDINANCE NO. CLARIFYING PROPERTY EXEMPT FROM MORATORIUM. The City of Otsego City Council Ordains as follows: Section 1. Section 4. Exceptions, of Otsego Interim Ordinance No. is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 4. Exceptions. Specifically exempted from this prohibition are the following: A. Applications for commercial or industrial subdivision. B. Allowable 1 per 40 land splits within agricultural areas. C. The issuance of building permits for individual residences, or accessory buildings upon lots which have been previously approved and which are in full compliance with the applicable lot requirements for a buildable lot within the zone in which they are located. D. Applications for Conditional Use Permits. E. Applications for variances. This interim ordinance shall not affect those development applications for residential subdivisions which have submitted a complete application to the City prior to the effective date of this ordinance, nor shall it affect the following proposed applications for subdivision which have already initiated discussions with the City regarding residential subdivision and which have taken substantial steps in preparation for such application, or have received related initial approvals: Lin -Bar II, Heritage Plains II, Fabian and Catherine Sadowski (that land identified as the north 40 acres of PID No. 118-500-223200 which lies within the City's immediate service area), and Eugene and Delaine Kreuser (that 30 acre parcel of land identified as PID No. 118-500-171401). The above specifically listed subdivisions shall be excluded from the moratorium established in this ordinance only upon the condition that they submit to the City a complete application for residential subdivision on or before March 1, 1997. Also specifically excluded from the Interim Ordinance is the following property, a portion of which was included in a proper application submitted prior to March 1, 1997 and a portion of which was submitted on a previous application, which was subsequently withdrawn: approximately 283 acres of land located north and south of County Road 39 between Kahler and Kadler Avenues (south of Island View Estates subdivision) as legally described on Exhibit A hereto attached. Section 2. This ordinance shall take affect from and after its passage and publication, and shall remain in effect until the termination date of the original Interim Ordinance amended or any subsequent extension of that termination date. ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this day of September, 1997. IN FAVOR: OPPOSED: CITY OF OTSEGO Larry Fournier, Mayor Elaine Beatty, City Clerk CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION ADOPTING OTSEGO ORDINANCE NO. AMENDING OTSEGO ORDINANCE NO. , CLARIFYING WHICH PROPERTIES ARE EXEMPT FROM MORATORIUM. WHEREAS, Mr. Mike Emberton of Allied Mortgage of Brooklyn Center, Inc., on behalf of Donald and Phyliss Greninger, has raised the issue of the affect of Otsego Ordinance No. upon certain property within the City for which they had previously requested Comprehensive Plan Amendment and rezoning; and WHEREAS, the applicant had previously withdrawn an application affecting approximately 283 acres of property as described within the proposed amendment and exhibit A to the same; and WHEREAS, the applicant had resubmitted an application covering only that portion of the property North of County Highway 39, which application was properly submitted prior to the effective date of the Interim Ordinance; and WHEREAS, the Interim Ordinance excludes from its affect subdivisions which "have already initiated discussions with the City regarding residential subdivision and which have taken substantial steps in preparation for such application..."; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the entire 283 acres described upon Exhibit A to the Ordinance Amendment falls within this exception and is thus exempt from the provisions of the Interim Ordinance. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Otsego that Otsego Ordinance No. , amending Otsego Ordinance No. is hereby adopted this day of September, 1997. IN FAVOR: OPPOSED: CITY OF OTSEGO Larry Fournier, Mayor Elaine Beatty, City Clerk William S. Radzwill Andrew J. MacAfthur Michael C. Court Megan M. McDonald September 3, 1997 City Council Members City of Otsego c/o Elaine Beatty, City Clerk 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Elk River, MN 55330 RADZWILL & COURI Attorneys at Law 705 Central Avenue East PO Box 369 St. Michael, MN 55376 (612) 497-1930 (612) 497-2599 (FAX) RE: Choice Of Entity Sewer Treatment Plant Dear Council Members: I have enclosed herein correspondence from George Hoff, the Dayton City Attorney, regarding joint ownership of the facility. It appears that this is the arrangement that Dayton is leaning toward at this time. The Cities need to determine what entity will own the plant prior to submission of the Facility Plan to MPCA, so it is important that the two cities come to some agreement in this matter as soon as possible. If the land acquisition is to proceed expeditiously and by the Joint Powers entity, including possible condemnation, then that entity needs to be created as soon as possible if construction is expected to commence next spring. The other issues mentioned in Mr. Hoff s memo also need to be addressed, including when cost sharing will commence on this project, the form of a joint board if one is to be created, and how decisions on future expansion of the facility will be made. A joint powers agreement could kick in any time in the process, in other words, either City could acquire the site and construct the plant and the other City could either simply obtain services by contract or could buy into the plant anywhere in the process. It is important that the two cities come to an early understanding on these basic issues, and if the land acquisition is to be accomplished through a joint powers entity it is imperative that the joint powers agreement be drafted as soon as possible. I am seeking Council input in this matter. If there is any substantial disagreement or misunderstanding between the Cities regarding this matter it should be resolved as soon as possible. Otsego City Council Members September 3, 1997 Page 2 of 2 Mr. Hoff has indicated in his memo that the City of Dayton is in the process of setting up a meeting to discuss this issue on September 11. Shirley Slater has indicated that someone from the Dayton City Council will attend the Otsego meeting on Monday. I would suggest that someone from Otsego be in attendance at Dayton's September 11 meeting to provide any needed input. I will be available to discuss this matter further at the regularly scheduled City Council meeting on Monday night. Vwuly-yours, i LAi�ew J. MacArthur- - RADZWILL & COURI Encls. cc: Bob Kirmis, NAC Kevin Kielb, John Harwood, Hakanson Anderson Ted Field, Bonestroo George Hoff, Esq. Shirley Slater, City of Dayton Aug -28-97 03:54P gg GWMGY C. HOOF' PATRIC A E. IF,PIM= DAvID IL X&AMM PA13A A. "j-1- Prrsx M. SCHAtn SYEniwm A. BAS =$ I(MBAR(Y S. KOZAX DOUGLAS J. Sctm.Tz Auo •orrp w -4 i ALM 4m— u A— HoFF, BARRY & KUDERER PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION August 28, 1997 P.01 w C.—r x T%Ght G. BARRY, JR. JoAL'N Giem MKwwr4G TILEFRCM (613)911-9210 1-WO.9W9220 FAX (fila) MI -7%9 E-MAIL 6Lk6%fi49 d- — The information contained in this facsimile message is privileged and confidential information intended for the use of the addressee listed below and no one else. If you are not the Intended recipient or the employee or agent responsible to deliver this message to the intended recipient, please do not use this transmission in any way, but contact the sender by telephone. TO- Andrew MacArthur No. of Pages following: Company/Firrn: Rad2will & COUFi Telephone Number: FAX Number: 497-2599 From: George C. Hoff File No.: 1019 - If transmission problems occur, or you are not the intended recipient, please call us at (612) 941-9220. Ask For: SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: RE: Dayton/astego Joint Powers Thanks for dropping off the materials. I am a little unclear from our conversation earlier as to how much we need to have in place by the and of Sept. to satisfy grant requirements we briefly talked about earlier. Do we have to have the agreement executed? Financial commitments in place? If you get a chance tomorrow, please give me a call concerning that. I look forward to hearing from you. George Hoff 7901 FLyjmG CLouD Darr, #160*ED&Y MAMEF+ NbNWV9Xr&55-144-791A Aug -29-97 12:29P 99 Gxmcz C. $0f7* TATRIM S. gweaEx DAVID A. KRACUM FAUTA A. CALLM Paras --NL scmub STTPHSN A. BAWM ' K;M&DtLy B. KOZAY DOML.0 1. SQULM J 1" AOYim W WUCaa� i ALM AMOTMW M PLCOMA BOFF, BARRY & KUDERER pR0FFSM0NAL ASSOCIATION August 29, 1997 OF COUNa T UOMM G. BART, X JOULN G WK NUMtM?'a TSLYrxoxs (612) 941 -WO 14989-9321 FAX (612) 941-7968 E-MAIL hbk4tw&derxketcoW The information contained in this facsimile message is privileged and confidential Iryforrnation intended for the use of the addressee listed below and no one else. If you are not the intended recipient or the employee or agent responsible to deliver this message to the intended recipient, please do not use this transmission in any way, but contact the sender by telephone. TO: Andy MacArthur Company/Firm: Law Offices Telephone Number: From: George C. Hoff No. of Pages following: 1 FAX Number: 457-2599 File No.: 1019-272 ou are not the intended recipient, please can us at tat 2) 941-9220. If transmission problems occur, or y Ask For: SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: RE: Ostego/Dayton Sewer Plant Andy - Thanks for sending me the memo we discussed on the phone. Following receipt of athSa I all talked to Ted Field again. Based on that discussion and looking at the memo, it that we need to do is to indicate the identity of the owner/operator of the plant. Thhee City is trying to schedule a meeting to discuss that issue, so that we can let you and Ted know about that issue. The discussion that I have had to date would favor joint ownership by way of some joint powers entity. I hope we can have that pinned down by the middle of the month. That information would then be included in the report which would be the subject of the public hearing on the facility plan. U:\WPDATAICAYTOMMAkW7:29.FA?( 7901 [�j]�j'�T, ]LwTA 55344-79147914 FLYING CLow DRive, A'260•EnF1v PjtnrA�, Aug -29-97 12:29P gg Assuming that is the case, we should probably get started fairly promptly on the joint powers agreement. Given the situation for both communities, one of the issues that will have to be addressed in any agreement is future expansion of plant capacity, how that decision is made and cost issues relating to that. I also assume that the joint entity will be handling all billing, collection and payment of ongoing debt service and other billings. Another issue will be whether there will be enough work to justify separate employees for the entity, or there will be some other arrangement. I am sort of rambling with the above, but those are a few issues that spring to mind (in addition to the tight time table on the condemnation). It does point, however, to the need to move as quickly as possible to start putting together an agreement. Call with any questions. if your understanding is different than mine as to what needs to be done by the end of the month, please let me know. George Hoff cc: Shirley Slater Phil Forseth 7901 FLxuv(: CLOUD DRm, /►250aEDLN PRAIRIE, MLNxE4arw 5s344-7914 P_O2 William S. Rad -will Andrew J. MacArthur Michael C. Couri Alegan Al. McDonald August 19, 1997 RADZWILL & CO URI Attorneys at Law 705 Central Avenue East PO Boz 369 St. Michael, MN 55376 (612) 497-1930 (612) 497-2599 (FAX) Otsego City Council Public Works Subcommittee c/o Elaine Beatty, City Cleric 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Elk River, MN 55330 RE: Proposed Agreement For Sharing Road Expenses- City of Otsego and City of Albertville Dear Subcommittee Members: Enclosed for your review please find a draft Agreement For Sharing Road Expenses which has been revised as per comments from the City Council after the original agreement, prepared by the City Engineer, was presented to the Council. I have also provided a copy to Vern Heidner. Could you please review and comment on this Agreement so that it can be presented to the City Council as soon as possible. Cary Hale, the Albertville City Administrator, has contacted me and inquired about the status of the Agreement. The Albertville City Council is apparently anxious to get a written agreement in place. The City Engineer, Kevin Kielb, will provide an Exhibit A for attachment to the Agreement. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me. Very -truly yours, �- Andrew J. MacArthur RADZWILL & COURI Encl. cc: Kevin Kielb, Hakanson Anderson DRAFT 2- 8/19/97 AGREEMENT FOR SHARING ROAD EXPENSES CITIES OF OTSEGO AND ALBERTVILLE WHEREAS, the City of Otsego and the City of Albertville have certain shared streets located along the boundaries of the respective jurisdictions; and WHEREAS, the two cities desire to set forth in writing their agreement as to responsibilities for maintenance and sharing of expenses for said shared streets; and WHEREAS, the shared streets which are the subject of this Agreement are as follows: 1. 70th Street (CSAH 19 to Kadler Avenue)- bituminous paved, designed to 10 ton capacity with 12 foot lanes and 4 foot paved shoulders 2. 70th Street (CSAR 19 to MacIver Avenue)- gravel surfaced with approximately 21 feet of driving surface 3. MacIver Avenue (70th Street to 62nd Street)- gravel surfaced with approximately 24 feet of driving surface. 4. Kadler-Avenue (70th Street to dead end)- gravel surfaced with approximately 20 feet of driving surface with limited turn around 5. Kadler Avenue (CSAH 37 North to I-94) - gravel surfaced with approximately 15 feet of driving surface. 6. Kadler Avenue (CSAR 37 to 60th Street) - gravel surfaced with approximately 21 feet of driving surface. NOW THEREFORE the City of Otsego and the City of Albertville agree as follows: 1. The maintenance to be completed by the municipalities as assigned in this Agreement is defined as follows: the care and upkeep of the existing roadway so as to provide a durable all weather transportation route, including the following: motor patrol blading, dust control, gravel overlay, crack sealing, seal coating, periodic replacement of culverts, mowing, signage and replacement of signage. a. On gravel roads, regular maintenance includes grading the road periodically with a motor patrol grader, during the frost free season. Grading will occur once a week during the summer unless it is determined by the party responsible for maintenance, and at their sole discretion, that less frequent grading is necessary. b. Gravel road maintenance also includes adding new gravel to the surface approximately every four years. Depending upon traffic volumes and weather and soil conditions, additional spot gravel may be needed from time to time. The frequency of adding gravel to the surface shall be at the sole judgment and discretion of the City responsible for maintenance. c. During the snow season regular maintenance shall include plowing the designated streets after each two inch or more snow event, or more frequently depending upon drifting conditions. d. Bituminous surfaced streets will be maintained by crack sealing and seal coating periodically. Crack sealing shall be performed on average every two years. Seal coating will be done on average every five to seven years. Streets that are striped for traffic lanes will be re -striped after seal coating and when markings cannot be clearly distinguished by motorists. 2. The City of Otsego agrees to provide the regular street maintenance as set forth above upon the roads listed above with equipment and operators sufficiently skilled to perform the necessary maintenance. 3. The City of Albertville agrees to compensate the City of Otsego for said services at a rate which equally divides the costs of such maintenance, including one half the cost of all materials and one half of all reasonable charges for time and equipment (including fuel costs and costs for depreciation of equipment) provided by the City of Otsego, at those rates contained within this Agreement, subject to yearly adjustment by resolution of the Otsego City Council. 4. Maintenance concerns on these shared roads will be directed to the City of Otsego which shall respond to concerns raised using the normal criteria for priority of response used throughout the City. 5. Otsego shall provide two years in advance its proposed maintenance program for such items as seal coating, crack sealing, culvert replacement, and graveling. 6. The City of Otsego will maintain and install street and traffic signs along the shared roads designated for maintenance in this Agreement. New signs, if needed, will be installed at cost plus the reasonable hourly cost for time and equipment as set forth above, these costs will be shared equally. 7. Grass and weeds will be cut at least once per year on the inslopes of the designated roads. Additional mowing will be done as needed, at the discretion of the Otsego Maintenance department. 8. All costs related to administration of this Agreement and drafting of the Agreement and any addendums to the same shall be shared equally. 9. In the event that there is a dispute regarding the terms and conditions of this Agreement the following process shall be followed: the dispute shall be first submitted to the standing Public Works Subcommittees of each City at a joint meeting. If no resolution is reached at such a meeting, the matter may be referred to the City Councils of both Cities which can either resolve the matter or agree upon a neutral third party to arbitrate the dispute. All costs related to resolution of the dispute shall be shared equally between the Cities. 10. This Agreement may be dissolved by either party hereto with six months notice to the other party in the form of a resolution passed by a majority of the City Council delivered to the other party. Dissolution of this Agreement shall not relieve either party from any financial obligation incurred because of the Agreement. 11. If any portion of this Agreement is held to be invalid by a Court of competent jurisdiction the invalidity of that portion or portions shall not effect the validity of the other terms and conditions of this Agreement. ADOPTED by the Otsego City Council on this day of 1997. IN FAVOR: OPPOSED: ADOPTED by the Albertville City Council on this day of , 1997. IN FAVOR: OPPOSED: CITY OF OTSEGO: MAYOR CITY CLERK CITY OF ALBERTVILLE: MAYOR CITY CLERK Exhibit A Maintenance Needs List for Shared Streets Between Otsego and Albertville 1997 COST SPLIT Otsego Albertville Kadler Avenue (60th Street to 1-94) .......... $1,134.46 ... $1,134.46 -2" Gravel Overlay. Cost is based upon Otsego forces hauling and placing material Material - 598 Ton @ $1 .79/Ton - 12 Tandem Hours @ $42/Hour - 7.5 Tandem & Trailer Hours @ $52/Hour - 3.5 Motor Grader Hours @ $75/Hour 70th Street (CSAH19 to Kadler Avenue) ....... $3,465.00 ... $3,465.00 - Crack Sealing (10,500 lbs. @ $0.66/Ib) Kadler Avenue (CSAH39 to 60th Street) ......... $434.28 .... $434.28 - Dust Control (Magnesium Chloride) TOTAL 1997 COSTS .................... $ 5,033.74 ... $ 5,033.74 1998 (Estimated Costs) 70th Street (CSAH19 to Kadler Avenue) ......... $4,263 ..... $4,263 - Seal Coating MacIver Avenue (70th Street to 67th Street) ........ $273 ...... $273 - Dust Control (Magnesium Chloride) MacIver Avenue (67th Street to South end) ........ $597 ...... $597 - Dust Control (Magnesium Chloride) TOTAL ESTIMATED 1998 COSTS .............. $5133 ..... $5133 1999 (Estimated Co MacIver Avenue (70th Street to 67th Street) ....... $1,260 ..... $1,260 - Gravel (2" lift, 420 tons @ $6/ton) MacIver Avenue (67th Street to South end) . ...... $2,757 ..... $2,757 - Gravel (2" lift, 919 tons @ $6/ton) 1 70th Street (CSAH19 to MacIver Avenue) ......... $917 ...... $917 - Dust Control (Magnesium Chloride) . . TOTAL ESTIMATED 1999 COSTS ............. $4939 ..... $4934 2000 (Estimated Costs) COST SPLIT Otseao Albertville 70th Street (CSAH19 to MacIver Avenue) ........ $4,238 ..... $4,238 - Gravel (2" lift, 1,212 tons @$6/ton) MacIver Avenue (70th Street to 67th Street) ........ $273 ...... $273 - Dust Control (Magnesium Chloride) MacIver Avenue (67th Street to Southend) $597 ...... $597 - Dust Control (Magnesium Chloride) TOTAL ESTIMATED 2000 COSTS ...:............. $5108 ..... $5108 2001 (Estimated Costs) 70th Street (CSAH19 to MacIver Avenue) ......... $917 ...... $917 - Dust Control (Magnesium Chloride) TOTAL ESTIMATED 2001 COSTS :....... • ..... $917 ...... $917 2002 (Estimated Costs Kadler Avenue (CSAH37 to 60th Street) .......... $2,127 ..... $2,127 - Gravel (2" lift, 709 tons @ $6/ton) Kadler Avenue (70th Street to 1-94) • . • .. • .. $893 ...... $893 - Gravel (2" lift, 298 tons @ $6/ton) MacIver Avenue (70th Street to 67th Street) ........ $273 ...... $273 - Dust Control (Magnesium Chloride) MacIver Avenue (67th Street to South. end) ........ $597 ...... $597 - Dust Control (Magnesium Chloride) TOTAL ESTIMATED 2002 COSTS $3890 ..... $3890 ot9I O.exa K CITY OF OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 8, 1997 9.1. Discussion of Water and Sewer (any issues) a. Discussion of page 2 & page 3 of Otsego Sewer System Study - Policies 9.2. (Re 4.1. Special Presentation by Leo Offerman Wright Henn. Elec. on lighting for City Hall 9.3. Consider Draft letter to Wright County - Re: Superior FCR Landfill, Inc. (See 6.2.a. under Bob Kirmis Items 9.4. Any other council business 9.5. City Clerk's Update 9.6. Consider claims list for approval 9.7. Adjourn City of Otsego Engineer's Agenda Items City Council Meeting September 8, 1997 8.1 PRESENTATION OF ROADWAY MANAGEMENT PLAN The Roadway Management Plan has been completed. A copy is enclosed for review. The plan was used to determine the 1998 Public Work Maintenance Budget. We will be present at the September 8, 1997 Council Meeting to present the plan and answer any questions related to the plan. 8.2 LUCONIC POND UPDATE Mike Luconic was contacted, after he had contacted the city, to discuss the overifow from a DNR Wetland (86-4W) on his property. He indicated he was willing to give an easement, however, he does expect stormwater, or other credit in return. We have reviewed past documents on this issue. Easements other than Luconics would be needed to the north. We have enclosed a sketch depicting three potential routes for the outlet, to carry stormwater away from Hall's Pond and into Otsego Creek. Construction estimates for the project range between $75,000 and $100,000, assuming a bid project. The DNR wetland on Mr. Loconic's property becomes a problem during large rainfall events and Spring thaw. The pond is basically landlocked, however, during large flows, the pond overflows in the east. This causes problems for residents in the Otsego Acres Subdivision. Preliminary contact with the Mn/DNR indicates the outflow could be routed north to Otsego Creek and away from the Hall's Pond watershed. We are requesting action from the Council on two issues: 1) Approval of $1250 to complete a feasibility level analysis of the project. We have included three preliminary alignments for review. This fee includes an analysis of property owners affected, a determination of easements required, a cost analysis of alternatives, and a recommended alternative. 2) Direction on how to allocate costs for the project (City financed, assessments, etc.) We will be present at the 9/8%97 Council Meeting to discuss this issue further. agenda9.2 Engineer's Agenda Items Page 2 8.3 PUBLIC WORKS/STATE AID UPDATE Our District State Aid Engineer, Mike Tardy, has accepted a position with MnDOT in Duluth. We have worked with Mike for many years. We will continue working with Mike's replacement on State Aid/ISTEA related projects. 8.4 ANY OTHER ENGINEERING BUSINESS agenda9.2 Item 8.2 1 Item 8.2 8 40 i; \ y \` ...e. �_.w..l ``- '`r., s`,`�..'1i// ♦♦t"\' m "�I\ j�3119211 0�f1130 O n. t I I __� ,`� 1 -1 ��, \ Iwl, III 0 ♦ `I `♦ , , p ` p ��J �l i -ate\'\ r _`I'I��/ . rott?v. �c`F�` `` • s. `♦\ - , `n;.1\ �Q-. ,11 / ' \ ` ,-. ,tap \, \ \ . ` �\ `. � $ ` ` ♦ _ / . I I \\ \ \ \ 1 `♦ 2160 -_ EA \ \ Ara - A i I 1 `'\ ""�' i 1 ,'� �'� � � - -�-_ � � ' �; �� �♦ \ `�_ �\ ` \' moi: I It �/ ' ____-` 11 1 1 I` . cu I \ Ids.♦♦ \\ \ i _ •w. ---------- #201200, #2012 Z. #201200 i j O I ``' --- •ySC� Z'. % / \\ ---------- Po 1200 1201 7 /i10 CITY OF OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 8, 1997 7.1. Consider moratorium amendment requested by Mike Emberton (Greninger property development south of Co. Rd.#39) 7.2. Discussion on Cemetery Statutes 7.3. Discussion of Joint Powers Agreement Re: Dayton/Otsego 7.4. Joint Road Maintenance with Albertville 7.5. Any other legal business ki r%Lm is ,, 3 CloimS List for APPTOVs1 .11,J7 r7D.]I t)P r-fTY AF I.TSFr,(. 1� , z 3 s1 IJ j For the PETiod 09/04/97 to 09/04/91 0 /U4/ z CLAIM TOTAL ACCOUNT ACCOUNT al TO WHi71'7 PAlG FC -,P IJH.;T PURPOSE DAZE NUMF;F..P CLAIM IJUM •E F. AMOUNT s DESIGNEE.' NAMEPLATES 09/04/97 279c 7:.17 101-41400-310 73.17 i°I DUERRS WATEP,CARE SERVICE AUGUST SERVICE 09/04/97 2799 27.90 lU1-431 GC> -203 27.90 BFI - tJ000LAKE SHNITATIOtJ SERVICE AUGUST SERVICE 09/04/97 2800 317.50 101-41610-"390 317.50 e BEST DISPOSAL SERVICE SEPTEMBER SERVICE 09/04/97 2801 80.00 101-41610-390 80.00 jo PITNEY BOWES RENTAL 09/04/97 2802 203.68 101-41400-410 203.68 a 14APA OF ELK RIVER INC PARTS 09/04/97 2804 8.50 101-43100-220 8.50 + EGM PUBLISHERS INC PRINTING & PUBLISHING 09/04/97 2805 219.25 101-41400-350 219.25 z U.S. WEST COMMUNICATIONS SERVICE TO 8/22 09/04/9? 2806 464.38 101-41400-320 369.69 ,3 .. 01-4 - 101-45200-320 34.72 101-43100-320. 101-43100-320 __..59.97 WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITOR -TREASURER SEPTEMBER PATROLLING ":09/04/97 2807 8,395.00. 101-42100-390 8,395.00 H G WEBER OIL COMPANY 8/19 &8/27 DELIVERIES 09/04/97 2808 1 6 1 1-4 - 6 1a ,67 GLENS TRUCK CENTER I14C PARTS 09/04/97 2809 95.62 101-43100-220 95.62 1,e DJ'S TOTAL HOME CENTER SUPPLIES 09/04/97 2810 19.11 101-43100-220 19.11 WRIGHT-HENNEPIN CO-OP. LECTRIC ASSN SERVICE,TO 8/15 9/04/9 2811 41.,605-48000-322 I,o _, _ 354.35 120 �+ _ r-41940-322 101-43200-322' 22.63 101-43200-3_22 'tel MINNEGASCO SAERVICE TO 8/22 09/04/97 2812 93.90 101-41940-322 68.93 4 101-41940-322 24.97 -LAPLANT SANITATION INC SEPTEMBER SERVICE /97 2813 102.7.2r 40-102.72 e STEPHEN CONROY, ATTORNEY JULY SERVICES.-. `09/04/,97 2814 253 00 1101:41700-301 253,00 7 AT & T SERVICE.TO 8/21 09/.04797 2815 25 23?'E10S-45200-320 1 - 1400- O 101-43100-320 14.42 G & K TEXTILE LEASING SYSTEMS SERVICE FOR AUGUST 09/04/97 2816 575.91 101-41940-220 75.84 +Yrx4 }101-43100-220 0 . 3z THENAROWARE�,S70RE '.� F +h ` .SUPPLIES'..:09/44797 2817,-401=43100-210 -89.64 NORTHERN''S`' r SUPPLIES `.'09/04/97' 2818 nom' �' .43' X01-43100-210. '" ..a 7.43. �. GARY A. GROEN, CPA AUGUST SERVICES 09/04/97 2819 1,530.00 101-41600-390 1,530.00 Iss BOISE CASCADE OFFICE PRODUCTS OFFICE SUPPLIES 09/04/97 2820 213.97 101-41400-201 213.97 CITY OF ALBERTVILLE SECOND HALF FIRE CONTRACT 09/04/97 2821 6,121.73 202-42200-390 6,121.73 R,. ,j-�e i+.:4??+�e ,.; ' e it �,. 4vs: ARTS a r 49/04/97;;,2822 4 lOY 3100-220 tii 21 s ?•; ST.; JOSEPHSL EaUIP ENi ;INCE TS „ 09/04°2823 416 "' Ol 43100-220 ' s , a+..+rY '0':79 '!., VIRGINIA WENDEL:,' r, r,k re�.Y LEAGE:'771$ . ,: _, r::. -09/04/97' 2824 a Ol'=41'100-3_1, wSTATE BANK OF ROGERS ESCROW REFUND 9/04/9 - -500.00 1141 �< RANDYS SANITATION JULY RECYCLING 09/04/97 2826 275.00 101-41610-390 275.00 MINNESOTA COPY SYSTEMS INC. JUNE - AUGUST SERVICE 09/04/97 2827 377.70 101-41400-201 377.70 <3 A K A{ ;+; Yy. r : s:,• +t'p• ,c. U AMA 'r ,'u : ¢. •e.ax °s. r µ hu e?. t �` gr {.:y a ",.k:�`' la - 1�D1"2.9. 500 K Wit•. 00 rte: r.. /.. , x'1829 r,a '.EtORRI * " - �I�� will cw�ss', ., r :� R Q; '. 09.0 197' # « a �T• ; "101:-41400 ._ 962.50 u MORRELL .. . .. '.1 LIAOIN BRUSH S70 l2ELAT. . _ , ..«:.. X50 .: _310 wi' .,, LONG & SONS AUGUST CLEANING - - THERMOGAS COMPANY DUST CONTROL 09/04/97 2831 10,981.55 101-43100-433 10,981.55 ,a a NORTHWEST ASPHALT MAINTENANCE CO. JUNE CRACK AND JOINT FILLING 09/04/97 2832 43,396.32 101-43100-433 43,396.32 ELK.•RIVER MUNICIPAL UTILITIES SERVICE -.T( 8/7 r�'` _ 3 x;101-43200-322 _ 630.06 V Ji' rb ;` b f. `� r, 101 41940 322 44.92 s, , is s TOTAL FOR MONTH 78,993.06 78,993.06 S fi ,+z :1 -TOTAL YEARiTDATE 78,993.06' 78.993.06 �, t , z 3 s1 IJ j Gonestroo. Rosene, Anderlik and Associates, Inc. is an AffirmativAction;Equal Opportunieygiin j;t r- Bonestroo Principals. Otto G. Bonestroo. P.E. - Joseph C. Anderlik. P.E. • Matvin L. Sorvala. P.E. Richard E. Turner, PE. - Glenn R. Cook. P.E. • Robert G. Schunicht, RE. - Jerry on Stprd, Rosene Robert W. Rosene, P.E. and Susan M. Eberlin, C.P.A., Senior Consultants f+ — NEMAssociate Principals: Howard A. Sanford. P.E. - Keith A. Gordon. lit. - Robert R. Pfefferle. P.E. Anderlik & Richard W. Foster. P.E. • David O. Loskota, P.E. - Robert C. Russek; A.I.A. MatkAHansot>rAF Michael T. Rautmann• P.E. • Ted K.Field, PE. - Kenneth P. Anderson P.E. • Mark R. Rolfs, P.E. - Associates Sidney P. Williamson, P.E., L.S. - Robert F. Kotsmrth Offices: St. Paul, Rochester, Willmar and St. Cloud, MN - Milwaukee, WI Engineers & Architects August 29, 1997 Beatty Post -It" brand fax transmittal memo 7s71 # of pages Ms. Elaine Beat From City of Otsego To - co. 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Co phone # Otsego MN 55330 nnnt. Re: Wastewater Treatment Facilities Plan Our File No. 50302 Dear Elaine: As we prepare the Facilities Plan for the proposed wastewater treatment plant, there is an item which we need to address before the plan is submitted to MPCA. The item pertains to the needs assessment for the area. Please refer to my June 18 memo pertaining to implementation steps for a description of this item. As required for funding, we must demonstrate an environmental need for the project. The evidence of need must come from a certified septic system inspector or public health official who can provide documentation of non -complying septic systems, well contaminations, or some other environmental or public health condition which creates the need for the project. Please review your records for documentation of these conditions. exists, let me know and we can take steps to see what information other agencies might provide us. In the meantime, we are continuing preparation of the final report. Sincerely, BONESTROO, ROSENE, ANDERLIK & ASSOCIATES, INC. Ted K. Field Project Manager Or, if no information Wright County or 7335 WPct Hinh%Aiav 3h 4 Ct Pahl MN SS114 9 1117-11 AA -411M) 0 Fav• /,17-/.�/.-tett