10-15-97 SCCCITY OF OTSEGO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING 7PM COUNCIL CHAMBERS OTSEGO CITY HALL OCTOBER 15, 1997 1. Mayor Larry Fournier will call meeting to order. Mayor Fournier called meeting to order at 7PM. Pledge of allegiance was recited by all. ROLL A Mayor Larry Fournier, Council Members Vern Heidner, Suzanne Ackerman, Virginia Wendel and Mark Berning were present. Bob Kirmis, City Planner, Kevin Kielb, City Engineer, Ted Field and John Harwood Project Engineers, Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator and Carol Olson, Secretary were also present. Agenda Anna oval: CM Wendel asked to add 6 City Administrators Contract discussion. and 6-4- U date on A1bemi11P Sub -Committee Meeting CM Berning asked to add 6-5- P rk and Trail Resolution to award Contract (cont. from 10/13/97 CC Meeting Mayor Fournier asked to delete No. 3. and Add: 3. Direct Staff to obtain following estimates: a. Bonestroo - Plans and Specs. for the Wastewater Treatment Plant b. Hakanson Anderson & Associates provide the following: 1. Sanitary Sewer Collection System 2. Potable Water Collection System 6.1. Order Survey of Plant Site. 6.2. Contract appraiser to appraise plant site. CM WENDEL MOTIONED AND CM ACKERMAN SECONDED THE MOTION TO ADOPT THE AGENDA AS AMENDED. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2. Site selection review process by Council and Staff: Project Engineer John Harwood reviewed the process to date for the site selection process. (See attached material from the overheads shown). Mayor Fournier said two issues were directly involved: No 1 The way- treated NLr_ Ways T .ahn's Family-. He said he was involved and apologized for any mistreatment by himself or Staff. He asked John Harwood for a map to draw on. Mayor Fournier stated he recommended 10 acres of Mr. Lahn's property in the NW corner. John Harwood drew the 10 acre parcel on the map 550'x 800' . Next he suggested we purchase an easement for discharge pipe to the Crow SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING RE: SITE SELECTION FOR SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT OF OCTOBER 15, 1997 AT 7PM - PAGE 2 - River and obtain a temporary easement for a service road to that site, parallel to the permanent easement (dotted line). The reason as follows: BENEFITS: 1. Location of the plant in the NW corner of Lahn's property has less impact. 2. It moves plant further away from the existing residential area. 3. If Dayton participates, a force main can be run along the North boundary of the Lahn property to Dayton. 4. This will help to preserve the Crow River. Discussion was had on the site and terrain being fairly flat until you get to the Crow River with some trees and pasture. Kevin Kielb noted that it was close to the sites originally analyzed and is pasture, crop land and farmland to the west. CM Heidner thought it was woods to the west. Mr. Tom Korowitz, 17069 - 53RD ST said it is ground zero up there. The corner is a wetland of approximately 5 acres. Kevin Kielb confirmed it with map. More discussion of the wetland was had. Kevin Kielb felt it could be worked out around the wetland and Ted Field reminded everyone that 6.7 acre site is actually needed w/expansion and talked about some thought should be given to greater capacity in the future. Mr. Korowitz asked how manly Council Members had toured the sites. He talked about costs involved. CM Berning had concerns with a new site and concerned with wetland, maybe not a good, buildable site and didn't see a lot of difference from other site to South. CM Wendel replied to Mr. Korowitz that she had relied on information given to us and she hasn't heard a lot of negatives. We cannot please everybody. Mayor Fournier asked Mr. Kirmis for positive or negative planning issues. Mr. Kirmis stated that Zoning approvals are necessary, a variance and CUP for public related utilities within an Ag. Zoning District. Think of long term land use and one concern is assumption of single family residential. It makes sense to move the site to the edge of the single family development and buffering, etc. CM Berning said Bonestroo did the plant design, did they look at this site? Mr. Kielb said land to the West of the site is more marginal land and possibly a buffer. Mr. Field answered they weren't involved in site selection process, but agreed with Kevin Kielb that it is the same soil conditions. The visual impact of this site appears to be the number one factor, compared to previous sites. CM Berning asked if the temporary easement would be a nine ton road to get back to this site? Mr. Kielb stated that one key to getting plant site and designing landscaping on a temporary basis id to build gravel or rock surface to be compatible with surrounding farm area. It can be done and kept clear of snow. Discussion of if amendment needed for site selection to MPCA. Mr. Field agreed nothing in the facilities plan needs changing. EAW should be done after final site selection. He explained further when EAW is done is when you are committing to final site. SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING RE: SITE SELECTION FOR SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT OF OCTOBER 15, 1997 AT 7PM - PAGE 3 - VIRGINIA WENDEL MOTIONED TO ACCEPT THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE NEW LAHN PROPERTY SITE AS THE SITE FOR THE WASTEWATER FACILITY PLANT SITE. VERN HEIDNER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 4 TO 1 WITH MARK BERNING VOTING AGAINST. CM Heidner stated concern that EAW and Survey needs to be done on this site and it could turn out it is not a good site. CM Berning asked if trunk line would change. Mr. Kielb felt it would not and the contingencies will cover the 1/4 mile more of pipe. CM Berning asked if 10 A site. Mayor Fournier said yes, plus permanent easement. 3 Direct Staff to Obtain the following estimates: a Bonectroo plans and specs for wastewater treatment plant, Mr. Field explained the City needs to know the cost for the next phase which is a significantly greater investment. The City needs to know that the cost can be, but not necessarily, covered under the loan program. But may have to be borne by the City prior to receiving the loan funds. CM Berning asked what is included in the estimate. Mr. Field said it can be done a number of ways. An estimate or firm figure can be done. Scope of work figure right up to the bidding phase is typically design phase. CM Berning asked if we will know additions at the end of the project? Mr. Field stated it can be included or not, we can talk about that. The bidding phase proceeds with real numbers - not estimates. We can have estimates through the construction phase if the Council wants. CM Berning asked if taking this trough the construction phase, do we know if it is a flat contract, hourly with one general engineer or a cap or rate charge. Mr. Field said the construction phase we prefer rates with estimated hours and costs as opposed to a lump sum. The reason is that there is a lot of variability in construction. Estimates can be used as a budget. CM Heidner asked the cost of estimates. Mr. Field said nothing and can be ready for October 29, 1997 Council Meeting. Another thing is Dayton participation in the project ( A revised number without Dayton participating). CM Wendel asked about the cost of construction, is something written in the case of delays for labor, etc.? Mr. Field said standard for nearly all plans and specs. is a schedule with completion dates, and bidder agreeing to meet completion dates. Damages, etc. are included as part of the construction contract. CM HEIDNER MOTIONED AND CM ACKERMAN SECONDED THE MOTION TO ASK BONESTROO TO FURNISH US WITH AN ESTIMATE FOR THE COST OF THE WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. CM Berning noted that we can throw it out if we don't like it. Mayor Fournier answered yes. SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING RE: SITE SELECTION FOR SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT OF OCTOBER 15, 1997 AT 7PM - PAGE 4 - 3.a & b Direct Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc.o provide estimates for costs for plans and specifications for the sanitary sewer system and notable water system. Mr Kielb stated that the fee curve contract is what we receive the fees on. Mayor Fournier stated that we want the most accurate estimate you can give us. CM HEIDNER MOTIONED TO HAVE HAKANSON ANDERSON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. PROVIDE US WITH COST ESTIMATES FOR THE SANITARY SEWER COLLECTION SYSTEM AND POTABLE WATER SYSTEM. CM WENDEL SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 4 Update from Ted Field on Wastewater Treatment Facility/Dayton Meeting Mr Field stated that Dayton Council action in the last month was to direct their City Engineer to have a cost estimate for two other options for wastewater treatment. 1. Metro system to Champlin 2. Small treatment plant to the Crow River The cost showed that the Otsego capacity, per connection basis is the least costly route to Clair VandeCommert, 18680 - 152ND Ave N., Days, MN. Asked Mayor Fournier the motive for development of the plant. Mayor Fournier stated needs for the wastewater treatment plant/water project are several reasons, including 1 - acre lots allowed in early 70's and 25 yr. old systems with no alternative for failing systems. We want a system in place for an emergency. Another reason is tax base. Ms. VandeCommert commented on placement of treatment plant and Dayton as one of the reasons why it is back there. Mayor Fournier didn't feel what Dayton does would affect our project and how it proceeds. Lou Sus i, 5651 n will .y Ave, Rogers, MN. Many of the 25 yr old homes are 7 miles North of the plant. If Dayton doesn't come in, why is plant so far away? Talked about Industrial Development. Mayor Fournier said location of the plant is because of only Crow River discharge option. Terry Olson 15099 Scenic Drive, Dayton, MN. Believes it is possible to discharge into the Mississippi, but higher cost. Took samples of wastewater at St. Michael and Delano. St. Michael sample is very poor. ( Fecal matter in it and very cloudy). Delano has better water quality. Mayor Fournier agreed and said we are choosing Delano's design. Shirley Khoshnevis, 15089 Scenic Drive, Deyton, n. Asked us to be good neighbors. This is an impact to property/houses in Hassan Twp. I'm opposed. Appreciate the Mayors time. Odor issue, live downwind, my property will be impacted. Understand the Crow River discharge. Put this in a Comm/Ind area. Bldg is one small step, mgm./maint. is critical. Hope it is good quality, aerated ponds, odor minimized. SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING RE: SITE SELECTION FOR SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT OF OCTOBER 15, 1997 AT 7PM - PAGE 5 - Mayor Fournier stated we will do the best job we can CM BERNING MOTIONED AND CM HEIDNER SECONDED THE MOTION TO APPROVE THE SUMMARY OF THE ETHICS ORDINANCE FOR PUBLISHING AS WRITTEN. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. Any other Sewer and Water issues 6.1. Survey of Plant Site Engineer Kielb stated that he will not need to implement a physical field survey at this time. Attorney MacArthur needs a written description of the property site to use. Attorney MacArthur will then complete title research of the sewage treatment facility site and present the documents to the Council. Engineer Kielb asked the Council if they want the stakes pounded in now or want him to hold off? Council consensus was hold off for now. CM WENDEL MOTIONED AND CM HEIDNER SECONDED THE MOTION TO HAVE ENGINEER KIELB PROVIDE INFORMATION ON THE 10 ACRE SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT SITE (550' BY 800', WITH A 20' WIDE PERMANENT PIPELINE EASEMENT AND 50' TEMPORARY EASEMENT FOR THE ROAD TO THE SITE) MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. It was noted that work on the EAW and the site description will start right away. MAYOR FOURNIER MOTIONED TO DIRECT THE CITY ENGINEER TO PROCEED WITH THE EAW ON THE COLLECTION SYSTEM FOR SANITARY SEWER. CM HEIDNER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6.2. Direct Staff to prepare nppra-icer estimates The Council asked Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Adm. to obtain three appraisals estimates for the cost of appraising the City of Otsego sewage treatment facility plant site. These appraisers names with estimates to be on the October 29th Council Meeting Agenda. 6.3. Interim City Administrators Contract CM Heidner explained that the sub -committee met with Michael Robertson this afternoon (10/15/97 - 4PM). The range we advertised of $25 to $35 per hour, he wanted the high end amount. We came back with an agreement based on $30.00 per hour rate, but errors and omissions policy costs $1,400 to $1,500. He only needs this working for us as a contractor. (He pays this even if we hire him for only a week.) The City of Otsego will pay up to $150.00 per month for the errors and omissions policy out of the monthly amount. CM HEIDNER MOTIONED AND MAYOR FOURNIER SECONDED TO SIGN THE CONTRACT WITH MICHAEL ROBERTSON FOR INTERIM CITY ADMINISTRATOR AT $30.00 PER HOUR RATE AND UP TO $150.00 A MONTH FOR ERRORS AND OMISSIONS INSURANCE. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING RE: SITE SELECTION FOR SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT OF OCTOBER 15, 1997 AT 7PM - PAGE 6 - It was noted the Michael Robertson can start on November 17th (Monday). He will also attend some Council Meetings, etc. on his own time before this date. 6.4. Update on Albertville Meeting of 10/14/97 - 8PM at Albertville CM Wendel provided a handout of the notes she had taken at the Albertivlle Meeting. She explained that Albertville would like some questions answered by Otsego City Council. She reviewed these with the Council and explained. (See attached handout). This information should be on the Council Agenda of October 29, 1997. Albertville wants to have an answer by November 2, 1997. The Council asked that Bob Kirmis, Planner and Kevin Kielb Engr. comment on these issues. 6.1. MOTION: MAYOR FOURNIER MOTIONED TO PURCHASE AERIAL SURVEYS/TOPOS FOR THE FRANKFORT PORTION OF OTSEGO AND STATE HWY #101 AREA AT A PRICE OF $20,250.00 -'ROM MARK HURD. CM ACKERMAN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6.5. Resolution for Park and Trail Upgrades award of contract It was noted that if we award the bid for the Park and Trail update amount we can get it refunded from the DNR Grant and the entire project can be closed out. CM BERNING MOTIONED TO AWARD THE BID FOR $5,378.00 TO RUM RIVER CONTRACTING TO COMPLETE THE OVERLAY ON TRAILS, ETC. CM ACKERMAN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. CM BERNING MOTIONED AND CM ACKERMAN SECONDED THE MOTION TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. CITU WGd.11 Aft'a, LARRY KURNIER, MAYOR ATTEST: - ELAIP& BEATTY, CIW CLERK/ ZONING ADMINISTRATOR EB