10-29-97 CCCITY OF OTSEGO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA CITY COUNCIL MEETING 6:30 PM COUNCIL CHAMBERS OTSEGO CITY HALL OCTOBER 29, 1997 1. Mayor Fournier will call meeting to order_ Mayor Fournier called the City Council Meeting to order at 6:30 PM. Mayor Fournier led in the Pledge of Allegiance. b. Roll Call. Mayor Larry Fournier; Councilmembers: Virginia Wendel, Vern Heidner, Mark Berning, Suzanne Ackerman. Staff: Andrew MacArthur, Attorney; John Harwood, Engineer; Bob Kirmis, Assistant Planner; Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator; Judy Hudson, Deputy Clerk. Mayor Fournier announced that Kevin Kielb is no longer with Hakanson, Anderson and is replaced by John Harwood of Hakanson, Anderson. 2. Consider Agenda Approval - Mayor Fournier had the following additions: Item 4.1.1. Delete Gary Groen's update on City Finance Item 4. La. Mr. Bailey from Wright County Human Services - River Rider Item 6.2, Item 7.3 and Item 8.1 be addressed all at the same time under Item 6.2. Item 9.6.1. Discuss Five Year Plan from the Heritage Commission Item 9.6.2. Review letter from Charmaine Barranco Item 3.d. Consider Minutes of October 9, 1997, Review Requests for Proposals for Interim City Administrator CM Heidner motioned to adopt the October 29, 1997 City Council Agenda as amended. Seconded by CM Ackerman. All in favor Motion carried 3. Consider Minutes: a_ Regular Council Meeting of October 13, 1997, Mayor Fournier noted on Page 6 under Discussion he thought it was him rather than CM Heidner making the remarks about staff first having a recommendation prior to Council Action. CM Wendel motioned to accept the October 13, 1997 Minutes with the noted corrections. Seconded by Mayor Fournier. All in favor. Motion carried. b_Special Council Meeting R Site for Plant 10-15-97 CM Heidner noted on Page 5, Item 6.3. that it appears the City will be paying $31 rather than the agreed $30 with $150 towards the Errors and Omissions Insurance. It was decided to remove this entire last sentence and correct the beginning of paragraph to reflect this. CM Heidner motioned to adopt the October 15, 1997 Special Council Meeting Minutes as amended. Seconded by CM Ackerman. All in favor. Motion carried. Otsego City Council Meeting of October 29, 1997, cont'd. Page 2. C. Council Review R quest for Proposals for Interim City Administrator of October 9. 1997, CM Heidner motioned to approve. Seconded by CM Berning. Voting For the Motion: Mayor Fournier, CM Heidner, CM Wendel, CM Berning Abstained: CM Ackerman since she left early. Motion carried. 4. Onen Forum: 4.1. Special Presentations: Gary Groen, Update on City Finances. This was deleted from the Agenda. 4.2. Mr. Bailey from WrightCounty Human Services r g raging River Rider_ Also present from Wright County was Sue Siemers and Pat Sawaae, County Commissioner. They went over the history of River Rider which is basically supported by MnDOT, Wright County, Sherburne County and local entities. River Rider is a Joint Power Agreement with Sherburne and Wright Counties. They are looking at expanding into Otsego, St. Michael and Albertville as of January, 1998. Service in Otsego would be every Tuesday and Thursday going to Elk River and the other three days the bus would go to Buffalo. The rates are based on population at $1.00 per person. For Otsego, to start out with, the rate would be based on a population of 3,395. They want a long term commitment. An advisory transportation committee will also be formed and would need a representative from the Otsego Council. After Council discussion and questions, Mayor Fournier requested this item be placed on the next City Council Agenda. He requested staff to review the budget if there would be funding and to contact Aid Association for Lutherans for any assistance. Joy Swenson, Chair of the Heritage Commission. The Heritage Commission is looking at two applications to do the Content Study and asked how the City wants them to handle. Mayor Fournier asked that the Council be kept informed and involved as they proceed. The Council decided the Council Representative to the Heritage Commission should be involved in the Interviewing Process. 5. Consent Agenda_ There were no Items on the Consent Agenda. Otsego City Council Meeting of October 29, 1997, cont'd. Page 3. 1. Conditional Use Permit to allow: a. Amendment to the existing CUP b. Flexibility from the Industrial Building Material Requirements, Mr. Kirmis presented the Planner's Report. He noted the Planning Commission recommended approval subject to the ten conditions listed in the Findings of Fact. Mr. Harwood also went over the Engineer's Report. CM Heidner motioned to approve the Conditional Use Permit to allow Amendment to the existing Conditional Use Permit and Flexibility from the Industrial Building Material Requirements to the property 118-802-022104 subject to the conditions listed in the Findings of Fact. Seconded by CM Berning. All in favor. Motion carried. (See attached memos from Bob Kirmis and John Harwood of October 22, 1997) CM Wendel expressed that the Albertville City Council is willing to work with Otsego on the following issues and need input from Otsego. 70th Street and Border Streets Andy MacArthur commented he doesn't object to the proposed changes to the Maintenance Contract with Albertville. He encouraged communication between the two cities. Mr. Harwood noted MSA Money can be spent on a shared street depending on how Otsego wants to allocate their money. He suggested a meeting with Albertville on planning issues. Mr. Harwood noted if development occurs, the developer pays for road improvements. Council discussion was concerns with assessments for street improvements. The Council agreed there is a need to look at an agreement regarding street improvements and possibly a meeting with Albertville regarding a transportation plan. Also, Albertville should tell developers that it will be their responsibility for any street upgrades and for Otsego to be notified of any developments bordering Otsego. MacIver Avenue (realignment) Council discussion lead to some support for realignment but needs further evaluation. Sewer Availability and/or allowing Otsego residenu, to hook up to Albertville The Council discussed several concerns of costs, type of agreement, service area, annexation, and need more information from Albertville. Albertville Well The Council agreed with Mayor Fournier that Otsego needs to have more information before answers can be given as same with Sewer. Otsego City Council Meeting of October 29, 1997, cont'd. Page 4. Racetrack The Council agreed this discussion is premature until there is a project and no formal application has been received. Future vacation of Kadler Avenue The Council discussed Otsego needs to receive a formal application for this vacation. A Public Hearing would be held and concerns would be addressed. Cemetery Creek Albertville was concerned with cleaning out any debris and would share in cleanup costs. The Council directed that no more water goes into Otsego. CM Berning questioned Mr. MacArthur if assuming Albertville would supply Otsego with sewer and Otsego wouldn't like the agreement, could the residents who previously signed a petition to be annexed into Albertville come back again with their request to the Municipal Board. Mr. MacArthur stated the Municipal Board won't exist after 1999. After that, such requests would go into State Planning and go by State Law. But he felt any current agreement would hold a lot of weight. None 7. Andrew MacArthur, City Attorney: 7.1. Consider Wright County Law Enforcement Contract Mr. MacArthur went over his October 28, 1997 Letter (attached) stating his concerns with this Contract. CM Heidner motioned to approve the Wright County Law Enforcement Contract as written with the attachment of a Cover Letter stating Otsego agrees to the interpretation of Number 9. Seconded by CM Ackerman. All in favor. Motion carried. 7.2. Consider appr isomers to an�nraise sewage treatment plant site. Mr. MacArthur stated he is waiting for the quotes. Mayor Fournier requested this Item be placed on the next City Council Agenda. 7.3. Response to Otsego/Albertville Road Meeting Minutes Re: Legal Isms u .mss Discussed under Item 6.2. 7.4. Any other Legal Business. Mayor Fournier appointed CM Berning and CM Heidner to review the sample Peddler's Ordinances received and to come back to the Council with a recommendation. Mr. MacArthur stated he received the background check on Mike Robertson and recommended Mr. Robertson's contract be signed. Otsego City Council Meeting of October 29, 1997, cont'd. Page 5. 8_ City Engineer- 8.1. ngineer:8.1_ Res oR nse t Discussed under Item 6.2. CM Heidner motioned to adopt Resolution 97-17 amending the Sewer Service Area Boundary. Seconded by CM Ackerman. All in favor. Motion carried. 8.3_ Design fees for sewer and watercts. Mr. Harwood went over his October 22, 1997 Letter regarding design services for 1998 Water and Sewer Improvements. CM Berning had the following questions and concerns: What is the actual trunk layout and where is it going since he has seen two different plans? Will Otsego meet with Dayton before these plans and specs are approved? He has talked to some of Dayton's Council members and staff and they are confused as to what Otsego is doing. Mr. Harwood responded the trunk layout with what Otsego has now, is a broad layout and the plan needs to be defined. Mayor Fournier stated he has talked to Dayton's Mayor and they haven't made any decisions as of yet and they are still looking at alternatives. Mayor Fournier also feels that if Dayton doesn't go in on this project, Otsego will go on its own. He said Dayton is having a meeting on November 3rd ancd hope to get definite answer by November 10th. CM Berning felt he can't approve these Plans and Specs not having all the answers from Dayton in regards to ownership and usage. If Dayton doesn't go in with Otsego how will that affect Otsego getting a low interest loan. CM Berning motioned to delay the approval of any Plans and Specs until Otsego hears from Dayton. CM Berning withdrew his motion. CM Berning motioned for Otsego to meet with Dayton to find out if they are considering this project and what are their concerns with the site. Motion died for a lack of a second. Mayor Fournier pointed out that Mayor Forsyth did agree to the ownership plans and that he and Mayor Forsyth are in weekly contact. CM Heidner felt the issue of ownership has been settled and there is no further need to discuss that issue with them any further. Mayor Fournier agreed and agreed to keep the lines of communications open. CM Wendel suggested to include CM Berning in on the discussions. Mayor Fournier replied he can arrange that. After further discussion on Mr. Harwood's fee schedule, Mayor Fournier directed the Council to save this Memo. 8.4_ Any other Engineering Business. John Harwood informed the Council of Kevin Kielb's decision to leave Hakanson, Anderson after four years of employment with them. He assured the Council that Otsego City Council Meeting of October 29, 1997, cont'd. Page 6. Hakanson, Anderson will continue to serve Otsego well. They have hired another engineer with six years of experience and are planning on hiring more engineers. Ted Field, Bonestroo Engineering, advised the City Council to get a time schedule from Dayton for making a commitment in order that this project doesn't get pushed out too far in order to get good bidding. He noted the EAW has been prepared and sent to the PCA. Mr. Field also went over the Design Service Fees for the Sewer Plant. They can estimate their fees two ways: Percentage of Construction costs or a fixed fee. He estimated about $150,000 to prepare plans and specs as recommended which would include start up. 9J_ Council dec Engineer/A Completed under Item 6.2. CM Berning asked for direction from the Council what they want included in the Community Recreation Budget and how they want it financed. CM Wendel, CM Heidner and CM Ackerman agreed to no more than $15,000 and to use a formula with Number of Residents, Number of Users, Number of Events. Mayor Fournier agreed but stated he would be willing to look at more. Darlene Solberg, Parks Commission Members, stated she has worked on an Option Plan but hasn't presented it to the Parks Commission. 9 Consider appraiser for sewage treatment plant site appraisal - Previously addressed. 9-4. Set amounts for fire service - Elk River/Monticello/Rogers/Albertville Mayor Fournier motioned to accept the City Clerk's recommendation and approve the fire service amounts of Elk River - $40 per parcel; Rogers at $50 per parcel; Monticello as $35 per parcel; and Albertville at $53 per parcel. Seconded by CM Berning. All in favor. Motion carried. Previously addressed. 9.6. Any other Council Business - 9 -6-1. usiness_9 6 1 Proposed Five Year Plan for the Otsego Heritage Preservation Commission The Council acknowledged their draft five-year plan. Otsego City Council Meeting of October 29, 1997, cont'd. Page 7 CM Ackerman motioned to direct staff to write a letter to Ms. Barranco thanking her for working with Otsego on covering all the issues of the city. Seconded by CM Heidner. Voting For the Motion: CM Ackerman, CM Heidner, CM Wendel, Mayor Fournier Abstained: CM Berning Motion carried. CM Ackerman reported on the success of the Parks Commission sponsored Haunted House. 9.7. City Clerk's Update" Elaine Beatty reported that she and Mayor Fournier met with Joel Robinsfinger, DNR, regarding the Wild and Scenic Areas. They felt it was a positive meeting and by January the DNR wants to start proceeding on the Informational Meetings and Hearings regarding the boundaries of the Wild and Scenic. Elaine also discussed the recent speed zone results in Island View conducted by the State, River Rider and distributed copies of the recent fax on Community Based Planning Seminars. CM Berning motioned to direct staff to inform Tom Baillargeon to find alternative storage for his tractor by November 10th or it will be impounded at Owner's expense. Seconded by CM Ackerman. (Discussion occurred between the motion being made and the actual vote). Discussion: Mayor Fournier would prefer to review the Lease Agreement first. CM Berning requested the letter is sent by Registered Mail. Voting For the Motion: CM Heidner, CM Berning, CM Wendel, CM Ackerman. Voting Against the Motion: Mayor Fournier Motion carried four (4) to one (1). CM Wendel questioned if the FEMA money has been received. Elaine noted it takes up to six weeks. CM Wendel requested Elaine to send a copy of the Maintenance Agreement with Albertville to Albertville. Elaine asked the Council if they wanted a quote from First National Insurance for breakdown of the City's equipment for insurance, which the Council authorized. Otsego City Council Meeting of October 29, 1997, cont'd. Page 8. 9.8. Consider Claims List for an)nroval. CM Heidner motioned approval of the Claims List as presented. Seconded by CM Ackerman. All in favor. Motion carried. Mayor Fournier requested to place on the next City Council Agenda, discussion of the Volunteer Appreciation Event. CM Heidner informed the Council of the recent purchase of a new computer. 9.9. Adjourn by 10 PM CM Heidner motioned to adjourn. Seconded by CM Berning. All in favor. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:50 PM. Mayor Larry ourmer A t: Elaine Beatty, City Clerkloning Adm. Recorded by: Judy Hudson, Deputy Clerk City Seal