10-29-97 WSCITY OF OTSEGO 1998 PROPOSED BUDGET City of Otsego Summary Of Prposed 1998 Tax Levy 1998 1997 Revenue $ 761,505 $ 722,758 Bonds 29,550 52,700 Parks 15,000 15,000 $ 806,055 $ 790,458 Percent Increase 1.97% SkM - i Proposed Lp•-y Certification STAI L. of MINNESOTA COUNTY of WRIGHT City of Otsego return by September 15, 1997 City Taxes Voted To the AUDITOR of Wright County: 1 hereby certify that the Council for the City of Otsego, County of Wright, Minnesota, did at a meeting on September 8, 1997 levy the following amount to be raised by taxation for the City of Otsego for the taxable year 1998, viz: (A) i IB) i ( C ) i ( D ) i ( E ) i 1997 i 1997 i 1997 i 1997 i 1997 i 1997 Budget 1 Other Tax Tax Requirements ; LGA ; HACA ; Resources ; Levy Rates 1 1 I I I 1 1 1 I 1 (A) i (B) i (C1 i (D) i (E) Fund 1998 i 1998 1998 i 1998 1 A -B -C -D = E 1 Budget Other Certified Requirements i LGA HACA Resources Levy 971,417 i 101,805 i 146,854 i i 722,758 i 29.578 'Revenue 11,246,053.1- 112,54/ 1 146,.855.1 5, I , .............................1...........................I............................................................i.....................1.....................................(............................... .......................................................I.............................1................................ 52,700 I I I 1 52,700 I 2.157 1 Bonds I I I I I ..... 2�,.�5Q.... 29 55.0......... ............15,000.................................i...........................i......................'..............................I.....................(.....................................(.......... I..............................)...........................I.............................1...... i. 15,000 I 0.614 I Parks 1 15 000 /�/� /� ............................................................i...........................i..............................i.......................0....1..................... i..................................... i................R........................................... ;........................... i............................. �....... I.1I.N.Q......... i........................................................ i.............................. i....................... 0....'..................... i..................................... ............................... i..............................i........................... i............................................................. ...............................I............................. ........................... ............................................................I.......................................................... ............................................................. I........................... I............................. ................................ 1 I 1 I 0 1 1 I I 1 I I .............................. ........................................................ I.............................. I.............................. I..................... .................................................................... 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'........................... ............................. ............................... .............................. ..................................................0....1 ....................1 .................................... i............................... i.............................. i........................... i............................. i............................... 1,039,117 ; 101,805 ; 146,854 ; 0 ; 790,458 ! 32.349 Market Value Based Referendum Levy $ 0.00 • Do not include any Disparity Reduction Aid or Fiscal Disparity taxes. Dated this of , 1997. T o t a 1 ;1 , 290, 603. ; 112,547 ; 146,855 ; 225,146 806,055 Eliane Beatty, Clerk CITY OF OTSDGO City of Otsego General Fund Revenue Budget Revenue Summary 36001 Special Assessments 1,185 101 - Actual Proposed 36210 Interest Earnings 1995 1996 1997 1997 to 1998 Source Description Actual Actual Budget June 30 Budget 38050 Franchise Fees 5,727 7,044 31010 Property Taxes $ 603,596 $ 699,924 $ 722,758 $ 35,946 $ 761,505 32100 Business Licenses 5,162 8,005 7,000 4,470 7,000 32210 Dog Licenses 185 150 100 70 100 32260 Building Permits 39,758 41,171 50,000 29,309 50,000 32270 Septic Permits 3,375 7,275 2,750 2,390 2,750 32280 Wetland Review 750 2,170 700 560 700 32290 Weight Permits 30 70 50 90 50 33401 Local Government Aid 63,070 75,504 101,805 51,534 112,547 33402 Homestead Credit 152,332 149,646 140,276 73,427 146,855 33403 Local Performance Aid - - 6,896 - 8,471 33404 Recycling Grant 7,004 3,183 3,000 1,935 3,000 33405 Police Aid 7,972 6,660 8,000 - 8,000 33406 MSA Maintenance 69,004 76,496 77,000 73,757 74,000 Other - Storm relief - - - 10,989 - Charges for Services 34000 General 37,429 344 5,000 - 5,000 34100 CUPNariance 2,848 2,350 2,500 1,450 2,500 34102 Subdivision 1,625 1,300 1,000 20 1,000 34103 Zone/Ordinance 1,050 1,400 1,000 300 1,000 34120 Assessment/Septic 2,580 3,540 2,100 1,320 2,100 34130 Streets 1,036 1,531 1,100 1,048 1,100 34140 Maps/copies 904 799 500 370 500 34150 Topo Sales - 4,535 2,500 - 2,500 34710 Recreation Fees 343 2,370 2,575 75 2,575 36001 Special Assessments 1,185 101 - - - 36210 Interest Earnings 4,844 17,174 10,000 29,820 18,000 38000 Old HalUHouse Rent 8,975 9,890 9,300 4,340 9,300 38050 Franchise Fees 5,727 7,044 7,100 8,285 7,100 39000 Other 273 1,085 600 3,258 600 39300 Clean Up Day 3,531 3,344 300 2,545 300 39400 Refunds & Reimburser 15,494 4,736 - 28,123 - 39500 City Hall Rent 13,698 7,427 5,000 3,360 5,000 Total Revenue $ 1,053,780 $1,139,224 $ 1,170,910 $368,791 Fund Balance - Carryover for Comprehensive Plan Total Revnue and Financing Sources 1,233,553 12,500 $ 1,246,053 Page 23 P-S- N INNESOTA Department of Revenue Property Tax Division Mail Station 3340 St. Paul, MN 55146-3340 Phone (612) 296-5145 Fax (612) 297-2166 July 25, 1997 To: Finance Officials of Cities Over 2,500 Population Re: Payable 1998 Overall Levy Limitation All counties and all cities over 2,500 population (levy limit cities) are subject to the new overall levy limitation for the taxes payable years 1998 and 1999. This levy limitation was enacted by Laws 1997, Chapter 231, Article 3. ..IM! ��. - � 108 The factors involved in the calculation of your city's payable 1998 overall levy limitation are shown on the enclosed levy limit notice. The following is an explanation of the calculation factors. Line 1 - Total Final Certified Levy for the Taxes Payable Year 1997: This is your city's final total certified levy for the taxes payable year 1997 reported on the property tax levy report submitted by your city to the Department of Revenue under M.S. 275.62. It is the net amount after the subtraction of homestead and agricultural credit aid (HACA), but before the fiscal disparity distribution levy deduction, if any, under M.S. 276A.06, Subd. 3, Clause (a) (Iron Range) or M.S. 473F.08, Subd. 3, Clause (a) (metro counties). Line 2 - Payable 1997 Levy for Bonds and Certificates of Indebtedness: This is your city's payable 1997 levy for bonds and certificates of indebtedness reported on the property tax levy report submitted by your city to the Department of Revenue under M.S. 275.62. Line 2a is the amount reported for bonded indebtedness; Line 2b is the amount reported for certificates of indebtedness; Line 2c is the amount reported for armory bonds; and Line 2d is the amount reported for payments o olitical subdivision. Line 2e is the nes 2a throu . These amounts are to be subtracted in eve oping your c' 's beginning levy emit base for payable 1998 since the payable 1998 levies for bonds an equipment certificates of in as s ecial levies o evy limitation. f an amount levied for bonds or certificates of indebtedness was levied on mar ue, it is shown on Line 3 (Payable 1997 Market Value -Based Referendum Levy) instead of on Line 2. Line 3 - Payable 1997 Market Value -Based Referendum Levy: This is the amount of your city's payable 1997 market value -based referendum levy, if any, for either operating purposes or debt. This amount is to be subtracted in developing your city's beginning levy An equal opportunity employer continued... TTY?DD: (612) 215-0069 M SOTA Department of Revenue Property Tax Division Mail Station 3340 St. Paul, MN 55146-3340 Phone (612) 296-3155 Fax (612) 297-2166 Payable 1998 Overall Levy Limitation Notice OTSEGO CITY OF (�l� I � "t, , ELAINE BEATTY (;� �� ',A;.= CLERK 8899 NASHUA AVE NE , ELK RIVER, MN 55330 > 1 31, 1997 JUL 3 1 197 i The payable 1998 overall levy limitation for your city is: $ 761,505 The following is a listing of the factors used in determining your city's payable 1998 overall levy limitation. See the enclosed letter for an explanation of these factors and for additional information concerning your city's overall levy limitation. 1. Total Final Certified Levy for the Taxes Payable Year 1997: $ 790,458 2. Payable 1997 Levy for Bonds and Certificates of Indebtedness a. Bonded Indebtedness: $ 52,700 b. Certificates of Indebtedness: $ c. Armory Bonds: $ d. Bonds of Another Governmental Subdivision: $ e. Total (a + b + c + d): $ 52,700 3. Payable 1997 Market Value -Based Referendum Levy: $ 4. 1997 Property Tax Aids a. 1997 Certified Local Government Aid (LGA): $ 101,805 b. 1997 Certified Homestead and Agricultural Credit Aid (HACA): $ 146,854 c. 1997 Certified Local Performance Aid (LPA): $ 6,896 d. 1997 Taconite Aids: $ e. Total (a + b + c + d): $ 255,555 5. Beginning Levy Limit Base for Payable 1998 (1 - 2e - 3 + 4e): $ 993,313 6. Implicit Price Deflator Adjustment: 1.022 7. Household Growth Adjustment a. 1995 Households: - 2Z� 2G =' '`� "' `'' �` 1,948 b. 1996 Households: 1,976 c. Ratio of 1996 to 1995 Households (b/a, but not less than 1.000): 1.014 8. Adjusted Levy Limit Base for Payable 1998 (5 x 6 x 7c): $ 1,029,378 9. New Net Tax Capacity -Based Referendum Levies: $ 10. 1998 Property Tax Aids a. 1998 Certified Local Government Aid (LGA): $ 112,547 b. 1998 Certified Homestead and Agricultural Credit Aid (HACA): $ 146,855 c. 1998 Certified Local Performance Aid (LPA): $ 8,471 d. 1998 Taconite Aids: $ e. Total (a + b + c + d): $ 267,873 11. Payable 1998 Overall Levy Limitation (8 + 9 - l0e): $ 761,505 An equal opportunity employer TTY?DD: (612) 215-0069 R — Z TO:OTSEGO FAX TR�IVSMI.SSION COVER SHEET Hakanson Anderson 1 Associates, Inc. 3601 Thurston Avenue Anoka, MN 55303 (612) 427-5860 Far (612) 427-0520 Date: To:' S� a [�> .11d r rt Fax: 9) -13 S Sender: gw YOU SHO ULD 12EcuI T PPAGE(S), INCLUDING THIS COVER SHEET. Ili YO U DO NOT 12ECEIVEALL THE PAGES, PLEASE CALL (612) 427-5860, Comments: _%ece)'ied "72.3,:2 7 1 I -j 2 ,7, L-14 � )d as 51�h/ T' i 9r �� - F City of Otsego General Fund Expenditures Budget Expenditure Summary Total Expenditures $938,336 $1,071,176 $1,173,610 $557,543 $1,246,053 Z- S,,ww Actual Proposed 1995 1996 1997 1997 to 1998 Department Activity Actual Actual Budget June 30 Budget General Government 41100 Mayor & Council $ 38,502 $ 34,170 $ 72,410 $ 18,321 $ 72,410 41400 Administration 186,607 171,389 188,566 76,028 256,465 41600 Finance 59,473 66,075 61,431 26,040 27,295 41550 Assessing 14,063 14,419 14,750 6,866 16,760 41700 Legal 62,153 76,985 30,000 17,052 40,000 41530 Planning Commission 3,246 3,161 3,700 1,527 3,700 41570 Planner 48,704 59,360 59,900 19,316 53,500 41900 EDA 2,792 10,339 14,790 80 6,492 41940 City Hall & Peavey House 71,506 70,421 79,276 57,835 78,076 Total 487,046 506,319 524,823 223,065 554,698 Public Safety 42100 Police 93,440 96,360 100,740 50,370 103,806 42410 Building Inspection 22,272 27,150 29,500 15,515 29,500 Total 115,712 123,510 130,240 65,885 133,306 Public Works 41560 Engineering 47,953 50,246 52,000 42,057 52,000 43200 Street Lighting 10,342 14,884 10,600 4,955 12,000 43100 Street Maintenance 223,616 263,480 267,633 106,970 374,846 Animal Control - - 3,100 150 3,500 41610 Recycling 30,754 28,277 36,000 11,562 32,000 Total 312,665 356,887 369,333 165,694 474,346 Community Services 45100 Community Recreation 13,000 17,288 18,725 9,362 15,000 45200 Park Maintenance 9,913 29,128 37,989 3,721 17,791 45300 Heritage Preservation - 2,134 4,800 2,116 6,091 Total 22,913 48,550 61,514 15,199 38,882 Other Uses 49360 Transfer - Equipment 35,910 87,700 87,700 44,821 Total Expenditures $938,336 $1,071,176 $1,173,610 $557,543 $1,246,053 Z- S,,ww City of Otsego General Fund Expenditures Budget Mayor & Council Service Activity Number 41100 1995 1996 1997 Code Item Actual Actual Budget Personal Services 101 Salaries & Wages 122 FICA 126 Medicare Total Personal Services Supplies 203 General supplies Total Supplies Other Services and Charges 321 Mileage/Travel 355 Dues & Memberships 360 Education/Training/Conf. 310 Miscellaneous Total Other Services and Charges Other Uses 801 Contingency Total Service Activity Actual Proposed 1997 to 1998 June 30 Budget $ 35,525 $ 26,200 $ 32,850 $ 15,075 $ 32,850 2,075 1,756 2,035 1,125 2,035 485 373 475 28 475 38,085 28,329 35,360 16,228 35,360 18 176 - 247 - 18 176 - 247 - 84 41 200 - 200 205 4,406 3,900 20 3,900 110 266 1,650 853 1,650 - 952 1,300 973 1,300 399 5,665 7,050 1,846 7,050 - - 30,000 - 30,000 $ 38,502 $ 34,170 $ 72,410 $ 18,321 $ 72,410 E -) City of Otsego General Fund Expenditures Budget Administration Service Activity Number 41400 Total Personal Services Supplies 113,136 113,409 115,016 52,720 122,915 201 Office supplies 9,530 6,897 12,000 2,837 Actual Proposed 901 - 1995 1996 1997 1997 to 1998 Code Item Actual Actual Budget June 30 Budget Personal Services 36 150 206 Postage - 2,018 101 Salaries & Wages $ 81,262 $ 86,197 $ 87,360 $ 43,490 $ 91,700 102 Overtime 12,381 6,224 8,360 8,400 103 Election Judges - 2,244 - 19,500 3,300 121 PERA 4,256 4,952 4,288 2,459 4,750 122 FICA 5,715 5,658 5,935 3,016 5,685 126 Medicare 1,330 1,206 1,387 89 1,330 123 Health & Dental 7,593 6,172 7,200 3,288 7,200 130 Disability 599 756 486 378 550 Total Personal Services Supplies 113,136 113,409 115,016 52,720 122,915 201 Office supplies 9,530 6,897 12,000 2,837 10,000 203 General supplies 901 - 500 682 500 205 Election supplies - 3,203 - - 2,000 240 Small Tools 142 250 150 36 150 206 Postage - 2,018 2,500 525 2,500 Total Supplies 10,573 12,368 15,150 4,080 15,150 dher Services and Charges 204 Insurance 16,061 16,969 19,500 874 19,500 320 Telephone 4,550 4,061 4,500 2,192 4,500 321 Mileage 224 306 200 9 200 340 Recording Fees 550 299 500 190 500 347 Newsletter 3,694 5,463 5,000 800 5,000 348 Maps - 3,000 - 3,000 350 Printing & Publishing 9,921 3,841 7,000 3,179 7,000 355 Dues & Memberships 3,790 213 300 180 300 360 Education/Training/Conf. 2,675 704 1,500 759 1,500 365 Refunds & Reimb. 8,97 - - - 310 Miscellaneous 2, 7 219 - 1,054 - Total Other Services and Charges 52,883 32,075 41,500 9,237 41,500 Contractual Charges 371 Clean Up Day 7,448 7,221 8,000 6,370 8,000 390 Contracted Services 1,563 - 500 28 500 400 R & M - Equipment 460 773 500 - 500 410 Rentals 44 5,284 7,500 2,310 7,500 430 Miscellaneous Charges 500 259 400 122 400 501 Equipment 1,161 Admin. Consultant/Administratoi - - - - 60,000 Total Contractual Charges & Services 10,015 13,537 16,900 9,991 76,900 Total Service Activity $ 186,607 $ 171,389 $ 188,566 $ 76,028 $ 256,465 Z- L City of Otsego Additional Information on Budgeted Items Administrative Salaries Hourly 5% 1998 Rate Annualized Increase Budget Elaine 17.24 $ 35,860 $ 1,790 $ 37,650 Judy 14.75 30,680 1,534 32,214 Carol 10.00 20,800 1,040 21,840 Administrative Consultant/Administrator Finance $ 87,340 $ 4,364 $ 91,704 This budgeted amount represents the administrative consultant and also contemplates that an administrator will be hired sometime in 1998. The contracted services are for the following: Assessing Services Legal Fees Accountant $ 15,000 ADP Payroll Services 1,200 Part-time assistant for some office and general accounting assistance 5,000 Total Estimated number of parcels will increase as well as the per parcel rate increasing fro, $6 to $6.50 $ 21,200 Current estimate is 2198 parcels and this was increased to 2258 estimated parcels in 1998 $ 14,677 Based on the first 1/2 of 1997 the expenditures for general legal services is estimated at $40,000. 2-3 City Hall City of Otsego Additional Information on Budgeted Items The rent payment for City Hall is the principal and interest due in 1998 on the EDA bonds issued to finance the construction. Police Contractual Services The estimated contract amount is based on the current level of services at the hourly rate stated in the letter from Wright County. Building Inspection This contractual arrangement is based on the same relationship between building permit fees (revenue) and the expenditures as in 1997. Engineering Services The estimates for these services was provided by Kevin Kielb of Hakanson Anderson per the attached information and review of street maintenance needs. Public Works Salaries Recycling Hourly 5% 1998 Rate Annualized Increase Budget Dave 17.24 $ 35,860 $ 1,790 $ 37,650 Rick 12.00 24,960 1,248 26,208 Brad 12.00 24,960 1,248 26,208 $ 85,780 $ 4,286 $ 90,066 Contractual services will continue to be provided with the 1997 estimate increased by 5%. Code Item City of Otsego General Fund Expenditures Budget Finance Service Activity Number 41600 Actual Proposed 1995 1996 1997 1997to 1998 Actual Actual Budget June 30 Budget Personal Services $ - 101 Salaries & Wages $ 43,262 $ 52,375 $ 47,382 $ 14,969 102 Overtime - - 121 PERA 2,037 2,079 2,123 261 - 122 FICA 2,691 2,892 2,938 1,067 - 126 Medicare 629 648 687 55 - 123 Health & Dental 810 1,862 1,938 1,050 - 130 Disability 169 263 138 168 - 140 Unemployment - - - 942 Total Personal Services 49,598 60,119 55,206 18,512 - Supplies 201 Office supplies 33 30 100 176 100 203 General supplies 10 55 - ' Total Supplies 43 85 100 176 100 305 Printed forms - 416 500 - 500 321 Mileage 102 - 50 ' 350 Printing & publishing 115 396 600 - 600 355 Dues & memberships - 34 150 - - 360 Education/Training/Conf. 95 15 250 - Total Other Services & Charges 312 861 1,550 - 1,100 Contractual Charges and Services 304 Audit 9,520 3,985 4,475 - 4,795 390 Contracted services - 1,025 - 7,352 21,200 400 R & M - Equipment - - 430 Miscellaneous - - 100 - 100 Total Contractual Charges & Services 9,520 5,010 4,575 7,352 26,095 Total Service Activity $ 59,473 $ 66,075 $ 61,431 $ 26,040 $ 27,295 City of Otsego General Fund Expenditures Budget Assessor Service Activity Number 41550 Code Item Personal Services 101 Salaries & Wages 121 PERA 122 FICA 126 Medicare Total Personal Services Other Services and Charges 360 Education/Training/Conf Total Other Services and Charges Total Service Activity 1995 Actual Actual Proposed 1996 1997 1997 to 1998 Actual Budget June 30 Budget $ 12,464 $ 12,580 $ 12,978 $ 6,000 $ 14,677 645 608 581 269 760 773 856 805 445 910 181 234 186 15 213 14,063 14,278 14,550 6,729 16,560 128 141 200 137 200 128 141 200 137 200 $ 14,191 $ 14,419 $ 14,750 $ 6,866 $ 16,760 E-7 City of Otsego General Fund Expenditures Budget Legal Service Activity Number 41700 Actual Proposed 1995 1996 1997 1997 to 1998 Code Item Actual Actual Budget June 30 Budget Other Services and Charges 301 Legal services $ 62,153 $ 76,985 $ 30,000 $ 17,052 $ 40,000 Total Service Activity $ 62,153 $ 76,985 $ 30,000 $ 17,052 $ 40,000 E-7 City of Otsego General Fund Expenditures Budget Planning Commission Service Activity Number 41530 E-9 Actual Proposed 1995 1996 1997 1997 to 1998 Code Item Actual Actual Budget June 30 Budget Personal Services 101 Salaries & Wages $ 2,660 $ 2,870 $ 3,100 $ 1,250 $ 3,100 122 FICA 165 100 156 - 156 126 Medicare 39 23 44 - 44 Total Personal Services 2,864 2,993 3,300 1,250 3,300 Supplies & Other 203 General supplies 3 168 100 98 100 360 Education/Training/Conf. - - 300 179 300 310 Miscellaneous 379 - - Total Supplies & Other 382 168 400 277 400 Total Service Activity $ 3,246 $ 3,161 $ 3,700 $ 1,527 $ 3,700 E-9 City of Otsego General Fund Expenditures Budget Planner Sorvine Activity Number 41570 Code Item Other Services and Charges 302 Planning Services Balance of Comp. Plan Special Project Total Service Activity Actual rroposea 1995 1996 1997 1997 to 1998 Actual Actual Budget June 30 Budget $ 48,704 $ 59,360 $ 59,900 $ 19,316 $ 41,000 12,500 $ 48,704 $ 59,360 $ 59,900 $ 19,316 $ 53,500 This budget consists of: 1. Meetings 2. Private Developments 3. General Assignments 4. Special Projects - Balance of Comp. Plan 5. Economic Development (See EDA Budget for $5,000) Total As Above $ 11,000 30,000 12,500 $ 53,500 E -q City of Otsego General Fund Expenditures Budget Economic Development Authority Service Activity Number 41900 Code Item Personal Services 101 Salaries & Wages 121 PERA 122 FICA 126 Medicare 123 Health & Dental 130 Disability Total Personal Services Supplies 201 Office supplies 203 General supplies Total Supplies Other Services and Charges 321 Mileage 350 Printing & Publishing 355 Dues & Memberships 360 Education/Training/Conf. Total Other Services and Charges Contractual Charges 390 Contracted Services 430 Miscellaneous Charges Total Contractual Charges & Services Total Service Activity S -/D Actual Proposed 1995 1996 1997 1997 to 1998 Actual Actual Budget June 30 Budget $ 2,038 $ 7,900 $ 8,361 $ - $ 1,200 - 367 375 - - 109 512 518 - 74 25 114 120 - 17 - - 342 - - - - 24 - - 2,172 8,893 9,740 - 1,292 - 31 100 - 200 270 - - - - 270 31 100 - 200 147 - 150 - - - - 500 - - 50 1,000 1,700 50 - 95 415 500 30 - 292 1,415 2,850 80 - - - 2,000 - 5,000 58 - 100 - - 58 - 2,100 - 5,000 $ 2,792 $ 10,339 $ 14,790 $ 80 $ 6,492 S -/D AUG 08 '97 14:45 BANK OF ELK RIVER, OTSEGO OTSEGO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE FISCAL YEAR 1998 BUDGET REQUEST AUGUST 11, 1997 MR. LARRY FOURNIER, PRESIDENT OTSEGO ECONONUC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 8899 NASHUA AVENUE OTSEGO, MN 55330 RE: 1998 FISCAL BUDGET DEAR LARRY: P.2 LISTED BELOW PLEASE FIND THE EDAAC'S REQUESTED BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1998. THE AMOUNTS ARE REPRESENTATIVE OF THE REQUESTED INTERN AND CONSULTING SERVICES NEEDED IN LIGHT OF THE ISSUES FACING THE CITY OF OTSEGO OF WHICH THE EDAAC WILL BE INVOLVED WITH. 1. MISC EXPENSES, SUPPLIES AND MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT $ 200,00 2- INTERN FOR RESEARCH POSSIBLE PROJECTS DISCUSSED: I. UPDATE OTSEGO BUSINESS DATABASE 2. SURVEY AREA CITIES AS TO WHAT DRAWS RESIDENTS, COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL BUSINESSES, CITY SERVICES AND ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESSES. 3. SURVEY LANDOWNERS ALONG WASTEWATER TREATMENT TRUNK LINES TO DETERMINE TIMING OF SALE OR DEVELOPMENT OFTHEIR LAND. TOTAL INTERN BUDGET REQUESTED $ 4AM 3. CONSULTING SERVICES TO INFORM EDAAC. POSSIBLE AREAS OF NEED: SINCERELY 1. IMPLEMENTATION OF TAX INCREMENT FINANCING FOR DEVELOPMENT OR REDEVELOPMENT AREAS IN THE CITY OF OTSEGO. (DAN WILSON) 2. IMPLEMENTATION OF BUSINESS SURVEY OF EXISTING BUSINESS OWNERS OVER THE IMPLEMENTATION OF CITY WATERAND SEWER SERVICES. (DAN WILSON) 3. OPTIONS AVAILABLE IN THE DEVELOPMENTAND IMPLEMENTATION OF CITY WATER, SEWER AND WATERSHED ISSUES. TOTAL CONSULTING BUDGET REQUESTED S 400000 TOTAL EDAAC BUDGET REQUESTED S 8pp0 Q 0 LEROY LINDENFELSER,CHAIR OTSEGO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE E -ll City of Otsego General Fund Expenditures Budget City Hall & Peavey House Service Activity Number 41940 Actual Proposed 1995 1996 1997 1997 to 1998 Code Item Actual Actual Budget June 30 Budget Personal Services 101 Salaries & Wages $ 1,650 $ 1,022 $ 2,160 $ 444 $ 2,160 122 FICA 102 25 134 34 134 126 Medicare 24 6 32 - 32 Total Personal Services 1,776 1,053 2,326 478 2,326 Supplies 203 General supplies 749 907 650 94 650 220 R & M supplies 1,954 1,236 2,000 525 2,000 Total Supplies 2,703 2,143 2,650 619 2,650 Other Services and Charges 322 Utilities 11,558 7,400 11,500 3,807 9,000 410 Rent 46,317 45,221 45,100 44,410 46,400 Total Other Services and Charges 57,875 52,621 56,600 48,217 55,400 Contractual Charges 325 Garbage service 1,130 1,234 1,250 616 1,250 389 Cleaning service - 8,406 9,500 5,073 9,500 390 Contracted service 7,459 2,570 4,000 1,224 4,000 400 R & M - Equipment 624 685 400 743 400 402 R & M - Building 319 1,665 1,500 241 1,500 403 R & M - Other 230 44 500 - 500 430 Miscellaneous 1,166 - 550 624 550 Total Contractual Services 10,928 14,604 17,700 8,521 17,700 Total Service Activity $ 73,282 $ 70,421 $ 79,276 $ 57,835 $ 78,076 G'/Z May 2, 1997 Gary Groen City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Ave. Otsego, MN 55330 1'�HW IE;ANK I, OF ELK RIVER— Member FDIC RE: City of Otsego EDA loan 86314000001 Dear Gary: Principal and interest payments on the EDA loan are listed below: Date of Payment Interest Principal New Balance existing balance-------------- ---------- $362,000.00 6/1/97 $10,862.87 ���970 362,000.00 - 12/1/97 10,889.75 $22,000.00 340,000.00, 19 6/1/98 10,172.05 0 340,000.00 8 12/1/98 10,227.95 26,000.00 314,000.00 199 According to the terms of the loan, the interest rate will adjust on December 1, 1998. At that time I can provide you with a new amortization schedule. Please send your payment directly to me so I can make sure the interest and principal payments are applied correctly. Please call me if ou FSi ly, Patrick H, D yer Senior Vice President MAIN STREET OFFICE 630 Main Street Elk Rivcr. MN 55330 (612) 441-1000 Fax(612)441-0847 have any questions. SCHOOL STREET OFFICE 846 Freeport Avenue Elk River, MN 55330 (612)441-9000 Fax(612)441-0791 OTSEGO OFFICE 15800 88th Street NE Otsego, MN 55330 (612)441-7700 Fax(612)441-7755 F-13 City of Otsego General Fund Expenditures Budget Police Service Activity Number 42100 Code Item Other Services and Charges 390 Contracted police service Total Service Activity Actual Proposed 1995 1996 1997 1997 to 1998 Actual Actual Budget June 30 Budget $ 93,440 $ 96,360 $ 100,740 $ 50,370 $ 103,806 $ 93,440 $ 96,360 $ 100,740 $ 50,370 $ 103,806 E -i4 RICHARD W. NORMAN County Coordinator June 6, 1997 Ms. Elaine Beatty Clerk City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Ave. N.E. Elk River MN 55330 Dear Ms. Beatty: '�' '�O' le 3 Please be advised that the County Board of Commissioners, in cooperation with the County Sheriff and County Attorney, has established rates for contract patrol services for 1998 and 1999. The rate for 1998 shall be $35.55/hour. The rate for 1999 shall be $36.75. As you are aware, the current contract states that municipalities must notify the County in writing prior to August 15 regarding any change in the number of hours to be contracted for in the coming year. Please provide this information if you anticipate an increase or decrease from current contract hours. Once again, it is felt that by setting the rate for two years, jurisdictions will be able to consider rates in their budget discussions and analyze their particular contract needs. Respectfully, 4-1Z1414wo,-- Gv Richard W. Norman County Coordinator RN/srb ,;5;,o I-16uR S Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer E-15 COUNTY OF 91997 COMMISSIONERS 10 2nd Street NW, RM 235 I- ---�KENJUDE - First District Buffalo, Minnesota 55313-118 _ T SAWATZKE Second District Tel: (612) 682-7378 JACKRUSSEK 1-800-362-3667 Third District Fax. 612-682-6178 JUDIE ROSE Fourth District DICK MATTSON Fifth District Ms. Elaine Beatty Clerk City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Ave. N.E. Elk River MN 55330 Dear Ms. Beatty: '�' '�O' le 3 Please be advised that the County Board of Commissioners, in cooperation with the County Sheriff and County Attorney, has established rates for contract patrol services for 1998 and 1999. The rate for 1998 shall be $35.55/hour. The rate for 1999 shall be $36.75. As you are aware, the current contract states that municipalities must notify the County in writing prior to August 15 regarding any change in the number of hours to be contracted for in the coming year. Please provide this information if you anticipate an increase or decrease from current contract hours. Once again, it is felt that by setting the rate for two years, jurisdictions will be able to consider rates in their budget discussions and analyze their particular contract needs. Respectfully, 4-1Z1414wo,-- Gv Richard W. Norman County Coordinator RN/srb ,;5;,o I-16uR S Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer E-15 City of Otsego General Fund Expenditures Budget Building Inspection Service Activity Number 42410 Actual Proposed 1995 1996 1997 1997 to 1998 Code Item Actual Actual Budget June 30 Budget Other Services and Charges 390 Inspection services $ 22,272 $ 27,150 $ 29,500 $ 15,515 $ 29,500 Total Service Activity $ 22,272 $ 27,150 $ 29,500 $ 15,515 $ 29,500 This budget category consists of building inspection services and code enforcement work. The total above breaks down as follows: The building permit fee revenue is projected at $50,000 which is the same as the prior year. One- half of permit fees are for the inspection service- $25,000 Code enforcement was projected at 180 hours at $25 consistent with prior years. 4,500 Total as above $29,500 Code City of Otsego General Fund Expenditures Budget Engineering Service Activity Number 41560 1995 1996 Item Actual Actual Other Services and Charges 390 Engineering Services Total Service Activity Actual 1997 1997 to Budget June 30 Proposed 1998 Budget $ 47,953 $ 50,246 $ 52,000 $ 42,057 $ 52,000 $ 47,953 $ 50,246 $ 52,000 $ 42,057 $ 52,000 G -/q Hakanson 1-111 Anderson Assoc., Inc. August 29, 1997 Gary Groen, Finance Director City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Otsego, MN 55330 IN SEP - 2 19�; RE: City of Otsego - 1998 Engineer's Estimated Budget Dear Gary, 3601 Thurston Avenue Anoka, Minnesota 55303 612/427-5860 Fax 612/427-N&I-- 0520 Please find enclosed a detailed breakdown of our estimated budget for 1998. We feel this is a reasonable expectation of work to be performed in 1998. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOCIATES, INC. Kevin P. Kielb, PE m rr cc: Elaine Beatty, Clerk Lawrence G. Koshak, PE ot9o1 .gg1 Engineers Landscape Architects Surveyors C - Ips CITY OF OTSEGO SUMMARY OF ENGINEERING BUDGET ESTIMATE FOR 1998 City Council Meetings 24 @ $62.50 x 1 Hour = $1,500 Special Meetings 12 @ $62.50 x 2 Hours = $1,500 Staff Meetings 12 @ $62.50 x 4 Hours = $3,000 Public Works Meetings* 4 @ $62.50 x 2 Hours = $500 Wetland Administration = $3,000 Public works Road and Culvert Review as Required* _ $4,000 MSA Submittals, Meetings & Communications = $3,800 Public Works Related (Maintenance Projects) * _ $16,200 General Engineering Services (council directed) _ $8,500 Miscellaneous Projects and Studies (not assessed) _ $9,000 Road Rating Update* = $4.000 $55,000 *Public Works Engineering Budget can be reduced to $0, or these numbers can be incorporated into the Public Works Budget. ot901 .sum L—� 1 Code Item Other Services and Charges 322 Electrical Services Total Service Activity City of Otsego General Fund Expenditures Budget Street Lighting Service Activity Number 43200 Actual Proposed 1995 1996 1997 1997 to 1998 Actual Actual Budget June 30 Budget $ 10,342 $ 14,884 $ 10,600 $ 4,955 $ 12,000 $ 10,342 $ 14,884 $ 10,600 $ 4,955 $ 12,000 Other Services and Charges 225 Uniforms 1,328 City of Otsego 1,560 173 2,340 204 Insurance General Fund Expenditures Budget 3,053 3,700 240 Small tools 25 Streets & Roads 500 - 500 310 Miscellaneous Service Activity Number 43100 - 390 246 390 320 Telephone/Comm. 807 159 Actual Proposed 700 322 1995 1996 1997 1997 to 1998 Code Item Actual Actual Budget June 30 Budget - - 370 Personal Services 447 16,310 15,000 7,760 15,000 101 Salaries & Wages $ 65,226 $ 68,296 $ 75,092 $ 38,675 $ 90,000 102 Overtime 4,758 3,601 5,977 - 6,000 Total Other Part-time - - - - 5,000 121 PERA 2,922 3,111 3,632 1,719 4,973 122 FICA 4,230 4,664 5,027 2,762 5,952 126 Medicare 989 1,011 1,176 117 1,392 123 Health & Dental 4,205 4,664 6,200 2,075 7,200 130 Disability 372 439 418 163 468 140 Unemployment - 954 3,054 - - Total Personal Services 82,702 86,740 97,522 45,511 120,985 431 Gravel contracting Supplies 19,790 31,215 - 46,239 432 Sealcoating 202 Gas, oil & propane 11,909 18,063 11,600 9,518 18,000 203 General supplies 320 1,657 500 1,756 500 210 Operating supplies 134 - 2,500 166 2,500 220 R & M supplies 22,256 17,901 12,000 9,084 18,000 392 Culverts 939 - 3,000 106 3,000 393 Street signs 1,010 1,763 - 142 - 394 Rock - - - Total Supplies 36,568 39,384 29,600 20,772 42,000 Other Services and Charges 225 Uniforms 1,328 1,876 1,560 173 2,340 204 Insurance 4,626 3,561 3,700 3,053 3,700 240 Small tools 25 200 500 - 500 310 Miscellaneous 25 - 390 246 390 320 Telephone/Comm. 807 159 700 377 700 322 Utilities 270 2,978 2,600 1,993 2,600 360 Education/training/conf. - - - - - 370 Gravel 447 16,310 15,000 7,760 15,000 372 Saft 3,934 1,187 11,400 - - 373 Salt & sand 2,053 18,107 20,250 10,647 20,250 Total Other Services and Charges 13,515 44,378 56,100 24,249 45,480 Contractual Charges 302 Engineering 9,637 6,695 - - 3,000 301 Legal - - - - - 310 Miscellaneous - 159 - - - 390 Contracted services 32,773 2,699 - - - 400 R & M - Equipment 2,757 3,057 - 3,054 - 410 Rentals 108 4,360 5,000 - 5,000 431 Gravel contracting 20,980 19,790 31,215 - 46,239 432 Sealcoating - - 27,771 3,172 25,644 433 Crackfilling - 27,896 - - 16,560 Dust coating - - - - 22,243 Shingle overlays - - - - 5,000 Striping - - - - 20,270 434 Blacktop patch - 4,140 - - - f,}/ 435 Street sweeping - 1,807 - - - Total Contractual Charges & Service: 66,255 70,603 63,986 6,226 143,956 Capital Outlay 501 Equipment - Lease 20,424 20,425 20,425 10,212 20,425 530 Improv. other than bldgs 4,152 1,950 - - 2,000 Total Capital Outlay 24,576 22,375 20,425 10,212 22,425 Total Service Activity $ 223,616 $ 263,480 $ 267,633 $ 106,970 $ 374,846 E- 7z AUG.25.1997 3:15PM TO:OTSEGO Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. August 25, 1997 Gary Groen, Finance Director City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue Otsego, MN 55330 RE: 1998 Budget - City of Otsego Dear Gary: NO. 025 P.1/2 3601 Thurston Avenue Anoka, Minnesota 55303 612/427-5860 Fax 612/427.341•- 0520 Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. has reviewed the proposed 1998 budget for the City of Otsego, We have the following comments relating to Engineering and Public Works, 41560 -Engineering �1� c to �p I The proposed budget is $5 00 a feel this is adequate to cover the general engineering services. 43100-302 - Public Works Engineering Presently, no money has been budgeted for this activity. We feel an amount of $3000 should be budgeted for street maintenance items. This includes a yearly update to the street rating program and miscellaneous minor public works related projects. 45302- Park Maintenance Engineering A budget amount of $2500 is listed for this item. We feel this is adequate for Park and Maintenance Engineering. The budget amounts listed for Engineering do not include sewer and water related issues or special projects. Maintenance Itema(43100) Based upon the five year maintenance plan presented to the Public Works Committee, the following budgetary amounts were discussed:! Engineers Landscape Architects Surveyors E- L3 AUG.25.1997 3:16PM Gary Groan Page 2 August 25, 1997 431- Gravel Contracting 432, Sealcoating 433- Crackfilling 410- Miscellaneous - Dust Coating - Shingle Overlays - Striping Amount $46,239 $25,644 $16,560 $22,243 $ 5,000 $20,270 The above items should be incorporated into the 1998 budget. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, r HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOCIATES, INC. Kevin P. Kielb, PE kas cc: Elaine Beatty, Clerk ot9Q 1.00 N0.025 P.2/2 Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. E -1_q Code City of Otsego General Fund Expenditures Budget Animal Control Service Activity Number 1995 1996 Item Actual Actual Other Services and Charges 390 Animal control services Total Service Activity Actual Proposed 1997 1997 to 1998 Budget June 30 Budget $ 3,100 $ 150 $ 3,500 $ 3,100 $ 150 $ 3,500 City of Otsego General Fund Expenditures Budget Recycling Service Activity Number 41610 Actual Proposed 1995 1996 1997 1997 to 1998 Code Item Actual Actual Budget June 30 Budget Other Services and Charges 203 Supplies $ 3,651 $ - $ - $ - $ ' 390 Contract services 27,103 28,277 36,000 11,562 32,000 Total Service Activity $ 30,754 $ 28,277 $ 36,000 $ 11,562 $ 32,000 Code Item Other Services and Charges 390 Community Rec. prgm Total Service Activity City of Otsego General Fund Expenditures Budget Community Recreation Service Activity Number 45100 Actual Proposed 1995 1996 1997 1997 to 1998 Actual Actual Budget June 30 Budget $ 13,000 $ 17,288 $ 18,725 $ 9,362 $ 15,000 $ 13,000 $ 17,288 $ 18,725 $ 9,362 $ 15,000 Z-}% City of Otsego General Fund Expenditures Budget Park Maintenance Service Activity Number 45200 Actual Proposed 1995 1996 1997 1997 to 1998 Code Item Actual Actual Budget June 30 Budget Personal Services 101 Salaries & Wages $ 1,159 $ 13,423 $ 18,096 $ - $ 1,200 102 Overtime - - 776 - - 121 PERA - 489 705 - - 122 FICA 65 790 1,170 - 74 126 Medicare 15 185 274 - 17 123 Health & Dental - - 1,000 - - 130 Disability - - 68 - Total Personal Services 1,239 14,887 22,089 - 1,291 Supplies 202 Gas & oil 651 301 1,000 259 - 203 General supplies 157 185 750 150 - 220 R & M supplies 253 2 1,200 180 - Total Supplies 1,061 488 2,950 589 - Other Services and Charges 320 Telephone 517 454 500 246 - 355 Dues & memberships - - 200 - - 360 Education/training/conf. - - 500 - 350 Printing & publishing 243 177 200 - - Fertilizer/weed control - - 4,400 - - 310 Miscellaneous - - - - - Total Other Services and Charges 760 631 5,800 246 - Contractual Charges 302 Engineering 5,410 10,550 2,500 501 - 400 R & M equipment 146 426 - - - 410 Rentals 1,172 1,289 1,350 639 - 440 Recreation programming 125 857 2,800 1,746 8,500 430 Miscellaneous other - - 500 - - 390 Contracted mowing - - - - 8,000 Total Contractual Charges & Service 6,853 13,122 7,150 2,886 16,500 Total Service Activity $ 9,913 $ 29,128 $ 37,989 $ 3,721 $ 17,791 S -. V City of Otsego General Fund Expenditures Budget Heritage Preservation Commission Service Activity Number 45300 Actual Proposed 1995 1996 1997 1997to 1998 Code Item Actual Actual Budget June 30 Budget Personal Services 500 390 Contracted services 101 Salaries & wages $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,200 122 FICA - - - - 74 126 Medicare - - - - 17 Total Personal Services - - - - 1,291 Supplies 4,000 2,116 203 General supplies - 359 500 - 500 240 Small tools & equipment - - 300 - 300 Total Supplies - 359 800 - 800 Other Services & Charges 360 Education/training/conf. - 150 500 170 500 390 Contracted services - 35 3,000 - 3,000 310 Miscellaneous - 1,590 500 1,946 500 Total Other Services and Charges - 1,775 4,000 2,116 4,000 Total Service Activity $ - $ 2,134 $ 4,800 $ 2,116 $ 6,091 e-;9 City of Otsego Budget Projection for Capital Equipment Fund Fund Balance per December 31, 1996 Annual Financial Report $ 29,859 1997 Budgeted Transfer 87,700 1997 Expenditures from Budget Additional Street Maintenance for Sealcoating, etc. (30200) Projected Fund Balance onDecember 31, 1997 $ 87,559 1998 Budgeted Transfer 44,821 Projected Capital Equipment Balance Available for Capital Equipment Needs $ 132,380 C�-"/ City of Otsego Capital Expenditures Budget Public Works New Truck - Estimated annual lease payment $ 25,000 Tractor 20,000 Motor for 1981 Ford 7,500 Replace Overhead Doors 10,000 Air Compressor 4,000 Pressure Washer 3,000 Two Gas Fan Heaters 4,000 Cement for Shop Floors - Bobcat (Lease) 5,600 Trailer 7,700 Salt Shed 10,000 96,800 Public Safety Warning Siren 12,000 City Hall and Buildings Replace Windows - School 15,000 Furnace - School 5,000 20,000 Total $ 128,800 City of Otsego Water Fund Projected Operations and Debt Levy Requirements Cash Balance December 31, 1996 per Annual Financial Report $ 3,311 Projected 1997 Activities Revenue User Charges 1,000 Property Tax Levy 52,700 53,700 Expenses Utilities 1,300 Other 700 Debt Service (Principal &Interest) 28,178 30,178 Projected Balance, December 31, 1997 $ 26,833 Revenue User Charges 1,300 Property Tax Levy 29,550 30,850 Expenses Utilities 1,400 Other 800 Debt Service (Principal & Interest) 28,143 30,343 Projected Balance, December 31, 1998 $ 27,340 GU —