02-04-97 WSCITY OF OTSEGO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP 7 P OTSEGO CITY HALL FEBRUARY 4, 1997 1. Mayor Lary; Fournier will call meeting to order. Mayor Fournier called the workshop to order at 7:02 PM. Roll Call: Mayor Larry Fournier; Councilmembers: Suzanne Ackerman, Mark Berning, Vern Heidner, Virginia Wendel. Staff: Larry Koshak, City Engineer, Kevin Kielb, Assistant City Engineer, Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator, Judy Hudson, Deputy Clerk. 2. Turn over meetingof Larry Koshak, City Engineer, to discuss 85th Street Project and Stormwater Drainage Plan_ Larry Koshak went over the background of this proposed project. Kevin Kielb discussed the Feasibility Report of improving 85th Street and broke it down in two sections - Street Project and Stormwater Project. Street Project Two segments. 700 feet east of Nashua Avenue to Odean Avenue From Odean Avenue to Page Avenue Currently there is 66 feet of ROW with 24 foot pavement and shoulders vary from two feet to nonexistent. The road is beginning to fail, poor distant visibility and the intersection at Odean and 85th is hazardous with increasing number of accidents. The traffic is expected to increase from the proposed golf course and development. Proposed Improvements Constructing a typical MSA Section 44 foot wide urban design section with concrete curb and gutter with 8 foot shoulders 80 foot ROW. 3.5 inches of asphalt with 6 to 10 inches of gravel, expect poor soils. Bike trail system - bikeway on one side and a sidewalk on the other side (This bike trail system should be reviewed and consider doing the grading for such at the time of the project, additional ROW may also be required) Intersection - 100 foot ROW with turn lanes. Cost s ima .s Odean to Nashua - $801,990, which includes construction, construction contingency 10%, ROW acquisition and overhead at 20%. Page to Odean - $601,490, which includes construction, construction contingency at 10%, ROW acquisition and overhead at 20%. 1 City Council Workshop of February 4, 1997, cont'd. Page 2. Also to be noted, these estimates include obtaining material from the proposed pond on the Wilson's property, assuming the storm sewer construction will also be in conjunction with this project. MSA Account Present unencumbered amount 1997 apportionment Total construction fund available 1997 Total amount available 12-31-96 Potential advancement of Funds Total MSA Construction Funds Available $564,344.53 $295,0238 less $73,757 for 25% $221,271.00 $785,615.53 $500,000.00 $1,285,615.53 maintenance Other sources of Revenue for Street Assessments: Pay estimated project cost per LF $53.63 Divide by 2 for each side of road, cost would be $26.82 per front foot of property. Comparison 88th Street Construction: Was over $50.00 per front foot Island View Estates Construction: Was between $26.00 and $32.00 per front foot. Benefiting_property for RoadwU Corner lots: Assessment policy states the longer side of a corner lot gets assessed. There are two corner lots on 85th Street which the longer side is not on 85th Street but the access is and should have further review. CM Heidner questioned if these landowners are not assessed, then are the accesses moved. The City Engineers replied the one lot they wouldn't want the access changed to Odean but remain on 85th Street and assessed. Details would be worked out later. Mr. Kielb showed a overhead of estimated roadway assessments. Mr. Kielb showed an overhead, showing the area of benefit and the regional pond. Estimated Construction Costs Page Avenue to Odean Avenue: $128,085 Odean to Nashua: $179,465 Total $307,550 City Council Workshop of February 4, 1997, cont'd. Page 3. Hall's Pond Problems when looking at the entire watershed was the Hall's pond. Can't take on any additional water Current 24 inch pipe running to Mississippi isn't large enough to handle all additional water. DNR controls the level Four options Purchasing residences surrounding the pond Adding gravity line to the Mississippi Lift station in pond to pump water out Add another pond (North of 85th St. East of Odean) The Engineers felt the best solution and most cost effective was to add another pond to control the water/bounce to the Hall's Pond. Regional Pond Approximate cost: $260,000 MSA would participate in the roadway project about 100% but the Stormwater they have . different requirements and would be about 55% participation since there would be more water flowing into it other then from the ROW on a MSA Street. To make the regional pond work and to allow all water to flow into this area, the Sadowski's southern quadrant, James Addition and River's Glen would have to be removed from this watershed district. Improvements to the outer areas can not be done without having the regional pond and storm sewer in place. Two suggested local area improvements to do now according to Mr. Kielb are; Vassuers 3rd Addition (located in the area where the City currently owns the lot bordering 85th Street) Vassuers 4th Addition (currently there is a private existing pipe in place) Mr. Koshak explained there is a potential development on the Beaudry property, with the preliminary plat application received. Wetland is currently tiled and water goes in the ditch under 85th Street (just east of OBrian) running north to 87th Street and than back down to the Wilson property (east of Odean and north of 85th Street). Culverts can't handle the water and flooding occurs in this area. Mr. Koshak recommends to take this water down the street rather than the current route. There will be a need to provide adequate ponding on the plat. The developer is pressing to develop this year but this is a regional water issue. These concerns have been discussed with the developer and he has indicated he would excavate a certain amount of material and put the pipe in as part of his impact Stormwater City Council Workshop of February 4, 1997, cont'd. Page 4. fee. This needs to be addressed now because it could affect the elevations of the homes. Kevin went over the summary of costs 85th Street Construction Odean to Nashua $801,990 Page to Odean $601,490 Storm sewer Trunk facilities, 85th Street $307,500 Regional Pond $260,000 Area 4B $ 25,625 Area 2F $ 31,720 Total estimated project cost $2,028,375 Revenues MSA Account with $500,000 advance $1,285,616 Roadway assessments $ 337,876 Trunk Storm sewer assessments $ 255,397 Local Storm sewer assessments $ 57,345 Total Estimated Project Revenues $1,936,234 Estimated 1998 MSA Construction allotment $ 221,271 Recommendation Mr. Kielb recommended to do the 85th Street project and storm sewer project with the two areas of benefits and do the laterals when petitioned. Mr. Koshak stated he can't recommend to go ahead with the project this year. There are some issues that need to be taken care before doing the project. He recommended for the Council to accept the Feasibility Study with any modifications. He sees this as a 1998 project. Some issues on the storm sewer assessments need to be worked on. Complete the plans in 1997, start with the acquisitions of easements in 1997 which takes time and must be completed before starting the project, acquiring easement for the pond. The Feasibility Study is good for one year. CM Heidner asked if the re -vegetative requirement can be removed and require the residents to do their own and therefore remove $117,000 from the project. Mr. Kielb replied MSA does pay for restoration but if eliminated approximately $70,000 could probably be removed. Mayor Fournier questioned benefit to the Otsego Acres area. Mr. Kielb noted there are short term solutions but wouldn't make sense when there is a long term solution along with this project. City Council Workshop of February 4, 1997, cont'd. Page 5. CM Berning questioned if the developer of the Beaudry property provides the extra ponding etc., could these be a trade off for the assessments. Mr. Koshak replied yes. Mayor Fournier invited public comments. Tom Constant felt that the City can't compare the 85Th street project to the Island View Estates project, since Island View went from a gravel road to paved and 85th is already paved. Council discussed assessments, acquiring ROW for the Bike trails and sidewalk and if they are needed. Randy Reznicek asked if sewer and water comes in, do the lines go under the bike path. He questioned who will be using the bike paths and suggested to move 85th Street to the south. Mr. Koshak responded they are looking running the trunk lines north and south and run - the lines towards the back of the lots. Steve Wiltermuth referred to Exhibit D, Storm sewer in 2C and if the homeowners want to put in a secondary line, the City would wait for a petition and if so how many residents need to sign the petition. Mr. Kielb replied the area he is referring to is in the outlying area and to make improvements the regional pond and trunk line would have to go in. Mr. Kielb referred to Exhibit L and M. There would have to be 33% participation in the petition. Mayor Fournier requested staff to place on the February 24, 1997 City Council Agenda: Consideration of accepting the Feasibility Report. I MSA Annual Review byjq= Koshak.- ty ngin ..r. Larry Koshak gave a brief review of what MSA Funds are and the method of allotment to cities. He also went over the attached overheads showing Otsego's MSA dollar amounts as of December 31, 1996, annual certification of mileage. Mayor Fournier complimented Mr. Koshak on his record keeping and looking out for Otsego's MSA money. Mr. Koshak also noted the additional land received from Frankfort and the lost of land to Albertville and Otsego ended up with a gain of 117 people, this will show up in the 1997 MSA Account. City Council Workshop of February 4, 1997, cont'd. Page 6. There is one-half mile of road to be added to the MSA System. There are some streets that won't be built for many years but Otsego can draw on the needs. Larry displayed a map showing the MSA routes and future streets. Sections of streets can be removed if there has been no money spent on it (or you must pay the State back). A MSA street must tie into another major route. Mr. Koshak went over with the Council suggested options. The consensus of the Council was the addition of Page Avenue, continued down from 85th Street. Aiiwiimi SN • CM Heidner motioned to adjourn. CM Ackerman seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. Workshop adjourned at 10:02 PM. Attest: Elaine Beatty, City Cjfrk/Zoning Adm. Recorded by: Judy Hudson, Deputy Clerk