02-10-97 CCCITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE 5. CONSENT AGENDA (NON -CONTROVERSIAL ITEMS) FEBRUARY 10,1997 - 6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: PREPARED BY: EB, CC 5.1. Set Board of Review date for April 22, 1997 at 7PM BACKGROUND: Attached is a letter from Doug Gruber, Wright County Assessor in which the Board of Review -has been tentatively set for Tuesday, April 22, 1997 at 7PM. If we don't agree with this date, we need to set a date and notify them. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve date as noted for Tuesday, April 22, 1997 at 7PM. I hope this does not interfere with Mayor Fournier. If it does we will have to change it. Thank you, Laine January 31, 1997 Elaine Beatty Otsego City Clerk 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Elk River, MN 55330 RE: 1997 Local Board of Review Dear Ms. Beatty: DOUGLAS M. GRUBER FEB 3 Wright County Assessor Wright County Government Center 10 2nd Street N. W. • Room 240 i— ..__.__---------- -- Buffalo, Minnesota 55313-1183 Phone: (612) 682.7367 / (612) 682-7368 FAX: (612) 682-6178 The 1997 Otsego City Board of Review has been tentatively set for Tuesday, April 22 at 7:00 p.m. If this date will not work for you please let me know before February 15, 1997. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. ncerely, Dougal M. Gruber Wright County Assessor DMG/df Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer CITE" OF OTSEGO REQ17EST FOR COUNCIL AC; 110` .XGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE 5. CONSENT AGENDA (NON -CONTROVERSIAL ITEMS) FEBRUARY 10,1997 - 6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: PREPARED BY: EB , CC 5.2. Approve Contracting with ADP Payroll Service for City Payroll BACKGROUND: 'this _teM was discussed at the Soecial Council mee_�ng of uanuary 31, 1997 and a consensus was to go ahead with implementing this program with ADP Payroll Services. We can have our first payroll be done, along with Council checks from timesheets at Feb 10, 1997 Council Meeting for Wednesday, Feburary 12th delivery of checks. Gary Groen and .myself have set up with John Lundrigan, District Manager of ADP to get this accomplished. STAFF RECOb1MENDATION: Approve Contracting with ADP Payroll Service for City of Otsego payroll. Thank you, Elaine T yp Simplify hur Ira -hoarse Payroll With .-SDP's EasyPat' :- i;,v .,(:es -:.s'/? y 5;rn it;r/ Your ?ar/r.ii? Jusc before paydace. you gice us your hours and changes and we do the rest: Calculate and print payroll checks and direct -deposit Vouchers. Produce reports summarizing payroll data. Guarantee compliance with the latest tax regulations. Offer expert advice about payroll. payroll taxes and benefits. Payroll Taxas Become Lass Taxing We take full responsibility; we: Calculate, deposit, file and reconcile all payroll taxes. Ensure you aren't overpaying for state unemployment insurance— your only controllable tax. . Process and file responses to state unemployment insurance claims. Respond to all agency inquiries. Protect you from tax penalties. The One -Point Seryice Difference When you call ADP with a question or request, you jet answers and action ... from your own Client Service Representative. One person dedicated to satisfying your payroll needs. No hourly fees or costly "900" numbers to deal with. Make one phone call to our payroll and tax professionals and quickly jet the answers you need. "-hen ADP manages your payroll, you have more time to manage your business. ADP Makes Payroll Easier From Start -Up Through Processing Set up historical employee data from your forms. Input your payroll by phone, fax or PC. Issue professional checks with easy -to -read pay- stub, printed ofd site for greater confidentiality. Receive printed reports with your payroll checks to free your computer resources for other business casks. Obtain answers to your questions from dedicated payroll service professionals. End Year -End Headaches IXE us help make year-end a celebration by handling all returns and filings, including: Laser -printed W-2 and Employee Earnings Summaries in an 8 1/2„ x I I" format. W-2 information reported dirccdy to the proper tax authorities. (:lear and simple statements of all deposits and Pilin --s. V \l )l' ime Clic cnd %ILII ,, If , ,1 he t,. noc a Nirdcn. ��11I rccci\�: l:yery Pa\roll l)a\chcck; and (.:hcck Rc,i�wr. TAX ,Ind Department .Summarics. Lison, of Chan -es and nc%% hirci iit ,incl. Pa-, roll WOrksheec for the next pa\- periml. Other reports on request... most at no chane, such as Master Lia. Employee List and icar-To-Dace Rcporc. Every Quarter Quarterly Recap. Wage and Tax Register. Employee Earnings Records. Statements of Deposits and Filings. At Year -End Laser NV -2 and Employee Earnings Summaries in an 3 112** x 11" format. Near -end totals of all taxes filed. Statements of Deposits and Filings. Additional Services .SDP offers a variecc of other services that can save your business time and expenses. Direct Deposit improves employee efficiency with reduced Crips to the bank. Pre -signed paychecks in envelopes save you time by laser -imprinting your signature and inserting checks into envelopes. Specialized reports help you manage your business with detailed information in a format you design. Third -party payment checks made out for 401(k) or garnishments, can save you time in check preparation. Premium Only Plan can save both you, the employer, and your employees money if your employees are making post-cax contributions to a health plan. :\stomatic Data Processing, Inc. One ADP Boulevard RoSCland, New Jersey 07068 04 i )Q.W 5 Ir0M ?nnesl .n U;A • 1')95. 1 OOd A.,b).ufw Onto Pnxevwg. InC CITY OF OTSEGO U ENT k'ux CO U N CIL AU TWIN II AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE II II5. CONSENT AGENDA (NON -CONTROVERSIAL ITEMS) FEBRUARY 10,1997 - II 6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: PREPARED BY: EB, CC 5.3. Approve the following Re: Sewer and Water: a. Update of Bonestroo's Report on Wastewater Treatment Facility Plan b. Discharge of wastewater to the Crow River c. Trunk facilities plan for Sewer and Water by Larry Koshak ( HAA) d. Approve Mayor Fournier to meet with property owners Re: Sewer Site e. Approve mechanical sewer plant BACKGROUND: The above items a through e came to a consensus of the Council to. approve at the Workshop Meeting of January 31, 1997. Larry Koshak has more information on his portion of the agenda re: Bonestroo's report and what information we need to have updated and he will also have a quote for trunk facilities for water and sewer and what he will do for what price. Mayor Fournier will update us on the meeting with the residents Re: sewer site at 6PM before this Council Meeting. STAFF RECCb1MENDATION : Approve a, b, c, d, e above with review of information from Larry Koshak. Thank you, 4e�� �. Elaine CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE 6. BOB KIRMIS, Asst. City Planner: FEBRUARY 10,1997 - 6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: PREPARED BY: EB,CC 6.1. Lin -Bar Development (Discussion regarding re -subdivision of lots BACKGROUND: This item is on the agenda to get a consensus of what type of re- subdivision of lots would be accepted by the Council (Consensus of Council). The reason we are bringing this to the Council is to save the time and money expended to have the plat done and not have the Council agree. Bob Kirmis has written a memo which addresses this which is attached. Andy MacArthur will also be here to discuss this issue. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The developer would like a Council consensus of what would be acceptable for overlay of their plat. Thank you, laine MUmn S. Radzwill i Andrew J. MacArthur Michael C. Couri Megan M., McDonald February 10,• 1997 RADZWJLL & COUKJ Attorneys at Law 705 Central Avenue East PO Bax 369 St. Midtael, MN 55376 (612) 497-1930 (61 Z) 497-2599 (FAX) city council Members City of Otsego.' c/o Elaine: Beaty,. City Clerk 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Elk River, MN X5330 RE: Lin-Bar'Resubdivision Plan Dear Council Members: I have reviewed the Planner's memorandum of February 7 xegax alternative re5ubdivisi.on plans for the proposed plat pf. I Estates II Itis my understanding that the developers seek t the lot size at 1 acre and to place the proposed homes middle of each: lot. In. seeking to meet that objectivie, . v proposals have been presented by the planner as options. I that there shc#uld be flexibility on the part of the C: considering a range of resubdivision options, however some a are better.thaz others. ing a n -Bar keep z the rious agree :y in tions As stated in the Planner's memo, section 21--7-5, G requires a resubdivision pian for proposed one acre lots. section 21-6-2,E, 6 also requires 6 resubdivision plan as part of the subzaitta s for plat approval. , Further, since the Comprehensive Plan and subdivision ordinary both predicated upon the eventual delivery of sewer . and ' services to ihe:area, the requirement of such a plan is ac con reasonably.rela,-ed to both the plan and the ordinances.; "The regulations may permit the municipality to conditic approval on com liance with other requirements reasonah�Xy ri to the provisions of the regulations and to execute, dbvel, contracts embodying the terms and conditions of approval:tt Stat. 462.358,Subd. 2a. ce are water lition n . its dated patent Minn. ZO'd ZZ88T1717 01 1+j0 mvl Iino0 8 11SmzP28 W021d WdZZ:ZO L66T-OT-ZO £0 ' d _Id101 Letter to Otsego City Council February`10, 1997 Page 2 Having rev,iew�d the proposed options set forth by.the Planner, it is my opin:lon!that the collaborated owners option may greaie more problems than !,'it solves. In the normal resubdivision pl n, the option of resubdivision is given to the property owner in or er, in part, to alleviate a large assessment on a tract of. land tha could bear two assessments. thus, it is up to,the property owner to sell this property1when sewer arrives for his own financial interest, which has :the 1 affect of making it possible to deliver sever -and water service *bre efficiently. In:the collabovated version two parties must agree simulta eously to split portions of their land for sale. This, ckeat s -the potential for: one property owner to effectively 'blo any resubdivision on three potential lots. Such a plan also would establish a "precedent„ on what the City viewed as an ;acceptable "normal" resubdivision .plan.. Th .City should always;;be open to different plans if there are unique circumstances wthich would justify it. In this instance;I h ve not been provided '.with any information on such unique circumst noes. This issue should be taken very seriously at this time w' the possibility of:a.sewer plan shortly. Such resubdivision:pla will have a great ekfect upon the City's ability to repay :any bonded indebtedness through assessments. If you have any questions regarding this matter please feed free to contact me. Ze uly.youics, w5V�Al:thur RAD2WILOURI cc: Bob Kirmis;; NAG Larry Kosh4k,'Hakanson Anderson £01d £Z88tibb Ol 1$}0 mvl Tinoo 8 ilTmzpvN W[38J WdZZ:ZO L66Z-0T-ZO NA FEB -07-1997 1137 NAC 612 595 9837 P.02i09 N WAe011* NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS INC COMMUNITY PLANNING - DESIGN - MARKET RESEARCH MEMORANDUM TO: Otsego Mayor and City Council FROM: Bob Kirmis / David Licht DATE: 7 February 1997 RE: Otsego - Subdivision Ordinance. Resubdivision FILE NO: 176.08 The purpose of this memorandum is to reiterate the City's current resubdivision requirements as contained in the City's Subdivision Ordinance. Section 21-7-5.G, Street Design Standards, of the Ordinance specifically addresses the issue of resubdivision and reads as follows: G. Provisions for Resubdivisions of Large Lots and Parcels: When a tract is subdivided into larger than normal building lots or parcels which have the potential for further subdivision with the installation of public utilities, such lots or parcels shall be so arranged as to permit the logical location and openings of future streets and appropriate resubdivision, with provision or adequate utility connections for such resubdivision. It should be noted that the Subdivision Ordinance has been written in recognition of possible future sanitary sewer service. As such, the reference to "large lot" is interpreted to mean lots of a size which could potentially be resubdivided if sanitary sewer service were available (to create 12,000+ square foot lots). In this regard, all platted one acre single family residential lots (with the exception of one per 40 splits) are considered "large lots" which have a potential for resubdivision. This matter will be discussed at the forthcoming 10 February City Council meeting, Pc: Elaine Beatty Andy MacArthur Larry Koshak 5775 WAYZATA BOULEVARD, SUITE 55S ST, LOUIS PARK, MINNESOTA 554 1 6 PHONE 8 1 2-595-91536 FAX 6 1 2-595-9837 FEB -07-1997 11:3? N45110% e " INC MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: RE: FILE NO: BACKGROUND NAC 612 595 9837 P.03i09 CONSULTANTS Otsego Mayor and City Council Bob Kirmis / David Licht 7 February 1997 Otsego Subdivision Ordinance: Resubdivision Plans 176.08 As part of the processing of the Lin -Bar development proposal, question has arisen as to the preferred configuration of the required resubdivision plan. While the Subdivision Ordinance specifically requires developers to demonstrate how large (unsewered) lots may be resubdivided upon the advent of sanitary sewer service, it is not speck as to a "preferred" resubdivision design concept. The City's Comprehensive Plan does include some illustrative examples of resubdivision plan design possibilities, but does not endorse a specific configuration. in this regard, the burden of demonstrating future resubdivision has been placed on developers. Routinely, resubdivision plans (for one acre lots) illustrate the placement of homes upon one-half of a 150 foot wide, one acre lot. The remaining half of the lot is then reserved for potential resubdivision. As you may be aware, the developers of the Lin -Bar PUD have expressed a desire to locate homes in the "center" of their lots. Such home location is not possible using the "typical" resubdivision plan concept which has been routinely considered by the City in the past. This is not to say, however, that the central location of a home on a lot is not possible. In fact, several alternative resubdivision plan design concepts simply have not been used In the City of Otsego. So as to expedite the processing of the Lin -Bar PUD development proposal, as well as minimize the applicant's possible expense, staff requests that the City Council provide some guidance as to the preferred resubdivision alternative. To aid in this determination, we have compiled a listing of advantages and disadvantages associated with two primary resubdivision concepts. 5778 WAYZATA BOULEVARD, SUITE 585 ST. LOUIS PARK, MINNESOTA 554 1 0 PHONE d 1 2-50$-0636 FAX 6 1 2-508-9837 FEB -07-1997 11:38 NAC 612 595 9837 P.04i09 RESUBDIVISION CONCEPTS Individual{ Property Owner Resubdivision (see Exhibit A for reference) This type of resubdivision plan allows a property owner to split his or her own property, at such time as sanitary sewer service is available. Such concept does not require collaboration with an adjacent property owner and includes the "standard" resubdivision plan typically processed by the City. Three examples of this resubdivision concept are illustrates on attached Exhibit A. The following is a listing of advantages and disadvantages associated with this concept. a es • No agreement with an adjacent property owner is necessary to subdivide. • Property owners are given the flexibility to split their lot as a means of lessening the financial burden associated with sanitary sewer service. • While not often utilized, this resubdivision plan concept may be configured to allow homes to be centralized upon lots (see Option B). It should be noted, however, that such home centralization would require an additional street frontage (i.e.,.225 feet). • Through covenants, homes may be required to be placed consistently upon a specified side of a lot. As such, the subdivision can have the visual "appearance" of uniform structure spacing. • Implementation of the plan would not require the vacation of utility and drainage easements. Disadvantages The"standard" or °typical'° resubdivision plan requires homes to be "offset" on lots. If not addressed through covenants, such plan may result in a visually fragmented subdivision design with significant setback variations between residences. The placement of structures upon the "future lot" may be restricted. 2 r FEB -07-1997 11;39 NAC 612 595 9837 P.05i09 Collaborated Property Owner Resubdivision (see Exhibit B for reference) A second possible means of accommodating the central location of a home upon an unsewered lot would be to dedicate 37.5 feet along each side lot line of a standard 150 foot wide lot for future resubdivision. Should sanitary sewer become available, adjacent property owners could collaborate to create a new 75 foot wide sewered lot. This type of resubdivision plan varies from those typically processed by the City as collaboration with an adjacent property owner is necessary to "create" the resubdivided lot to which sanitary sewer service may be provided. An example of this resubdivision concept is illustrated on attached Exhibit B. The following is a listing of advantages and disadvantages associated with this concept. AWYantages Such concept allows homes to be centralized upon 150 foot wide lots, resulting in a uniform, generally aesthetic pleasing subdivision design. If implemented, the resubdivision plan will result in an efficient use of land. The plan does provide for future Resubdivision. _Disadvantages Collaboration of two adjacent property owners is necessary to implement the resubdivision plan. It is anticipated this plan could be difficult to implement (due to lack of agreement amongst property owners). implementation of the plan may require the vacation of utility and drainage easements. The placement of structures in side yard areas may be restricted. CONCLUSION There are both advantages and disadvantages associated with the two alternative resubdivision concepts discussed above. We believe as long as resubdivision plans are provided, the City should be flexible and design be left to the developer's discretion and relate to the uniqueness of each situation. This is, however, a policy matter to be determined by the City Council. 3 FEB -07-1997 1139 NAC 612 595 9837 P.06i09 A representative of our office will be in attendance at the forthcoming 10 February Council meeting to discuss this matter In detail. PC- Elaine Beatty Lary Koshak Andy MacArthur 4 FEB -07-1997 11:40 NAC 612 595 9837 P.07i09 15d' 150' Option A Scale: I"= 1 OV Y ! ; ! ■ �' 5' 75' 75' 75' 75' 75' 75' ! 75' 7S 75' 75' 75' 75' ■ , a 15d' 150' Option A Scale: I"= 1 OV Y 75' 75' 7S 75' 75' 75' 75' 0 ! 41 i / ■ 225' 225' 225' Option B Scale: I"= 100' EXHIBIT A Individual Property Owner Resubdivision 5 FEB -07-1997 11:40 NAC 612 595 9837 P.08i09 -------- --------- ---------r--------- ---------5-------- ...-----�-------- ■ i i i i . . 1 _71 1 x. • PAVED STREET E 150, �s ISO, EE 150, 's Option C Scale: 1"= 120' EXHIBIT A-2 ■ I _71 1 x. • E 150, �s ISO, EE 150, 's Option C Scale: 1"= 120' EXHIBIT A-2 FEB -07-1997 11:41 NAC 612 595 9837 P.09i09 37.5'- 75' Be 37.5' 37.5'9 75' 37.5'137.5'; 75' 37,5' 37.54 75' • ! i I � i • • : 1W NO 150' 150' 150' Scab: 1" = 100' EXHIBIT B Collaborated Property Owner Resubdivlslon TOTAL P.09 CITY OF OTSEGO ENGINEER'S AGENDA ITEMS CITY COUNCIL MEETING FEBRUARY 10, 1997 8.1 Proposal for Engineering Services to Study the Trunk Sanitary Sewer and Water Facilities. Find attached separate proposals; 8.1 a (trunk sanitary sewer) and 8.1 b (potable water) for the study of trunk sanitary sewer and water facilities in the east portion of the City. The areas under study would be the Long Range Service Area including the TH 101 corridor. We request approval of the proposal and authorization to start as soon as possible with a draft completed for Council review by March 10, 1997, followed by a workshop review of the study. 8.2 Suggested revisions to the Bonestroo Report on Waste Water Treatment Study. Find attached our suggested list of items to be addressed and/or changed in the report. 8.3 Any other Engineering Business a. Find accompanying this packet a draft policy on storm water drainage submittals by the Developer's Engineer to the City. Drainage issues appear in the ordinance some 15 times. The City needs to consolidate the data and add specific detail to the data to assist the Developer's Engineer in preparing the submittals. Should further discussion be required perhaps this could be fitted in at a workshop. It will be appropriate to adopt this during the monitorium on development. b. Other business f 8.1 a PROPOSAL FOR SANITARY SEWER TRUNK FACILITIES STUDY FOR CITY OF OTSEGO Scope The purpose of the proposed study is to provide the best alternative for the collection and transportation of wastewater to the Proposed Wastewater Treatment Facilities. The goal is to provide the most efficient system to meet both the current and long term needs wastewater collection in the City of Otsego. The area of study is referred as the Long Range Service Area, which includes the TH 101 Corridor. The study area is located in the northeast and east portions of the city. The area is similar to the study area proposed for the Potable Water Study. The study will be consistent with the Comprehensive planning document being prepared by NAC, City Planner. II Study Objectives The study's object is to provide a documented plan for the City of Otsego for collection of wastewater. The study will provide location, size and capacity information for the trunk sanitary sewer facilities proposed to be constructed in conjunction with the Wastewater Treatment Facilities. Cost estimates for the proposed facilities will be provided. Options and recommendations on project financing will be discussed and presented in the report. Where lift stations are required, the capacities and estimated costs will be reviewed. The service area of the lift stations will be identified and the required capacity's of the stations will be reviewed. Where alternative collection routes are possible, a recommendation will be made on the preferred route. Hakanson 1 Anderson Assoc., Inc. Major trunk lines will be sized for long range flow conditions. Estimates related to shares of capacity for each trunk line will be determined based upon areas served. Lateral collection systems will not be reviewed except where existing commercial properties have been determined to require immediate service. III Existing Reports & Data The study will utilize the data provided in existing reports related to the collection system for this area. The BRA report for Wastewater Treatment Facilities will be utilized for the data and projections related to treatment capacity. The original Comprehensive Sewer Study, dated 11/90, and referred to as Phase I Planning System Overview, will be reviewed and incorporated into the study as applicable. We will also, given the assumption of treatment service from Elk River, provide the concept and cost for that treatment alternative. Previous data will be reviewed in relation to the proposed Elk River/Otsego Sewer service plan. City topography will be utilized to develop preliminary profiles for trunk sewer collection system. IV Estimate Service Fees The Study consists of the following phases with estimated hours as shown: -- - 1 . Review existing data and reports 16 hours 2. Determine capacity requirement for study area. 48 hours Develop flow projections. Determine long range and 10 year flow rates based on future land use planning and wastewater treatment plan staging. 3. Consider location of treatment facilities and/or 8 hours service locations. Review method of transportation (gravity main or forcemain) from wastewater sources to the treatment facilities. Hakanson 2 1111 Anderson Assoc., Inc. 4. Layout proposed trunk system on topography maps 50 hours including pipe sizing. Prepare map of the proposed system. 5. Estimate costs of trunk sewers and lift stations. 24 hours 6. Review financing alternative and prepare a findings 12 hours plan. 7. Prepare final report including exhibits 12 hours Total Estimated Work Efforts 170 hours Estimated Service Fee based on Fee/Hours: Project Engineer 120 hours @ $62.60 $7500 Staff Engineer 20 hours @ $50.00 1000 Clerical & CADD Technicians 30 hours @ $45.00 1350 Total maximum not to exceed estimate of study costs $9850 The estimated cost for the complete study and report is considered a maximum amount that will not be exceeded without specific authorization, if the scope of work would change. The proposed study was based on using all existing data available. No costs were included for soil borings or ground water testing. The study and report as described in the proposal will be accomplished within a budget set by the maximum authorized fee. ot607.pro Hakanson 3 Anderson Assoc., Inc. MW CITY OF OTSEGO FEBRUARY, 1997 POTABLE WATER STUDY (Source, Storage and Distribution) Background The study area is located in the northeast and east portions of the City referred to in the attached exhibit as the Long Range Service Area. The Phase I and II areas shown represent the undeveloped portion of the Long Range Service Area that have been projected to utilize potable water service first. The area includes sections 10, 14, 15, 16, 17, 20, 21, 22, 23, 26, 27, 28, west '/Z of 35 of the Township 121, Range 23 and Section 2, Township 120, Range 23, the City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota. The City's comprehensive Plan is being revised by NAC. The Comprehension Plan includes a master land use plan that will serve as a future development guide. The water study will become a portion of the overall comprehensive planning document. II. Study Goals The potable water source, storage and distribution study will provide a basis for future growth of the City's water system. The study will provide details for an efficient water system growth to serve the needs of the population. An efficient water system will provide required service at the least cost to the residents. The potable water source portion of the study will provide a review of the existing City well, and will make recommendations related to additional source -- - requirements. Size, location and number of future wells will be determined based upon growth projections for the area. Treatment of the water will be considered based upon current Minnesota Department of Health requirements. The number and capacity of the wells will be determined based upon Ten States Standards recommendations, as follows: 1. The total developed groundwater source capacity shall equal or exceed the design maximum day demand and equal or exceed the design average day demand with the largest producing well out of service. 2. A minimum of two sources of groundwater shall be provided. Hakanson 1-111 Anderson Assoc., Inc. The potable water storage portion of the study will provide a review of storage requirements, storage types and recommended storage locations. The type of storage, ground storage or elevated storage, will be reviewed to determine the most cost effective alternative. Locations will be analyzed based on projected system growth and land availability. Storage sizing will be based upon the Ten States Standards, as follows: 1. Fire flow requirements established by the appropriate state Insurance Services Office should be satisfied where fire protection is provided. 2. The minimum storage capacity (or equivalent capacity) for systems not providing fire protection shall be equal to the average daily consumption. This requirement may be reduced when the source and treatment facilities have sufficient capacity with standby power to supplement peak demands of the system. The potable water distribution system will be analyzed to insure that an adequate quantity of water can be delivered at an acceptable pressure to any point in the service area. Location and sizing of water mains and laterals will be determined based upon the projected growth of the City. After the source, storage and distribution requirements are determined, all three components will be analyzed simultaneously in a computer modelling program. Watercad, developed by Haestad Methods, will be utilized to analyze several potential water system alternatives for the City. The computer simulations will be analyzed to insure an efficient water system is provided for the City. An implementation strategy, including phased construction, associated costs, and potential funding alternatives will be reviewed. A user cost will be determined based upon system cost and the funding alternative selected. -- 111. Estimate Work Effort and Service Fee The proposed study consists of the following phases with estimated level of effort as shown: 1 . Assemble data on existing water system. 2. Assemble data on long range development: a. From land use planning, estimate long range service population, domestic demand, and commercial/industrial usage. Develop data for long range average day, peak day, and maximum hour usage. 2 hours 12 hours Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. b. Identify and incorporate standards for 8 hours maximum/minimum design pressure, required operational storage, recommended storage reserve, and required fire protection flow. C. Identify sizes and locations for required 16 hours source, treatment, storage, and major trunk facilities. d. Model the system, review pipe sizing, 24 hours and optimize the sizing of all proposed or identified facilities. 3. Prepare cost data with potential funding sources. 8 hours Determine required user costs. 4. Prepare and present the system report 20 hours TOTAL ESTIMATED WORK EFFORT: 90 hours Estimated hourly fee based on: Project Engineer: 60 hours @ $62.50/hour = $3,750 Clerical & Technicians: 30 hours @ $45.00/hour = $1,350 Total maximum not to exceed estimate of study cost: 15. 10 The estimated cost of the complete study and report is considered a maximum amount that will not be exceeded without specific authorization, if the scope of work would change. The study and report as described in the proposal will be accomplished within a budget set by the maximum authorized fee. G27-97.ots Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. '•�`d.0•i•✓rte.`• 'd� � �'�•.-� Hakanson Anderson --ml ASSOC., InC. MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Lawrence G. Koshak City Engineer DATE: February 6, 1997 RE: Bonestroo Report Wastewater Treatment Facilities Plan 3601 Thurston Avenue Anoka, Minnesota 55303 612/427-5860 Fax 612/427-3#@fi- 0520 We were directed to comment on what needed to be addressed and/or changed in the report before the report can be considered for acceptance. • Limit report contents to Wastewater Treatment Facilities. City will initiate the Trunk Sanitary Sewer Study themselves. • Limit location of treatment facilities site to locations(s) based on Mayor discussion with the landowners. • Incorporate previous addendums and correspondence in report. • Adjust flows and plant capacity to reflect a proposed increase in capacity for Dayton. • Remove the Riverbend Mobile Home Park from the capacities requirement. The Trailer Court is now served by a permitted wastewater treatment facilities. The portion of the flow capacity in the plant designated for St. Michael (Frankfort Township) should be either removed from the report or a new agreement of participation must be obtained from St. Michael. • The selection treatment process must be explained in more detail. Although it is an Activated Sludge process, the exhibits label this plant as extended aeration and in the cost summary the terminology refers to Oxidation Ditches. This entire process needs to be explained in the text in a manner in which these terminologies can relate to each other. Engineers Landscape Architects Surveyors Memorandum Page 2 February 6, 1997 A demonstration of how the treatment plant can be expanded to the stages recommended must be provided. This is important in the land acquisition process. Areas of the ultimate site should be estimated with some engineered approach. A graphic description is necessary in this matter. • Sludge disposal is a critical issue in the plants operations. More detail needs to be presented on the options for the plant disposal of sludge. The difference between class A & B sludge treatment needs explanation and cost estimates. The question also arises about land available to dispose of minimally treated sludge disponed on dairy related farm lands in Otsego and/or Dayton. • A sample of the agreement between Dayton and Otsego should be provided for discussion. • In the financial analysis the treatment facilities charges should be determined by connection charges and/or some portion for debt retirement collected through the quarterly service fee. If over bonding is advised the justification should be presented. The Council should also be interested in the approximate number of units needed to hook up per year to pay for annual debt retirement for the treatment facilities. • The above items should be addressed in a revised single document not as attachments, addendums, appendixes, etc. to the existing report. OT607b.mem Hakanson I-V] Anderson Assoc., Inc. Memorandum Page 2 February 6, 1997 • A demonstration of how the treatment plant can be expanded to the stages recommended must be provided. This is important in the land acquisition process. Areas of the ultimate site should be estimated with some engineered approach. A graphic description is necessary in this matter. Sludge disposal is a critical issue in the plants operations. More detail needs to be presented on the options for the plant disposal of sludge. The difference between class A & B sludge treatment needs explanation and cost estimates. The question also arises about land available to dispose of minimally treated sludge disponed on dairy related farm lands in Otsego and/or Dayton. A sample of the agreement between Dayton and Otsego should be provided for discussion. • In the financial analysis the treatment facilities charges should be determined by connection charges and/or some portion for debt retirement collected through the quarterly service fee. If over bonding is advised the justification should be presented. The Council should also be interested in the approximate number of units needed to hook up per year to pay for annual debt retirement for the treatment facilities. • The above items should be addressed in a revised single document not as attachments, addendums, appendixes, etc. to the existing report. OT607b.mem r� 12-10H Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. 8.3a POLICY ON STORMWATER DRAINAGE SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR DEVELOPERS CITY OF OTSEGO Prepared by: Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. 3601 Thurston Avenue (612) 427-5860 (612) 427-0520 fax Adopted by the City Council on : TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 . Purpose and Intent 2. Established Ordinances (City Codes) 3. Incorporation by Reference 4. State and Federal Requirements 5. Calculations and Considerations a. Storm Events b. Curve Numbers C. Ponding d. Storm Sewer Sizing 6. General Requirements - Grading, Drainage, and Erosion Control Plan 7. Storm Drainage System Submittal Requirements POLICY ON STORMWATER DRAINAGE SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR DEVELOPERS CITY OF OTSEGO 1.0 Purpose and Intent This policy is intended to provide Developer's Engineers with a standardized format for submittal of drainage plans and calculations to the City for review. A standardized format will provide the following: 1 . reduced preparation time for submittals by providing direct guidelines for Developer's Engineers to follow, 2. reduced review time required by the City's Engineer by insuring a complete and comprehensive drainage plan and calculations are submitted, and 3. insure that the City will receive the best possible protection of its resources, which could be adversely affected by inadequate stormwater management planning. 2.0 Established Ordinances (City Codes) A. Section 20-16-9, Drainage Plans and Soil Erosion and Sediment Control B. Section 21-6-2-C-13, (Preliminary Plat Grading Plan) C. Section 21-6-2-E-7 (Preliminary Plat Erosion and Sediment Control) D. Section 21-6-3-M (Final Plat Drainage and Utility Easements) E. Section 21-7-4-H (Lots - Watercourses) F. Section 21-7-4-J (Lots - Drainage) G. Section 21-7-11 -D, Storm Water Drainage Facilities H. Section 21-7-11-E, Storm Water Drainage Standards I. Section 21-7-14, Drainage J. Section 21-7-15-A, Drainage and Utility Easements K. Section 21-7-15-B, Drainage L. Section 21-7-16, Erosion and Sediment Control M. Section 21-7-19, Dedication of Storm Water Holding Areas or Ponds N. Section 21-8-8, Drainage 0. Section 21-9-1-G, Drainage Facilities The above listed articles are a comprehensive list of previously approved ordinances related to stormwater drainage. Other related sections of the City Code not listed above remain in effect. The ordinance sections listed provide authority for City to require and review drainage plans. Page 1 we, 5.0 Incorporation by Reference Protecting Water Quality in Urban Areas (Best Management Practices for Minnesota) prepared by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Division of Water Quality, latest edition, shall be incorporated by reference into this policy. Recommendations set forth in the above referenced manual shall be implemented by the Developer's Engineer. All recommendations set forth within the above referenced manual shall be termed "required" when applicable. State and Federal Requirements State and Federal Ordinances, Codes, Regulations, and Requirements shall be adhered to by the Developer. Calculations and Considerations FA Storm Events The following rainfall values shall be used in calculations for Otsego: Event 1 year, 24 hour 2 year, 24 hour 10 year, 24 hour 25 year, 24 hour 50 year, 24 hour 100 year, 24 hour Curve Numbers Rainfall (inches) 2.30 2.71 4.11 4.70 5.24 5.85 The following Curve Numbers (CN) shall be utilized in design. Hydrologic soil groups shall be determined based upon the Soil Survey for Wright County, Minnesota as published by the United States Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service in Cooperation with Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station. Page 2 Cover Description Curve numbers for hydrologic soil group Cover type and hydrologic condition A D C D Fully developed urban areas (vegetation established) Open space (lawns, parks, golf courses, cemeteries, etc.) ................................. 49 69 79 84 Impervious areas: Paved parking lots, roofs, driveways, etc. (excluding right-of-way) ................... 98 98 98 98 Streets and roads: Paved; curbs and storm sewers (excluding right-of-way) ......................... 98 98 98 98 Paved; open ditches (including right-of-way) .... 83 89 92 93 Gravel (including right-of-way) .............. 76 85 89 91 Dirt (including right-of-way) ................ 72 82 87 89 Urban Districts: Commercial and business ................... 91 94 95 96 Industrial .............................. 84 90 93 94 . Residential districts by average lot size: 1/9 acre or less (town houses) ................. 81 88 91 93 Y4 acre ................................ 68 80 86 89 1/3 acre................................ 64 78 85 88 '/Z acre................................ 61 76 84 88 1acre................................ 59 75 83 87 2 acres and above ........................ 55 72 81 86 Undeveloped areas Agricultural land (all current uses) ............... 53 68 77 82 Pasture, grassland, or range - continuous forage for grazing................................ 49 69 79 84 Meadow - continuous grass, protected from grazing and generally mowed for hay ................ 30 58 71 78 Brush - brush-weed-grass mixture with brush the major element ........................... 35 56 70 77 Woods - grass combination (orchard or tree farm) .... 43 65 76 82 Woods................................. 36 60 73 79 Page 3 C. Ponding 1. Permanent ponding shall be based upon the runoff rate for the 100 year storm event. The developed condition runoff rate shall be less than the existing condition runoff rate for the 100 year storm event. 2. Sedimentation storage ponding shall be based on the 2.0 inch rainfall event. The area considered shall be the entire area of the plat. Curve Numbers utilized shall be consistent with the developed condition of the plat. 3. Skimming devices shall be utilized for each pond. Provide details for skimming devices used. 4. Where discharge from the pond is not possible, the permanent pond must be sized for two 100 year events back-to-back. 5. Discharge must be made to a receiving stream, ditch, or another pond or an approved discharge route as shown in the Storm Water Management Plan. D. Storm Sewer Sizing Storm sewer sizing shall be based upon the 10 year storm event. Inlet capacities and roadway spread at each inlet shall be determined. The maximum allowable roadway spread at any inlet shall be one-half of the travelled lane. Storm sewer inlets shall be spaced to insure that not more than '/2 of the travelled lane is inundated during the 10 year storm event. Manning's equation shall be utilized to determine the flow in the street at each catchbasin for verification of actual spread. A manning's n of 0.020 shall be utilized for asphalt pavement. Additionally, grate inlet capacities shall be verified at the maximum allowable depth of flow to verify that the proposed grates will pass the 10 year flows. 6.0 General Requirements - Grading, Drainage, and Erosion Control Plan Grading, Drainage, and Erosion Control Plans shall be provided by the Developer in accordance with the City Code. Several items critical to the review of the drainage system must be adequately depicted on the plan by the Developer's Engineer. The following key elements must be depicted on the plan: Page 4 A. Existing and proposed contours at a minimum of 2' intervals. A minimum of a 1 ' contour interval shall be used where conditions dictate. The determination of contour interval shall be made based upon clarity and readability of the plans. B. Pond locations as depicted by the proposed contours. Normal pond water level and 100 year flood water levels shall be depicted on the plan for each pond. Sedimentation ponds are required at each outfall point from the proposed plat. Sedimentation ponds shall be designed based on a 2.0 inch rainfall for fully developed conditions. Permanent sedimentation ponds may be utilized as construction sedimentation ponds, provided they are cleaned after permanent erosion control measures are established. Design features of the sedimentation ponds shall be as described in the BMP Manual. Flood control ponding shall be defined as that portion of the stormwater pond above the normal water level of the pond. Sedimentation storage volume may not be utilized when determining the 100 year flood elevation of the pond. C. Locations of silt fence, bale checks, wood fiber blanket, rock construction entrances, storm drain inlet protection, outlet projection, rip rap, temporary seeding, permanent seeding, sod, mulch, or other erosion control features proposed to be implemented for the project. D. Storm sewer facilities, when utilized, shall be adequately depicted on the drawings. As a minimum, the following must be shown on the plan: 1. Storm sewer pipe length, grade, type of material, and size between each catch basin and manhole. 2. Catchbasin and manhole structural data including size or diameter, depth, and material of construction. A typical section depicting each different type of catchbasin or manhole used shall be shown on the drawing. Type of casting utilized shall be referenced for each catchbasin or manhole. Elevations for the top of inlet and each invert shall be referenced on the drawing. 3. A typical curb section for urban design streets shall be shown on the drawing. 4. If ditch sections are used, a typical section shall be shown on the drawing depicting bottom width and side slopes of the ditch. Page 5 5. Details of skimming devices utilized. 7.0 Storm Drainage System Submittal Requirements A. Storm water calculations shall be performed utilizing the United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, Engineering Division, Technical Release 55, Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds method. Unless prior approval is received from the City Engineer, no other method of performing storm water calculations will be allowed. B. The stormwater drainage report shall be comprised of the following sections to provide the City Engineer with adequate base information for which to review the report. The following data must be included in the report: 1. Title Page. The title page shall list the project name, project location, date prepared, and preparer's name, title, and company. 2. Table of Contents. The table of contents must provide• a description of the major categories of the report and also list each hydrograph and reservoir report presented in the report. 3. Summary. The summary must provide descriptions of items critical to the review of the entire report. Assumptions and results of the calculations shall be included in the summary. As a minimum, the following items must be discussed in the summary: a. Pre (existing) site conditions 1 . Total site area 2. Description of subareas, as required. 3. For each area, or subarea, provide the following information: -- _ a. Area in acres b. Curve number with justification C. Average slope d. Length of runoff e. Runoff rate and runoff volume b. Post (proposed) Conditions 1. Total site area 2. Description of subareas, as required 3. For each area, or subarea, provide the following information: Page 6 a. Area in acres b. Curve number with justification C. Average slope d. Length of runoff e. Runoff rate and runoff volume C. Comparison of existing to proposed runoff rates and volumes. d. Discussion of temporary and permanent erosion control measures utilized. e. A discussion of the storm sewer system, if applicable, to include a summary of flows to each catchbasin and the depth of water over each catchbasin during the ten year event. 4. Drainage maps depicting pre -development and post -development conditions. The maps may be 22"x34" plans, but preferably shall be 11 "x17" reductions. The plans shall delineate drainage area and sub - drainage area boundaries. All areas shall be labelled and referenced to those presented in the report. 5. Computer printouts of all hydrograph and reservoir files shall be included at the back of the report for reference. OT901.pol Page 7 CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION 11 AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE II II9. COUNCIL ITEMS CITY CLERK FEBRUARY 10,1997 - II 6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: PREPARED BY: EB, CC 9.1. DISCUSSION OF INFORMATION FROM GARY WALE RE: BLANDEN FOUNDATION GRANT BACKGROUND: At the Council Meeting of January 27, 1997 I handed out information from Gary Hale Re: Blanden Foundation. Gary called one day and faxed over this information. He had asked for a grant from Blanden back when the four communities were working out annexation/consolidation issues. He would like Otsego to get a steering committee formed and go through the training process. The Council needs to decide if this is something we are interested in at this time and if so, we need to get a steering committee together. I have not contacted Gary as of yet, as I was waiting for the Council to look at this and determine if it is something they feel would be beneficial to our community. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The Council review and discuss and determine what action if any they would like to take on this. Thank you, e74� Elaine JAN -1S-97 SAT 11:42 AM CITY OF A HERTVILLE BLANDIN FOUNDATION eG Mau 31 1995 Garrison L. Hale City Administrator 4�?, 61122497 3210 s 5975 Main Ave NE S e�,-]� 8 G J- 3 PO Box 9 ' �f 7 Albertvile MN 55301 (o I (o uJ - up. �F 6. 3 s Y , 98 I am pleased to delighted hear that the cities of Albertville, Otsego, ,,c:: . • s St. Michael and the Township of Frankfort are interested in the Blandin Community Leadership Program. While I have tentatively scheduled a leadership retreat for your communities on September 28 -October 3, 1997, the following steps need to be taken to complete the "application process." A. The nucleus of a steering committee needs to be formed. This group should include leaders/spokespersons/gatekeepers who represent: - education - media - human services - business - health care - industrial base - churches - service organizations - agriculture - local government - labor - minorities B. This steering committee is brought together to meet with the recruiter for the leadership program, Alan Judd. Alan works for us part-time. He is the Community Education Director in Staples and can be reached at 218-894-2497. Please contact him directly to set up a meeting time. At this meeting, the program is explained in detail and the group must reach agreement that the program is appropriate for the four communities and that they will support and be involved in the recruitment process. The group will also be asked to identify the short and long-term challenges facing these communities, as well as the area's assets. This will serve as the bases for designing recruitment strategies which will bring forth applicants who can help these communities deal with their challenges and build on their resources. The group will also be asked who else should be on this steering committee. C. Based on the results of this meeting, Alan will give me his recommendation as to whether these communities should be accepted, rejected or delayed until later. 100 NORn 6-0523 0 FAX: 218/327-1949 JAN -13-97 SAT 11:43 AM CITY OF ALBERTVILLE 612 497 3219 P 0 ING COMMUNITY NEEDS & The following is a list of "areas" from conuiauiiities that have gone through the process of identifying conununity issues & resources - as your comnuuiity is about to do. You may use the structure listed below or organize the "areas" of your community in a different fashion. You may add or delete "areas" as you Profile your coirununity. The list below will allow your steering coiiunittee to divide and work in four or two groups, or stay in one group. l.) Education Youth Issues TecluioIogy Senior Issues Media 2.) Health Care Churches Enviroiuncntal Human Serv. Prof. Services 3.) Government Utilities Transportation Law Enforcem. Finance/Banking Cultural Diversity 4.) Recreation Retail Tourisi» Ec. Developm. Industry Housing ("as le c2�/ Q;? 7�re Claims List for Approval MUNICIPAL OF CITY OF OTSEGO CLAIM TOTAL T4 Llwnm QATn ;rnR uWAI OIIDD(SE QATF NI IMRFR f I ATM DMHUUKT U1L LUMVHNT PROPANE vu Vai -c ECM PUBLISHERS INC JANUARY SERVICES 02/03/97 2264 503.75 37 ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST PPE 1/25/97 02/03/97 2243 473.2E ' • JERRY OLSON JANUARY PERMITS 02/03/97 2244 2,242.05 _ 7 s 9 MINNEGASCO 16121ANT SANTTATTnN TNr SERVICE TO 1/27 FEBRUARY SERVICE 02/03/97 Q2/01/97 2267 22(,R 1,450.98 1 02 72 f0 II I2 MIKE BOIE WINTERFEST MEDALLION 02/03/97 2246 400.00 13 14 G & K TEXTILE LEASING SYSTEMS JANUARY SERVICE 02/03/97 2248 299.62 i6 NAPA OF ELK RIVER INC PARTS 02/03/97 2249 7.12 17 H G WEBER OIL COMPANY 1/22 DELIVERY 02/03/97 2250 338.77 1e BOYER TRUCKS- --,, --PARTS 02/03/97 2252 598.63 19 m° THE HARDWARE STORE' SUPPLIES 02/03/97 2253 31.10 _... rii 1 WESTSIDE WHOLESALE TIRE CO TIRES 02/03/97 2256 1,265.55 23 DARLENE SOLBERG WINTERFEST EXPENSES 02/03/97 2257 21.99 24 25 CUB FOQQS WINTERFEST FOOD:_ .,. x 02/03/97 2258 134.28 26 ,.:: HAKANSOI FASSOC�`Z4OW2 PARK COMMISSION, SERVICES 02/03/97,.. 2259 1,119.65 .ANDERSOt4 , w 2A SOFTRONICS COMPUTER SOFTWARE & SERVICE 02/03/97 2260 716.53 29 ELK RIVER PRINTING & PARTY PLUS SUPPLIES 02/03/97 226% 186.11 30 31 -121 ELK RIVER MUNICIPAL UTILI[ S yam. SERVICE TO 1/,* v, 02/43/97 2262 883.15 33 DMHUUKT U1L LUMVHNT PROPANE vu Vai -c ECM PUBLISHERS INC JANUARY SERVICES 02/03/97 2264 503.75 37 U.S. WEST COMMUNICATIONS.. PHONE SERVICE 02/03/97 2266 442.59 x 40 41 42 MINNEGASCO 16121ANT SANTTATTnN TNr SERVICE TO 1/27 FEBRUARY SERVICE 02/03/97 Q2/01/97 2267 22(,R 1,450.98 1 02 72 o s AT & T JANUARY SERVICE 02/03/97 2269 16.14 4 STEPHEN CONROY, ATTORNEY JANUARY SERVICE 02/03/97 2270 22.00 47 WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITOR -TREASURER — — FEBRUARY SERVICE 02/03/97 2271 8,395.00 4 s1 s s3 s ssj s61 .,i 1 Claims List for Approval MUNICIPAL OF CITY OF OTSEGO For the period 02/03/97 to 92/03/97 02/03/97 0 WHOM PAID CLAIM TOTAL ACCOUNT ACCOUNT FOR WHAT PURPOSE DATE NUMBER- CLAIM ..aARY A. GROEN, CPA JANUARY SERVICE 02/03/97 2273 2,050.00 101-41600-390 , TOTAL FOR MONTH 26,465.59 TOTAL YEAR TO DATE 448,402.09 448 402 l' 73 2