03-10-97 CCCITY OF OTSEGO KEVULJ1 rvK l,VU1vl.1L Hl, 11VIN AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE S.CONSENT AGENDA (NON -CONTROVERSIAL ITEMS) March 10,1997 - II 6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: PREPARED BX: EB,cc 5.1. Approve summary of Ordinance #97-4 Amendment for Publication BACKGROUND: This item was approved by the City Council at the February 28, 1997 Council Meeting. What we are now asking is that you approve the Summary of the Ordinance *97-4 Amendment so we can publish it. To publish the entire ordinance will be too costly. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Summary of Ordinance 097-4 for publication Thank you, E aine CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA ORDINANCE NO. 97-4 SUMMARY PUBLICATION AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION NTENNAS (C33 OF THE OOMMUN TSEGO CATION/RECDEPT INANCE ON/ REGARDING THE REGULATION O TRANSMISSION DEVICES). The following official summary of Ordinance 97-4 has been approved by the Otsego City Council as clearly informing the public of the intent of the ordinance. INTENT AND EFFECT Purpose. It is the purpose of the amendment to establish predicable, balanced regulations for the siting and screening of wireless communications equipment in order to accommodate the growth of wireless communicating systems within the City of Otsego while protecting the public against any adverse Impacts on the City's aesthetic resources and public welfare. Definitions. Various antenna types have been specifically defined. General Standards. The amendment establishes generalized standards for personal wireless service, public utility, microwave, radio and television broadcast transmitting, radio and television receiving, satellite dish and short-wave radio transmitting and receiving antenna. Such standardsclude but are not antenna finish and amateur to radio antenna) design/mounting, advertising, installation requirements. Accessory and Secondary Use Antennas. The ordinance includes specific regulations applicable to accessory and secondary use antennas including radio and television receiving antennas, satellite dish TVRO's less than three and one-half meters in diameter, short-wave radio dispatching antennas, or those necessary for the operation of electronic equipment including radio receivers, federally licensed amateur radio stations and television receivers. Regulations pertaining to satellite dishes vary depending upon zoning district inclusion. Personal Wireless Service Antennas. The ordinance also includes specific standards for personal wireless service antennas Including cellular, personal communication service (PCS), enhanced specialized mobilized radio (ESMR), paging and similar services. Such regulation establishes extensive locational and performance standards according to the zoning district In which the antenna is to be located. Commercial and Public Radio and Television Transmitting Antennas, and Public Antennas. The amendment includes specific standards applicable to commercial and public radio and television transmitting antennas, and public utility microwave antennas. District Modifications. Various zoning district provisions have been expanded to cross reference applicable antenna allowances. This summary Approved by the Otsego City Council this day of 1997. In Favor Opposed: CITY OF OTSEGO SY Larry Foumier, Mayor ATTEST: By: Elaine Beatty, City CloddZoning Administrator u CITY OF OTSEGO REVULzi l AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE 6.BOB KIRMIS, ASST. CITY PLANNER: March 10,1997 - 6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DE5UA-LYT1VN : M.L. tea, 6.2. Richard Kincanon and Dennis Chuba (Heritage Hills Development) Owner Alvin F and Germaine Beaudry. PID #118-500-213100 property located on 85TH ST SW of Odean Avenue NE, Section 21, Twp 121. Range 23. Request is as follows: A. Preliminary Plat approval for Heritage Hills Plat BACKGROUND: Attached is a letter from Bob R.irmiS of February 20, 1997 explaining this request. Planning Commission voted to approve unanimously, with conditions as noted.(Also see copy of Feb. 19, 1997 P.C. minutes pertaining to this item.) RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Preliminary Plat approval for Heritage Hills Plat with the conditions in the February 12, 1997 NAC Report and one additional condition #8. A determination is made by the City Engineer that the required wetland delineation does not adversely impact the plat design and buildable area. Thank you, Elaine CITY OF OTSEGO REOUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION 11 AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE II 116.BOB KIRMIS, ASST. CITY PLANNER: March 10,1997 II 6:30PM I TEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: PREPARED BY: EB , CC 6.1. Consider Resolution for 85TH ST Feas. Report (See 7.1. and 8.1.) (Andy MacArthur and Larry Koshak will explain this) It needs to be acted on before Heritage Hills Development. BACKGROUND: The Resolution for adoption of Feasibility Study for 85TH ST Project and to order Plans and Specs. was on the Feb. 28, 1997 Council Agenda. The Council asked to bring it back to March 10, 1997 Council Meeting revised to reflect just the adoption of the Feasibility Study for 85TH ST (Page Ave to 700' E of Nashua Ave) and stormwater drainage study for the W portion of Halls Pond Watershed. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Resolution for adoption of the Feasibility Study for 85TH St (Page Ave to 700' E of Nashua Ave) and stormwater drainage study for the W portion of Halls Pond Watershed. Thank you, Elaine `` 9 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS INC COMMUNITY PLANNING - DESIGN - MARKET RESEARCH MEMORANDUM TO: Otsego Mayor and City Council FROM: Bob Kirmis DATE: 20 February 1997 RE: Otsego - Heritage Hills Preliminary Plat FILE NO: 176.02 - 96.25 At their 19 February 1997 meeting, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the Heritage Hills preliminary plat. Aside from the seven conditions listed in our office's 12 February 1997 report, the Planning Commission has recommended that the following additional item be imposed as a condition of plat approval: 8. A determination is made by the City Engineer that the required wetland delineation does not adversely impact the plat design and buildable area. As you may be aware, existing climatic conditions prevent the applicant/developer from delineating the exact boundaries of the subject site's wetlands. While it is anticipated such wetlands lie completely within designated plat drainage easements, the additional condition recommended by the Planning Commission is considered an appropriate protective measure. This matter is scheduled for City Council consideration on 10 March. pc: Elaine Beatty Larry Koshak Andy MacArthur Heritage Landing Development Lynn Caswell 5775 WAYZATA BOULEVARD, SUITE 555 ST. LOUIS PARK, MINNESOTA 554 16 PHONE 6 1 2-595-9536 FAX 6 1 2-595-9837 CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNLNG COMMISSION MEETING FEBRUARY 19,1997 8:00 PNI 1 Chair Swensnn will call P-('- m= ngkn order: Chair Swenson called the Planning Commission Meeting to order at 8:00 PM. ROLL CALL: Present: Chair; Carl Swenson, Commission members; Eugene Goenner, Jim Kolles, Bruce Rask, Ing Roskaft, and Richard Nichols. Arleen Nagel, excused absence. Staff: Bob Kirmis, City Planner, Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator, Jerry Olson, Building Official, Carol Olson, Secretary. Council Representative, Vern Heidner Present: Mayor; Larry Fournier, Councilmembers; Suzanne Ackerman, Mark Berning 2- - considersition of tlho- Minutes of Februar; 4 1997: Bruce Rask motioned to approve the Planning Commission Minutes of February 5, 1997. Ing Roskaft seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. HEARING � � � S 19971 initiated by Ri h rd Kineanon& (Continued fro �anuai-� . Dennis C'huba of Heri anelopment. Pro;*� rtv of Alvin &Germaine neauar; x..#118-1-900-21-1100 sinnA7-1100 I aed nn 95th Street SW of Request is as follows: A. PrelininarrPlat approval for HeritagaHills= Chair Swenson went over the applicant's request. Mr. Kirmis - Heritage Landing Development prepared a preliminary plat entitled Heritage Hills consisting of 38 lots. This 64.5 acre site lies south of 85th Street and west of Odean Avenue. This property was recently rezoned from A-1 to R-3 zoning designation which allows one acre lots. Exhibit C on the screen showed the physical features that explain the street and lot layout. Odean Avenue is a major collector street and 85th Street a minor collector and direct driveway access to lots is discouraged. A wetland delineation will be done by the developer when weather permits. This will be an added condition. NAC recommends approval with seven conditions plus the wetland requirement. Mr. Kirmis read the eight conditions of NAC's Report. Mr. Koshak - Regarding the stormwater drainage issues, Outlot A is designated as a regional ponding area. Properties are Vasseurs Oak Grove 3rd Addition, the west end of Walesch Addition and undeveloped land with the watershed behind it. When the wetlands are delineated the water table can determined. The wetland delineation is an important contingency to this plat. Lynn Caswell We have worked with staff to come up with the John Oliver & Associates, Inc. design of the plat and are willing to work with the city regarding the ponding. William S. Radzwill Andrew !. MacArthur Michael C. Couri Megan M. McDonald March 5, 1997 RADZWILL & COURI Attorneys at Law 705 Central Avenue East PO Box 369 St. Michael, MN 55376 (612) 497-1930 (612) 497-2599 (FAX) City Council Members City of Otsego c/o Elaine Beatty, City Clerk 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Elk River, MN 55330 RE: Resolution Accepting Feasibility study- 85th Street Dear Council Members: Enclosed please find a proposed Resolution Accepting Feasibility Study For 85th Street. Acceptance of the Feasibility Study in no way commits the City to go ahead with the project or to expend additional funds. It does, however, create a basis for the City's imposition of its storm sewer impact fees, and establishing an escrow amount for road assessments on the Heritage Hills proposed development, if approved. I think that the City should require that the estimated assessment amount as set forth in the Feasibility Study ybthose placed assessments.ac naLetter of Credit for assurance of payor Developer's Agreement should contain a waiver of any assessment appeal up to the amount of the escrow, but preserve the City's right to assess more than that amount should the actual benefit to the property exceed that amount. The Developer's right to appeal any portion of the assessment above the escrowed amount would also have to be preserved. I think that there also needs to be a reasonable time limit on how long the money can be held, based upon a projected time table for reconstruction of the roadway. I am therefore recommending that the City receive the feasibility study at this time by passing the enclosed resolution. There appears to be concern about ordering Plans and Specifications at this time, and the extent of what is to be ordered. Ordering Plans and Specifications can be done in a future resolution. Letter to Otsego City Council March 5, 1997 Page 2 I will be available to discuss this matter at the City Council meeting on Monday, March 10. Ver ul you , drew Mac ur RADZWIL is COt)RI Encl. cc: Larry Koshak, Hakanson Anderson Bob Kirmis, NAC Richard Kincanon CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION RECEIVING REPORT ON FEASIBILITY OF PROPOSED BITUMINOUS STREET RECONSTRUCTION OF 85TH STREET AND STORM SEWER SYSTEM FOR LAND ADJACENT TO 85TH STREET NE AND LYING WITHIN THE HALL'S POND STORM SEWER DISTRICT. WHEREAS, pursuant to resolution of April 8, 1996, a report has been Associates, Inc. with reference to NE between Page Avenue NE and a Avenue NE by reconstructing the Standards and the proposed storm se to 85th Street NE which lies in District; and the Otsego City Council adopted prepared by Hakanson Anderson the improvement of 85th Street point 700 feet east of Nashua street to Municipal State Aid aer system for the land adjacent the Hall's Pond Storm Sewer WHEREAS, this report was received by the Council on March 10, 1997; and WHEREAS, the report indicates in a preliminary way that the improvement, and portions of the improvement, are necessary, cost- effective and feasible; and WHEREAS, costs associated with the preparation of the report, and any preparation of plans and specifications later ordered, are reimbursable to the City through the Municipal State Aid account; and WHEREAS, the Council has determined that information contained in the report would be useful in establishing a basis for determining storm sewer impact fees for the Hall's Pond Watershed District, said fees being subject to change over time; and WHEREAS, the Council has determined that the information contained within the report regarding proposed assessments will be useful in determining a proposed escrow amount for assessments to that proposed subdivision currently pending before the City known as Heritage Hills, if approved. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA: 1. The Council accepts the report prepared by Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. 2. The Council considers the information contained in the report an acceptable basis for establishing storm sewer impact fees for the Hall's Pond Watershed District, said fees being subject to change over time. 3. The Council considers the information contained in the report as an acceptable basis for establishing escrowed assessment funds for the benefited parcel, that proposed plat of Heritage Hills presently requesting City approval. It is understood that the City, by establishing this amount as escrow, in no way limits itself to assessing only that amount contained within the report should it be determined at a later date that the actual benefit to the property is a larger amount. ADOPTED BY THE OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL this day of March, 1997. IN FAVOR: OPPOSED: CITY OF OTSEGO Larry Fournier, Mayor Elaine Beatty, City Clerk City of Otsego Engineer's Agenda Items City Council Meeting March 10, 1997 8.1 Consider accepting the Feasibility Study for 85th Street (Page Avenue to 700' east of Nashua Avenue) and the Stormwater Drainage Study for the westerly portion of Hall's Pond Watershed. The City Attorney will revise the Resolution seen at the last Council Meeting to accept the report but not order prepare the Plans & Specifications. (see 7.1) 8.2 Consider supporting the request of City of St. Michael to have the County Commissioners increase the Functional Classification of Nabor Avenue (50th Street to TH241). Frankfort Township with Wright County acting as their RGA received ISTEA Funding for Year 1999 for the Construction of Nabor Avenue (TH241 to 50th Street). Since that time St. Michael took over Frankfort Township and being a City of 5,000 population or more the project is now a St. Michael project. The hold up on final funding is the functional classification of Nabor Avenue is not high enough to be eligible for funding. If the future interchange at Nabor Avenue over the Interstate 94 was pursued by the Cities of St. Michael and Otsego, the functional classification change would be appropriate. What the City of St. Michael is asking of Otsego is: Are you agreeable to delineate a corridor for this future Intra County highway with a Freeway interchange? If you are not agreeable to the Intra -County Highway into Otsego then the change in functional classification is not necessary. Although the interchange would not be in Otsego, it would be an additional access to the freeway. Funding for this interchange and street extension have not been determined. The County Commissioners may not be supportive of this action since the County will be spending money on the CSAH 19 & 37 and 194 Interchange in Albertville. Our recommendation would be to support St. Michael in this effort since there could be some benefit to Otsego in the future, however, I would recommend agenda3.10a attending the March 17, 1997 County Transportation meeting before making or considering the approval. 8.3 Annual review of the Dennis Fehn Gravel, Inc. Mining Permit on the Lahn property in Otsego refer to as Mining Permit #6. This permit was issued by Frankfort Township under a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) dated April 1, 1991 and filed at the Wright County Court House on September 12, 1991. The permit, according to the CUP, was to be reviewed annually and was limited to ten years. Since this portion of the Old Frankfort Township is now part of the City of Otsego, the City has assumed the responsibility for the review and monitoring the continued use of this mining operation. It is our opinion that this mining operation not be re -permitted in its entirely under the Otsego Mining Ordinance 94-4. We feel that in our review the CUP issued by Frankfort Township with a few modifications, or additions to the CUP, can be continued for its time limit of ten years. The Conditional Use Permit does cover many of the concerns addressed in the City Ordinance. The following are issues or concerns to consider for change or revision to the CUP; 1. If not already available, the Applicant must provide a Site Closure Plan. Closure Plan should be in accordance with Otsego Mining Ordinance 94-4, Article X-1-17. 2. City Attorney should review articles of the CUP that refer to Frankfort Township Ordinances for compliance to City of Otsego Ordinances. Perhaps it may be best to refer to City of Otsego Mining Ordinance 94-4. We recommend the attorney give an opinion. 3. Any change or addition must be agreed to and signed by both the Applicant and Landowner. 4. Hours of operation should be restricted to 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. (during the week) with no work on Saturday and Sunday. Residences in Hassan Township, across from the operation, have complained about a crushing operation this past fall where the crushing operation went into late hours on a Friday night and continued on Saturday. agenda3.10a 5. Letter of Credit for $10,000 and a minimum escrow of $ 500 must be kept current as per the CUP. 6. A lockable gate made of durable rigid materials must be installed. The gate must be locked when the mining operation is shut down. 7. The Council should consider placing the resource depletion charge of $0.5/cubic yard removed from the Mine as is the case in the Otsego Mining Ordinance. 8. Flood plain must be protected along the Crow River. The applicant should show on a closure plan the Flood Way and Flood Fringe along with the requirements of Item 1. We recommend that the above items be considered for addition to the CUP and seek the advise of the City Attorney on referring to Ordinances of Frankfort Township now part of St. Michael. 8.4 Flood Potential Report Kevin Kielb will report on the meeting he attended at Wright County on Emergency preparedness for Spring flooding potential. See copy of report attached. 8.5 ISTEA-Year 2000 Update for 7W The City of Otsego's application for funding to reconstruct Odean Avenue (CSAH37-CSAH39) rank 5th in the old planning district 7W list of projects for year 2000. This ranking appears to mean that funding is possible for the project in 2000. The project also received the necessary discretionary points to make it one of the top ranked road/bridge projects in the District. The project cost was estimated at approximately $1,500,000 of which 80% or about $1,200,000 would be funded through ISTEA. The remaining 20%, about $300,000 must be funded locally which can be done by using MSA funds. Mn/DOT District 3 ATIP group will prepare a list of proposal project for the entire district and then submit to the State for a final ranking at the State level. We will be informed of the progress by the District Planning Engineer. 8.6 Any Other Engineering Business a. Wetland Sales agenda3.10a Chris Bulow has offered to sell the City potential wetland. A portion of the land has been cropped and speculation is that when left natural the land will return to wetlands. That is the portion I understand is for sale. City has no immediate needs for replacement wetland, however, the need can always arise. Part of this property could be used as a holding pond for stormwater runoff. The property is in the Otsego Creek Watershed and future plans would be to increase the flow in the ditch that borders the property on the north and east. Any runoff should be treated with a sedimentation pond before discharging into Otsego Creek. We would recommend that the stormwater impact fee due for Sorenson Ridge be paid in cash. The cash is needed to construct the trunk facilities in the North Mississippi Watershed District. Without budget allocated for the purchase it appears as a lower priority item. Perhaps an appraisal could be ordered by the Council to determine the value of the property and then decide if the Council wished to make an offer to Bulow, Inc. b. Other Engineering Business agenda3.10a McCombs Frank Roos Associates, Inc. 15050 23rd Avenue North, Plymouth, Minnesota 55447-4739 February 25, 1997 Otsego City Council c/o Elaine Beatty, City Clerk 8899 Nashua Avenue Northeast Otsego, Minnesota 55330 SUBJECT: City of St. Michael MFRA #9741 Dear Ms. Beatty: Item 8.2 Telephone Engineers 612/476-6010 Planners 612/476-8532 FAX Surveyors ow` 1. 26(997 The purpose of this letter is to advise your Council of St. Michael's transportation planning status and to ask your assistance with one element of the plan. St. Michael has retained the firm of Dalgren-Shardlow-Uban (DSII) to revise all elements of the St. Michael comprehensive plan e.g. land use, recreation, transportation, etc. In dealing with the transportation element, collector type roadways were identified which intersected roadways in other cities. While in most cases, the designation of collector streets logically follows current patterns, it was felt that it is still important to communicate our plans and ask for comments. The attached map shows the most current concepts. You will note it is a system of city collector roads which in every case tie into county and state roadways. In the plan there is one proposed roadway which affects planning in Otsego, and that is Naber Avenue. Naber Avenue is scheduled to be improved from 50th Street to-S.H. 241 in 1998 and in the longer term, is planned to be improved south of S.H. 241, including a new bridge across the Crow River, and north of 50th Street, including a bridge across I-94. The northerly extension will intersect CSAH 37 at the St. Michael/Otsego boundary. Road improvements are costly and St. Michael has been investigating and pursuing ways to fund the improvement for this street. The City has had some success in that matching ISTEA funds have been approved for the first phase of Naber Avenue. It is in the pursuit of additional funds for the northerly extension that we need your assistance. An Equal Opportunity Employer Ms. Elaine Beatty February 25, 1997 Page 2 St. Michael wishes to apply for funds that may be available through the Area Transportation Partnership (ATP). In order to be eligible, Naber Avenue needs a change in its functional classification from minor collector to major collector. The change in classification has to be made by the Wright County Board. St. Michael met with the Wright County Transportation Committee and requested the reclassification. We felt the request was justified for several reasons: 1. There is no north/south major collector identified in this part of Wright County and this is a logical location, midway between C.R. 19 and S.H. 101. 2. With the development of the Otsego industrial area, the Naber Avenue route will provide optional routes to S.H. 241,1-94 and Hennepin County. 3. With the construction of a new bridge over the Crow River, Naber Avenue will become a more frequently traveled route into Hennepin County. 4. If a bridge is constructed across I-94, St. Michael will improve Naber Avenue up to C.R. 37, providing a vital link between that east/west major collector and S.H. 241. The County Transportation Committee has tentatively agreed with our reasoning, but before recommending approval, asked St. Michael to contact Otsego to see if you had any questions regarding the reclassification. The assistance we therefore ask is that you discuss our request and if you need further explanation, contact us. If you have concerns about the request you can contact County Engineer Wayne Fingalson or attend the next County Transportation meeting on March 17, 1997. St. Michael feels that proper transportation planning will benefit all the properties in the CSAH 37/Naber Avenue area and appreciates your input and -support. Very truly yours, McCOMBS FRANK ROOS ASSOCIATES, INC. l e J. Roos, P.E. JJR:pry cc: Roxanne Pack, Mayor, City of St. Michael c Amain A974 I \bcat2-24 Item 8.4 MEMORANDUM TO: Lawrence G. Koshak, PE FROM: Kevin P. Kielb, PE DATE: March 3, 1997 RE: Flood Potential from Spring Thaw Summary of 2/20/97 Civil Defense Meeting OT901 SUMMARY I would recommend that the City perform the following tasks, as a minimum, to prepare for spring flooding: 1 . Post notices at City Hall warning residents of the potentially high waters (at or above 100 year flood levels) for the Mississippi and Crow Rivers. • Indicate that City is not responsible for private property flooding. • Indicate that flood information is from the National Weather Service. • Indicate that the Mississippi River is projected to be a few feet to several feet over the flood stage. • Indicate that the Crow River is expected to be several feet over the flood level to near record levels. • Waiting period for flood insurance was increased from five days to thirty days. 2. Obtain sand bags for emergency use as a precautionary measure. II NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE A February 28, 1997 Spring Snowmelt Flood Outlook was issued by the National Weather Service Forecast Office. The next forecast will be available March 14, 1997 (Http://solum.soils.wmn.edu/research/climatology/). A summary of the February 28,1997 forecast is as follows: Larry Koshak Page 2 March 3, 1997 The purpose of this outlook is to inform interests along the rivers in Minnesota and western Wisconsin of the potential for flooding this spring due to snowmelt. The degree of flooding that actually occurs this spring will be largely determined by the precipitation and temperatures we experience during the next several weeks. Users should be aware that the potential for snowmelt flooding can change, in a substantial way, due to deviations from normal precipitation and temperatures. Spring snowmelt flood potential is determined by an analysis of existing snow cover, soil and river conditions, and normal precipitation and temperatures through the melt period. Formation of ice jams during the melt may increase the flood threat. A. Terminology: Snowmelt flood potential - flood potential due to the melt of the existing snow plus normal precipitation (snow/rain) and temperatures through the melt period. Minor Snowmelt flood potential Moderate Snowmelt flood potential Moderate/high — Snowmelt flood potential High Snowmelt flood potential Severe Snowmelt flood potential - Crests below flood stage. - Crest from near flood stage to a few feet over flood stage. - Crests from a few feet to several feet over flood stage but remaining below record levels. - Crests from several feet over flood stage to near record levels. - Crests from near record levels to exceeding record levels. Larry Koshak Page 3 March 3, 1997 B. Mississippi River Basin in Minnesota: The snowpack in all but the southern portion of the Mississippi River basin of Minnesota is well above normal for this time of year and averages 15 to 25 inches. Water content of this snowpack averages 4 to 7 inches. The southern portion of the basin in Minnesota has an average snow cover of 10 inches or less with water content of 3 to 6 inches where a significant snowpack exists. Soil moisture conditions are above normal in Minnesota and Wisconsin and frost depths are below normal for most of the area due to an early snow cover. Generally, frost depths in Minnesota are less than 12 inches but some areas in south central and south east Minnesota have reported 12 to 24 inches. River ice is present on the Mississippi River and its tributaries in Minnesota and Wisconsin. Current flows in all the rivers in Minnesota and Wisconsin are near or above normal. C. Snowmelt flood potential: The following is a list of the major rivers in the Chanhassen/Twin Cities area of hydrologic responsibility along with their spring snowmelt flood potential River Mississippi River (Ft. Ripley to Red Wing) Long Prairie River Sauk River Elk River Crow River Rum River Minnesota River (Montevideo to Savage) Yellow Bank River Pomme de Terre River Lac Qui Parle River Chippewa River Spring snowmelt Flood potential Moderate high High High High High High High High High High High Larry Koshak Page 4 March 3, 1997 Yellow Medicine River High Redwood River High Cottonwood River High Blue Earth River Moderate high Watonwan River High Le Sueur River Moderate high St. Croix River Moderate high Cannon River Moderate high Straight River Moderate high Numerical Outlook: Due to the potential severity of flooding in Minnesota and western Wisconsin, the National Weather Service has chosen to release the numerical spring snowmelt flood outlook for specific locations at this date rather than on March 14th. By issuing the numerical outlook two weeks earlier than normal, it is hoped that communities and individuals in flood prone areas of Minnesota and western Wisconsin will take this opportunity to prepare for the potential flooding indicated in the outlook. However, this is an outlook on snowmelt flood potential. The crests listed for all locations are the potential crests as determined from the current snow conditions with no additional precipitation and current snow conditions plus normal temperatures and precipitation through the snowmelt period. Larry Koshak Page 5 March 3, 1997 Numerical Spring Snowmelt Flood Outlook National Weather Service Forecast Office Twin Cities/Chanhassen, MN February 28, 1997 /I/ Crest potential... based on current conditions with no additional precipitation /2/ Crest potential... based on current conditions plus normal temperatures and precipitation through the snowmelt period Stream and Station name Mississippi River Aitkin, MN Ft Ripley, MN Anoka WWT Plant Minneapolis,. MN St Paul, MN Hastings (D-TW2) Red Wing, MN Minnesota River Montevideo, MN Mankato, MN Henderson, MN Jordan, MN Shakoppe, MN Savage, MN South Fork Crow River Delano, MN Crow River Rockford, MN Flood of Flood Crest Potential 1993 Record Stage /1/ /2/ Crest Stage Date 12 15.5 18.0 14.3 22.5 5/20/50 10 11.0 13.5 14.3 3/23/66 838 837.0 839.0 843.7 4/12/65 16 13.0 16.0 20.0 4/17/65 14 18.0 21.0 19.2 26.0 4/16/65 15 19.0 21.5 18.9 25.9 4/17/65 14 15.0 17.5 15.3 20.7 4/18/65 14 19.0 21.0 16.5 21.7 4/12/69 17 26.0 28.0 28.8 28.8 _ 6/21/93 729 734.5 736.5 739.5 739.7 4/11/65 20 29.5 31.5 33.5 35.1 4/12/65 703 715.5 717.5 719.3 721.9 4/14/65 698 711.5 714.5 713.7 719.4 4/15/65 8 13.5 16.0 13.8 18.4 4/14/65 10 15.0 18.0 12.9 19.3 4/16/65 Larry Koshak Page 6 March 3, 1997 CORPS OF ENGINEERS: The Corps of Engineers can provide assistance in preparing for spring flooding. If site specific areas and/or projects are identified, we can let Wright County Civil Defense know. Sources of Equipment (pumps, etc.) The first call should be to the Duty Officer 649-5451. They will contact the Corps, DNR, etc. to attempt to locate available equipment. The following list was provided by attendees of the meeting. Call the D.O. before calling these sources: IV SANDBAGS: Sandbags are constructed of either burlap material or a woven -poly (plastic) material. Burlap bags are generally more expensive. Burlap bags are also more prone to rotting, especially to dry rot in storage. Sizes vary, but the standard is about 14" by 26". Contact Name Equipment Location and Phone 2 15" City of Rockford Dennis Peterson 300' hose H 477-4377 W 477-4346 1 600 GPM gas pump 10,000 sand bags 2 12" pumps, 300' of hose City of Delano Daniel Alger 1 16" pumps, 200' of hose W 972-0567 4 4" pumps, 500' of hose H- 972-6418 4 3" pumps, 300' of hose M 723-0609 8,000 sand bags 2 10" pumps Hennepin County Don Anderson 930-2693 IV SANDBAGS: Sandbags are constructed of either burlap material or a woven -poly (plastic) material. Burlap bags are generally more expensive. Burlap bags are also more prone to rotting, especially to dry rot in storage. Sizes vary, but the standard is about 14" by 26". Larry Koshak Page 7 March 3, 1997 When sandbags are used to build a dike, the dike is usually "sealed" with a covering of plastic sheeting to prevent leaks. Suggested fill for sandbags includes clay, silt or sand. Per 100 linear feet of dike Height of Dike Bags Required 1 foot 800 2 feet 2,000 3 feet 3,400 Besides the following, some military or surplus stores also sell sandbags. Wright Bag, St. Michael Berg Bag Company, 410 Third Ave. N., Minneapolis . (612) 332-8845 or (800) 658-7201 24-hour emergency contacts: Bob Berg (612) 797-0303 Rick Berg (612) 933-3897 or (800) 587-2040 Supply only large quantity orders. Miller Bag Company, 861 E. Hennepin, Minneapolis . (612) 378-3200 or (800) 776-5559 24-hour emergency contacts: Martin Miller (612) 926-9850 Mike Miller (612) 938-6177 Also sell polyethylene sheeting. Murphy Sales, Inc., 435 Ford Rd. #345, St. Louis Park ......................... (612) 540-0755 or (800) 328-5876 24-hour emergency contacts: Dave Allen (612) 541-9855 Jerry Murphy (406) 338-5946 Delivered anytime. Hundreds of thousands available on short notice. Excellent supply and service statewide. Valley Bag Company, PO Box 463, East Grand Forks .............. (218) 773-1189 24-hour emergency contacts: Paul Wiley (218) 773-8593 Associated Bag Company, Milwaukee, Wisconsin (414) 769-1000 or (800) 926-6100 Barry Bag and Supply Company, Inc., Birmingham, Alabama ..................... (800) 329-7601 or (205) 854-0824 Larry Koshak Page 8 March 3, 1997 Central Bag Co., Kansas City, Missouri ........................ (816) 471-0388 East Loop Sand Co., Inc., Hollidaysburg, Pennsylvania (800) 549-2655 or (814) 695-3082 Endurapak, 311 Alexander Ave., Winnipeg, Manitoba .............. (204) 947-1383 Fredman Bag Co., Milwaukee, Wisconsin ........ (414) 462-9400 or (800) 945-5685 Frontier Bag Co., Milwaukee, Wisconsin ........ (800) 278-2247 and (402) 342-0992 Kansas City Bag Company, Inc., Overland Park, Kansas ............ (913) 681-3324 Langston Companies, Inc., Crowley, Louisiana ..... (800) 759-5224 or (318) 783-2010 Max Katz Bag Co., Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana ...... (800) 225-3729 or (317) 635-9561 Sterling Bag and Supply Co., Lackawanna, New York .............. (716) 826-1990 United Bag Service, St. Louis, Missouri ........................ (314) 421-3700 . 0 . a a • • Sandbagger Co. of Canada, Inc., St. Eustache, Manitoba ........... (204) 353-2540 Sorting equipment. When attached to a conveyor, can fill 6,000 bags per hour. The Sandbagger Corporation, Wauconda, Illinois ................. (815) 363-1400 Four -person filling, stations, 700 bags per hour. V ATTENDANCE: Rolland Helgeson Daniel Alger Nila Ellis Genee Reese Mike Byer Ray Knapp — Dennis Peterson James Kizea Judy Rue DEM Kevin Kielb Chuck Davis Dan Anderson jlg OT901c.mem 682-7616 Sheriffs Dept. 972-0567 Delano P/W 682-7385 Highway 682-7326 Wright County C.D. 477-6565 Rockford City Council 477-6565 Civil Defense 477-4346 City of Rockford 477-6252 Rockford Fire Dept 422-3628 Mn/ 427-5860 City of Otsego 682-7331 Wright County P & Z Hennepin County Item 8.6a .W----'7 Of-OA)E p BV Rococo 3/4/,97 Haka son NORTH LEGEND Assoc, ' ArKkmn pLAT NUMBER #059 P.I.D. #037310 Landsovo ADDRESS -LAST 2 3083-30 812/427-58W FAX 3001 Thirston hw, kicka.612ts (5 ��27o—QS20 ,WPROXiuATE SGL 1" =400' DIGITS OF ZIP CODE I PROPERTY IC AC CITY OF OTE PREPARED BY: LYNN HARTL MAR. S. 1997 1:35PM P 2 FROM CITY OF OTSEGO PHONE NO. : 612 441 4414 K05�. i $51/ i To: Otsego City Council Bulow Inc. is in the process of deciding what should be done with the 5-7 acre parcel of land we own on the west side Nashua and the east of Napier. We have a few options as to what to do with this property. Our first thought is that the City may be interested in owning the property. The property has about 1.3 -1.5 acres of wetlands, that could be banked with a value of about .75 to a $1.25 per square foot. Giving the land a value of $42,500, using the .75 value per square foot mutiplier. These banked wetlands could be sold to new commercial business that come to Otsego which have sites that may need to destroy some of their wetlands to construct a business. The wetland credits could also be sold to any developer who may be disturbing wetlands in his development process. If more single family development happens in this area the property would also work well for a retainage pond for sedimentation or to solve drainage problems to the south east of this site. Although there is probably one buildable site on the property that we could construct a single family home on we feel the city may have a more beneficial use of the land. The Bank of Elk River had an appraisal done on the property in the summer of 1996, by Riverside Appraisals in Elk River. They found the value to be $40,000.00. We are proposing that the city aquire this property from us with no money exchanging hands. Bulow, Inc. owes an impact fee from the Sorensen Ridge development of $31,000.00 due this summer. We would turn the property over to the city in exchange for the impact fee being waived. Please consider our proposal. If you have any further questions we would be glad to discuss them with you at 441-2229. Sincerely, Chris Bulow Bulow, Inc. wetland.wps William S. Radzwill Andrew J. MacArthur Michael C. Couri Megan M. McDonald March 6, 1997 City -Council Members City,'of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Elk River, MN 55330 RADZWILL & CO URI Attorneys at Law 705 Central Avenue East PO Box 369 St. Michael, MN 55376 (612) 497-1930 (612) 497-2599 (FAX) RE: Annual Review Of Fehn Mining Permit (CUP) Dear Council Members: At the request of the City Engineer I have reviewed the former Conditional Use Permit granted to Fehn, the engineer's suggested changes upon review and the Frankfort ordinances. I was not able to obtain a copy of the original Frankfort Mining Ordinance since it was completely changed in 1992, after the issuance of this permit, but upon review of the permit, and the Otsego ordinance I have the following comments: 1. The terms and conditions that are contained within the initial Mining Permit that differ from the present Otsego ordinance must be adhered to until specifically amended by the City of Otsego. All provisions of the present ordinance not specifically modified within the written permit apply to the operation at the time it first fell within the jurisdiction of the City of Otsego. 2. The present ordinance allows the Council to attach additional conditions to the permit at the time of renewal. Those additional conditions must be set forth specifically in a new or amended permit. The additional conditions requested by the City Engineer are reasonable and, if approved, should be drafted into a new permit form or amendment. I would note that the original approval specifically reserved to the township the right to annually adjust the allowed hours of operation. 3. The imposition of fees is a separate requirement of the City's Mining Ordinance unrelated to the written conditions of the permit. The fact that the permit was originally issued by Frankfort Letter to Otsego City Council March 6, 1997 Page 2 Township does not exclude the operation from payment of those fees required of all other mining operations within the City. The operation was subject to those fees, just as it became subject to other City ordinances, at the time it came under the City's jurisdiction pursuant to the Municipal Board Order. If the Council has any further questions regarding this matter I will be available to address them at the regularly scheduled City Council meeting on Monday, March 10, 1997. Very ly yours ew t RADZWI COURI cc: Dennis Fehn Larry Koshak, Hakanson Anderson Bob Kirmis, NAC V MAR -07-1997 11:46 rNc TRANSMITTAL NAC 612 595 9837 P. 01/02 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CC NSULTANTS 5 7 7 5 W A Y Z ATA BOULEVARD, SUITE 5 S 5 ST -LOUIS PARK, MINNESOTA 554 1 6 PHONE (6 1 2)595-06315 DATE: 7 March 1997 TO: Elaine Beatty FROM: David Licht QUANTITY: MATERIAL/DESCRIPTION: 1 Memorandum on Annexation/MMB NUMBER OF PAGES INCLUDING COVER: 2 DATED; 3/7/97 VIA: REMARKS: MAIL Lary Fournier requested the attached memo for Monday night's Council meeting. Please give to all Council members. RAX We have sent Andy's copy to his office. F—xl Call if there are questions. Thanks for your help. PICK UP El DELIVERY F-1 PROJECT: JOB NUMBER: 176.08 - Annexation MAR -0? -199? 11:4? NAC 612 595 9837 P.02/02 N MEMORANDUM - Via Fax Transmission TO: Larry Fournier, Mayor FROM: David Licht DATE: 7 March 1997 RE: Otsego - Annexation FILE NO: 176.06 NSULTANTS'� ;ET RESEARCH' As we have briefly discussed, I believe your idea to appraise the Minnesota Municipal Board of Otsego's current activities involving a response to the basic issues of public sewer and water, the coordination of possible urban services with the citizens of Elk River and Albertville, and the update of the Comprehensive Plan should be pursued. From various sources I have personally heard that "informal" contacts have been made with the MMB by parties possibly interested in detachment from the City of Otsego. Additionally, it is my understanding that the MMB may possibly be questioning the wisdom of allowing Otsego to incorporate. Simply for public relations purposes but also, and more importantly, to allow Otsego the "breathing space" and time to address the very critical questions which it is continuing to confront, advising the MMB of current programs and projects would appear to be a highly positive action. It most certainly would be to Otsego's benefit to have its side of the situation known, if others are voicing opinions or negative impressions at the State level. Again, it is our suggestion that a letter from Elaine or you be drafted, summarizing current activities. It is also recommended that such a letter contain an invitation inviting the MMB members and staff to visit Otsego and meet with the Council if they believe such a discussion is appropriate and would be of benefit. If our office can be of further assistance regarding this matter, please so advise. PC: Elaine Beatty Andy MacArthur 3775 WAYZATA BOULEVARD, SUITE 555 ST. LOUIS PARK, MINNESOTA 55416 PHONE 01 2-595-fl636 FAX 6 1 2-595-9$37 TOTAL P.02 CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE 9. COUNCIL ITEMS CITY CLERK March 10,1997 - 6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: PREPARED BY: EB,CC 9.1. Consider Proclamation of Family Fun Day to be held on July 12, 1997. (By Park and Recs. Commission) BACKGROUND: Attached is a Proclamation as noted above for your consideration. This was requested by the Park and Recs. Commissions through our Mayor. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Proclamation of Family Fun Day to be held on July 12, 1997. Thank you, Laine PROCLAMATION - CITY OF OTSEGO - "FAMILY FUN DAY" ************** WHEREAS, the City of Otsego residents deserve to have a celebration and fun time with their families, and WHEREAS, the City of Otsego Parks and Recreation Commission has agreed to plan and coordinate such a celebration and family fun day, to be held at Otsego Prairie Park, and WHEREAS, a date and place for this Family Fun Day have been chosen and approved, NOW THEREFORE, the Mayor and City Council of Otsego hereby declare the date of July 12, 1997 be recognized officially as CITY OF OTSEGO "FAMILY FUN DAY" Dated this 10th Day of March, 1997 CITY OF OTSEGO: LARRY FOURNIER, MAYOR ATTEST: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk -A 4-u °-Op, 3 -/e - 97 Claims LisL for Approval MUNICIPAL OF CITY OF OTSEGO For the perio 03/03/97 to 03/03/97 CAROL A. OLSON MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT PLAN 03/03/97 CLAIM TOTAL TO WHOM PAID 12/20 TO 2/19 USAGE 03/03/97 2352 321.10 RIVER VALLEY LUMBER INC WINTERFEST SUPPLIES 03/03/97 2343 9.14 TARGET STORES MTCE SUPPLIES 03/03/97 2344 22.94 VERN HEIDNER DATABASE SOFTWARE 03/03/97 2355 24.15 LITTLE FALLS MACHINE PARTS 03/03/97 2346 69.96 CROW RIVER FARM EQUIPMENT PARTS 03/03/97 2347 87.68 H G WEBER OIL COMPANY 2/21 DELIVERIES 03/03/97 2358 230.14 CAMAS SAND '& GRAVEL 03/03/97 2349 720.12 WRIGHT COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPT PARTS & SALT & SAND - 03/.03/97 2350 7,920.49 CAROL A. OLSON MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT PLAN 03/03/97 2351 305.00 MINNESOTA COPY SYSTEMS INC. 12/20 TO 2/19 USAGE 03/03/97 2352 321.10 EAST SIDE LEASING ECM PUBLISHERS INC PUBLISHING 03/03/97 2354 202.75 GLENS TRUCK CENTER INC 2/17 PARTS 03/03/97 2355 24.15 NAPA OF ELK RIVER INC 2/22 PARTS 03/OJ/97 2�3b6 50.0 ST JOSEPHS EQUIPMENT INC PARTS 03/03/97 2357 39.97 G & K TEXTILE LEASING SYSTEMS FEBRUARY SERVICES 03/03/97 2358 230.14 RANDY'S SANITATION DEC & JAN SERVICES 03/04/97 2359 547.50 LAPLANT SANITATION INC MARCH SERVICE 03/0$/97 2360 102.72 ZIEGLER INC ED ALBRECHT PARTS MNDOT VEHICLE INSPECTION 03/03/97 03/03/97 2361 2362 205.81— 200.00 MINNEGASCO SERVICE TO 2/25 03/03/97 2363 841.30 U.S. WEST COMMUNICATIONS SERVICE TO 2/22 03/03/97 2364 399.30 ELK RIVER MUNICIPAL UTILITIES SERVICE TO 2/6 03/03/97 236b t34U.4_F__ STEPHEN CONROY, ATTORNEY LEGAL -JANUARY 03/03/97 2367 275.00 WRIGHT-HENNEPIN CO-OP ELECTRIC ASSN SERVICE TO 2/18 03/03/97 2368 1,010.75 GARY A. GROEN, CPA- FEBRUARY SERVICE 03/0J/'97 Z369 1,412.bO RADZWILL LAW OFFICE FEVRUARY SERVICES 03/03/97 2370 4,960.50 TOTAL FOR MONTH 23,197.51 TOTAL YEAR TO DATE 23,197.51 Claims List for APproval MUNICIPAL OF CITY OF OTSEGO For the period 03/03/97 to 03/03/97 CLAIM TOTAL ACCOUNT ACCOUNT TO WHOM PAID FOR WHAT PURPOSE 03/03/97 2338 1,930.65 443.79 101-41400-123 MARCH PREMIUM MEDICA 101-41600-123 164.52 101-45100-123 222.32 101-21706-000 798.06 473.28 MARCH PREMIUM 03/03/97 2340 4?3. 164.20 1705 666 101-41400-130 63.00 MINNESOTA MUTUAL 101-41600-130 28.00 96.60 4516e 1--3e 101-43100-130 36.60 PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT FUND PPE 2/22/97 03/03/97 2341 1,463.30 101-21704-000 i2i 710.66 552.98 101-43100-121 138.73 101-45100-121 60.93 Claims List for Approval MUNICIPAL OF CITY OF OTSEGO For the period 03/03/97 to 03/03/97 CLAIM TOTAL ACCOUNT ACCOUNT TO WHOM PAID FOR A PURPOSE MEDICA MARCH PREMIUM 03/03/97 2338 1,930.65 101-41400-123 443.79 101-41600-123 164.52 101-45100-123 222.32 101-21706-000 798.06 MINNESOTA MUTUAL MARCH PREMIUM 03/03/97 2340 164.20 101-41400-130 63.00 101-41600-130 28.00 101-43100-130 36.60 PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT FUND PPE 2/22/97 03/03/97 2341 1,463.30 101-21704-000 710.66 101-43100-121 138.73 101-45100-121 60.93 10FAL FOR MONIN 4,t56.43 4,156.43 TOTAL YEAR TO DATE 4,156.43 4,156.43