04-21-97 WSCITY OF OTSEGO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP REORGANIZATION DISCUSSION FOR CITY OPERATIONS APRIL 21, 1997 7 P 1 _ Mayor .a Fournier will call meeting to order. Mayor Fournier called the workshop to order at 7:04 PM. Roll Call: Mayor Larry Fournier; Councilmembers: Mark Berning, Vern Heidner, Virginia Wendel, Suzanne Ackerman. Staff: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator, Judy Hudson, Deputy Clerk, Carol Olson, Secretary. ? Discussion and hr instorming on City Operations/Reorganization- Mayor perations/Reorg ni .a ion.Mayor Fournier opened the workshop by stating City Reorganization was a campaign subject. The former City Council started the progress by eliminating the Finance Director position, contracted the accounting services and initial steps have been started to hire a City Administrator. The Administrative Subcommittee is currently checking into minute taking contracting services. Mayor Fournier wants this workshop to be a brainstorming session and asked council members to put their ideas out on the table. Council and staff briefly discussed the position of the part time maintenance position and if he is entitled to over time and benefits. Staff will check into this. Administrator Position CM's Wendel, Ackerman and Mayor Fournier started the discussion supporting the need for an Administrator for the City. CM Beming also supported hiring an administrator but he also stated that before looking at the administration and staff, the Council needs to look at themselves and figure out how they can reorganize themselves. He stated all elected officials and members of the staff should neither get nor receive any special privileges. He feels there are things going on in this city that shouldn't be going on and there are people at this workshop session that know it. Both Mayor Fournier and CM Heidner wanted an explanation. CM Beming replied they should look at the shed located next to the City Hall. Council discussed the situation of the fire trucks currently located in this shed. CM Berning referred to previous Council minutes regarding this issue, liability concerns and if there was ever a contract completed on this. He also was under the understanding that there would be monthly rents collected. CM Beming also reported a city employee was driving one of the fire trucks recently. He requested this to be placed on the next public agenda meeting. City Council Workshop Meeting of April 21, 1997, cont'd. Page 2. The Council was not aware, until recently, that the fire trucks were still in the shed. Mayor Fournier stated he will contact Ron Black to get these out of the shed as soon as possible. Mayor Fournier also noted he wants to see a Code of Conduct written for the Council. CM Berning also had concerns with the following: Council are decision makers and not the doers. Council shouldn't be attending all the meetings Visioning done for the next 25 years Committees should be told what is expected of them Committees should have long range goals. Council needs to determine projects with estimated costs first Handed out an organization chart he drew up and went over this Supported the existence of Otsego Creek Authority EDA and EDAAC should be combined Finance person should be coordinating with Public Works Supervisor Administration has problems - no job descriptions, need salary ranges, Combination of City Clerk/Treasurer and Finance Director they should be attending some of the meetings rather than the Council Bills need to reviewed by Staff Public Works Supervisor should be more involved with the bidding process Concern with staff process with developers Concern with Building Official as a contractor with City supplying desk and phone and City does not provide insurance liability and a conflict of interest with his spouse as a city employee Concern with City paying City Engineer $1,000 to oversee the MSA Budget Concern with the difference between a part time employee and a temporary employee Personnel Manual should be reviewed City Clerk and Deputy Clerk should be salaried positions as their responsibilities fall under Administration All City buildings and City vehicles should be "no smoking allowed" Currently there is no "Safety Officer" for the City City is getting over billed by the professional staff and need to have someone review these bills Need a new engineering firm Planner needs to consider either representing Albertville or Otsego Want to see performance reviews for the two supervisors. Concern with developers signing the 60 Day Waiver After Council discussion which the council pointed that the majority of these items have been checked into and are being done. The Mayor requested the following items placed on the next city council agenda: Smoking issue, Planning Services, Engineering Services, Code of Conduct, Safety Officer. Other issues to be reviewed by staff are hourly wages versus City Council Workshop of April 21, 1997, cont'd. Page 3. salaried position, temporary and part time people. There was further Council discussion on engineering services with concerns expressed that changing engineering firms right now with a sewer project at hand would not be good. Council discussion on planning services with same planner with neighboring cities that there is an agreement the planner would not be involved with annexations between these two cities. Mayor Fournier set April 30, 1997 4 PM for another Council Workshop to review other options for City Administrator. There was also Council discussion regarding hiring the city attorney as City Attorney and assume some City Administration duties. 3. Any other Council Business. The Deputy Clerk, Judy Hudson, discussed a wage increase for the building supervisors. This will be the next city council agenda. 4. Adjourn. Mayor Fournier motioned to adjourn. Seconded by CM Ackerman. All in favor. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:09 PM. Mayor Larry Fournier Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator Recorded by: Judy Hudson, Deputy Clerk I