02-25-99 CCCITY OF OTSEGO CITY ENGINEER COUNCIL AGENDA ITEMS COUNCIL MEETING t/25/99 ITEM 7.1 UPDATE ON WELLS #1 AND #2 WELL #1 The disinfection of the Well #1 and the Otsego Elementary School water line was completed on 12/30/98. However, when the time came to put Well #1 back on line, it could not be started. The starting system for the pump motor is called a "soft starter". This item appeared to have failed. The soft starter was by-passed to across the line start. The soft start was removed and checked out. It was found to be okay, and was reinstalled on 1/18/99 and everything worked perfectly. Apparently the cause of the failure to start is unknown. The school maintenance staff is aware of the problem. WFLL *2 The well was completed during the week of January 4, 1999. We have not received the final report from the contractor on the pumping recommendations. Our own records and discussion with Traut Wells indicate we will be limited between 400 GPM and 500 GPM in order to be sand -free and maintain the good clarity of the water. During the pumping test we kept in touch with several neighbors to see if they had well problems during the pumping. No problems were indicated. The well capacity is acceptable. Development work was successful providing a large cavity in the acquifer. ITEM 7.2 UPDATE OF WATER TOWER In the week of 1/11/99, the ringwall was poured, and during the week of 1/18/99 the forms were stripped from the ringwall. Backfilling of the foundation has also taken place during this week. The foundation is now complete. The contractor stated the steel for the tower is being delivered this week to their shop. It will be cut & shaped in the next two weeks. AEC, our inspection subcontractor, will make a field trip to inspect the steel and prime coat application in February. So far we are now on progressive schedule for early completion. City Engineer Council Agenda Items Page 1 of 4 January 1999 C:IShare1WPmunAA0TSEG01901W901 agenda 1-99.doc ITEM 7.3 ODEAN AVENUE PUBLIC HEARING ISSUES In order to complete our submittal to Mn/DOT for the Odean Avenue project, we are asking the Council for direction on several issues. ISSUE #1, WILSON BERGE PROPERTY The owner is strongly opposed to the drainage easement we show along the north line of the property. Why it is needed: 1) The regional storm pond on the property was designed initially to have an arm reaching into the NW corner of the intersection of 85th and Odean. With this design, drainage from north of 85th on Odean Avenue was dumped into the storm pond, into the NW corner arm of the pond. Subsequent talks with Mrs. Wilson Berge about acquisition of the property found she was intent on holding 10 acres for her own in the 85th St. & Odean Avenue intersection NW corner. This required redesign of the regional pond. Options were: a) Combine north of 85th Street drainage flows with west & south of 85th St. drainage flows. Problems arose with this option due to troubles running the grade this far and the increase in pipe size and mh size. The size increase greatly increases the cost. b) Run the drainage flow from north of 85th Street at a different location to a north edge of the revised pond. A couple of areas were looked at. 1) Along the north edge of Mrs. Wilson Berge property — this is along a property line. Trees would need to be removed, but it is the closest logical place. The future chipped walkway path shown on the conceptual use of the property would go through a canopy of trees. 2) Easement down middle of property line — same as above, only it would require 2 easements. 3) Easement down north side of property line. A garage is close, so this option was not pursued. City Engineer Council Agenda Items Page 2 of 4 January 1999 C: I SharelWPmunAA0TSEG 01901IoW 1 agenda 1-99. doc 4) Next property line to the north. Both properties are owned by the same owner & thought was not to divide the two properties with an easement. The pipe length would be longer also. ISSUE #2, 88TH ST. INTERSECTION Some people were opposed to the straightening of the intersection due to the amount of right-of-way required. Why it is needed: To create a safer intersection - this is the time to do it. Is it required by State Aid? No Moving 88th Street to straighten the intersection would give some room for small storm water ponds needed for the street runoff. Some of the acreage shown as loss on right-of-way drawings may be easement, so this acreage would not be deducted from gross lot area. ISSUE #3, LEVCHENKO POND Pond is needed for a storm water pond. The location is the only reasonable location as it is the lowest area without destroying too much wetland. Problems 1) Levchenko's lot becomes smaller; the lot appears to be unbuildable. Can the City acquire a large portion of the lot as a drainage easement or should the City acquire the entire property? Should the City then convert the small area where trailer and shed sits now into bike path/picnic area/rest stop? The above three issues need to be resolved so that we can complete the plans, and submit them for approval by the State Aid office. We will also need a resolution for "No Parking" along Odean Avenue, which is attached. City Engineer Council Agenda Items Page 3 of 4 January 1999 G:IShare1WPmunAAOTSEGO1901IoW 1 agenda 1-99.doc ITEM 7.4 BONESTROO PROPOSAL Bonestroo proposed scope of services and compensation for Wastewater plant construction phase. (Discussion from Administrator). ITEM 7.5 ANY OTHER ENGINEERING BUSINESS City Engineer Council Agenda Items Page 4 of 4 January 1999 C:IShare1WPmunA40TSEG01901 V901 agenda 1-99. doc