00-03RESOLUTION NO.: 00-La--- CITY 0-La-_ CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AS IT PERTAINS TO THE DEVELOPMENT DENSITY ALLOWED WITHIN THE AREA DEFINED AS THE RURAL RESIDENTIAL PRESERVE. WHEREAS, the Comprehensive Plan describes the maximum development density within the area defined as the Rural Residential Preserve as four (4) units per forty (40) acres with additional density of up to ten (10) units per forty (40) acres allowed through cluster development techniques; and, WHEREAS, the City has received a request from AE.) Companies, Inc. for approval of a preliminary plat with a density of twelve (12) units per (40) acres; and WHEREAS, the developer has requested a Comprehensive Plan amendment to allow for the proposed density of twelve (12) units per forty (40) acre in the Rural Residential Preserve; and, WHEREAS, the necessary text and map changes to accomplish the developer's request are illustrated by Exhibit A; and, WHEREAS, the Otsego Planning Commission conducted a public hearing, at their regular meeting on 22 February 2000, to consider the request, preceded by published and mailed notice; and, WHEREAS, the Otsego Planning Commission tabled the application until their meeting on 6 March 2000 to allow staff to outline alternatives for amending the Comprehensive Plan; and; WHEREAS, the Otsego Planning Commission Upon review of the application and evidence received closed the public hearing and recommended by a 7-0 vote that the City Council approve the amendment of the Comprehensive Plan outlined as Exhibit A, based upon a finding that the amendment is consistent with the following policies: Design and planning innovations in housing units and land development shall be encouraged. Innovation in subdivision design and housing development through the use of devices such as cluster unit development concept shall be encouraged. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO THAT; the request to amend the 1998 Comprehensive Plan Update, as illustrated on Exhibit A, is hereby APPROVED. ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this 13th Day of March 2000. CITY OF OTSEGO ATTEST: Eldine Beatty, Zoning Administr r/City Clerk. 2 Development Framework - Page 87: 2. Rural Residential Preserve. The rural residential preserve overlays that area of the community where a long term rural character is to be maintained via the imposition of "four per forty" residential densities. This designation is intended to be applied to areas of the City where large scale, long term agricultural activities are not to be encouraged due to innate amenities (i.e., river views, forested areas, etc.). may be &'lowed through development concepts that protect a specified portion of a project area as permanent open space. The Ci Council may approve increases in densb as an incentive to encourage develooments in this area to be planned in accordance with therinci Ipa s of open sl;Mce preservation and clustering. It must be emphasized that any density allowed above four units per 40 acres should be considered a bonus and will determined at the discretion of the City Council in consideration of a proposed development's_consistencv with the Citv's aoals for this nique area of the communi Development Framework - Page 114: 4. Unsewered cluster/open space preservation development within the rural residential preserve area at a4enper fortp" density cif, four units per 40 acres or within the rural resident -a' preserve area as may be increased by the Cily Council. • Development Framework - Page 177 To encourage the clustering of residential units, it is suggested that density incentives be provided. In this regard, it is recommended that a base density allowance of four per forty acres be established in the district. Via clustering, however, densities of up to 1 E) • • _ • i- ► •�� �: � -_ •moi =_l� cluster development obiectives. Actual implementation of this concept would require a Zoning Ordinance amendment which would establish various performance standards for clustering developments, most likely through a rural cluster zoning district. In developing a rural cluster zoning district, assurance should be made that proposed standards are consistent with all applicable wild and scenic requirements. EXHIBIT A-1 Development Framework - Page 115: A ream base density of four dwelling units per forty acres of land is established in the district. Densitiesof-up to 10 umits per 4e ae, es of lamd may, however, be allowed The Cily Council may allow for densily greater than four units per 40 acres as an incentive to encouraae creative intemretation of the Rural Residential Preserve grincil2als and ob' ctives. EXHIBIT A-2