ITEM 4.1 Wildflower Meadows 3rd AdditionIV ots11.1: o MINNESOTA V DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Planning City Planner Licht 23 February 2015 PRESENTER(s): REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: City Planner Licht City Administrator Johnson 4.1— Wildflower Meadows 3`d AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends approval of the Wildflower Meadows 3rd Addition Final Plat and development asreement. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? I ISA PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? Yes. No. BACKGROUND/JUSTIFICATION: Meridian Land Holdings LLC has submitted application for final plat approval of 27 single family lots to be known as Wildflower Meadows 3`d Addition. Rottlund Homes Inc. had received preliminary plat and planned unit development -conditional use permit (PUD -CUP) approval for Wildflower Meadows on 13 March 2006. Preliminary Plat Consistency. The proposed final plat is generally consistent with the design for this area of the development shown on the preliminary plat. However, the applicant is proposing changes to the street layout such that Queens Avenue will not extend through to 72nd Street, but instead be curved to intersect 74th Street creating a looped block of houses. The proposed change is positive in that it will eliminate potential through traffic within the neighborhood between CSAH 42 and CSAH 37. The original subdivision design would have included 33 single family lots in this area so the change to the site plan reduced the number of lots by six. Zoning. The subject site is zoned, R-6 Residential Medium Density District, which allows single family dwellings as a permitted use. ■ Lot Requirements. Under the PUD -CUP approved with the preliminary plat, single family lots within Wildflower Meadows are subject minimum requirements shown below. All of the proposed lots illustrated on the final plat. ■ Landscaping. The preliminary plat/PUD-CUP approval for Wildflower Meadows included a landscape plan to provide for boulevard landscaping along the public streets. The developer will be required to install this landscaping as a condition of final plat approval for the proposed 2nd Addition. Access/Streets. Wildflower Meadows is accessed via 701h Street (CSAH 37) and from River Road (CSAH 42). The proposed 3rd Addition extends Queens Avenue from the existing intersection of Quigley Avenue and 75th Street, near the River Road entrance) to access all 27 lots. A future addition will provide for construction of 74th Street connecting Queens Avenue back to Quigley Avenue to create a looped block. In the interim, the final plat includes Outlots A, Band C to provide to an emergency vehicle access to 72nd Street. Outlot C will be deeded to the City as a trail corridor accessing the future neighborhood park but a gravel drive will be constructed between the trail and 72nd Street temporarily. The preliminary plat approval for Wildflower Meadows included payment of 50 percent of the Collector Street Access charge as provided for in the development agreement. Streets within Wildflower Meadows are designed with a 60 foot right-of-way and 28 foot street section with concrete curb and gutter. A five foot wide concrete sidewalk will be constructed along the west side of Quigley Avenue. All street construction plans are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. The developer will be required to remove the temporary access street that was installed through the City park parcel to provide for emergency access until Quigley Avenue was connected to River Road (CSAH 42). ■ Park and Trail Dedication. The preliminary plat for Wildflower Meadows included dedication of 6.38 acres to the City for development of a neighborhood park. This dedication partially satisfied the park and trail dedication requirements applicable to Wildflower Meadows and Wild Flower Meadows South with the balance to be met as a cash fee in lieu of land equal to 41.7 percent of the City's current cash fee in effect at the time of final plat approval. The developer will receive a credit for the cost of constructing the bituminous trail within Outlot C and extending through the gas line easement to the park parcel. The calculation of park and trail dedication fees in lieu of land applicable to the proposed final plat is included in the development agreement. It is anticipated that the City will begin planning for development of the neighborhood park property in 2015 for construction in 2016 as outlined in the Capital Improvement Plan and subject to further City Council approval. Grading and Drainage Plans. The developer has submitted grading and drainage plans for the proposed 3`d Addition. All grading and drainage plans are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. ■ Utilities. The developer has submitted utility plans for the proposed 3`d Addition All utility plans are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. The developer is required to pay Utility Availability Charges at the time of final plat approval as outlined in the development agreement. ■ Easements. The final plat illustrates drainage and utility easements at the perimeter of each single family lot. All easements are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. ■ Street Lighting. Section 6-8-4 of the City Code specifies installation of street lighting for new subdivisions. Type I lighting will be required to be installed at the corners of intersecting local streets by the developer with payment of the street light operation fee as part of the development agreement. ■ Development Agreement. The City Attorney has drafted a development agreement related to the proposed final plat to provide for construction of the project, completion of all public improvements, establishment of required securities and payment of applicable fees. The Development Agreement is to be adopted by resolution of the City Council concurrent with the final plat approval and executed prior to recording of the final plat. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: ❑ ATTACHED ❑ NONE A. Engineering Review dated 2/17/15 B. Findings of Fact and Decision C. Resolution 2015-14 approving the Development Agreement D. Development Agreement E. Site Location F. Final Plat G. Construction Plans POSSIBLE MOTION Please word motion as you would like it to appear in the minutes. Motion to approve the Wildflower Meadows 3rd Addition final plat subject to the conditions as outlined in the Findings of Fact and Decision and adopt Resolution 2015-14 approving a Development Agreement. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: ❑ YES NA ❑ NO ACTION TAKEN ❑ APPROVED AS REQUESTED ❑ DENIED ❑ TABLED ❑ OTHER (List changes) COMMENTS: Review No. 1 (revised) 1,Hal<anson ���Anclerson ENGINEERING REVIEW Residential Subdivision for the City of Otsego by Hakanson Anderson Submitted to: Honorable Mayor and City Council cc: Lori Johnson, Administrator Tami Loff, City Clerk Dan Licht, City Planner Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Rick Murray, Meridian Land Company Paul Cheyne, P.E., Pioneer Engineering Reviewed by: Ronald J. Wagner, P.E. Brent M. Larson, P.E. Date: February 11, 2015 (revised 2/17/15) Proposed Development: Wildflower Meadows 3rd Addition Street Location A portion of the NW V4 of the SW V4 of S26, T121, R23. of Property: SW of CSAH 42, east of Hwy 101 and north of CSAH 37. Applicant: Meridian Land Company 3600 American Blvd, Suite 750 Bloomington, MN 55431 Developer: Meridian Land Company Owners of Record: Meridian Land Holdings, LLC Purpose: Wildflower Meadows 3rd is a proposed 8.32± acre, 27 lot single- family residential development within the original 82± acres of Wildflower Meadows development in the City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota. The proposed development will be served with municipal water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, and public streets typical of an urban setting. Jurisdictional Agencies: City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota Department of (but not limited to) Health, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Wright Soil and Water Conservation District. Permits Required: NPDES, Minnesota Department of Health (water), and (but not limited to) Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (sanitary sewer) TABLE OF CONTENTS INFORMATION AVAILABLE FINAL PLAT CONSTRUCTION PLANS COVER SHEET UTILITY REMOVALS UTILITY CONSTRUCTION STREET CONSTRUCTION TURN LANE/BY-PASS LANE FOR CSAR 42 DETAILS GRADING PLANS STORM SEWER AND INLET SPREAD CALCULATIONS HYDROLOGY OTHER CONSIDERATIONS SUMMARY AND/OR RECOMMENDATION PAGE 2 C:\Users\Tami\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\L723WOXW\ot2324 02RVWI (revised).doc INFORMATION AVAILABLE Final Plat for Wildflower Meadows 3rd Addition, 1/15/15 submittal, by Pioneer Engineering Construction Plans for Wildflower Meadows 3rd Addition, 1/15/15 revision, by Pioneer Engineering Grading Plans for Wildflower Meadows 3rd Addition, 1/15/15 revision, by Pioneer Engineering Storm Sewer Design Calculations and Drainage Area Map, dated 1/12/15, by Pioneer Engineering Wildflower Meadows Construction Plans for Wildflower Meadows, 4/10/07 revision, by Pioneer Engineering Final Grading Plans for Wildflower Meadows, 4/10/07 revision, by Pioneer Engineering Storm Sewer Design for Wildflower Meadows, 4/10/07 revision, by Pioneer Engineering Inlet Spread Calculations for Pinnacle Crossing, 1/17/06 revision, by Pioneer Engineering Hydrology Report for Pinnacle Crossing, 10/30/06 revision, by Pioneer Engineering Existing Conditions of Pinnacle Crossing, 1/13/06 revision, by Pioneer Engineering Preliminary Plat of Pinnacle Crossing, 1/13/06 revision, by Pioneer Engineering Preliminary Utility Plan for Pinnacle Crossing, 1/13/06 revision, by Pioneer Engineering Preliminary Grading, Drainage & Erosion Control Plan for Pinnacle Crossing, 1/13/06 revision, by Pioneer Engineering Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment, 2/4/04 revision, by Braun Intertec Corp. Geotechnical Report for Pinnacle Crossing, 1/29/04 revision, by Braun Intertec Corp. Wetland Delineation Report for Pinnacle Crossing, 11/6/03 revision, by Pioneer Engineering City of Otsego Engineering Manual Trunk Stormwater Facilities Study for Portions of Lefebvre Watershed, March 1999 City of Otsego Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances National Wetland Inventory Map, 1991 PAGE 3 C:\Users\Tami\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\L723WOXW\ot2324 02RVW1(revised).doc FINAL PLAT The development name shall be Wildflower Meadows 3rd Addition. 2. Outlot C shall be dedicated to the City of Otsego. 3. The trail shall be extended across the gas main at this time. Verify that easement exists that would cover the trail or a separate trail easement will be needed as it crosses the gas main. 4. The additional easement in the rear yard of Lot 13, Block 1 is unnecessary is the intent of the easement is to cover a swale and this is the high point. 5. The swales through the rear yards of Lots 14 & 15, Block 1 are not contained within the easement. The swale shall be move to be centered in the easement or the easement moved to be centered over the swales. 6. The temporary cul-de-sac is proposed within Outlot D. The cul-de-sac shall be covered by an easement. CONSTRUCTION PLANS COVER SHEET 1. No comments DEVELOPMENT PLAN (SHEET 2) The rear yard lot corner elevations are all labeled "Existing", these elevations shall be the proposed final lot corner elevations. It the intention is to keep all the lot corners at the existing elevations please remove the "EX" from the labels. 2. All the elevations (lot corner and EOFs) along the eastern property line between Wildflower Meadows 2nd and 3rd Addition do not agree. This will cause issues with the builders as they try and finish grade these lots and they do not match. 3. A separate tabulation shall be submitted listing all the lot, block, lowest floor, lowest opening, and garage floor elevations. 4. A minimum of 1.5' freeboard from lowest openings and the EOF of the Existing Pond 100 shall be provided for Lots 2 & 3, Block 1. SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN (SHEET 3) All Sheets, the benchmark datum shall be labeled. This should be the NGVD 1929 Adj. Datum. PAGE 4 C:\Users\Tami\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\L723WOXW\ot2324 02RMI (revised).doc 2. The 0.1' drop across manhole 23 is missing thus affecting all upstream inverts. Please revise. The watermain shall be bored/jacked under the gas main easement at this time. The hydrant on the south side of the easement shall be turned to the side of the trail as well. 4. The future 8" DIP waterline shown in the Outlot C shall be 12". 5. The City now requires that all sanitary sewer manholes received watertight frames and castings per Standard Detail 307. Please add a note to the sheet calling attention to this. STORM SEWER CONSTRUCTION (SHEET 4) Label the NWL for the ponds in the plan view. 2. Structure MH -132A shall have a Neenah R-1733 frame and casting 3. The 12" pipe size between CB138 and CBMH 137 and between CB135 to CBMH 135 does not agree with the storm sewer calculations which have a 15" pipe. Please revise, STREET CONSTRUCTION (SHEETS 5) The vertical curve at station 13+70 does not appear to meet a 30 mph design speed. The algebraic difference or the centerline grade to the south/east is missing. Minimum vertical curve length is 90' or a minimum K value of 37 for sag curves. 2. The wear course shall be LVWE 45030C. 3. The trail in Outlot C shall extend over the gas main at this time. DETAILS (SHEETS 6-7) No comments. GRADING, DRAINAGE, AND EROSION CONTROL PLANS 1. See above Development Plan comments. 2. All Sheets, the benchmark datum shall be labeled. This should be the NGVD 1929 Adj. Datum. 3. Show contours within 150' of the plats boundaries (i.e. to the West). 4. With regards to the swale through the rear yard of Lots 15 and 16, Block 1; if possible direct the runoff to the rear lot lines and then along the rear lot line to the pond. 5. The runoff through the rear yards of Lots 4-9, Block 2 drains across each adjacent yard before getting to the rear lot lines. To the extent possible, the runoff shall be directed PAGE 5 C:\Users\TamiWppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\L723WOXW\ot2324 0213MI (revised).doc along the side lot lines to the rear lot line within the drainage and utility easements along these lot lines. 6. The wear course shall be LVWE 45030C. STORM SEWER AND INLET SPREAD CALCULATIONS 1. Storm sewer design calculations have been submitted and agree with those previously submitted and accepted as part of the original Wildflower Meadows submittal. HYDROLOGY REPORT The site shall infiltrate the water quality volume of 1" over the new impervious area per the NPDES permit. Otherwise, the hydrology report submitted as part of the original Wildflower Meadows submittal included the 3rd Addition and was found acceptable. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS 1. New laws require all new developments to install locking cluster mailboxes or cluster box units (CBU). The developer shall coordinate the location and model of CBU is with the Postmaster. SUMMARY AND/OR RECOMMENDATION We recommend approval contingent upon the above comments being addressed. PAGE 6 C:\Users\TamiWppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\L723WOXW\ot2324 02RVW1(revised).doc O "..4110 tSegO FINDINGS OF FACT AND DECISION 17 February 2015 APPLICANT: Meridian Land Holdings LLC APPLICATION: Request for approval of a Final Plat for 27 single family lots to be known as Wildflower Meadows 3rd Addition. CITY COUNCIL MEETING: 23 February 2015 FINDINGS: Based upon review of the application and evidence received, the City Council of the City of Otsego now makes the following findings of fact: A. The legal description of the property is Outlot A, Wildflower Meadows, City of Otsego, Wright County, State of Minnesota. B. The subject site is guided by the Comprehensive Plan for low/medium density residential land uses within the East Sewer District. C. The subject site is zoned R-6, Medium Density Residential District. D. The City Council approved a preliminary plat and PUD -CUP for the subject site on 13 March 2006. E. The applicant is proposing a final plat of 27 single family lots to be known as Wildflower Meadows 3rd Addition. F. The Request for Council Action dated 23 February 2015 prepared by the City Planner, The Planning Company LLC, is incorporated herein. G. The Engineering Review dated 2/17/15 prepared by the City Engineer, Hakanson Anderson Inc., is incorporated herein. H. Final plat applications are processed in accordance with Section 21-3-3 of the Subdivision Ordinance and do not require a recommendation by the Planning Commission. DECISION: Based on the foregoing information and applicable ordinances, the application is hereby APPROVED subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall execute a development agreement as drafted by the City Attorney and subject to approval of the City Council. 2. All of the lots within Wildflower Meadows 3rd Addition shall comply with the following minimum lot requirements: Lot Width Setbacks Front Side Rear Bldg. Garage Corner Interior Interior CSAH 42 55ft. 25ft. 30ft. 25ft. 7ft. 30ft. 65ft. 3. The applicant shall install trees along the boulevards of the public streets in accordance with the Final Landscape Plan dated January 17, 2007 as approved with the preliminary plat and PUD -CUP, subject to approval of City staff. 4. Signs identifying future extension of public streets shall be installed at the terminus of Queens Avenue. 5. Outlot B, which encompasses area of the final plat encumbered by the east -west gas line easement shall be deeded to the City. 6. Park dedication requirements shall be satisfied as a cash fee in lieu of land upon approval of the final plat in accordance with the formula established with the preliminary plat approval and the current fee in effect at the time of final plat approval, subject to review and approval of the Zoning Administrator. 7. All grading, drainage and erosion control plans are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. 8. The applicant shall pay applicable utility availability charges upon approval of the final plat and all utility plans are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 9. Street lighting shall be installed within the final plat in accordance with Section 6-8-4 of the City Code with payment of charges as established in accordance with the City Fee Schedule, subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. MOTION BY: SECOND BY: ALL IN FAVOR: THOSE OPPOSED: Attest: ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this 23rd day of February, 2015. Tami Loff, City Clerk 2 CITY OF OTSEGO By: Jessica L. Stockamp, Mayor CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2015-14 RESOLUTION APPROVING DEVELOPERS AGREEMENT- OTSEGO WILDFLOWER MEADOWS 3RD ADDITION WHEREAS, Meridian Land Holdings, LLC is seeking approval of a Plat known as WILDFLOWER MEADOWS 3RD ADDITION, and WHEREAS, the approved Plat requires construction of some public improvements and payment of City costs and fees as well as placing certain restrictions on the development; and WHEREAS, those obligations are contained and memorialized in the attached Developers Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Developers Agreement also sets forth the security required to assure satisfactory construction of public improvements and establishes the various remedies available to the City in the event that Developer breaches the terms and conditions of the Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota as follows; 1. The attached Developers Agreement between the City of Otsego and Meridian Land Holdings, LLC is hereby approved. 2. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute the Developers Agreement on behalf of the City of Otsego. ADOPTED this 23rd day of February, 2015 by the City Council of Otsego. MOTION TO ADOPT the Resolution by Council Member and seconded by Council Member IN FAVOR: OPPOSED: CITY OF OTSEGO Jessica Stockamp, Mayor Tami Loff, City Clerk 0j, DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT WILDFLOWER MEADOWS 3RD ADDITION AGREEMENT entered into this day of February, 2015 between the City of Otsego ("City"), a municipal corporation organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota, and Meridian Land Holdings, LLC, a Delaware Limited Liability Company ("Developer"). 1. Request for Plat Approval. The Developer has requested that the City approve a plat entitled WILDFLOWER MEADOWS 3RD ADDITION (referred to in this Agreement as "the Plat") and legally described as follows: Outlot A, WILDFLOWER MEADOWS 2NDAddition, according to the Plat on file and of record at the Office of the County Recorder, Wright County, Minnesota. The plat contains 27 (twenty seven) single family residential lots and four (4) outlots. The plat is located within the City's East Sewer District, is zoned R-6, Medium Density Residential District as approved by Ordinance adopted by the City Council on October 11, 1999. The Preliminary Plat and PUD -CUP for WILDFLOWER MEADOWS was approved by the City Council on March 13, 2006. 2. Conditions of Plat Approval. The City hereby approves the plat on condition that the Developer enter into this Agreement, furnish the security required by it, and record the Plat with the Wright County Recorder or Registrar of titles within one hundred (100) days after the City Council approves the final plat. The Developer shall cooperate with the City in recording the Plat and all required additional deeds and documents and providing assurance that the Plat and all required documents have been properly and timely recorded. Any restrictive covenants for the Plat shall be submitted to the City Attorney for approval and shall be recorded prior to sale of any lots within the Plat. 3. Right to Proceed. Within the Plat or land to be platted, the Developer may not grade or otherwise disturb the earth, remove trees, construct sewer lines, storm sewers, water lines, streets, utilities, public or private improvements, or any buildings or structures until all the following conditions have been satisfied: 1) this Agreement has been fully executed by both parties and filed with the City Clerk, and all conditions contained in the Agreement have been met, 2) the necessary security has been received by the City, 3) the Plat and this Agreement have been recorded with the Wright County Recorder's Office, 4) The Developer has initiated and attended a pre -construction meeting with the City Engineer, and 5) the Zoning Administrator has issued a letter that all conditions have been satisfied and that the Developer may proceed; or until such time as approval to commence earlier construction is specifically approved by the City, and Developer has fully complied with all conditions set forth by City staff. 4. Sanitary Sewer Service Allocation. The allocation of sanitary sewer service to the 27 lots within the Plat does not occur until all required security has been posted. 5. Changes in Official Controls. WILDFLOWER MEADOWS 3RD ADDITION is a planned and staged development within the meaning of Minn. Stat. 462.358, Subd. 3c, and no amendment to the City's Comprehensive Plan or other Official Controls shall apply to or affect the use, development density, lot size, lot layout, or platting requirements for future phases of WILDFLOWER MEADOWS 3RD ADDITION for a period of five (5) years. Thereafter, notwithstanding anything in this Agreement to the contrary, to the full extent permitted by State law, the City may require compliance with any amendments to the City's Comprehensive Plan, other Official Controls enacted after the date of this Agreement. This provision does not apply to regulations or Official Controls related to park and trail dedication or any fee established by the City chargeable to the Developer for municipal costs arising from said future phases. 6. Development Plans. The Plat shall be developed in accordance with the plans on file at the office of the City Clerk and the conditions stated below. If the plans vary from the written terms of this Agreement, the written terms shall control. The plans are: Plan A Final Plat, WILDFLOWER MEADOWS 3RD ADDITION, dated , 2015 prepared by Pioneer Engineering. Plan B Grading, Drainage, and Erosion Control Plan prepared by Pioneer Engineering and as finally approved by the City Engineer. Plan C Construction Plans for WILDFLOWER MEADOWS 3RD ADDITION, prepared by Pioneer Engineering and as finally approved by the City Engineer. 2 Plan D Specifications for WILDFLOWER MEADOWS 3RD ADDITION, prepared by Pioneer Engineering and as finally approved by the City Engineer. Plan E Landscaping Plan for WILDFLOWER MEADOWS 3' ADDITION prepared by Pioneer Engineering, and as finally approved by the City Zoning Administrator. 7. Improvements. The Developer shall install and/or pay for the following: A. Streets B. Street lights C. Site grading and ponding D. Underground installation of all utilities E. Sanitary sewer lines F. Water lines G. Storm water management improvements H. Setting of lot and block monuments I. Construction surveying and staking J. Traffic control signs Improvements shall be installed in accordance with City standards, the City Code, and the above -referenced plans that have been furnished to the City and approved by the City Engineer. The Developer shall obtain all necessary permits before proceeding with construction. The City shall provide adequate field inspection personnel to assure acceptable quality control, which will allow certification of the construction work. The City may, when reasonably required to do so, and at the Developer's expense, have one (1) or more City inspectors and a qualified engineer inspect the work. Within thirty (30) days after the completion of the improvements and before all retained security is released, the Developer shall supply the City with a complete set of reproducible "as constructed" and an electronic file of the "as constructed" plans in AutoCAD.DWG file or a .DXF file, all prepared in accordance with City standards. Before the security for the completion of utilities is fully released, iron monuments shall be installed in accordance with Minnesota Statutes 505.02. The Developer's surveyor shall submit a written notice to the City certifying that the monuments are installed following site grading, utility and street construction. 8. Contractors/Subcontractors. City Council members, City employees, and City Planning Commission members, and corporations, partnerships and other entities in which such individuals have greater than a twenty five percent (25%) ownership interest or in which they are an officer or director may not act as contractors or subcontractors for the public improvements identified in Paragraph 7 above. 3 9. Permits. The Developer shall obtain or require its contractors and subcontractors to obtain all necessary permits, which may include, but are not limited to: A. Wright County for County Road access and work in County right of way. B. M'4 -DOT for State Highway Access C. MNDOT for work in right of way D. Minnesota Department of Health for watermains E. MPCA NPDES Permit for construction activity F. MPCA for sanitary sewer and hazardous material removal and disposal G. DNR for dewatering H. City of Otsego for building permits I. City of Otsego for sanitary sewer connections J. City of Otsego for retaining walls 10. Dewatering. Due to the variable nature of groundwater levels and stormwater flows, it will be the Developer's and the Developer's contractors and subcontractors responsibility to satisfy themselves with regard to the elevation of groundwater in the area and the level of effort needed to perform dewatering and storm flow routing operations. All dewatering shall be in accordance with all applicable County, State, and Federal rules and regulations. DNR regulations regarding appropriations permits shall be strictly followed. 11. Time of Performance. The Developer shall install all listed improvements by December 31, 2015. The Developer may request an extension of time from the City to be submitted in writing to the City Clerk, for which said extension shall be conditioned upon updating the security posted by Developer to reflect cost increases and the extended completion date. Final wear course placement outside of the above time frame must have the written approval of the City Engineer. The City may impose additional conditions on the extension necessary to ensure performance. 12. Right of Entry. The Developer hereby grants to the City, its agents, employees, officers and contractors an irrevocable right of entry to enter the Plat to perform any and all work and inspections necessary or deemed appropriate by the City during the installation of improvements by Developer or the City, or to make any necessary corrective actions necessary by the City. Except in emergency situations, as defined by the City, the City shall give the developer fifteen (15) business days notice stating the deficiencies and necessary corrections prior to making any corrective action. Said right of entry shall continue until the City finally accepts the improvements and any applicable warranty period has expired. 13. Erosion Control. Prior to initiating site grading, and before any utility construction is commenced or further building permits are issued, the erosion control plan, 4 Plan B, shall be implemented by the Developer and inspected and approved by the City. If the City Engineer determines that it would be unreasonable to require full implementation of the erosion control plan prior to utility construction or issuance of certain building permits, he shall state in writing what construction can take place and what particular building permits can be issued prior to full implementation. The City may impose additional erosion control requirements if, in the opinion of the City Engineer, they would be beneficial. All areas disturbed by the excavation and backfilling operations shall be reseeded forthwith after the completion of the work in that area. If the Developer does not comply with the erosion control plan and schedule or any supplementary instructions, the City may, with reasonable notice, take action as it deems appropriate. 14. Grading Plan. Plat grading shall be in accordance with the approved grading plan, Plan B. The plan shall conform to City specifications and the City Code. Ponds, swales, and ditches shall be constructed on public easements or land owned by the City. Within thirty (30) days after completion of grading and before any retained security is fully released, the Developer shall provide the City with an "as built" grading plan including certification by a registered land surveyor or qualified engineer that all ponds, swales, and ditches have been constructed on public easements or land owned by the City. "As built" plans shall include field verified elevations of the following: A. Cross sections of ponds B. Location and elevations of swales and ditches C. Lot corners and house pads Occupancy permits shall not be issued by the Building Official until the grading and drainage plan is certified as set forth above. 15. Clean Up. The Developer shall promptly clean any and all dirt and debris from streets and construction sites in accordance with the City Code resulting from construction work by the Developer, its agents or assigns. 16. Ownership of Improvements. Upon acceptance by the City Council of the work and construction required by this Agreement, improvements lying within public easements and public right-of-way shall become City property without further notice or action. 17. Streets. The Developer agrees to maintain the streets in the Plat until the base course bituminous surfacing has been accepted by the City. Should the City be required to grade the street prior to paving, the cost of such grading shall be paid by the Developer and drawn from the Developer's letter of credit. Should snow plowing be necessary prior to street paving, the Developer shall be responsible for such plowing as may be required by the Streets Supervisor. If, upon the Developer's request, the City agrees to plow the street prior to acceptance, such work will be done upon agreement that the Developer will hold harmless and indemnify the City from any and all liability claims �1 related to such work and pay all costs associated with that work. Any plowing undertaken by the City will constitute no acceptance or evidence of acceptance of the street(s) in question. Upon final completion of streets and acceptance by the City as a City street rather than a private drive, the Developer shall guarantee to the City for a period of two (2) years that the streets have been constructed to City standards. The warranty period shall not commence until such time as street construction is completed and the streets are accepted as City streets by the City. The two (2) year warranty set forth above commences upon the date on which the City accepts the streets by resolution. 18. Sewage Treatment. No occupancy permit for any building within the plat will be issued by the City unless the Building Official has inspected both the sewer and water connections to the building and has certified that they have been constructed satisfactorily in accordance with City specifications and the City Code. 19. Administrative Fee. A fee for City Administration of this project shall be paid prior to the City executing the plat and this Agreement. Said fee shall be one percent (1%) of the estimated construction costs of the improvements within the plat, or alternatively a minimum fee. The administrative fee for this Plat is $3,745.00 and is contained within the escrow and fees established in Paragraph 28 of this Agreement. This fee is immediately available to the City upon establishment of the escrow. 20. Sewer Availability Fees. Current fees for the provision of sanitary sewer (SAC) are as follows: 27 REC units at $ 2,265.00 per unit or $61,155.00. Sanitary sewer availability fees shall be paid at the time that the final plat is approved. 21. Sewer Connection Fees. Sanitary sewer connection fees are payable at the time of issuance of a building permit. In the event that building permits are issued after the City has increased this fee, the applicable amount due per unit shall be the fee per REC unit in place at the time of application for a building permit. 22. Water Availability Fees. Current fees for the provision of water service (WAC) are as follows: 27 units at $ 1,581.00 per unit or $42,687.00. Water availability fees shall be paid at the time that the final plat is approved. 23. Water Connection Fees. Water connection fees are payable at the time of issuance of a building permit. In the event that building permits are issued after the City has increased the hookup fee, the applicable amount due per unit shall be the fee per REC unit in place at the time of application for a building permit. 24. Park and Trail Dedication. The Park and Trail fee is $3,370.00 per lot times 41.7% (includes credit for previously dedicated park land) or $37,942.83. This amount is due and payable at the time of Final Plat approval. The Park and Trail fee is subject to reduction in the amount of $3,740.00 upon City approval of a bituminous trail constructed over Outlots B and C. 6 25. Street and Traffic Control Signs. Before the City signs the final plat, the Developer shall pay to the City $2,250.00 for installation of traffic control signs (stop signs, street signs, dead-end signs). The said amount was calculated as follows: 9 signs at $ 250.00 per sign. Using these funds, the City shall purchase and install the street and traffic control signs. 26. Street Light Construction. The Developer shall pay for the operation and maintenance of the street lights for a period of two (2) years. In order to facilitate payment of payment for operation and maintenance of street lights, the Developer shall submit a fee to be included within the escrow and fees established in Paragraph 27 of this Agreement and is calculated as follows 2 lights x $ 2,000.00 per light for a total payment of $4,000.00. The operation and maintenance of the street lights by the City shall not commence until such time as the Plat is accepted by the City and is formally recorded. Street lighting shall conform to adopted City Code. 27. Transportation Infrastructure Cost. Preliminary Plat approval for WILDFLOWER MEADOWS requires payment of 50% Street Access fees calculated as follows; 27 lots at 50% of $1,430.00 per lot fee or $19,305.00. This amount is due and payable at the time of Final Plat approval. 28. City Engineering Administration and Construction Observation, Legal Fees Escrow and City Fees. The Developer shall pay a fee for consulting engineering administration. City engineering administration following approval of the Plat. City engineering administration will include consultation with Developer and its engineer on status or problems regarding the project, monitoring during the warranty period, general administration and processing of requests for reduction in security. Fees for this service shall be the actual amount billed for those services estimated to be three percent (3%) of the estimated construction cost of the improvements to be inspected, assuming normal construction and project scheduling. The Developer shall pay for construction observation performed by the City Engineer. Construction observation shall include part or full time observation, as determined by the City Engineer, of proposed street, sanitary sewer, water and storm drainage construction and will be billed on hourly rates actually required for said inspection estimated to be five percent (5%) of the estimated construction cost of the improvements to be inspected. In the event of prolonged construction or unusual problems, the City will notify the Developer of anticipated cost overruns for engineering administration and observation services. The escrow and fee account shall also include estimated fees for Legal expenses actually incurred, City Administrative Fee (a flat fee due upon execution of this Agreement), Trunk Water and Sewer Access Fees (a flat fee due upon execution of this Agreement), Transportation Infrastructure Costs (a flat fee due upon execution of this Agreement), Park and Trail Dedication Fees (a flat fee due upon execution of this Agreement), Street Light Maintenance and Operation Fee (a flat fee due upon execution of this Agreement) and shall be established as follows: ESCROW AND FEES City Construction Administration and Utility and Street Inspection Fees (estimated 8% of $ 374,510.00) $29,960.00 Legal Fees (estimated, actual billings to be paid) $3,745.00 City Administrative fee $3,745.00 Sewer Availability Charge (27 lots x $2,265 per lot) $61,155.00 Water Availability Charge (27 lots x $1,566 per lot) $42,687.00 Transportation Infrastructure Cost (27 lots x $715 per lot) $19,305.00 Park & Trail Dedication Fee (27 lots) $37,942.83 Street light maintenance and operation $4,000.00 Street & traffic control signs $2,250.00 GIS Data Entry ( $100 per 8.32 acres) $832.00 TOTAL $201,621.83 This escrow amount shall be submitted to the City prior to the City executing the Plat and this Agreement. All administrative and legal fees related to plan review, drafting of this Agreement and any other necessary items shall be paid to the City prior to execution of the Plat and this Agreement. Any amounts for legal and engineering not utilized from this escrow fund shall be returned to the Developer when all improvements have been completed, all financial obligations to the City satisfied, and the required "as constructed" plans have been received by the City. All other amounts listed as flat fees are non-refundable and available immediately for City use when posted. 29. Security. To ensure compliance with the terms of this Agreement, and construction of all public improvements, the Developer shall furnish the City with a cash escrow or other "security" in the amount of $597,418.00 said amount calculated as follows: Site Grading, Erosion & Sediment Control $21,575.00 Sanitary Sewer- Lateral & Trunk $76,990.00 Watermain- Lateral & Trunk $112,210.00 Storm Sewer- Lateral $51,125.00 Streets $134,185.00 Engineering and Surveying Construction Services $27,850.00 Landscaping $54,000.00 TOTAL $4779935.00 TOTAL SECURITY REQUIRED ($477,935.00 x 125%) $597,418.00 The issuer and form of the security (other than cash escrow) shall be subject to City approval. The security shall be issued by a banking institution in good standing as determined by the City and approved by the City Administrator. The City shall have the ability to draw on the security at a bank or branch bank located within fifty (50) miles of the City Hall. The security shall be for a term ending June 1, 2014 and shall contain an automatic renewal provision. The City may draw down the security for any violation of the terms of this Agreement, or upon receiving notice of the pending expiration of the security. It shall be the responsibility of the Developer to inform the City at least thirty (30) days prior to expiration of the security of the impending expiration and the status of the project relative to the security and this Agreement. If, for whatever reason, the security lapses prior to complete compliance with this Agreement (other than during any warranty period), the Developer shall immediately provide the City with either an extension of the security or an irrevocable letter of credit of the same amount upon notification of the expiration. If the required improvements are not completed at least thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of the security, the City may also draw down the security. If the security is drawn down the proceeds shall be used to cure any default. Upon receipt of proof satisfactory to the City that work has been completed and financial obligations to the City have been satisfied, with City approval, the security may be reduced from time to time down to $61,877.50 the amount of warranty security. A warranty security in the amount of $61,877.00 shall be posted with the City as set forth in paragraph 33 of this Agreement. Notwithstanding the posting of that warranty security, the security shall not be reduced below ten percent (10%) of the posted security until all improvements have been completed, all financial obligations to the City satisfied (which includes posting of warranty security), 9 and the required "as built" plans have been received by the City. The intent of this Agreement is that the City shall have access to sufficient security, either security or warranty security, to complete the project and insure warranty on all public improvements at all times. This security amount shall be submitted to the City prior to execution of the Plat and this Agreement. All administrative and legal fees related to plan review, drafting of this Agreement and any other necessary items shall be paid to the City prior to execution of the plat and this Agreement. The security for this Agreement shall be cash or Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit in the amount of $597,418.75 The cash shall be deposited with the City and released to make payments to contractors, consultants, City consultants as they are billed. The City will not release the security or any portion of the security until a copy of any billing due and owing has been submitted to and approved by the City and the City Engineer, subject to retention of retainage as set forth above and the appropriate amount for warranty of public improvements. 30. Landscaping. The Developer shall install two (two) trees upon each lot within the Plat of a species approved by the Zoning Administrator. These plantings may not be installed in a public right-of-way. Any security posted for this agreement or prior additions may be used to cure any defects in the event that the Developer, it assigns or successors fails to install landscaping according to this Agreement. Landscaping security to insure compliance with the approved Landscape Plan shall be $54,000.00 to be posted with the City at the time this Agreement is executed. Any trees which can cause a public nuisance or public hazard, such as bug infestation or weak bark, are specifically prohibited. The Developer, Builders or Property Owners (applicant for building permit) in the residential lot area shall sod all front yards within the buildable portion of each lot and shall post any security required by the City to assure landscaping or other items in compliance with the City Code. The Developer, Builder or Property Owner shall provide not less than six (6) inches of topsoil in required front yards or side yards abutting public rights-of-way. Where slopes lie in excess of ten (10) percent, sodding (staked) shall be required. Weather permitting, the trees, grass seed and sod shall be planted before Certificates of Occupancy are issued. All grass seed shall be maintained so that turf is established within one (1) year of planting. If landscaping as required by the City Code and this Agreement is not timely completed, the City may enter the lot or lots, perform the work, and apply any posted security toward the cost. The Developer, it assigns or successors, Builder or Property Owner will provide will provide all trees, grass, seed and sod within the Plat and shall maintain said plantings and warrant them to remain alive, of good quality and disease free for twelve (12) months after planting. Any replacement shall be warranted for twelve (12) months from the time of planting. 10 31. Significant Trees. There are no significant trees within the Plat. The Developer is not required to replace any significant trees. 32. Meters. Meters shall be provided as per City policy. 33. Warranty. The Developer warrants all work required to be performed by it against poor material and faulty workmanship for a period of one (1) year after its completion and acceptance by the City. The amount of posted warranty security for public improvements to be posted by the Developer shall be in the amount of $61,877.50. The amount, has been determined by the City Engineer, and is based upon the costs of the raw materials and labor which would be necessary to correct the most common deficiencies in such public improvements. 34. Claims. The Developer shall pay any subcontractor within ten (10) days of the Developer's receipt of payment by the City for undisputed services provided by the subcontractor. In the event that the City receives claims from labor, materialmen, or others that perform work required by this Agreement, and the sums due them have not been paid, and the laborers, materialmen or others are seeking payment from the City, the Developer hereby authorizes the City to commence an interpleader action pursuant to Rule 22, Minnesota Rules of Civil Procedure for the District Courts, to draw upon the letters of credit in an amount up to one hundred twenty-five percent (125%) of the claim(s) and deposit the funds in compliance with the Rule, and upon such deposit, the Developer shall release, discharge, and dismiss the City from any further proceedings as it pertains to the letters of credit deposited with the District Court, except that the Court shall retain jurisdiction to determine attorney fees pursuant to this Agreement. In the event that the Developer desires to make a cash deposit instead of drawing down the letter of credit if a claim is made as stated above, they shall immediately notify the City of this intent at the time the claim is made and shall delivery one hundred twenty-five percent (125%) of the claim to the City within ten (10) days of such notice in the form of cash or certified check. 35. Restrictions. The following restrictions apply to the property and all lots thereon shall be held, sold, and conveyed subject to the following conditions and restrictions, which are for the purpose of protecting the value and desirability of the plat and insuring that all conditions imposed by the City in this Agreement are properly recorded against the property. Said conditions shall run with the real property and be binding on all parties having a right, title or interest in the plat or any part thereof, their heirs, executors, representatives, successors and assigns: A. Developer shall construct a bituminous trail to City standards across Outlot B and Outlot C to provide access to dedicated park property within the Plat. B. Developer shall convey to City trail, utility and drainage easements over, under and across Outlots B and C, WLDFLOWER MEADOWS 11 3RDADDITION and a small portion of Outlot C, WILDFLOWER MEADOWS. 36. Responsibility for Costs. A. Except as otherwise specified herein, the Developer shall pay all costs incurred by them or the City in conjunction with the development of the Plat, including, but not limited to, legal, planning, engineering, and inspection expenses incurred in connection with development of said Plat, the preparation of this Agreement, and all costs and expenses incurred by the City in monitoring and inspecting development of the plat. B. The Developer shall hold the City and its officers and employees harmless from claims made by itself and third parties for damages sustained or costs incurred resulting from Plat development. The Developer shall indemnify the City and its officers and employees for all costs, damages or expenses which the City may pay or incur in consequence of such claims, including attorney's fees. C. The Developer shall reimburse the City for costs incurred in the enforcement of this Agreement, including engineering fees, attorney's fees, and costs and disbursements. D. The Developer shall pay in full all bills submitted to it by the City for obligations incurred under this Agreement within thirty (30) days after receipt. If the bills are not paid on time, the City may halt all plat development work and construction, including but not limited to the issuance of building permits for lots which the Developers may or may not have sold, until all bills are paid in full. Claims not paid within thirty (3 0) days shall accrue interest at the rate of twelve percent (12%) per year. 37. Developer's Default. In the event of default by the Developer as to any of the work to be performed by it hereunder, the City may, at its option, perform the work and the City may then draw down the security established in Paragraph 17 to pay for any work undertaken, provided the Developer is first given notice of the work in default, not less than seven (7) days in advance. This notice provision does not apply if the work performed by the City or its contractors is of an emergency nature, as determined at the sole discretion of the city. Should such emergency work be required the City will make all reasonable efforts to notify the Developer as soon as possible. When the City does any such work, the City may, in addition to its other remedies, assess the cost in whole or in part pursuant to any applicable statutes or ordinances. 12 38. Miscellaneous. A. The Developer represents to the City that the plat complies with all City, County, State, and Federal laws and regulations, including but not limited to, Subdivision Ordinances, Zoning Ordinances, and environmental regulations except where specifically excluded by this agreement. If the City determines that the Plat does not comply, the City may, at its option, refuse to allow construction or development work in the plat until the Developer does comply. Upon the City's demand, the Developer shall cease work until there is compliance. B. Third parties shall have no recourse against the City under this Agreement. C. Breach of any of the terms of this Agreement by the Developer shall be grounds for denial or revocation of building permits. D. If any portion, section, subsection, sentence, clause, paragraph or phrase of this Agreement is for any reason held invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this Agreement. E. If building permits are issued by the City prior to the completion and acceptance of public improvements, the Developer shall assume all liability for the costs resulting in any delay in completion of public improvements and damage to any public improvements caused by the City, the Developer, its contractors, subcontractors, materialmen, employees, agents, or third parties. No one may occupy a building for which a building permit is issued on either a temporary or permanent basis until the streets needed for access have been paved with a bituminous surface, unless a specific exception is approved by the City. F. The action or inaction of the City shall not constitute a waiver or amendment to the provisions of this Agreement. To be binding, amendments or waivers shall be in writing, signed by the parties and approved by written resolution of the City Council. The City's failure to promptly take legal action to enforce this Agreement shall not be a waiver or release. G. This Agreement shall run with the land, shall be recorded against the title to the property and all properties therein established by the Plat, and shall be binding on all parties having any right, title or interests in this phase of the plat or any part thereof, their heirs, successors, and assigns. After the Developer has completed the work required of them under this Agreement as set forth in Section 8, at the Developer's 13 request, the City will execute and deliver to the Developers a release or partial release (s) of this Agreement. H. The Developer shall take out and maintain until one (1) year after the City has accepted the public improvements, public liability and property damage insurance covering personal injury, including death, and any claims for property damage which may arise out of the Developer's work or the work of their subcontractors or by one directly or indirectly employed by any of them. Limits for bodily injury and death shall not be less than $500,000.00 for one person and $1,000,000.00 for each occurrence; limits for property damage shall be not less than $200,000.00 for each occurrence. The City shall be named as an additional named insured on said policy, and the Developer shall file a copy of the insurance coverage with the City prior to the City issuing further building permits. L Each right, power or remedy herein conferred upon the City is cumulative and in addition to every other right, power or remedy, express or implied, now or hereafter arising, available to City, at law or in equity, or under any other agreement, and each and every right, power and remedy herein set forth or otherwise so existing may be exercised from time to time as often and in such order as may be deemed expedient by the City and shall not be a waiver of the right to exercise at any time thereafter any other right, power or remedy. J. The Developer shall pay for all local costs related to drainage improvements required to complete the construction according to the plans and conditions that are a part of this Agreement. K. Should development of the plat proceed at a pace slower than anticipated, and for that reason, specific terms of this agreement become onerous or unduly burdensome to the Developers, upon his/her application, the City will enter into negotiations regarding those specific terms and shall not unreasonably withhold consent to appropriate changes in the terms of this Agreement. L. The Developer shall demonstrate and maintain compliance with the 1991 Wetland Conservation Act. M. The Developer shall be responsible for all on site drainage as well as for any affects that their actions may have on adjoining properties. Specifically, the Developer shall maintain existing drainage tiles on site, and shall be responsible for any and all drainage problems related to either the site drainage tiles or problems with on-site drainage 14 facilities to be constructed in accordance with this agreement and plat approval. 39. Previous Developer's Agreement. Upon execution of this Agreement, Developer shall be released from the terms and conditions of that Developer's Agreement for WILDFLOWER MEADOWS dated related to the portion of WILDFLOWER MEADOWS being platted as WILDFLOWER MEADOWS 3RD ADDITION. 40. Notices. Required notices to the Developer shall be in writing, and shall be either hand delivered to the Developer, their employees or agents, or mailed to the Developer by registered mail at the following address: Meridian Land Holdings, LLC, Attention: . Notice to the City shall be in writing and shall be either hand delivered to the City Clerk at the following address: City of Otsego, City Hall, 13400 90th Street NE, Otsego, MN 55330, Attention: City Clerk CITY OF OTSEGO KW L -1-11A Jessica Stockamp, Mayor Tami Loff, City Clerk 15 DEVELOPER MERIDIAN LAND HOLDINGS, LLC :A Its: STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 2015, by Jessica Stockamp, Mayor and by Tami Loff, City Clerk, of the City Otsego, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the City and pursuant to the authority of the City Council. Notary Public STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ss. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 2015, by the , of Meridian Land Holdings, LLC a Delaware limited liability company, with authority and on behalf of the company. DRAFTED BY: MACAR'I HUR LAW OFFICE, LLC 3601 Thurston Avenue North Suite 103 Anoka, MN 55303 (763) 231-5850 16 Notary Public WILDFLOWER MEADOWS 3RD ADD KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS_ That Meridian Land Holdings, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, owner, of the following described property situated in the County of Wright. State of Minnesota, to wit. Outlot A, WILDFLOWER MEADOWS 2ND ADDITION, according to the recorded plot thereof, Wright County, Minnesota. Has caused the some to be surveyed and platted as WILDFLOWER MEADOWS 3RD ADDITION and does hereby dedicate to the public for public use the public ways and the drainage and utility easements as created by this plat. in witness whereof said Meridian Land Holdings, LLC, ❑ Delaware limited liability company, has caused these presents to be signed by its proper officer this day of , 20 Meridian Land Holdings, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company Signature os Printed Name Title STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF This instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 20 , by as of Meridian Land Holdings, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, on behalf of the company. Signature Printed Name Notary Public, County My Commission Expires SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE i Peter J. Hawkinson do hereby certify that this plot was prepared by me or under my direct supervision; that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor in the State of Minnesota; that this plot is a correct representation of the boundary survey; that ail mathematical data and labels are correctly designated on this plat; that al! monuments depicted an this plot have been, or will be correctly set within one year; that all water boundaries and wet lands, ❑s defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.01, Subd- 3, as of the date of this certificate are shown and labeled on this plat; and all public ways are shown and labeled on this plat. Dated this day of 20 Peter J. Hawkinson, Licensed Land Surveyor Minnesota License No. 42299 STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF The foregoing Surveyor's Certificate was acknowledged before me this day of Hawkinson, Land Surveyor, Minnesoto License No. 42299. Signature , 20 , by Peter J. CITY COUNCIL., City of This plat of WILDFLOWER 1 at a regular meeting ther provisions of Minnesota Sl Mayor WRIGHT COUNTY SURV I hereby certify that in ac this day of WRIGHT COUNTY AUDi1 Pursuant to Minnesota Stc transfer entered this Wright County . WRIGHT COUNTY TREA`. Pursuant to Minnesota Ste have been paid this Wright County WRIGHT COUNTY RECOF I hereby certify that this ii Sleeve WILDFLOWER MEADOWS 3RD ADD AJ \ O �; / Y,� ✓ / \ / �3`� G�� RLS 20595 10 All 4L •4 � L? / ♦c �,• �' OUTLOT f I .t` L0lull, 1 � gu to 503°28'347E 5 `'`� 149.00 \ z� �N-�, 6aAI4ACE AND ♦5 - UTIUTY EASEMENT N04'30'10"W 143.5 o ♦� J ' RLS 20599 _ 13255 _ DRAINAGE ANO /`"�,s •.or'`sC� '� rc- c �4 (ASpd U"TY EASQAENr �k3RAlNAGE ANUS v3Olm w�rY eASETdE to 1UT�r �l V4 `CA :,4Ln _65.06 6900 65.00r�� f -- in s( sr�'1�� ���' �'� �N'L9 k a'`��'/ry ,, 1 1 L ^ I 1 o I I o – – – ! 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C W oh oh tv tv t t fo t0 e e g g DESCRIPTION SANITARY MANHOLE EXISTING SANITARY SEWER PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER FUTURE SANITARY SEWER HYDRANT GATE VALVE REDUCER EXISTING WATERMAIN PROPOSED WATERMAIN FUTURE WATERMAIN CATCH BASIN BEEHIVE STORM MANHOLE FLARED END SECTION CONTROL STRUCTURE EXISTING STORM SEWER PROPOSED STORM SEWER FUTURE STORM SEWER SURMOUNTABLE CURB & GUTTER B STYLE CURB & GUTTER RIBBON CURB & GUTTER PHASE LINE EASEMENT LINE EXISTING 2' CONTOUR LINE EXISTING 10' CONTOUR LINE PROPOSED 2' CONTOUR L114E PROPOSED 10' CONTOUR LINE POND OUTLET LINE POND HIGH WATER LINE PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION EMERGENCY OVERFLOW DELINEATED WETLAND LINE FEMA FLOODPLAIN BOUNDARY STANDARD EROSION CONTROL HEAVY—DUTY EROSION CONTROL TREE FENCE RETAINING WALL CONSERVATION AREA SIGN WETLAND BUFFER SIGN EX. CULVERT EX. OVERHEAD UTILITY LINES EX. UNDERGROUND TELEVISION LINE EX. UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE LINE EX. UNDERGROUND FIBER OPTIC LINE EX. UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC LINE EX. U14DERGROUND GAS LINE EX. FENCE (BARBED WIRE) EX. FENCE (CHAIN LINK) EX. FENCE (WOOD) EX_ CAST IRON MONUMENT EX. ELECTRIC BOX EX, FLAG POLE EX. NATURAL GAS METER EX. HAND HOLE EX. FOUND IRON PIPE EX. JUDICIAL LAND MARK EX. LIGHT POLE EX- PK NAIL EX. UTILITY POLE EX_ LAWN SPRINKLER VALVE EX. LAWN SPRINKLER HEAD EX. SEMAPHORE EX. SERVICE EX. TELEPHONE BOX EX. TEST HOLE EX. TELEVISION BOX EX. WATER WELL EX. MONITORING WELL EX. MAILBOX EX. CONTROL POINT EX. SPEKE EX. SIGN EX. CLEANOUT EX. SIGNIFICANT TREE EX. TREE LINE EX. GRAVEL SURFACE WILDFLOWER MEADOWS 4TH ADDI'I GRADING UTILITY & STREET CONSTRUCT-- r S 7 LJ 8 EE 10 11 12 OTESGO, MINNESOTA �? /\ \ Qu VE. NE // '10 \ 2 4 OU7LOT D 8 WiMBBIEVA 3 9� cql g / O 1 G 0 r \ cob �? /\ \ Qu VE. NE // '10 \ 2 4 OU7LOT D 8 WiMBBIEVA 3 9� cql g / O 1 G 0 r SINGLE FAMILY / \ \ / �\ \ 65' WIDE IAT.- NUMBER OF UNITS - 27 NO SCALE 30` Min. REAR SETBACK c ° \ 14 F7. MINIMUM BETYWEEN BUILDINGS `a SIDE YARD SETBACKS - HOUSE 7 FMIN. �o� / `•�� `` T - - RAGE 7 FT. 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H.W.L. = 869.7 \ \ \\ 4'`. 1 .�/���'O 10 YR. H.W.L. = 870.4 '/ /,� ! D !_ 1 I Iii i 100 YR. H.W.L. = 871.5 \\ ♦♦ J,/ %' 8�$>s �`! G87.5 G I $9.0 G # # 9i.0 G # 1il 92.5 G 94.0 G JA E.O.F. ELEV. = 873.0 Al 1 s8 3 .j!!!%! tF_ WQ ,' 21f+ LOUR I # f I 1 I # # # # I I \ttg�,0 Q OTTO z 5 !, -a�G _ .I I R # I R I I R I I R F R s� .. PRIOR TO CONNECTION - f PRESSURE TEST EXISTING ATERMAIN AND GATE VALVE F�� s CONNECT TO EXISTING 12" QIP �� CONNECT TO EXISTING1� i = WATERMAIN. CONTRACTOR TO / OUTLOT D I FIELD VERIFY LOCATION & ATiON. \ 8" PLUG C� ` \VERIFYI SANITARY SEWER.I f I ICONTRACTOR TO FIELD LOCATION & ELEVATION. HYDRANT t®t _ --- ----I- _ \ 3 \ \ _ � � YDRANT � 8"X5"TEE W/6"GV ` � MH -2 r 1 CS: 877.5 ♦ , 1 CS: 877.9 i \ ` 9'-6"DIP CL52 t IN v: 867.5 1 1 INV 857.9 �'�♦ 12"X6"TEE w/6"GV GND. ELEV.=895.9 ` CS-. 897.1 1 STA:G+ 1 - STA: PVC Pipe , - 7'-6"DIP CL52 STA: 4+05.9 - \ INV: 887.1 ' 1 1 STU \ --GND: €EEV�8Bt�- - - _ _ ; 1 \ STA: 0+56 1 ,3+35-63, \ 12"-22'/z BEAT / / r -- CS: 878.2 \ CS. 879.5 / I 1 ( { IHYDRANT I 1 ( 1 \ 1 INV: 868.2 \ ♦ IN. 869.5 / O 11 12"X6" It W/s"GV I I 1 1�- 1 STA: 0+28 \ STA: 0+68 / / I 1 I I I I 4 'I IP CL52 I I 12"XS"REDUCE o // 3 1 1 1 1 I I 7' D 1 1 12-X12"T>=E \ r MH -2 1 -2 ) �� / GND_ t V-=888.7 11 1 5+25.45 _ 1 , \ 2 13+0 Do�� ^ 12'•-22% 0 ( ( 1 f f 1 I 11A:7+66.6 1 ( 8 1 f 12a-45'BEI 11 I CS: 895.81 i 1 , \ C5:881.6 i i \ // 4 5 6 1 1 7 1 1 I CS: 892.1 INV: 885.8 \ i INV:87t.6 I I ' CS: 878.9 \ v/ // I I CS: 885.2 j CS. 886.9 I I CS: 888.6 I 1 INV. 882.1 I STA 0+57 ` \ STA: 0+65 I I CS: 883.7 1 ( ( { CS: 890.4 1 STA: 3+70 L INV: 868.9 \ I INV: 873.7 ( I INV: 875.2 I 1 INV: 876.9 INV:878.6 INV: 880.4 \ i i 22'/z BEND STA: 0+47 I 1 STA. 7+i2 1 1 STA: 1+77 STA -2+45 I STA:3+10 3 / - I_ - _ - J 1- - - - -i L _ l (_ - _ L 12"-222 SND i / CS: 894.8 INV: 684.8 STA:0+18 1 6 -,'CS: 879-8 L i 6 r `� INV: 0 9.8 ^ - - / / STA: D+94 M ••--25 � � M -22 CS: 893.8 4 „+76.a// //CS:8s0.8 j '' _ QUEENS AVE. NE ��^\\\ STA- $+5 \ / / INV: 870.8 / / STA:0+76 .---� I- --� r- �---- \ \ ♦ / / / CS: 881.5 1 - ,- ---� f----�`�1 1 MH -2 \ ~\ / ! INV: 877.5 \ 15 STA:0+76 CS: 882.6 1 1 CS: 884-0 1 I CS' 885-6 f I 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 6+58.x5 / 5 / / 1 1 INV: 872.6 I 1 IN V: 874.0 I INV: 875.6 1 1 INV: I I CS: 889.1 1 I CS: 890.7 1 1 CS: 892.2 1 1 CS: 893.1 \\♦\ ♦� / /' / ! ! STA: 0+05 STA. 1 STA: 1+26 I I STA: 1.1-91 I I IN V: 879.1 I ( INV: 880.7 ( ( INV: 882.2 1 1 INV:883.1 \ \ \ �` / / / MH -23 I I 1 I I I STA: STA- STA: 3+84 1 \ STA: 0+19 \ \ OTTO � / ,a+ss.s3 i t 1 1 { 1 1 1 I[ 1 \\ 1 1 1 1 8 I f 9 I I 10 11 I I I I 1 1 14 \\ 1 \ i 11 7 i i �J i i 1 i 11 i t 12 i i 1 3 1 "ENSIt VE. I 1 .......... ............ �. - - :.:. ......L ...... .......... .._ J.0. - .. ..... r co s• . 900 :........ ::.. : ::: :: :. �=1 �,o:. na:: .•..........................................................................................................................................777.7...-........_-. - t .cl)- I- cp ; is : - m ... aom°°m ch ��:o :: . 7777....... 7777.... - -- -' --7777.... 7777 7777 __ 777,7.., 7,777...... •"rc 1"-. - 895 ::. :... ::... = : 7 7 7 7 :. = . ��:� �rrm •.............................................................................---........................................ - -7777 z r go. :. :. :. r> co m I .:.. o L ..........rm ml .. ........Q o:.... l 890 : _ . :. o A :::. : �.' - in m o0 7777... w rn_1 :7777...0 ................rnm .... _... -7777,.... ::.. _ :. r as..:: M:: n6 CO::: :. Z o ::. ::: mm PROPOSED :.. ::::. : . I .. o.. o rn eO I GRADE . .... .......: ....:..:C9.o . :� orn .::. - .. ai:a'cpt� ��� . - ... ... ... .. .. :: : o� o oz� r�a�?? . . ... . . 885 �brnm :.. L6 10 -nr-s�C::o> :. ...:C 7.5 MIN::... 1 ocfl- m }va . ^� z p. _ . W.m z z ........ ....... .........:....... -�... y� ... : 7 7 .. XISTiNG. .. . $[ k : _ ..... .... . IN :7777. ...�mo?.o. . ::�z I5� :::.........:... :.........:.. 7777. :.. .�..:- - :GROUND _ :64 8 PVC: Si ....... ...:.........:... :.. .:.. : �.::: r 65' 880 - :... : 7 7 7 7 .. : z 8" PVC SOR '35 �_.:._.._ :.........:.... 85........0 2:50%........:. .. .7777. .. ma m . .. . .. r, ::� -. _�`- :: : - :: ::::tit': D1P.:Cx 5 . . .. .. ... ..-... - 7777. .._ .-.. 0D.2.90% .� 2 90% 875.. :.:..........::x...: ::.:::. :::::::::::_..:_:: ::_::::...::::.....::..:..=::.:.:.::::::.:::: :__:=..................... ...... � � Q EX-CQM H-132 cy 1 c3' NNECT TO EX1S7n1NG STORM ER. CONTRACTOR TO FIELD ti +Y LOCATION & ELEVATION. 1 1 t H-132 l 13+39.6 2 \ 3 C \ i � \ ♦ \ \ 12+70.44 / ! \ , / 3 1, CBMH-13 , 5 0 25 50 100 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET WARNING! UNDERGROUND UTILITIES CALL BEFORE DIGGING ------------------ -t 1 I I 1 1 ! f 1 1 1 I O li 11 li II I ! 1 1 ! 1 I I 1 1 1 1 4 I I 5 ! 1 6 it 7 11 # 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1 g 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I cB-13 1 1 j # I I 1# 1 1 8+2a.s2 1 I l—�-- —J !— R---� Lrr— ---J f—-- _—! L _ QUEENS AVE. NE LL / -----j r ------ -- / CBMH 137 1 1 18+20.62 1 1 i t / 6 ! I I f ## 1 1 11 !! ! 7 ## ! 1 9 1 1 10 8 I I 1 1 ## 1 f ! r 1! # f 1 1 f l I I 1 i f 1 1 11 1 1 I# 7+0C STRUCTURE TABLE STRUCTURE NAME STRUCTURE SIZE NEENAH CASTING OR EQUAL CB -135 35"X24" R-3067 V CB -138 36"X24" R-3067 V CBMH---133 48" DIA. R-3067 V CBMH-134 48" DIA. R-3057 V CBMH-136 48" DIA. R-3067 V CBMH-137 48" DIA. R-3067 V MH -132A 48 DIA. R-1642 C ---- 5-19 12 ................................. .............................................................................................................. 900 :.:.. .:.:.: :.: :.........:..... ...:.. :..... --- ....... � . :: ......................� ..........._.: ...__::..:::::.: ........ ...... cocci -.., 895 :. :: .::: :::.........:. :...... :.LLJ.:..._: ::. ::::: :.. to to m , .... �.�_.. 0=1,.c\t _ cj N °O 1. 1 in `�':N�,. 890 :::..::: :::... ::::: I +n � :..:::: �� .. :: j . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . {..........=F.1.�......__ _ �... Nom: . . .�.ao . . . . . . . . - - - .:..... OD ::: .i Qz CO. �.c . . . . . . . . �.. o� n°p. � � _ �n�y � i;: ac3. �o � Co q PROPOSE :: -: : :. � °O: :.: in 1 : N. � : � oci ��mr. flS7: ....... :: GRAD1 : : _ ::: _ _ 885 .... --- .... ..... ro - may. n`t' - -�.¢'-nao - c : _"n �F� :::: �rTaocoF."]]_ ... E o�nr°° :: ', :::: a ti...•• .......... m`tzo: ::::: .. ----- :.::: €�mz -- -- EXISI]NG:. GROUND ... .. r� ::: ... =c� acm4 ::: ::: :::::. :: . . ......... 7 rn tr] LL:7 M �D n - OC3 a} -.Z O -m - i�] -,c6 o m. I co Q. :: m .> a 7:. . .. . .. : : �mz?fj Fr 2Fi':- o ap . ^. . . . ... - mrn C oa Z z o:. ... . . . .. .. . . . .. - 12": i2CP' CL5 PROPOSE[i tri n . 880 :.:: : " ' x 7 z > > z :. ........ :. -•-•--:.........:... :: .. ... . :.......... .. , .. .. X 1.667- ..GRAPE :.._......:......._. ..:_... E.�.p m' � o :.. _ _ ::::::::::: : > ...-. :.........:........� 249` . m cn _ - - ` . 15" RCP CL5 : ; :. :�1 :.. .. .. ........ --:::J :. ' - .. ... :. t2 875 ::....:: _:::: : = = :.................Ir,2::............::... �z . :...:::..::::..::::::.. ui 1 W + o ( O .. 1� SAW CUT EXISTING BITUMINOUS 1 MATO � 5 43+50.00 1 e 1 REMOVE AND DISPOSE OF TEMPORARY CUL-DE-SAC tti BACKFILL BOULEVARDS 1 , 2 Ei 3 OTTON 1 ` 7 0 1 �\ TiSATERIAL AS NEEDED 'JtISTALL TYPE III BARRICADES - WITH/ "STREET WILL BE EXTENDED"---` OUTLOT D ,;PLATE PROVIDED BY CPQ 94.65 3+57-04 94.65 ` 3+57-04 INSTALL TEM'I?ORARY CUL-DE-SAC- 2- BITUMINOU'$ BASE, 5" CLASS 5 44 2 10 5 0 81.D 4D3 57.98 81. STREET LIGHT Io+: 6 S 5 1 6 17 I 8 CONCRETEI SIDEWALK 7 b! ! 8 I 9 0 - t - -�- 9+00 8+00 7+00 QUEENS AVE. NE 10 I 11 ) 12 QUEENS AVE. 93.84 3+57-04 94.65 .Coo n 3+57.04 95.80 5.68 69 95.57 4+94.fi8 _ 0375 x03. 3g p�. :az. .i•7- b'k�t� P�. 95.85O 4+1 44.3.38 : .cA. .o. -co - - •fes 96.06 1 o. .n. .r7. .o. - -to .r0 -rn - - .IR -cam. .471. - .CV -tY3 - -r i. .�. - - .�. .uj. .Lo. .to -co- - - 74]67 .�- - .�. .� tj - N - rn....rn.. 4+46-57 HIGH POINT -46.57 .,H POINT .Coo n 10' BITI- 95.80 :ap. :�: :�. :e.�: :�. .,p, .p. 95.57 4+94.fi8 _ 4+82.45 :az. .i•7- • PPD RAMP1 : .cA. .o. -co - - •fes .�. - - .cO- c�. .m. .o. - .En - .r!3 .n- - n ..t- a0. .�. .�. - .a;. :pj. .o. . .4�. . �, •. _ o. .n. .r7. .o. - -to .r0 -rn - - .IR -cam. .471. - .CV -tY3 - -r i. .�. - - .�. .uj. .Lo. .to -co- - - 74]67 .�- - .�. .� tj - N - rn....rn.. - - .� .,�. 995.62 PED RAMP n....n n - ..n STREET LIGHT 00 uo co co m ...m.. -m -m m o, rn.. a,- ..� m ao m ,». m.. oo, m. �, m oo _m � -co :°p 90.91 .m 4SJ m m 6+74.91 m.. m. m. . ..W, m. ...w .::00 Co m :.:_.7777......:.-.:.::............. 4X3 m m m.. ::7::777.- = ........... ..:........... ...........:_.................i ni 9 0 0 -� . 1E 7777...:: :. ..:: --- :::: :..:. .: _...:::....::::::.:::..:...:...:.:::..::...::::::. ......_ •. HIG 4-K .._... .77....77 .......777.7 15 13 14 .to. aq. :�. :uy. .cr: :r7 :ap. :�: :�. :e.�: :�. .,p, .p. :a. �_ - .0 :u7 :O: .-:to :O: sa- :O: sC] :�. Lo. :o. �. .� :Q. _ : ,n: :az. .i•7- • .o. .cV- : .cA. .o. -co - - •fes .�. - - .cO- c�. .m. .o. - .En - .r!3 .n- - n ..t- a0. .�. .�. - .a;. :pj. .o. . .4�. . �, •. _ o. .n. .r7. .o. - -to .r0 -rn - - .IR -cam. .471. - .CV -tY3 - -r i. .�. - - .�. .uj. .Lo. .to -co- - - 74]67 .�- - .�. .� tj - N - rn....rn.. - - .� .,�. n....n....n.. n....n n - ..n n ...n... t__ f'-... n n :m...:oo. m ...uj....co 'Coi. m. -m 00 uo co co m ...m.. -m -m m o, rn.. a,- ..� m ao m ,». m.. oo, m. �, m oo _m 4r al Q,.. �....m:.. m.. -co :°p 905 ..::...::...:........:.:...::.::::::::::::::::::............. .m 4SJ m m m m m.. m. m. . ..W, m. ...w .::00 Co m :.:_.7777......:.-.:.::............. 4X3 m m m.. ::7::777.- = ........... ..:........... ...........:_.................i 9 0 0 _: . .. 7777...:: :. ..:: --- :::: :..:. .: _...:::....::::::.:::..:...:...:.:::..::...::::::. ......_ •. HIG 4-K .._... .77....77 .......777.7 ................. .... ....... ... .. _ . ::: -::::: :...-.-...::. :. : ::.. 7777:. :rr::: PVI. STA: 10+.45.24-: .::._:.:. ..... _ + PVI ELEV. 881.22 .. - :: :. - - .. . rn m p 8 9 5 :. :.__:_ :__::7::7,:7::7::::,: :: x:::52.38 LYG. sO�RQ ::- :.:..._.. 1_._� :.........:.........:.........:.........:.........:. .... :7777. ........:.........:. Wil_ a ,u. 7777 " -PROPOSED :... PVI STA: 13+7D.00 :: : " .. N :. :: .. :. ..... .: :. ,,GRADE :. . F'V[ ELEV: 87.88 .:: Q ..... 890 Kc :31.17 CA "' _ LVC: 70.00 Q $..:....v ..... . ..... . . - :.........:......LO :PT. STAT 13+8E.30....:_........................__:...... W PT EtEV'.. B7� 3 777.....7 . .... _i �:.:..:......:... ..._..... :.:: lam... : . : 85 :::' 885 0 + 61- - rn 4a-. cn.. ....:. 7 7 7 7 _ :. ...... :7777 -.. EXISTING .... :::::.:..::777...:::: :......... '� r ...............7777...........................7777 .....-• -r... r ...... -. .... 5 v ::: -:':: .... ... 7777. _��. :.: : :: :: .. ::.. jE.... ' -..-. w .. .. :7777 _ ..:'::: :::: .. ._.... .::---::::' : 880 ........... .................. :........... :..:::..................... ........... .........:........ :: P_C #. Lfrd �Cu=-,�aY FlI ft�.VJl.vrtiFF .1. nw�r[TF [ '�-Az�IALT R�+L _`MCPS K CL�9 NOTE: vAruP.tV Pc�.ruaT vmTTs URBAN DRIVEWAY SECTION �•Li >� �i-vc aw tEo B.O.#. L3xE RURAL DRIVEWAY SECTION _ADYJS7 To rP415HEp FT_NiSHED �� GROV.1M AS SPECIFIED GRADE IVA FOX ASSE4RLY VALVE & BLOCKS TEIIPPDW;TkOF 1 CWATERUA1/1, "'Ula- 7 CRETE ELOCXS S2E VARIESCONCRETE BLOCKSWIN WIN • TH2CK NOTE_ ALL VALVE5 SHALL BE FEN ED MTN EXTENSIOSTEMS, TO JE THE OPERATING NUT TO BE 2' FROV THE SURFACE. TYPICAL RESILIENT WEDGE VALVE & BOX INSTALLATION 10" & UNDER WATERMAM NO _GALE - r STANDARDOPLATE No. s s, r3 uAw � Fca VT_ two cvx-s - -P1riuLwr a_r TEA I - C%wTY T�:+lS £iPa Siw SEl,3ss [ z. crsl c A_YE-/A, uw.ar_v GR F'.YK�Crc- 4F1' • nEwi1.� F:ECAST Ycwati 4E CO.i NOTES, t. THE l9JJSTrEWT — — PRaVE Sr ALL ££ AEAiA➢ — A4 E.3 — rG bYE PLEATED. rkETEP— EfiAttT fo— TIB Yw Ea➢Aw� w�Pati �L ASTENI>N3A TL -Z. 01 _En 0.v EDM a As• A' FT 2% '5EE PLATE 701 4- THY'K, WpE CGN CRETE CURB k CD:LCRETE SIDEWALK ON _A A B &: Vi11H.S. VAT GUTTER PLACED ON APPROVED SUBGF •'• —ROVED SUE -GRAD (EITHER SIDE) .�... C CLASS 5 GPAVEL BASE (VODJFtED) 20' WIDTH D APPROVED SURC--RADE -SO' WIDTH -__ _ ____- _ 6TLY.�•,CfvS S.�-rA3 ✓r3£LaTL Ea'f SECTION LARGEST D?AVETER PtPE SY1 [455 ]5 �S'•i 3�3 ^. E m• I � FIN:Si1ED GRADE y I f Tc.s#t'ICrI =O p AT yr 3 x 6a TRS GzTm*I_ LEYEUHG SHALL BERROwS SG As m) 1/- z: A -A MAIMOLE COVER SHALL-^, r ` aLM.+LI— BE TYPE R WIT 27- LH A ce SCHEDULE}. r =ET W /'CONCRETE ENCASED ADJUSTING G3 ' SJ' Vx FE4V C�A1EGl Com/ E (_ .�(I) ONE MILE COl''CRETE wAYL%xa1 5IP1ET sem_- _ IsE_ STn FIAtE 31a) TYPICAL DRIVEWAY SECTIONS r-V.FO �'TY tx VAXIVUM DISTANCE {ROM. RILI 9 _ S: CFS 16" C.C- _ STANDARD PLATE NO. bite Rua wrr ro cunt*— e-*.�"ecc Rei Lei t "N'av� A rH.w �ryA nT�n`•is N nit �- PL 109 m APFROVED STEPS PER - PRECAST CONCRETE SECTIONS U:N- _ADYJS7 To rP415HEp FT_NiSHED �� GROV.1M AS SPECIFIED GRADE IVA FOX ASSE4RLY VALVE & BLOCKS TEIIPPDW;TkOF 1 CWATERUA1/1, "'Ula- 7 CRETE ELOCXS S2E VARIESCONCRETE BLOCKSWIN WIN • TH2CK NOTE_ ALL VALVE5 SHALL BE FEN ED MTN EXTENSIOSTEMS, TO JE THE OPERATING NUT TO BE 2' FROV THE SURFACE. TYPICAL RESILIENT WEDGE VALVE & BOX INSTALLATION 10" & UNDER WATERMAM NO _GALE - r STANDARDOPLATE No. s s, r3 uAw � Fca VT_ two cvx-s - -P1riuLwr a_r TEA I - C%wTY T�:+lS £iPa Siw SEl,3ss [ z. crsl c A_YE-/A, uw.ar_v GR F'.YK�Crc- 4F1' • nEwi1.� F:ECAST Ycwati 4E CO.i NOTES, t. THE l9JJSTrEWT — — PRaVE Sr ALL ££ AEAiA➢ — A4 E.3 — rG bYE PLEATED. rkETEP— EfiAttT fo— TIB Yw Ea➢Aw� w�Pati �L ASTENI>N3A TL -Z. 01 _En 0.v EDM a As• A' FT 2% '5EE PLATE 701 4- THY'K, WpE CGN CRETE CURB k CD:LCRETE SIDEWALK ON _A A B &: Vi11H.S. VAT GUTTER PLACED ON APPROVED SUBGF •'• —ROVED SUE -GRAD (EITHER SIDE) .�... C CLASS 5 GPAVEL BASE (VODJFtED) 20' WIDTH D APPROVED SURC--RADE -SO' WIDTH ' SURIECT TO REVIEW BY GiUALIFIED SOILS ENrfNEER " OMMUN ALLOWABLE DES:G4 THICKNESS "`R VALUE OF LESS THAT) 20 €EOUIRES A" 6RAYEL BASE BENEATH CONCRETE SIDEWAI3: - NOTES_ R VALUE 15 A MEASURE OF EVEANKVI-Nq SOIL RESISTANCE. STRENGTP AS DETERV-NLI) BY THE HVEEM STABILOVETER VETHDD SIGMA HIS VALUE IS THE CLJWVLATNE DAVACE E..=CT OF VEHICLES DUR:HG THE DESIGN LITE Of y A FLEXIBLE PAVEVEHT. LOCAL RESIDENTIAL URBAN STREET SECTION - 9 TON t;0 SCALE STANDARD PLATE NO. s }r6 -Of Attz£PeS ADJUST TO OH:SHED -r GROUND AS SPECITIEO f� FIN153iEp GRADE D€ cV-IF VALVE BOK ASSEMBLY z 3 SOUD COHCR ETE BLOCKS YIN 4- THID9 _ WIN 8" x 12" N - CONCRETE BLOCK PAIN A MIN s"- X x 12 Tz' HOLE Ail VALVES 5HlLE RE iiTT£O WITH EXTENSION STEMS TO BANW', THE OPERATING NUT TO BE 2' TRoM INC SURFACE. TYPICAL BUTTERFLY VALVE & BOX INSTALLATION 12" & OVER WATERMAIN ' _ NO SCALE a=vw.Eo STANDARD PLATE NO, ©G - - rrvw-Lcosa -__ _ ____- _ 6TLY.�•,CfvS S.�-rA3 ✓r3£LaTL Ea'f SECTION LARGEST D?AVETER PtPE SY1 [455 ]5 �S'•i 3�3 ^. E m• R--1,33, lµVi=ONJ2NSg 55=u1 � � APiF�,'Ln LMlW _ TR P+LATET30t FIN:Si1ED GRADE cn�T1E EN^y`TP lfl a -a 7 «] ff.A3 "1' 2• •• SY A -,I/' S' p ZT_ FM=C 33x3 MJT SF Ya.EP 1Mfu - lam• L4-E`3ati' S1 _ yr 3 x FIFE AS SHOYRJ LEYEUHG SHALL BERROwS SG As m) 1/- z: A -A ' SURIECT TO REVIEW BY GiUALIFIED SOILS ENrfNEER " OMMUN ALLOWABLE DES:G4 THICKNESS "`R VALUE OF LESS THAT) 20 €EOUIRES A" 6RAYEL BASE BENEATH CONCRETE SIDEWAI3: - NOTES_ R VALUE 15 A MEASURE OF EVEANKVI-Nq SOIL RESISTANCE. STRENGTP AS DETERV-NLI) BY THE HVEEM STABILOVETER VETHDD SIGMA HIS VALUE IS THE CLJWVLATNE DAVACE E..=CT OF VEHICLES DUR:HG THE DESIGN LITE Of y A FLEXIBLE PAVEVEHT. LOCAL RESIDENTIAL URBAN STREET SECTION - 9 TON t;0 SCALE STANDARD PLATE NO. s }r6 -Of Attz£PeS ADJUST TO OH:SHED -r GROUND AS SPECITIEO f� FIN153iEp GRADE D€ cV-IF VALVE BOK ASSEMBLY z 3 SOUD COHCR ETE BLOCKS YIN 4- THID9 _ WIN 8" x 12" N - CONCRETE BLOCK PAIN A MIN s"- X x 12 Tz' HOLE Ail VALVES 5HlLE RE iiTT£O WITH EXTENSION STEMS TO BANW', THE OPERATING NUT TO BE 2' TRoM INC SURFACE. TYPICAL BUTTERFLY VALVE & BOX INSTALLATION 12" & OVER WATERMAIN ' _ NO SCALE a=vw.Eo STANDARD PLATE NO, ©G - - rrvw-Lcosa Q' t6 3i '3 G'I TG rHJEIGHT OF CURB BOY �v I TO Bf ADJUSTED TD J - PROPOSED GRADIMI, a ;/+ PLAN 4 C ' STEEir POST = 1 I CC PA,MEO BLUE {TL" AS E 1 TifCESSA£Y € 3'--FXTENSKHJ ROD COPPER WATER SERVICE-_ y I - CURB 'OX i VPLS PATIEPN/ CORP_ COCl: --T 1 �-CiSRB Box COPPER "FIG TAIL" I-WATERM0.ITAIL"SA3JTIABY SETSOUO CONCRETE BLOCK-/ '.L -N4 THICK 1 M -N 5- X 12- No- 1 2-NDTE1 _ ALL CU78 BO%E5 LOCATED 'IT—RN ORAVEWAYS SHALL HAVE FORD SERIES ALIO COVERS PLACED OVER THE RISERS (SEE STO PLATE 207) WATER SERVICE DETAIL NO SCALE F' .:.a.to oS�F STANDARD09LATE NO. EMU 1/2 PPE SECTION OF6TC�,.ARO SECTION LARGEST D?AVETER PtPE T T:9T £Cs+�rL '-` R--1,33, lµVi=ONJ2NSg 55=u1 � � APiF�,'Ln LMlW _ TR P+LATET30t FIN:Si1ED GRADE cn�T1E EN^y`TP lfl (BiTU VINO:J S �.a£P S=AL RE CswiL. (E£E STO ZT_ FM=C 33x3 MJT SF Ya.EP 1Mfu - lam• L4-E`3ati' S1 _ T BaTECIO TO SLOPE $HIVS USED FGR FIFE AS SHOYRJ LEYEUHG SHALL BERROwS xmin Lona. METAL OR C04CRETE SECTION A -A MAIMOLE COVER SHALL-^, r rkAMC A CAS:IMG (5£E BE TYPE R WIT 27- LH A ce SCHEDULE}. 3 ECCENTRIC OPEN gi.;_ r /'CONCRETE ENCASED ADJUSTING G3 / RttiGS VnfDOT PLATE 4026A E (_ .�(I) ONE MILE COl''CRETE � J7!aT= FPW - keYTE-+F♦£tEEAID Ei `�' sem_- _ IsE_ STn FIAtE 31a) '7 A.%J115T'YG I- C VAX E TrCv:eC XTFH VAI_ 1• GfiOJT PER JP"Ni- A TE• _, G_ eR an — eesx To-, hn a:i vaN-furs LES.: TIUT: ,a Fr - VAXIVUM DISTANCE {ROM. RILI n _ S: CFS 16" C.C- _ TO FIRST STEP IS 24'. bite Rua wrr ro cunt*— e-*.�"ecc Rei Lei t "N'av� A rH.w �ryA nT�n`•is N nit �- PL VATIHOLE TO BE C04STAVCTED OF m APFROVED STEPS PER - PRECAST CONCRETE SECTIONS U:N- IrL,� :.fiT��A1� 91aLL F£ 5ET ri,l A V+ifDCl STANDARD [ft FEI13fORCEMETJT, JOINTS �"� ` r •-- . _: •_ PLATE 11EDJ - SHALT fBE CONSTRUC TEO NTH Q' t6 3i '3 G'I TG rHJEIGHT OF CURB BOY �v I TO Bf ADJUSTED TD J - PROPOSED GRADIMI, a ;/+ PLAN 4 C ' STEEir POST = 1 I CC PA,MEO BLUE {TL" AS E 1 TifCESSA£Y € 3'--FXTENSKHJ ROD COPPER WATER SERVICE-_ y I - CURB 'OX i VPLS PATIEPN/ CORP_ COCl: --T 1 �-CiSRB Box COPPER "FIG TAIL" I-WATERM0.ITAIL"SA3JTIABY SETSOUO CONCRETE BLOCK-/ '.L -N4 THICK 1 M -N 5- X 12- No- 1 2-NDTE1 _ ALL CU78 BO%E5 LOCATED 'IT—RN ORAVEWAYS SHALL HAVE FORD SERIES ALIO COVERS PLACED OVER THE RISERS (SEE STO PLATE 207) WATER SERVICE DETAIL NO SCALE F' .:.a.to oS�F STANDARD09LATE NO. UNOI5TURBED SON- PLA" OYPLAN '6' NOT LE55 - of THAIi 6• SECTION •B• AT BEND PLAN 'AA' 6' D A I T { UND15TURBED SM PLAti 'A' I THAN LE55 ES THAN ' t SECTION 'A' 2500 PSI CON,;-E,E { 28 BAY STRENGTH NIOTL ESS THAN fi` SECTION 'AA' COYER FMING ENCASED (k CCMCRETE wYl ii F-OLTiTH1lEHE On BUTLDING PAPER Fa AR TO PO•UR1NG cc r vP STANDARD PLATE NO. 4 __ %- I:�LR E3TFpV TO�CFE TTi/IGD .ii ,t5 _ ti' .aF.RrSwa ,/2 - CTNJ'1 CF SECTION FORD SERIES A LID COVER T T:9T £Cs+�rL '-` R--1,33, lµVi=ONJ2NSg 55=u1 � � APiF�,'Ln LMlW _ TR P+LATET30t FIN:Si1ED GRADE cn�T1E EN^y`TP lfl (BiTU VINO:J S �.a£P S=AL RE CswiL. (E£E STO ZT_ FM=C 33x3 MJT SF Ya.EP 1Mfu - lam• L4-E`3ati' S1 _ _ �5 3T,AE Pa110F E:IM 53is - - (CE1v) GE Ctia<SEl1 cs-3'Ec `CLASS 3 xmin Lona. CURB STOP COVER FOR crrr (sPLc �3i2A DRIVEWAY INSTALLATION NO SCALE 7 stew utI G.'SM 5=4Efx ' AP G'lEn £T a Parr V>r/CPT FATE 1 -_ r _. ,s.:zuzs^.3E.... STANDAR20PLATE NO. Lb wpT C -i UNOI5TURBED SON- PLA" OYPLAN '6' NOT LE55 - of THAIi 6• SECTION •B• AT BEND PLAN 'AA' 6' D A I T { UND15TURBED SM PLAti 'A' I THAN LE55 ES THAN ' t SECTION 'A' 2500 PSI CON,;-E,E { 28 BAY STRENGTH NIOTL ESS THAN fi` SECTION 'AA' COYER FMING ENCASED (k CCMCRETE wYl ii F-OLTiTH1lEHE On BUTLDING PAPER Fa AR TO PO•UR1NG cc r vP STANDARD PLATE NO. 4 __ %- I:�LR E3TFpV TO�CFE TTi/IGD .ii ,t5 _ ti' .aF.RrSwa ,/2 - CTNJ'1 CF ut I STANDAR 300D PLATE NO. 3 SECTION A -A � I -e' T T:9T £Cs+�rL '-` R--1,33, lµVi=ONJ2NSg 55=u1 � � APiF�,'Ln LMlW _ TR P+LATET30t STETIV, cn�T1E EN^y`TP lfl 9,aL' E V£TLL OF. COM'ELTE �.a£P S=AL RE CswiL. (E£E STO ZT_ FM=C 33x3 MJT SF Ya.EP 1Mfu - lam• L4-E`3ati' S1 _ _ �5 3T,AE Pa110F E:IM 53is - - (CE1v) GE Ctia<SEl1 cs-3'Ec � cExLR r \' xmin Lona. nsa� sere -a =-r..� Psw crrr (sPLc �3i2A PexaraN w-sws zv Tosr srE.a rs �a TTF£ e7 Cs ® \ -vv e9 rNdSL stew utI G.'SM 5=4Efx ' AP G'lEn £T a Parr V>r/CPT FATE 1 4 ]xuis ToL-s iEH 6c Fi3La5S _ Lb wpT C -i G3 RUE-�x rATic. CnSY.ET$ RCSV'14 POE / P'.REN."4EF15 � J7!aT= FPW - keYTE-+F♦£tEEAID Ei `�' A _ IsE_ STn FIAtE 31a) A TE• _, G_ eR an — eesx To-, hn a:i vaN-furs LES.: TIUT: ,a Fr a11'Tn- 6 R 5HIL15 U�EO TOR TOWAR9 PIPE AS SHOWN A5 � � s.e Y0 1O F.-v.BY MANHOLE MOTES: - iEVEUHG SHALL BE BY ARROWS bite Rua wrr ro cunt*— e-*.�"ecc Rei Lei t "N'av� A rH.w �ryA nT�n`•is N nit �- PL METAL OR CONCRETE SECTION A -A PE. Pr. PL r a/% s1ST,w W+ P�CaST Pr,±.'c5 A- SCO\CRETE ENCASED IrL,� :.fiT��A1� 91aLL F£ 5ET ri,l A SANITARY SEWER STANDARD MANHOLE No slw ut I STANDAR 300D PLATE NO. 3 r` PDF. t/2 PIPE $cclFE OF-� _-, LARGEST DSAVETER PifC - ( 5HIL15 U�EO TOR TOWAR9 PIPE AS SHOWN iEVEUHG SHALL BE BY ARROWS L METAL OR CONCRETE SECTION A -A SCO\CRETE ENCASED - CASTING ULCUAH 3057- ADJUSTIIM r"*S 1,/DOT �"� ` r •-- . _: •_ OR EOUWALENT WITHSI JI PLATE 4CI26A OL D2 OR GRIITE t t (,l,O K SJY�tE COAYRETE TOP QT CURB 1 i ADJUS INT PA:G. VAX 9- THICK : j. � _' TLOW T��- I'� wtTR WAX- S' GiiDLT PEA J?HI. l• �CJV=R SLAB VA /DOT 167�2A DISTANCE- g^ T PRECAST TGME}JTS AS AS PIT L, CCAS $ _.:..T :A l t�T' F FROM RIM TO 15T£PS -___ __� __ _... .• urrinnr ercunaon .- J RfoLIRED I14 1 FOOT - c -GROUT 00TTCN TO SLOPE TOWAaD PIPE AS SHOWN / BY 4R40Yr_�l _ A ♦ A j`°%'•" POUR COIICAE7E-- / -f t -J• CCfFhR AROV'JO TES ARTICVLATED-. TO ANCHOR BLOCKS - _ '�C� C9NCRETE BLOCK i �-F.O (;• YT GEOTEXTI E TAB..41C'�Yr��- ^ ` WOOD SIEEADJACENT R� Lu.NKET MULCHPROPERTY l TOP VIEW HE -401 M67 GR B ,� -.� - "�• 4 } �--'y ENO N UPPER 51AHKfT� TO OVERLAP BOTTOM -CASTING EOUIVALEW nTTH DL OR DR GRATE �/ 1-` A r /� \`- 2 �- } M»DOY 2573 1 flip OF HLAHf.ET-i (1) ONE 5� :1 E CLIC-ETE _ .ril }S!SfiING Ronk LAX S- ^\ COtKkE u' E -,AS -7 THL}; W'fTTt VaZ [' GRbIiT \�ADJUCTWG RINGS- V,IJDOT FEA 363f"f. PLATE 4025A -- 6} 3 - A /�� T --S C Z. -3 A { i :' -} > f--�--�� MACHINE SLICED DR - PP.EASSEMBLCD unL 2 FJZ r-ASCY'E Ci GVhD OPTtpi! AS APPNOVED BY - ;j0 MVN EUREEp IN b' GfEF '• ` VER71CnL 7R_ftCH WALE TO 8£ PRECAST • M1i / SECTION OR [ONCkfI£ ®7 ` ✓ THE CITY ENGINEER- t _ 5EW"CK BLDCK - PRECAST O?ENINGS x SEALC 't I --_n �- E -1tE NQTE: STp, PL- 31 DO k 3110. "r i EARTH ILL ' NOTE, AS R ED i > rEKCE WOOD TIBER BLANKET SHALL E£ PLACED AND STAPLED 'NRH LATERIAL ACCORDING TO Mn JDOT SPECIFICATION 2575.3K2 THE FOLLO'AYNG EXCEPLtWJS_ ADJACENT STRL EDGES '^ -- - GROUT lWERT AS - 5D----- -----E USE EOLIN_ D FOR PIPE ARCH (SEE - STD_ PL 311D FOR EGO{V_ D c�, =_ ) �, 6" APRON 5• POST -a - S' MAK. CTi CESFfCR ltNiM-W 2" PENETRATION SHALL B. OVERLAPPED A MltDtrUAr OF fi"_ PLASTIC OA WCOD WOOEGRADASLE STAKES DR STAPLES Sx4LL BE USEb tN PLACE Or METAL ntgE STAPLES. SHOWN ABOVE [3' _ I GELZAHG_U_;pR RTICULAT_7 Cr- -OCT 3886 - _ I 3• -fig X•4'-6- _ 3�'riJ �CGVCRE-E BLOCK 2t -1 -- ECOSTAKES AND 6F0>TAV.ES ARE ACCEPTABLE PROM -CTS TOR USE TO FASTEN WOOD FIBER BLAVKCT- SECTION A^A I NOTES,_ ----S: GEOTE%TILE FASHIC SEC A A - E. CONCRETE SASE SHALL BE E' POURED IN PLACE OR _- ARTICULATED CONCRETE BLOCK SHALL BE A HANDPLACED SNTERLCCKIING CONCRETE S, SILT i"£NCE NO SCALE 5- PRECAST SLAB. BLOCK SYSTEM OR CABLE CONNECED CfIXf[RETE FLOCK AT- FIBER BLANKET INSTALLATION ON A CUT SLOPE N. SCALE 7 EDR aPEs GAEArER THAN nA Eouu rO ae-. !SE 2-o'WOOD - 2. SHALL BE STEEL K3 FA& -CC - GEOTEXTIL.E FABRIC PER un DOT S -EC. 3733. FABRIC SHALL COYER THE AREA OF �i I - AN T LES -HA KAYi rG AN O'' NOT LL55 'H✓JI O.12 54. Oi. PER '- EXTEND ENDER THE LUNERT 3 FEET. THE ARTICUCABLE BL0..K MAT A15USED, IAREACA'T FOOT M HEtG4'.T_ F43T C(Hi Tl --'d IF A CARL CONCRETE SYSTEM t5 LLS PLE VATS LL=SY BE iTHE TOG£tl[) - PER M4%VFAC7URERS SPEC. AND ALL CA3LfS PAOTRTTo-NG BEYOND THE FINSHEO ALL C - - 2' x 3' CATCH BASIN _DOES SxALL 6E CUT rLUSH TO THE 8LDCK_ No $CA" ART1CL)LATED CONCRETE BLOCK AT R.C.P. OUTLET s e ���E+L= STANDARD PLATE NO. � �ro -. �(++��1I �JG�F STANDARD PLATE NO. .Tn •�-�ryL` 5TANDARD PLATE NO. '- - _ .-rvlto r �gqy •�- STANDARD PLATE NO. �. •tiv - u.m�cn t 47 D _ V GJi ® tssotg 500 - �.r xasaT� 501 " msA-xzxorA A� r---NOH-n•O zN FILTER COVER3.LOGH DENSITY SHARE RAG j ---' POLYETHELIIE TP.AME BASE OF PAAVE 30 t}OP 6H4�E6 h IZED TO INLET 24'Ct�9 -oATTH GRATE (uOrU-LO"o FABRIC) 4e%rTTM. ED WTEH i.5- CLEAN FLAN ViLW OF RAW RfiCK` OR 6'• SFLT SOCK �'L r� rsa tow£ r4' r IRFB FO if ` S �SG'iD cT T8F Oi SIDE ViftY STAKES PLACED BEHIND SILT -7 SOCK TG PROV]QE ADDITIONAL TYPvCAL CONSTRUCTIONSEOUCNCE FOR 5>tT-SavER FRAteE ntrfR I. EXCAVAIE APPROXIMATELY 4- TO 6- EI --LOW THE TCP Of THE ..STRUCTURE. aN AOOiDD1TAL III- OF OEOTEXTItE IS WRAGPED ARD' n Tr WOO.O _ 2•'a 4' A110 5TAPL_H UES2f SHALL BE SUPPORT AS NEEDED (DO NOT FASR!C) PENETRATE SLA)l ELEVATION OF RAMP _.fLEF 8•• MEN. ..TEETER CHf ALL G S:LE_ OF THE tN1ST LOVER --`:....--_�•`r- M.,yyENSURRNG pi�3m.l STS -£CT^ 2_ FI.AEE THE fRAuC ONTO THE sNLET 5TRUCTLRE. PROPER SEATING OF FRAME TO STRUCTURE_ PLACE GEDTEXTILE UefD_R TNLET COVER.G WOOD 2'°X4" EXTEN7£DL 3_ SLfDE THE FILTER OVER THE TRAM£_ - B- BEYOND GRATE WEITH ON BOTH SIDES- I- L-- 2" TRENCH -,A 4_ FILL THE FILTER FOCKETS WITH SG5- P57 GRAVEL OR AAxro EWWALENf. THE FILTER POCKETS SHOULD BE COMPLETELY Cl) ALL GEOi- XTNE USED FOR INLET r-ROYEETIDN SHALL BE - SECTION[ A -'A -= _ FILL I) TO ETISURC A GOD SEAL BLF% EN THE GROUND AND INLET STRUCTURE_ = WCNOriLAMENT W BOTH DRECTIONS, TIEETWC SPEC. 3686 FOR MACHINE SLICED_ _ Cfi; BREAKS ,N SILT SOCK SHALL BE LOCATED A A£IN EMUM C- 10 FEET - +cs'i➢ ?6Y14=AT♦D EC•RC A:E4 5'u.•: £E ChsY FGp [+TRIS 5- 64CK FILL aRGUHD THE FARM£ AND Fi:7ER ASSEMBLY f5 - CZ %IMCO'S MAY BE USED IN FI -ALE OF ABOVE. FROM ANY SHARP BEND OR CHANGE 13I SOCK DiRECT10PT. F- Ans PEC u- � r bilk v,.,+r�T sTw x� F;.ir wa. Taner. NOT REOVEREO 70 COMPLETE IfSTALLATMN; HOft, 'S ALL DROP ENLET PRDTECTIOH SHALL BE RrMOYEO �2� SOCKS SHALL HE OVERLAPPED A MINIMUM OF 2A' WITH THE w:iusi iw .:cv lew a-sc,-r5 �i+t: �E T�c�i F. r o -I eotoe io - l:ttk T!� AOsr C£>Zw.au_ Tt= R�3 _ RACK FDSSKG MAY BE NECESSARY TO COMPLETE PRIOR TO WtH'TER FREEZE. 13P3L GAG SIDE INFR04FT. �3uLCel6r5T act iIff .a•.,E ♦iEa G:wE r..G Ts sxuL E_ ka.�O {'o3.VL0 — - EXCAVATiCN REOVDiCMET[r5 FOR THE SITT__ DROP INLET PROTECTION S=-D:F ENT ACCUMULATION OF 1/2 THE SOCK Hf?GHT MUST BE -S Tai wn Err osis +s A I—I o T.� CU +-n Z cr s �_� _ NO SCALE REMOVED-� rca s cz� 2. Y-IC7 YTk C F£[31T. L--✓ SN nN 6 8 4 €• SILT SAYER SILT SOCK F" NO SCALE -' kO - `- PEDESTRIAN CURB RAMP S,LT-5Ar-R• INC. V6WW-SiLTSAVER_COM - __ Ti �: ��� • STANDARD PLATE NO. _T"` STANDARD PLATE NO. Ari:nTn - STANDARD PLATE N0. _ `P?•£o �S�p-� Q ARPLATE STAND70NO- cLr 50S 507g(^yp� sy`4�GG 508 ris ia°s _GG F : :. x � d j � L� j - M1-RLSCftY 5tr—i cuT,sR �crtw I—V CLEAR ZONE YAR�ks� 0' TO - --- I--- 2" CLEAR ZONE — ._..-._ - � i j ♦�yi ►_TEMPORARY I - Ii 2' CUL DE SACLA S MAT j 3D- 1FTTUUW02 LA PCE ON APPROVED SUBGRADE-C GRAVEL ' c'�.- - �:,': -- -' F'� s -c t'S..R OAD MAY BE (,ZLkSr) #-EXTENDED / .5.. IN FUTURE TYPICAL SECTION — BIKE TRAIL NOTES; _ rout >u.:- a•[u �^ter _ -_..•:. ? 1 j" -.♦a ©s�� as rt.rt vs..+-. uc[ss gG` mil , / \ / moi' ��°i• / \ / �`rs � - ' � 'I s /. , IWti 875.3 - A \ OU TLOT D • ti \� --- - _ U) OD \ \ y `i21Tii,1377 T- RIM: 880.1 1, ++' l o ` 2 `� ✓✓ \�8j / 'l • : - 77= �Ex.78.8 £x.8_0.3 _ _ x.82.` Ex.86:5 pr g ; oa ++ +-•� so $ �v' , �'! 8� 'A `�o /, 883 I 1• ...... -I ( / I ` } • \\ •r s ' � [ 1� --'. 875.6 I 887.0 1 882.0 I I 883.5 885.0 i 1= LF=8.78.0 �F=878.0 LF -880.5 LF=882.Q 884, LF=886.5 /R j 86.0 G 1181.0 G 88.5 80 .40 '1 85 00 87.60 EX. POND 100 ?� �X. • 8j� / 828 / - - - UE AVE: N.W.L = 869.0 e A 2 YR. H.W.L.= 869.7 \t \ �♦ ` �.. ! r r-- - � 10 YR. H.W.L. = 870.4 �;\4• / ♦ / 8o e' G j j 1�r �'. i n ! I r I - \ 100 YR. H.W.L 871.5 I 1 I 87 \\, \\ • • ./ / 1 8) 1 8440 G G f .5 G 1 B9.fl, G191 G I G E.O.F. ELEV. 873.0 86.0 92.5 94.0 ✓/ S8 t _ ' i I I Z 6o k: OTTO :0 - F.-:\=s.�'• 5--.� :! �. /R t I I R R t2 'R i r �O CP / sT / f'; En 77 ` OUTLOT D CP --------- 11-h -- � c 1 ••_� \ 8>55 88i.D 882.0 883.5 885.0 };� 8 .5 894-5 { �g Lf -88x.5 LF=882.0 _ s84_ LF=Sss.S - LO �R R G 86 a G :` 87.0 G 88.5 G c \, S 90.0 G '92.0 G 94.5 \ ,3lic Ex. POND 100 \ \" _ 2 - _ \ - s - N.W.L = 869.0 _ \` _ 2 YR. H.W.L. = 869.7 10 YR. H.W.L. = 870.4 830 100 YR. H. W.L = 871.5 \,. ', _ _ E.O.F. ELEV. = 873.0 �\ \ \� i B)8 w0 , 87.5 G 88.0. G 9i:4 G 92.5 G 94.0 G g6 O TTO - '.:' • - /R ': R R:- 5 :'R I R '� �' N� TYPICAL STREET SECTION 25' IJVi34G AREA 6 to z SETBACk FIMSHED GRADF zi 1 i R ADGRALIS 1 n 10' 0.5' TOP 10' - I 3-6 LIA F 1 I L 4- CGICRETE 9DEWALK 1 4 BZ7- :o C SEED & VULR/W W;;;.: B0.4£V FnT FLOOR D!F A.PPRO\ED SVBGRADE SEf PLAJi FOR LOCAT10Pi RAMBLER 119 SCALE SEED UITH CAT. 2 6LANKEt 25 L3L44°G AREA 6 ABLE PAVEMENT SECTION S=.Cr[ FFF3SH£D GRADE 1 1 7 I RAD- GIZADxiG GRAD-- 1 F 1♦ 5 CLASS 5 AGc4dEGATE BASE n _ 14' 0. 5 TO"50 APPROVED SUBGRADE o O. 9.5' VHJ. TOPS[ 1 c � $ 1 IBA;,EU£N7 25' 65' (LIYfi1G AREA Zt` f-FlMSHED GRADF 1 F7tACMG GRAI>E GRAD`.riG GRPDE FLOOR GRADING GRADE RAMBLER No sc ALi F 1 TYPICAL STREET SECTION PUBLIC to z R/w fl/K zi 3G' 3O' 0 p LIA SEED WTH T W'4' OF T9 L 4- CGICRETE 9DEWALK 4 BZ7- :o C SEED & VULR/W W;;;.: D!F A.PPRO\ED SVBGRADE SEf PLAJi FOR LOCAT10Pi SEED UITH CAT. 2 6LANKEt W/4' OF TOPSOL ABLE PAVEMENT SECTION OUR 1.5- ernnewo is 1EAR COURSE. LV'AE 450308 0.1T f�TUiJ31tAI5 TACK COAT 2� BFTUIMOU3 BASE COURSE. LVNW 350308 5 CLASS 5 AGc4dEGATE BASE APPROVED SUBGRADE SINGLE FAMILY HOLD©OWNS c � $ 25' 65' UMUG2t•--t I 25' 65' (LIYfi1G AREA Zt` f-FlMSHED GRADF 1 � F7tACMG GRAI>E GRAD`.riG GRPDE SETBACK) 1 GRADING GRADE LO F 1 n o D S' TDP F �? 1O' 5 TGPSCSL Ei_ Z75 I 0.5' LA.'N. TOPSO[L 0.5` 12 N LOOKOUT 0 eASE>eElrr FLOOR P40 SCALD_ WALKOUT NO SCALE yg 6i{ LIK'iG AREA 21'�j SETBACK 5' 65" {LJLRJVG AF2£A 21• !SZT6AC'K FTN[$HED GRADE E FLIUS D GRADE G�ALI:!iG GRADE ) CRAOiNG GRADE ! LO 1 n o 10' O-5' TOP [ 10' 5' ?OPSOL 1#[[ 275 2 5'. i[ -- ----- --- - -� z �`----- lb, n 0.5' ACfJ. TOPSC(L - L— ----- —��a - in — LOOKOUT BASE4lDiT Fiatw NO SCALE WALKOUT NO SCALE ' EJ\57 G AREA 2t' SETBACtc FaaStsLi1 GRACIE 25� 65' (LI1R}tG AREA 4...--- 21' FINISHED GRADE 1 I GRAZWIG GRADE S£TB ACK) F GRADING GRADE LO 1 1 Jl O 10' 9.5' 70P 1 j d 275 - o -5" T�S{)iL 25•. -- _- __ -_- - - m 11] s 0.5' 3AN_ TOP60T. O � o LOOKOUT c BASEMENT Fiov NO SCALE WALKOUT NO SCALE GRADING SEQUENCE 1. INSTALL ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE 2. INSTALL PERIMETER SEDIMENT CONTROL DEVICES (SILT FENCE). 3_ STRIP TOPSOIL, STOCKPILE AND STA131LIZE IN BERM FOR FUTURE SPREADING_ 4. DIG TEMPORARY SEDIMENT BASIN, BASIN TO BE 1800 CF/ACRE OF AREA STRIPPED, CLEAN TEMP BASIN ONCE 5OX FULL. 5. ALL SOILS KILL BE COMPACTED PER SPECIFICATIONS. 6. MAINTAIN DRAINAGE DURING GRADING OPERATION TO TEMPORARY SEDIMENT BASIN_ 7. COMPLETE SITE GRADING PER PLAN, S. RESPRE:AD TOPSOIL MAINTAIN A MINIMUM OF 4' DEPTH. S. MAINTAIN DRAINAGE TO TEMP SEDIMENT BASIN UNTIL NEXT PHASE BEGINS. 10. STABIUZE DENUDED AREAS AND STOCKPILES WITHIN TIME FRAME LISTED IN EROSION PREVENTION PRACTICES 1. THE STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION MANAGER SHALL BE A PERSON TRAINED, KNOWLEDGEABLE AND EXPERIENCED IN THE APPLICATION OF EROSION PREVENTION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL BMPS WHO WILL OVER SEE THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE SWPPP AND THE INSTALLATION, INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE OF THE EROSION PREVENTION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL BMPS BEFORE AND DURING CONSTRUCTION. 2. CONTRACTOR TO ADHERE TO ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE MINNESOTA POLLUTION CONTROL AGENCY N.P.D.E_S. PERMIT, INCLUDING THE REQUIREMENT TO MINIMIZE THE AREA DISTURBED BY GRADING AT ANY GIVEN TIME AND TO COMPLETE TURF RESTORATION WITHIN THE TIME REQUIRED BY THE PERMIT AFTER TEMPORARY CEASING GRADING OR COMPLETION OF GRADING. 3_ A COPY OF THESE PLANS MUST BE ON THE JOB SITE WHENEVER CONSTRUCTION IS IN PROGRESS. 4. BMP'S REFER TO EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES DEFINED IN THE MPCA PROTECTING WATER QUALITY IN URBAN AREAS AND THE MINNESOTA CONSTRUCTION SITE EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLANNING HANDBOOK. 5_ ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL FACIUTiES (BMP'S) SHALL BE INSTALLED AND IN OPERATION PRIOR TO LAND DISTURBANCE ACTIVITIES. SOME EROSION CONTROLS SUCH AS CHECK DAMS AND TEMPORARY SILT PONDS MAY BE INSTALLED AS GRADING OCCURS IN THE SPECIFIC AREA. THEY SHALL BE MAINTAINED UNTIL CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETED AND THE POTENTIAL FOR EROSION HAS PASSU. 6. THE BMP'S SHOWN ON THE PLANS ARE THE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR THE ANTICIPATED SITE CONDITIONS. AS CONSTRUCTION PROGRESSES AND UNEXPECTED OR SEASONAL CONDITIONS DICTATE, THE PERMITTEE SHALL ANTICIPATE THAT MORE BMP'S WILL BE NECESSARY TO ENSURE EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL ON THE SITE. DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PERMITTEE TO ADDRESS ANY NEW CONDITIONS THAT MAY BE CREATED BY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES ANO/OR CLIMATIC EVENTS AND TO PROVIDE ADDITIONAL BMP'S OVER AND ABOVE THE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS SHOWN ON THE PLANS THAT MAY BE NEEDED TO PROVIDE EFFECTIVE PROTECTION OF WATER AND SOIL RESOURCES. 7. ALL TREES NOT LISTED FOR REMOVAL SHALL BE PROTECTED. DO NOT OPERATE EQUIPMENT WITHIN THE DRIP UNE, ROOT ZONES OR WITHIN TREE PROTECTION FENCE AREAS. S. WHEREVER POSSIBLE. PRESERVE THE EXISTING TREES, GRASS AND OTHER VEGETATIVE COVER TO HELP FILTER RUNOFF. 9. OPERATE TRACK EQUIPMENT (DOZER) UP AND DOWN EXPOSED SOIL SLOPES ON FINAL PASS, LEAVING TRACK GROOVES PERPENDICULAR TO THE SLOPE DO NOT BACK- BLADE. LEAVE A SURFACE ROUGH TO MINIMIZE EROSION. 10. TEMPORARY SEED SHALL BE DONE IN ACCORDANCE TO MNDOT 2575 & 3676. CONSISTING OF: • MN SEED MIX 22-111 A 40 LBS. PER ACRE OR APPROVED EOIAL • MULCH SHALL BE MNDOT TWE 3 ® 2 TONS PER ACRE OR APPROVED EQUAL AND DISK ANCHORED IN PLACE OR APPROVED EQUAL INSTALLED TO MINIMUM 90% COVERAGE OF THE SURFACE AREA DISTURBED. • TYPE 1 FERTILIZER, 10-10-20 ® 200 LBS, PER ACRE 10. PERMANENT TURF RESTORATION MALL BE DONE IN ACCORDANCE WITH MNOOT 2575 Y 3676. CONSISTING OF: MN SEED MIX 25--121 AT 75 POUNDS PER ACRE. MULCH SHALL BE MNDOT TYPE 3 A 2 TONS PER ACRE OR APPROVED EQUAL AND DISK ANCHORED IN PLACE OR APPROVED EQUAL, INSTALLED TO MINIMUM 90% COVERAGE OF THE SURFACE AREA DISTURBED.MULCH AT 90 R COVERAGE WITH DISC ANCHOR. TYPE 3 FERTILIZER, 22-5-10 8OXW.LN A 350 LBS PER ACRE. 11. SLOPES AT 3:1 OR STEEPER. AND/OR WHERE INDICATED ON THE PLANS SHALL BE SEEDED AND HAVE AN EROSION CONTROL BLANKET TYPE 3 INSTALLED OR MAY BE HYDROSEEDED WITH TACKIFTER MULCH. 12. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE ALL SOILS AND SEDIMENT TRACKED ONTO EXISTING STREETS AND PAVED AREAS. 13. IF BLOWING DUST BECOMES A NUISANCE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL APPLY WATER FROM A TANK TRUCK TO ALL CONSTRUCTION AREAS. 14_ WITHIN 7 DAYS OF COMPLETION OF THE SITE GRADING OPERATIONS THE ENTIRE SITE (EXCEPT ROADWAYS) SHALL HAVE BEEN SEEDED AND MULCHED AND SILT FENCE SHALL INSTALLED AROUND ALL PONDS. 15. ALL TEMPORARY EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE PROPERLY DISPOSED OF WITHIN THIRTY (30) DAYS AFTER FINAL SITE STABIUZATION IS ACHIEVED OR AFTER THE TEMPORARY MEASURES ARE NO LONGER NEEDED. 16. THE MINIMIZATION OF SOIL COMPACTION MUST BE USED ON AREAS OUTSIDE OF SPECIFIC COMPACTION REQUIRED AREAS. THESE PRACTICES INCLUDE: PREVENTING HEAVY EQUIPMENT TRAFFIC AND CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC FROM AREAS, USING PRACTICES TO PREVENT CONCENTRATED FLOW OCCURRING OVER THE SOIL PROVIDE LIGHT TRACKED EQUIPMENT TO CONSTRUCT AREA TO FINAL GRADE. THE AREAS REQUIRING LOOSE SOIL INCLUDE ALL TOPSOIL PLACEMENT AND INFILTRATION/FILTRATION BASINS. CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY REQUIREMENTS A. EROSION PREVENTION PRACTICES 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL IMPLEMENT CONSTRUCTION PHASING. VEGETATIVE BUFFER GRADING, AND OTHER CONSTRUCTION PRACTICES THAT MINIMIZE EROSION. THE LOC DISTURBED MUST BE DELINEATED (E.G.:WITH FLAGS. STAKES, SIGNS, SILT FENCE. E SITE BEFORE WORK BEGINS. 2. TEMPORARY STABILIZATION MUST BE INITIATED IMMEDIATELY WHENEVER ANY CONSI PERMANENTLY OR TEMPORARILY CEASED ON ANY PORTION IF THE SITE AND WILL I EXCEEDING 7 CALENDAR DAYS. STABILIZATION MUST BE COMPLETED NO LATER TF THE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY HAS TEMPORARILY OR PERMANENTLY CEASED. 3. Ail EXPOSED SOIL AREAS WITHIN 200 FEET OF A SURFACE WATER OR ANY STOR1 WHICH IS CONNECTED TO A SURFACE WATER MUST BE STABILIZED WITHIN 7 DAYS_ SIDE SLOPES, EXPOSED SOIL AREAS WITH A POSITIVE SLOPE TO A CURB AND GUT INLET, DRAINAGE DITCH, OR OTHER SYSTEM THAT DISCHARGES TO A SURFACE WAI 4. THE NORMAL WETTED PERIMETER OF ANY DRAINAGE DITCH MUST BE STABILIZED Wl THE PROPERTY EDGE, OR FROM THE POINT OF DISCHARGE TO ANY SURFACE WATE CONNECTING TO A SURFACE WATER). 5. PIPE OUTLETS MUST BE PROVIDED WITH TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT ENERGY DISSI CONNECTION TO A SURFACE WATER. �qr , a• a,.• is � 1 1. SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES MUST MINIMIZE SEDIMENT ENTERING SURFACE WATE BASINS REQUIRE SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES ONLY AS APPROPRIATE FOR SITE SYSTEM IS OVERLOADED. ADDITIONAL UPGRADE PRACTICES MUST BE INSTALLED, At AMENDED. THERE SHALL BE NO UNBROKEN SLOPE LENGTH OF GREATER THAN 751 GRADE OF 3:1 OR STEEPER. SLOPES MAY BE BROKEN WITH SILT FENCE, ROCK CHI OR OTHER APPROVED METHODS AND/OR AS SHOWN ON THE EROSION CONTROL PL 2. SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES MUST BE ESTABLISHED ON DOWNGRADE PERIMETER! DISTURBING ACTIVITIES BEGIN. 3. THE TIMING OF SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES MAY BE ADJUSTED TO ACCOMMO DA: HOWEVER, THESE PRACTICES MUST BE INSTALLED BEFORE THE NEXT PRECIPITATION ACTIVITY IS NOT COMPLETE. 4. CONTRACTOR MUST PROTECT ALL STORM DRAIN INLETS BY APPROPRIATE BMP'S DI ALL SOURCES WITH POTENTIAL FOR DISCHARGING TO THE INLET HAVE BEEN STABIL 5. TEMPORARY STOCKPILES MUST HAVE SILT FENCE AROUND THE PERIMETER OF THE CANNOT BE PLACED IN SURFACE WATERS, INCLUDING STORM WATER CONVEYANCES SYSTEMS, OR CONDUITS OR DITCHES. 6. CONTRACTOR MUST INSTALL TEMPORARY (OR PERMANENT) SEDIMENTATION BASINS OF DISTURBED SOIL DRAIN TO A COMMON LOCATION AND/OR AS SHOWN ON THE 1. DEWATERING OR ANY TYPE OF SURFACE DRAINAGE THAT MAY HAVE TURBID OR SE WATER MUST BE DISCHARGED TO AN APPROVED SEDIMENT BASIN ON THE PROJECT IF THE WATER CANNOT BE DISCHARGED TO A BASIN PRIOR TO ENTERING THE SURI TREATED WITH THE APPROPRIATE BMP'S SUCH THAT THE DISCHARGE DOES NOT AC RECEIVING WATER OR DOWNSTREAM LANDOWNERS. THE CONTRACTOR MUST ENSURE ARE ADEQUATELY PROTECTED FROM EROSION AND SCOUR. THE DISCHARGE MUST E ROCK RIP RAP, SAND BAGS, PLASTIC SHEETING, OR OTHER ACCEPTED ENERGY DIS' 2. ALL WATER FROM DEWATERING MUST BE DISCHARGED IN A MANNER THAT DOES N( CONDITIONS, EROSION, OR INUNDATION OF WETLANDS CAUSING SIGNIFICANT ADVERS I- THE CONTRACTOR MUST APPOINT SOMEONE TO INSPECT THE CONSTRUCTION SITE E DURING ACTIVE CONSTRUCTION AND WITHIN 24 HOURS AFTER A RAINFALL EVENT 0 IN 24 HOURS. ALL INSPECTIONS MUST BE RECORDED IN WRITING AND RETAINED PE REQUIREMENTS. (NOTE: LOCAL JURISDICTION MAY REQUIRE A MORE FREQUENT INTE 2. ALL NONFUNCTIONAL BMPS MUST BE REPAIRED, REPLACED OR SUPPLEMENTS WITH END OF THE NEXT BUSINESS DAY AFTER DISCOVERY, OR AS SOON AS FIELD CONDI UNLESS ANOTHER TIME FRAME IS SPECIFIED. (SEE MPGA NPDES PERMIT IV.E.5). 1. SOLID WASTE MUST BE DISPOSED OF PER M.P.C.A. REQUIREMENTS. 2. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MUST BE STORED AND DISPOSED OF PER M.P.C.A. REGULK 3. EXTERNAL WASHING OF CONSTRUCTION VEHICLES MUST BE LIMITED TO A DEFINED MUST BE CONTAINED AND WASTE PROPERLY DISPOSED OF. NO ENGINE DECREASING NVIRKNONTE KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS_ That Meridian Land Holdings, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, owner, of the following described property situated in the County of Wright. State of Minnesota, to wit: Outlot A, WILDFLOWER MEADOWS 2ND ADDITION, according to the recorded plat thereof, Wright County. Minnesota_ Has caused the same to be surveyed and platted as WILDFLOWER MEADOWS 4TH ADDITION and does hereby dedicate to the public for public use the public ways and the drainage and utility easements as created by this plot. In witness whereof said Meridian Land Holdings, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, has caused these presents to be signed by its proper officer this day of , 20 Meridian Land Holdings, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company Signature as Printed Name Title STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF This Instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 20 , by of Meridian Land Holdings, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, on behalf of the company. Signature Printed Nome Notary Public, My Commission Expires County as SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I Peter J. Hawkinson do hereby certify that this plot was prepared by me or under my direct supervision; that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor in the State of Minnesota; that this plot is a correct representation of the boundary survey, that all mathematical data and labels are correctly designated on this plat; that all monuments depicted on this plot have been, or will be correctly set within one year; that all water boundaries and wet lands, as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.01, Subd. 3, as of the date of this certificate are shown and labeled on this plat; and all public ways are shown and labeled on this plat_ Dated this day of 20 Peter J_ Hawkinson, Licensed Land Surveyor Minnesota License No. 42299 STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF The foregoing Surveyor's Certificate was acknowledged before me this day of Hawkinson, Land Surveyor, Minnesota License No. 42299- Sianoture 20 , by Peter J_ MEADOWS 4TH ADD CITY COUNCIL. City o This plot of WILDFLOWER at a regular meeting the provisions of Minnesota S Mayor WRIGHT COUNTY SUR` I hereby certify that in a this day of WRIGHT COUNTY AUDI Pursuant to Minnesota Si transfer entered this Wright County WRIGHT COUNTY TRE/ Pursuant to Minnesota Si have been paid this Wright County WRIGHT COUNTY RECt I hereby certify that this Sleeve WILDFLOWER MEADOWS 4TH ADC o 6� act lo /` / P,� ✓ / \ / �(S'? G�� RLS 20595 60 uo 14 C / vv 17 IVA Sj f OUTLOT D U-) / '� S03'2$'34"E 149.00.s.�5 ♦oma 0 5 "2 -� DRAINAGE AND / 149.rJ i`60\\ - ,: �O ♦ S�\ UTILITY EASEMENT - oy yQ� ` N04'3fl�10"W ' l .� o_ 532.00 yam_%' RLS 20595 _t 32.53 1 <- DR. 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