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1. -Mayor Fournier will call the meeting to order.
Mayor Fournier called the meeting to order at 7:02 PM.
Roll Call: Mayor Larry Fournier, Councilmembers: Vern Heidner and Jerry
Struthers. Absent: Councilmembers Suzanne Ackerman and Virginia Wendel.
Staff: Judy Hudson, City Clerk and Ron Wagner, City Engineer.
2. Mayor Fournier's comments
Mayor Fournier thanked everyone for attending this meeting and explained that Council
action will not be taken at this meeting but this issue will be on the August 27, 2001 City
Council Meeting.
3. Ron Wa ner City En ineer.
Ron Wagner reviewed the project and explained that this information was given at the
Public Hearings.
Public Comments.
Bonnie Hines 10017 Kadler Avenue. Mrs. Hines stated concern with the proposed
crossing location and location of the bike path.
Chris Bulow, developer of Grenin's Mississippi Hills. He explained the Council
recommended that the bike trail and overlay be done when half of the lots are completed
in his development giving a better match up with bike paths and driveways. When lots are
sold, plans are given to the builders showing where the trail will be constructed.
Louise Koecheler, 9964 Kadler Avenue. She stated her driveway is graveled and is shared
with a neighbor and asked if the bike path will go across her driveway. Ms. Koecheler
also said she doesn't like the proposed crossing location of the bike path and it should be
moved to 101' Street. Mr. Wagner answered that the bike path will cross her driveway
and asphalt will be placed from the bike path all the way to the street.
Mary Kavanagh, 10088 Kadler Avenue. Mrs. Kavanagh asked if the bike path would be
changed to go on her side of Kadler Avenue how far would it go into her property.
Mr. Wagner explained the path would be in the right-of-way but the slope could possibly
go onto her property.
City Council Kadler Avenue Meeting of August 23, 2001. Page 2.
Elaine Norin, 10235 Kadler. She asked when the bike path plan was published. Mrs.
Norin also requested that the removal of the tree on her property since the contractors dug
into the roots of this causing it to die. She also questioned the bike path just ending at her
property and suggested to bring it out to the road. Mr. Wagner explained the plans were
shown at the Public Hearing Meetings for the developments, which showed the location of
the crossing. He will have the contractor remove the tree.
Mayor Fournier stated that his biggest concern is for safety, and recommended to move
the bike path to the east side of Kadler Avenue and extending the path to 101` Street and
also to cut down the hill.
CM Heidner suggested for the next Council Meeting to direct Chris Bulow to start work
on the Grenin's Mississippi Hills Bike Bath and for the City Engineer to present an
estimate of cost to move the bike path to the east side of Kadler and extending it to 101'
He also would like to know the impact this would have on the Kavanaghs property.
Dennis Lufud, 10288 Kadler Avenue. He asked what are the plans for along CSAH 39 in
front of the Vintage Golf Course for a bike path. CM Heidner replied that Wright County
doesn't have a plan for an off road bike path.
Grace Knoblauch, 9901 Kadler Avenue. She asked if the hill on Kadler Avenue could be
taken down.
Mayor Fournier replied that this would be an expensive fix, which the City or the property
owners would have to pay for.
4. Any other Council Items
There were no other items discussed.
5. Adjourn.
CM Heidner motioned to adjourn. Seconded by CM Struthers. All in favor.
Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8 PM
Mayor Larry Fournier
Attest: Judy Hudson, City Clerk
Recorded by: Judy Hudson, City Clerk