ITEM 3.13601 Thurston Avenue N, Suite 100 ' T E AA 3-1 Anoka, MN 55303 Phone: 763.231.E5840 Facsimile: 763.427.0520 TPCTPQ@PlanningCo.com PLANNING REPORT TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: Daniel Licht, AICP DATE: 26 February 2015 RE: Otsego — Wilson Preserve; Preliminary and Final Plat TPC FILE: 101.02 BACKGROUND CBR Development, LLC has submitted plans for subdivision of the 35.14 acre property located at the northeast quadrant of Odean Avenue and 85th Street. The subject site consists of two parcels is currently developed with a single family dwelling and two detached accessory buildings. The proposed subdivision includes a 10 acre parcel for the existing home and detached accessory buildings and nine single family lots generally one acre in area. The proposed subdivision was considered as a sketch plan by the Planning Commission at a public hearing on 17 November 2014. The proposed subdivision requires consideration of a Zoning Map amendment, PUD -CUP, preliminary plat and final plat, as well as vacation of existing drainage and utility easements. A public hearing to consider these applications has been noticed for the Planning Commission meeting on 2 March 2015. Fxhihits- A. Site Location B. Existing Conditions C. Preliminary Plat D. Master Layout E. Development Grading and Drainage Plan (2 sheets) F. Street Profile and Storm Sewer Plan (2 sheets) G. Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan H. Final Plat I. Easement Vacation ANALYSIS Comprehensive Plan. The subject site is located within the Long Range Urban Service Area and is guided for low density residential uses by the 2012 Otsego Comprehensive Plan. The Long Range Urban Service Area is designated for that portion of the community where one plus acre unsewered single family residential development has occurred. Further unsewered development in the area is not recommended and residential development density is limited to one dwelling unit per 40 acres unless the City Council finds that one or more of the following criteria are met: The development will result in completion of an unfinished street network. 2. The development will have the result of correcting or improving a demonstrated area drainage problem. 3. The development provides for dedication of lands to a legitimate public purpose. The preliminary plat illustrates establishment of Outlot A over that portion of Hall's Pond within the subject site. Outlot A also includes regional storm water basins constructed upon the property as part of the Odean Avenue improvement project that are only overlaid by drainage and utility easement. Dedication of the area of Hall's Pond within the subject site provides opportunity for a natural park area adjacent to the designated natural environment lake and acquisition of regional storm water areas that the City may utilize as a natural park area. These considerations are consistent with the criteria of the Comprehensive Plan for allowing further single family lot unsewered development within the long range Urban Service Area. Zoning. The subject site is zoned A-1, Agriculture Rural Service District and is also within the Shoreland Overlay District of Hall's Pond. The subdivision of the property as shown on the proposed preliminary plat would require that the subject site be rezoned to R-3, Residential Long Range Urban Service District, which allows single family lots as a permitted use. Application for a PUD -CUP is also required to address flexibility from the lot requirements of the Shoreland Overlay District and allow cul-de-sacs exceeding the maximum length allowed by the Subdivision Ordinance. The Zoning Map amendment and PUD -CUP applications would be evaluated based upon the following criteria outlined by the Zoning Ordinance: The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the Otsego Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained within the Zoning Ordinance and other provisions of the City Code. 4. Traffic generation of the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the property. 2 5. The proposed use can be accommodated by existing public services and facilities and will not overburden the City's service capacity. Surrounding Land Uses. The subject site is surrounded by the following existing and planned land uses shown in the table below. The proposed preliminary plat is similar in character to existing surrounding development and no compatibility issues would exist. Direction Land Use Plan Zoning Map Existing Use North LD Residential R-3 District Single Family City open space East LD Residential R-3 District Single Family South LD Residential R-3 District Single Family West LD Residential R-3 District Single Family Lot Requirements. The table below outlines the minimum lot requirements that would be applicable to the subject site under the R-3 District and Shoreland Overlay District: Min. Lot Area Min Lot Width Setbacks R-3 S R-3 S Front Side Rear Wetland OHWM 1.0ac. 1.8ac. 150ft. 200ft. 35ft 10ft. 50ft. 40ft. 150ft. The preliminary plat has been designed based on the requirements for the R-3 District with all lots at least one acre in area and 150 feet wide. Section 20-92-17 of the Zoning Ordinance allows flexibility through a PUD -CUP from the lot requirements of the Shoreland Overlay District with dedication of the water body at the Ordinary High Water Mark and adjacent riparian area to the public by easement. The preliminary plat includes a 30 foot buffer corridor between the OHWM dedicated by easement and the proposed lots to allow public access along Hall's Pond connecting with the City' owned property to the north creating a natural corridor. The PUD -CUP will also allow that the area requirements for Lots 4-8 be met based on the gross area of each lot as Section 20-17-9.A.2 of the Zoning Ordinance requires that minimum lot area for lots created after 26 May 2009 be met exclusive of wetlands, wetland buffers or storm water drainage easements. The dedication of Hall's Pond to the City and establishment of the natural corridor between Odean Avenue and 88th Street warrants the necessary flexibility from the minimum lot requirements of the Shoreland Overlay District and R-3 District that would be allowed by a PUD -CUP. A residential density analysis as outlined in Section 20-92-17.E of the Zoning Ordinance must also be provided illustrating that the use of the PUD District does not increase the allowed density within the Shoreland Overlay District. Access. The proposed development is to be accessed from a single intersection with Odean Avenue. Odean Avenue is designated as a residential collector street by the 2012 Transportation Plan and has adequate capacity to accommodate the traffic that would be generated by the proposed development. The location of the proposed intersection to Odean Avenue is 180 feet south of the existing intersection for 87th Street west of Odean Avenue. Section 21-7-7.E of the Subdivision Ordinance states that intersections are to be off -set a minimum of 200 feet. The property owner has attempted to secure the five acre parcel to the north of the street that would access the proposed development to provide for alignment with 87th Street west of Odean Avenue but was unsuccessful. The off -set intersection is acceptable in this situation given the limited traffic that would be generated by the proposed development and that the intersections of 88th Street and 89th Street to Odean Avenue north of the subject site are similarly off -set. There is only one access from Odean Avenue to the proposed development as provision of a second access to 85th Street would need to be at the east property line abutting the rear line of an existing single family lot that is a corner lot along Ogren Avenue and 85th Street, creating a situation where this lot has frontage on three streets and Hall's Pond prevents extension of a street to the north. As such, the preliminary plat shows termination of the 87th Court and Odell Court both terminate as a cul-de-sac. Section 21-7-6.A of the Subdivision Ordinance limits the length of cul-de-sacs to 500 feet, but the length of the 87th Court cul-de-sac is 880 feet and the Odell Court cul-de- sac is 960 feet. The streets within the proposed development would be constructed as a 28 foot wide paved section with concrete curb and gutter within a 60 foot wide right- of-way. The cul-de-sacs each have a 60 foot radii for the right-of-way and 50 foot radii for the paved section with concrete curb as required by Section 21-7-6.A of the Subdivision Ordinance. With the limited number of lots within the proposed development and the constraints against extension of a through street for either cul-de- sac, flexibility under the PUD -CUP for the length of the cul-de-sacs may be allowed. Park Dedication. The Future Parks and Trails Plan identifies acquisition of Hall's Pond and the shoreline adjacent to it for public purposes. Outlot A as shown on the preliminary plat encompasses the area of Hall's Pond within the OHWM of Hall's Pond and the regional storm water basins in the southeast corner of the property. The preliminary plat also includes a 30 foot corridor outside of the OHWM of Hall's Pond that is delineated wetland and the wetland buffer required by Section 20-16-9.E of the Zoning Ordinance. City staff and DNR staff have determined that the City may provide a natural, mowed trail within Outlot A adjacent to Hall's Pond following the 870 elevation line, which would allow a corridior through Outlot A and the City owned parcel to the north to connect with 88th Street. The developer will be required to dedicate Outlot A to the City along with conservation, drainage and utility easement and public park easement over the wetland buffer adjacent to Hall's Pond. Additionally, the submitted plans must be revised to provide a 10 foot wide bituminous trail along the south side of 87th Court from Odean Avenue to Outlot A. The developer will also be required to remove the existing fence and downed trees/vegetation from the south line of Outlot A adjacent to 85th Street. These improvements will satisfy the park dedication requirements for the proposed development. Utility Plan. The existing single family dwelling and proposed nine lots would be served by on-site septic and well systems. A utility plan has been submitted with the preliminary plat demonstrating that each of the nine lots has suitable area for a primary and secondary septic drainfield site and well location. An inspection of the septic system for the existing single family dwelling must also be completed to demonstrate that it is functioning property and the utility plan should identify additional drainfield sites for that lot as well. Grading Plan. The developer has submitted plans for grading, drainage and erosion control plan and calculations for storm water management. All grading, drainage and erosion control issues are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Easements. The preliminary plat provides for of the area within the approximate OHWM of Hall's Pond and the existing regional storm water basins within Outlot A, which would be deeded to the City. Existing drainage and utility easements over the regional storm water basins no longer serve a public purpose with dedication of Outlot A to the City and are to be vacated. The area of Lots 4-8 that include delineated wetlands and the wetland buffer required by Section 20-16-9.E of the Zoning Ordinance must be overlaid by drainage and utility easements, conservation easements and public park easement. A 10 foot perimeter drainage and utility easement (overlying side lot lines) is also provided for each lot in accordance with Section 21-7-15 of the Subdivision Ordinance. All easements are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Final Plat. The developer has submitted a final plat for the proposed development consistent with the preliminary plat. The final plat is subject to applicable comments pertaining to the preliminary plat design and is subject to approval by the City Council. Development Contract. The developer is required to enter into a development contract with the City for the public and private improvements, payment of applicable fees and posting of required securities. The development agreement will be drafted by the City Attorney prior to City Council approval of the final plat. RECOMMENDATION The proposed Wilson Preserve development is consistent with the intent of the Comprehensive Plan to allow subdivisions within the Long Range Urban Service Area only when there is dedication of lands to a legitimate public purpose and provides the opportunity for the City to acquire a unique natural area. City staff recommends approval of the applications subject to the conditions outlined below. POSSIBLE MOTIONS Decision 1 — Zoning Map Amendment A. Motion to approve a Zoning Map amendment rezoning the subject site from A-1 District to R-3 District based on a finding that the request is consistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan. B. Motion to deny the request based on a finding that the application is not consistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan. C. Motion to table. Decision 2 — Preliminary Plat/PUD-CUP/Final Plat/Vacation A. Motion to approve a Preliminary Plat, PUD -CUP, Final Plat and vacation of drainage and utility easements for Wilson Preserve subject to the following conditions: A residential density analysis as outlined in Section 20-92-17.E of the Zoning Ordinance shall be submitted with an application for preliminary plat approval. 2. The developer shall dedicate drainage and utility easements, conservation easements and public park easements over the wetland and wetland buffer area required by Section 20-16-9.E of the Zoning Ordinance within Lots 4-8, Block 1. 3. Park dedication requirements shall be satisfied for the proposed final plat as follows: a. The developer shall dedicated Outlot A to the City for park purposes. b. A 10 foot wide bituminous trail shall be provided along the south side of 87th Court from Odean Avenue to Outlot A subject to approval of City staff. C. The developer shall also remove downed, dead or damaged vegetation and the existing fence along the south line of Outlot A subject to approval of City staff. 4. All street sections shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 5. All utility issues are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. 6. All grading, drainage and erosion control issues are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 7. All easements are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. I B. Motion to deny the request based on a finding that the application does not comply with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance. C. Lori Johnson, City Administrator Tami Loff, City Clerk Ron Wagner, City Engineer Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Bill Christian, Christian Builders, Inc. Chris Wilson, property owner 7