ITEM 3.1_attachmentReview No. 1 (revised) ��l son I AnIgHde son ENGINEERING REVIEW Residential Subdivision for the City of Otsego by Hakanson Anderson Submitted to: Honorable Mayor and City Council cc: Lori Johnson, City Administrator Tami Loff, City Clerk Dan Licht, City Planner Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Bill Christian, CBR Development, LLC Scott Dahlke, Civil Engineering Site Design Reviewed by: Ronald J. Wagner, P.E. Brent M. Larson, P.E. Date: February 12, 2015 Proposed Development: Wilson Preserve Street Location A portion of the SW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of S21, T121, R23. of Property: North of 85th Street and East of Odean Avenue. Applicant: Bill Christian Developer: CBR Development, LLC 21301 Co. Rd. 81 Rogers, MN 55374 Owners of Record: Christine M. Wilson and CBR Development, LLC Purpose: Wilson Preserve is a proposed 10 lot single-family residential development on 35± acres in the City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota. The proposed development will NOT be served with municipal water and sanitary sewer but will have municipal storm sewer and public streets typical of an urban setting. Jurisdictional Agencies: City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota Department of (but not limited to) Health, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Wright Soil and Water Conservation District. Permits Required: NPDES, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, BWSR, and (but not limited to) Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (independent sewer systems) TABLE OF CONTENTS INFORMATION AVAILABLE PRELIMINARY PLAT EXISTING CONDITIONS SUBDIVISION CONFIGURATION, LOT SIZE, DENSITY STREET/TRAFFIC/ACCESS PEDESTRIAN TRAIL FINAL PLAT CONSTRUCTION AND GRADING PLANS SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM WATER SYSTEM SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT/STORM SEWER SYSTEM WETLANDS NLIt 767,2ITlA2110 11/115 _G_t—wff-_\It • ' 1 uv I uv I a Q I UAI PAGE 2 S:\Municipal\Aotsego23xa\2327\ot2327RVW1(revised).doc INFORMATION AVAILABLE Preliminary Plat for Wilson Preserve, 2/3/15, by Meyer-Rohlin Land Services Final Plat for Wilson Preserve, 2/3/15, by Meyer-Rohlin Land Services Construction and Grading Plans for Wilson Preserve, 2/3/15, by Civil Engineering Site Design As -built Construction Plans for Odean Avenue Project, 8/15/00, by Hakanson Anderson Associates Additional Information Minnesota Rules, Chapter 4410 — EAW Requirement City of Otsego Engineering Manual City of Otsego Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances National Wetland Inventory Map PAGE 3 S:\MunicipalWotsego23xx\2327\ot2327RVW1(revised).doc PRELIMINARY PLAT EXISTING CONDITIONS The normal water and 100 -yr high water elevations are needed for all ponds/wetlands within 150' of the boundaries (21-6-2.B.9). SUBDIVISION CONFIGURATION, LOT SIZE, DENSITY The existing and proposed zoning is P.U.D. Excluding Lot 1, Block 2 the development is approximately 50% open space. STREET/TRAFFIC/ACCESS 1. A single entrance to the development is being provided off of Odean Avenue. 2. The 874h Court (as well as O'Dell Court) are essentially 1,150 ft long cul-de-sacs. Cul- de-sac streets permanently designed as such, shall not exceed five hundred (500) feet in length. (21-7-6.A) In blocks longer than nine hundred (900) feet, ten (10') foot wide pedestrian rights-of-way and/or easements through the block may be required in locations deemed necessary for the public health, convenience and necessity. Suitable surfacing shall be provided in pedestrian ways. (21-7-3.B) PEDESTRIAN TRAIL A 10' wide mowed trail is being proposed from 85th Street in the SE corner of the site north, toward Hall's pond and then "meanders" along the rear yards of the lots along Hall's pond. There are a few concerns placing a trail along the wetland, especially a mowed trail along. An unsurfaced trail near the wetland is likely to be muddy and at times unpassable. A bituminous trail in this area would have issues with a wet/soft subgrade that may cause it to breakup prematurely and would not be allowed by the DNR. We recommend that the connection point of the trail at 85th Street be moved to connect to Odean Avenue (at the new intersection of 87th Court). The trail shall be 10' wide and paved for approx. 600'-650' until it is past Odell Avenue. The paved trail can be used in an emergency as a 2nd pave access due to the lengths of cul-de-sacs. Once past Odell Avenue the trail may change to a mowed trail and run along the south side the storm pond then turn north towards Hall's pond. Once at Hall's pond the trail should be cleared and grubbed 8' wide x 10' tall and follow the high side of the 870 contour to the north property line. See Attached sketch. A short stretch at the very north end will need to be below the 870 contour so that the trail can continue on the City property and connect to 88th Street. The section lower than 870 will require approval by Roger Stradal with the DNR. The developer will also be responsible for clearing and grubbing the trail along the City property along Hall's pond until it reaches 88th Street. PAGE 4 S:\Municipal\Aotsego23)cA232Tot2327RVW1(revised).doc FINAL PLAT The ROW and Outlot A shall be dedicated to the City? CONSTRUCTION AND GRADING PLAN TITLE SHEET Provide a Approval signature line for Ronald J. Wagner, P.E. City Engineer. SITE LAYOUT (Sheet CI) Label the datum of the benchmark (all sheets). This should be NGVD 1929 adj. datum. All as -built information provided for the Odean Ave and 85th Street project is on the 1929 datum. 2. The acreage showing is 39.54 acres. This differs from the preliminary plat shows 35.13 acres and. See preliminary plat comments above regarding the pedestrian trail. GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN (Sheet C2-C3) The soil boring locations shall be shown on the plan. (21-6-2.13.8.) 2. Label the delineated wetland edges. 3. Show and label the 20' wetland buffer. 4. All garage floor elevations shall be a minimum of 18" above the adjacent curb (Lots 1, & 3, Block 1 do not meet this requirement). The excavation in the middle of the pond will not work to meet the NDPES requirement for infiltration. The area is under the normal water level and below the ground water elevation shown in the Lot 4 septic test pit so no infiltration will be able to occur. Per the NPDES the bottom of all infiltration practices shall be a minimum of 3' above the seasonally saturated soils. 6. The entire runoff between Lots 8 & 9, Block 1 is being directed to discharge offsite onto the existing lots to the east with no clear drainage path from there. This runoff can be contained onsite if the swale is graded to direct the flow towards the pond near the rear of Lot 9. 7. Label the emergency over flow (EOF) elevations near the curb at approx. station 3+00 on Odell Court. These EOF's can be as high as 880.5 and still maintain the minimum 1.5' of freeboard required for the lowest openings. PAGE 5 S:\Municipal\Aotsego23xx\2327\ot2327RVW1(revised).doc STREET PROFILE AND STORM SEWER PLAN (Sheets C4-05) We suggest a trail be placed on the south side of 87th Court. The storm sewer on the south side of the intersection at Odean Avenue will need to be extended. 2. Many vertical curves do not meet the lengths of K values for a design speed of 30 mph. A curves shall have a minimum curve length of 90 feet or minimum K values of 37 for sag curves and 19 for crest. 3. Storm sewer manholes shall receive Neenah R-1733 castings with vented lids (R-1642 are being called out) SWPPP (Sheet C6) See comment #5 from Grading and Drainage Plan comments. DETAILS (Sheet C7) The street section shall be based on a geotechnical engineers "R -value" recommendation. 2. Standard Plate 408 is duplicated. SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT/STORM SEWER SYSTEM 1. Provide calculations for the infiltration basin as well as storm sewer design calculations. The storm sewer shall be designs for a 10 -yr storm. ATLAS 14 precipitation data shall be used with a minimum 10 minute time of concentration. Include drainage area maps for the calculations as well. 2. Once we receive the storm design information we will verify that the existing storm sewer pipes are adequately sized to handle the additional flow. WETLANDS The wetland in Outlot A is a DNR wetland. They will not allow a paved path along the wetland edge but will allow a mowed path or a boardwalk. A boardwalk would even be allowed within the delineated wetland. The developer has been working with our wetland specialist, Becky Wozney to obtain permits and resolve all wetland issues. ENVIRONMENTAL Statement certifying the environmental condition of the site including the presence of any hazardous substance as defined in Minnesota Statutes 11513.02, Subd 8. MISCELLANEOUS PAGE 6 S:\Municipal\Aotsego23xx\2327\ot2327RVW1(revised).doc All new developments will require postmaster approved locking cluster mailboxes to be installed. The location of these mailboxes shall be shown in the fmal construction plans for review by the City and Postmaster. 2. A development plan shall be provided as well as a separate tabulation listing the lot and block numbers with associated garage floor, lowest opening, and lowest level elevations. SUMMARY AND/OR RECOMMENDATION We recommend approval contingent upon the above comment being addressed. PAGE 7 S:\MunicipaMotsego23xx\2327\ot2327RVW1(revised).doc