04-22-97 BRO JN'f Y o'r,� DOUGLAS M. GRUBER 2 $ v 2 Wright County Assessor----- Wright ssessor-- -Wright County Government Ce# r M 10 2nd Street N.W. • Room 2.10 4041 Phone: Minnesota 55313.1183 Phone: (612) 682-7367 / (612) 682.7368 .4y FAX: (612) 682-6178 �as5 April 24, 1997 Arlene M. Holen- 14182 - 96th Street NE -_--- Elk River, MN 55330 RE: PID# 118-019-001031 Dear Ms. Holen: Mr. Merges brought your property up for discussion at the Otsego City Local Board of Review on April 22, 1997. The city council and Mr. Merges felt the value was comparable to others, and no change was made. ncerely, Dougla . Gruber Wright County Assessor DMG/df cc: Elaine Beatty, Otsego City Clerk Equal Opportunity l Affirmative Action Employer JNT v 0AI 4u 2 Z = m 00 07 d O dy 7755 April 24, 1997 Brian R. and Cheryl A. Helgeson 5802 Queens Avenue NE Elk River, MN 55330 RE: PID# 118-134-002140 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Helgeson: DOUGLAS M. GRUBER Wright County Assessor Wright County Gouernmenl Center 10 2nd Street N. W. • Room 210 Buffalo, Minnesota 55313-1183 Phone: (612) 682-7367 / (612) 682-7368 FAX: (612) 682.6178 Your letter was presented to the Otsego City Local Board of Review on April 22. When reviewing the past records, the value of your property in 1992 was $83,800 and in 1996 the value was $93,600. For the 1997 assessment, the estimated market value is $96,400, a $2,800 increase or about 3% over the 1996 assessment. The overall increase for Otsego City was just under 5% and in St. Michael City, the increase was just over 6%. The board felt the value of your property ($96,400) was in line, and no changes were made. The Otsego city assessor said the area from Frankfort Township that was annexed into the City of Otsego will all be reviewed for the 1998 assessment. incerely, Cf��`� l Douglas . Gruber Wright County Assessor DMG/df cc: Elaine Beatty, Otsego City Clerk Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer April 24, 1997 Allen J. Valerius 14328 - 87th Street NE Elk River, MN 55330 RE: PID# 118-031-002060 Dear Mr. Valerius: DOUGLAS M. GRUBER Wright County Assessor Wrtf ht County Government Center 10 2nd Street N. W. • Room 2 10 Buffalo, Minnesota 55313-1183 Phone: (612) 682-7367 / (612) 682-7368 FAX: (612) 682-6178 Your letter was presented at the Otsego City Local Board of Review on April 22. Your house was recalculated by the local assessor, and he recommended a reduction of the 1997 estimated market value from $96,300 to $91,100. The council accepted the recommendation and the property value was reduced to $91,100 for the 1997 assessment. Sincerely, Dougla . Gruber Wright County Assessor DMG/df cc: Elaine Beatty, Otsego City Clerk Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer Jr4T Y p t Z = m �d2 O 7 �y 7855 April 24, 1997 Donald H. and Sally Ebner 10723 Parrish Avenue NE Elk River, MN 55330 RE: PID# 118-030-000221 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Ebner: DOUGLAS M. GRUBER Wright County Assessor Wright County Gouernment Center 10 2nd Street N. W. • Room 240 Buffalo, Minnesota 55313-1183 Phone: (612) 682-7367 / (612) 682.7368 FAX: (612) 682-6178 Your property was discussed at Otsego City Local Board of Review on April 22. The board reduced the 1997 estimated market value from $81,600 to $78,900. incerely, �L Dougla . Gruber Wright County Assessor DMG/df cc: Elaine Beatty, Otsego City Clerk • Equal Opportunity l Affirmative Action Employer JNT Y 0't 2 = m dy 7855 April 24, 1997 Gregory L. and Marylynn A. Noll 16471 - 70th Street NE Elk River, MN 55330 RE: PID# 118-500-352101 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Noll: DOUGLAS M. GRUBER Wright County Assessor Wright County Government Center 10 2nd Street N.W. • Room 240 Buffalo, Minnesota 55313.1183 Phone: (612) 682-7367 / (612) 682-7368 FAX: (612) 682-6178 Your letter was presented at the Otsego City Local Board of Review. The board made no change in the 1997 estimated market value of $90,000. The board felt the adjustment on the land had been made. incerely, Dougl s M. Gruber Wright County Assessor DMG/df cc: Elaine Beatty, Osego City Clerk . 0 Equal Opportunity l Afflrmative Action Employer JN -r Y C 2 I m 00 (17 6 W O ?7 ,dY 7855 May 2, 1997 TO: Otsego City Council and Staff DOUGLAS M. GRUBER Wright County Assessor Wright County Government Center 10 2nd Street N. W. • Room 240 Buffalo, Minnesota 55313-1183 Phone: (612) 682-7367 / (612) 682-7368 FAX: (612) 682-6178 I would like to thank the Council for the full support which was given to Pete and me during the Board of Review. I felt the Council kept the meeting on a very low-key, professional level. Thank you again for your continued support. incerel , Doug M. Gruber Wright County Assessor DMG/df Equal Opportunity l Afflrmative Action Employer JNT Y QA Z I Z M �d O dy 78516 May 5, 1997 Darrell G. and Bonnie L. Watkins 16610 - 53rd Street NE Rogers, MN 55374 RE: PID# 118-802-024303 DOUGLAS M. GRUBER Wright County Assessor Wright County Gouernment Center 10 2nd Street N.W. • Room 240 Buffalo, Minnesota 55313-1183 Phone: (612) 682.7367 / (612) 682-7368 FAX. (612) 682.6178 Pete and I met with Mrs. Watkins at 9:00 a.m. on April 29, 1997 and were introduced to the renter Julie who showed us through the house. We remeasured the house and garage and found there to be less square feet in both. We found the three -season porch to be correct and added the deck. After making the above adjustments, we propose the building value be adjusted from $89,800 to $82,600 -- a reduction of $7.200. I also measured the land from our aerial maps and found the following: Our proposed would adjust the land value to the following: Current Asmt Proposed 1997 Proposed Change Till. B 3 Till. C 4 Till. C 5.30 Waste A 3.11 Waste A .70 Bldg. Site 1 Bldg. Site 1 Road 1.89 Total 10 Total 10 Our proposed would adjust the land value to the following: Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer Current 1997 Proposed 1997 Reduction Estimated Market Value $50,100 $37,900 $12,200 Taxable Value $32,100 $28,500 $3,600 Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer The total proposal for the above property: 1997 Estimated Market Value From: $139,900 To: $120,500 1997 Taxable Value From: $121,900 To: $111,100 Parcel #2 PID# 118-802-024304 Reduction: $19,400 Reduction: $10,800 Pete and I viewed this property at the same time. This is land only so I again measured from our aerial and found the following: Our proposal would adjust the land value to the following: Current Asmt Proposed 1997 Proposed Change Till. B 9 Till. C 9 Waste A 1.40 Waste A .58 Road .82 Total 10.40 Total 10.40 Our proposal would adjust the land value to the following: Pete Merges, Otsego City Assessor Randal L. DesMarais Assistant Wright County Assessor Current 1997 Proposed 1997 Reduction Estimated Market Value $27,400 $27,000 ($400) Taxable Value $9,300 $7,300 ($2,000) Pete Merges, Otsego City Assessor Randal L. DesMarais Assistant Wright County Assessor JNT Y Q,c 40 3 2 I m �d O dy X855 May 5, 1997 Lawrence and L. May 8632 Kadler Avenue NE Monticello, MN 55362 RE: PID# 118-800-232102 DOUGLAS M. GRUBER Wright County Assessor Wright County Government Center 10 2nd Street N. W, • Room 240 Buffalo, Minnesota 55313-1183 Phone: (612) 682-7367 / (612) 682.7368 FAX: (612) 682-6178 Pete and I reviewed the property with Mrs. May on April 29, 1997 at 9:30 a.m. When remeasured, we found the house to be 1,060 sq. ft. versus 1,280 sq. ft. as the field book stated. The garage was correct; however, we found a 3/4 bath, 300 sq. ft. of basement finish and an open porch which had not been assessed. When these adjustments were made our proposed value is as follows: 9 � � A �'t -�- Pete Merges, Otsego City Assessor �c. Randal L. DesMarais Assistant Wright County Assessor Equal Opportunity l Affirmative Action Employer Current 1997 Proposal 1997 Reduction Est. Mkt. Val. $93,800 $88,500 $5,300 9 � � A �'t -�- Pete Merges, Otsego City Assessor �c. Randal L. DesMarais Assistant Wright County Assessor Equal Opportunity l Affirmative Action Employer OJNT Y 0A =m 00 47 %4Y 7855 May 5, 1997 Caroll A. and Colleen Hecklinger 9382 Ochoa Street NE Elk River, MN 55330 RE: PID# 118-017-002010 DOUGLAS M. GRUBER Wright County Assessor Wright County Gouernment Center 10 2nd Street N. W. • Room 240 Buffalo, Minnesota 55313-1183 Phone: (612) 682-7367 / (612) 682-7368 FAX: (612) 682-6178 Pete and I reviewed this property on April 29, 1997 at 10:00 a.m. with Mr. Hecklinger. When remeasured, there was a difference of 16 sq. ft. less house, but we picked up an open porch area and 1/4 bath fixture. We agree that the condition of the home is no more than average. We also adjusted the detached garage up slightly. Our proposal is as follows: Pete Merges, Otsego City Assessor z aew�-- Randal L. DesMarais Assistant Wright County Assessor Equal Opportunity l Affirmative Action Employer Current 1997 Proposal1997 Reduction Est. Mkt. Val. $96,700 $93,900 $2,800 Pete Merges, Otsego City Assessor z aew�-- Randal L. DesMarais Assistant Wright County Assessor Equal Opportunity l Affirmative Action Employer JN,r Y C� v� t 2 = Z 0 47 �17 .4y 7855 May 5, 1997 Steven J. and Jessica L. Zoubek 9325 Nason Court NE Elk River, MN 55330 RE: PID# 118-060-002040 DOUGLAS M. GRUBER Wright County Assessor Wright County Gouernment Center 10 2nd Street N. W, • Room 240 Buffalo, Minnesota 55313.1183 Phone: (612) 682.7367 / (612) 682-7368 FAX. (612) 682-6178 Pete and -I reviewed the property with Mr. Zoubek on April 29, 1997 at 10:30 a.m. We found part of the home has no basement and a portion of the house was about 68% complete. This is a new home built during 1996 and Pete had not been able to view the interior of the home. Our proposal is as follows: Pete will be reviewing this property on a yearly basis until the home is complete. Pete Merges, Otsego City Assessor Randal L. DesMarais Assistant Wright County Assessor ii Equal Opportunity l Affirmative Action Employer Current 1997 Proposa11997 Reduction Est. Mkt. Val. $157,100 $140,000 $17,100 Pete will be reviewing this property on a yearly basis until the home is complete. Pete Merges, Otsego City Assessor Randal L. DesMarais Assistant Wright County Assessor ii Equal Opportunity l Affirmative Action Employer OJNT Y v IF' . Z = m ' Ody 7855 May 5, 1997 Merlin O. Bode and Ethel M. Kline 13555 - 95th Street NE Elk River, MN 55330 RE: PID# 118-058-001010 DOUGLAS M. GRUBER Wright County Assessor Wright County Government Center 10 2nd Street N.W. • Room 240 Buffalo, Minnesota 55313-1183 Phone: (612) 682-7367 / (612) 682.7368 FAX. (612) 682-6178 Pete and I reviewed the property with Mr. Bode on April 29, 1997 at 11:00 a.m. We found the condition of the home to be average and everything else to be correct. After adjusting the condition, our proposal is as follows: Pete Merges, Otsego City Assessor Randal L. DesMarais Assistant Wright County Assessor Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer Current 1997 Proposal 1997 Reduction Est. Mkt. Val. $78,600 $75,300 $3,300 Pete Merges, Otsego City Assessor Randal L. DesMarais Assistant Wright County Assessor Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer May 5, 1997 Ronald J. and Janice Belch 15425 NE 90th Street Elk River, MN 55330 RE: PID# 118-011-001040 DOUGLAS M. GRUBER Wright County Assessor Wright County Gouernment Center 10 2nd Street N. W. • Room 240 Buffalo, Minnesota 55313-1183 Phone: (612) 682.7367 / (612) 682-7368 FAX: (612) 682.6178 Pete and I reviewed the property with Mrs. Belch on April 29, 1997 at 11:30 a.m. We found the area of the house which is 1 story with no basement to be 12 square feet smaller, the basement area finished to be less square footage and the fireplace to be of lesser quality. Also found was a clerical error when the 1997 building value was calculated. This error amounted to an overvaluation of $5,200. After the above adjustments were made, our proposal is as follows: ��� Pete Merges, Otsego City Assessor Randal L. DesMarais Assistant Wright County Assessor Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer Current 1997 Proposal 1997 Reduction Est. Mkt. Val. $101,700 $90,300 $11,400 ��� Pete Merges, Otsego City Assessor Randal L. DesMarais Assistant Wright County Assessor Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer May 5, 1997 Brian D. and Wendy S. Svoboda 9351 Nason Court NE Elk River, MN 55330 RE: PID# 118-060-002030 DOUGLAS M. GRUBER Wright County Assessor Wright County Gouernment Center 10 2nd Street N. W. • Room 240 Buffalo, Minnesota 55313-1183 Phone: (612) 682.7367 / (612) 682-7368 FAX. (612) 682-6178 Pete and I reviewed the property with Mr. Svoboda on April 29, 1997 at 12:30 p.m. We found part of the home has no basement and a portion of the house was about 71 % complete. This is a new home built during 1996 and Pete had not been able to view the interior of the home. Our proposal is as follows: Pete will be reviewing this property on a yearly basis until the home is completed. O� Pete Merges, Otsego City Assessor LeJ_j -C/)a Randal L. DesMarais Assistant Wright County Assessor Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer Current 1997 Proposal 1997 Reduction Est. Mkt. Val. $162,200 $145,600 $16,600 Pete will be reviewing this property on a yearly basis until the home is completed. O� Pete Merges, Otsego City Assessor LeJ_j -C/)a Randal L. DesMarais Assistant Wright County Assessor Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer OJNTY C � 2 = Z M �d O � -dy 7855 May 5, 1997 John M. Karnes 8360 Oakwood Avenue NE Elk River, MN 55330 RE: PID# 118-034001050 DOUGLAS M. GRUBER Wright County Assessor Wright County Government Center 10 2nd Street N.W. • Room 240 Buffalo, Minnesota 55313-1183 Phone: (612) 682-7367 / (612) 682-7368 FAX. (612) 682.6178 Mr. Karnes was to have an appointment to meet us at his property on April 29, 1997 at 1:00 p.m. Mr. Karnes contacted Mr. Gruber on April 28, 1997 and canceled. No viewing was done. No change is recommended. Izet, Randal L. DesMarais Assistant Wright County Assessor Equal Opportunity l Affirmative Action Employer May 5, 1997 Jeffrey P. and Martina M. Trisko 8971 Packard Avenue NE Elk River, MN 55330 RE: PID# 118-048-003090 DOUGLAS M. GRUBER Wright County Assessor Wright County Government Center 10 2nd Street N.W. • Room 240 Buffalo, Minnesota 55313-1183 Phone: (612) 682-7367 / (612) 682-7368 FAX. (612) 682-6178 The Triskos were to have an appointment to meet us at their property on April 29, 1997 at 12:00 P.M. Pete and I were at the property at 12:00 p.m. on April 29; no one answered the door. It did sound like someone was in the house -- kids, dog, cat? We are not sure. A neighbor came out and said no one was home. We found out that afternoon that Martina Trisko had called that morning and said no one could meet us. No viewing or changes were made. The 1997 estimated market value is recommended to remain at $128,700. 6�� 11�71L�� Pete Merges, Otsego City Assessor Assistant Wright County Assessor Equal Opportunity l AjJlrmative.Action Employer Otsego City Assessor Pete Merges Telephone 497-2543 Assessor 6748 Kadler Ave. MN 55301 Once again there was a 5% increase on houses, this was done on most of the houses in wright county. Some houses went up more than 5% and some went up less. Some of the newer homes went up a little less than some of the older ones, percentage wise. Going over the sales I found that the older houses were graded to low so the grades went up on most of them. By doing this the base rate went up, which in turn brought the value more in line with the sale price. Sales show us that houses with basement finish have a much higher value than those without basement finish, so adjustments were made in that area. Homes with a lot of basement finish will see a higher increase than those with less basement finish. The lot values were increased slightly in some areas. Lots in a newly platted areas are increasing, so the old lots have a greater value also. Farm land green acre values increased slightly. Home site values on the farm went up $2,000, from $14,000 to $16,000. The value of the house on the farm went up the same as resi. houses, about 5%. In 1996 there were; PERMITS; houses 21 garages 26 decks 12 porches 5 swimming pools 3. commercial 3 septic 34 misc. 43 TOTAL 147 SALES 125 NEW HMST 33 Again I would like to take this opportunity to thank the city council for their support and help, it is always a pleasure to work with you people, it makes the job a lot easier THANK YOU Pete Merges o� \\\��� . `�r� - !%JI UV:11W VI 1\EVIL YY AI'I VIa, IIYly.,aJ OTSEGO CITY Tuesday, April 22 7:00 p.m. Otsego City Hall City/ Township Date Time Location Time (10 Min. W) Intervals) Name Parcel # Address /Telephon N Complaint Disposition 1 7:10 —o il Value(N' Class 2 'T 2 D( r -O - o Value( Other( ) 3 '7:3o 6L cq rev%o /1 -/s - co4,o 4s-'Lf'7 Z3 Value(t,�' Class ( ) other( ) �f o? to 4 7 -05V �(}��� ,?/ �J Other( ) G.+ vac -P�Q- J I O 5 1 '� ND �lt�►)O- 11 N) /SoZ%O ��S�oZ�S� Class ( ) Other( ) �. 6 1' / o 2'(36,( Class ( ) Other( oast Pkt,�— ,r Ac+ baddah(v ,¢of o;^'eusg ) 7 `� /0 .a0 0 �( c-�%bJ /I� - 0'�t- 0030?D Value( ) Cla g �6 �{�d` Al, 1 C S;) 4L// _ 0"o o Value Class (2c Other( ) 9 $ ; 3fl i - �(-L) X �. GO 0 0 11 - U 1(' 15 3 ��j �� (- 7 Value( Omer( ) ( ) 10 7 (Ari p ; ip - - 07*�1 l - O15 Value({, j Class ( ) Other( ) 11 � Value Other( ) 12 �• U //� - o2G-ooSoze y�y/- 3�0�? Value( .-r Other( j o d V -/o- t? o !k -Class Cl.e�}( ,j yi y-!�• �> O K 13 q I� ��\ a�,,�t1� other( ) I'll LVA1W V1 IWV-11 ALl Vll�liY1L1V1J oEGO CITY Tuesday, April 22 7:00 p.m. Otsego City Hall PAGE 2 City/Township Date Time Location Time (10 Min. (✓) Intervals) Name Parcel # Address /Telephone No. Complaint Disposition 1 U)11 p ) 1$ -Soo- /OyyO� /�/ 77/ -/BSS Value( Class ( ) other( ) nf�,r lsf- L-��✓'�' 2 30 ° %vr % (g-0 56 -00(odo Value( t� Class ( ) other( ) t -r v u i V y Qau(� q0 Sl cta, D (Do ' Other( ) 4 Value( ) Class ( ) Other( ) 5 Value ) Class > Other( ) 6 Value( ) Class ( ) Other( ) 7 VVlalue ) Other( ) 8 Value ) Class ) Other( ) 9 Value( ) Class ( ) Other( ) 10 Value( ) Class ( ) Other( ) 11 Class Other( ) 12 Value( ) Class ( ) Other( ) 13 Value( ) Gass ( ) Other( )