04-28-97 CCAugust 28, 1995 Norm Freske, Mayor City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue Otsego, MN 55330 Dear Norm: Thanks for agreeing to meet with me and for focusing on the important goal of insuring a reliable source of water for Otsego Elementary School. 1 believe that we went a long way toward meeting this important mutual goal at last Wednesday's meeting. To keep communications clear, I will attempt here to set down the agree -menu and understanding that I heard at the meeting. Attending for the city were you and City Engineers, Larry Koshak and Kevin Kielb while the School District was represented by me, Ron Bratlie, the Director of Support Services, our Architect, Ron Erickson, and Roger Renner, a well expert hired by the School District. The individuals attending agreed that: • it is reasonable to assume that the source of the sand in the pipes and our systems came from the well. • at some time in the future, the well will need to be redeveloped. • the City of Otsego will monitor the sand content of the water and the well depth on a monthly basis. This monitoring will help determine when the well should be redeveloped. • the City of Otsego will provide a back-up motor and pump or an agreement for their rental or some other arrangement that will insure quick reaction to future pump or motor failure. • the School District will adjust the pressure of the tanks so that they will hold 440 gallons. • the School District also will install a Snubber valve ahead of the pressure switch (as I understand it, this will deaden the impulse coming to the tanks) I have also asked Ron Bratlie to work with Roger Renner on the installation of an automatic dialer for emergencies. I think that this about sums up the meeting, at least as I saw it. Again, thank you for making what has been a very complicated and difficult situation more understandable and, therefore, more manageable. Sincerely, David Flannery Superintendent of Schools OTSEGO MUNICIPAL WELL SAND IN WATER SUPPLY TO OTSEGO SCHOOL CHRONOLOGY OF EVENTS 4/14/94 City proposes building a municipal well on Otsego site. 6/94-9/94 Coordination between city engineers and all parties regarding pump controllers/ site piping/pressure switches/tanks/electrical/etc. 9/27/94 HAA confirms schedule - completed system by October 31, 1994. 10/7/94 Traut wells recommends further development of well (attached letter explains what will happen if the well is not properly developed — this is what happened). 10/12/94 District notified that city well is to be redeveloped and completion delayed until mid November 1994. 11/3/94 "Well coordination" meeting at school - all parties - pressure reduction valve and pump pressures, etc. 2/95 Geo -thermal system filled - check valves begin sticking open. 4/14/95 Environmental Protection Lab results to Traut. (Unofficial information added to documents - see attached). 5/95 Flushometers in school start plugging - sand found in valves. 6/95 Sand detected in school water system. 6/10/95 Lawn irrigation started and sprinklers plugged up two to three days later - grey sand in hoses. Miid June/95 Building started to be used by student workers. Mid June/95 Toilet flushometers, once cleaned, start plugging repeatedly. 6/27/95 Well pump fails. 6/28/95 Meetings at site - water system re -activated. 6/29/95 HAA letter to Dr. Flannery - "Well is supplying water in accordance with State Department of Health criteria and within the parameters of the Agreement between City and ISD 9778." Attaches "revised" E.P.L. report/analysis. Approx. School water system shut down until August 1995. 7/95 7/5/95 Meeting - all parties. According to city engineers' previous tests, no sand was in water pumped from the well. 7/19/95 City Engineer tells Star News "the City has provided a well that is meeting all necessary requirements. Summer/95 District required to hire consultants, clean building systems, install filters, etc. 8/2/95 Star News article with sand photo (attached). 8/23/95 Star News article. City Engineers: `Believes problem stems from the amount of water used by the school in early summer for lawn irrigation." "We don't dare over pump that well. If you pump 500 to 600 gallons per minute, well will be pumping sand for sure." City Engineer's conclusion: 1. A larger pressure tank. 2. Installation of controlling device. 3. Placement of a second smaller well at site. ©8 '95 10:16PN BRAUN ST CLOUD , P.2%2 ELLS DATE: 10-7-94 1 To: Hakanson Anderson Attn: Kevin Kielb SUBJECT: Otsego school Well Development .-Purpose,.._gf.�;_..;this letter is to go,,; on rec.o d as giving ;a recommendatorl °cf the `further development of well As We discussed earlier, my opinion is that it is in the bast interest of owner to do further development on the well now for the following reasons: I -A) The area between 120 and 160 feet drilled very loose. This is also confirmed by the 25+ yards of -sand we already removed, B) The green colored shale from 160 -to 200 feet chaulks off and causes discolored water this area should be back filled. C) When the loose Hand from 120 to 160 feet starts to avalanche. Tha pump'starts`puiitping-,find•.sand`-%to pipe and water system it wi71 be; V6rp � costly *.q0hut- dawn: ��l�e school' b4cause of 'the water £fit- ,stem being shut down, and. wall go unngt ed until such time as valves. s't"arkiggopen. a costly task 'tb;zo: t4rough school and clean' D) Ata gst ::. %r ed'$ , ,'Ow r: $Q�?kx uAstable sand. Sincerely, Dave Traut 151 •72ND AVENUE SO. ST. CLOU•(612) 251-5090 Independent School District 728 ADMINISTRATION OFFICES 400 School Street DAVID M. FLANNERY.___ Elk River, MN 55330 Superintendent of Schools (612) 241-3400 Fax (612) 241-3407 April 29, 1997 Mr. Larry Fournier, Mayor City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue Otsego, MN 55330 Dear Mayor Fournier and Council Members: Thank you for the opportunity to discuss the Otsego well problems with the council last Monday. Since this situation is complex, it is a difficult issue for all of us. Based on the information presented, it is evident that two issues exist. The first issue is that sand was introduced into the geothermal, domestic, and fire protection systems and caused damage and expense. The second issue is that a large volume demand may cause deficient water pressure and, therefore, leave the building, or parts, unprotected. The Otsego Elementary School was impacted with problems of sand from the initial startup of the new municipal well. This initial startup included the following problems: The soft start was not in use at the time which caused a hard "across the line" start up of the system. This is probably when the bulk of the sand was introduced into the systems. 2. The pump initially delivered more than 360 gpm. An orifice was later installed in the drop pipe to limit the flow from the pump to 360 gpm. 3. The pressure settings on the pressure switch were set at a narrow range. A wider range was set at the same time that the soft start was installed to allow the pump to ramp up. This eliminated the short cycling. In order for the School District to open school with a reliable, sand free water supply, the Fire Marshal directed the School District to install a sand filtering system. It should also be noted that there were problems meeting the water flow requirements of the State Fire Marshal. The "fault" seems to be with the "fit" of the system, the size of the pump, the well conditions down under, the holding tanks, and the volume of water demands of the School District. The School District has spent over $60,000 for consultant fees, testing, cleanup, water filtration equipment, and other related expenses for the city water supply. These expenditures were absolutely necessary. The water supply is still carrying sand to the system, presently at a much lower rate. We believe that the real problem in this whole mess was communication. The School District asked the City Engineers to help solve this problem in the beginning. It became the burden of the School District to prove to the City Engineers that the well was the source of the sand. It took almost two months before there was any willingness to even admit that the well could be a part of the problem. A lot of time, energy, and expense could have been avoided with more cooperation. This was a joint venture with the School District contributing $35,000 to the City of Otsego to provide a larger well and allow the city to expand its clientele at a later date. Since we were both inexperienced with wells, and since the well arrangement was for ERonald parties, we are asking the City to share in the additional expenses. Director of Support Services c: School Board Members City of Otsego Council Members DEPARTMENT: PREPARED BY: MEETING DATE 4. OPEN FORUM Elaine Beatty, City Clerk April 28,1997 - 6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: 4.1. Special presentation by Cynthia Sandborn of Salina Salon in Elk River (Funds for Flood Relief) BACKGROUND: I received a call from Julie Hall of Salina Salon in Elk River. She said they were having a free haircut day on Sunday April 27th, 1997 and the proceeds would go to the flood victims locally. She asked how she could accomplish this, as she knew that the Parrish area had flood victims. I told her she could come to a Council meeting and present the check to the Mayor to be used for flood relief for our flood victims. Cynthia Sandborn will be at our Council Meering to present a check to Mayor Fournier to be used for Otsego flood victims. I feel this is a wonderful gesture. CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION DEPARTMENT MEETING DATE CONSENT AGENDA April 28, 1997 ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: PREPARED BY: 5.1 Building Supervisors Judy Hudson, Deputy Clerk Currently the City has four building supervisors. These supervisors are employed by the City on an as -call basis to supervise the facility during rentals. Their hours are sporadic and vary greatly as there are some months when the facility is not rented. Also most of the rentals are on weekends - evenings. Currently three supervisors are receiving $5.50 per hour and one is receiving $6.00 per hour. These supervisors are excellent - dependable, efficient, and knowledgeable of the building. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Approve pay increases for the following Building Supervisors: Linda Davis, Rich Davis and Dave Cecka to $7.00 per hour and approve pay increase for Lu Luconic to $8.00 per hour. Lu is currently considered the head building supervisor as she does the scheduling of the supervisors for each event. These pay increases are effective immediately. Authorize the Deputy Clerk, Judy Hudson, to prepare a proposal outlining Facility Use rent increases at the May 12, 1997 City Council Meeting. CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE 6. BOB KIRMIS, ASST. CITY PLANNER ELAINE BEATTY, City Clerk April 28,1997 - 6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: PREPARED BY: EB,CC 6.1. PAUL LEVENSON - Discussion of his split of 4+ acres previously turned down as being premature BACKGROUND: Paul Levenson came in for a comprehensive plan amendment and a rezoning to allow for an administrative split of his land on 6129 NE Highway 101. He had joined forces with his neighbors Jerry and Lynn Grote as they also wished to split their land. After the Hearing at the Planning Commission and the Council decision to turn the request down as being premature, Paul still feels he should be able to split his land as he just wants to build a house. He asked to be able to come before the Council to request a reconsideration of the vote. RECOMMENDATION: The Staff recommendation is that this is still premature and can be looked at as part of the Comprehensive Plan update. This is a Council decision. Thanks C�- 4 Elaine CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION DEPARTMENT MEETING DATE 4.A. Special Presentation September 23, 1996 ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: PREPARED BY: 4A.1. Levenson & Grote Judy Hudson DC BACKGROUND The City Clerk requested this to be placed on the City Council Agenda under Special Presentation. The City Council denied their request for rezoning at the July 8, 1996 City Council Meeting. Mr. Levenson and the Grote's wrote a letter dated July 15, 1996 (attached) to the Planning Commission expressing their disappointment in the denial. Andrew MacArthur responded to them via letter dated July 26, 1996 (attached). Mr. Levenson and the Grote's sent a letter to the City Council dated August 26, 1996 (attached) asking the City Council to reconsider their original request for re -zoning and sub- division and to meet on site with City Officials in order to view and discuss the request and clarify questions. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Elaine Beatty will be in attendance at the City Council Meeting for any further discussion or recommendations. TO: CITY OF OTSEGO, CITY COUNCIL 08/26/96 PLEASE ACCEPT THIS LETTER AS A REQUEST TO RECONSIDER THE DECISION MADE ON OUR REZONING APPLICATION. WE BELIEVE THAT DECISIONS MADE AT THE PLANNING LEVEL WERE BASED PRDAARILY ON FUTURE DEVELOPMENT THAT WE ARE NOT REQUESTING IN OUR APPLICATION. OUR INTENT IN THIS REQUEST IS TO UTILIZE THIS AREA AS LARGE LOT RESIDENTIAL, NOT SMALLER "CITY SIZED " LOTS. BY DIVIDING THE EXISTING 2 LOTS, WE ARE ONLY INCREASING THE TOTAL TO 4, WITH EXISTING HOMES ON 2 OF THEM. WE ARE LOOKING TO DIVIDE EXISTING PARCELS INTO LOTS WITH A MINIMUM LOT SIZE ( PER THE ZONING REGULATION) OF 1 AC., WITH THE ACTUAL LOT SIZES TO BE MORE IN THE RANGE OF 1.8 TO 2.4 AC. (APPROX.) . THESE RESULTING LOTS WOULD CERTAINLY BE LARGE ENOUGH TO SUPPORT PRIVATE SEPTIC SYSTEMS. A NEW RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT VERY NEAR TO THE SOUTH WEST, IN FRANKFORT TWP. IS OF THE SAME NATURE AS WE ARE REQUESTING. THE SURROUNDING AREA IN OTSEGO IS OF A RESIDENTIAL NATURE NOW. THERE ARE LOTS RANGING AS SMALL AS 1 AC. IN THE IMMEDIATE AREA. WE ARE NOT WISHING TO DIVIDE TO A LOT SIZE THAT WOULD REQUIRE SERVICING BY A PUBLIC SEWER SYSTEM. THE EXTENSION OF QUAM AVE. AND THE ACTUAL USE OF THE SURROUNDING AREA WOULD SEEM TO MAKE THIS DIVISION A SDvTLE DECISION. WE DON'T FEEL THAT WE WOULD BE A BURDEN TO EXISTING OR FUTURE CITY SERVICES. IN CLOSING, WE WOULD ASK THAT THE CITY COUNCIL DO WHAT IS NECESSARY IN ORDER TO RECONSIDER OUR ORIGINAL REQUEST FOR RE -ZONING AND SUB -DIVISION. WE WOULD GREATLY APPRECIATE THE OPPORTUNITY TO MEET ON SITE WITH THE NECESSARY CITY OFFICIALS IN ORDER TO VIEW AND DISCUSS THE REQUEST AND CLARIFY QUESTIONS ANYONE MAY HAVE. THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION. SINCERELY, i PAUL LEVENSON JERKY & LYNN GROTE William S. Radzwill Andrew J. MacArthur Michael C. Court Megan M. McDonald July 26, 1996 Jerome & Lynn Grote 16155 NE 62ND Elk River, MN 55330 RA.DZWLL & CO URI Attorneys at Law 705 Central Avenue East PO Bax 369 St. Michael, MN 55376 (612) 497-1930 (612) 497-2599 (FAX) RE: Denial of Property Rezoning Dear Mr. & Mrs. Grote: DWE JUL 2 9 1996 V I have been forwarded a copy of your correspondence to the Planning Commission dated July 15, 1996. The proper remedy for denial of a request for rezoning is by appeal to the District Court pursuant to Minn. Stat. 462.361. The City Zoning Ordinance prohibits submission of a similar application for amendment for at least one year after the initial submission. However, there can be reconsideration of a matter if the Council approves reconsideration by a 4/5 vote. (See attached). If you have any questions please contact the City Zoning Administrator, Elaine Beatty. Very t ly yours, rew J. cArth r RADZWILL COURI Encl. cc: ,City of Otsego Bob Kirmis Paul Levenson 20-3-2: PROCEDURE: * A. Requests for rezoning (text or map) shall be filed with the City on an official application form. Such application shall be accompanied by a fee as provided by City Council resolution. Such application shall also be accompanied by five (5) large scale copies and thirteen (13) reduced scale (not less than 11" x 1711) copies of detailed written and graphic materials fully explaining the proposed change, development, or use. If, in the opinion of the *Zoning -Administrator, reduced scale drawings (11" x 1711) are determined to be illegible, the submission of larger scale materials shall be required. The scale of such materials shall be the minimum necessary to ensure legibility. The request for amendment shall be placed on the agenda of the first possible Planning Commission meeting occurring fifteen (15) working days from the date of submission of the application. The request shall be considered officially submitted when all the informational requirements are complied with. B. Proof of Ownership or Authorization: The applicant shall supply proof of title of the property for which the rezoning is requested, consisting of an abstract of title or registered property abstract currently certified together with any unrecorded documents whereby the petitioners acquire a legal ownership or equitable ownership interest and as applicable supply documented authorization from the owner(s) of the property in question to proceed with the requested rezoning. C. Upon receipt of said application, the City shall set a public hearing following proper hearing notification as applicable. The Planning Commission shall conduct the hearing and report its findings and recommendations to the City Council. Notice * Amended 13 Dec. 1993, Ord. No. 93-15 and 10 Oct. 1994, Ord. No. 94-13 48 , SECTION 3 ADMINISTRATION - AMENDMENTS (TEXT AND MAF) Section 20-3-1: Amendments to Zoning Ordinance 20-3-2: Procedure 20-3-3: Amendments - Initiation 20-3-1: AMENDMENTS TO ZONING ORDINANCE: The regulations, restrictions and boundaries set forth in this Chapter may from time to time be amended, supplemented, changed or repealed; provided, however, that no such action may be taken until after a public hearing in relation thereto, at which parties with interest and citizens shall have an opportunity to be heard. At least ten (10) days' notice of the time and place of such hearing shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the City. Any action taken pursuant to this Section shall also be in compliance and accordance with the rules and regulations of the Department of Natural Resources, State of Minnesota, and the Federal Emergency Management Agency. 20-3-2: PROCEDURE: * A. Requests for rezoning (text or map) shall be filed with the City on an official application form. Such application shall be accompanied by a fee as provided by City Council resolution. Such application shall also be accompanied by five (5) large scale copies and thirteen (13) reduced scale (not less than 11" x 1711) copies of detailed written and graphic materials fully explaining the proposed change, development, or use. If, in the opinion of the *Zoning -Administrator, reduced scale drawings (11" x 1711) are determined to be illegible, the submission of larger scale materials shall be required. The scale of such materials shall be the minimum necessary to ensure legibility. The request for amendment shall be placed on the agenda of the first possible Planning Commission meeting occurring fifteen (15) working days from the date of submission of the application. The request shall be considered officially submitted when all the informational requirements are complied with. B. Proof of Ownership or Authorization: The applicant shall supply proof of title of the property for which the rezoning is requested, consisting of an abstract of title or registered property abstract currently certified together with any unrecorded documents whereby the petitioners acquire a legal ownership or equitable ownership interest and as applicable supply documented authorization from the owner(s) of the property in question to proceed with the requested rezoning. C. Upon receipt of said application, the City shall set a public hearing following proper hearing notification as applicable. The Planning Commission shall conduct the hearing and report its findings and recommendations to the City Council. Notice * Amended 13 Dec. 1993, Ord. No. 93-15 and 10 Oct. 1994, Ord. No. 94-13 48 of said hearing shall consist of a legal property description and description of the request, and shall be published in the official newspaper at least ten (10) days prior to hearing. As required by State Statute, written notice of said hearing shall be mailed to surrounding property owners at least ten (10) days prior to the hearing. Requests affecting and located within platted areas of the City shall be noticed to all property owners within three hundred fifty (350) feet of the property in question. Requests affecting and located within non -platted areas of the City shall be noticed to all property owners within five hundred' (500) feet of the property in question. A copy of the notice and a list of the property owners and addresses to which the notice was sent shall be attested and made a part of the records of the proceeding. D. Failure of a property owner to receive said notice shall not invalidate any such proceedings as set forth within this Section provided a bona fide attempt has been made to comply with the notice requirements of this Section. E. The Zoning Administrator shall instruct the appropriate staff persons to prepare technical reports where applicable, and provide general assistance in preparing a recommendation on the action to the City Council. F. The City Council and the Planning Commission shall consider possible adverse effects of the proposed amendment. Their judgement shall be based upon (but not limited to) the following factors: 1. The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the official City Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained herein (i.e., parking, loading, noise, etc.). 4. The proposed use's effect upon the area in which it is proposed. 5. The proposed use's impact upon property values of the area in which it is proposed. 6. Traffic generation of the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the property. 7. The proposed use's impact upon existing public services and facilities including parks, schools, streets, and utilities, and its potential to overburden the City's service capacity. 49 G. The City Council, the Planning Commission, and the City staff shall have the authority to request additional information from the applicant or to retain expert testimony at the expense of the applicant, said information to be declared necessary to establish performance conditions in relation to all pertinent sections of this Chapter. Failure on the part of the applicant to supply all necessary supportive information may be grounds for denial of the request. H. The applicant or a designated representative thereof shall appear before the Planning Commiesion'in order to answer questions concerning the proposed request. I. The Planning Commission shall recommend approval or denial of the request. J. The City Council shall not act upon an amendment until they have received a report and recommendation from the Planning Commission or until sixty (60) days after the first regular Planning Commission meeting at which the request was considered. K. Upon completion of the report and recommendation the Planning Commission, the request shall be placed on the agenda of the City Council. Such reports and recommendations shall be entered in and made part of the permanent written record of the City Council meeting. L. Upon receiving the report and recommendation of the Planning Commission and the City staff, the City Council shall have the option to set and hold a public hearing if deemed necessary. M. If, upon receiving said reports and recommendations of the Planning Commission, the City Council finds that specific inconsistencies exist in the review process and thus the final recommendation of the City Council will differ from that of the Planning Commission, the City Council may before taking final action, refer the matter back to the Planning Commission for further consideration. The City Council shall provide the Planning Commission with a written statement detailing the specific reasons for referral. This procedure shall be followed only one time on a singular action. N. Approval of a proposed amendment shall require passage by a four -fifth's (4/5's) vote of the entire City Council. O. The amendment shall not become effective until such time as the City Council approves an ordinance reflecting said amendment and after said ordinance is published in the official newspaper. P. Whenever an application for an amendment has been considered and denied by the City Council, a similar application and proposal for an amendment affecting the same property or 50 Ordinance change shall not be considered again by the Planning Commission or City Council for at least one (1) year from the date of its denial except as follows: 1. Applications are withdrawn prior to the City Council taking action on the matter. 2. If the City Council determines that the circumstances surrounding a previous application have changed significantly. 3. If the City Council decides to reconsider such matter by a four -fifth's (4/5's) vote of the entire City Council. 20-3-3: AMENDMENTS - INITIATION: The City Council or Planning Commission may, upon their own motion, initiate a request to amend the text or the district boundaries of this Chapter. The procedural requirements of Sections 20-3-2.A and 20-3-2.B of this Section shall not apply to such proposed amendments except to the extent required by State Statute. Any person owning real estate or having documented interest therein, within the City may initiate a request to amend the district and map boundaries or text of this Chapter, so as to affect the said real estate. 51 JULY 15,1996 TO: MELiBERS OF THE PLANING COMMISSION, CITY OF OTSEGO THIS LETTER IS IN REGARD TO OUR REQUEST THAT WAS HEARD ON WEDNESDAY, 7/19/96. OUR REQUEST WAS TO ALLOW RE -ZONING OF OUR PROPERTIES IN ORDER TO FACILITATE THE CONSTRUCTION OF NEW HOMES IN THE AREA. WE WOULD LIKE TO EXPRESS OUR EXTREME DISAPPOINTMENT IN THE RESPONSE WE RECEIVED TO THIS REQUEST. THIS LAND IS CURRENTLY ZONED AGRICULTURAL UNDER OTSEGO'S CURRENT ZONING. ANY REVIEW OF THIS PROPERTY WOULD SHOW THAT THIS IS FAR FROM THE ACTUAL USE OF THIS AREA. THERE ARE HOMES ON LOTS SIZED FROM 1 AC. TO 5.5 AC. THE CONSENSUS OF MOST PEOPLE IS THAT IT SHOULD BE LARGE LOT RESIDENTIAL. THE ADDITION OF THE NEW QUA,L1 AVENUE EXTENSION THAT IS CURRENTLY BEING BUILT BY MN/DOT, AVAILS THIS AREA TO RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION. THE AREA CERTAINLY HOLDS NO AGRICULTURAL VALUE AS IS. WE HAVE REQUESTED TO BE ZONED R-3, SO WE COULD CONTINUE TO UTILIZE THIS LAND IN A MANNER THAT WE BELIEVE IT IS BEST SUITED FOR. MANY PEOPLE THAT WE HAVE TALKED TO SEEM TO THINK THAT A REQUEST OF THIS NATURE WOULD BE A "NO BRAINER" OR ARE SURPRISED TO FIND OUT THAT IT ISN'T ALREADY ZONED IN A MANNER THAT WOULD ALLOW LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL. IT IS OUR DESIRE TO DEVELOP THE NEWLY CREATED LOTS AS LARGE RESIDENTIAL. WE HAVE NO DESIRE TO HAVE WHAT WOULD BE CONSIDERED "CITY SIZED LOTS". WE ENJOY THE FREEDOM AND ROOM THAT LARGE RESIDENTIAL LOTS AFFORD US. DURING DISCUSSION AT THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, MOST OF THE TALK REVOLVED AROUND CITY SEWER. THE LOT SIZES THAT WE INTEND ON HAVING WOULD CERTAINLY SUPPORT PRIVATE SEPTIC SYSTEMS. WE HAVE BEEN TOLD THAT ALTHOUGH OUR REQUEST MAKES SENSE, IT IS PREMATURE DUE TO THE LACK OF CITY SEWER AVAILABILITY. IF WE WERE MAKING A REQUEST FOR SMALLER CITY SIZED LOTS, THIS WOULD BE UNDERSTANDABLE. WE ARE NOT MAKING A REQUEST FOR LOT SIZES THAT CANNOT SUPPORT PRIVATE SEWER SYSTEMS. WE FEEL THAT THE PLANING COMMISSIONS RECOIVIIA42IDATION AGAINST THIS REQUEST IS OUT OF LINE, AS WE WOULD NOT REQUIRE CITY SEWER, NOR COULD THE CITY PROVIDE IT IF IT WAS REQUESTED. WE CAN SEE NO REASON WHY, BY THE ADDITION OF TWO BUILDING LOTS, THAT THE URBAN SERVICE AREA NEEDS TO BE EXTENDED, MUCH LESS A SANITARY SEWER SERVICE DISTRICT CREATED, SINCE THERE IS ACTUALLY NO MORE THAN A FEASIBILITY STUDY OF A SEWER SYSTEM IN EXISTENCE. IF ANYTHING IS PREMATURE, IT WOULD BE A DECISION BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION BASED ON A SEWER SYSTEM THAT IS NOT IN EXISTENCE, AND IS ONLY AN IDEA AT THIS POINT IN TIIAIE. FROM A COMMON SENSE STANDPOINT, WE CANNOT SEE ANY GOOD REASON WHY THE PLANNING COMMISSION SHOULD HAVE RECOMMENDED AGAINST THIS REQUEST. ON THE POSITIVE SIDE OF OUR REQUEST, DEVELOPING THIS LAND AS NEW LARGE LOT RESIDENTIAL IS A BENEFIT TO THE COMMUNITY. THE ASCETICS OF THE LAND WOULD BE IMPROVED, WHICH IS IMPORTANT TO THE RESIDENTS THAT WILL HAVE TO TRAVEL PAST IT ON A DAILY BASIS. THE ABILITY TO HAVE HOMES ON LOTS THAT ARE OVER 1 AC. IN SIZE (THESE LOTS BEING CLOSER TO 2 AC. IN SIZE) LENDS SOME VALUE TO THE CONCEPT OF HAVING A SOMEWHAT "RURAL SETTING" IN THE COMMUNITY AND WOULD BLEND NICELY WITH THE RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT IN FRANKFORT TWP. THAT IS MERELY A STONES THROW AWAY. ONE MORE ALWAYS IMPORTANT ISSUE IS THE ADDITIONAL VALUE OF THE DEVELOPED PROPERTIES TO THE TAX ROLLS OF THE COMMUNITY. IN LOOKING AT THE PROPERTY, IN DISCUSSIONS WITH NEIGHBORS, IN TALKS WITH BUILDERS AND REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONALS IN THE AREA, WE HAVE NOT BEEN ABLE TO COME UP WITH ONE NEGATIVE ASPECT TO THIS REQUEST. IN CLOSING, WE WOULD LIKE TO ENCOURAGE THE PLANNING COMMISSION TO DO ANY HHG, AND EVERYTHING WITHIN THEIR POWER TO CORRECT THIS PROBLEM AS IT STANDS, AND TO RECOMMEND TO THE CITY COUNCIL THAT THE REQUEST FOR RE- ZONING BE APPROVED AS IT WAS ORIGINALLY REQUESTED. IF THERE ARE ANY FURTHER QUESTIONS, WE WILL BE AVAILABLE TO DISCUSS THEM OR MEET ON SITE IF THAT WOULD BE HELPFUL IN ORDER TO VIEW THE PROPERTY AND PUT THIS REQUEST IN THE PROPER PERSPECTTVE. WE ANXIOUSLY AWAIT YOUR RESPONSE. SINCERELY, PAUL LEVENSON /_lj L_'_ JEROME & LYNN GROTE DOCUMENT HAS BEEN OOHED &DISTRIBU:7PC MAYOR COUNCIL . . EDAAC CLERK ✓ PKS & REC _.._ PLANNER BLDG INSP _. ATTORNEY OTHER -"x/. ENGINEER __ .. /�, DATEF=9 (J CITY OF OTSEGO KEQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION jj AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE 6. BOB KIRMIS, ASST. CITY PLANNER ELAINE BEATTY, City Clerk April 28,1997 - 6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: PREPARED BY: EB,CC 6.2. Discussion of Building Relocation for Replacement Mobile Homes BACKGROUND: Attached is a Memo from Bob Kirmis/David Licht dated April 10, 1997. This is for discussion and Bob Kirmis will explain this Memo. REC0Id4ENDATION : This is for information and discussion and any Council decision on same. Thanks Elaine TO: -"OM: _ —,,rE: RE: FILE NO. ,\lENlOR,V Dl'`1 Elaine Beatty Bob Kirmis 10 April 1997 Otsego - Zoning Ordinance: Building Relocations 176.08 - - N A "URRU c )(kA"RXMXa3WX (612) 595-9636 Please distribute copies of the attached memorandum to the City Council and Jerry Olson. It is anticipated that the material will be discussed at the forthcoming 28 April City Council meeting. We have mailed copies to Andy and Larry. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. 5775 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 555 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55416 WHITE - ORIGINAL YELLOW - FILE COPY PINK . C FILE & GiSTRIBUTEC t�:;: MAYOR COUNC! I .J 1in.0 CLERK- — �It�IL J PLANNER 6L©G IPSP OTHERL! -..._. OMIT 5775 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 555 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55416 WHITE - ORIGINAL YELLOW - FILE COPY PINK . C FILE NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS N W^ rmq* I N C%kNftlO#COMMUNITY PLANNING - DESIGN - MARKET RESEARCH MEMORANDUM TO: Otsego Mayor and City Council FROM: Bob Kirmis / David Licht DATE: 10 April 1997 RE: Otsego - Zoning Ordinance: Building Relocations FILE NO: 176.08 The purpose of this memorandum is to convey a concern of staff regarding the intended applicability of the City's building relocation standards. As you may be aware, the relocation of a building or structure within the City requires the processing of a conditional use permit. Specific question exists whether the current conditional use permit is desired to apply to newly constructed homes assembled off site (i.e., replacement manufactured homes). Considering that the City of Otsego is characterized by "mobile home" subdivisions, replacement manufactured homes are commonly processed by the Building Inspector (approximately five per year). As a matter of standard practice, such manufactured home replacements have not been processed by a conditional use permit but rather simple building permit issuance. Technically speaking, this practice does not meet the strict letter of the Ordinance. According to the City Building Inspector, the past practice of exempting replacement manufactured homes from building relocation CUP requirements has been based on the following rationale: 1. The replacement homes are "new' and meet all applicable Building Code requirements. 2. New, on-site construction does not require the processing of a conditional use permit. In terms of actual final home product, little difference exists between off-site and on-site construction. 5775 WAYZATA BOULEVARD, SUITE 555 ST. LOUIS PARK, MINNESOTA 554 1 6 PHONE 6 1 2-595-9636 FAX 6 1 2-595-9837 3. The costs associated with the processing of a conditional use permit may discourage property owners from replacing dilapidated manufactured homes. While the aforementioned rationale is well taken, there is also a basis to require new homes constructed off-site to follow the CUP process. Such basis includes the following: 1. The conditional use permit process allows the City to give due consideration to neighborhood compatibility and potential adverse impact upon surrounding properties. 2. Assurances that the relocated structure will be completed in a timely fashion. 3. The notification of area property owners and required public hearing offers an opportunity for public input. It is the opinion of the City Building Inspector that new homes (manufactured) which meet all provisions of the Building Code should be exempted from CUP processing. Should the City determine the new homes/structures constructed off-site should be exempt from conditional use permit processing requirements, it is recommended that such projects be processed via administrative permit. Such administrative permit requirement, while removing the public hearing process, could provide assurances relating to project completion, notification of moving date, etc. This issue is scheduled for discussion at the forthcoming 28 April City Council meeting. PC: Elaine Beatty Jerry Olson Andy MacArthur Larry Koshak 2 CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COliNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE 7.ANDY MAC ARTHUR, CITY ATTORNEY April 28, 1997 6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: PREPARED BY: EB,CC 7.1. Consider 62ND ST (Private Road) Petition BACKGROUND: This item was on the last Council Agenda 4/14/97. After discussion, the Council requested Bob Kirmis and Larry Koshak to comment on this easement road (62ND ST NE). Attached is a memorandum from Bob Kirmis/David Licht dated April 17, 1997 and Larry Koshak dated April 23, 1997. They will both be at this Council Meeting to update the Council and answer any questions on same. REC0I44ENDATION: This is for information and discussion and any Council decision on same. Thks I' Elaine it 1 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTA��S INC COMMUNITY PLANNING — DESIGN — MARKET RESEARCH" MEMORANDUM TO: Elaine Beatty FROM: Bob Kirmis / David Licht DATE: 17 April 1997 RE: Otsego - 62nd Street FILE NO: 176.08 At your request, we have given some thought as to the preferred handling of the recently received 62nd Street petition. As you are aware, certain residents living along such street have petitioned the City of Otsego to take over the existing private road as a City Street. The history of such private street creation is summarized in a City Attorney letter dated 8 January 1997. The segment of 62nd Street under consideration measures approximately 1,280 feet in length and one rod or 16.5 feet in width (see attached Exhibit A), From a planning perspective, an ideal situation would be the formal dedication of a 60 foot wide right-of-way (with a cul-de-sac at the eastern terminus of the roadway) and an improvement of the street to City standards. The right-of-way dedication and street improvement are, however, considered independent issues. Right -of -Way Dedication. We agree with the suggestion of the City Attorney that the burden of right-of-way acquisition should be placed upon the petitioners. In this particular case, a 60 foot wide right-of-way dedicated along the quarter -quarter section line would be preferred. As illustrated on Exhibit B, residents north of 62nd Street could potentially dedicate 13.5 feet of right-of-way width (in addition to existing 16.5 feet of private road width). This dedication could be combined with an additional 30 feet of right-of-way which would need to be acquired from the adjacent property owner to the south. To be recognized in this matter is that right-of-way width (i.e., 60 feet) does not equate to required roadway surface widths (i.e., 32 feet for newly constructed streets). 5775 WAYZATA BOULEVARD, SUITE 555 ST. LOUIS PARK, MINNESOTA 554 1 6 PHONE 6 1 2-595-9636 FAX 6 1 2-595-9837 Street Improvement. Assuming existing 62nd Street does not meet current City standards, the issue of roadway improvement is considered worthy of discussion. As a matter of practice for new developments, the City accepts right-of-way dedication under condition that roadways are constructed to City standards. The 62nd Street situation is, however, considered unique and variation from the practice may be warranted. Should the City choose to waive its street improvement requirements, some sort of time table should be established for its eventual upgrade. The street improvement issue should be subject to further comment by the City Engineer. Processing. Should the petitioners acquire the land necessary to dedicate a 60 foot wide right-of-way, the following City approvals would be necessary. Minor subdivision (administrative). 2. Variance to allow creation of a cul-de-sac in excess of 500 feet in length. This item is scheduled for discussion at the forthcoming 28 April City Council meeting. PC: Larry Koshak Andy MacArthur 2 NORTH 1" = 400' EXHIBIT A AAV QOOM>{b'O'3'N) L2 'ON 'H'd'S'O EXHIBIT 13 O rJ r N M 'O. EXHIBIT 13 Hakanson 1-111 Anderson Assoc., Inc. April 23, 1997 Ms. Elaine Beatty, Clerk City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Otsego, MN 55330 RE: 62nd Street Petition Dear Elaine: 3601 Thurston Avenue Anoka, Minnesota 55303 612/427-5860 Fax 612/427-3#ft- 0520 At your request we are providing our opinion on the petition for acceptance of the above mentioned private street. Among the issues we need to consider is street easement width, cul-de-sac size and location, drainage, improvement of the traveled surface and utility location. Street Easement The preferred street easement width would be 60 feet width with 60 foot radius cul-de-sac easement. Depending on the drainage, utility location and snow storage requirement it is possible to reduce the easement width. The minimum width we could recommend is 50 feet. The easement should be acquired with no restriction or limitation. Normally, the easement is for street and utility purposes only. Cul-de-sac The street will need a full cul-de-sac and a variance as stated in NAC's letter of April 17, 1997. We assume that school buses, garbage trucks and other service vehicles use the street. With the long distance from County Road 37 the cul-de-sac is warranted. The cul-de-sac should be as recommended in the City's standards. Drainage Issue The drainage off the road needs to be directed to a position outflow and then to a public easement to a wetland. We are aware of a farm tile crossing the street at some point. The the drains land south and southwest of the road. The tile will not be accepted by the City as a public facility but will remain as a private drainage structure maintained and operated by the owners of the tile. It may be necessary to improve the drainage before accepting the street. If ditches are required this improvement usually requires the maximum easement of 60 feet. Engineers Landscape Architects Surveyors Ms. Elaine Beatty Page 2 April 23, 1997 Driving Surface The present driving surface is a an unimproved gravel road. The width of driveable surface is 16- 18 feet. It would be our recommendation that the street be improved to current street standards with a paved street and cul-de-sac. The minimum acceptable surface would be a 24 foot gravel at a depth of at least 6 inches with ditches to convey the storm water runoff. Utility Location We don't have any positive location of the existing utilities such as electric, telephone cable and gas, however, telephone and power appear to be in the back lot lines. Typically the utility companies are allowed to place their line in the street easements. The location is required to be on the outside areas of the easement and not under the driving surface. If the utilities are not required to be placed in the street easement it is possible to reduce the requirement for easement. We recommend to be in compliance with standards that the necessary 60 feet easement be provided and that the street be paved to City standards within 5 years of accepting the street. It would also be advisable to acquire some street easement on the south side of the proposed street since this land should at some time be assessed for street. Please review this matter and if you have question, please contact me. I will be available at the council meeting to discuss this issue further. Yours truly, HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOCIATES, INC. EQ_�I...... ... lwl enc§! G.Aoshak, PE kas cc: Andy MacArthur, Attorney Bob Kirmis, NAC ocso, .ebs Hakanson 1-0-0111 Anderson Assoc., Inc. City of Otsego Engineer's Agenda Items City Council Meeting April 28, 1996 8.1 RECEIPT OF QUOTES FOR CRACK FILLING The three communities of St. Michael, Otsego and Hassan received quotes on Crack Sealing for 1997 Pavement Maintenance Project on 4/22/97 in our office at 10:00 a.m. The Public Works staff supervisors of each of the communities were present. The tabulation of quotes are attached as are the quote forms for your review. The price per lbs. is the same as paid last year at $0.66. We recommend approving the quote of Northwest Asphalt for $23,100. 8.2 ANY OTHER ENGINEERING BUSINESS a. 65th Street (TH 101-Quaday Avenue ) update agenda4.28 Item 3.1 BID TAb_—,TION CITY OF OTSEGO 1997 CRACK SEALING PROJECT MAY, 1997 BID SCHEDULE "A" - 70th STREET (CSAH19 to 77th STREET) Northwest Asphalt Bergman Companies Allied Blacktop Estimated Unit Unit Unit ItemSpec. Ref. Description _LBQuantity Price Extension Price Extension Price Extension 1_ 0231.606 Bituminous Surface Crack &Joint Repair 25000 0.66 LB $16,500.00 0.73 LB $18,250.001.143 LB $28,575.00 TOTAL BID SCHEDULE "A": $16,500.00 $18,250.00 $28,575.00 BID SCHEDULE "B" - COUNTY RIDGE PLAT Estimated Unit Unit Unit Item Spec. Ref. Description Quantity Price Extension Price Extension Price Extension_ 0231.606 Bituminous Surface Crack & Joint Repair 10000 L.66 LB $6,600_OOl 0.73 LB $7,300.00 1.143 LB $11,430.00 TOTAL BID SCHEDULE "B": $6,600.00 $7,300.00 $11,430.00 SUMMARY OF BIDDING: Schedule "A" Schedule "B": TOTAL BIDS: OT333BID.WK4 $16,500.00 $6,600.00 $23,100.00 $18,250.00 $7,300.00 $25,550.00 $28,575.00 $11,430.00 $40,005.0f, To: (hereinafter called the "Owner"): CITY OF OTSEGO, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA Project: 1997 STREET CRACK SEALING PROJECT Proposalof: 0-' M n(7o /? S•in (hereinafter called the "Quoter"), organized and existing under the laws of the State of j )ISOpnSi n and doing business as a O6 rVo r4 "Insert "a corporation", "a partnership" or "an individual" as applicable. In compliance with the Advertisement for Quotes, the Quoter hereby proposes to perform all work for the construction of the above referenced Project in strict accordance with the Contract Documents, within the time set forth therein and at the prices stated. By submission of this Quote, each Bidder certi-iies, and in the case of a Joint quote, each party thereto certifies as to his own organization, that this Bid has been arrived at independently, without consultation, communication or agreement as to any matter relating to this quote with any other Bidder or with any competitor. The Quoter hereby agrees to commence work under this contract on or before a date to be specified in the Notice to Proceed and to fully complete the projects in accordance with the schedule provided in the Special Provisions. The Quoter, further agrees to pay liquidated damages as provided in the General Conditions of the Specifications. The Quoter acknowledges receipt of the following addendum: 2. 3. 4. 5. 7 Am 00300 QUOTE PROPOSAL Quoter agrees to perform all the work described in the Contract Documents for the following unit prices and/or lump sums which include sales tax and other applicable taxes and fees: BID SCHEDULE "A" - 701h STREET (CSAH 19 to 77th STREET) Estimated Unit em Description Quantity Price Extension 1 . 0231 .606 Bituminous Surface Crack & Joint Repair 25,000 LB $ X73 LB TOTAL BID SCHEDULE "A": �1 BID SCHEDULE "B" - COUNTY RIDGE PLAT Estimated Unit item Description Quantity- Price 0231 .606 Bituminous Surface Crack & Joint Repair 10,000 LB $ '73 LB TOTAL BID SCHEDULE "B": SE. I! MilARY Or BIDDING: - Schedule "A" - 70th Street (CSAH 19 - 77th Street) Schedule "B" - County Ridge Plat TOTAL BID: $ /� a50 • o 0 Extension $ $ 7300. 0 BP -2 00300 QUOTE PROPOSAL Respectfully submitted: Signature / P—n2 S Title Attest: - 6 /Sv Address Date ' P-164v� Signature // 4' S I Title Attest: � sL4d /� �ll 'Fqu Address 'I -I � -9) D ate SEAL (if Quote is by e corporation) Yf%3 License Number (if applicable) Note: Two corporation officers are to sign if applicable. STATE OF 11)IS0-6to S lfu COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 69r i I , 1997. Notary Public, )�-4u L /Q/ r-,0—County, Minnesota My Commission Expires )5-30 -C/ 00300 QUOTE PROPOSAL To: (hereinafter called the "Owner"): CITY OF OTSEGO, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA Project: 1997 STREET CRACK SEALING PROJECT Proposalof: (hereinafter called the "Quoter"), organized and existing under the laws of the State of and doing business as a *Insert "a corporation", "a partnership" or "an individual" as applicable. In compliance with the Advertisement for Quotes, the Quoter hereby proposes to perform all work for the construction of the above referenced Project in strict accordance with the Contract Documents, within the time set forth therein and at the prices stated. By submission of this Quote, each Bidder certifies-, and in the case of a joint quote, each party thereto certifies as to his own organization, that this Bid has been arrived at independently, without consultation, communication or agreement as to any matter relating to this quote with any other Bidder or with any competitor. The Quoter hereby agrees to commence work under this contract on or before a date to be specified in the Notice to Proceed and to fully complete the projects in accordance with the schedule provided in the Special Provisions. The Quoter further agrees to pay liquidated damages as provided in the General Conditions of the Specifications. ' The Quoter acknowledges receipt of the following addendum: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. BP -1 00300 QUOTE PROPOSAL Quoter agrees to perform all the work described in the Contract Documents for the following unit prices and/or lump sums which include sales tax and other applicable taxes and fees: BID SCHEDULE "A" - 70th STREET (CSAH19 to 77th STREET) Estimated Unit Item Description Quantity Price 1. 0231 .606 Bituminous Surface Crack & Joint Repair 25,000 LB $ q 3 LB TOTAL BID SCHEDULE "A": BID SCHEDULE "B" - COUNTY RIDGE PLAT Estimated Unit Item Description Quantity Price 0231 .606 Bituminous Surface Crack & Joint Repair 10,000 LB $ ) , I y 3 LB TOTAL BID SCHEDULE "B": SUMMARY OF BIDDING: Schedule "A" - 70th Street (CSAH19 - 77th Street) 'Schedule "B" - County Ridge Plat TOTAL BID: Extension 57s. 00 Extension $ 11,y3o.00 A i 1 or) $ $ �{ 0, 00 S , 00 BP -2 00300 QUOTE PROPOSAL Respectfully submitted: ,^ „ Signature Attest:., Attest: SEAL (if Quote is by a corporation) Title Address SSbcoc( Date Signature Title Address Date License Number (if applicable) Note: Two corporation officers are to sign if applicable. ��->F->F�->F�-->E*�*->F��•*�•->F�*�•��-��-���->F�****�-���*->E�-��*�•*����-*�•->F�-->F->F->F->E->F�-�«�->F->F* STATE OF COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ''t day of 1997. Notary Public, County, Minnesota My Commission Expir s BP -3 t sory 00300 D:: as Jan. 31. 2000 To: (hereinafter called the "Owner"): CITY OF OTSEGO, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA Project: 1997 STREET CRACK SEALING PROJECT Proposalof: (hereinafter called the "Quoter"), organized and existing under the laws of the State of and doing business as *Insert "a corporation", "a partnership" or "an individual" as applicable. * In compliance with the Advertisement for Quotes, the Quoter hereby proposes to perform all work for the construction of the above referenced Project in strict accordance with the Contract Documents, within the time set forth therein and at the prices stated. - By submission of this.Quote, each Ridder certifies, and in the case of,a joint quote, each party thereto certifies as to his own organization, that this Bid has been arrived at independently, without consultation, communication or agreement as to any matter relating to this quote with any other Bidder or with any competitor. The Quoter hereby agrees to commence work under this contract on or. before a date to be specified in the Notice to Proceed and to fuliy complete the projects in accordance with the schedule provided in the Special Provisions. The Quoter further agrees to pay liquidated damages as provided in the General Conditions of the Specifications. a. . The Quoter acknowledges receipt of the following addendum: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. BP -1 00300 Quoter agrees to perform all the work described in the Contract Documents for the following unit prices and/or lump sums which include sales tax and other applicable taxes and fees: D SCHEDULE "A" - 70th STREET (CSAH19 to 77th STREET) 4 Estimated Unit Description Quantity Price 0231.606 Bituminous Surface Crack & Joint Repair 25,000 LB $ LB ')TAL BID SCHEDULE "A": D SCHEDULE "B" - COUNTY RIDGE PLAT DQscription Estimated Unit Laa nj i Price 0231 .606 Bituminous Surface Crack & Joint Repair 10,000 LB $ LB )TAL BID SCHEDULE "B": ►MMARY OF BIDDING: hedule "A" - 70th Street (CSAH19 - 77th Street) -T�1-`-hedule "B" - County Ridge Plat )TAL BID: Extension $ Extension BP -2 00300 Respectfully submitted: Attest: C?�e- kt�-- Attest: SEAL (if Quote is by a corporation) [61116MMIN Signature Title MAI, rd -W- SJ Address Uate Signature Title .Pr" Address Date License Number (if applicable) -;, Note: Two corporation officers are to sign if applicable. .S..-Y'«.;� yri, •• xYYY#YY.h.'t ii•wY Y?f.Yu.#iF -1F •!F Z «-�. -lE -lE 9F '3E -IF is iF iE •)(• -1(• -If iF j(• -lF ih •lE 3(• iF it a(• dt• iF jF iF iE -Ie iE is iF iE it ;F iF iF iF •:e ie -.. ;F iF t s r STATE OF COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this /j6 day of ,., 1997. AW 4-- Notary Public,9v�County, Minnesota My, Commission Expires BP -3 00300 CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE 9.COUNCIL ITEMS April 28, 1997 6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DES CRI PTION : PREPARED BY: EB , CC 9.1. This is deadline date for consideration to go ahead with Sewer/Water or not BACKGROUND: This date was set as a date to shoot for decision on sewer and water. As we all know, we do not have all the information we need to make a decision on sewer and water, but we have received Bonestroo's updated report and are moving forward. RECObII ENDATION : This is a Council decision. City Staff feels that it is imperative that we move along as quickly as possible, but will probably have to continue this matter at least until next Council Meeting. Thanks e_zz��� . Elaine 4 •. s :,':��5.''h� .r . a... � .�,� u ' ,""� fir` 1 s �,,'� . _ N '6 �•:rVYGA`i .ts h{V(1(..: ... ... Claims List for Approval =� TOTAL YEAR TO DATE -2 u THE HARDWARE STORE SUPPLIES MUNICIPAL OF CITY OF OTSEGO SUPPLIES 1� For t e Perio 04/21/97 to 04/21/97 29.24 BOYER TRUCKS PARTS COPIER LEASE 04/21/97 2469 57.03 3 H G WEBER OIL COMPANY- ' AP L DELIVER Rs - 04/2 CLAIM TOTAL 32 -HAKANSON ANDERSp[ �ASSEiiN ' '"K:,c4. 'd- ate° 'Cf TO WHOM PAID FOR WHAT PURPOSE A NUMQEiR CLAIM ! 6 3.23 62:96 COVERAGE TO 5/15/97 04/21/97 2465 0.00 7 2472 ,., ,z NORTHERN AIRGAS 9 THE PRINCIPAL FINANCIAL GROUP PREMIUM TO 5/15 04/21/97 2466 268.54 0 CAMAS, SHIELY DIVISION SAND & GRAVEL 04/21/97 2485 04/21/97 2474 13 MINNESOTA MUTUAL MAY PREMIUM - 04/21/97 DEPOSIT REFUND 4 •. s :,':��5.''h� .r . a... � .�,� u ' ,""� fir` 1 s �,,'� . _ N '6 �•:rVYGA`i .ts h{V(1(..: ... ... _.. _. .. =� TOTAL YEAR TO DATE -2 u THE HARDWARE STORE SUPPLIES 7 GLENS TRUCK CENTER INC SUPPLIES 04/21/97 2468 5 29.24 BOYER TRUCKS PARTS COPIER LEASE 04/21/97 2469 57.03 9 H G WEBER OIL COMPANY- ' AP L DELIVER Rs - 04/2 4 87 - 32 -HAKANSON ANDERSp[ �ASSEiiN ' '"K:,c4. 'd- ate° 'Cf 20 DENNIS FERN GRAI. xE CR {� 1E�` RETE PICK .041�1.f97 2471 '� 3.23 62:96 z, ST JOSEPHS EOtlNTN "'.. - « . .: M?A'5 x r z x�44/2Y 97 :,. 2472 ,., ,z NORTHERN AIRGAS OXYGEN,ACETYLENE SAND & SALT 04/21/97 2473 1,604.27 23 CAMAS, SHIELY DIVISION SAND & GRAVEL 04/21/97 2485 04/21/97 2474 35.60 a4 JOHN LENZ DEPOSIT REFUND 04/21/97 2475 180.00 c.r,.Jvaa.c.. e..vv1�G.,,,.xa..w,.-s;_:....w - .,,,,�.. ..,:. �•:rVYGA`i .ts h{V(1(..: ... ... _.. _. .. =� TOTAL YEAR TO DATE -2 u THE HARDWARE STORE SUPPLIES 4 29 NAPA OF ELK RIVER INC PARTS 5 04/21/97 2480 4.40 30 EAST SIDE LEASING CO. COPIER LEASE 04/21/97 2481 237.92 31 ECM PUBL ZSHE CE�R "`�' 7 2482 87 - 32 -HAKANSON ANDERSp[ �ASSEiiN ' '"K:,c4. 'd- ate° 'Cf •i'y 3� - -=" �4.. 9r7r5 2483 5 , 55 33 ... 34 33 -'RIGHT COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPT SAND & SALT 04/21/97 2484 1,604.27 36 GERS RADIATOR REPAIR REPAIR 04/21/97 2485 231.17 -0 =� TOTAL YEAR TO DATE -2 10,916.55 x 5 Fw CITY OF OTSEGO INVESTMENT SCHEDULE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1997 Investment Type Purchase Date Maturity Date Balance 12/31/96 1997 1997 Purchases Sales Balance 3/31/97 Lasalle CD 7/14/95 12/2/02 $ 22,176.00 $ 22,176.00 FHMA 7/14/95 12/10/98 98,750.56 98,750.56 MBNA -CD 7/18/95 5/10/99 51,274.17 51,274.17 FNMA 7/18/95 3/10/97 50,932.95 50,932.95 FNMA 7/19/95 4/13/98 78,572.81 78,572.81 CD 7/24/95 1/24/97 50,000.00 50,000.00 - FNMA 8/2/95 2/18/97 49,855.00 49,855.00 FNMA 12/27/95 8/12/98 51,171.88 51,171.88 FNMA 7/10/96 5/21/99 50,291.34 50,291.34 FHLM 7/19/96 7/9/98 25,080.21 25,080.21 FHLB 7/25/96 3/5/01 29,885.87 29,885.87 FHLB 10/8/96 3/6/01 59,641.99 59,641.99 CD -Bk of ER 12/31/96 12/31/97 100,000.00 100,000.00 - FN MA 3/25/97 11/10/05 65,330.59 65,330.59 CD -Bk of ER 12/31/96 12/31/97 100,000.00 100,000.00 CD -Bk of ER 12/31/96 12/31/97 200,000.00 200,000.00 Totals $1,017,632.78 $ 65,330.59 $150,000.00 932,963.37 PLUS SMITH BARNEY FUNDS 1,465.45 TOTAL Page 1 $ 934,428.82 MUNIi.If'AL OF CITY OF OT .EGO L, , „ 1 1. For the Period 03/01/97 to 03/31/97 s s� �I BEGINNING TOIAL fOrAL' ENDING ' NAME OF FUND _ _ BALANCE _ �L.C_IPTS_ QI9_BUF�•. MENTS __BALANCE el f.FNFrPAl FIINr1 R '"!h' !T RF, X 1'� %71 i� A 'a'r: y�r +'� $ •,'a0 ='�1 1i 'I ROAD & BRIDGE FUND 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 elf FIRE FUND FUND 56,409.78 0.00 0.00 56,409.78 PARK OFVFIOPMFNT FANO -5^ 471, R7 075 00 O 00 -51,501.87 °I INSURANCE RESERVE FUND (,,549.08 0.00 0.00 6,649.08 SECURITY DEPOSITS FUND 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 sCAPITAI FrOlITPMFNTn Rl-6.0'-0.83 ' DEBT SERVICE FUND 210,585.57 0.00 150.00 210,435.57 PACKARD AVE CONSTRUCTION sRIM r)TNn rf)NST(�rTTON FUNr) FUND 0.00 FlINrh-40 C,9() 99 0.00 0.00 0.00 MSA CONSTRUCTION FUND 131,061.90 000 0.00 0-00 0.00 130,690.99 131,061.90 WATERSHED PROJECT FUND FUND 7,871.20 sPROTECT _ _ 0.00 0.00 7,871.20 e ISLAND VIEW PROJECT 95-01 FUND46,015.78 0.00 0.00 46,015.78 o MISSISSIPPI SHORES FUND 48,732.73 0.00 0.00 48,732.73 0 MUNICIPAL WELL FUND -3.711.25 0.00 178.55 -3,889.80 'I DEVELOPMENT ESCROW FUND FllNr) -16,022.72 10 49R 80 0.00 60 4,085.78 0-00 -20.108.50 10,498.80 s TOTAL 'i $1,044,052.13 $ 13,250.35 $ 103,370.66 $ 953,931.82 04/21/97 ss, 40. l MUNICIPAL OF CITY OF OTSEGO ( r of e r.FNFRAI F1 IND z( � r ended March i l l MUNICIPAL OF CITY OF OTSEGO r e r.FNFRAI F1 IND AS OF 03/31/97 � For the Month ended March Year-to-date Variance ' Receipts: Budget Favorable Favorable Actual (Unfavorable) Budget Actual (Unfavorable) ° BLDG PERMIT SURCHG PAYABL ' 0.00 196.00 196.00 0.00 511.50 511.50 z SALES TAX PAYABLE 0.00 40.88 40.88 0.00 53.94 53.94 ' PROPERTY TAXES ` 60,229.83 0.00 ( 60,229.83) 722,758.00 35,945.85 000 ( 686,812.15) BUSINESS LICENSES/PERMIT$; s 583.33 25.00 ( 558.33) 7,000.00 100.00 ( 6,900.00) BUILDING PERMITS ' 4,266.67 4,420.34 253.67 50,000.00 11,206.18 ( 38,793.82)' SEPTIC SYSTEM PERMITS 29.17 375.00 145.83 2,750.00 825.00 ( 1,925.00); ' WEIGHT PERMITS ' 4.17 0.00 ( 4.17) 50.00 0.00 650 ( 50.00)' LOCAL GOVERNMENT AID i 8,483.75 0.00 (- 8,483.75) 101,805.00 0.00 ( 101,805.00); ` DISASTER AID ` 574.67 0.00 ( 574.67) 6,896.00 0.00 140.276.00): ( 6,896.00)' RECYCLING GRANT/AID , 250.00 0.00 ( 250.00) 3,000.00 1,044.55 ( 1,955.45);. ` MSA MAINTENANCE = ` 6,416.67 0.00 ( 6,416.67} 77,000.00 0,00 36,878.50 0 ( 40,221.50) CHARGES FOR SERVICES -GENERAL 416.67 0.00 ( 416.67) 5,000.00 0.00 ( 5,000.00)_ ' SUBDIVISION FEES 83.33 19.50 ( 63.83) 1,000.00 19.50 ( 980.50)' ZONING/TEXT AMENDMENT FEE A�,�,Fc�SJENT/SFPTTC 'FARrHE-1; 83.33 175 00 0.00 105.00 ( 83.33) ( 1,000.00 150.00 ' ( 850.00), SNOW PLOWING 91.67 120.00 7000) 28.33 2-10000 1,100.00 455-00 300.00 0 ( 800.00)' MAPS/COPIES/MISC.SALES 41.67 23.75 ( 17.92) 500.00 208.67 ( 291.33); RECREATION FEES 214.58 0.00 ( 214.58) 2,575.00 0.00 ( 2,575.00)' INTEREST EARNINGS DQNATTQNS 833.33 4,020.71 33 3,187.38 1 10,000.00 000 9,667.35` 2-810,33 ( 332.65)A 2,810.33 OLD CITY HALL/PEAVEY HSE RENT 775;00 O.00,A_,,( .195-33 tt•, ,775.00) 9,300.00 1,710.00 ( 7,590.00)4 FRANCHISE FEES •• $9k.b7 ?+' 0.0.,591.67)oo) 7,100.00 8,285.02 1,185.02 a CLEAN UP DAY 250.00 0.00 ( 250.00) 3,000.00 0.00 ( 3,000.00)., REFUNDS & REIMBURSEMENTS 0.00 428.84 428.84 0.00 9,067.36 9,067.36 , 3,110,00) Total Revenues 97,800.83 12,275.35 (- ,85.525.48)1.173.610.00 122,788.75 ( s SALE OF INVESTMENTS 0.00 0.00 ° TRANSFERS FROM OTHER FUNDS 0.00 0.00 a a e: a e, n >, 74 >e > co v swwm S53NisnR co y SWW)A SS]Nisnsi J I3 El -., s - - 60 wwA ss3Nlsne J mg. m -Q i P Om 0000000-z• ONN.000OOOOu) 01\0000 OP 0 W y m m d OOOOOOOmP NON�O .-�OOOOOON OH0000 v) y� OPN •7 .0 ulOOdmOPNONmM0000f�ON OMOOoo 0 0000 Od 0.1c U -+V Om ,-� N .O f� N O N n t\ -� O N 10d O N n P 1000 V) .� N N '+ •-� N 0000 M N N M O N d .-I ul d m u) M u) 0 O 1\ P m -i m 0" )- > M n H rl .-i O .� .r M m M m o M >w m > ro c LL v v OO P O N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 P d N O N m d O O O O O O N O 1l 0 0 0 0 O- Od 0 0 m mu) OOOOOOOHO NONMm 0000001\ 0'+0000 00 .-� .DPN NOOOOOOPONON.-1.DOOOOMON OMOOOo 0L ddd M u)u)10 Lf) nN - N N P U U) N 0 000 Oo0000000000000000000 000000 O O O O O O o 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 4) 000 .0 .0 0 0 0 d m 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000000 0 O-+ 0 P N O'NON 9 N N -! ON100o C N C 1N O 000000000 N u) u) N N u) d CIM O O 0000 0 M W Mg `O 7M m m m ti .-I .-+ .� N d '+ N f, 00 n 000 M NNONNO ONH 0.01\uA MOO ADM MI�00 M.-�O .0 0 .p NOM .0.-10.0.00 y (D0 OMN m d m r, (1) N u)MM M 0000 x.0.0.-1 `0 N. -I M .+M)O .-I .-1p OD CO d un 010)) PmN m10.00 O -a -v It .�dM d Nd dN N M .+ N m ro n . > , 0 m > > to c . W v p, � 00 0 O O N 00000000.1", 0 0 0 d 0 0 0 0 0 O O O N O O O O 00 A0000000+1\OO 0100000000 0-0000 00 E M O M N O o 0 0 0 0 0 o P M 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O M 0 0 0 0 0 u) > M t\ LO U N:. E P W LO E N H Q U O O N 0 N N o M.M N M o O O O M N N N N N o N M N O O N N O ood 1) Ci m.O M u)OOOMO 0 0 d�0 .pM X00010.00 Q) O O O m d m l\ .. M -N u) . ONO O O 0 -+ 10 10 .t 10 N M rt u) 'T O O O .0 .p 10PmN 010 O Nd�� d 0.-IdN d NddN u> u) N m H P U1 W u) Z Q w w' a W U£ N1=• U£ U)WZ z O. CO Z a z 0 O aUaOw WQ (.7 Z y U a N N0 W N W Ow wh UN H S \N, 0W N £ W£ a \ u) 0W 0 N 1-.z £ I W U 0- I ME I 1 1 N U)zW wQ2 I U)a z : TQZ z ZU 1 +) z0 m I H m mmm k J HZ N H"HH Z w0:O �-+ J H Q .-0O c WIL (n H E 0: a0: > - H r1 as H w • K.CCK Q aaF0Q J W 0' J ED0 S HO: SOI -0: H a d (A0w a l -r -W W a H > a aw W R N Umaw a> Z vi a wo D a N N 0 W S a Z Z C70 0 U Z-00000 4 Z Z Z Z Z Z wmaWw m�" 0: 0:w of 0 U)>~ OU oQ UUUUU (0 £Ipw H d)£\0 O W - w Z W W Z W S O u) U' 1 O W \OZ z Z W H z n 7ZO -0 H awa F -W W aawwaHto Zoad Z0EOh - H �-H W.N 0 F- a w W QO F J H U -U :U Z U) c W0 W Z} }QZ U l-.. E W H}}TTY W W w w O W HH�Qu)2 H z N O Z Hd{i-Q U N QaHl7 - JHaa ''QO -10 N 00 O'H F-00000.5JaHSW a)- Q(Xa W J6 W aCCZ Z U H --I CW H J I - -a 2JJJJJ as aUn. W Zcn UF-.r-Uxwn.r- W 7ZZtoUOMw QtoDZW UU)-H Il m mu)W �-a 0, a E E Z£ 0 Q W aaaaaNawaaOJH > E E E£ E a 0 a W W m W a J 0 O W H W a D 0£- 0 0 +' •� =.N W w U N o W wwW W (DOOMEaF-aO W uazoaHoaorW U W a 0 a Y iUZ U a w a _ d t a LL 0 i n n I3 El -., s - - 60 wwA ss3Nlsne J Hakanson 1-111 Anderson Assoc., Inc. April 23, 1997 Mr. Terry J. Mauer, PE MSA 1326 Energy Park Drive St. Paul, MN 55108 RE: Elk River Sewer Capacity Dear Mr. Mauer: 24 3601 Thurston Avenue Anoka, Minnesota 55303 612/427-5860 t -----� 1Fax 612/427-3#0t- 0520 We have reviewed the draft report prepared by your firm and find that we don't have any specific comments. We need to supplement your report cost with a cost for transporting wastewater to the Elk River treatment site. We will do that independently in a report to the City of Otsego. At the present time the cities of Otsego and Dayton are considering a treatment plant proposal that would start at a capacity of 0.1 MGD for each City. It would be a discussion point to be presented the Otsego Council as to what capacity they wanted to commit to at this time. i_and application sites for Otsego's share of the sludge would be a cost that would need tc be estimated for total cost determination. Tax Sharing would also be an issue that does.n't have a cost associated with it. Your logic in determining the capital and O & M cost of the facilities over time is appreciated. We thank you for sending this report to us and will meet with you to discuss the report in more detail. If you wish, please call me to set a date. Yours truly, HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOCIATES, INC. Law cc: Elaine Beatty, Clerk ot607.tm Engineers Landscape Architects Surveyors 'APR.25.1997 11:01AM OTSEGO PARKS COMMISSION MISCELLANEOUS IMPROVEMENTS At the April S, 1997 Parks Commission m brought up, together with some desired im desired is providing players' benches at e required). Discussion evolved into a ger requested improvements. N0. 105 P. 2/3 ig, the use of the City's ballfieids was ye,ments. The improvement particularly Kofi the two softball fields (total; of four i question of the status of any of the For the Council's information, attached is t � Commission's list of priorities (these were in addition to the obligations for grant rojects). The Commission is interested in the status of the recommendations and aI rification as to how the Commission's recommendations fit Into the budget develol ad and approved by the Council: 1. Clarify how departmental requests a 2. Determine whether funds would be provide players' benches for this see =703.agn ndled within the budget process. lable through the park trust fund to ,APR.25.1997 11:02PM OTSEGO PARKS 1997 - -Cl AS RECOMMENDED FROM PARKS COMMISSION July 9, 1996 Meeting Otsego Park CIP/Park Funding N0. 105 P.3/3 PRIORITY A (Highest) Bike Racks $700 Park Signage 400 Play Area Construction Fund 5,000 Bleachers (2 for softball fields) 4,000 Players Benches (4 for softball fields) 1,500 Line Marker 150 Bases (2 sets, plates, pitchers moqnd) 500 Basketball Goal 600 Ice Hockey Rink Materials 1,000 $13,850 PRIORITY -a ^ Drinking Well $13,000 Natural Trails 2,000 Carsonite Fencing I.OuU $16,500 PRIORITY -Q Acquisition Neighborhood Park District 1 $30,000 TOTAL, PRIORITIES A,B,C $60,350 W03,"n TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Judy Hudson, Deputy Clerk DATE: April 24, 1997 RE: City Property 118-800-251101 2.5 Acres located on 80th Street The well located on this site has been abandoned. The septic system has been located and will be abandoned by City Maintenance. City Maintenance has cleaned up the site. Great job! Now we move on to the maintenance of this property. CM Berning has discussed this with me and he through discussion with Collin Ruch has an option: Collin Ruch (resident at 11805 80th Street) has been mowing the front part of this property for several years. He is currently storing some wood on it. 2. The back part of the property was previously farmed by Walter Berning and Sons. Mr. Ruch would like to put a garden in this area. This garden sounds like it will include a pumpkin patch and if there is a crop there might be some pumpkins which the Parks and Rec. Commission can have to use at their Halloween Party. (no guarantees) CM Berning will have this added to the April 28, 1997 City Council Agenda. I discussed this with the City Attorney, Andy MacArthur. Andy sees no problem with this but should the Council approve this he recommends a letter sent to Mr. Ruch. The letter should include language allowing Mr. Ruch permission to use this property for a garden and storing wood and in consideration of this he will maintain the property. Mr. Ruch should also be made aware that if the City ever needs this property for public use the City could do so immediately. Recommendation is to allow Collin Ruch the use of this property as described above and in return he will maintain the property. A letter is sent either by the City Attorney or staff to Mr. Ruch. PC: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator Andrew MacArthur, City Attorney Jerry Olson, Building Official