05-06-97 SCCCITY OF OTSEGO CITY OF DAYTON SPECIAL MEETING SEWER AND WATER ISSUES TUESDAY, MAY 6, 1997 7 P OTSEGO CITY HALL I- Mayor Larry Fournier will call meeting to order. Mayor Fournier called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM Roll Call: Mayor Fournier; Councilmembers: Suzanne Ackerman, Mark Berning, Vern Heidner, Virginia Wendel. Larry Koshak, City Engineer; Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator; Judy Hudson, Deputy Clerk. Dayton: Councilmembers: Hilmer Hartman, Anne Ziebell, Karen Bowen and Mayor Phil Forseth. Ted Fields, Bonestroo Engineer; Dayton's City Engineer, Mark Hanson; Shirley Slator, Dayton City Administrator. ? Discussion of revised Sewer Facility Plans by Bonestroo's Ted Field,Engineer. Ted Fields gave a brief history of what has been done up to this point. The attached revised Technical Memorandum No. 1 identifies the best treatments and solutions using the capacity of 200,000 gallons per day for the first phase. The treatment alternatives and costs were reviewed and discussed. There was a lot of discussion and concern on sludge management and disposal. With this was concern with the amount of land would be needed for this disposal, and if purchasing land should be reviewed, future restrictions on sludge disposal. It was requested of Bonestroo to get more information on how much land is needed for sludge disposal and the costs associated. Also discussed were labor costs, usage, expansion, length of financing and environmental concerns. On cost effective, Mr. Fields supported the mechanical plant which is the easiest to expand but they do create sludge. Mr. Fields referred to pages 8 and 9 and went over the estimated costs per residential connection. Mr. Fields went over Item 6. Next Steps in the Study on page 9. Also to be included in this would be site selection. Mr. Fields asked what else is needed as far as input to the project. Mayor Forseth's concern was sludge, and because of this it is hard to make a decision. He feels the aerated ponds work good for the short term but not for long term. He would like to see more information on sludge management and disposal, how much land is needed for sludge disposal for the mechanical plant. Otsego/Dayton Sewer Meeting of May 6, 1997, cont'd. Page 2. Mayor Fournier asked if the Councils want to select an option now or do as individual Councils. The Councils felt Ted Fields should come back with the additional information requested. Land costs issues Closure costs Estimated land needed for sludge disposal Expansion costs (start with aerated ponds and switch to mechanical, doubling capacity every 10 years) If starting with aerated ponds and have the acres for this type, and then expand to mechanical can existing acres be used for sludge disposal. Economic benefit to purchase more land up front for future sludge disposal Mark Hanson asked the Councils their thoughts on the package plant. Mayor Fournier supports at this time - Mechanical or aerated ponds Karen Bowen supports at this time - Mechanical Plant because of the land costs for ponds. The most immediate need for Dayton maybe a package plant. She wants more information. Mayor Forseth supports at this time: Mechanical plant Hilmer Hartman supports at this time - Mechanical plant Virginia Wendel - needs more information on the Trunk Line Study and costs and site selection Mayor Fournier reported he has about four more land owners to contact. If anyone has any more questions for Ted Fields to answer they are to call Mr. Fields. 3. Any further discussion/Questions byOtsego/2ayaon The next meeting was set for May 28, 1997 at Dayton City Hall, 7 PM. I Any other Business. None 5. Adjourn - Meeting 'ourn.Meeting ended at 8:30 PM. Larry Fournier, Mayor Attest: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Adm Recorded by: Judy Hudson, Deputy Clerk City Seal file: otday597.wps