ITEM 5 2 SRF Wildflower Meadows ParkITEM 5.2 0 �sTeF a M9NNESOTA TO: Parks and Recreation Commission FROM: Ross Demant, Parks and Recreation Manager DATE: March 12, 2015 RE: SRF Consulting Group Inc. Background: With the approval of the third addition of the Wild Flowers Meadows development staff has contacted SRF Consulting Group, I nc. to put together a proposal for the planning portion of the Wildflower Meadows Park construction. The City has used SRF Consulting group, Inc. during the planning process and for construction oversight on other projects such has Frankfort Park, Beaudry Meadows Park, Kitteredge Crossings Park, and Zimmer Farm Park. Staff met with SRF representatives and gave broad direction on what amenities to include and exclude from their original concept design. These amenities can be modified throughout the process to accommodate the potential input from the City Council, Parks and Recreation Commission, residents, and City Staff. A summary of the proposed planning process will include: • Meetings with the Commission, Council, and Staff • Developing 2 conceptual designs • Assisting in the facilitation of a neighborhood meeting • Coordinate the construction process • Work directly with equipment vendors • Assist with the oversight during the construction Conclusion: Staff is requesting that the Parks and Recreation Commission review the material included in this memo and attachment and forward a recommendation to the City Council to begin the planning process for Wildflower Meadow Park.