Minutes 02-17-15 PRLia j s OTSEGO PARKS AND RECREATION OTSEGO PRAI RI E CENTER February 17, 2015 7:00 PM Call to Order. Vice Chair Charles VonBerg called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Roll Call: Chair Angie Dehn; Commissioners: Charles VonBerg, Peter Torresani, Doug Cassady, Cara Husak, and Corey Tanner. Absent: Commissioners Jim Breitbach and Susan Krekelberg. City Council: Council Member Doug Schroeder. Staff: Ross Demant, Parks and Recreation Manager, Amy Stemler, Recreation Lead Staff and Connie Schwecke, Recreation Administrative Assistant. 1. Open Forum. No Items. 2. Consider agenda approval. Commissioner Torresani requested to add I TEM 5.2 to the agenda. Commissioner Torresani motioned to approve amended agenda. Seconded by Commissioner Husak . All in favor. Motion carried. 3.1 January 20, 2015 Regular Meeting Minutes. Commissioner Cassady motioned to approve as written. Seconded by Commissioner Torresani . All in favor. Motion carried. 4. Unfinished Business. 5. New Business. 5.1 Archery Range at Prairie Park. Parks and Recreation Manger Demant presented. He stated staff was approached by Archery Country asking the City to establish an outdoor archery range and that Archery Country would donate the targets. Parks and Recreation Manager Demant stated that Archery Country had also donated targets to the City of St Joseph and that he contacted and visited with the City of Joseph's public works director at their archery range and was impressed with their set-up. Demant also researched the site plans of other archery ranges in various Cities contacted the League of Minnesota Cities about a risk management plan. Using these two resources Dement stated a risk management will be put in place before the archery range opens. He also stated that he was working with two Eagle Scouts who are interested in building the target frames and shooting pads. Demant also said he would look into State and Federal Grants that are available for establishing and improving archery ranges. After discussion and viewing the site Lia J s maps, the commissioner was in agreement that the Qty should move forward with establishing an archery range at Prairie Park. Commissioner Cassady motioned to recommend to the City Council the proposal of archery range at Prairie Park. Seconded by Commissioner Tanner. All in favor. Motion carried. 5.2 Gymnasium Recreation Opportunities Commissioner Torresani presented. He requested that staff research gym rental fees and availability at area schools and if cost efficient, begin to offer more recreation gym programs such as volleyball, floor hockey, gymnastics, and dance. Parks and Recreation Manager Demant stated that staff would come back to the Commission with the fee schedules and availability. He also stated that he would be in contact and possibly meet with staff from Kaleidoscope to inquire about gym usage for recreational programming. Demant mentioned that with the new E-8 school gyms, plans for programming would also be pursued. 6. Parks and Recreation Manager Update. Parks and Recreation Manger Demant presented. He stated that staff was in the process of finalizing the new Spring/Summer program guide. The commissioners also discussed the 2015-2016 community events. The dates for the community events were set for 2015-2016: Easter Egg Hunt — March 28th, 2015 Pumpkin Patch — October 24, 2015 Santa Day — December 12, 2015 Easter Egg Hunt - March 19, 2016 7. City Council Reports. Council Member Schroeder presented. He stated that Council was still seeking volunteers who would like to join the City's 25th Anniversary planning committee. He also discussed the new Otsego E-8 school. Council Member Schroeder also recognized and thanked Park and Recreation Commission Vice Chair VonBerg for his time and service to the commission. VonBerg stated that he was resigning as commissioner so he could focus more on the 55+ senior programming. Demant also thanked Charles for serving as a dedicated commissioner these years and that he will be missed especially at the community events. 8. Adjourn. Commissioner VonBerg motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Commissioner Torresani . All in favor. Motion carried. Adjourned at 8:15 PM Lia j s Written by Connie Schwecke. Parks and Recreation Administrative Assistant