02-10-15 Heritage Preservation Commission MinutesOtsego Heritage Preservation Commission Minutes February 10. 2015 Toni Seroshek, John Noll, Zonja Matushenko, Gail Anderson, Mayor Jessica Stockamp Meeting called to order at 7pm. Minutes of the last meeting were approved. The Easter Roll was added to the agenda. The book revision project is postponed until Lisa Fahey is here. Signs Park Project Dan Licht is going to summit a grant again to cover some of the expenses of this project. We also discussed the city laser fiche project. We previously decided that the pictures in our archives would be scanned by OHPC Commissioners. Toni and Zonja are planning a scanning party for March. Jessica will arrange for the doors to be opened and locked. m Easter egg roll plans Saturday, March 28 is the Otsego Easter egg roll. We are planning on providing a cutout for children to pose with Easter Finery from 1910 so that parents or guardians can take pictures of them. Zonja is willing to ask her Dad to build the plywood standups with two holes in each. Chris has agreed to paint the cutouts. Chris needs 3 small cans red, yellow and blue paint. Costs incurred should be submitted to the City. We discussed some fun Easter candy history facts from Zonja's research as well as other ideas we could develop in future Easters. Zonja will arrange for the construction of the plywood standups with two holes in each and deliver them to Chris. Toni asked if each Commissioner can think of five projects or actions that they would like to see the OHPC work on over this next year. This is to try to prioritize our efforts but also to generate new ideas. Gail Anderson,  Recorder