05-13-97 WSCITY OF OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MAY 13,1997 4 P OTSEGO CITY HALL 1 Mayor Larry Fournier will call meeting to order Mayor Fournier called Workshop to order at 4:06 PM. Roll Call: Mayor Larry Fournier; Councilmembers: Suzanne Ackerman, Vern Heidner, Virginia Wendel, Mark Beming Staff: Bob Kirmis, Assistant City Planner; Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator; Judy Hudson Deputy Clerk. ' Others: Mike Emberton, Allied American Mortgage of Brooklyn Center, Inc., Wally Coudron, Edina Realty Rodney Hardy of Sienna Corporation and Richard Krier Planner RLK. 2. City Council Discussion with Mike Emberton, Allied American Mortgage.Qf Brooklyn Center,Inc- and Rodney Hardy of Sienna Cornoration regarding: Development issues including Sewer and Water. Mike Emberton started out the discussion saying he needs to understand the Sienna Corporation plans. Emberton is looking for projects that would include water and sewer and needs to know the options. He wants to develop 283 acres. Mr. Krier said they are looking at Riverwood and may expand beyond that, golf complex with possible single family homes. They have worked with other developers in the past and willing to do so here. Time Table Mr. Emberton said his project needs sewer and water, he would like Spring construction for the homes.There was discussion on Riverwood with their current septic system. Emberton has done the preliminary work on water and sewer, his plan now is not to discharge directly to the Mississippi. Investment is about one million dollars, with the sizing and ownership it is very important to know how to go forward and the best and most cost effective approach. Mr. Krier stated they are interested in working with Mr. Emberton but they just are not ready for any public statements. Bob Kirmis briefly went over the previous proposal for golf course, residential and the Council's decision (Greninger Land). He explained this would need a Comp. Plan Amendment to bring into the Immediate Urban Service Area, Amendment to Land Use Plan for anything south of CSAH 39, address the relationship to City's Sanitary Use City Council Workshop of May 13, 1997, cont'd. Page 2. Facility and the impact this would create, the developers must demonstrate why the City should approve this and the advantages, the sewer issues are relevant - ownership issues, financial abilities. Council needs to determine if this is an appropriate use for this area. Mayor Fournier explained what the City is currently studying for sewer and water, phases and areas. Mr. Hardy asked what the City's long range goals are for sewering the area and ideas where the Council thinks the City will grow. Mr. Kirmis went over the Comp. Plan (current one). There was discussion on: ' The central treatment is for 101. City may need more than one treatment plant Landowners interest in developing Western side of City would need sewer to develop Mr. Hardy said their project is still in the evaluation stage and they are trying to identify elements of recreation of golf, focus of land development (varieties of residential), haven't spent a lot of time on the infrastructure, no time line at this time, probably 90 days away from a decision. Mr. Krier stated a development of this scale is a partnership, need to know if the City is willing to allow Urban Development with package system, (important for commitment from the City). Looking at a long term commitment. Views this as an opportunity to plan a Planned Community. Land use support - commercial element, residential element and recreational element. Mr. Emberton stated he would like the City to own and operate the facility. Mayor Fournier said the City's philosophy has been for new development to pay for and put the treatment facility in and the City would than own and operate the plant. Councilresponse CM Berning - Utilize the land to its best. Development places more burden on farmers, however, if the west is developed do it the best way to utilize the land. The only way he would support development there is with sewer and water. CM Wendel - Supports development on the western side. CM Heidner - First preference is municipal owned system, not adverse to members or shareholders in association, but needs to see details. Who pays for it. Not against a project there and it should go all the way along the river. Noted Emberton's development plan is different from the first proposal and he may have concerns with this. City Council Workshop of May 13, 1997, cont'd. Page 3. There was further discussion of access fees, treatment plant costs, cost recovery, financing options. Council feels both sewer and water should be done together. Through discussion of sewer treatment issues it was decided that these developers should get together and discuss their plans, issues, timeline and other concerns. 3. Any other husiness. None 4_ Adjourn - CM journ_CM Berning motioned to adjourn. Seconded by CM Wendel. Meeting adjourned at 5:39 PM. Mayor Larry Fournier Attest: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Adm. Recorded by: Judy Hudson, Deputy Clerk City Seal ccws597.wps