05-15-97 WSCITY OF OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP 4 P OTSEGO CITY HALL MAY 15, 1997 1 _ Mayor Fournier will call Meeting to order_ Mayor Fournier called the meeting to order at 4:11 PM. Roll Call: Mayor Larry Fournier; Councilmembers: Suzanne Ackerman, Vern Heidner, Virginia Wendel, Mark Berning. Staff: Larry Koshak, John Harwood, Steve Weiser, City Engineers; Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator; Judy Hudson, Deputy Clerk. 2. City Engineer Koshak will discuss preliminary plans for Sewer and Water Trunk and Sub -Trunk faciities with the City Council, Larry Koshak distributed Exhibits A through S1 (attached) Sanitary Sewer Study Area and briefly went through. John Harwood went through the Districts and sub -districts giving the estimated project costs as attached. It was stressed that this is a Planning Document and not proposed to be built now. This document can stay viable for many years although the costs will increase. It was also pointed out this is the draft and a final copy will be put together and distributed. Not included in these amounts were figures for water or storm sewer. The summary for all the districts showed a total of 5,854 REC'S, trunk cost of $3,828,675, lateral cost total of $6,483,495, restoration cost total of $7,695,546 for a grand total of $18,007,716. The lateral cost per REC was $3,460 and trunk cost per REC at $934. (Water and storm sewer not included). The trunk cost also has to include the cost of the treatment plant. The Council requested to see the number of existing dwelling units. Mr. Harwood went over the total project costs: Total Construction Cost: $ 7,958,907.80 10% Construction Contingency: $ 795,890.78 20% Indirect Costs: $ 1,591,781.56 Project Cost: $10,346,580.14 Mr. Koshak noted in Exhibit E3, nothing east of 101 was included in this study (Darkenwald property). Their other properties on the west side of 101 are included in this plan. City Council Workshop of May 15, 1997, cont'd. Page 2. Mr. Harwood presented the additional information they had which was the water system. He showed the tower sites. The piping system would come in around 3.5 million dollars with this same figure for the well and towers. Mr. Koshak noted in the trunk lines, they didn't go any deeper than 34 feet and in present residential limited depths to 24 feet. Mr. Harwood noted everything has to be pumped, with the East District being the largest gravity system. CM Berning questioned if force mains last longer than gravity mains. Mr. Harwood feels they last about the same length of time. Design life of 40 to 50 years. Mr. Koshak said the largest pipe would 18 inches and can be plastic at a certain thickness. CM Wendel questioned the area of this study including current residential. Mr. Koshak explained that the purpose of this study is to make sure everything is planned correctly for possible future hookups. Any existing residential areas would have to petitioned for hookups and would have to be done in an orderly manner. CM Berning questioned if pipes will be sized to serve the land west of 101 (Sections 27 and 34). He questioned why more of this area wasn't included in the study. Mr. Koshak replied this land would be close enough to have its own line and this could be re -sized. CM Heidner responded to the study area stating the area the Engineers included in their study is what was directed by the City Council. There was further discussion on additional and possibility of putting in a larger pipe, future lift stations, phase planning. There was also discussion on the ways of assessing properties for these trunk lines, initial costs subject to long range development, identifying a system that can be funded. George Yankoupe asked about the accuracy of the costs. Mr. Harwood pointed out a lot of time was spent on the costs of the pipes are good and there is the 10% contingency. Mr. Koshak noted this report will be fine tuned. Richard Koppy, RLF Associates, asked for copies of the cost estimates. He noted two areas beyond the pipe costs: debt expense and operating expense. These numbers are needed. Mayor Fournier noted the city is in the process of getting these costs, there will be financial advice and all costs will be put together. Mr. Harwood and Mr. Koshak estimated that this study should be completed within two to four weeks and will have both water and trunk line information. City Council Workshop of May 15,1997, cont'd. Page 3. Bill Jones asked about flow rates. Mr. Koshak said it has to move 2 feet per second and depends upon the design of lift station. These types of concerns can be implemented in the facility. There was also discussion on size of pipes relative to flow. Mr. Yankoupe asked if the city is going to the MPCA for ultimate discharge capacity or just for the 200,000 gpd. Mr. Koshak noted the initial Bonestroo Study demonstrated the 1.1 million gpd and the ultimate of 2.2 million gpd and believe the intentions would be to ask for ultimate discharge since this would be established with the PCA through the Plan. CM Berning suggested to included one or two more dis&tricts on the south and east side of current districts to be included in the Hakanson, Anderson Study. The Council agreed with him. Mr. Koshak will give the Council a cost for this expansion at the May 27, 1997 City Council Meeting. Mayor Fournier would like to see a recommendation from Otsego for the type of treatment plant. The Council agreed but want to review the additional information requested from Bonestroo at the last workshop with Dayton. R Discussion of ElkRiver's Sewer CapacityProposal, Mr. Koshak noted there is an error on Exhibit #3 which is significant enough to change the numbers and recommended to wait for the update before discussing this. 4. Adjourn. CM Heidner motioned to adjourn. Seconded by CM Ackerman. All in favor. Motion carried. Workshop adjourned at 6:03 PM. Mayor Larry Fournier Attest: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Adm. Recorded by: Judy Hudson, Deputy Clerk City Seal