ITEM 1 Background Check Policy0 OtCITY OF o MINNESOTA V DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORGINATING DEPARTMENT: REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Legal Andy MacArthur, City Attorney March 30, 2015 PRESENTER(s): REVIEWED BY: ITEM #:1 City Attorney City Administrator Lori Johnson as persons providing certain services to the City where those persons would come in contact with the AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the attached Background Check Policy be approved by the City Council. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No. No. BACKGROUND/JUSTIFICATION: The City has specific background check requirements included in ordinances and policies but has not adopted a background check policy setting forth the process and when background checks are required in other circumstances. The attached policy addresses those issues and puts the policy in one document adopted by the Council for purposes of clarity and consistency. The proposed Policy requires background checks of all City appointed Boards and Commissions as well as persons providing certain services to the City where those persons would come in contact with the public, children or City utilities and systems. Persons requesting permits or access to City facilities must pay for background checks. Those required of City employees, appointments or volunteers are paid for by the City. Some discretion on background checks is provided to the recreation department since at sometimes they have a number of volunteers performing very limited tasks. The intent of this Policy is to expand on and clarify the requirements of the existing ordinance, and to include other persons not specifically designated in the Ordinance. Changes requested by Council Member Heidner have been included in the Policy. It is my understanding that Kathy Grover has contacted Tru Sight regarding on-line sign up as suggested by the Mayor. In the event that the Council approves this alternative, both the Policy and existing ordinance will have to be amended as neither reflects that procedure. The policy can be amended or revised in the future. The intent of this action is to have in place a Council approved policy for City staff guidance. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: x ATTACHED ❑ NONE • Background Check Policy MOTION: (Please word motion as you would like it to appear in the minutes.) Motion to approve attached Background Check Policy. CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA BACKGROUND CHECK POLICY Purpose: The purpose of this Policy is to set forth the City of Otsego's requirements and process for background checks prior to City Employment, service on City Commissions and Boards, allowing access to City utilities for those not employed or contracting directly with the City, volunteer work or any other instance where a person deals with the public or represents the City. These background checks are necessary to protect and maintain the health, safety and welfare of the public in general. This policy is intended to clarify and expand on some provisions of the City Code as amended by Ordinance No: 2013- 12 adopted on May 13, 2013. Background Checks: For the safety of the City residents and the public in general, the following persons shall be subject to background checks prior to providing any service to the City: 1. Persons hired as employees of the City; 2. Persons serving on any City appointed commission, committee or board; except for City Council Members; 3. Persons employed by or representing entities contracted by the City to perform work that relates to City utilities or City utility structures where the work requires the person to be on-site at the utility or structure, City computer or security systems where the work requires access to the computer or security system other service that the City at its sole discretion requires a Background check, excluding persons who are only providing design services unless the City determines that a background check is appropriate; 4. Persons employed by, contracting for, or representing entities with leased structures or equipment located on City facilities or property. 5. Persons providing recreational services to the City as an Independent Contractor or volunteering such services, as determined by City recreation staff. 6. Persons seeking peddlers, solicitors or transient merchants licenses from the City. 7. Persons subject to Background Check requirements related to liquor licenses, lawful gambling or Pawn and Second Hand Goods Business. Background checks are coordinated by the City Finance Department or Human Resources. The process is normally paid for by the applicant and can take up to several days. Background checks for City employees, appointed Commission or Board members or City volunteers will be paid for by the City. Applicants will be provided a standard City approved form to initiate the background check. The City will, at its sole discretion, determine whether or not the results of a background check are acceptable. If background check results are questionable, the final decision as to whether or not the results of a background check are acceptable to the City is to be made by the City Administrator, in consultation with the City Attorney or other appropriate parties. The City will contact applicants when background checks are successfully completed, or otherwise notify them that the background check has disqualified them. Background checks will be updated yearly, unless the City Council determines that in certain cases a different interval is more appropriate. In no instance will any individual not successfully completing the background check be allowed to provide service to, serve, or represent the City. Identification: Prior to access to any City utility structure or facilities located on City land surrounding the structure, any individual or individuals seeking access and having successfully completed a background check must provide acceptable identification and contact information to the City and/or the City representative on site. Failure to provide acceptable identification will result in denial of access to the City utility structure or adjacent facilities. The City reserves the right to deny access to City utility structures or surrounding City land at any time and for any reason. Additional Conditions: The City reserves the right to establish additional conditions or requirements above and beyond a background check in circumstances where the City Council or City staff determine that such additional conditions or requirements serve to protect the City and/or the health, safety and welfare of City residents or the public in general. ADOPTED- March 30, 2015