ITEM 3 Street Department Reorganization0 0 tSCITFMISOTA MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Lori Johnson, City Administrator DATE: March 26, 2015 SUBJECT: Street Department Reorganization This item is a follow-up to the Street Department reorganization discussion that was held at the February 23, 2015, work session. The items that need to be acted upon by the Council are approving position descriptions, including each position's pay range, for the first and second in command positions and determining whether the position(s) will be filled internally through appointment, internally through open application, or advertised externally allowing both internal and external candidates to apply. If internal appointments or promotions are made, a motion to advertise to fill the subsequently vacated position(s) is requested. Attached are draft position descriptions based on Council's prior direction for a Street Department Manager and a Lead Operations Coordinator. I have included an optional second in command position that is a working foreperson type position for consideration as well. I have structured it has an assigned as needed position. Given that the Street Department staff count is currently small, this option could function well depending upon how the Street Department Manager position is structured and filled. Further, the structure of the department will continue to evolve and change as the department grows thus there may be additional department organization modifications or position description changes that should be made after the current vacancy is filled. However, the focus now is to fill the existing department head vacancy.