September 9, 2014
6:30 PM
1.Call to order
2.Approve agenda
3.Approve previous meeting minutes
4.Open Forum (5 minute limit)
Questions, comments or information regarding Public Safety.
Members of the public must state their name and address for the record.
5.Public Safety Police/Fire/Ambulance Update & Discussion
6.Old Business:
Safety Camp review
Otsego Festival Sept 13
2014 Initiatives
7.New Business:
Wright County 911 system was down. Current status? Consequences? Any procedures the
City/police/fire dept/ambulance service need to follow if it happens again?
Sex offender notification. How do individuals/neighborhoods get notified if an offender moves
nearby? How can anyone find where offenders are living?
8.City Council Meeting Updates:
Aug 25 - ???
Sept 8 - ???
9.City Council Meeting Assignments:
Sept 22 -
Oct 13 -
10. Adjournment
Next Meeting: October 14, 2014 @ 6:30 pm