ITEM 1 Special meeting: Personnel Policy and Marketing Plan0 OtSTY F O MINNESOTA 1lUs] \:IN 0 Iliff TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Lori Johnson, City Administrator DATE: March 30, 2015 SUBJECT: April 6 Special Meeting: Personnel Policy and Marketing Plan Personnel Policy: On February 4 the Council reviewed the first draft of the revised Personnel Policy prepared by attorney Soren Mattick. At that meeting the Council provided comments and direction for additional changes. Attached is a revised, redlined draft of the Personnel Policy incorporating the Council's comments. I also requested that Mr. Mattick review the City's workplace drug policies in light of the new medical marijuana law. A copy of that policy is also attached; although, additional revisions to address the commercial drivers will be required. Soren Mattick will be at Monday's meeting to go through the changes in the updated version of the policy and to get any additional input before the policy is placed on an upcoming Council agenda for adoption. Strategic Goal — Marketing Plan: The 2015 strategic goal of implementing a marketing plan was discussed very briefly at a meeting in early March and tabled to this meeting to allow time for more in-depth consideration and deliberation. The first question the Council should answer regarding this strategic goal is: what does the Council want to achieve with the marketing plan? What are your expectations? Who or what are you targeting with the marketing plan? Once the desired outcome is identified, a strategy to achieve that outcome can be developed. Without a clear objective, it will be difficult to embark on a marketing plan and even more difficult to measure its success.