05-27-97 CCCITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION 11 AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE 1 I4. SPECIAL PRESENTATION - Gary Groen, Review of April May 27, 1997 Financial Statements 6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: PREPARED BY: EB, CC BACKGROUND: Attached is the Financial information for April, 1997. Gary Groen will be here to give an overview of the information to the Council. RECOiMNDATION: For Council Information and comment. Thanks A Elaine .iTr� 99 6ITY 94-- QT59G INTERIM FINANCIAL REPORT AS OF 04/30/97 GENERAL FUND Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable ) BLDG PERMIT SURCHG PAYABL 0.00 819.45 101.96 819.45 101.96 SALES TAEX 0.00 00 -EPOSIT PROPERTY TAXES 722, 758.00. 35,945.85 ( 686,812.15) BUSINESS LICENSES/PERMITS 7,000.00 4,440.00 ( — __ i 2,560.00) cc nn" BUILDINGPEF SEPTIC SYSTF WEIGHT PERMITS LOCAL GOVERNMENT AID DISASTERAIO RECYCLING GR MSA MAINTENANCE CHARGES FOR SERVICES -GENERAL SUBDIVISION:F ZONING/TEXT SNOW PLOWING MAPS/COPIES/MISC.SALES 32$7,04.61) 2', 750'.00 1 , 050.00 ( 1 , -- 79--9 0 r 6 ao 50.00 80.00 30.00 101,805.00 0.00 ( 101,805.00) 77,000-00 5,000.00 M Ess s# 192T.T.RWIT! •• •t •• •• 0.00 C 6,36.00 ) .1"044.55 C 1,%5.45 ) AfL) 36,878.50 ( 40,121.50) 0.00 ( 5,000.00) 980 150.00 ( 850.00) f -<K no ! A-qr, nn) 450.00 ( 650.00) 256.50 ( 243.50) RGC. (tLl'1 t i.Vi V 1 INTEREST EARNI ':11l1L1/�TTnATC _�__ OLD CITY HALL/PEAVEY HSE RENT 9,300.00 FRANCHISE FEES 7,100.00 CLEAN UPDAY REFUNDS_& REIMBURSEMENTS --- Total Revenues T' SALE OF INVESTMENTS TRANSFERS FROM OTHER FUNDS 3,010.00 8,285.02 5.60) 3:06 6,290-00) 1,185.02 3 ,000 .00 0.00,( 3,00.00 ) 0.q0 9,439.08 9,439.0$ (`26 1 173 610.00 143 187.19 ( 1,030,422.81) 50 , 000 .00 17 , 295.39 ( 0.00 0.00 3� ,I23I LEGAL SERVICES 30,000.00 26,617.30 3,382.70 24 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 14,790.00 37.21 14,752.79 329 j 3C 31 32 W J �f� -)135 39 39 4C �41 47 42 -.)" 45 46 47 PQLIC��F10Q,74fl 00 49',640.00 Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) X1-88-;-56 72,410.00 6 12,646-94 44561;z.09 59,763:06 144948-91- 179,302.73 3,700.00 1,339.00 2,361.00 5 , . 14,750.00 4,485.20 10,264.80 X360 L9/3 �TPz 4;z 33 , 21 28 5 P 966-86 59,900.00 4 ! , s3 � 22,384 64 9 �; rZ1. . 37,516 530.98 ) 61 ,;F31 .00 6 99 -G-Q- 08 10;644.-40 38 , 0l�a92 x.: ,I23I LEGAL SERVICES 30,000.00 26,617.30 3,382.70 24 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 14,790.00 37.21 14,752.79 329 j 3C 31 32 W J �f� -)135 39 39 4C �41 47 42 -.)" 45 46 47 PQLIC��F10Q,74fl 00 49',640.00 51 100-00. TfttJo--vv- HIGHWAYS, STREETS & ROADWAYS 267,633.00 88,330.27 179,302.73 STREET LIGHTING 10,600.00 5,239.07 5 , . AR�lli�d�EttE 37 , 98�i : f10 �7^7_1i 7 4,776.72 X360 L9/3 �TPz 4;z 33 , 21 28 ?tiC G€`ist 0 005 530.98 (' 530.98 ) OTHER FINANCING USES 87,700.00 0.00 87,700.00 Total Disbursements 1,173,610.00 404,939.82 768,670.18 k� err Fx nar�cises TRANSFERS TO OTHER FUNDS 0.00 Cash Balance as of 04/30/97 49 5 - 500,767 17 239 ,014 .54 MUNICIPAL OF CITY OF OTSEGO C A S H C 0 N T R 0 L For the Period 01/01/97 to 04/30/97 TOTAL $1,234,045.64 168.553.02 492.806.09 $ 909,792.57 BEGINNING TOTAL TOTAL ENDING NAME OF FUND. BALANCE RECEIPTS DISBURSEMENTS BALANCE GENERAL FUND $ 500,767.17 143,187.19 $ 409,644.33 $ 234,310.0, ROAD & BRIDGE FUND 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 FIRE FUND FUND S3,194.70 3,21S.08 O 00 56,409.7f PARK DEVELOPMENT. FUND -50,901.48 7,198.01 5,948.40 -49,651.8; INSURANCE RESERVE 'FUND6,649.08 0.00 0.00 6,649.0F SECURITY DEPOSITS FUND` 0.00 0--00.0.00 0.0( CAPITAL EQUIPMENT FUND -6,050.83 0.00 0.00 -6,050.8: DEBT SERVICE FUND 266,001.15 4,265.67 59,781.25 210,485.5; PACKARD AVE CONSTRUCTION FUND 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0( BUILDING CONSTUCTION FUND FUN@30,690.99 0.00 0.00 130,690;_9 MSA CONSTRUCTION FUNC 17 , 872 _60 3,189.30 0 .00 131,061.9( WATERSHED PROJECT*.,. 'FUND 7 $71 .20 0 .00 O 00 7,871-2C PROJECT 94 -2 -37TH & ODEAN FUND10,732.40 0.00 0.00 10,732.4C ISLAND VIEW PROJECT 95-01 FUND47,824.07 0.00 1,808.29 46,015.7E MISSISSIPPI SHORES FUND 48,732.73 0.00 0.00 48,732.7 G ; O . BONDS OF 1996A FUNi 9'6 , 052 .71f3. 0.00 96,052-71 r` ICIPAL WELL'FUND -3,73433 2b3.E 554.72 -4,025.8 E.OPMENT : ESCROW' FUNC? y i 1 855 x.32 6 ,4:34 . 150b9 10 -20,489.8E Bui.LDERS ESCROW FUND 10,198.80 800.00 0.00 10,998.80 TOTAL $1,234,045.64 168.553.02 492.806.09 $ 909,792.57 CITY OF OTSEGO INVESTMENT SCHEDULE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1997 Investment Type Purchase Date Maturity Date Balance 12/31/96 1997 1997 Purchases Sales Balance 4/30/97 Lasalle CD 7/14/95 12/2/02 $ 22,176.00 $ 22,176.00 FHMA 7/14/95 12/10/98 98,750.56 98,750.56 MBNA -CD 7/18195 5110/99 51,274.17 51,274.17 FNMA 7/18/95 3110/97 50,932.95 50,932.95 FNMA 7/19/95 4/13/98 78,572.81 78,572.81 CD 7/24/95 1/24/97 50,000.00 50,000.00 - FNMA 812/95 2/18197 49,855.00 49,855.00 FNMA 12/27/95 8112/98 51,171.88 51,171.88 FNMA 7/10/96 5121/99 50,291.34 50,291.34 FHLM 7/19/96 7/9/98 25,080.21 25,080.21 FHLB 7/25/96 315/01 29,885.87 29,885.87 FHLB 10/8196 316/01 59,641.99 59,641.99 CD -Bk of ER 12/31/96 12/31/97 100,000.00 100,000.00 - FNMA 3/25197 11/10/05 65,330.59 65,330.59 CD -Bk of ER 12/31/96 12/31/97 100,000.00 100,000.00 - CD -Bk of ER 12/31/96 12/31/97 200,000.00 200,000.00 Totals $1,017,632.78 $ 65,330.59 $ 250,000.00 832,963.37 PLUS SMITH BARNEY FUNDS TOTAL Page 1 1,549.62 $ 834, 512.99 1 CITY OF OTSEGO KEVULNI' VUK CUUNUIL AU 11UiN AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE 115. CONSENT AGENDA (NON -CONTROVERSIAL ITEMS)May 27, 1997 6:30PM 11 ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: PREPARED BY : EB , CC 5.1.Approval of Resolution 97-8 Authorizing Execution of Sub -Grant Agreement (Re: Flooding, Federal Disaster Assistance). BACKGROUND: This Resolution will allow us to apply to be reimbursed for the material and Public Works time used for f1toding problems. RECCMMMNDATION : Council Approval of Resolution 97-8 Authorizing Execution of Sub -Grant Agreement (Re: Flooding, Federal Disaster Assistance). Thanks Elaine V STATE OF MINNESOTA SUB -GRANT AGREEMENT FOR FEDERAL ASSISTANCE UNDER THE INFRASTRUCTURE PROGRAM FOR SUB -GRANTEES Grantor Program: Federal Disaster Assistance DR- 1175 EXHIBIT IN -VIS 0 L UT 1K)"N RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF SUB -GRANT AGREEMENT Be it resolved that CITY OF OTSEGO (Name of organization/Local Unit of Government) enter into a Sub -grant Agreement with the Division of En ergency Management in the Minnesota Department of Public Safety for the program entitled Infrastructure Program for FEMA 1175- DR-NIINNESOTA. Larry Fournier, Mayor is hereby authorized (Name and Title of authorized official) to execute and sign such Sub -grant Agreements and amendments as are necessary to implement the project on behalf of City of OTseao (Organization/Local Unit of Government) I certify that the above resolution was adopted by the CITY COUNCIL (Executive Body) on May 27, 1997 (Date) SIGNED: (Signature) Larry Fournier D4AYOR (Title) May 27, 1997 (Date) MPS -DEM April, 1997 CITY OF OTSEGO (Organization/Local Unit of Government) WITNESSETH: (Signature) Elaine Beatty, rTTY c7ERK/zoNTNC; Ar)mTNTSTRATl1R (Title) May 27, 1997 (Date) 20 CITY OF OTSEGO nZ`n7T1Ve'r TnID rnTTNC H. ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE 5. CONSENT AGENDA (NON -CONTROVERSIAL ITEMS)May 27, 1997 6:30PM __r rev . _r hn ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DI•;5c.:14_Lr1iULN : y_ . ••--, ••-- 5.2.Approve Process for Hiring Public Works Employees (2) BACKGROUND: The Public Works Committee Met and discussed the hiring of two Public Works Employees. It was determined that We would use the process we had in place, which includes a packet incltuding the following: Veterans Preference information, Application, Job Description, Tennessen Warning, Background Check information and a sheet stating what needs to be completed and returned to the City. The Public Works Committee decided that the Job openings will be published in the ELk River Star News, and the League of Minnesota Cities Bulletin. That has been done. Applications will be taken until 5PM of June 5, 1997. The Application will then be reviewed by Administrative Staff/Public Works Supervisor and determined if all information is complete. They will be narrowed down to twenty-five. The Twenty -Five applications will be given to the Public Works Committee to further review and narrow down to ten (10) applicants to be interviewed by the Public Works Committee. They will narrow down the ten (10) applicants further to five (5) to send to the Council for final interview and determination of who to hire. RECOI&ENDATION : Council Approval of Process for Hiring Public Works Employees (2) as noted above. Thanks Elaine PUBLIC WORKS OPERATOR/MECHANIC Two openings for Public Works Operator/Mechanic. Considerable knowledge of repair and maintenance of street, equipment and vehicles. Considerable skill in the operation of snow removal, street sweeping and heavy machinery. Ability to perform heavy manual labor for long periods of time. Qualifications require High School graduate, Class B driver's license and at least two years of experience in light or heavy equipment operation, truck driving, mechanical or engine repair, concrete qr blacktop work, or a related field. Individuals with related experience are encouraged to*4ply by 5 PM, June 5, 1997. For application materials contact: Elaine Beatty City Clerk/Zoning Administrator City of Otsego, Minnesota 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Otsego, MN 55330 PHONE: (612) 441-4414 AN Equal Opportunity Employer Posted: 5/15/97 Both Boards - City of Otsego Ads O�fC �� Published: Elk River Star NEws Want '17/ nq;1 . 1*0,-S/awws/�?q7 EMPLOYMENT APPLICATION PROCESS FOR THE POSITION OF OPERATOR/MECHANIC PUBLIC WORKS The following materials must be completed and submitted, by the deadline, for two operator/Mechanic of Public Works positions. Without these materials, your application will not be considered. 1. Cover letter stating your intent. 2. A completed City of Otsego job application form. 3. A personal resume (optional). 4. A completed Veterans Preference form. Be sure to check the appropriate statement in each of Sections A, B, C, and D. If you are claiming veteran's preference points, you will need to include a copy of your DD214 or certification letter of disability. 5. Background Check Form. CITY OF OTSEGO /��T nt'l1TT1 CT C` rnlD CnIFTNIT. ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE 6. BOB KIRMIS, ASST. CITY PLANNER May 27, 1997- 6:30PM �—V _ r„�z.r�rn�r� uv • srn rrt ITEM NUMBER: L-.0 M Lj 0%'j%-Ljr .v�.. r+••.•i.�...... -- - 6.1. Charles Klein - Consider CUP - for relocation of home BACKGROUND: Charles Klein appeared for Hearing before the Planning Commission on Wednesday May 21, 1997 at 8PM RE: CUP to allow the relocation of a home on his site at 8045 Ochoa Avenue NE,. -Otsego, Minnesota, 55330, PID 4118-037-001140, described as Lot 1,4, Block 1, Walesch Estates Second Addition, Section 21, Township 121, Range 23, Wright County, City of Otsego, MN. Request is for a CUP to allow relocation of a home (Move in to replace single wide mobile). After Bob Kirmis gave NAC's Report, and the Hearing was held, issues of septic system (The applicant stated he is having a plan done for a new mound system), and the mover of the home being responsible for any road damage was discussed, the Planning Commissions Recommendation to the Council was as follows: RICHARD NICHOLS MOTIONED TO APPROVE THE CUP FOR THE KLEIN BUILDING RELOCATION, SUBJECT TO 11 ITEMS OF NAC'S REPORT DATED MAY 15, 1997 AND THE ENGINEERING ITEMS, WITH RECOMMENDED CHANGE TO ENGINEERING REPORT OF "EXCESSIVE DAMAGE". ING ROSKAFT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. See attached copy of NAC and Hakanson Anderson Reports and Findings of Fact. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Planning Commission unanimous Recommendation as stated above. Thanks Elaine MAY -15-1997 1b; =�':e Nr* - NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS %, COMMUNITY PLANNING - OESION - MARKET RFSEARCH INC PLANNING REPORT TO: Otsego Mayor and City Council Otsego Planning Commission FROM: Bob IQrmis DATE: 15 May 1997 RE: Otsego - Klien Building Relocation CUP FILE NO, 176.02 - 97.06 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY BACKGROUND Mr. Charles Klien has requested a conditional use permit to allow a relocated single family residence to lie upon an existing lot of record within the City. Specifically, Mr. Kien wishes to replace an existing "single wide" manufactured home with a replacement modular home. The relocated Aneeyilocated i District. Street and est of N.E. Otho .TheproPris zoned R-3, immediate Urban south of 81 Service Attached for reference: Exhibit A - Site Location Exhibit B - Detailed Site Location Exhibit C - Site Plan Exhibit D - Home Photograph RECOMMENDATION Based on the following review, our office recommends approval of the requested building relocation. Approval is, however contingent upon the fulfillment of the following conditions: 1. A site plan, drawn to scale and based upon a certificate of survey is provided which illustrates various site features including the location of the proposed residence, septic system, well, driveway and out buildings. 5773 WAYZATA BOULEVARD, SUITE 1555 ST. LOUIS PARK, MINNESOTA 554 1 6 PHONE 1512-595-9030 FAX 012-505-9837 1*1H T -1J-177 ( LG -• J 2. 3. 5 The relocated Building Code. Official. residence comply with all applicable requirements of the State This item should be subject to further comment by the City Building The relocated structure is ready for occupancy within six months from the date of location on the site. Drainage and utility easements are provided as may be recommended by the City Engineer. The City Building Official and/or the City Engineer shall provide comment/recommendation in regard to well and sewage treatment issues. 6. The applicant provide proof to the City that the house move is performed by a licensed mover in accordance with applicable State requirements. 7. The applicant notify the City of the route and exact timing of the move. 8. The site's existing structure is removed from the subject property prior to occupancy of the relocated building. 9. A performance security is posted in an amount determined appropriate by the Zoning Administrator. The security should be reflective of anticipated improvement costs (foundation work, etc.). 10. The subject site's driveway is surfaced in accordance with the directives of the City Council, either in compliance with existing ordinance requirements or pending amendment. Final CUP approval shall coincide and respond to the requirements of such approved (or denied) amendment_ 11. Comments of other City staff. ISSUES ANALYSIS CUP Submission Requirements. According to Section 20-4, all conditional use permits applications must include the submission of a site plan which identifies to location of site structures, driveways, etc. While the applicant has submitted a site plan which identifies the general location of the relocated home, the submission of a site plan, based upon a certificate of survey must be submitted prior to building permit issuance. 2 MAY -15-199? 10:53 NAC 612 595 983? P.04i11 CUP Judgement Criteria. In consideration of conditional use permit requests, Section 20-4-2.17 of the Zoning Ordinance directs the Planning Commission and City Council to consider possible adverse effects of the proposed conditional use. Judgement must be based upon, but not limited to, the following factors: 1. The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the official City Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained therein (i.e., parking, loading, noise, etc.). 4. The proposed use's effect upon the area In wjiich it is proposed. 5. The proposed use's impact upon property values of the area in which it is proposed. 6. Traffic generation by the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the property. 7. The proposed use's impact upon existing public services and facilities including parks, schools, streets, and utilities, and its potential to overburden the City's service capacity. Lot Area Requirements. The applicants wish to relocate a residence upon Lot 14, Block 1 of Waleson Estates 2nd Addition. As shown below, the subject lot meets all applicable R-3 lot area requirements: Required Existing Lot Area 1 acre 1 acre Lot Width 150 feet 150 feet Lot Depth 100 feet ± 500 feet Setbacks. As shown below, all R-3 District principal building setbacks have been satisfactorily met. lVz—,MrM-1 Front Yard 35 feet Side Yard 10 feet Rear Yard 20 feet 3 50 feet 12 feet ± 390 feet MAY -15-199? 10:54 NAC 612 595 983? P.05i11 Structure Compatiblllty. Section 20-19-2 of the Zoning Ordinance stipulates that a proposed relocated building must comply with the character of the neighborhood in which it is being located. The proposed residence to be relocated is a modular home constructed In 1984. The home measures 28'x 60'(1,680 square feet) in size and meets minimum single family dimensional requirements of the ordinance (24'x 30'). It is the applicant's Intent to construct a 12 inch roof overhang in conformance with ordinance requirements. Based upon the submitted photograph, the home to be located appears to be in good condition. The replacement of an existing 980 square foot (14'x 70') single wide mobile home constructed in 1974 with the proposed modular home is expected to have a positive impact on the neighborhood. Property Values. According to Section 20-19-2 of the Zoning Ordinance, the relocated structure must not result in a depreciation of adjacent property values. Considering that the value of the home to be relocated will exceed the }slue of surrounding residence, area property values are not expected to depreciate and may in fact appreciate. In a general perspective, a lowering of area property values is not anticipated if: 1. The subject structure is structurally sound and well kept. 2. The building's placement is compatible with area residences. 3. Foundation work is professionally done. 4. Aesthetically pleasing landscaping is provided. While a firm determination cannot be made in regard to property valuation consistency, the City can take steps toward providing an assurance against neighborhood depreciation via its performance standards. Building Code Requirements. As a condition of CUP approval, the subject structure must comply with the applicable requirements of the State Uniform Building Code. This item should be subject to further comment by the City Building Official. Structure Occupancy. Section 20-19-2.E of the Zoning Ordinance stipulates that a relocated structure must be ready for occupancy within six months from the date of location on the site. This item may be of particular relevance to foundation modification work which may be subject to climatic limitations. Drainage and Utility Easements. According to Section 21-7-15.A of the Subdivision Ordinance, easements a minimum of 10 feet in width should be provided along rear and other lot lines for drainage and utilities. If not already provided, and if recommended by the City Engineer, such easements should be established. 4 MAY -15-1997 10:55 NAC 612 595 9837 P.06/i1 Well/Sewage System. It is anticipated that the existing septic system on the site shall be utilized for the new structure. This should, however, be verified by the applicant. The existing system shall be inspected by the City Building Official and/or the City Engineer. Moving Permits. Prior to relocation of the single family residence, the applicants should provide proof to the City that the move will be performed by a mover licensed by the State of Minnesota and that all applicable State requirements have been complied with, including all necessary local permits. The applicants must also notify the City of the Route and exact timing of the move. Existing Structure. As a condition of CUP approval, the site's existing structure should be removed prior to occupancy of the relocated building. To ensure compliance with this requirement, a posting of a security will be necessafy. Driveway Surfacing. The surfacing material of the subject site's driveway has not been specified. According to Section 20-22-4.H.12 (b) 2 of the Zoning Ordinance, detached single family uses within residential developments platted prior to 1 January 1992 must adhere to the following surfacing requirements: (b) Any residential use which undertakes an improvement requiring a building permit and the value of such improvement exceeds $2,500 shall be required to upgrade the driveway and parking area surfacing to asphalt, concrete, cobblestone, or paving brick. The City Council is currently reconsidering its driveway improvement policy and the aforementioned ordinance requirement. As a condition of CUP approval, the applicant shall be required to adhere to City's driveway improvement requirements either as they presently exist or in accordance with a pending amendment. In this regard, approval of the applicant's request should coincide and comply with formal City action on the cited driveway surfacing requirements. Performance Security. The Zoning Ordinance states that a performance security for relocated residential structures must be provided to ensure compliance with the conditions of the condition use permit. The security should be in an amount equal to the Zoning Administrator's estimated costs of labor and materials for the proposed development (may be handled in stages). The security should be approved by the City Attorney prior to building permit issuance. F-1 MAY -15-1997 1055 NAC 612 595 9837 P.07i11 CONCLUSION Based on the preceding review, our office recommends approval of the requested conditional use permit subject to the conditions listed In the Executive Summary of this report. PC: Elaine Beatty Lary Koshak Andrew MacArthur Jerry Olson Charles Wein C� MAY -15-1997 10:56 NAC 612 595 9837 P.08i11 O a 0 EXHIBIT A - SITE LOCATIO! MAY -15-1997 10:56 NAC 612 595 9837 P.09i11 EXHIBIT 5 - DETAILED SITE LOCATIC ,e a 13 EXHIBIT 5 - DETAILED SITE LOCATIC MAY -15-1997 10:5? 9.0 wA1BSCFtLOT 14 m i MUM SBaCOND ADDITIOti WRICHT atmV, FIIIOMAT Ws.iuueby rertif tbat this Sa a true.and catreot repreren�tian of w aussey of the boundaries og thf lAbd described•absve. Lt doss not purport to shoe imprwnwimts ar epera4clssm13t5. SE an As surveyed by es this 20th dwy of July, 1971. .9LZ i� XLr=ea9te Resistratian No. 7439 i •z nv..v- 612 595 9837 P.10i11 EXHIBIT C - SITE PLAN r ' '�rl�ti1��� ��^,_a/ryp•�.���' It��•• 'yl_-.I..ITsay.n.ir, ��•y�:r•F.^.:w.:•. :.: v•.r�i ::.i!::N'y.'-�brL'C ... •� i � I � 1 r x�•f.M t J Y��f 1 � r�r { ....� .1 .�"+: ••' .,y •• • 9 ) 1 b � f `� tiJ' w 4 �• r t 1 � t �t �:-- } f • :� � )Y ::: ir:•• S.'i • r: : • r rl C I� oY. MI +''y �h1a• � e� .� t • {o l C. -i 1 �* •k.. _� •.... •:a 1; . �. .y:'• . .. }a ` y \; r n. � :.'� r�.l +� fill ly i 7 L°. ,fir• ,ia •.. ��Iw�.r�a��;: •, ..:;ri l.�- t' . tiYy� ?f •,r '�:if -i ) '. ! � ,; �`Ht,_•, �yl�?:{ ��� ••r � �. �:ti1 •!.?: it%_ _ 'r,Y�4M1•��. •Z,••t�,�• �. i 5 ••{ !.• a��%r .�T �r !r ~! �:Yr � :J r � ,r, :ri• r. •y .'' .� r u jam'' :a`•a.'.-. •�..•..`_ __..P�7! v srwtG ::+fir 't-..^�:S^:-: �+e .�c _ r ' '�rl�ti1��� ��^,_a/ryp•�.���' It��•• 'yl_-.I..ITsay.n.ir, ��•y�:r•F.^.:w.:•. :.: v•.r�i ::.i!::N'y.'-�brL'C ... •� i � I � 1 r x�•f.M t J Y��f 1 � r�r { ....� .1 .�"+: ••' .,y •• • 9 ) 1 b � f `� tiJ' w 4 �• r t 1 � t �t �:-- } f • :� � )Y ::: ir:•• S.'i • r: : • r rl C I� oY. MI +''y �h1a• � e� .� t • {o l C. -i 1 �* •k.. _� •.... •:a 1; . �. .y:'• . .. }a ` y \; r n. � :.'� r�.l +� fill ly i 7 L°. ,fir• ,ia •.. ��Iw�.r�a��;: •, ..:;ri l.�- t' . tiYy� ?f •,r '�:if -i ) '. ! � ,; �`Ht,_•, �yl�?:{ ��� ••r � �. �:ti1 •!.?: it%_ _ 'r,Y�4M1•��. •Z,••t�,�• �. i 5 ••{ !.• a��%r .�T �r !r ~! �:Yr � :J r � ,r, :ri• r. •y MRY-22-1997 08:06 NAC 612 595 9837 P.01i05 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CC NSULTANTS NINc 5 7 7 5 W AY Z ATA BOULEVARD, SUITE 5 5 5 ST. LOUIS PARK, MINNESOTA 554 16 TRANSMITTAL PHONE (6 12)s95-9636 DATE: 22 May 1997 NUMBER OF PAGES TO: INCLUDING Elaine Beatty C O V E R: 61 FROM: Bob Kirmis QUANTITY: MATE RIAL/DESCR:IPTI 0N: DATED: 1 Findings of Fact - Klein VIA: REMARKS: MAIL Please distribute copies of the attached findings of fact to ❑ the City Council for their consideration on 27 May. We have mailed copies to Andy and Larry. Please call if FAX there are questions. n PICK UP a DELIVERY PRO J ECT: Otsego - Klein Building Relocation CUP JOB NUMBER: 176.02-97.06 MAY. 19. 1997 12:36PM TO:OTSEGO HaRanson Anderson 111Assoc.,linc. May 19, 1997 Ms. Elaine Beatty, Clerk City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Otsego, MN 55330 RE: Conditional Land use Permits Dear Elaine: r NO. 465 P. 1/2 3601 Thurston Avenue Anoka Minnesota 55303 612/4'27-5860 Fax 612/427-3#e}- 0520 The three Conditional Land Use Permits to be presented at the planning commission on 5/21/97 require some comment as these requests relate to engineering matters. • Gregory Paumen 14223 NE 78th Street The only issue would be that the proposer continues to use the existing single driveway and that the proposed building does not change drainage patterns. These are issues the building inspector can monitor. • Gregory & Linda Strommen 8433 Palmdren Ave NE We object to additional driveways due to the culvert, which creates another obstruction in the flow line of the ditch. We. also are concerned that in allowing this action, the City violates the subdivision overlay plans for Country Ridge. Allowing this may constitute a precedent. There may not be any other solution to this situation Unless a common singular driveway can be accomplished. • Charles Klein 8045 Ochou Ave NE The item of concern in the Conditional land Use Permit would be the wetlands and septic tank drainf laid. Wetlands should be delineated with completion of the Certificate of Exemption or Compliance or No Loss Form. As for the septic tank drainfield, the building inspector should review the system for conformance gtba ks to the wetland. The mover should be responsible for an a�na- the streets in Walesch Estates resulting from the move in. he streets in this area are in poor condition. r f „ � vL Engineers Landscape Architects ©W`^' Surveyors MAY -22-1997 08:0? IN RE: NAC 612 595 9837 P.02i05 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPROVAL CITY OF OTSEGO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA FINDINGS OF FACT AND DECISION Application of Charles I4ein for a conditional use permit to allow a relocated single family residence to lie upon an existing lot of record within the City. On 27 May 1997, the Otsego City Council met at its regularly scheduled meeting to consider the application for the conditional use permit. Based on the application, the recommendation of the Planning Commission, and the evidence received, the City Council now makes the following findings of fact and decision. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The applicant is requesting a conditional use permit to allow a relocated single family residence to lie upon an existing lot of record. 2. The subject property is zoned R-3, Residential -Immediate Urban Service Area. 3. The placement of a relocated single family residence is a conditionally permitted use in the City. 4. The legal description of the property is as follows: Lot 14, Block 1, Walesch Estates 2nd Addition, City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota 5. Section 20-4-2.17 of the Zoning Ordinance directs the Planning Commission and City Council to consider seven possible adverse effects of the proposed conditional use. The seven effects and findings regarding them are: a. The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the official City Comprehensive Plan. The proposed use of the subject property will be compatible with adjacent properties. As such, the use is consistent with the intent of the Comprehensive Plan and the property's R-3 zoning designation. MAY -22-1997 08:07 NAC 612 595 9837 P.03i05 b. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. The enforcement of building code requirements shall ensure compatibility with surrounding uses. In consideration of the residence's condition, design type, and applicable building code requirements, the proposed use will be compatible with present and future land uses in the area. C. The proposed use conforms with all performance standards contained herein (i.e., parking, loading, noise, etc.). The proposed use will conform to all applicable performance standards. d. The proposed use's effect on the are, in which it is proposed. The proposed use will not tend to or have an adverse effect upon the area in which it is proposed. e. The proposed use's impact upon the property values of the area in which it is proposed. The proposed use will not tend to depreciate area property values. f. Traffic generated by the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the property. No change in existing traffic generation will result from the building relocation. Traffic generated by the proposed use is within the capabilities of Ochoa Avenue which serves the property. g. The proposed use's impact upon existing public services and facilities including parks, schools, streets and utilities, and its potential to overburden the City's service capacity. The proposed use will not overburden the City's service capacity. 6. The planning report dated 15 May 1997, prepared by Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc., is incorporated herein. 2 r�r ��-Zyyr 16W;06 NAC 612 595 9837 P.04/05 7. On 21 May 1997, the Otsego Planning Commission conducted a public hearing to consider the proposed conditional use permit application preceded by published and mailed notice. Upon review of the conditional use permit application and evidence received, the Otsego Planning Commission closed the public hearing and recommended that the City Council approve the conditional use permit based on the aforementioned findings. DECISION Based on the foregoing considerations and applicable ordinances, the applicant's request for a conditional use pen -nit to relocate a single family residence to an existing lot of record is approved in its present form and subject to the following stipulations: r 1. A site plan, drawn to scale and based upon a certificate of survey is provided which illustrates various site features including the location of the proposed residence, septic system, well, driveway, wetland boundaries, and out buildings. 2. The relocated residence comply with all applicable requirements of the State Building Code. This item should be subject to further comment by the City Building Official. 3. The relocated structure is ready for occupancy within six months from the date of location on the site. 4. Drainage and utility easements are provided as may be recommended by the City Engineer. 5. The City Building Official and/or the City Engineer provide comment/ recommendation in regard to well and sewage treatment issues. 6. The applicant provide proof to the City that the house move is performed by a licensed mover in accordance with applicable State requirements. 7. The applicant notify the City of the route and exact timing of the move. 8. The site's existing structure is removed from the subject property prior to occupancy of the relocated building. 9. A performance security is posted in an amount determined appropriate by the Zoning Administrator. The security should be reflective of anticipated improvement costs (foundation work, etc.) 3 MAY -22-1997 06:09 NAC 612 595 9837 P.05i05 10. The subject site's driveway is surfaced in accordance with the directives of the City Council, either in compliance with existing ordinance requirements or pending amendment. Final CUP approval shall coincide and respond to the requirements of such approved (or denied) amendment. 11. The applicants' mover is responsible for any excessive damage to streets in the area resulting from the building relocation. ADOPTED by the Otsego City Council this 27th day of May 1997. CITY OF OTSEGO By: Lary Fournier, Mayor ATTEST: By: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator 4 TOTAL P.05 MAY -2? -199? 15:31 NAC 612 595 983? P.02/03 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS INC COMMUNITY PLANNING - DESIGN - MARKET RESEARCH MEMORANDUM TO: Elaine Beatty FROM: David Licht DATE: 27 May 1997 RE: Otsego - Comprehensive Plan/Sewer Study FILE NO: 176.08 This memo will summarize a number of points which have been raised as part of our phone discussion last week as well as our staff meeting this morning. With regard to the Council's suggestion that the balance of the east half of the community be planned for future development in anticipation of sewer, as well as a number of land owners proposals which have come forth on the west side of the community, I believe all these matters should be addressed as part of the overall Comprehensive Plan. As you are aware, the plan is contingent upon whether or not sewer will be provided in the eastern portion of the City. The decision on this matter will affect all other considerations and development proposals. Tied into this most certainly is financing and the City's ability to carry debt load and a reasonable risk on potential bonds. Also if there is a negative decision on sewer in the east part of the City, it would lead to a waste of time and effort to do long range planning of an area which would likely remain rural and ag in character. believe Bob Kinnis also raised a highly critical point as part of our staff meeting this morning. He questioned the City's accommodation of numerous residential housing proposals in light of the community's primary objective of enhancing its tax base. Continually providing a forum for new residential development proposals at this time is, in our opinion, highly counter-productive. The City needs to focus upon the east end opportunities provided by the Highway 101 upgrade and attracting commerce and industry into this area. I would frankly expect that the Comprehensive Plan would suggest some type of housing quota system in an attempt to maintain a reasonable level of service expenditures and related tax demand_ 5775 WAYZATA BOULEVARD, SUITE 555 ST. LOUIS PARK, MINNESOTA 554 1 6 PHONE 5 1 2-595.9636 FAX 6 1 2-595-9837 MAY -27-1997 15:32 NAC 612 595 9837 P.03/03 As i have stated to you, I think the City Council should set aside all other issues and matters and focus solely on the issue of sewer in the eastern portion of the City. This decision is paramount and needs to be resolved one way or another. PC. Larry Koshak Andy MacArthur VA TOTAL P.03 CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE: DEPARTMENT: PREPARED BY: MEETING DATE 7. ANDY MAC ARTHUR, CITY ATTORNEY (Elaine) May 27, 1997 6:302M ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: 7.1. Hearing for Liquor License Renewal as follows: a. Pattern Station , Riverwood Inn and Conference- Center b. Riverview Liquorette BACKGROUND: The above licenses are up for renewal - due June 30th yearly. Attached is a copy of the license information. I have had the Sheriffs Department review and do a check on them. No problems were found when doing the check. Everything is in order and ready to go to the State of Mn. Liquor Control Division. RECOMMENDATION: Hold the Hearing for Pattern Station, Riverwood Inn and Conference Center and Riverview Liquorette. If no problems appear, they are in order for Council Renewal for another year starting May 1, 1997 - June 30, 1998. Thanks, Elaine CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT Notice of a Public Hearings to be held for the purpose of considering renewal of the following Liquor Licenses: 1. Pattern Station, Inc. DBA Riverwood Inn and Conference Center, 10990 - 95TH ST NE, (Otsego) Monticello, Minnesota 55362 to consider renewal of: A. On Sale Liquor, Wine License 2. Riverview Liquorette/Elk River, Inc. trade name: Riverview Liquorette 15682 NE 90TH Street, Elk River, Minnesota, 55330 to consider renewal of: A. Off Sale Liquor License These Hearings will be held at the City of Otsego Council Meeting at 8899 Nashua Avenue NE, Otsego, MN 55330 at 6:30PM on May 27, 1997, or as soon thereafter as time permits to consider the above applications for renewal of licenses for either acceptance or denial. All interested parties wishing to be heard either in favor or opposition to this Liquor License requests for renewal will be heard at this time and questions will be answered. If you would like further information, please call Otsego at 441-4414 in advance of this meeting. CITY OF OTSEGO: Laine Beatty, Clerk/Zonin dm. Dated and Posted: 4/30/97 2 -Boards, Otsego City Hall Published: 5/14/97 ELK RIVER STAR NEW C*1"n lkx- -51F19) 19 a#c s Minnesota Department of Nuouc aatety Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement 444 Cedar St., Suite 100L St. Paul, MN 55101-2156 612-296-6430 • TTY 612-282-6555 • FAX 612-297-5259 RENEWAL OF .-,. TT7) T Tyr. ATL1V M Licensee: Please verify your license information contained below. Make corrections if necessary and sign. City Clerk/County Auditor should submit this signed renewal with completed license and licensee liquor liability for the new license period. City Clerk/County Auditor are also required by M.S. 340A.404 S. 3 to report any license cancellation. License Code 0 N S LW S City/County where license approved License Period Ending 0 6/ 30/ 9 7 ID # Otsego Licensee Name Pattern Station Inc. 269 Vendor # Acct. # Amount Trade Name R i verwood Inn & Conference Center_ Licensed Location address 10 9 9 0 95th St NE —_ o — City, State, Zip Code Monticello, M N 55362 Approved by 1099 Business Phone ( 612 ) 4 4 1- 6 8 3 3 LICENSE FEES: Off Sale $ On Sale $ 4,000-00 Sunday $ 150.00 By signing this renewal application, applicant certifies that there has been no change in ownership or the above named licensee. For changes in ownership, the licensee named above, or for new licensees, full applications should be used. See back of this application for further information needed to complete this renewal. Applicant's si nature on this renewal confirms the following: Failure to re rt any of the following will result in fines. 1. Licensee confirms it has no interest whatsoever, directly or indirectly in any other liquor establishments in Minnesota. If so, give details on back of this application. 2. Licensee confirms that it has never had a liquor license rejected by any city/township/county in the state of Minnesota. If ever rejected, please give details on the back of this renewal, then sign below. 3. Licensee confirms that for the past five years it has not had a liquor license revoked for any liquor law violation (state or local). If a revocation has occurred, please give details on the back of this renewal, then sign below. 4. Licensee confirms that during the past five years it or its employees have not been cited for any civil or criminal liquor law violations. If violations have occurred, please give details on back of this renewal, then sign below. 5. Licensee confirms that during the past license year, a summons has not been issued under the Liquor Liability Law (Dram Shop) MS 340A.802. If yes, attach a copy of the summons, then sign below. 6. Licensee confirms that Workers Compensation insurance is in effect for the full license period. Licensee has attached a liquor liability insurance certificate that corresponds with the license period in city/county where license is issued. $100,000 in sh or curities or $100, 000 surety bond may be submitted in lieu of liquor liability. Licensee Signature Date �l0 (Signature certifies a ae information t correct aild license has bee approved by city/county. City Clerk/County Auditor Signature Date (Signature certifies that renewal of a liquor, wine or club license has been approved by the city/county as stated above. County Attorney Signature Date County Board issued licenses only (Signature certifies licensee is eligible for license). Sh 'ff S' -cure 1 Date 7 % �– Police/ en t a - - (Signature certifies licensee or associates I e not cen cited during the past five years for any state/local I violations (criminal/civil). Report violations on back, then sign here. MAR.-12'91(WED) 15:14 AON RISK SERVICES A4040RIL Aon Hospitality 1211 SW Fifth Ave.. Suite A00 Portland OR 97204 503-72d_0-7nn /s jl Regency Inns Management. Inc. 2600 No. Louise Sioux Falls SD 57107 TEL:503 295 0923 P.002 HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOHS NOT AMEND. EXTEND on ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW, COMPANY A FI r9man' Fund Insurance COMPANY 8 National ion AIG COWANY C COMPANY THISISTOCFRTIFYTHATTHEppLICIESOFIIN"ANCELISTEDBELOWHAv BEENIS'U50TOTHEINSUREDNAMEDABOVEFORTHEPOLICYPERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDINOANYREOLIMEMENT, TERM ORCONDITX]NOFANYCONTR1tCTOROTHER DOCUMENT WITHRESPECT TOWHICHTHIS CERTIFICA TE MAY BE ISSUED ORMAY PERT AIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCAIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT T O ALL THE TERMS, 7o EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLC IES, LIMITS SHOWNMAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAMS o LYN TVPEOFSWUNAME - aoNOVsaliiap PMJSVRFMTW I POLOOTEXPOAT 9ATE(mm1mvV) OATE(WmIc lVV) LIMRt RE: Riverwood Inn 6 Conference Center, 10990 95th Street NE, MenticcIIa MN Evidence of Insurance for Liquor License Renewal 510ULb ANY or TMC AOOve ompmm DoLIO CS, 8C OANOELLEp WroW THC 6SPIIAT" DATE THERWor, THE W2rjNG vOMPANY WtL ENDCAVOa To MIL 30 DAYaWAITTENNOTIOlTOTM�CEATlIOATEHOLDplNAb1Ep70THtLCrT, OUT FAILUed TO MAIL :ION NOr1OE m1 ALL IWOtg NO OBLIGATION 09 LIABLITY Of ANY KIND UPON THE COMPANY, Irr AGENT= Op TA049SENTATIVC5. n /,? _ 1 / /'/- / 404548000 s GEIRMAL LIANLITY A X C -111I CIALOETi?AALLIADILITY 0)0(806573 10 GENERAL AGCAEQATE I 0000 aSai CLAIMS AuoE© OCCLR 10/01/98 10/01/97 PFXX=TS•COMP/OP AW II Oo OWNF'SL CONTRACTOR'S PRAT PERSONAL L AOY INJURY i 1 n0nn. X -i g ma r L i ab PER LOCATION AGG EACH OC�NCE I 1000 00 00,00000000 FIRE DANADEAny ane tire) I ( AUTOMOOalI LIAGa.trY ►IED EV (Arty one P--) I ANY AUTO COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT I ALL OWNED AUTOS S ALTOS BODILY IN.lAaV I (Pv palm) HIRED AUTOS NON•OWWO AUTOS BCOILY INJLRY A (Pr aceltlem ) PROPERTY DAMADE I QARA" LIAOLTTY ANY Auro AUTO ONLY . EA ACCIDENT I O1FCFt THAN AUTO CNLV. °;:::�:I;:!::i:;�:.;l;:i:;.::•;•;';; EACH ACCIDENT I CxaEeaLlAas.RY AGORFGATE / B UMBRELLA FORM BE LACH OCCURAENCE I 00000 OTHER THAN u►6RElLA FARM 9723959 10/01/90 10/01/97 AOpAEGATE I 10000000 PER L OQ0/INCL I WONCEaa 00MPCMCATM* ANDI EMPLOVZ7WLIAOIIJTV STATUTORY LIMITS : ;`�:;:::.;:;� ; ;_:i. TFE PROPRIETOR/ EACH ACCIDENT f' PAAlNER3/FXECL!TIVE OFFICCRS AAF: INCL DISEASE • PCLICY LIMIT I or"" FXCL DISEASE • EACH EWLOYCE I RE: Riverwood Inn 6 Conference Center, 10990 95th Street NE, MenticcIIa MN Evidence of Insurance for Liquor License Renewal 510ULb ANY or TMC AOOve ompmm DoLIO CS, 8C OANOELLEp WroW THC 6SPIIAT" DATE THERWor, THE W2rjNG vOMPANY WtL ENDCAVOa To MIL 30 DAYaWAITTENNOTIOlTOTM�CEATlIOATEHOLDplNAb1Ep70THtLCrT, OUT FAILUed TO MAIL :ION NOr1OE m1 ALL IWOtg NO OBLIGATION 09 LIABLITY Of ANY KIND UPON THE COMPANY, Irr AGENT= Op TA049SENTATIVC5. n /,? _ 1 / /'/- / 404548000 s CITY OF OTSEGO 8899 NE NASHUA AVE. ELK RIVER. MN 55330 feel aat.4414 61.7 �—� Minnesota Department of Public 5atety Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement 444 Cedar St., Suite 100L St. Paul, N1N 55101-2156 612-296-6430 • 't'I'Y 612-282-6555 • FAX 612-297-5259 RENEWAL OF LIQUOR, WINE, OR CLUB LICENSE Licensee: Please verify your license information contained below. Make corrections if necessary and sign. City Clerk/County Auditor should submit this signed renewal with completed license and licensee liquor liability for the new license period. City Clerk/County Auditor are also required by M.S. 340A.404 S. 3 to report any license cancellation. ✓ License Code O F S L City/County where license approved License Period Ending 0 6/ 3 0/ 9.7 ID# Otsego 1205 Licensee Name Riverview L i quorette/E 1 k Rvr�'4 nc..-.. Trade Name Riverview L i quorette Licensed Location address 15682 NE 90th St City, State, Zip Code Elk River, MN 55330 Business Phone ( 612 ) 44 1-7685 LICENSE FEES: Off Sale $ 150.00 On Sale $ Sunday $ By signing this renewal application, applicant certifies that there has been no change in ownership or the above named licensee. For changes in ownership, the licensee named above, or for new licensees, full applications should be used. See back of this application for further information needed to complete this renewal. Applicant's signature on this renewal confirms the followin :Failure to re ort any of the followin will result in fines. 1. Licensee confirms it has no interest whatsoever, directly or indirectly in any other liquor establishments in Minnesota. If so, give details on back of this application. 2. Licensee confirms that it has never had a liquor license rejected by any city/township/county in the state of Minnesota. If ever rejected, please give details on the back of this renewal, then sign below. 3. Licensee confirms that for the past five years it has not had a liquor license revoked for any liquor law violation (state or local). If a revocation has occurred, please give details on the back of this renewal, then sign below. 4. Licensee confirms that during the past five years it or its employees have not been cited for any civil or criminal liquor law violations. If violations have occurred, please give details on back of this renewal, then sign below. 5. Licensee confirms that during the past license year, a summons has not been issued under the Liquor Liability Law (Dram Shop) MS 340A.802. If yes, attach a copy of the summons, then sign below. 6. Licensee confirms that Workers Compensation insurance is in effect for the full license period. Licensee has attached a liquor liability insurance certificate that corresponds with the license period in city/county where license is issued. $ ,000 i 0, ash or securities or $100, 000 surety bond may be submitted in lieu of liquor liability. - /r Date Oy Licensee Signature 6C (Signature certifies all above informs to be correct an icense has been approved by city/county. - ...._ Date City Clerk/County Auditor Signature (Signature certifies that renewal of a liquor, wine or club license has been approved by the city/county as stated above. Date County ttomey Signature County Board issued licenses only (Signature certifies licensee is eligible for license). - Police/Sheriff Signature (Signature certifies licensee or assoc i es ve n been cited during the past five years for any state local liquor law violations (criminal/civil). Report violations on ack, then sign here. pg a 0 v et/ N to0 N W 0 m tx N O O 0 t7 RENEWAL CERTIFICATE Please Insert this Renewal Certificate with the rest of your policy. In return for your premium, your policy is Important. Please refer to your Coverage renewed to the date shown on this certificate. Summaries that are attached for any changes in your policy. You will also receive the benefit We, us, our and ours mean the insurance of any changes we've made in our standard company named on the Introduction. policy forms that broaden or extend your coverage without increasing your premium. The words you, your and yours mean the insured named here: RIVERVIEW LIQUORETTE OF ELK RIVER, INC dba: RIVERVIEW LIQUORETTE OF EL.K RIVER 15682 N.E. 90TH STREET ELK RIVER MN 55330 Policy lCumbem RB06626662 Is Renewed From: 07/01/97 To: 07/01/98 Premium: $3,283.00 Our authorized representative is: 2213540 JIM NESSER AGENCY INC reri , 636 BROADWAY NE MINNEAPOLIS MN 55413 ✓• Secretary Authorize sentativ Date Processing Date 03/28/97 15:15 001 407�d.9-86 Print d in U.S.A. Renewal Certificate oSt:Paul-Flre and Marine Insurance Co. 1986 Page 1 CC r- 0. a C4 U � S PACKAGE ACCOUNTS FOR COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISES COVERAGE SUMMARY This summary shows the Limits Of Coverage and any Optional Coverages you have for state or policy level coverages. These coverages and limits apply to all locations on your policy. Refer to your Package Accounts For Commercial Enterprises Location Coverage Summary for coverages that apply to a specific location. , Commercial General Liability Protection 0 Limits Of Coverage General total limit $ -2,000,000 Personal Injury each 1,000,000 limit $ person co Products and completed Advertising injury each limit $ 1,000,000 work total limit $ 2,000,000 person m Each event limit $ 1,000,000 N Medical expense limit $ 5,000 0 0OPTIONAL COVERAGES LIMITS OF COVERAGE Cl)The following liquor liability limits apply in Minnesota: Combined Single Limit: $ 1,000,000 Liquor Liability Total Limit: $ 2,000,000 Liability Protection For Autos You Don't Own Limit: $ 1,000,000 Non -owned Hired Auto The following apply to the rental car physical damage coverage in Minnesota: Comprehensive: $ 35,000 I! Rental Car Physical Damage Collision: $ 35,000 a� Deductible: $ 0 Name of Insured Policy Number RB06626662 Effective Date 07/01/97 RIVERVIEW LIQUORETTE OF ELK RIVER, INC Processing Date 03/28/97 15:15 001 41242 Rev.5-91 Printed in U.S.A. Coverage Summary ®St.Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Co.1991 All Rights Reserved Page 1 n a o r N N V U PACKAGE ACCOUNTS FOR COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISES LOCATION COVERAGE SUMMARY This summary shows the Limits Of Coverage and any Optional Coverages you have for this location. Location # 001 RIVERVIEW LIQUORETTE OF ELK RIVER Address: 15682 N.E. 90TH STREET ELK RIVER MN 55330 imstraW Limit o Property Protection Inflation Protection 1% $ 217,560 Building $ 74,460 Business Contents co Statistical Information Factor Credits c Protective Safeguards: 0 09 Protection Class Renewal Credit ---------------------- 004 Territory Central Station Alarm 0 4 Rate Group 0 083 Class Code Non -Combustible Construction $250 Deductible Optional Coverages Limits $ 3,400 Sign 41243 Rev.5-91 Printed in U.S.A. Coverage Summary oSt.Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Co.1991 All Rights Reserved Page 1 Policy Number RB06626662 Effective Date 07/01/97 Name of Insured RIVERVIEW LIQUORETTE OF ELK RIVER, INC Processing Date 03/28/97 15:15 001 41243 Rev.5-91 Printed in U.S.A. Coverage Summary oSt.Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Co.1991 All Rights Reserved Page 1 r a N PACKAGE ACCOUNTS FOR COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISES LOCATION COVERAGE SUMMARY CONTINUED V ADDITIONAL PROTECTED PERSONS Name and Address g Type Mortgage Holder, Assign Holder, Receiver SSTTAT127ANK OF ROGERS BOX ROGERS MN 55374 0 41243 Rev.5-91 Printed in U.S.A. Coverage Summary Continued oSt.Paul Fire and Marine Insurance C0.1991 All Rights Reserved Page 2 policy Number Rs06626662 y Effective U) Name of Insured RIVERVIEW LIQUORETTE co 15:15 N (D (D N (D (D O m D: N 0 O C7 41243 Rev.5-91 Printed in U.S.A. Coverage Summary Continued oSt.Paul Fire and Marine Insurance C0.1991 All Rights Reserved Page 2 policy Number Rs06626662 y Effective Date 07/01/97 Name of Insured RIVERVIEW LIQUORETTE OF ELK RIVER, INC Processing Date 03/28/97 15:15 001 41243 Rev.5-91 Printed in U.S.A. Coverage Summary Continued oSt.Paul Fire and Marine Insurance C0.1991 All Rights Reserved Page 2 n a r. 0 X POLICY FORM LIST TMSAId 0 Here's a list of all forms included in your policy, on the date shown below. These forms are listed in the same order as they appear in your policy. Title Form Number Edition Date 8 Renewal Certificate 40751 09-86 Package Accounts For Commercial Enterprises Coverage Summ. 41242 05-91 Package Accounts For Commercial Enterprises Location 41243 05-91 Coverage Summary 40705 05-84 o Policy Form List 40701 OS-84 General Rules 40573 10-95 Minnesota Required Endorsement 44178 08-95 Commercial Auto Required Endorsement - Minnesota What To Do If You Have A Loss 40814 41311 11-91 03-95 v Ln Package Accounts For Commercial Enterprises Property Protection - - - - - - 41269 05-91 m PACE Retail Endorsement Package Accounts For Commercial Enterprises CGL Protection 41312 05-91 mContract Liability Defense Expenses Endorsement 47320 03-92 Ce Executive Officer And Leased Worker Endorsement 47444 10-93 NPollution Exclusion Lead Example Endorsement 47482 10-93 0 o m Liquor Liability Protection Liquor Liability Endorsement - MN Bodily Injury Redefined 43611 47312 11-85 11-91 • Endorsement Liability Protection For Autos You Don't Own 44471 04-91 Rental Car Physical Damage Protection Endorsement - 44407 08-95 - Minnesota PLEASE NOTE: This is a renewal of your policy. Some of the forms that make up your policy may not be attached. Only agreements or endorsements that are new or have been changed are attached. Please refer to your previous policy for any forms listed here that are not attached. Name of Insured Policy Number RB06626662 Effective Date 07/01/97 RIVERVIEW LIQUORETTE OF ELK RIVER, INC Processing Date 03/28/97 15:15 001 40705 Ed.5-84 Printed in U.S.A. Form List oSt.Paul Fire and Marine Insurance CO -1995 Page 1 U F r CC UJ LLz O? Y � ca 2 to w uw g Q S F- N r 0 _FOR SECURrTypU,.THE OFrIS DOOU"Dff CC"T"S, 1103 75-9181919RIVERVIEW LIOUORETTE 15682 Northeast 90th St. Elk River, MN 55330 1t /2D.S" 192 ^..��•. $ .. , L. A t " ane DouARS r , I / ,41d. 10P.0 1,011032us 1:09 1909 LB L Ax00,Cp L,„„CKOFTMC"ICK 'Villi= S. Radzwill Andrew 1. MacArthur Michael C. Couri Megan M. McDonald May 27, 1997 RA.DZW LL & CO UN Anorngs at Law 705 Central Avenue East PO Bax 369 St. Michael, MN 55376 (612) 497-1930 (612) 497-2599 (FAX) David Lenhardt Attorney at Law Gries & Lenhardt P.L.L.P. 100 East Central Avenue P.O. Box 35 St. Michael, MN 55376 RE: Lef-Co Farms, Inc. V. City of Otsego Wright County Case No: 86-C1-96-000621 Written Notice Of Filing Of Findings Of Fact, Conclusions Of Law And Order Dear Mr. Lenhardt: Enclosed herein and hereby served upon you through the United States Mail please find Notice Of Filing Of Order, and Findings Of Fact, Conclusions Of Law And Order filed on May 23, 1997 in the above entitled matter. VerV.a s drr RADZI Encl. cc: Wright County District Court City of Otsego WiMain S. RadzwiU, Andrew I. MaM kur Wchad C. - Coud Magnant M. McDonald ; TO : : G " L •rr`•- dE -COUW AuorndDw a: Law X5 Cagral Avenues Sau. PO Bas 369 54 Midiae4 MlV S5396 (612) 4971930 (612) 07-2599 I T.� t. FACSI14ILE COVER -PAGE - OF: FROM: /k -c SUBJECT: FAX NUMBER: _ ,¢3" � �-t � � S 8 2 3 DATE: S -z?' R TAKE: /L % O Q' AM/a TOTAL PAGES (INCLUDING COVER SHEET) 1 ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: jG.,.� c- �• r (.��"��� THIS: FACSIMILE T-RiANSMISSION IS CONFIDENTIAL. IT MAY BE RRV AND'IS INTENDED!FOR THE USE OF THE'ADDRESSEE ONLY. IF YOU i THE ADDRESSEE (i0R A PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR -DELIVERIN( TRANSMISSION TO; TETE ADDRESSEE) DO NOT READ, COPY, OR US TRANSMISSION IN :ANY WAY, BUT PROMPTLY CONTACT ;THE ;SEN TELEPHONE TO ARgANGE FOR THE RETURN OF THE ORIGINAL DOCUMENT NOT THIS THIS Z 'BY ) Us. T0•d £Z88Tbb 0i 1,+J0 mvi 1jn00 T II1mzpwN W0aA WdTT:ZT L66T-LZ-S0 "STATE O F MINNESOTA TENTH JUDICIAL. DISTRICT COUNTY OF WRIGHT PUFFALO: MIN`dcSOTA 55393 Z0'd ZE88TVV 01 i,+,+0 MQJ ;Jno0 '8 IIIMzpva WObd WdtT:2T LEGS -LZ -SO i. E- Ca FARMS INC : .. v o . CITY OF OJTSE�O ANDREW JE'33E MACARTHUR '1 ' .'tJG Ly.-,:M-j..�.`I 4. `,i 1\i ii X,�I,,l�. .�.. i•:S�' .. •, 87 .11 CIHAEL -MN .t : !! t 3 7 J ' zz `.c F7. {� ; - - .' _ _'`<$ r't '_!�� s; iL '_'•:y i:iiY -� , . 4'+. •'� .7 •.w .. . r L !� N •J ... .:'i '� r Il �J :. I. w. ~': .a �_ .� .3 •_ n e i 1i `� .t .� v �CI •-. _ _. :. ;l �? i r - s'_ :'t %S. ISI .1 t � ` � ;` ._i .. :% 1 •.7t :> yr T::'t'�� W, M J.:.... .. Q-0 E' d �_, �.''.: (• _ .. .. � . _ ::i•''i':. Z0'd ZE88TVV 01 i,+,+0 MQJ ;Jno0 '8 IIIMzpva WObd WdtT:2T LEGS -LZ -SO STATE OF ME�NESOTA COUNTY OF; WWGHT: Lzf--Co Fax=' Lie. T16intiif, vs• CYIy of Otsego, Defendant, ' I DISTRICT COYI;RT TENTS JUDICIAL DIz'Iaw r Court File No.: C1-96-621 FINDINGS:OF FACT, CONCLUSIL.NS OF LAW & ORDER Fa L4,7 D The above -entitled matter carne on before the -Court for a trial-withOut a jury.oti D cemtier . 9, 1996. i Lenhard P.L.L.P. appeared on behalf of Plaintiff. David 3.Lenhardt, Esq., Grr es & t, PP Andrew J. MabA'rthur, Esq., Radzwill & Couri, appeared on behalf of Defendant. Pursuant• to a stipulation between the parties, the matter was to :be submitte?I to e Court for a final decisiln:on, a stipulated record' consistlni g of documen'ts:And deposition'trans nipts:o£ Defendant's City' Council members. On December 9, 1996 the parties, each made an oral argument and submitted written briefs. On December 30, 1996 the parties each submitt reply brie€s Subs T tie subrnitEed.let#e ;briefs•whkclr tie oe eeeivedtli�rj:the ur#':on February 18, 1997, February 24, 1997, March 3, 1997 and March 7, 1997.: j. j . The Court,; based upon the evidence, files, records and proceedings herein, I and'u pon the arguments of counsel, makes the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. Plaintiff Ief-Co Farms, Inc. (hereafter "Lef-Co") is a Minnesota corporation. ownea by the 20'd zz88Zbb 01 T++0 mvj Tino0 8 i1TmZpvd WodA WdzT:zi L66S-LZ-SO 0 LeFebvre family . Plaintiff is located in the City of Otsego, County of Wright, State of Minnesota. ! I 2. Defendant is a Unnesota governmental unit located in the Country of;Wright; ftate of Minnesota: 3. ;On,or about ;Marsh; :15, ; 19.95 Plaintiff submitted an application for' a• WCA pe , • for : Construction +1 Operation of. an Animal Feedlot upon property located within the ity: of Otsego, County a.f Wright, State of Minnesota and legally described in the record. 4. The property is zoned A-1: Agricultural Rural Service District. .5 �' I x'the ea r�y csuiim ar �of I9 'Jim LeFebvre, on behalf 'of Plaintiff, approached a ;City . I of Otsego about i he coin ction of certain barn facilities upon the above described : operty . within the City of Otsego[. 6. On July 01-19151 the MPCA issued to Plaintiff an Interim Permit for the Planning, Construction and Operation, of an Animal Feedlot and Manure Storage Area. 1 Thel permit indicated that the! facilities to be constructed included two total confinement barns; a 94! x .3 86' barn to 'house 36b` dairy Bows . and 'a 48' x °.160" barn to. house. a0 ;calves and 40 dairy c ws,' as well as a 350' k 150' X:14' earthen manure holding basin. The permit made reference o local regulation of the facility. : C z ,a#d.:feediot..re luired .bob., a..l�tP.CA permit:•and *7W. de al. .. use permit from the City,; as the Otsego City Zoning Ordinance .20-51-5,D, listecl Coin ercaal . Feedlots as a conditional ;use within. an area zoned Agricultural -1. Because a cOnditio al'.use permit was required, the jCity had to notify surrounding property owners and hold a public meeting. 8. The last p�ge of the MPCA application asked whether all local zoning permits h been I I I � vo,d zzeeTtbb 01 j++0 mvj iino0 8 jjtmzpad WOdd WdZT:ZT 2 -66T -2.3 -SO i applied for. This question was not answered by plaintiff. 9. Plaintiff submitted an Application for a Conditional Use Permit to Defendant on jul�'24, 1995. Lef-Co!s application referenced two large barns to house more than four hundred (400) head of dairy ;covers, and a large earthen lagoon for storage of manure. The applications further t i . stated, that thej lagoon would be periodically agitated, at which time there would:be ' icant odors 'emanating jfrom the manure lagoon. 10. On August 28, :1995, the City Planner prepared a report which was presented to .the Planning Commission, the City Council and the applicant. The report evidenc..ed._iico%;em . . :. xegarcing'the 1oatinn the proposed use in` relation to ars ales designated fol low (density residential use; odors, anc� violation of the 1,000 feed setback requirement from:the ordinary luglt. water mark of an unnamed Natural Environmental Lake (Protected Water I.D. # 86-33®W). 11. Public ;hearings --wire held by Defendant's Planning Commission on September b, 1995 i and September 20,. 1995; The Planning Commission made its recommendation .to the City Council on October 4, 1995. ! 12. ..At the Sepptember. 1995 public hearing, owning pro' erty.:directly across' ftotn the proposed site, 'as :well as -others, appeared in opposition to the proposal. The :citizens pposed to the feedlot retained an: attorney, Mr. Thomas Casey, and presented various concernsi related to. land use,co ,tib lit ;.4n the presence of various srr3all waterways;and-wells.near the acgliiy. Mr. Casey was ccincerned;about set Lucks from these public water's. The citizens raised cimdeins about pollutaori ofground, water, incompatibility of uses, odor, and impairment o£ their property values. 13. Carol Holland, John Holland and Gil Darkenwald, Jr., among others, spoke about their concern that th�iri property would lose value because of the location of the facility.. I&.- #oIland i so*d zeeeT b 0i T++0 maj 1inoo 8 11TMZPVZ{ WOdd Wd2Z:ZT L66T-L3-so f submitted a lettei from Grandprey Appraisal Services citing the adverse affect on the value of properties located next to another feedlot. 14. -The issue of odor was raised by Jean Bumgardner, Diane Shonyo, Herb Peck, Glen Daleidon, and xtdger Bentz, the owner of a feedlot in Martin County, Minnesota. 15. Those in: apposition also submitted documents evidencing problems with odors it -other, similar`• facilities_ i 16. Mr. David Nelson, Supervisor of the Feedlot program for MPCA, spoke at the Se tember 20, 1995 hearing. Mr. Nelson indicated that the MPCA does not get involved with odor. Ou"UX, and there zs<to'est kilis[ied scientifid Wray 'to 'measure odor. W. Nelson added th at MP A does not address Iar�dise gdestions since this issue is best addressed by the local governme t_ Nelson: added :th4t MPCA essentially does a desk top review of the material submitte by the applicant 17. A large ziumber of persons were in attendance at all three public hearings, i. opposition to, arid ; in support of, the proposal. Extensive verbal testimony was.t numerous docomfnts w�re submitted by both sides. 18. Notice Wfis duly.'given to the applicant pursuant to Minn. Stat. §15.99 on Septe 1995, extending the amount of time required for the Council's decision from 60 to 120 19. jGh Se�e�1 26,r �99� ; .Dei�endant's Planning Comiiiissiort ,condticted: `a site iri of the Lair -CO Dome. farm as well as a facility similar to the new one being: prop osed by I 20. The applicant diose not to.be represented by an attorney until after the public phase of the proceedings had closed. 21. The Otsego City' Engineer, Lawrence Koshak, requested a site and drainage plan fa.cility,in letters hated August 31, 1995 and September 18, 1995, both of''which were cc i in and 15, S. tion the. to i 901d ZZ88T" 01 i+,}0 mel T.anOD '8 j t Tmzped WOaA Wdt7T :ZT 2,66T -LZ -SO the applicant.' Based upon the fact that no plan was ever submitted, the City Engineer recommended, denial of the CUP in correspondence dated October 18, 1995. 22. In order %r a CUP to be approved by the City of Otsego, the applicant must Aot only comply with the 'specific criteria for each individual conditional use, but must also comply with the -general re iejv kriteria evaluating the effect of the proposed use on the City's Comprehensive Plan, and its compatibility with and:effect upon surrountjng uses, as set forth in Otsego' Zoning Ordinance Section 20-4-2,F. 23. Section 20-27-4,E of the ordinance prohibits feedlots within 1,000 feet from 7' high' water m&Jc a$ any "lake, pond or flowage." 24. :On Octobj r 4, 1995 Defendant's Planning Commission .voted in favor of recomzfieridyng the Conditional Use Permit with the. condition that condition number two of the Planner�p report be changed to -indicate that the facility comply with City Shoreland set back requirem4nts and that the grading ohd other plans be supplied to the City Council prior to their making a decision. 25. :After the Manning. Commission hearings and prior to the City Council consideration' of i the matter on ober 23, 19.15, both sides of .the dispute asked :to be allowed to j siubmit additional info'Mahon for council consideration. A substantial number of documents, including appraisal reports,i were submitted to the City by both sides. Prior to final consideration, the Council; voted. i `Tirol to, allow. r. . tenial .only: ialaxed::#a !p�op�rty; valutatton rssu6 .to':.bo submitted into;th : record. 26. The matter came before; the Otsego City Council on October 23, 1995: Lef-Co land its representatives, appeared for the first time with counsel and made a request that the City delay i its decision so as;to. allowr some form of negotiation. 27. At thatObtober 23, 1995 meeting the City Council had in front of them alternative • i i L0'd �Z88Tbb 0i Ti -j0 MV -1 Tinoo g 11TMZPva Woa-i WdbT:eT L66T-L3-SO Findings of Fact. for both approval and denial. 28. With an extension, Minn. Stat. §15.99 requires that a decision be rendered within, 120 days from the date of submission, or the proposal would be deemed to have been approved.. The initial application date was July 28, 1995. A decision had to be made byNovember 24, 1995. Only one regula meeting date, November 13, 1995, was available prior to the date that a decision had to tie made. 29. The Council decided to proceed with a vote, and the Plaintiffs application for a CUP was unanimously denied. 34, At thati October •23, 1995 Council meeting the- Council members stated; their reasons for - denial on. the record. The Council's reasons included incompatibility with surrounding uses; the changing nature , of the City, impairment of surrounding property values, proximity to the 1 unnamed lake,; failure to provide site plans, manure spreading, and that the proposed operation was closer to An; industrial than an agricultural use, along with other reasons. The Council directed City staff to return with revised Findings of Fact For Denial for.thgir next regularly scheduled meeiin' - 31. On November 13, 1995 Defendant adopted its Findings of Fact supporting its decision to deny Plaintiffs Application for a Conditional Use Permit. 32.. he: P1�nt#f£ .filed suit `in .District Court seekirig: iev ew of .the decision of ;tl e City Council, 33, The Court, by Order dated June 20, 1996, allowed the record to be expanded to include depositions of ih� City Council members of Defendant. 34. The record before this Court includes Defendant's Comprehensive PIan and Zoning Ordinance, the;record of documents stipulated to by both sides and indexed and numbered for eo'd zmeTbb 0i T }+0 me, j ino0 T I I TMzPvN WO&I WdST :ZT L66T-LZ-So submission to the Court, and transcripts of the depositions of Defendant's City Council members taken September';,19 and 29, 1996. 35, Counsel for Plaintiff has indicated that Plaintiffs agree that the minutes of the various Planning Commis'sion hearings and meetings, and the various City Council meetings accurately reflect what took lace at thoseheaAngs and meetings, and that the Cit P City has:corn lied with every request made for; access to the audio tapes of such proceedings. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW e standard of review for judicial review of a denial of a conditi use 1. The 41"" a permit is whether .or not the denial has a reasonable basis- A district court can only overturn municipal decision if it finds that it is unreasonable, arbitrary, or capricious. 2. Lef-Cds proposed facility would have violated the City's ordinance which required that such a facility:: be located outside of 1,000 feet from a "lake, pond, or flowage." 3. Plaintiff ailed to submit drainage material requested by the City Engiheer and required by ordinance. 4. Plaintiff failed to provide sufficient credible evidence that the use was compatible with surrounding usesi, to O - LPWintiff-I ted: ptovi-sufficient'credible- evidence that the faci ity W-0iild not impair surrounding projerty values. Opponents submitted credible evidence that property value would be impaired. 6. Opponents submitted sufficient credible evidence that periodic intense odors from . the facility would! adversely affect surrounding property owners and the public in. general. 7'. 6.rd Town Bo- of Crooks Township v. ValAd_Qq 504 N.W.2d 267 gvfi=..App 1993), does 60'd 2eeeTbb 0i Tiso mv-1 Tinoo 8 11TmzPwa WmIA Wd9T:zT L66T-LZ-90 OT*d Id101 • A ' not preempt the City, of Otsego from regulating animal feedlots. The Otsego ordinance deals.with a City's comprehensive zoning ordinances established under Minn. Stat. §462. 8.-Ariinn. Start. §462.351 states that municipal planning is established by statute in part to promote the hearth,. safety and welfare. Environmental concerns are implicitly a part, of any City's zoning regulations. Minn. Stat. §462.351 and §412.221 grant broad powers to the: City to protect and promote the public health, safety and general welfare of the City. 9. Plaintiff liar failed to demonstrate that there was not a reasonable basis in the record for the City -of Otsego's decision to deny the conditional use permit, or that such denial _was {• —.. k - unreasonable; *t§it�rary 'or capricious: Accordingly, the Court finds and concludes that there. was F i a reasonable basis in the record to deny the conditional use permit and that such denial vvas not unreasonable, iarbitrary *or capricious. 10. The City properly gave notice to Lef-Co of the time extension for its decision as required by Minn. Stat. §a5.99. 11. A complete, and accurate record was taken by the City.of the proceedings.relative to the proceedings in this matter. ORDER The decision of the Otsego City Council to deny Plaintiffs application for a Conditional DATED: The Honorable Bruce R. Blas ' District Court Judge oT'd zzeeTtbb 01 T,+,}O mal T..inoo s i l TMzPQa WoaA Wd9T :ZT L66T-LZ-So City of Otsego Engineer's Agenda Items City Council Meeting May 27, 1997 8.1 Sewer & Water Trunk Study In our last workshop of 5/15/97, the Council discussed the option of expanding the Sewer Service Area as shown on the maps given to the Council at that meeting. Staff intends to discuss this action to provide input on the issue at the Council meeting. If the total area east of Nashua Avenue is included, then the additional cost for the study would be $3500 for the sewer and $1500 for the water study. Should the area be less than that projected above, we can reduce the amount proportionately. The area is less dense than that of the original study area, but may be near equal in area. The City Planner may have comments on this issue at the Council meeting. We need direction either to continue the studies as shown or to expand the study area. The expanded area will require an additional 3 to 4 weeks of time to complete. As is, the projected time table is to have the study completed by mid-June. Another issue requiring Council input is the conceptual development along CSAH39, from Nashua Avenue to the west. The City may be able to serve this area by installing . an additional lift station and furcemain. A further analysis would have to be performed to determine the feasibility of this alternative. We can review this as a portion of the studies. City staff may want to comment on this issue at the Council Meeting. 8.2 Building Permit issue policy in development prior to acceptance of the street. The City's existing policy states that no building permits are to be issued to builders in a new development without acceptance of the streets and storm drainage facilities. Occasionally, this policy becomes difficult for developers of short cul-de-sac plats. Paving Contractors will pave the first 2 -inch mat and either wish to pave the second lift of 1 1/2 inch or put the developer off until some later date. We will not allow full depth paving or paving both layers in the same day. The first layer must cool and stabilize, be tested and reviewed before the next layer can be put on. This takes at least 2 days for the arrangements and scheduling of services and inspectors. City Council Meeting May 27, 1997 Page 2 We are asking for the provision that the policy could be altered on a case by case basis and that the building official could issue permits with only one layer of asphalt. Occupancy permits could not be issued until streets are accepted. There would be no exception on occupancy permits. The current policy has also allowed for developers to take out one permit per parcel or plat before the streets are accepted, but issuance of additional permits must be after the streets and drainage facilities are accepted. The decision would be based upon recommendation to the Clerk from the City Engineer. 8.3 Letter addressing well issues to School Board & Staff (see attached letter) Enclosed is a letter of response to a 4/29/97 letter received by the City from ISD #728. Our letter responds to a majority of the issues brought forth in the ISD #728 letter on a sentence by sentence basis. We recommend forwarding this letter, under a separate cover, to IDS #728. The letter should be copied to all school board members and potentially the Elk River Star News. The cover letter should clearly indicate the City's position on this issue and be signed by the Mayor. We will be present at the 5/27/97 Councii Meeting to d scuss this issue further. 8.4 Public Works a. Dust control and surface treatment Application of Magnesium Chloride at a rate of 0.3 gal/square yard will control dust and prepare the gravel surface so that blading is not necessary for a long period of time. Hassan Township applies the chemical at 0.5 gal/square yard, but does it primarily to control the surface and limit the grading of the streets; it also keeps the gravel in tact. An application can save on grader wear & tear, employee time blading streets and replacement parts for the grader because it holds the surface together. Both Hassan & St. Michael use the chemical on the gravel roads. At approximately $0.50/gallon, 5 miles of gravel street sprayed 20 feet wide would cost $8800. We recommend the Council allow Public Works to get quotes from vendors. City Council Meeting May 27, 1997 Page 3 b. Asphalt Repair on Odean & 85th Streets We have measured the pavement repairs on Odean & 85th Streets and estimate that the quantity of asphalt needed is about 400 Tons. The large cracks must be cleaned and broken asphalt removed and then patched with hot asphalt and rolled. There are several areas that will need overlays which are included in the 400 Tons. It is estimated the per Ton cost to be about $45/Ton. However, until we get firm quotes, the exact figure will not be known. The estimated cost at $45/Ton results in a total cost of $18,000. The work needs to be done this year, otherwise the potholes and cracks will get bigger. We recommend quotes be taken and budget amounts set for these repairs. C. Topsoil Shouldering in Mississippi Shores This issue was carried over from last fall, when the Council decided it would take up the issue this spring. The residences in Mississippi Shores who received an overlay on their street last year were promised that the City would shoulder the new overlay with topsoi': and seed. We received a quote from a contractor last fall for approximately $20,000 to apply topsoil in the development. The City has the topsoil stockpiled in the park. We need direction and budget to proceed with this work. d. Awarding crack sealing project for 1997 We are approaching the Council again for award of the crack -sealing quotes with the provision that other streets in addition to 70th Street & Country Ridge Addition be crack -sealed. We recommend award and to determine a budget limit for this work. 8.5 Any Other Engineering Business jmh otccmeet HaKanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. May 16, 1997 City Council Members City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Otsego, MN 55330 RE: Municipal Well Dear Council Members: item 8.3 3601 _r`:_rston Avenue Anoka, Nv innesota 55303 612/427-5860 Fax 612/427-34&+- 0520 HAKANSOiiN ANDERSON_ ASSOCIATES, INC. has reviewed an April 29, 1997 letter from ISD #728 to Mayor Fournier regarding the school's water system. While we agree with some of the statements in the letter, we do so conditionally. A portion of the letter contained information which is inaccurate. We offer .the following comments related to specific items in the April 29, 1997 letter: "sand was introduced into the geothermal, domestic, and fire protection systems and caused damage and expense." Prior to the City signing the Agreement to construct the well, the school's civil design engineer had proposed to construct a similar sandstone wF,11. This is verified by reviewing section 02670 of the s pool's pecifications related to well construction. The school's architect should ,-gave coordinated between the. civil desiy, � and the mechanical design to insure that a coi:-,aatible total system was furnished to the school. A lack of communication between the civil design and mechanical design apparently existed. The school's architect should have recognized this and either specified that the well must produce zero sand or that the interior components of the school could tolerate 5 ppm of sand. We have documentation to verify what was asked for by the school and what was delivered by the City. "A large volume demand may cause deficient water pressure and, therefore, leave the building, or parts, unprotected." This is a design issue that should be addressed by the school's architect. Section 02670 of the school's specifications indicates that 360 gpm was required by the school. The City well delivered 360 gpm for 1 hour as witnessed by the Fire Marshall. Engineers Landscape Architects Surveyors Council Members Page 2 May 15, 1997 The required flow rate of 360 gpm was substantiated in a 9/22/95 letter from the school's architect to our firm. If the school does not feel comfortable with 360 gpm, this should be addressed by their architect. "The soft start was not in use at the time which caused a hard "across the line" start up of the system. This is probably when the bulk of the sand was introduced into the systems." The soft start is a component added to the system by the City. The school did not specify or recommend using asoft start in their design. We recommended installing the unit to protect the City's well. The soft start was taken off-line when the school's pressure switch caused short cycling of the well pump. The pressure switch problems were resolved and the soft start was placed back on-line. The school's design indicated that they would have used "across the line" starts on the pump. Again, at no time did the City provide less than was asked for. "The pump initially delivered more than 360 gpm. An ,,rrif;ce was later installed in the drop pipe. -t.) limit the flow from the pump to 360 gpm." The pump never delivered more than 360 gpm to the school. The well was test pumped at 500 to 600 gpm. The flow restrictor was installed prior to connecting to the school. "The pressure settings on the pressure switch were set at a narrow range. A wider range was set at the same time that the soft start was installed to allow the pump to ramp up. This eliminated the short cycling. The problem with the pressure switch, as it relates to short cycling, deals primarily with the location selected for installation of the switch. The switch is mounted on the header pipe between the tanks. This location sees turbulence when the pump is in operation. The turbulence causes the pressure switch to read high pressure, low pressure, high pressure, etc. in less than two seconds of time. This causes the pressure switch to tell the pump to start, stop, start, stop, etc. in less than two seconds of time. This is short cycling of the pump that the City is concerned about. HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOCIATES, INC. recognized this problem with the school design after the short cycling occurred. We recommended a snubber be placed ahead of the pressure switch. This solved the schools problem related to pressure fluctuations. s Council Members Page 3 May 15, 1997 The pressure switch caused the short cycling and caused the City to take the soft start off- line. The narrow range was a problem, as the range directly affects the amount of storage in the takes. The pressure switch continues to drift and has to be adjusted periodically by the school. As part of our continual review, we will monitor storage at,the school to insure the City well is protected. We recommend that the school contact the pressure switch manufacturer to determine if the drift is normal, or if the switch is defective. "it should also be noted that there were problems meeting the water flow requirements of the State Fire Marshal." The "problems" were with the personnel who performed the test at the school. They admitted inexperience with testing this type of system. HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOCIATES, INC. was on-site during the second test and the well pumped 360 gpm for over an hour with no problems. "The "fault" seems to be with the "fit" of the system, the size of the pump, the well conditions down und4r, the holding tanks, and the volume of water demands of the School ;District." V ^ile we agree that the aiarall water system design is marginal, we believe the well design is adequate. The school should have their architect address the issue of the overall water system, as they were responsible for the design of the system. The City constructed the well to the school's architect's recommendations (ie. flow rate and pressure). The well is only one component of the overall water system. The school's well drilling representative indicated at the April 28, 1997 Council Meeting that the City's well driller and engineer had done everything that was possible to insure a proper well was installed. Again, the City has met the criteria provided to them by the school. The school's representative also indicated that the storage tanks were a problem. The type and size of the tanks were specified by the school's architect and installed by the school's contractor. "We believe that the real problem in this whole mess was communication. The School District asked the City Engineers to help solve this problem in the beginning." We agree with the communication issue, but differ on the 'solving the problem' statement. Council Members Page 4 May 15, 1997 Our paper trail of correspondence dates back to June 16, 1994. We attempted to open a line of communication at that time. It is interesting to note that our June 16, 1994 letter was finally answered on July 25, 1994. A subcontractor to the school's architect responded directly to our firm. Apparently the subcontractor had forwarded the information to the school's architect on June 23, 1994, but the school's architect failed to forward the letter to us. The "beginning" for the City was when the original agreements were being signed. Apparently, the "beginning" in the school's eyes didn't happen until much later. We can only stress that had there been better communication on the part of the school's architect early on, many of the school's problems may have been avoided. Our documentation trail contains many requests and subsequent requests for the same data. Responses from the schoor and their representatives was slow in coming, and sometimes never came at all. Please review the above issues and responses, and do not hesitate to call if there are any questions or concerns. Due to our past experience with communication within the school - district, we feel this letter should forwarded to ail parties, including school board. members. If you have any further quest;on, please call Sincerely, HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOCIATES, INC. Kevin P. Kielb, PE cc: Lawrence G. Koshak, PE Elaine Beatty, Clerk Andy MacArthur, Attorney Bob Kirmis, NAC jmh �OT501.mw CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION DEPARTMENT MEETING DATE Council Items May 27, 1997 ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: PREPARED BY: 9.2 Facility Policy & Fees Judy Hudson, Deputy Clerk Attached is a copy of the Facility Use Permit and Policy. Consideration of these changes have been in the workings for some time by the Administrative Sub -committee. The following changes have been inserted for your consideration/approval: Page 1 - Recommendation is to remove and music is DLayed—Therefore, if changed, a peace officer must be here anytime liquor is served whether or nor music is played. This would apply to everyone and all groups. Page 2 - Recommendation is to add: the event. Absolutely no confetti is allowed. The reason for this, is most renters come in the day (or now 2 days) before and set up and decorate. The balloons they bring in then, either lose their air or when the building's fan system goes on it causes the balloons to move and cause the security system to go off. The confetti, although attractive for decorating, is a nightmare to clean up. Page 5 - Recommendation is to remove and music. For the same reason as outlined for Page 1. Page 7 - Several changes - Previously there was no charge for Group B, this was changed to include a charge of $25.00. Group E was changed to include a $25.00 fee. The school districts were removed from Group A and moved to Group B. They have used the buildings many times during the day and were not charged for this. We feel a charge of $25 helps off set expenses like heating, cooling and staff time. Another reason for this change is according to Minnesota Statute 202A.192 the city shall make their facilities available for the holding of precinct caucuses and legislative district or county conventions at a charge imposed in an amount that does not exceed the lowest amount charged to any public or private group. Currently, the City does not charge the 4-H or the Otsego Lions any fees for their monthly regular meetings. Therefore, the City would not be able to charge any of the Political Parties and the City would have to absorb the supervisor's fees. If you approve this charge/change to Group B and Group E the Otsego Lions and the 4-H Clubs would have to start paying $25 for their meetings. Page 8 - Recommendation is to include in addition to the rates in Category I & II supervisory fees at $10.00 per hour. Therefore, if the City Hall needs to be open 10 hours for a wedding reception the renter would be paying an additional $100.00 in supervisory fees in addition to the listed fees. STAFF RECOMMENDATION I am comfortable with recommending the changes on Page 1, 2, and 8. What brothers me with the changes on Page 7 is the impact to our Otsego Lions and 4-H Club. They have currently been using our facility since it was built in 1993 at no charge. Therefore I have been racking and racking my brain for an another option and the racking finally worked. GROUP -E THESE GROUPS WILL BE CHARGED AN ANNUAL FEF. OF $50.00 Local groups using the city facilities for their regular scheduled meetings since 1993 will now be charged $50.00 annually. I believe by adding Group F, it will not incur an unreasonable expense for the Lions or 4-Her's and will help off set expenses for the City. It will also help the City to collect fees for expenses from the political parties using these facilities. Note: Current Group F will be changed to Group G. THEREFORE, I recommend: Approval of changes on Pages 1, 2, 5, 7 and 8 with the addition of Group F effective immediately. Thank you. Judy OTSEGO CITY HALL 8899 NASHUA AVE NE OTSEGO MN 55330 441-4414 FAX 441-8823 CITY HALL USE PERMIT AND RENTAL AGREEMENT Reservations are to be contracted for by the individual who thereby accept full responsibility. No reservations can be made without a $200.00 non-refundable deposit. Down payment is not refundable unless the hall can be rented for the same date. Full rental fee is due 60 days in advance of the event and is not refundable unless the hall can be rented for the same date. It is the renters responsibility to set up tables and chairs: arrangements may be made with the building supervisor. Clean off tables, do not put away. Clean chairs, pick up containers, but it is not necessary to sweep the floor. All garbage is to be removed from the building and placed in the dumpster located outside in the parking lot. It will be the building supervisor/custodians discretion whether additional clean up is necessary, and if so, the cost of same will be deducted from the damage deposit. If the building or any equipment is damaged, the cost of repair/replacement shall be charged to the renter. Kitchen facilities, dinner plates, cups and silverware are available. The caterer shall provide serving dishes, linens, towels, dish soap, etc. Absolutely no dishes, cups, silverware, chairs, tables, etc., may be removed from the building. If any such items are removed, the cost of same shall be charged to the renter. When liquor is served and music is juL[yed, a licensed Wright County peace officer must be on duty for the duration, until the premises is vacated. The cost of the peace officer must be paid in advance. Applicant and/or renter is responsible for maintaining order at the function. Applicant/renter shall carry liability and dram shop insurance coverage in amounts acceptable to the City. If alcoholic beverages at the function are provided by a caterer, said caterer must hold a valid license for dispensing alcoholic beverages and shall provide, upon request, proof to the City of dram shop coverage complying with the limits set forth in the Otsego City Ordinances. If the function is a private gathering and alcoholic beverages are served applicant/renter agrees that there shall be no sales, either direct or indirect, at said function. Applicant/renter further agrees that in no case will he sell or furnish alcohol to persons under 21 years of age. The music and serving of liquor is to be stopped by 11:45 PM. The premises is to be vacated in an orderly manner by 1 AM. No adhesive tapes, tacks, or nails are allowed on any walls, ceilings, tables or other painted and/or varnished surfaces. Table decorations are allowed Balloons are not allowed prior to the daY of (4CLAp_( theAmrjr-AWs event Absolutely no confetti is allowed Candles may be used if flame is enclosed in a non-combustible chimney. Such chimneys shall be securely attached to the open -flame device in accordance with the 1988 Edition of the Uniform Fire Code. If walls or ceilings are damaged by the placement of decorations a charge shall be deducted from the damage deposit. The City Hall Assembly Room occupant load is 300 people. Use of the Hall prior to the date of rental for setting up, decorating, etc., may be done only by approval of authorized City Staff. Absolutely no alcoholic beverages allowed. Applicant/renter agrees to abide by all of the above terms and conditions. It is specifically understood that upon violation of any of those terms and conditions as set forth above, the City may, at its discretion, terminate this agreement and permit and may at any time terminate the function if the applicant/renter fails to control the actions of those at the function so as to maintain reasonable order or allows the terms and conditions of this agreement to be violated. The applicant/renter agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the City and Owner from any and all claims, demands, costs, damages, losses, actions, causes of action or judgments arising out of use of the premises and all costs and disbursements related to enforcement of this provision, including reasonable attorney's fees. Further, applicant/renter agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the City and Owner from any and all claims, demands, costs, damages, losses, actions, causes of action or judgments arising out of the dispensation of use of alcoholic beverages on the premises and all costs and disbursements related to enforcement of this provision, including reasonable attorney's fees. The applicant/renter is responsible to pay for any clean up costs or damage in excess of the damage deposit. I have received, read, understand and agree to abide by the terms of the Facility Use Policy and Procedures. RENTER SIGNATURE DATE ADDRESS: PHONE: WK: HM: RENTAL DATE: ELAINE BEATTY CITY CLERK BY: DATED: CITY OF OTSEGO FACILITY USE POLICY AND PROCEDURES Applications for the use of facilities will be processed and scheduled in the following order: 1. City sponsored events and governmental elections and caucuses. 2. All others on a first come first served basis. Occasionally, non -city scheduled activities may conflict with events planned by a City program. If a conflict occurs, every effort will be made to find an alternate facility for the non -city group. City of Otsego n� rcgra_ms have priority of facility use at all times. "City Premises": as referred to in this document, will include all City owned facilities, buildings, structures, grounds, parking lots, athletic fields, and vehicles. All use of City facilities before and after the normal work day, on weekends, vacations and holidays, is scheduled through the City Clerk's Office. To make application: 1. Obtain a Facility Use Application by calling the City Hall at 441-4414 or stop by the City Hall, 8899 Nashua Ave NE, Otsego, MN. 2. Your completed Facility Use Application must be received by the City Clerk at least ten business days prior to planned use. 3. Requests for use of City equipment (i.e. audio visual, extra chairs, tables) as well as set up times and needs, must be included on the Application. 4. Upon receipt of a Facility Use Application, the City Clerk will verify space availability and estimate applicable costs. 5. The City Clerk will arrange for custodial services and/or building supervision if use of the facility occurs at a time when custodians are not on duty, additional services are needed, and/or the nature of the activity dictates such staffing. Staffing costs are the responsibility of the user. PP, S e, 3 I.IABIT,T33 - City of Otsego assumes no responsibility or liability for damage, loss, or personal injury resulting from non -city use of City facilities. The individual named on the permit and the group in whose name the permit is issued are jointly responsible for their use of the facility, and will accept responsibility for the payment of rent and/or other charges including any damages. The individual named on the permit and the group in whose name the permit is issued are jointly required to assume full responsibility for personal injury to any participants or spectators. Rules and regulations exist to protect the public's investment in Otsego's facilities. The following rules must be observed by all groups using the buildings/grounds. Failure to do so may be cause for cancellation of the Use Permit and/or denial of future use privileges. 1. A permit will not be granted for any facility use application, which, in the judgment of Otsego may be in any way prejudicial to the best interests of the City. The City of Otsego may modify, deny, cancel or revoke any or all facility use applications or permits at any time. If violations occur during the course of any event and are not immediately remedied by the applicant and/or the applicant's agents or representatives, the City's representative at the function may immediately terminate the event and revoke the use permit. 2. All local and state ordinances and laws pertaining to use of public buildings and facilities must be observed. The City also enforces the policies below: - The use of tobacco in City buildings is strictly forbidden at all times. - The possession and/or use of alcohol or controlled substances on City premises is prohibit at all times, except as specifically authorized by permit. - Proof of insurance must be provided prior to the issuance of any use permit. 3. Adequate adult supervision (21 years or older) must be provided by the group during the entire use. The group supervisor(s) will be held responsible for compliance with rules, general behavior and safety. Use is limited to those areas of the building that are specifically approved and includes the nearest drinking fountain and lavatories. 4. A custodian and/or city building supervisor are present for the protection and safety of the building and City. Cooperation with these staff members is essential. PPvy, y 5. Equipment brought in and its manner of use is subject to approval by the City Clerk or the Building Supervisor. 6. The City of Otsego assumes no liability or responsibility for loss or damage to equipment or personal items belonging to the facility user. Applicant shall indemnify and hold harmless both the City and the Owner from any such claims. 7. City equipment may be used if advance arrangements have been made with the City Clerk. Charges for staff time may be assessed, depending on the extent of set- up and/or take-down needed. 8. All groups shall leave the City facility in the same or better condition in which they found it, returning all furniture, equipment, etc. to its original order. Charges for staff time may be assessed, depending on the extent of clean-up needed. 9. If food and/or drink are to be served, this is to be indicated on the Facility Use Application, and will be permitted only in designated areas. 10. All required permits must be secured in advance of any events at which alcoholic beverages are served or present. Prior to any function where alcohol beverages are served applicant must acknowledge that he is aware of possible statutory dram shop liability or common law liability that may arise due to property damage, personal injury, death or other damages resulting from the sale of furnishing of alcoholic beverages. Applicant shall agree, in writing to fully indemnify and hold harmless the City and owner from any such liability and shall provide proof of both general liability and dram shop insurance coverage acceptable to the City. re,mou� 11. A licensed peace officer ' required to be present at all functions where alcoholic beverages are available. At all functions where alcoholic beverages are available and are not sold or furnished by a person or persons holding a valid liquor, beer, or wine license, there shall be no sales, either direct or indirect, of alcoholic beverages at that function. There shall be absolutely no sale or furnishing of any beverages to any person under 21 years of age. 12. "Guidelines For Use of City Kitchens" will be followed in the event of any kitchen use. 13. City facilities may be rented to churches for worship purposes. 14. Groups or individuals approved to use City facilities may not assign, sublet, transfer, or charge a fee for the use of the facilities. po� � 5 15. Groups or individuals using the facilities may display banners, signs, streamers or any materials of an advertising nature on City premises only during the hours scheduled. These displays/signs may not cause damage to or deface City premises; and must meet all requirements imposed by other governmental agencies. No decorations may be tacked, stapled, or in any way adhered to walls, ceilings, tables or windows except with an all - mounting removable adhesive. A supply is available in the City Clerk's office. 16. No event may extend beyond 10:00 PM unless approved in advance by the City Clerk. In the event of cancellations or changes in use, the applicant shall notify the City at least 2 business days prior to the scheduled use. The City reserves the right to charge a non-refundable deposit for activities located in the City Hall. Rental rates will apply to groups and activities as listed in Categories below. All groups using facilities are responsible for staff costs (building supervision, and peace officer). In addition, groups and individuals are responsible for the repair and/or replacement of damage, theft or loss to the premises resulting from their use. Groups/individuals using city Facilities are responsible for staff charges resulting from their use. 1. Custodial - could include opening or closing a building, set-up, cleanup or presence during a time when not otherwise staffed. A two hour minimum charge will be assessed if a custodian is called to the building beyond normal work hours. Custodial time is charged at the current hourly rate, including overtime and holiday pay, if applicable. 2. Building Supervision - placed by the City to protect and oversee the facility and represent the City. A two hour minimum will be charged. The 1997 fee for Building Supervision is $10.00 per hour.(Subject to change) Pie b Determination of rental charge for use of Litt' tacuiues is Dasea on mese gruupui sponsored events, concerts, board or commission meeting, special hearings and munity Park Board. These groups will not be charged for regular meetings but any other t a staff/supervisor fee will be charged. (see C hekiw ) P<kA.e�-7 District 728 (Elk River), 885 (St. Michael -Albertville) 882 (Monticello) Local tax supported public agencies (at least 75% of participates reside in Otsego). Local civic, service and charitable groups (at least 75% of participants reside in Otsego). All groups in B above, when an admission is charged or a donation requested (at least 75% of participants reside in Otsego). Local groups of a religious nature for worship, instruction, or admission or donation events. City residents or groups for private meetings or activities to promote, educate or entertain. Individuals, private agencies, companies, vendors, business or special interest groups, and non- profit groups with a regional or statewide clientele, for activities of a commercial, business or revenue generating nature. Non -local (originating outside Otsego) youth, civic, service, charitable and religi Non -service local groups for regular meetings. ALL GROUPS WILL BE CHARGED CLEAN UP FEES. age '� Wo Athletic tournaments for which an admission fee is charged or a concession is run, the follow rental rates will be charged. Deposits or prepayments of up to 1/2 of total rental cost may required and will be non-refundable. Locally sponsored, non -area recreation event in which 75% or more of the tournam participants are Otsego residents - $5 per game. Locally sponsored, non -city event in which less than 50% of the tournament participants Otsego residents - $8 per game. Non-profit or for profit organization with a regional or statewide clientele - $10 per game. Non -local organization - $15 per game. City Hall Conference Room - per hour $ 12.50 $ 15.00 Large Hall (tiled) $175.00 $200.00 Small Hall (carpeted) $175.00 $200.00 Combined Hall $250.00 $300.00 Kitchen $100.00 6.5% $150.00 Plus MN Salk tax at rate of Otsego Lions and Knights of Columbus (with members residing in Otsego) charged $100.00 plus supervisory fees for special events. Additional Fees not included above: Peace Officer $90.00 minimum 4 hours $22.50 a hour addnl. (suhiect to change) Damage Deposit (Tiled, Carpeted, Combined) $400.00 Damage Deposit (Small Conference Only) $200.00 , \ a,.;7,4;-„ a,,,-;- _ RIO oO ner hour. A 2� City Hall Sound System $25.00 Overhead projector $15.00 Coffee Pot (if kitchen is not rented) $5.00 VCR/TV $25.00 Combined Rooms - 62'X 49" = 3,038 sq ft with 10'4" ceilings 40 - 8' tables, 300 chairs Kitchen - plates, glassware, silverware for 300 - thermos coffee servers - no linens Page g OWN CITY OF OTSEGO 8899 NE Nashua Avenue Elk River MN 55330 Phone: 441-4414 Fax: 441-8823 RENTER(S) NAME: ADDRESS: PHONE: Work: RENTAL DATE: TYPE OF FUNCTION: NUMBER OF PERSONS: EQUIPMENT NEEDED: WILL THERE BE A DANCE: WILL ALCOHOL BE SERVED: HOURS OF EVENT: SET UP DATE AND TIME: KITCHEN NEEDED: HOME: AMOUNT OF MONEY RECEIVED WITH APP: $ Q 47 0,,-,l ENVIRONMENTAL DISPOSAL OF FILTERS 05/ L')/9/ 255r, 100.00 48 MUNICIPAL 0F' CITY OF oT5EGO 49 CORROW TRUCKING For Che period 05/19/97 to 05/20/97 05/19/97 2557 1 275.00 50 HARMON GLASS 'WINDS HIELD REPAIRS 05/19/97 2558 738.01 53 APPLIANCE RECYCLING CENTERS OF:AMER CLEAN. L Y PICKUP 05/19/97 2561. 1, DO NORTHERN AIRGAS OXYGEN, .-r_-TYLENE 05/ 19 97 2562 9 6 47 0,,-,l ENVIRONMENTAL DISPOSAL OF FILTERS 05/ L')/9/ 255r, 100.00 48 49 CORROW TRUCKING :.,:,APRIL SERVICE. 05/19/97 2557 1 275.00 50 HARMON GLASS 'WINDS HIELD REPAIRS 05/19/97 2558 738.01 53 APPLIANCE RECYCLING CENTERS OF:AMER CLEAN. L Y PICKUP 05/19/97 2561. 1, DO NORTHERN AIRGAS OXYGEN, .-r_-TYLENE 05/ 19 97 2562 9 6 701-4156( 701-41560 TOTAL YEAR TO DATE 96,713.15 ^}V� , x'Y yt t xz z' s a ,� f � �� � •'t T � %x r l a i ma I i aY •fnr MUNICIPAL OF ADDYnVB 1 CITY OF OTSEGO For the period 05/19/97 to 05/20/97 C,r CLAIM TOTAL ACCOUt AOR WHAT PURPOSE DATE NUMBER CLAIM NUMBEF TO WHOM PAID OR/19/97 2563 68 OR 101-431(1( TTIC SCHARBER & P4AruTNE SONS SU120LIES SUPPLIES 05/19/97 2564 101.77 708.00 101 43l(�( 101-4140( FIRST STATE TIRE RECYCLING CLEAN UP DAY 05/19/97 2565 nFanSTT O ./19/97 2566 400 _00 101-21_E - r -norm ��i CITY OF ELK RIVER RFFIIND-DAMAGE FIRE PROTECTION;SERVICES. 05/19/97 2567 67,961.94 202-4220( MAC'S WELL & PUMP SERVICE SEAL: OLD WELL-� ' 05/20/97 2568 450.00 106, 1oi-41n0( 101 r CORROW LAWN & IRRIGATION SPRINKLERS FOR CITY HALL 05/20/97 2570 43.90 101-4194( 101-4520( HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOC INC APRIL SERVICES 05/20/97 2571 8.158.56 2Q3-4156( r . rY °' .� r 'z f .�•'�' 101-41560 101-41561 701-4156( 701-4156( 701-41560 TOTAL YEAR TO DATE 96,713.15 ^}V� , x'Y yt t xz z' s a ,� f � �� � •'t T � %x