ITEM 1 Drug_Free Workplace PolicyCITY OF OTSEGO DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE POLICY Adopted by the City Council on November 10, 2008 Purpose The City of Otsego recognizes that alcohol and drug abuse adversely affects an employee's job performance and the kind of work he/she can perform, and may affect his/her opportunities for continued employment. It is the intent of this document to provide employees with our policy regarding the use of drugs and alcohol. The policy provides guidelines for consistent handling throughout the City of alcohol and drug abuse occurrences. The City does not intend to intrude upon the private lives of its employees. The City is concerned, however, about the use of alcohol and/or drugs where such use adversely interferes with an employee's job performance, adversely affects the job performance of other employees, endangers the employee, the public or other staff, or is detrimental to the City's ability to provide consistent high quality service. Employees are expected and required to report to work on time and in appropriate mental and physical condition for work. It is the City's intent and obligation to provide a drug- and alcohol -free, safe work environment. The use of alcohol or drugs may seriously affect an employee's performance. They may also endanger the employee's health and safety as well as the safety of other employees. It is, therefore, appropriate that guidelines be established for the control of alcohol and drugs as they pertain to the employee and the employee's job with the City of Otsego. This policy supplements, but does not replace, the Drug and Alcohol Testing Program required by the Federal Highway Administration Rules and Regulations for employees who are required by the City to hold a commercial driver's license. H. Scone This policy applies to: a. all applicants for employment who are required to undergo a pre-employment physical; and b. all full-time employees; and C. all part-time employees. The policy is applicable at all City facilities and whenever City employees are performing City business. M. Definitions A. "Work Related Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse" is defined as the use of mood -altering drugs, including all forms of alcohol, narcotics, depressants, stimulants, hallucinogens, marijuana, or the I 180944v1 use of prescription drugs when resulting behavior or appearance adversely affects work performance. 1809441 B. "Adversely Affect Work Performance" and "Under the Influence" shall be determined to be present if the employee is perceptively impaired, has impaired alertness, coordination, reactions, responses, or efforts; if the employee's condition threatens the safety of himseWherself or others; or if the employee's condition or behavior presents the appearance of unprofessional or irresponsible conduct detrimental to the public's perception of the City as an employer as determined by the supervisor or manager or other staff member observing the employee. C. "Controlled Substances" means those substances whose distribution is controlled by regulation or statute, including but not limited to: narcotics, depressants, stimulants, hallucinogens, and marijuana. D. "Mood -Altering" or "alter" means changed behavior which may limit an employee's ability to safely and efficiently perform his/her job duties or which poses a threat to the safety of the employee or others. E. "Medical Review Officer" A licensed physician responsible for receiving laboratory results generated by an employee drug testing program who has knowledge of substance abuse disorders and has appropriate medical training to interpret and evaluate an individual's confirmed positive test result together with his or her medical history and any other relevant biomedical information. F. "Reasonable Suspicion" Th City believes the apr' b.ehavier speeeh of "edy odors 4`-.-. b and aleahel use-. means a basis for forming a belief based on specific facts and rational inferences drawn from those facts, _ "Substance Abuse Professional" A licensed physician or a licensed or certified psychologist, social worker, employee assistance professional, or addiction counselor (certified by the National Association of Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Counselors Certification Commission) with knowledge of and clinical experience in the diagnosis and treatment of alcohol and controlled substances -related disorders. IV. Non -Discrimination The City recognizes that disabled individuals should be protected from discriminatory treatment. Under Minnesota law, a disabled person is someone who has a medical or psychological condition that materially impairs major life activities. However, in accordance with Minnesota law, disability does not include any condition resulting from alcohol or other drug abuse which prevents a person from performing essential functions of the job or which creates a direct threat to property or the safety of individuals. V. Prohibitions 180944v1 Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", First line: 0.33", Space Before: 2.4 pt, After: 6 pt, Line spacing: At least 15 pt Formatted: Font: 12.5 pt, Font color: Gray -80%, A. No employee shall report to work under the influence of alcohol, marijuana, controlled substances or other drugs that affect his/her alertness, coordination, reaction, response, judgment, decision-making, or safety. B. When employees are taking medically authorized drugs or other substances, which may alter job performance, the employees are under an affirmative duty to notify the appropriate supervisor of his/her temporary inability to perform the job duties of his/her position or of any work-related restrictions that apply. Unless a mood -altering prescribed drug is taken strictly as prescribed by a licensed physician, it may not be kept or taken on City premises, including parking lots, or in any City vehicle or any vehicle being used for City business. C. No employee shall unlawfully manufacture, distribute, dispense, possess, transfer, sell, purchase or use a controlled substance in the workplace or wherever the City's work is being performed. D. No employee shall operate, use, or drive any City equipment, machinery, or vehicle while under the influence of alcohol, marijuana, controlled substances or other mood -altering drugs. Such employee is under an affirmative duty to immediately notify his/her supervisor that he/she is not in an appropriate mental or physical condition to operate, use, or drive the City's equipment. E. The City shall notify the appropriate law enforcement agency when it has reasonable suspicion to believe that an employee may have illegal drugs in his/her possession at work or on City premises. When appropriate, the City shall also notify licensing boards. F. Alcohol must not be kept or consumed in any City building, office, vehicle, or on City premises, including parking lots. Exceptions for special events may be authorized by the City Council. * Alcohol can be kept in an employee's personal vehicle consistent with state law, although employees cannot consume alcohol in their vehicles or on City premises unless it is for an approved function that allows alcohol. G. Alcoholic beverages must not be consumed anywhere during work time, rest breaks, meal breaks, or off-duty time if the employee is to work thereafter on the same workday. No employee who is under the influence may work or report for work within 4 hours after using alcohol. In addition, no employee shall report for work while having any measurable alcohol in his or her system. VI. Consequences of Violations of this Policy Violations of this policy may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination, and may have legal consequences. Possible discipline includes reprimands, suspensions and dismissals. Other requirements may include required completion of an appropriate treatment or rehabilitation program. Sanctions will reflect the particular violation and its severity and will take into account other relevant factors including prior discipline, past violations of this or other City policies, and potential danger to the employee, coworkers, and the public. 4 1809440 The City recognizes that alcoholism and drug addiction may affect employees. The City urges employees to voluntarily refer themselves for treatment. The City reserves the right to refer an employee for drug or alcohol testing, at City expense, .. hei-e manageffient believes th rimproper- aleahol or,].... use as defined by thi pall. as outlined below. The employee has the right to have a second assessment opinion by a qualified professional at his/her own expense, but this right will not delay any required drug or alcohol test. VII. Alcohol and Drug Testing A. In order to carry out the City's commitment to an alcohol and drug-free workplace, the City reserves the right to require that applicants and employees submit to testing in accordance with the provisions of Minn. Stat. §§ 181.950-181.957. This policy represents the notice required under Minnesota Statute and will be provided to all applicants and employees who are requested to undergo testing. B. Types of Testing Pre-employent - The City may require that all applicants, as identified by section II, who have received conditional offers of employment be tested. If the conditional offer of employment is subsequently withdrawn, the City will notify the applicant of the reason for the withdrawal. —2. Reasonable Suspicion Testing - The City may require an employee to be tested when there is a reasonable suspicion that the employee: a. is under the influence of drugs or alcohol; b. has violated the City's policy prohibiting drug and alcohol use. possession. sale. or transfer; c. has sustained or caused another employee to sustain personal injury; or d. has caused a work-related accident or was operating or helping to operate machinery, equipment, or vehicles involved in a work-related accident. C. Conducting the Testing Consent. All persons to be tested will be required to complete and sign the employee consent form (Sample attached as Appendix A). Substance abuse testing will not be performed 180944v1 Formatted: Indent: Hanging: 0.38", Tab stops: 0.5", Left + Not at 0" + 0.38" t----- Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.75", Hanging: 0.38", Tab stops: 0.81", Left + Not at 0" + 0.75" unless a signed consent is in the possession of the City. Employees' signatures on these forms must be witnessed by a City supervisor. Refusal to Participate. An employee or job applicant has the right to refuse testing. However, a refusal of testing will be treated the same as a positive test and may result in withdrawal of a job offer or disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment. See section on "Disciplinary Action in Response to a Positive Test Result" below. Refuse to Submit (to an alcohol or controlled substance test) includes: A. Failure to provide adequate breath for testing without a valid medical explanation after he or she has received notice of the requirement for breath testing; B. Failure to provide adequate urine for controlled substances testing without a valid medical explanation he or she has received notice of the requirement for urine testing; or C. Engaging in conduct that clearly obstructs the testing process. D. Not remaining readily available for testing. 3. Prompt Administration of Test. If an alcohol test required by this policy is not administered within two (2) hours following the determination of reasonable suspicion, the City shall prepare and maintain on file a record stating the reasons the alcohol test was not promptly administered. If the alcohol test required by this policy is not administered within eight (8) hours following the determination of reasonable suspicion, all attempts to conduct the test shall cease and the reasons for not administering the alcohol test shall be documented. Location of Collection. The employee will be directed to the collection site and, in the case of reasonable suspicion, will be transported. Employees who refuse to be transported to a collection site will be considered to have refused the test. The Laboratory. The laboratory selected to perform testing must be certified by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), the College ofAmerican Pathologists (CAP), or the New York State Department of Health or otherwise meet state law requirements. Laboratories that are not certified by NIDA must follow the chain of custody procedures established by MN STATUTE 181.953, Subd. 5. Test Results. 1809440 Negative Tests [passed test]. Negative test results on an initial test will be provided in writing to the City ithiR three ..,, ..'king days afteF the test ult. An employee or job applicant will receive written notification of the +est -test result within three working days after the City is notified of the result. Positive Tests [failed tests]. A confirmatory test will be performed on all samples with a positive test result on an initial test. Positive confirmatory test results will be provided in writing to the City within !hre, • ^•long5 days of a epfimlat lest. An employee or job applicant will be sent written notification of a confirmatory test result within three working days after the City is notified of the result. In the case of a positive test result on a confirmatory test, the tested individual may explain the result to the medical review officer within three working days after notice of the test result. An employee may request a confirmatory retest of the original sample at the individual's own expense. If a confirmatory retest is requested, the individual must notify the City in writing, within five working days after notice of the confirmatory test result, of his or her intention to obtain a retest. Right to Test Result. An employee or job applicant has the right to request and receive from the City a copy of the test result report on any drug or alcohol test. D. Costs. Costs related to alcohol and drug testing will be paid by the City, with the exception of confirmatory retests, which must be paid for by the employee or j ob applicant requesting the retest. E. Disciplinary Action in Response to a Positive Test Result Interim Disciplinary Action: The City reserves the right to transfer an employee with a positive test to another position at the same rate of pay or to temporarily suspend the employee, without pay, pending the outcome of the confirmatory test (and, if requested, the confirmatory re -test) if the City believes that it is reasonably necessary to do so to protect the health, safety and welfare of the employee, coworkers or the public. An employee who is suspended without pay will be reinstated with back pay and no loss of benefits if the confirmatory test or re -test is negative. In the case of job applicants, a positive initial test result must be verified by a confirmatory test before a conditional offer of employment will be withdrawn. 2. First Failed Test -- Discharge: The City will not discharge an employee solely because of a first positive on a confirmatory test when the positive confirmatory test was the first such result. 180944v1 The City may, however, discharge an employee for whom a positive confirmatory test is the first such result, where the employee is given an opportunity to participate in (at the employee's expense or pursuant to coverage under an employee's benefit plan) a drug or alcohol counseling or rehabilitation program and the employee has either refused to participate in the counseling or rehabilitation program or has failed to successfully complete it. The City reserves the right to take any other disciplinary action short of discharge which it deems warranted in the event of an employee's first positive confirmatory test result. The type of counseling or rehabilitation program in which an employee participates must be approved by a certified chemical -use counselor or physician trained in the diagnosis and treatment of chemical dependency. The cost of the initial referral for evaluation, if not covered by the employee's medical coverage, will be paid by the City. The cost of any further evaluations, and treatment, not covered by the employee's medical coverage, will be paid for by the employee. 3. Second Failed Test: The City Administrator may recommend discharge of an employee to the City Council when an employee tests positive on a confirmatory test and has previously had a positive confirmatory test result. Privacy of Test Results Test results and other information acquired as a result of the testing program are private aR confide— data on individuals as defined by Chapter 13 of the Minnesota Statutes. inferrrra_ tier} -and will not be disclosed by the City or the test laboratory to another employee or to third party individuals, government agencies, or private organizations without written consent of the employee or applicant being tested, unless required by law. This information will only be shared with those having the need to know. Evidence of a positive test result on a confirmatory test may be used in an arbitration proceeding, an administrative hearing, or a judicial proceeding, provided the information is relevant to the hearing or proceeding. Such evidence may also be disclosed to any federal agency or other unit of the United States government as required under federal law, regulation, or order. Evidence of a positive test result on a confirmatory test may also be disclosed to a substance abuse treatment facility car previder for the purpose of evaluation or treatment, with the consent of the employee. Upon request, the City will provide an employee with access to information maintained by the City about that employee relating to positive test result reports and other information acquired in the testing process as well as conclusions drawn from or actions taken based upon such information. Employees who are referred to treatment are expected to meet regular job requirements and to maintain satisfactory performance standards upon completion of the treatment program. Seeing a physician or minister does not mitigate the need for disciplinary action, where disciplinary action has been determined to be appropriate by management. 1809440 Employees must, as a condition of employment, abide by the terms of this policy and report any conviction under a criminal drug statute for violations occurring on City premises or while conducting City business or where the conviction may be relevant to their job responsibilities. A report of a conviction must be made within five (5) days after the conviction. APPENDIX A ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND INFORMATION FORM TO BE PROVIDED BEFORE REQUESTING TESTING I acknowledge that I have been provided with a written copy of the City of Otsego Drug-free Workplace policy. I have read this policy and understand its contents. I understand what conduct is prohibited by the policy and the consequences of engaging in prohibited conduct. I understand my rights under the policy, the consequences if I exercise those rights, and that certain events as described in the policy may result in negative personnel decisions including discipline, termination, or the withdrawal of a conditional offer of employment. I hereby voluntarily consent to submit to testing for alcohol or drugs including submitting necessary urine and/or blood samples. I further voluntarily consent that the entity selected by City may conduct testing on the sample provided by me and may disclose to the City test result data. 180944vl Date Signature of Individual to be Tested Printed Name of Individual to be Tested Signature of Designated Authority at City (All supervisors are authorized to sign here) Upon Completion, please return this form to the Finance Departnent. U474%, 18TAMMMIMU Wi' I have read and understand the terms of the City's Drug -Free Workplace Policy. I have been given the opportunity to ask any questions that I had regarding this policy. Employee Name (Please Print) Employee Signature Date 1809440 Upon completion, please return this form to the Finance Deparhnent. 180944vl