05-28-97 WSSPECIAL COUNCIL WORKSHOP MAY 28, 1997 OTSEGO CITY HALL 4 P Mayor Larry Fournier called the special Council Workshop to order at 4 PM. Roll Call: Mayor Larry Fournier; Councilmembers: Mark Berning, Vern Heidner. Absent: Virginia Wendel, Suzanne Ackerman. Staff: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator; Judy Hudson, Deputy Clerk. Mr. Ron Anhorn, Anhorn & Associates, Real Estate Broker, Colorado, California, Minnesota and Utah. Address is 8474 Chancellor Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80920. Mr. Anhorn explained there has been an intensive research done for a major entertainment facility, a Motor Sports Complex, with Indy cars, nascars with seating for 100,000 people. This would be similar to one built near Colorado Springs, CO. A 50 million dollar complex, three races a year minimum or a maximum of 5 each year. Each one would be a 3 day event (weekend). Looking at a super speed way (1 mile or greater). He feels the economic impact could be 300 million dollars. There would be motels, hotels in the area and RV Parks, a spin-off would be highend town homes. The facility would need 300,000 gallons of wastewater. They would need a package plant or pull from Albertville. RLK is their engineering firm. They need to address the wetlands. He has met with Gary Hale, City Administrator for Albertville and Mike Couri, City Attorney for Albertville. They both are willing to look at sewer and water services. Mr. Anhorn also talked about a Joint Powers Agreement with Albertville. Mr. Anhorn feels Otsego would be looking at a 1.5 to 2 million dollars a year in tax revenues. He would need improvements at Interstate 94 at around 1.4 million dollars. He went on to say there is interest at higher levels. State Representative, Todd Van Dellen, flew to Colorado Springs to look at the race track there and requested he would like to be a point man in this and hope to get the State's help. Mayor Fournier asked how serious is this project. Mr. Anhorn said his group is very serious. He has contacted several landowners and has consulted with RLK Engineers. They need a minimum of 400 acres with 500 acres as ideal. He knows there will be a lot of holding ponds. He is checking with Soils and Water on the soil types. Mr. Anhorn stated this project will not cost the City, they will foot the bill for the water and sewer and road upgrades. Special Council Workshop. Page 2. Albertville said they currently have 385,000 gpd for sewer and adding another 200,000 gpd. Time in Entitlement process - 18 months 1 year to build Open in 2 to 3 years Races would be 3 weeks a part Noise Factors Within 1 mile there would be substantial noise. They will be 2.5 miles from nearest housing development. sites. They have reviewed others but Otsego is their number one choice. Apollo Corporation is a major player in this project. They have recently purchased Vale Ski Resort, Beckenridge, own Samsinate Luggage, Keystone. Mr. Anhorn will be putting together information packets for the city. He also discussed this project would like to have townhomes and a golf course. Some of the sponsors of cars are Target, Menards. They would be hiring a great number of local people. The Race track would be towards the north end of the selected site they are looking at. The stands would face the south. Mr. Anhom stated he will be going back to Colorado but will be back in a couple of weeks. Mayor Larry Fournier Attest: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Adm. Recorded by: Judy Hudson, Deputy Clerk ccws597.wps