ITEM 3.2B 3.23.2015 MinutesITEM 3-2B OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING OTSEGO PRAIRIE CENTER MARCH 23, 2015 7:00 PM Call to Order. Mayor Jessica Stockamp called the meeting to order at 7:16 PM. Roll Call: Mayor Jessica Stockamp; Councilmembers: Vern Heidner, Jason Warehime, Doug Schroeder and Tom Darkenwald. Staff: Lori Johnson, City Administrator; Daniel Licht, City Planner; Ron Wagner, City Engineer; Andy MacArthur, City Attorney; Parks and Recreation Manager, Ross Demant; and Tami Loff, City Clerk. . Pledge of Allegiance: Mayor Stockamp led in the Pledge of Allegiance. 1. Open Forum. No items. 2. Consider agenda approval. City Administrator Johnson requested to add item 5.5 Action to amend the Wildflower Meadows Developers Agreement. Mayor Stockamp requested to move item 3.10 Approve updated Position Description to 5.1B. CM Heidner requested to move item 3.8 Background Check Policy to 5.6. CM Heidner motioned to approve as amended. Seconded by CM Schroeder. All in favor. Motion carried. 3. Consent Agenda. (Non -controversial items). 3.1 Approve Claims List. 3.2 Approve City Council Meeting Minutes. A. February 23, 2015 Special Meeting. B. March 9, 2015 Meeting. 3.3 Received Commission Meeting Minutes. A. Planning Commission January 20, 2015. B. Public Safety Commission February 10, 2015. C. Heritage Preservation Commission February 10, 2015. D. Parks & Recreation Commission February 17, 2015. 3.4 Approve Herbicide Application Contract. 3.5 Approve I94 West Corridor Coalition 2015 Membership. 3.6 Approve purchase of Roll off Truck. 3.7 Approve Water Tower Access Policy. 3.8 Background Check Policy. -REMOVED 3.9 Approve Minnesota Department of Health Agreement. 3.10 Approve updated Position Description. -REMOVED CM Heidner motioned to approve with removal of items 3.8 and 3.10. Seconded by CM Schroeder. All in favor. Motion carried. 4. Parks & Recreation: 4.1 Approve Request for Design Consultation for park in Wildflower Meadows. Parks and Recreation Manager Demant presented the staff report. CM Schroeder motioned to approve the proposal from SRF Consulting for professional development services for the park located in the Wildflower Meadows Development. Seconded by CM Heidner. All in favor. Motion carried. 5. Administration: 5.1 Administrative Services Director Position: A Accept Resignation of Administrative Services Director. B Authorize Advertisement of Position Vacancy. C Enter into Letter of Engagement with KDV. City Administrator Johnson presented. Item 5.1A. Accept Resignation of Administrative Services Director. CM Warehime motioned to accept the resignation of Administrative Services Director Dan Jordet. Seconded by CM Darkenwald. All in favor. Motion carried. Item 5.113 Approve updated Position Description and Authorize Advertisement of Position Vacanc . CM Warehime asked if the only item changed on the job description is the title. City Administrator Johnson said yes. CM Heidner said when this originally was written it was a new position; looking at is now he is wondering if some of the items should be scaled back. For instance the Economic Development section and back up City Administrator. He also questioned the minimum qualifications of ten years; could that number possibly come down. City Administrator Johnson stated it could be reduced recommended at least seven years and also stated the Economic Development section could be deleted if the Council desires. CM Heidner motioned to table Item 5.113 approving the updated Position Description and authorizing advertisement for vacancy to the March 30, 2015 Special meeting scheduled at 6:00 PM. Seconded by CM Warehime. All in favor. Motion carried. Item 5.1C Enter into Letter of Engagement with KDV. CM Heidner motioned to enter into a Letter of Engagement with KDV to provide nonaudit services and ongoing accounting services as needed until the director position is filled. Seconded by CM Schroeder. All in favor. Motion carried. 5.2 Tax Increment Financing Application Status. City Administrator Johnson reviewed the staff report. CM Darkenwald said he will be abstaining from this item and stepped down from the dais at 7:43 PM. CM Warehime motioned to authorize staff to engage legal and financial consultants for review of the TIF application from Otsego Apartments, LLC. Seconded by CM Heidner. Motion carried 4-0. CM Darkenwald abstained. CM Darkenwald returned to the dais at 7:46 PM 5.3 Consider Leave of Absence Request. City Attorney MacArthur reviewed the staff report noting City staff received a revised letter of request today. CM Schroeder asked if this will affect the budget for that department. City Administrator stated there is an additional cost in having a temporary in addition to the regular position which could be offset by the three month unpaid leave of absence. CM Warehime asked will hinder us with less hours of the Finance Assistant II or would it be beneficial for more hours. City Administrator Johnson said some of the workload will need to be reallocated. She said the current temporary employee is under a six week contract that can be reviewed at that point. She indicated it may be needed until the employee returns to her regular schedule. CM Darkenwald asked the date of the revised letter. City Attorney MacArthur said March 23, 2015. CM Darkenwald motioned to approve the leave extension as requested by the Finance Assistant II dated March 23, 2015. Seconded by CM Heidner. All in favor. Motion carried. 5.4 Approve payment for Metro Appliance and Recycling. CM Warehime said he will be abstaining from this item. CM Schroeder motioned to approve the claims list for Metro Appliance and Recycling. Seconded by CM Heidner. Motion carried 4-0. CM Warehime abstained. 5.5 Action to amend the Wildflower Meadows Developers Agreement. City Attorney MacArthur said with the submission of Wildflower Meadows 4th and 51h Addition the developer is asking the City to consider cash escrow or payment plan instead of Letter of Credit. The City Council concurred. 5.6 Background Check Policy. CM Heidner asked for clarification on number three regarding contracted related to utilities and said number two should state volunteer boards. City Attorney MacArthur said yes that was the intention. CM Heidner said it also states in the policy coordinated by the City Finance Department and he feels it should state by Human Resource, City Administrator Johnson said yes it could state HR function. City Attorney MacArthur said he will clarify the items and bring back to the City Council for approval. Mayor Stockamp asked the process on the background checks. Kathy Grover, 9345 Ogden Avenue NE, Finance Assistant III, said forms are sent to the individual and they fill out and sign and then either drop off or fax back to her attention and then she submits the information to the online site. Mayor Stockamp asked if it's possible for the individuals to submit directly to the online site. She said other boards that she has served on, have systems were a link is sent to the individual and then they do it directly online which alleviates the paperwork. City Administrator Johnson said City staff will check into that. CM Heidner motioned to table this item until the March 30, 2015 Special City Council Meeting at 6:00 PM. Seconded by Mayor Stockamp. All in favor. Motion carried. 6. City Council Reports and Updates. CM Warehime said again this year the Otsego View has a typo related to the recycle week; should read Monday through Friday. CM Darkenwald thanked Administrative Services Director Dan Jordet for his service. 7. Staff Reports and Updates. City Administrator Johnson said the Otsego Lions wine tasting event is this Thursday and Friday at the Pour. She stated the Albertville Otsego Joint Fire Board meeting is this Wednesday. City Engineer Wagner gave an update on the 70th Street project. 8. Adjourn. CM Darkenwald motioned to adjourn. Seconded by CM Warehime. All in favor. Motion carried. Adjourned at 8:21 PM. ATTEST: Tami Loff, City Clerk H Mayor Jessica Stockamp