06-09-97 CCCITY OF OTSEGO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA CITY COUNCIL MEETING 6:30 PM COUNCIL CHAMBERS OTSEGO CITY HALL JUNE 9, 1997 1 Mayor Larry Fournier will call meeting to order. Mayor Fournier called the June 9, 1997 City Council Meeting to order at 6:30 PM. A . Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Fournier led in the Pledge of Allegiance. h. Roll Call. Mayor Larry Fournier; Councilmembers: Virginia Wendel, Suzanne Ackerman, Mark Berning, Vern Heidner. Staff: Bob Kirmis, Assistant City Planner; Kevin Kielb, City Engineer; Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator; Judy Hudson, Deputy Clerk. 2. Consider Agenda Approval_ Mayor Fournier requested the following additions: Item 8.4.1. Island View Seeding Item 9.1.a. EDAAC requests approval to obtain information on Housing and Urban Redevelopment CM Berning motioned to accept the June 9, 1997 City Council Agenda as amended. Seconded by CM Ackerman. All in favor. Motion carried. 3. Consider Minutes - a. May 15, 1997 Council Workshop CM Heidner motioned adoption. Seconded by CM Berning. All in favor. Motion carried. h May 27, 1997 City Council Meeting Mayor Fournier motioned adoption. Seconded by CM Wendel. All in favor. Motion carried. 4. Open Forum: 4.1- Special Presentation - Gar; Giroen, Review of April Fin Statements, Gary Groen, city accountant, reviewed the April Financial Statements. Paul Levenson, resident, in order for him to plan accordingly he encouraged the Council to move ahead with a decision on the Sewer and Water Project. Nadine Bullock, resident, has 2.5 acre parcel which is zoned R-2 and doesn't allow keeping houses although it is located in an agricultural area. She requested allowance to house horses on her property. Otsego City Council Meeting of June 9, 1997, cont'd. Page 2. Mayor Fournier suggested an Interim Use Permit and suggested she attend a Staff Meeting to go over the process. 5. Consent Agenda, 5.1. Apl)roval of Park and recreation commission priorities for Otsego Prairie Park_ 5.2 Approval of change of Public Works Sub -committee from June 10, 1997 to June 17, 1997 (Tuesday) 4 PM_ CM Heidner motioned for adoption of the Consent Agenda. Seconded by CM Ackerman. All in favor. Motion carried. 6_ Bob Kirmis. Assistant City Planner - 6.1. lanner.6 1 Consider application for Greg Paumen Conditional Use Permit for the folly a Allow construction of more than one detached accessory building in association with a detached single family residential us . Bob Kirmis presented the planner's report. Kevin Kielb, City Engineer, requested consideration of an additional condition that would allow no other driveways added, therefore the parcel has only one driveway access. CM Wendel motioned to approve the Conditional Use Permit to allow construction of more than one detached accessory building subject to the six (6) conditions listed in the Findings of Fact with the sixth condition allowing only one driveway access. Seconded by CM Ackerman. All in favor. Motion carried. 6.2. Consider application for Gregg and Linda Strommen for a Conditional Use Permit for the following: a Allow the construction of a second curb cut access to a single family residential lot_ Bob Kirmis presented the planner's report. Mr. Gregory Strommen stated he will be paving this driveway. CM Heidner motioned to allow the Conditional Use Permit to allow the construction of a second curb cut access to a single family residential lot subject to the three (3) conditions listed in the Findings of Fact since there is no other access to this garage. To be noted this approval may not apply to others applying for a second access. Seconded by Mayor Fournier. All in favor. Motion carried. 6-3. Any other Planning Business. Mr. Kirmis noted that at the last Planning Commission Meeting he was asked if the Planning Commission should start working on the Comprehensive Plan update. He discussed this with David Licht, NAC, and Mr. Licht strongly encourages the city to wait on all aspects of the plan until a sewer decision is made. Was not in attendance. Otsego City Council Meeting of June 9, 1997, cont'd. Page 3. 8.1. Consider quotes for Dust Control/Gravel Surface Conditional chemical_ Mayor Fournier motioned to award the Dust Control project to Thermogas Company for .47 a gallon. Seconded by CM Wendel. All in favor. Motion carried. CM Heidner requested documentation on this procedure outlining savings in employee hours, equipment wear and tear, reduction of grading. 8.2. Approve ity Engineer selection of sewer plant site in Eastern area of ciw Mayor Fournier stated he contacted all the landowners in the area that has been discussed for the treatment plant. None of the landowners want to sell land to the city. Mayor Fournier feels it would be appropriate at this time to turn the site selection over to the City Engineer in order to keep the process moving. CM Heidner requested Dayton to share in the engineering costs for this site selection and also requested a copy of the Shoreland Water Acts which Dayton has referred to several times. Mr. Kielb recommended an appraisal on the recommended site as the next step. CM Heidner motioned authorizing the City Engineer to analyze treatment plant sites based on their preliminary analysis with input form Bonestroo. Select three potential sites and present a report to the City Council. Seconded by CM Ackerman. All in favor. Motion carried. It was noted that the cost of $750 includes Bonestroo's input. 8 Discussion of Louis Szenay, 8950 OBrian Ave NE - pond in Hall's Watershed After discussion with Mr. Szenay, the consensus of the Council was to hold off in purchasing this property. 8.4. Any other Engineering Business- 8.4 usiness.8 4 a Seeding in Island View Estates Road Project. Mr. Kielb reported the "Clean Up" is currently being done and than will be able to seed. Seeding should be done by Friday of this week, if not, a new subcontractor will be hired. It was noted seeding is under the warranty which is good for one year. CM Berning asked about a lot in Rolling Ridge Creek, which appears to be low. Mr. Kielb stated this has discussed this with the developer and builder has asked to re -grade some areas. Mr. Kielb will be reviewing this. 9_ Council Items: 9.1. Any Council Business. 9-1 a EDAAC requests approval to obtain information on Housing and Urban Redevelopment Mayor Fournier explained the EDAAC would like to have Dan Wilson (NAC) attend their meeting to discuss this issue. The Council noted the EDAAC has budgeted for this. Otsego City Council Meeting of June 9, 1997, cont'd. Page 4. 9.2. City Clerk's U da e_ Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator, reported to the Council that there will be a free water testing program conducted at City Hall on August 5 from 2 to 6 PM by the State. The Administrative Sub -committee meeting has been changed to June 18th 4 PM. CM Heidner motioned to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to complete and do whatever is needed for the completion of the Local Performance Certification and that he will also sign the certification. Seconded by Mayor Fournier. All in favor. Motion carried. 9.3. Consider Claims List for Ap rn oval. CM Heidner motioned for adoption of the Claims Lists as presented. Seconded by CM Ackerman. All in favor. Motion carried. 9.4. Adjourn by 10 PM. Mayor Fournier stressed that the forefront for the Council should be sewer and water. CM Heidner motioned to adjourn. Seconded by CM Ackerman All in favor. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:23 PM. Mayor Larry Fournier A test: Elaine Beatty, ity Clerk/Zoni Adm. Recorded by: Judy Hudson, Deputy Clerk City Seal