ITEM 5.1 CIP10 0 >_ eo MINNESOTA V DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Public Works City Engineer Wagner April 13, 2015 PRESENTER(s): REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: City Engineer Wagner City Administrator Johnson 5.1 AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approving Plans and Specifications for the 2015 Street Maintenance and ordering advertisement for bids along with staff requesting quotes for 2015 street maintenance items included in 2015 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) to be completed by Public Works and Utilities Departments. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? I ISA PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No I No BACKGROUND/JUSTIFICATION: The Public Works and Utility staff will be completing work such as patching and chimney seal rehabilitations. Kevin Lamson, the interim Public Works Supervisor, has indicated they will be completing 25 chimney seal rehabs at $700 each for a total of $17,500 for this year. The cost for those will come be funded by the Sanitary Sewer Operating Fund. Kevin will be negotiating with contractors to provide infrared patching around manholes and gate valves. He has estimated 25 infrareds at $200 each for a total of $5,000. Quotes for larger paver laid patches, 89th St in James Addition) will also be obtained. Between the two larger patches and infrareds we expect to cost $15,000 which well is within the budget for those items which is $100,000. Staff would like to transfer some of the excess to use for crack filling which may exceed the $61,000 budgeted. Kevin and I will be preparing maps and specifications for crack filling and request quotes. Attached is the map of streets that crack filling will occur on and they include the streets that will be seal coated and/or fog sealed. $61,000 is budgeted for crack filling. The specifications are written so streets can be removed or added to match the budget. Streets selected for removal would be in accordance of the Pavement Condition Index, removing the highest rated streets first. We hope with funding from the excess in patching will be enough to complete all of the streets within the 2015 CIP. Attached are plans for the 2015 Street Maintenance Project. The streets to be completed correspond with those shown in the CIP for 2015 except we removed Wildflower Meadows as construction of three additional subdivisions and a park are scheduled to occur this year. This construction would likely damage the seal coat and fog seal. $276,500 is budgeted and we are estimating the project cost to be $231,000. Again, the specifications are written so streets can be removed or added to match the budget. Streets selected for removal would be in accordance of the Pavement Condition Index, removing the highest rated streets first. The project estimate is well below the budget. This is due to several streets being deemed able to only require a fog seal rather than a seal coat and a fog. We hope this trend continues with the new pavement maintenance program. Staff also removed the 2 year old street, LaBeaux Avenue from the fog seal program as we would like to use "RePlay" pavement sealing method of pavement maintenance. Three years ago, several trails were treated with RePlay and a review of how that treatment has held up versus no treatment has convinced us to try it on streets as well. RePlay is a penetrating asphalt treatment that maintains the fine gravel material and the bituminous material in the pavement. It is not oil based and costs less than a seal coat to apply but more than a fog seal. Project cost estimate to treat LaBeaux Avenue with RePlay is $12,500. We recommend approving plans and specification and authorizing advertisement for bids. We also recommend City staff request quotes from contractors for crack filling, Replay and infrared patches. Bids and quotes will be brought before council at a future meeting for approvals. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: X ATTACHED X NONE List: Map of Streets to be Crack Filled in 2015 Plans for 2015 Street Maintenance Project Engineers Opinion of Cost for Seal Coat and Fog Seals MOTION: (Please word motion as you would like it to appear in the minutes.) Motion to approve plans and specification and authorizing advertisement for bids for the 2015 Street Maintenance and to authorize City staff to request quotes from contractors for crack filling, RePlay and infrared patches. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: X YES 201 Pavement Management Fund 602 Sewer Fund (Manhole Chimney Rehabs) NO ACTION TAKEN ❑ APPROVED AS REQUESTED ❑ DENIED ❑ TABLED ❑ OTHER (List changes) COMMENTS: (D U. Q H 1,1 0No p LL. F lu ¢� O N 0) D a W Lo m Wp m>m c U p N a U IH N t N E 7 N U a. m www« w O F MOM N Inif00 oW6� m m rmOm mnm. mVm POmi UJU m mmO nmm IT 0 om O >n r Nr 0 2 m M P0 mmO N mMt N P m?o m m W m m W N m N P N N N N M N M m M P P M h M O F- m IL n m to n o D? 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W? v m w z z z m a z z n¢ y v7 Y] t m R 10 m t0 (O 0 R Ip R R I� m 1� L R .1 N ai m y U $ m Su O r a m w z m rL u� m m lr 81 w e n n ' 0 a a m O o m m IH N t N E 7 N U a. m www« w CITY OF OTSEGO COST ESTIMATE FOR 2015 FOG SEAL CSS-iH Cost= $1.551 GAL Prepered:March40,2016 Revised: Aprif 9, 2015 •En,. Soar _ ecc_au �.,�Ooa �r � n i Q411:nA1C QFR Sn Vn TII 1ITFn1 STREET NAME LOCATION SUBDIVISION NAME LENGTH (ft) WIDTH (M) OTHER AR_ (sq. ft) TOTALSURFACE AREA(sq.%) 'GALLONS OF TOTALSURFACE OILUTEOCSS-0H AREA (.q. yd.) FOGSEALOIL COSTOFFOG SPALETENOED 79th S1 NE 71st St NE West Entrance to KederAve NE Zi2a 28.4 60,435 6715 672 $1.040.83 P.Q. Ave NE CSAH 39 to Bath St NE Zola 34.0 89,012 9890 989 $1,532.98 761h SINE Odean Ave NEM Ohland Ave NE CA ... Pends West Z465 41.7 10 374 11375 1137 $1763.10 76th St NE West Plat line to Ohland Ave NE Crimson Ponds West 758 23.3 17,661 1962 196 04.17 77th Lane NE E. W-de-sa.t. Nd ff Ave NE Crimson Ponds West 566 23.3 7854 21.042 2338 234 382.39 St NE Wast Plat lineto Packard Ave NE Crb-n Pends West 713 23.3 46813 1846 185 $286.11 78th St Ped et Ave NEM 76th StNE Crimson Pond. West 628 41.7 018 2446 245 79.19 OhImdAve NE 75th StNEt.761h SINE Crimson Ponds West 398 23.3 9273 1030 103 159.71 Packard Ave NE 011md Ave NE to 77th Lane NE Crimson Ponds West 916 23.3 21320 2369 237 $367.17 Pad a@Ave NE N. Plat Line to 78th St NE Crimson Ponds West 747 283 21.140 2349 235 $M.08 96th St NE 598'W. of Sec the M Nantucket Ave DW. Kq efssi I Cove lstAdd 1,445 23.3 33,669 3741 374 $579,BS 96th St NE Naber Ave NE to 506'W. of sec Tine Davis Me-lopf Cove idAdd 1577 233 36,744 4083 408 $632.82 Nabe Ave NE CSAH 39 to With St NE Davis MIsSWppTCove letAdd 419 23.3 9763 1086 106 $168.14 96th SINE on Ave NEto aberAve NE Davis Misslasl ICove2nd Add 2,705 23.3 63.027 7003 700 1085.46 86th 36o'W,.fCSAH42 Parson Gr[RNerCerdre 290 5q.7 15863 763 176 273B5th t CSAH 2M 36O'West GreatRlverCentre 360 SU 23652 2628 283 07.34 85th Parson AVe to Quad- Ave Great RNer Cantre 943 41.7 39,323 4359 437 $077.2S Person Ave NE 87th St NE to Bath St NE Greet RNer Cantre 981 35.7 35022 3891 389 $603.15 Quad Ave NE 85th St NE to 87th St NE Great RNer Cantre 1.358 41.7 66,629 6292 629 $975.27 9Oth SINE N.WrAve HE to Nashua Ave NE Hldden CreekT,.ils 3,604 24.0 96.496 9611 got $1,489.85 Naber Ave NE ICSAH 39 to 90th SINE Hidden CreekTrluls 752 24.0 66,049 7339 734 $1,137.49 Both St NE OchoaAveto Odean Ave NE Olsea.Acres let &2nd Add- 1,302 223 29,035 3226 323 $500.04 O'Bdan Ave NE 90th St NE to South platine OR oAcres 1st&2nd Addns. 1,285 220 28270 3141 314 $486.87 Ochoa Ave NE 901h SL NE to Beth St NE Ofeaq. Acres let& 2nd Addn. 958 223 21363 2374 237 $367.93 881h St NE O'Brian Ave NE to Odean Ave NE O6e.AcreslstAddn. Z254 223 50,487 solo Sol $869.50 90th St WE O'Brien Ave NE to Oehoe Ave NE 06 oActes2ndAddn 1,044 MD 22,958 2552 266 $395.55 91st St NE JaberAve NE to 93n151 NE Oteen.Farms 1.374 28 38.472 4275 427 $662.57 93rd St NE JaberAve. to 91st St NE M .I-. 1400 28 3g,200 4356 436 $671,11 91st St NE CSAH No. 42 t. Quads Ave Ot..'s Water6.rd 345 58.0 20010 2223 222 $344.62 Quads Ave. NE 91stSLto N. Cul -d -o Ot a e'.Waterfmtd 575 58.0 7,950 47000 5222 522 899.44 QuadeyAva. NE CSAH No. 39 to 91st St OM .k Waterfmrd 550 58.0 31900 3544 354 $549.39 761h St NE 78th St NE to SE End Pheasant Rlda 5th Addn. 464 29.0 13,456 1495 150 $23174 76th SINE West Plat Line to East Plat Line Pheasant Rld.e7' Addn. 359 28.3 10,100 1129 113 174.97 76th St NE West PW Line to F.ATem Cutdesec Pheasant Ridge Sth Addn. 249 28.3 7,850 44897 1655 166 $256.55 79th St NE Q.dav Ave to P.M. Creek Lane Prairie Crook 2nd Add. 234 38.0 892 988 99 5153.14 Prairie Creek Court 79th at NE to cul-desac Prairie Creek 2nd Addn. 169 29.0 7,850 I 761 1417 142 5219.60 Pmfrie Creak Lane 79th St NEM North Prelfie Creek 2nd Addn. 910 29.0 8,99D 999 10D $154.83 PlnnacleAve NE PrehSe Creek Lane to N Plat Llne Pralde Creek2nd Addn. 600 29.0 1740D 1933 193 5299.67 PlnnadeAve NE SPWU-i.0 Fdesac Praid. Cr.ek4th Addn. 613 29.0 705D 25,627 2847 2B5 544.35 de Creek Lane PmnadeAve NEMEPlat fJne Preh1eCreek4thAddn 170 29.0 4,930 548 55 S84.91 nide Creek Lane NE PW Uneto S. Plat Line PF2IideCreekSthAddm 497 29.0 14.413 1601 160 3248.7E Court NE Radford Ave NEMculdeae. RN .rote 373 29.0 7850 18.657 2074 207 $321A9 ve NE CSAR 36 to Radford Ave NE Ne ointe 267 29.0 7453 828 83 5128.36 ve NE 56th Coud NE to 55th St NE RN i to 1318 29.0 38 222 4247 425 658,27 WR..df.,dA-NE Radford Ave. NE to East Plat River olnte 2ndMdlkon 452 299 13108 1456 146 5.75 E 66th St NEM end n.Ld-. River ofnte, 2.dAddrffm 73 29.0 7 850 9 967 1107 111 171.65 E Radford Ave. to East let Riv olnts2ndAdd4f.n 398 29.0 1 642 1262 128 198.78 va NE 55th ST NEI. 58th Coud NE Rf,.rrxIn1. 2odAd4iffm 920 29.0 26,880 2964 296 $459.49 56th St NE West Plat .to Radford M. NE RNe inte3rd AddBon 534 29.0 18386 2043 204 316.85 Rachde Court 56th Street NE toC.-deaao Rive,point.3rd AdrM n 265 29.D 7.850 15535 1726 173 $267.55 Radford Ave NE 58th CL NE to 591h SL NE RN .1nte3rd Addm.n 465 29.0 13,485 1498 150 $232.24 71st 3t NE ouakerAve M cul de sac ThePoInM 334 39.0 7850 20 ,876 2320 232 $359.53 OvakceAve NE Quadav Ave to South Cu Wesal: The P.IM. 1,522 420 7850 71,774 7975 797 $1236.11 72nd St NE QualeAve. t. CuFd- The Prime 2nd Addison 1 29.0 35,625 3947 395 $B11.82 931d SI NE Naso. St NE to Nhlor St NE au Samson Ride 544 31.3 17027 1092 189 $293.25 94th St NE Nashua AveNEto Nason St NE Sur -on Ride 639 323 20640 2293 229 5355.46 Nasop St NE Cul-de-sac M 93rd SI NE Sorenson Ride 1,078 31.3 6,648 40389 4488 449 $695.60 Nau htorMe NE CSAH 39 to 93rd St NE Sorenson Ridge 1,431 313 44790 4977 498 b771.39 84th St NE Park Ave NE to Both St NE Slane ata E t tm 738 29.0 21402 2378 238 5368.59 ParkAve NE West Plat Line to 85th St NE Slone ate Estates 1146 29.0 332.34 3693 369 357236 187th St NE 013nan Ave NE to Odom AV. NE V-ufs Oak Grove Estates 253 23.3 5Z495 5833 583 $904.08 O'Brian AVe NE North pl.1 Me to 85th St NE Vasseur's Oak Gr Estates 1319 23.3 30,733 3416 341 552929 11AS miles 207,697 20,770 Total Cost of Fog Seal $ 32,193.02 TraffiOControl $ 3,863.16 TOTAL $ 36,056.19 Nuu+hcWA1.i51LMwMNAY hI.hnPhAMto0.3W1.1PAhias Pagel ort P,WN: tf PlS iNIVdo -(SNOOlS,m) `SNI3T�IVW IlvMSSONO a o onod:000moeoo�m..am�oo m m d d d. 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AILFDERAL, STATLANDLOCALLAWS, REGULATIONS, AND ORDINANCES SHALL BE COMPLIED WITH W THE CONSTRUC77ON OF THIS PROJECT. SHEET INDEX THIS PLAN CONTAINSJQ Sri= SHEETNO. DESCRIPTION i TITLE SHEET 2 ESTIMATED QUANTLTIES & NOTES 3 STRIPING DETAILS 4 OVERALL STREET UAWTENANCE PLAN 5-45 STRIPING PLANS N W+E S I hemly oertify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professfonal Engineer under the laws ofthe Sta Meotar J` B&PFAIT M LARSON, P. Oafs=.Apn78, 2015 - LIC. No_ 48850 CITY PROJECT 15-02 I 3f sx�srs pn,P red by er urndermyd cf sup anon antl Maff eML awmrh aswryrf,��.f edrrnr ,a�ar`�nee��� re�fax� ��syekri� ��--�C/7Y OF OTSEGO OVERALL STREET MAINTEN4NCEPLAN I- akanson 2015 STREET MAINTENANCE PRC)JECT o,h amsirs-- a _ne_<_eso err rR�y 1711C..1��'��.n 7G3-027-58fiOFAX aa-ln763-4217-0-520 nF arr�v LA.250N,PE www:haaanc.com CITY PROJECT NUMBER: 75-02 CITY GF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA 0 Legend PmAli Cn4mm