06-10-97 WS%444-6 /l r q� �oi'aci�ebers :year rni We tete residents of 62nd st. petition "'le city to take over said st. ..le -reason bei-,-- it has been disibnated 62nd st for many years and it is in tie county- ;rid system. All of olar addresses have been 62Nd st for war_,r years. Thanti yo,; .he resident of 62nd st. 1 21 1 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTAS INC COMMUNITY PLANNING - DE51ON - MARKET RESE­A-f4-CH`---'--- MEMORANDUM TO: Elaine Beatty FROM: Bob Kirmis / David Licht DATE: 17 April 1997 RE: Otsego - 62nd Street FILE NO: 176.08 At your request, we have given some thought as to the preferred handling of the recently received 62nd Street petition. As you are aware, certain residents living along such street have petitioned the City of Otsego to take over the existing private road as a City Street. The history of such private street creation is summarized in a City Attorney letter dated 8 January 1997. The segment of 62nd Street under consideration measures approximately 1,280 feet in length and one rod or 16.5 feet in width (see attached Exhibit A), From a planning perspective, an ideal situation would be the formal dedication of a 60 foot wide right-of-way (with a cul-de-sac at the eastern terminus of the roadway) and an improvement of the street to City standards. The right-of-way dedication and street improvement are, however, considered independent issues. Right -of -Way Dedication. We agree with the suggestion of the City Attorney that the burden of right-of-way acquisition should be placed upon the petitioners. In this particular case, a 60 foot wide right-of-way dedicated along the quarter -quarter section line would be preferred. As illustrated on Exhibit B, residents north of 62nd Street could potentially dedicate 13.5 feet of right-of-way width (in addition to existing 16.5 feet of private road width). This dedication could be combined with an additional 30 feet of right-of-way which would need to be acquired from the adjacent property owner to the south. To be recognized in this matter is that right-of-way width (i.e., 60 feet) does not equate to required roadway surface widths (i.e., 32 feet for newly constructed streets). 5775 WAYZATA BOULEVARD, SUITE 555 ST. LOUIS PARK, MINNESOTA 554 1 6 PHONE 6 1 2-595-9636 FAX 6 1 2-595-9637 Street Improvement. Assuming existing 62nd Street does not meet current City standards, the issue of roadway improvement is considered worthy of discussion. As a matter of practice for new developments, the City accepts right-of-way dedication under condition that roadways are constructed to City standards. The 62nd Street situation is, however, considered unique and variation from the practice may be warranted. Should the City choose to waive its street improvement requirements, some sort of time table should be established for its eventual upgrade. The street improvement issue should be subject to further comment by the City Engineer. Processing. Should the petitioners acquire the land necessary to dedicate a 60 foot wide right-of-way, the following City approvals would be necessary. Minor subdivision (administrative). 2. Variance to allow creation of a cul-de-sac in excess of 500 feet in length. This item is scheduled for discussion at the forthcoming 28 April City Council meeting pc: Larry Koshak Andy MacArthur 2 idbl- NORTH V = 400' EXHIBIT A otzcz£# N OOZi�i i N ■ M. O N 0 m ma" N N and a0OM>fV0'3' N) I o N N to j F - z W 2 'z a J �• a a 3 U- 0 H C7 cc W J in N cn O CL x cc O z LC 'ON 'H'd'S'0 EXHIBIT B o�-9zry � N £ozm# X-oLzti gozvcc# o£-99 t t 0£-99 Or l 0 N M N to O N ac -9z tIf otzcz£# N OOZi�i i N ■ M. O N 0 m ma" N N and a0OM>fV0'3' N) I o N N to j F - z W 2 'z a J �• a a 3 U- 0 H C7 cc W J in N cn O CL x cc O z LC 'ON 'H'd'S'0 EXHIBIT B Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. April 23, 1997 Ms. Elaine Beatty, Clerk City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Otsego, MN 55330 RE: 62nd Street Petition Dear Elaine: 3601 Thurston Avenue Anoka, Minnesota 55303 612/427-5860 Fax 612/427-34ft- 0520 At your request we are providing our opinion on the petition for acceptance of the above mentioned private street. Among the issues we need to consider is street easement width, cul-de-sac size and location, drainage, improvement of the traveled surface and utility location. Street Easement The preferred street easement width would be 60 feet width with 60 foot radius cul-de-sac easement. Depending on the drainage, utility location and snow storage requirement it is possible to reduce the easement width. The minimum width we could recommend is 50 feet. The easement should be acquired with no restriction or limitation. Normally, the easement is for street and utility purposes only. Cul-de-sac The street will need a full cul-de-sac and a variance as stated in NAC's letter of April 17, 1997. We assume that school buses, garbage trucks and other service vehicles use the street. With the long distance from County Road 37 the cul-de-sac is warranted. The cul-de-sac should be as recommended in the City's standards. Drainage Issue The drainage off the road needs to be directed to a position outflow and then to a public easement to a wetland. We are aware of a farm tile crossing the street at some point. The tile drains land south and southwest of the road. The tile will not be accepted by the City as a public facility but will remain as a private drainage structure maintained and operated by the owners of the tile. It may be necessary to improve the drainage before accepting the street. If ditches are required this improvement usually requires the maximum easement of 60 feet. Engineers Landscape Architects Surveyors Ms. Elaine Beatty Page 2 April 23, 1997 Driving Surface The present driving surface is a an unimproved gravel road. The width of driveable surface is 16- 18 feet. It would be our recommendation that the street be improved to current street standards with a paved street and cul-de-sac. The minimum acceptable surface would be a 24 foot gravel at a depth of at least 6 inches with ditches to convey the storm water runoff. Utility Location We don't have any positive location of the existing utilities such as electric, telephone cable and gas, however, telephone and power appear to be in the back lot lines. Typically the utility companies are allowed to place their line in the street easements. The location is required to be on the outside areas of the easement and not under the driving surface. If the utilities are not required to be placed in the street easement it is possible to reduce the requirement for easement. We recommend to be in compliance with standards that the necessary 60 feet easement be provided and that the street be paved to City standards within 5 years of accepting the street. It would also be advisable to acquire some street easement on the south side of the proposed street since this land should at some time be assessed for street. Please review this matter and if you have question, please contact me. I will be available at the council meeting to discuss this issue further. Yours truly, HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOCIATES, INC. enc§( G.Aoshak, PE kas cc: Andy MacArthur, Attorney Bob Kirmis, NAC ot901 .ebb Halcanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. Letter to Residents of 62nd Street May 14, 1997 Page 2 This is intended to give you the parameters of the City's requirements for acceptance. If it is determined that certain of these requirements were a physical impossibility or would create great hardship, these matters should be brought to the City's attention. A properly accepted roadway will provide you with City road service as enjoyed by the rest of the City's taxpayers. It may also limit your liability for any accident or occurrence on the 62nd street. At this time the liability would most likely accrue only to you as the "owners" of the present street. Conveyance of the proper right-of-way would allow the City to have right-of- way up to its current standards in the case of improvement of the roadway, and would place the City in a better position to deliver needed services to the road. It would also insure that all needed right-of-way is in place in the case that adjacent lands were to develop in the future. If you have any further questions regarding this matter, or the mechanics of the process, please feel free to contact me. Very tly yours, w acArlg/xu�r ZWI L COURI PC: City of Otsego Larry Koshak, Hakanson Anderson Bob Kirmis, NAC AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY NAIL State of Minnesota ) ss. County of Wright ) Monica R. Brown, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on May 14, 1997, she deposited in the United States post office at St. Michael, Minnesota, a copy of the attached letter with attachments enclosed in a sealed envelope, with postage thereon fully prepaid, addressed to the following: LEROY H BAUERMEISTER 14066 62ND STREET NE OTSEGO MN 55330 CHARLES A SCHMID 6268 OAKWOOD AVENUE NE OTSEGO MN 55330 NORMAN F FRESKE 14228 62ND STREET NE OTSEGO MN 55330 CHARLES P LOFGREN 14166 62ND STREET NE OTSEGO MN 55330 ANTON AND LOIS EKEREN 14126 62ND STREET NE OTSEGO MN 55330 GERALD BARON 14210 62ND STREET NE OTSEGO MN 55330 GAIL THELL 14186 62ND STREET NE OTSEGO MN 55330 Subscribed and sworn to before me this 14th day of May, 1997. `z,t--/� ry BB✓laic L r7'. 1�3uopjuauo3-4.on9nd AV/10N