06-16-97 WSOTSEGO CITY COUNCIL Workshop June 16, 1997 4 P Mayor Fournier called this special Workshop Meeting to order at 4:04 PM to discuss Wastewater Treatment Facility in the western part of Otsego. Attending: Mayor Larry Fournier; Councilmembers: Virginia Wendel, Vern Heidner. Staff: Larry Koshak, City Engineer; Judy Hudson, Deputy Clerk. Others: Ron Anhom, Real Estate Broker for possible construction of a Motor Sports Complex. Mayor Fournier questioned Mr. Anhorn as to whom he represents and how serious is this proposal. Mr. Anhorn responded saying his group is very serious and genuine. One of the individuals is Ray O'Sullivan and distributed a financial on Mr. O'Sullivan. He will be inviting others in on this which may include Apollo. Mr. Anhorn stated he needs 350 to 400 acres minimum and has verbal agreement with enough landowners to have a definite site by tomorrow. The reality of this proposal is to build in one and half years to two years. Mr. Anhorn went on to say he has had informal discussions with the City of Albertville regarding providing services to the Motor Sports Complex. The latest discussion was on Friday and several landowners also attended. At this discussion, Gary Hale, Albertville's City Administrator, requested a letter from Otsego inviting Albertville to a workshop to discuss this issue. Mr. Anhorn went over his discussion with Albertville that they wouldn't be able to handle 300,000 gpd, which the Motor Sports Complex would need on race weekends. But, they could do so at a slow release. They are located 1.5 mile from the site and Albertville wants the tax revenue. Mr. Anhorn estimated $800,000 to get this service to the site from Albertville. His engineering firm estimated more, at one million dollars. Albertville has also indicated they would not extend services for residential. Albertville has also pointed out that with this Motor Sports Complex they would occur negative impact such as noise and traffic. Albertville wants a Joint Powers Agreement. Mr. Anhorn stated his preference would be to be served by Albertville. He also discussed an interchange at I-94 and CSAH 19, which would be needed. He will be trying to obtain aid from the State for this. CM Wendel discussed the option of Otsego putting in their own treatment facility so the surrounding residents of Otsego could have the ability to develop and be serviced. Mayor Fournier views this an opportunity of providing sewer in this area and would like to see this option explored. City Council Workshop of June 16, 1997, cont'd. Page 2. Larry Koshak briefly went over for Mr. Anhorn, the current study that is going on for a treatment plant in the eastern side of the city. Mr. Anhorn went over concerns of expenses. His group wouldn't be able to pay all the costs and needs cooperation and help from developers, State, County and would need help from the City with the Wastewater Treatment Plant. The track at Pike's Peak was $8,700 per acre for land costs and services. Mr. Anhorn would be a principal and owner in this project. He will be relocating to Minnesota and will spearhead the project. He noted the Complex will have at least three races a year: 1. Super truck race 2. Indy car race. 3. Nascar race. Thirty to forty high end town homes will be built. Employment figures would be 450 to 500 per race. CM Heidner questioned Mr. Anhorn if any Albertville Council members were in attendance at the discussions regarding services. Mr. Anhorn replied no, but that Mr. Hale has support on this from the Council and the City Attorney. Albertville also indicated they would want a 60/40 split of tax revenues. Albertville said they could also furnish water. Mr. Koshak explained that Otsego was turned down for joining the Joint Powers for Water. He briefly went over water and sewer issues. He asked if there has been any soil testing done. Mr. Anhorn replied this needs to be done. Peter Marsh, Engineer, doesn't see a problem with the soils but the wetlands could pose a problem. The Council agreed they believe in working with Albertville, but they want to explore all options. Mr. Anhorn assured the Council he will keep them updated on this project. He will also put together a packet of information for them. CM Heidner requested staff to place this issue on the June 30, 1997 City Council Agenda to set a meeting date with the City of Albertville. Prior to this, staff should contact Albertville for possible meeting dates. Mr. Anhorn stated he should be back in Minnesota after July 1. CM Heidner motioned to adjourn. Seconded by CM Wendel. All in favor. Motion carried. Workshop adjourned at 5:17. Mayor Larry Fournier Attest and recorded by: Judy Hudson, Deputy Clerk ccwest97.wps