ITEM 3.3B OPH 3.10.2015 MinutesITEM 3_313 Otsego Heritage Preservation March 10, 2015 Minutes Present: Toni Seroshek, Chris Wilson, Zonja Matushenko, Lisa Fahey, Gail Anderson, Jessica Stockamp. Meeting called to order on 7:08pm. Minutes from the last meeting were approved. Book Revision, binding. Lisa Fahey and Commissioners discussed the Otsego History books we wish to rebind and replace the pictures. We agree that the best binding is the one which lays flat. Intros to all the books need to be rewritten and Gail will do that. Inside the book will be a section containing the new pictures replacing the poor quality of the current ones. Slow season for Lisa's firm is from April through June so that's a good time for her to oversee rebinding. Otsego Easter event: We will be providing plywood with two cutouts for kids to take photos as if they were children in 1900 at Easter. Zonja brought the cutout she prepared and painted: it needs to be braced so that it does not collapse. The other cutout is two bunny faces which we may or may not finish for this year's celebration. Also Zonja prepared fun Easter facts we can present at the Easter egg roll for adults to read who are waiting for their children. They will be printed large for display. Zonja and Jessica will expedite this. 25th Anniversary of the City of Otsego: The Anniversary Celebration of the City of Otsego will possibly be in November. A committee planning the event will include the Mayor, OHPC, Barb Williams, Ross Demant, and Dan Licht; community people have a chance to participate also. Barb Williams asked Chris to draw a cartoon map of the City with major markers, historical and otherwise for the celebration. Chris has consented. Photo Scanning on March 21, 10am at Prairie Center: Zonja and Toni will be present. They will be scanning photos, some of which will be used for the revised history books and general purposes. Jessica will make sure the door is open. Elections of chair and vice chair and secretary: Chair: Toni Seroshek, Vice Chair: Zonja Matushenko; Recording Secretary, Gail Anderson, Chris Wilson, Chocolatier, Lisa Fahey, Printing and Binding Supervisor. Elected by unanimous vote. Meeting adjourned at 8:07pm. Next meeting is Tuesday, April 14, 7pm. Gail Anderson, Secretary