ITEM 3.8 Hiring temp Utility assistantIV otsly.' o V MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Utilities Kurt Neidermeier April 27th, 2015 PRESENTER(s): REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: Consent Agenda Lori Johnson 3.8 Utility Assistant AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: A Utility Assistant temporary part time position was reviewed at the April 22"d, 2015 Public Works Subcommittee with recommendation of approval. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? I IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No. I No. BACKGROUND/JUSTIFICATION: The Utility Budget approved January 2015 included $1650 for part time assistance to fully incorporate the departments role in spring and fall hydrant maintenance, complete job hazard analysis with related training and Safety Coordinator responsibilities. Since budget approval Engineering studies were completed at the West Wastewater Treatment Facility to identify methods and resolve to odor issues noted by neighbors of facility. The studies found inadequate solids digestion and identified the need for additional digestion space; requiring design, State approval, additional equipment and construction. The studies also provided recommendations of operational strategies to maximize process function including: initiation of the second oxidation ditch for additional process volatile solids destruction, reduction of digester solids concentrations to allow appropriate oxygen transfer, routine digester loading through operation of the Gravity Belt Thickener three times per week versus one, digester pH adjustments through manual equipment operation and routine monitoring of various process indicators. All recommendations were implemented in January 2015 and established as standard operating practices. The new operational practices have increased staffing needs as follows: • Gravity Belt Thickener operation: 3 hours per week or 156 hours per year. Involves valve changes, equipment start up and pre wash, operation and monitoring, equipment shut down, clean up and transfer of solids. The recommendation increased equipment operation two times per week. • Operation, process testing and maintenance of the 2"d Oxidation ditch: % hour per week or 39 hours per year. Labor involves twice per week laboratory analysis for the 2nd process train including Mixed Liquor and Settleometer testing; three times per week Dissolved Oxygen Sensor inspections, probe cleaning, calibration and maintenance; Aerator routine equipment maintenance including oil testing, oil changes, and motor greasing. • Digester monitoring: 10 hours per year for digester monitoring Monitoring includes sampling and testing for pH, volatile solids, total solids and temperature requiring valve changes, proper sampling techniques, chain of custody completion, lab contact, documentation, record keeping and billing. • Blower operation: 28 minutes per week or 24.25 hours per year Labor involves manual blower operation allowing denitrification to occur in the digester resolving the pH in -balance noted by the study. • Solids hauling West WWTF to East WWTF: 45 minutes per event— 10 events per year if batch hauled or 7.5 hours per year. Labor includes: valve changes, pump and load out stand operation, contractor communications, billing, reporting and record keeping. • Solids handling East WWTF: 30 minutes per event —10 events per year if batch hauled or 5 hours per year. Labor includes tank preparation for acceptance, valve changes, additional thickening processing, solids transfer to digester and storage tank. • Training and orientation of the new employee is anticipated at 8 hours. These operational responsibilities will remain as a part of the Staffing budget going forward, reduced when adequate digestion capacity is accomplished and hauling related expectations are no longer needed for a reduction of 12.5 hours per year. Staff recommends the addition of 250 hours per year of part time assistance to accommodate the new operation practices. The position will be filled by a part time employee at $11 per hour (benefits included) for a budget increase of $2750. The updated budget totaling $4400 would provide utility staffing assistance of 400 hours for 2015. The role of the Utility Assistant is to provide Operations staff the time to complete the added responsibilities allocating higher priority tasks to the Operations Staff and general lower level tasks to the Assistant position. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: ATTACHED X NONE POSSIBLE MOTION Please word motion as you would like it to appear in the minutes. Motion to approve the addition of a Utility Assistant position for 400 hours per year. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: ° YES 601— Water Operations Budget 602 —Sewer Operations Budget ° No ACTION TAKEN ° APPROVED AS REQUESTED ° DENIED ° TABLED ° OTHER (List changes) COMMENTS: