ITEM 5.1 Resolution 15-23ots11.1 o MINNESOTA V DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Public Works Ron Wagner, City Engineer April 27, 2015 PRESENTER(s): REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: Ron Wagner, City Engineer Lori Johnson, City Administrator 5.1 AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Resolution 2015-23 Fehn Companies in the amount of $3,122,398.24 ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? Yes BAC KG RO U N D/J U ST I F I CATION: Awarding 70th Street NE/CSAH 37 Improvements to IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No Bids were opened for the 70th Street NE/CSAH 37 Improvement Project on April 13th. Seven bids were received. Upon opening the bids, two bids were deemed incomplete as they were missing required documents as per Federal funding. The remaining bids were as follows: 1. Fehn Companies, Inc. $3,122,398.24 2. Park Construction Co. $4,099,622.43 3. Northwest Asphalt, Inc. $4,209,854.95 4. Veit & Company, Inc. $4,292,239,40 5. Kuechle Underground, Inc. $4,352,374.31 The Engineers Estimate was $3,580,000. Fehn Companies, Inc. has completed numerous other projects located in the City. They are located in Albertville and have gravel resources very close to the project within Otsego. The project has been tied to a County project which includes changing the intersection of 70th St and Oakwood Avenue to a roundabout and removes a sub -standard curve and intersection. The inclusion of the County project ensures no duplication or sacrificial work will occur which would have been the case if the projects were separated. Once the project is completed, 70th Street from Oakwood Avenue to LaBeaux Avenue will become a County State Aid Highway although the City of Otsego will complete snow and ice removal for several more years per an agreement. The City's construction portion of the project is $2,178,062 based on Fehn's bid. The County portion is $944,336. The county is reimbursing the City for any costs associated with their portion of the project. The overall project cost to the City is estimated at $3 million. So far the City has paid $521,361.96 out of its State aid account to cover design and right of way acquisition costs. That leaves $2,478,638 over the next two years. The City has received $800,000 in Federal funding which will be available July 15t of this year. That leaves $1,678,638. Currently, the City has nearly $2 million dollars in its State Aid account. Attached is a summary of the estimated costs of the project and the proposed funding sources along with cost for the portion of the project to be paid for by Wright County. Other 70th Street projects are slated to be completed in the upcoming years to provide an efficient safer traffic east west corridor for TH101 to CSAH 19 along the southern half of the City of Otsego. Those projects are expected to be completed prior to 2019. One project is located immediately east of this proiect from Odean Avenue to TH101. The other proiect extents are from MacIver Avenue to CSAH 19. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: x ATTACHED ❑ NONE • Bid Tab • Resolution 2015-23 • Engineers Estimate of Cost • Summary of Project Costs and Proposed Funding for the 70th St Improvement Pro POSSIBLE MOTION Please word motion as you would like it to appear in the minutes. Motion to Approve Resolution 2015-23 Awarding 70th Street NE/CSAH 37 Improvements to Fehn Companies in the amount of $3,122,398.24. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: x YES MSAS Funds Region 7W Federal Funds o NO ACTION TAKEN ❑ APPROVED AS REQUESTED ❑ DENIED ❑ TABLED ❑ OTHER (List changes) COMMENTS: BID TABu LATION CITY OF OTSEGO 70th StreetPCSAH 17 Improvement Project SP 217-112-002 AND SP 066-637-033 ®ids opened 2:06 p.m.. Monday. 1144113, 2075. Hid Schedule "A" Fehh Gampanles, frro. Park Caesrrucfion Company Nor07wes4AsphaN� Mc.. YaN d Campeny, lnc. /4iecirie x4rdeground ! e. Ricer Ce pera0en - - Dresef Cu.lrae6rtlL a1r. "ENI NO- IT DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED QUANT UNIT PRICE EXTENSION UNIT PRICE, EXTENSION UNIT PRICE EXTENMM UNIT PRICE tXTENSION UNIT PRICE E=14SION UNITPRICE EXTENSION UNITPRiCE sID 1 Moh92a6on 1 LS S69234,08 Sa9.234.00 $190.000.00 5190000.00 53500-.x0 3354040.06 5200.000"09 6204.000.09 3300000.00 snoo.om.00 50.00 $0.00 2 Tai- HOURS S7:0o 5500.94 100 $-00 51:00 500.00 6100 5500.00 Si.00 .00 51.00 0 $768 $um 3 _ Clradn 32 11617E S255p.6. 58,160.00 53751* $2000.0 $3.0-.00 $B0d10A0 $3100"00 59520,00 S3,60C.00 311520.00 50.00 3000 4 Gruhmn 32 ACR- 52,%000 Se.i60.0R 5375110 5280000 W-000.00 56400.00 S310O.00 99200. $2.500.00 SBWO UO 50.00 $000 5 _ Remave GarbAGrrticr 434 LF 3.13 47.36155 saaa 53.610.511 $5.00 $2175.00 5250 31,-8730 $5.00 52.175.00 30.00 $0.00 6 RE- Floe Galkens 524 LF 51224 S6 304 50 10.70 55, 4"00 $10.00 200.00 512.50 $e.5UQ.0U $14.00 S7280.00 5050 50"00 7 Remove eft-nouc Paremerd _ 14548 ^111' $154 522.40352 3230 533460.40 32,30 533460.40 6235 S34A 0780 5220 S32.00s.so 30,60 E.X6 6 Re move Eo9ards 2 EACH $75.110 61.500" S231.001 2.64 S10000 $2x060 .&125"W 5250M 1700.00 5200.00 50.00 40.. 9 Remove SIM le EACH 526110 60.00 40110 3400.00 $35110 3950x0 90.00 5300.00 $50.00 5500.00 30.00 SOHO 1n 3.4414 no Fevement F,41 DWMI 689 LF 315n 31011.50. SLAG 51.663,60 5330 $2411.50 5250 $1.722.60 J5.o $3445.- 40.00 30.00 11 Saha a Barred Wk. Fe.- 250 LF moo 975A00 11:90 52.975110 .42X. 4504,00 "00 Si .-. 510.00 $2500.00 50.00 Sn.06 12 9ahra a C4e5n 2 EACH 5100O0 $208"00 $371.0D 6742.00 u.o.u4 $400.00 $175.00 5350.08 5270.00 $540.00 6.40 50.00 3 0mnmo0 E-ffle0 IPI Mom C $4.89 3163167.38 S13M $547,890,40 5900 535092 44M 8156966.00 86.45 $257848.40 30A0 $0.00 14 Muck ESravaOon 2204 OY 14.31 59.49924 $1130 4965,24 $11..0 524244.00 $14.50 531956.06 59.04 $19$36.04 30,03 50.04 15 Grarpr r E.- lLM 100 _ Cy 510.56 53 915.50 $37.30 59,714AG $11.50 52.070.00 $3000 X5,400M 354.00 $9 720.00 OA0 50.00 15 Cammen Barrow L 13095 CY SaAo 447.152.80 50.01 813096 $11.50 8950.627.00 $5.75 $76AI3.50. 56.35 S8317236 0110 59.00 f7 Sel4a ad To Wl Flom fficek Ile L 32622 CY 31.96 ,-1.56 50x1 26-22 55,50 4178.421.60 $3.75 S122M2.11 7- $153.323A6 .110 50.00 IB ..1- -d Te ail in Stu do le 49609 CY 31A7 568.920.69 S2,101 $117,141,60 $5.50 5268.449.50 $625 MW247251 5325 5160.62925 90.00 "Au 19 A ata 9aae Cl ass 3 of 4 40992 To" 56.SD S261.93B.6a .85 $407,674"40 68.10 a7D3520 514.00573888.00 511.0 $450.912110 0.00 0x0 20 A ala Bas® Clea$ S Mod 33142 TCNd 51134 5375.83025 76.44 843 528"84 54126 5373.176.92 516.50 $646.843.00 518.00 ffd16.855.06 Opo 0"00 21 Eh..W-Base Aggegat. Cless2 1254 TON $28A4 $35,663"76 $50.10 362"25.40 SD.00 533,556.00 $19.50 $24,453.00 $15.00 $18,610"00 $0.00 SoLau 22DW bhumiram Su ace (1,51 145 SY 35.17 374965 51250 M S12 5o sq,oal IM 05.40 36 ex Sa41110 M.C. $217500 0x0 $..00 23 Mimi -MW e.1F n7aek Coat 3431 6P1- 52.1. 4].47958 5290 Se 48.94 83x0 310293110 S2AS $8.405.95 350 412,008M SO xc 50.00 24 T- SP 95 W - h Course NSrlure CZ C 4x01 TON 554.97 5311.920.97 567.90 $325 967,9D 66992 ........&33556552 572.70 4W.032,70 550,00 $312, &OO 0110 30.00 26 a SP 125 Waa m-0-. MW,u (2.91 2116 TON $58.56 5123.91295 366.50 141.348.60 561.13 129.361.08 55550 $138 598,00 S59.08 $124.544.011 30.00 50.00 28 T-- -P 125'tlon-.1 Cauroa Mmure (-.-1 12745 TON $57.95 5735.70839 549.94 63425.50 561.67 6]84,709.65 56430 1527.150,50 560ao 1764,7001* $.".0 $0.00 27 C.narefe Flume 11 EACH S332.u0 53.6524- $2530.00 5230.00 42630.00 5425.-0 -7544 $4110.00 54.400.00 $0.00 W.Do 28 12! RCF eA rv. 5 EACH $510.00 52.550.00 $475.00 2,360.00 5200 760.60 $1.310.00 _ ._ 6550110 9744X0 $3,760.-4 0400 WED 29 15' RC Pf..A ro G EACH $51x.00 SSA63.00 S4..o 92 970-00 $36$.00 53.406.110 E1.334,a4 STOW- 5774X0 34.620.00 9... 80.00 30 18' RC Pi.A ra 5 FAGH 551000 $2650.n0 3522.06 870.00 6592.00 52,900.00 sl? -.40 56775,00 Sa0011a $4.060.00 0.00 64,46 3 27"RC Fl,),.A mn 3 EAC 551 p,OP 51630_no SBo3.6O 31.809.06 5565110 31.995110 57.380.60 $4,14000 Sa3060 52.490.00 50110 50.00 32 24" RO PTp. 6 EACH 551000 53.060.00 5529.00 77411. ^96.00 $4,140.00 51.40..6. .8A00.00 4520.00 55:520.00 5000 0.00 33 27" RC PI e 1 FACH S51011u 10.1w 5739.60 729.06 49M On 580'4.00 31.450.00 1450.00 51.o1X1.0o 51X00110 0.00 30.0. 34 WRC Pie 1 F' H $61200 612.00 5795.0x. $795.00 5652,00 So6200 51.435. n0 t .xx $1 IOU no 31.1CD.00 4,00 5000 35 45"RG PI eA con 2. EACH S7 4-46 52,448.00 51.630.00 60.00 S1480110 52960110 31.945.Oa 53890110 x.00,00 4540.49 5.30 goo 38 28"S nRC PI e -Am+ 2 EACH 5510.00 51,020.- $710.0$ 1.420x0 STa4.- 51,568,00 $1.815.00 32690,00 51500.0 S3,00C.o0 UM C,.4 37 1 B" RC Pi a COlrart Ces n 3046 CL V all de the 754 LF 0,60 5'23.072.44 S4-0 135.80040 L2.30 531 86420 341.50 31 291.0o S53.0U $39.96200 0.00 ono 36 24" RC Pl -Culvert ❑ea a 3645 CL 111 ail de 138 LF 537.00 55.832.00 MAGI 37,534.46 $4924 56,699 30 547.50 $6A6d00 55960 47.588.00 110 3C.00 39 48"RC Pi..Culy Des' .3006 CL 111 all de 140 LF 5133x0 $19,684.09 5723.00 $15,204.00 115.- 417,424.44 $115.CD $17.020.04 S146.00 521.606.00 .00 $0,00 4C 15" CSafe 2 �Y' 612.00 S, 24M 5529.00 S1.05Bx0 598.00 59.196100 51.- o. 2720.00 Salo 00 51.62000 3a.00 $C.00 41 1B" RC Sara A M1 34 EACH 612X- 420 606.80 3615110 520.910"00 8607.00 520.630.00 S1.375.06 546.750.00 820,1%1 327 88..00 f094 50.00 42 2V R. safe 3 E'er M2.UU. S1,6- 6718110 52154.00 5715.00 12.14590 $1.625.00 $4575.06 1X06.00 $3,00000 Woo Opo 43 W" RC bale 1 F'CI�l W6.00 5918.04 S7a4.00 5754.00 1 9-.00 5928,00 si.M0.001 51,2ULI.0C $1200.06 $0.00 so.00 44 45 1-11 Culvert Marker CW at 5lrucium 31. _ 5 F89L EACH .09 5256.,.. 55,.6.x0 $32.750.90 5162.. 521160.00 sa.2 0 $13,404.0- M.00 42860.40 52176,00 314,0.0.04 $100.00 52.706.0. 53188.00 313500.90 _ 9000 9x001* 52790.00 $48,000.00 SO.DD 40.04 50.00 XO 4e Saf- Grata ier 24" RC A ro 3 EACH 57.224.00 G720a 5794AU 52.362.00 $578.08 034:0 MQ.00 SZ2SqM SiXonloo 53,000.44 30.00 so.010 47 SaF Grate for 30"R0R mn 1 FAC.H 491a -no 5918.00 8677.08 8677.90 S562.00 562110 $659.0. $650.00 39..X0 5906.04 SOA4 50-00 4E Trash Guard for 24' Pi eA e 5 EACH $012.06 53,672.x4 $639110 53234.-0 $535..0 63214..0 56.0.0. 53940,00 377.0o 54$26..4 S.Ao SO -DO 49 Trash Guard f.r 27"P -..A- 1 EACH 5612.00 561260 558440 $58460 2598.00 .558.00 4575.00 87560 5850110 5660.00 SoM 50,00 50 T -h Gu far 30" W e A 1 EACH 5012.00 5092.00 $6"An $644-00 58.00 5Bx0 5725110 5725.00 5939.- 4939,00 50.00 50.00 51 Trash Grinrd far 49" Pip. A en 2 EACH S1 224.00 $2.44x.00 $1.634AU S3,28400 l 335.on 5267000 32,600.00 35.000.00 :Ez.000xo 541100.00 $axe 0.40 52 T-1, Guard far 28" nA 2 EACH S612.00 1225110 5600.00 3794$.x0 5562.00 57.124.00 3765060 33.300411 58OU,u0 51 MOM 0.00 S0,m 53 ' P U -t Concrete Headwall 04 EACH $204.00 $13:056.00 $23500 319:104.00 $207.00. 5t3248.00 3300.00 $19,20060 $2s0.nn 416.nna6O sc.oa 50.00 54 4' PW Pva Plo.C.r 2305 LF 5812 514.106.60 S31 Jon $73455.00 S14.G11 $32.270X0 57015 $211778.75 512on 527.66060 5a.u0 so.ca 55 55 8-Perf PVC rl'p, Drain 28'S.ac RC Fig- Sewer CL 111 450 TOS LF LF $14.28 571.40 S6A2G,4G 57.568.40 53540415 S76.90 MC 00 S8,159A0 S20.00 344 9 0060 55.935.04 $11.00 456x0 950xO 55.936.00 $3.uu 96-0 573.600x0 910.176.00 $0.00 M- $o.ao oxo W 12'RCPip. Sewer Orsi r.3008 CLV E,11d ihs 101 LF 32.64 $3296.64 540.50 $4,090.S4 31An $3.131"09 533.00 S3 33.00 S49.oC $4.o4OXo $0,00 000 56 76'RC Pia S-wer D-7-3006 CLV WI4 1917 LE $34.68 MGA9I 96 S39 no] 874.763.00 S3200 561.344.06 35x0 OSS.an 545.00 596.865110 $0.00 $0.00 59 18" RC Pi s sewer Deni 033116 CL V C.11 d the 620 LF PC- 821501.60 64300 $27218.00 S34.DO. 321.090.00 37X0 647.00 $2..140x. So.9. SOAO do 21" RC Pi,. Be-Dea .3006 CL III fWI de Ovs 263 LF 598.72 610.x91.76 50.520 St3074.SO 41AO 511.603.00 $39110 531.M7.n0 558,00 516.41460 _ 56.On sx.eo. 61 24" RC Ri 8ewar Deei 03008 CL III a!I ae ass 242 LF $88.76 7 29.52 551"I9 57..443,40 $411x0 494"00 $41.00 SS .DO 364.00 $12,928.00 0.00 60.04 62 27" RC Pi Sewer Desi .3008 CL III W de 8s 77 45.36 S3 534.30 559.00 $4543.-0 50.04 53,--.00 S46.00 53.8%.00 579.00 56.083.00 Moo SO.00 MM Hid 18.x16-an.18Ss91D TABULATION W BT- I OF 2 BID TABULATION CITY OF OTSEGO 70th Stmet[GSAH 37 Improvement Project SP 217-112-002 AND SP 086-637-033 Bids opened 2:00 P.m., Monday. Apn113, 2015, Hid Se h-1.1. "A" 54.]52.37C31 V,O A Gnmp-Y, toe, Fehn COmpanles, Inc, Park Canslrn--Compa wesny M-lhA phar4 Mm VefL 6 C9enpany. ft-X0e0hte Under9 -d, foe. Knile River Cerp erasan G.resel Cona-actln2, Inr. rTEm NO. ITEM DESCRIPTLON ESTIN TED UA EXTENSION UNM PRICE EXTENSION UN3T PRICE EXTENSION UNIT PRIME E%TE SfDN UNITPRICE EXT SION UNfTPRICE EXTENSION UNIT PRI CE EXTENSION 00 3O' RCP a U- Desi '13006 CL III all de. 419 LF $27,369.00 $62.99 $26 3.55,70 $..A. 23,464,00 5500 423 045,00 S 84 W 335,190.00 Sam SO.OD 65 Garrs .,Drain SW 9na Des n48-4020 C.,Mb tDrni .3b -u. "0544020 9$.5 f3.6 LF LF ' 7s4OR $23.»2.00 1 84.80 5501.00 3422.00 $19.266.:0 55739.20 5360.90 5314.D0 14....... 4270A0 675.06 5700.00 987.50 $9.520.00 SO0.00 $550.00 S23al D0.P9 58.64DAO 0.00 SO -00 WAV 50.00 66 C.rs LOralna a St,.- DeM n 604020 122 LF 58.71 DAD S742.00 SO os5 4n 5502.00 7 344.40 5.00 9,455,09 O.D. 570,668A9 .10.0 $0,90 57 Conafixt Dr4 a $bottom D_am n aB-4020 44 LF $3-75360 .5-- $3.1147,80 $770,08 3 X. 85a,Dn $3,S7 B.. 5990.00 4900 SO.00 DAO 68 Ca hitt Drainer a b -e . I e ' 9 H 16.9 LF 36.77280 3667.00 371 07220 S49n 00 Se 134AO $600,06 $9,960.00 5570.00 59.462x0 50.00 MOO S9 Cd.s tD- e35dslara D.".. N 41,9 LF 5408.OD 517.095-20 549800 $20531.00 5419,00 517556.10 3550.00 S23.045AO $470.00 57969300 SO.00 SOAR 70 Aedabed l nledOald Bloc%Den G.11T eA 319 SY 5118.0 535.099-0. 3174-80 ....... D. 551909 35,090-09 95.50 3078359 1.1.00 53223.A.l 50.00 Sa-OO 71 4"Cancra[. Wdk 9602 OF 33-11 529.862.22 $3.00 S28.306.00 30 535627-40 53.SD $33.607.00 44.13 338-65626 SOAR 30.00 72 Creta Carh 6 GvMer Desian 8424 4091 LF 1300 S59.813.00 574.20 36533420 Y3.4O $6{,659.40 SISM W9.015.00 513.00 $59,873.00 $0,00 SOAD 9 Conmete Carb&Gable Desi nB418 3698 LF 57138 341,]87.40 $11.69 34 896,80 1140 157.24 311.50 42 7.00 312.0 $44.376.00 30.00 so DD, 74 Carrsr Ct .,fi&4a8erDsel -9519 444 LF si&na SS.M29.72 $28.80 SM78720 SiSACSS.M7.M 478,00 $7992x0 4800 $7,104.0 50-00 &MGO 75 8" C-dle Mivawa Pavemeod 535 SY WS.72 321 ata 340..70 S21.774.50 546.D0 1 $25,680.00 546,00 1 324 610.00 $54.00 328,890-110 30.00 SOAR 76 Tmilaeled Domes 46 OF $36.72 51.76256 SMOG $2,540.00 SsOAO V,40000 S62.00 976.x0 4800 $x,304 -Ob 5Q.00 IDMO 77 I -1 Mail. E -S rt 12 EACH 43.00 771 SAO 91411.00 41.68900 3140.00 51.80900 3LeO.90 S7 9 x0 $15.x0 51.800.08 SO... 39,.0 78 76 F --" U [ T.M. Control 1 1 19 LS 3 09,00 57546.00 ...A9 57.548.00 7 200,00 790000 574300,00 7 00.00 574220.00 370900.00 _ 5_74 O.U. 0DO.00 $80.000.00 $10,000.00 85 000.00 510900.00 $99.000.00 522000.09 599.000.00 3:2000.00 3aA9 0.00 900 30,00 80 3I - Panefn T- C 334 SF $93.15 $1107210 $42.50 314,745,00 $98.00 31Z89Z00 $37.00 512350.00 350.99 316.7110.0D SILOO _ S.A. 51 VIL Fe09e Typ eMS 22658 LF VZ4 007-00 SD.SI $16,34650 31.80 $40,770,00 31,50 $315240.00 32.00 546.300-00 $9.00 50,00 02 $lean Orcin Inlet Frnleednn 53 EACH $153.001 SS 1WAD SDIAR _- 54,84420 5200.00 510.®]9.90 5175.00 59 8.90 5320.00 516 950-00 0-00. SOLO 63 'SedI.-L Control Ls eSlraw 640 LF 3204 S7.305.00 $1.35 S864-00 3276 51.720.00 53.511 52.24000 4.00 $ZB6aXa 40.001 $0.00 94 StaWk0 dCareL A-E t 1 LS- 31500LCQ 51.500.OD S12.100.00 S1Z100.00 $0.000.00 35.000.00 34 M 0.00 34x00 -Oa OO.CO 328.1x. ,OD 0.9 68 Fertlt- ei al50 LBS .77 8275,50 0,89 37,253.50 950 $4.075.90 S1.10 $6.065.00 5100 58-150.00 80.00 SOHO Lu_ seeding 16..3 ACRE 5102-00 11.682,50 11685.001 311,185,50 $750X0 SZ445A0 $15.00 $1.674.5u $1 oD0b F7-630.00 50.00 SaA0 67 S. din Mit.,.-25141 786 LBO $4.00 53205,0a 858 550 54323.00 $3.70 3290&2D 3400 $3.744x0 56.00 53930-00 S0.a0 $0.00 88 Seedln M84blre-2.151 335 LHS $3.26 51075.80 MID sl.353.00 . 31221x8 ,00 $1.320.0. 33.50 $1.155.00 5000 S.,9. Be 90 Muldh MaterialTW. 7 Emsion G9ntro1 Blmksr - Categm 2 33 10249 TPN SY siss.00 S7.22 35,04940 1IMS111711 42-00 135 S11386AD 513,836.16 $200.00 31.20 $6.600.00 512298 SO 5350.00„_ ___ 1 00 511.550.00 $10.249.00 5400-OD 51.50 13200.00 316373.80 sopa W..0 SOAO 30,00 91 Imedm Pavement M a rd -Paint 1 - 38.74nx0 38,148.80 76.99x,00 310900,.0 70.00000 318,000.00 512390X0 S12.30U.00 55.000.0 35x02-00 $0,00 0-n0 92 Pavement Mesea a (L.IL Mow -Pan[ ie EACH 574,40 S714.00 7.x0 S700DO $70,.. .700,0. 084.00 5840.00 $00,00 $000-00 SOAD $000 93 Parsment CA - a FSI Arrmv -Paint 6 EACH 77 A. $448,40 70,60 $42000 MAO 34WAO 384.00 SSO4AO $80.00 e4WAO WA0 $0.00 94 men: Mersa e. mAn -Paint 9 EACH 571.40 li 4 fi0 570.OD 9630DO S70.00 463000 $75.00 $675.08 SOOAD 572$100 .00 $000 95 P -.-Meese a oeld -Perim 3 EACH 112.20 396.60 170.00 5330x0 $11000 $330x0 $115.00 $345.00 $120-00 3360x0 $G.On 50.0❑ 95 4'3.rd Une Vlkele - Pmol 24500 LF 0.99 52258,09 .06 St,9alotl 3006 $2205.0 $020 34,969,90 $0.10 32,160-00 SOAD 50.00 97 _ 9'307id Une WNte-Palm 236 LF SnA9 $2t34 S0.a0 1a3A0 ;O.BO Si 86x0 ;7,75 5473.00 $?.00 5236.00 SOAD 49.09 96 55 VM..d line Whlie - Paint 12'300 Une While-Palrit 171 56 LF LF S1..9 3255 S26t.SS 3142.00 S1.5.. 32.5D 5256.50 S14O.00 51.50 3251. 5258.50 S140A0 S1-75 32x5 529925 8126,00 S1.B0' 33AO 5307-80 $188-09 39,00 50.00 50,90 SD.OD 100 _ 4"SOid Une Yeeow-Palm 1501 LF 50.09 xi. -I $120x8 $0,05 MOMS W20 439029 50.10 5150.10 30.0 3000 101 24'..Rd U-Ye11ow-Pa1M 5p LF $2.45 340.15 S440 51312.89 52.40 51,312.80 54.50 52.46!.50 S2.S9 51.531.60 5000 $9,00 102 4'U9�le 8dfd Looe YeCow-Palrrt 13370 LF 0.17 72.90 0.16 52,739.20 .39.16 32139211 30-95 34.675.50 30.18 52.405.80 SOxO E9.Ob 1x3 Pave IrMukm .dal-FalOt 61 LF .Sa=ss _ 79.59 54.59 S4.W 3274,50 513.50 $323.61 $500 $305x9 .0 $0.00 Total Bid Sshedur. N, 53122,39824 S LIMM A RY OF RIDDING, Fehn G9rnpanles, lrzc. T04 1 Did Schad Ule A 33 122 39824 DeE Carnmltmem 7.296 Emer in �aLAleSnn. Nen Res nsNe� 6114 packag-�were/m{¢mss i/ngfEEo and DOE Cani5ieales. a Rneeived en paned By D a 54APO,W-43 Park Co fruc0an Company 54.099,52243 3.00% 54200.654.95 Nerlhwaar Aaphaf � Inc, 542119.85495 9E% OLOBS TABULATION (2) UT- 2 OF 2 $429223SAO 54.]52.37C31 V,O A Gnmp-Y, toe, K ... hi. LMder6rarmd k1c 54292.239.40 54352.374.31 5..% 9.6% $OA0 lFn77e rTtyer eerporaQen SOM WA 50.00 �resel Cantrae0ng, fnc. Sam WA RESOLUTION ACCEPTING BID WHEREAS, pursuant to an advertisement for bids for the construction of City of Otsego, 70th Street NE/ CSAH 37 Improvements, SP 217-112-002 & SP 086-637-033 bids were received, opened and tabulated according to law, and the following bids were received complying with the advertisement: Total Base Bid 1. Fehn Companies, Inc. $3,122,398.24 2. Park Construction Co. $4,099,622.43 3. Northwest Asphalt, Inc. $4,209,854.95 4. Veit & Company, Inc. $4,292,239,40 5. Kuechle Underground, Inc. $4,352,374.31 AND WHEREAS, it appears that Fehn Companies of Albertville, Minnesota is the lowest responsible bidder, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF OTSEGO MINNESOTA: 1. The mayor and clerk are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with Fehn Companies of Albertville, Minnesota in the name of the City of Otsego for the 70th Street NE/CSAH 37 Improvements, according to the plans and specifications therefore approved by the city council and on file in the office of the City Clerk. 2. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to return forthwith to all bidders the bid bond made with their bids, except that the bid bond of the successful bidder and the next lowest bidder shall be retained until a contract has been signed. Adopted by the city council this 27th day of April, 2015. Motioned By: Seconded By: All in Favor: Those Opposed: Jessica Stockamp, Mayor Tami Loff, Clerk OT388R-ACCEPT BID 70th St Project Cost Summary As of 4/22/15 70th Street Federal and State Aid Project Low Bid Construction Cost of Project (70th St) Engineering - Survey, Design and Contract Admin (6.4%) Wetland Other - Grant Application, County Agreement, Federal Aid Feasibility - Project Memo Observation * Estimated Construction Staking * Estimated Noise Study Testing * Estimated Right of Way - Acquistion Cost Right of Way * Estimated Project Costs Proposed Funding Federal Aid Region 7W Grant State Aid State Aid Requested as of 12/1/14 State Aid Unencumbered as of 1/1/15 Total State Aid Available as of 1/1/15 for project Difference - Collector Street Fund or 2016 State Aid $ 21178,062.00 $ 139,395.97 6.40% $ 12,297.00 0.56% $ 2,251.00 0.10% $ 19,324.00 0.89% $ 100,000.00 4.59% $ 15,000.00 0.69% $ 8,722.00 0.40% $ 10,000.00 0.46% $ 85,052.50 3.90% $ 379,546.17 17.43% $ 2,949,650.64 $ 800,000.00 27.1% $ 2,149,650.64 72.9% $ 521,361.96 $ 1,967,585.00 $ 21488,946.96 $ (339,296.32) C:\Users\Tami\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\L723WOXW\Project Cost Summary 4-22-15 70th St Project Cost Summary As of 4/22/15 CSAH 37 County Funds Estimated Construction Cost of Project (CSAH 37) Engineering - Survey, Design, Contract Admin, Observation, and Testing (10%) Right of Way - Engineering and Survey Right of Way Appraisals County Local Collector Street Fund or 2016 State Aid C:\Users\rami\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\L723WOXW\Project Cost Summary 4-22-15 70th St Project Cost Summary As of 4/22/15 1,258,655.00 125,865.50 10.00% 3,377.00 0.27% 101,027.13 5,850.00 0.46% #REF! 1,494,774.63 1,494,774.63 C:\Users\Tami\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\L723WOXW\Project Cost Summary 4-22-15