ITEM 1 Wastewater Treatment Facility Expansion and Odor MitigationITEM I 0 0 tsTeFMISOTA MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Lori Johnson, City Administrator DATE: May 4, 2015 SUBJECT: Wastewater Treatment Facility Expansion and Odor Mitigation Beginning last fall, the City requested technical engineering reports from SEH and AE2S on the West WWTF expansion and odor mitigation items. Subsequently, the Public Works Subcommittee heard presentations from both firms summarizing the technical memorandums from the two engineering firms. The Public Works Subcommittee recommended that Mr. Scott Schaefer from AE2S present the results of the AE2S study to the full Council. On Wednesday, Mr. Schaefer will present a synopsis of the current situation along with possible options to resolve the odor and capacity issues. This initial meeting will give the Council an understanding of the initial design assumptions of the facility when constructed, why the problem is occurring now, and possible ways to fix the problem. The preliminary estimated costs varied considerably in the draft studies thus additional engineering analysis is needed to thoroughly evaluate the options and to accurately estimate costs to provide the Council enough information to determine which option will be the most effective and efficient. Further, the two studies included several recommendations for operational procedure/process changes, and those recommendations have been implemented. Those operational changes have not fully resolved the odor issues based on the recent comments received from residents near the West facility. Utility Manager, Kurt Neidermeier, Utility Operator Seth Wilkes and City Engineer Ron Wagner will be at the meeting to answer questions and explain facility operations.