ITEM 3.9 Approve purchase of Wetland Credits0 Ot�e,ffo MINNESOTA V DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Public Works City Engineer Wagner May 26, 2015 PRESENTER(s): REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: Consent Agenda City Administrator Johnson 3.9 AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: Approve Purchase of Wetland Credits from the Minnesota Wetland Bank for replacement of wetlands filled for 70th St Proiect. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No No BACKGROUND/JUSTIFICATION: With the approval of the required wetland fill for the 70th Street Improvement, the City of Otsego must meet the requirements of those approvals. Much of the wetland fill is eligible under the BWSR Road Program. BWSR will use their wetland banks to replace portions of the street improvement deemed required to meet street safety upgrades. Construction of a trail is not eligible under the BWSR Road Program. The County portion of the wetland impact replacement is being met by the County's own wetland banks and BWSR banks. The City's non -eligible wetland impact replacement amount, after the 2:1 factor is applied, is 35,724 square feet. We have inquired three wetland banks that meet the criteria. The least expensive option we found was a bank owned by Mr. Brad Paumen. He will sell the bank to the City of Otsego for $0.70 per square foot plus tax. This amounts to $26,628.66. In the past, if a City project impacted a wetland, the replacement was completed as part of the project. Agencies involved in the replacement have determined that the construction of large wetland complexes (wetland banks) nearby to several projects better serve the natural resources than many smaller ones scattered at each project site. Therefore purchasing of wetland bank credits is a preferred. This also keeps City's from having to ensure proper development of the replacement wetlands that can take up to 5 years. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: X ATTACHED NONE • Transaction Form for Withdrawal of Wetland Credits from the Exhibit 1 showing eligible and non -eligible portions 0 Wetland Mapping MOTION: (Please word motion as you would like it to appear in the minutes.) Motion to Approve Purchase of Wetland Credits from the Minnesota Wetland Bank for replacement of wetlands filled for 701h St Project. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: MSA Federal Funds ACTION TAKEN BUDGETED: X YES NO ❑ APPROVED AS REQUESTED ❑ DENIED ❑ TABLED ❑ OTHER (List changes) The following is a sample of a possible Purchase Agreement for the sale of Wetland Banking Credits. This Purchase Agreement does not necessarily cover all of the issues that would be important to Sellers and Buyers, nor does it address the terms that would be appropriate for any particular transaction. Sellers and Buyers should obtain the services of qualified legal counsel to adapt this Purchase Agreement to meet their specific needs. PURCHASE AGREEMENT FOR WETLAND BANKING CREDITS THIS AGREEMENT is made this _27th day of May , 2015 between Brad Paumen (Seller) and City of Otsego (Buyer). Seller agrees to sell to Buyer, and Buyer agrees to buy from Seller, the wetland banking credits (Credits) listed below: CREDITS TO BE SOLD Credit Acres or Wetland Plant Community Type Cost per Sub- Sq. Ft. Circ. 39 Acre or Sq. State Fee Fee Groups 1 Type Foot 6.5% Estimate A .49 2 Fresh meadow $30,492 0.065 $971 B .33 3 Shallow marsh $30,492 0.065 $654 C. 0.065 D. 0.065 E. 0.065 Totals 82 $30,492 $1625 ❑ Check here if additional credit sub -groups are part of this account and are listed on an attachment to this document. 'A separate credit sub -group shall be established for each wetland or wetland area that has different wetland characteristics. 'Circular 39 types: 1, 1L, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, B, U. 3Wetland plant community type: shallow open water, deep marsh, shallow marsh, sedge meadow, fresh meadow, wet to wet-mesic prairie, calcareous fen, open bog or coniferous bog, shrub-carr/alder thicket, hardwood swamp or coniferous swamp, floodplain forest, seasonally flooded basin. See Wetland Plants and Plant Communities of Minnesota and Wisconsin (Eggers and Reed, 1997) as modified by the Board of Water and Soil Resources, United States Army Corps of Engineers.. 2. Seller represents and warrants as follows: a) The Credits are deposited in an account in the Minnesota Wetland Bank administered by the Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR) pursuant to Minn. Rules Chapter 8420.0700-.0760. b) Seller owns the Credits and has the right to sell the Credits to Buyer. Page 1 of 2 BWSR Form: wca-bank-12 (purchase agreement).doc Revised 6/26/2014 Buyer will pay Seller a total of $ 25003.44 for the Credits, as follows: a) $_ _ as earnest money, to be paid when this Agreement is signed; and b) The balance of $_ to be paid on the Closing Date listed below. 4. [® ] Buyer, [E ] Seller agrees to pay to a withdrawal fee of $ 1625.22 to the State of Minnesota based on 6.5% of the agreed to purchase price. At the Closing Date, [[Z] Buyer, [F—I ] Seller will execute a check made out for this amount, payable to the Board of Water and Soil Resources. The closing of the purchase and sale shall occur on 27 , 2015 (Closing Date). The Closing Date and location may be changed by written consent of both parties. Upon payment of the balance of the purchase price, Seller will sign a fully executed Application for Withdrawal of the Credits in the form specified BWSR, provide a copy of the Application for Withdrawal to the Buyer and forward the same to the BWSR along with the check for the withdrawal fee. 6. Buyer has applied or will apply to _City of Otsego and BWSR (Local Government Unit (LGU) or other regulatory authority) for approval of a replacement plan utilizing the Credits as the means of replacing impacted wetlands. If the LGU has not approved the Buyer's application for a replacement plan utilizing the Credits by the Closing Date, and no postponement of the Closing Date has been agreed to by Buyer and Seller in writing, then either Buyer or Seller may cancel this Agreement by giving written notice to the other. In this case, Seller shall return Buyer's earnest money, and neither Buyer nor Seller shall have any further obligations under this Agreement. If the LGU has approved the replacement plan and the Seller is ready to proceed with the sale on the Closing Date, but Buyer fails to proceed, then the Seller may retain the earnest money as liquidated damages. (Signature of Seller) (Date) (Signature of Buyer) Page 2 of 2 BWSR Form: wca-bank-12 (purchase agreement).doc Revised 6/26/2014 (Date) Current Conditions* Required Standard** Proposed Design Lane Width 10' 11' 12' Shoulder Width 0.5' 1.0' 8' Slope 2:1 3:1 4:1 Clear Zone Varies, trees and steep slopes 7' 30' EXHIBIT 1 Total impact Required standard Proposed Design (permanent fill or any impact (eligible for Impact and Trail (not excavation) BWSR Road Program) eligible for BWSR Road Program) A 0 SF NA NA B 6744 SF 725 SF 6019 SF C 56 SF 56 SF 0 SF D (road shifted north 5157 SF 2580 SF 2577 SF so less impact) E 1405 SF 900 SF 505 SF F 486 SF 486 SF 0 SF G 7203 SF 620 SF 6583 SF CR 1 6272 SF 6272 SF 0 SF CR 2 759 SF 759 SF 0 SF H (tributary so not 0 SF NA NA mitigated under WCA or Corps) I (not eligible for 2178 SF NA 2178 SF BWSR Replacement) Total: 30,260 SF 12398 SF 17,862 SF Replaced by City at 2:1 for total of 35,724 SF EXHIBIT 1 Transaction Form for Withdrawal of Wetland Credits from the Minnesota Wetland Bank U L1IC 1ayUUL UL 11116 1U1111 JUU11,6 111GU11 ccl, G11U& U11 V 1CW, GLill LJUCL(//1Cti 1. Credit User To be completed by the person or entity proposing to use the wetland credits. Name: City of Otsego Organization (if applicable): Street Address: 8899 Nashua Ave. NE City, State, Zip: Otsego, MN 55330 Phone: 763/441-4414 E -Mail Address*: r, then save to your computer. This space is for BWSR use only. Debit Date: 2. Wetland Impact Information To be completed for the project with wetland impacts that this withdrawal is intended to replace, Project Name: 701h St. NE and Oakwood Ave. County of Impact: Wright Impact Major Watershed M 18 Impact Bank Service Area: 7 **Sec. 32 Twp. 121 Rge. 23 Wetland Impact Size (acres): 0.4100 Replacement Ratio: 2:1 Total Replacement Required (acres): 0.8200 U.S. Army Corps Permit # (if applicable): LGU File # (if applicable): OT388 **Projects with multiple impact locations should use the most central location in relation to the project as a whole. Comments: linear impact By signature below, the proposed user of credits attests that he/she owns or has purchased the credits identified in this application and has received approval from the applicable regulatory authority(ies). Credit User Signature: Date: 3. Regulatory Approval/Authorization By signature below, the identified agency and authorized representative hereby certify that they have: a) verified that the subject wetland credits are deposited in the account of the owner/seller, b) approved a wetland replacement plan or similar agreement under their jurisdiction, and c) approve the proposed use of the wetland bank credits described herein. WCA LGU/Agency: City of Otsego E-mail address*: becky@haa-inc.com LGU Representative: Becky Wozney Signature: Date: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (for NRCS, USACE, etc. if applicable) Agency Name/Location: Representative: E-mail address*: Signature: Date: *Confirmation will be e-mailed to user, seller, and regulatory representative when the transaction is complete. If you would like others notified, enter e-mail addresses here. Rev 3/1G/2015 Transaction Form for Withdrawal of Wetland Credits Page 1 of 2 S:\M unicipal\AOTSEGO\388\Wetlands\tra nsactior_fomn for withdra l_of credits.do" E n� Q 70TH STREET AND OAKWOOD AVENUE (CSAH 37) OT388 WETLAND IMPACTS — OVERALL 12/23/14 MVP-2015-00212--BGO, Page 1 of 4 �t AA - - -' - -14* p} AQUATIC RESOURCE 1 WETLAND B WETLAND C WETLAND IMPACT FILL, PERMANENT .......... ............. WETLAND IMPACT CUT, :FEMP9HAR4 PERMANENT (less than, 6.6 ft.) WETLAND IMPACT — CUT, PERMANENT AQUATIC RESOURCE IMPACT — FILL, PERMANENT AQUATIC RESOURCE IMPACT — FILL, TEMPORARY 70TH STREET WETLAND IMPACTS WETLAND A zu 0 3D m SVALE IN FEU OT588 12/23/14 [MVP-2015-00212-BGO, Page 3 of 4 AQUAT@C RESOURCE 2 AQUATIC RESOURCE IMPACT — FILL, PERMANENT -� AQUATIC RESOURCE IMPACT — FILL, TEMPORARY a0 0 30 00 SChLE IN FEET OAKWOOD AVENUE WETLAND IMPACTS O� 38H MVP-2015-00212-BGO, Page 4 of 4