09-28-98 CCCITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION DEPARTMENT MEETING DATE Council Items September 28, 1998 ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: PREPARED BY: 4.1. 4.2. Treatment Plant Construction Mike Robertson Experimental Septic Systems City Administrator 4.1. Wastewater Treatment Plant Bidding & Construction. Engineer Ted Field of Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik & Associates will be present to update Council on the permit process the MPCA follows, and discuss possible bidding and construction schedules for the Wastewater Treatment plant. 4.2. Experimental Septic Systems. Attached is Building Inspector Jerry Olson's memo regarding information he gathered about how other communities deal with experimental septic systems. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Ted Field is present for an update and to answer any questions Council has about the process. No immediate decision is needed. Jerry has several current applications for experimental septic systems and would like direction from the Council on how to proceed with them. CITY OF OTSEGO OFFICE MEMORANDUM September 22, 1998 ate: Mike Robertson To: Jerry Olson From: Subject: Experimental Septic Systems I called Bill Stevens of Wright County to get information on how applications for experimental septic systems are processed by the county. Mr. Stevens stated that experimental systems are handled no differently than any other systems with the exception that the home owner is made aware that the system requires close monitoring and more frequent pumping. The home owner is made aware of the experimental status of the system at the time of installation. Any future buyer would be made aware of the experimental status of the system under the Wright County Point of Sale Ordinance. These systems are permitted by the State, when, for reasons due to lot size or topography a standard system could not be installed. The State Code says yearly monitoring is required either by the city or an independent contractor. I also talked to Mr. Joe St. Dennis, the Sherburne County Septic Inspector. He stated that the County calls such system a "Managed System" and only requires that a monitoring plan be presented at the time a permit is applied for. Such plan to clearly state that in the event of failure, a holding tank may be the only option. JO/co CO: B(DGL R.%?S RESOLUTION NO. 98-23 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA A RESOLUTION DESCRIBING THE USE OF FUNDS FROM THE 1998 SEWER & WATER BOND, ESTABLISHING RESERVES, AND THE POLICIES GOVERNING THEM WHEREAS, the City of Otsego bonded for $4,500,000, in July, 1998 with the purpose of using those funds to improve the health, safety, and welfare of the community by constructing a water system and sanitary sewer system, and; WHEREAS, the City of Otsego General Fund has previously incurred costs of $71,020.93 as of 01/01/98 in planning, engineering, land acquisition, and legal expenses related to establishing the sanitary sewer and water systems, which will be re-imbursed by proceeds from this bond, and; WHEREAS, the City of Otsego General Fund has previously incurred costs of $84,408 as of 01/01/98 with regard to the establishment of Well #1 which will be re-imbursed by proceeds from this bond. All future debt service payments for Well #1 will be paid for from these bond proceeds, and; WHEREAS, the City of Otsego has determined that the following policies shall govern the use of bond funds. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA: 1. That the account for paying the debt service on these bonds shall be known as the 1998 Sewer & Water Bond Fund. 2. That all revenues received from trunk sanitary sewer & water access charges shall be deposited in the 1998 Sewer & Water Bond Fund and be used to pay the yearly debt service. 3. That the money re-imbursed to the General Fund to pay expenses occurred prior to 01/01/98 shall be set aside in an account known as the Sewer & Water Reserve Account. Said account shall be a back up source of financing in the event that there are not enough funds in the 1998 Sewer & Water Bond Fund to pay the yearly debt service on the bonds. 4. That those costs incurred after 01/01/98 in planning, engineering, land acquisition, and legal expenses that are related to establishing the sanitary sewer and water systems will be re- imbursed to the General Fund by proceeds from this bond. Dated this 28th day of September, 1998 CITY OF OTSEGO Larry Fournier, Mayor ATTEST: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk INC MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: RE: FILE NO.: NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED C COMMUNITY PLANNING - DESIGN - MA Otsego Mayor and City Council Daniel Licht 21 September 1998 Otsego - Lindenfelser Accessory Building CUP 176.02 - 98.13 Sc� 2 2 1998 -.ri:slt_LTT-A-X J. �KE I• --'FTI- The Planning Commission considered the above referenced application at a public hearing on 16 September 1998. The applicant indicated that the builders he has spoken with have said that the proposed accessory building would be within the height limitations of the A-1 District. This was an issue that was noted in the Planning Report to be verified by the City Building Official. There was no public comment. The Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend the City Council approve the requested CUP subject to the conditions outlined in the Planning Report. Findings of fact reflecting the Planning Commission's recommendation have been attached fro consideration by the City Council at their meeting scheduled for 28 September 1998. If there are any questions regarding this application, please do not hesitate to contact our office. pc. Mike Robertson Elaine Beatty Andy MacArthur 5775 WAYZATA BOULEVARD, SUITE 555 ST. LOUIS PARK, MINNESOTA 5541 6 PHONE 61 2-595-9636 FAX 61 2-595-9837 E-MAIL NAC@ WINTERNET.COM CITY OF OTSEGO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA IN RE: Conditional Use Permit Approval FINDINGS OF FACT AND DECISION: Application of LeRoy I. Lindenfellser to allow more than one detached accessory structure on a single family lot, accessory building size greater than 1,500 square feet on a single family lot, total accessory area greater than 2,000 square feet on a single family lot and pole building construction within the A-1 District at his property located at 9896 85th Avenue NE. The Otsego City Council met at its regularly scheduled meeting on 28 September 1998 to consider the aforementioned application. Based upon the application, the recommendation of the Planning Commission and evidence received, the City Council now makes the following findings of fact and decision. FINDINGS OF FACT The applicants are requesting approval of a conditional use permit to allow. A. More than one detached accessory structure on a single family lot. B. Accessory building size greater than 1,500 square feet on a single family lot. C. Total accessory area greater than 2,000 square feet on a single family lot. D. Accessory pole building construction within the A-1 District. 2. The legal description of the subject property is as follows: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT A 3. The subject property lies within rural service area as identified in the 1991 Comprehensive Plan, as amended. 4. The subject property is zoned A-1, Agriculture- Rural Service District. 5. Section 20-4-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance directs the Planning Commission and City Council to consider seven possible adverse effects of the proposed conditional use The seven effects and findings regarding them are: A. The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the official City Comprehensive Plan. Finding: The 1991 Comprehensive Plan suggests continued agricultural use and character of the area where the property is located. The proposed building is characteristic of agricultural areas and is therefore consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The City has approved past applications for similar structures accessory to residential uses based upon location in the rural service area and A-1 District Zoning. B. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Finding: The proposed conditional use is characteristic of accessory buildings common in the rural service area and is therefore anticipated to be compatible with present and future land uses. C. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance (i.e., parking, loading, noise, etc.). Finding: The proposed use will be constructed withing all applicable performance standard as a condition of approval. D. The proposed use's effect upon the area in which it is proposed. Finding: The proposed conditional use is not anticipated to have a negative impact to the area as applicable performance standards are satisfied. E. The proposed use's impact upon property values of the area in which it is proposed. Finding: Although no study has been completed, the proposed use is not anticipated to negatively impact area property values. F. Traffic generation by the proposed use in relation to the capabilities of streets serving the property. Finding: The proposed conditional use is not anticipated to generate any additional traffic. G. The proposed use's impact upon existing public services and facilities including parks, schools, streets, and utilities and its potential to overburden the City's service capacity. 2 Finding: The proposed conditional use is not anticipated to have a negative impact to the City's service capacity. 6. The planning report dated 4 September 1998, prepared by Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc. is incorporated herein. 7. The Otsego Planning Commission conducted a public hearing, at their regular meeting on 16 September 1998, to consider the proposed conditional use permit, preceded by published and mailed notice. Upon review of the application and evidence received, the Otsego Planning Commission closed the public hearing and recommended that the City Council approve the conditional use permit based on the aforementioned findings. DECISION Based on the foregoing considerations and applicable ordinances, the applicants' request for an conditional use permit to allow more than one detached accessory structure on a single family lot, accessory building size greater than 1,500 square feet on a single family lot, total accessory area greater than 2,000 square feet on a single family lot and pole building construction within the A-1 District is approved subject to the following conditions: The building is constructed in substantial conformance with the following plans on file with the City of Otsego, except as modified herein: Site Plan 2. No commercial or home occupation activities, except as expressly permitted by and in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, are conducted on the property, including storage of materials and equipment that are unrelated to the on-site residential use and activity. 3. The height of the proposed structure not exceed 45 feet and is equal to or less than the height of the principal structure, subject to review and approval of the City Building Official. 4. All grading drainage and utility easement issues should be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 3 ADOPTED by the Otsego City Council this 28th day of September 1998. CITY OF OTSEGO 0 ATTEST: Larry Fournier, Mayor By: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator 0 Attach Legal Description Here EXHIBIT A Nw^INC f MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: RE: FILE NO.: 2 2 1998 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS COMMUNITY PLANNING - DESIGN - Otsego Mayor and City Council Daniel Licht 21 September 1998 Otsego - DeMars Accessory Building CUP 176.02 - 98.14 MARKET RESEARCH `- - --- - - --- The Planning Commission considered the above referenced application at a public hearing on 16 September 1998. The Planning Commission focused on two issues with regard to this application. First, the applicant does some private landscaping service for a housing complex outside of Otsego. Under the Zoning Ordinance definition, this is technically considered a home extended business. However, after extensive discussion with the applicant and review of the Zoning Ordinance, the Planning Commission determined that the size, type and quantity of equipment the applicant utilizes both on and off site is typical if that for a large lot residential property. Therefore, use should not be interpreted as a home extended business. Further, the Planning Commission determined that the proposed accessory building was in fact for storage associated with the principal residential use of the property. The second concern of the Planning Commission was the total number of detached accessory buildings on the subject site. There are currently two such structures. Past CUP approvals have established that two detached accessory structures may be appropriate for large lot residential properties in the rural service area. The Planning Commission was concerned however, that three detached accessory structures is too many and would be inconsistent with past approvals. As such, the Planning Commission recommended that the applicant "attach" the existing structure closest to the dwelling with a covered passageway or deck structure. The Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of the requested CUP, subject to the conditions outlined in attached findings of fact. This matter will be considered by the City Council at their meeting scheduled for 28 September 1998. PC. Mike Robertson Elaine Beatty Andy MacArthur 5775 WAYZATA BOULEVARD, SUITE 555 ST. LOUIS PARK, MINNESOTA 55416 PHONE 612-595-9636 FAX 612-595-9837 E-MAIL NAC@WINTERNET.COM CITY OF OTSEGO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA IN RE: Conditional Use Permit Approval FINDINGS OF FACT AND DECISION: Application of John and Barbara DeMars to allow more than one detached accessory structure on a single family lot, total accessory area greater than 2,000 square feet on a single family lot and pole building construction within the A-1 District at their property located at 8790 Mason Avenue NE. The Otsego City Council met at its regularly scheduled meeting on 28 September 1998 to consider the aforementioned application. Based upon the application, the recommendation of the Planning Commission and evidence received, the City Council now makes the following findings of fact and decision. FINDINGS OF FACT The applicants are requesting approval of a conditional use permit to allow. A. More than one detached accessory structure on a single family lot. B. Total accessory area greater than 2,000 square feet on a single family lot. C. Accessory pole building construction within the A-1 District. 2. The legal description of the subject property is as follows: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT A 3. The subject property lies within rural service area as identified in the 1991 Comprehensive Plan, as amended. 4. The subject property is zoned A-1, Agriculture- Rural Service District. 5. Section 20-4-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance directs the Planning Commission and City Council to consider seven possible adverse effects of the proposed conditional use The seven effects and findings regarding them are: A. The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the official City Comprehensive Plan. Finding: The 1991 Comprehensive Plan suggests continued agricultural use and character of the area where the property is located. The proposed building is characteristic of agricultural areas and is therefore consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The City has approved past applications for similar structures accessory to residential uses based upon location in the rural service area and A-1 District Zoning. B. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Finding: The proposed conditional use is for storage of goods or equipment that are typical of the size, type and quantity used for a large -lot residential use. The characteristics of the proposed accessory building is common in the rural service area and is therefore anticipated to be compatible with present and future land uses. C. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance (i.e., parking, loading, noise, etc.). Finding: The proposed use will be constructed withing all applicable performance standard as a condition of approval. D. The proposed use's effect upon the area in which it is proposed. Finding. The proposed conditional use is not anticipated to have a negative impact to the area as applicable performance standards are satisfied and the use will be limited to residential accessory storage only. E. The proposed use's impact upon property values of the area in which it is proposed. Finding. Although no study has been completed, the proposed use is not anticipated to negatively impact area property values. F. Traffic generation by the proposed use in relation to the capabilities of streets serving the property. Finding: The proposed conditional use is not anticipated to generate any additional traffic. G. The proposed use's impact upon existing public services and facilities including parks, schools, streets, and utilities and its potential to overburden the City's service capacity. 2 Finding: The proposed conditional use is not anticipated to have a negative impact to the City's service capacity. 6. The planning report dated 9 September 1998, prepared by Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc. is incorporated herein. 7. The Otsego Planning Commission conducted a public hearing, at their regular meeting on 16 September 1998, to consider the proposed conditional use permit, preceded by published and mailed notice. Upon review of the application and evidence received, the Otsego Planning Commission closed the public hearing and recommended that the City Council approve the conditional use permit based on the aforementioned findings. DECISION Based on the foregoing considerations and applicable ordinances, the applicants' request for an conditional use permit to allow more than one detached accessory structure on a single family lot, total accessory area greater than 2,000 square feet on a single family lot and pole building construction within the A-1 District is approved subject to the following conditions: 1. The existing detached accessory structure closest to the single family dwelling be attached to the principal structure with a covered passageway or deck structure.. 2. The building is constructed in substantial conformance with the following plans on file with the City of Otsego, except as modified herein: Site Plan (see Exhibit B) 3. The applicant apply for and receive approval of an administrative permit for an accessory building between 1,000 square feet and 1,500 square feet, subject to review and approval of the Zoning Administrator. 4. No commercial or home occupation activities, except as expressly permitted by and in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, are conducted on the property. This restriction shall include the storage of materials and equipment which are unrelated to the on-site residential use and activity. 5. The height of the proposed structure is equal to or less than that of the principal structure, subject to review and approval of the City Building Official. 3 6. The proposed structure conform to all applicable setback requirements. 7. All grading drainage and utility easement issues should be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 8. Comments of other City Staff. ADOPTED by the Otsego City Council this 28th day of September 1998. ATTEST: By: CITY OF OTSEGO la Larry Fournier, Mayor Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator 4 Attach Legal Description Here EXHIBIT A INC MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: RE: FILE NO.: NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CON,SULTAI��s'_�98 COMMUNITY PLANNING - DESIGN (P, 3 Otsego Mayor and City Council Daniel Licht 21 September 1998 MARKET RESEARCH_. Otsego -Wild and Scenic Management Plan Update 176.08 - 98.02 Earlier this year, the DNR initiated an update of the Mississippi Wild and Scenic River Management Plan. The process for the plan update has followed a two track approach. The DNR has held a number of "River Forums" in various locations along the river as an open house style visioning/issue identification process where all interested parties could attend and participate. One such River Forum was held earlier this year at Riverwood Conference Center. The other track has been a technical committee made up of professional staff from communities along the river as well as other interested government jurisdictions including MNDoT, DNR and St. Cloud APO. Elaine Beatty and our office have represented Otsego at these meetings and made presentations regarding issues that the City has with the current management plan, based upon the 1991 Wild and Scenic Study and the then draft Comprehensive Plan Update. At the last Technical Committee meeting, the process of preparing the draft management plan was discussed. DNR staff is suggesting that the draft plan will be developed within the River Forums. This approach was used by the DNR in updating the management plan for the St. Croix River. The basic concept is that all interested parties negotiate elements of the plan based upon the issues important to them. Technical advisors would be brought in on an as needed basis depending on the issues to be discussed at each River Forum. Provisions would be ultimately included in a draft plan by consent of those at the River Forum meeting. The end product is anticipated to be a number of management scenarios ranging from absolute environmental protection to more liberal development standards. The final management plan would be anticipated to be either one of these scenarios or a combination thereof. 5775 WAYZATA BOULEVARD, SUITE 555 ST. LOUIS PARK, MINNESOTA 55416 PHONE 61 2-595-9636 FAX 61 2-595-9837 E-MAIL NACC WINTERNET.COM Any party with an interest in the plan, including the City of Otsego or Otsego residents and land owners, must attend the River Forum meetings to express their input and participate in drafting the management of the Mississippi River. It is critical therefore, that the City be represented at these meetings. In that the issues being decided at the future River Forum meetings are policy matters, it is our recommendation that a sub -committee of City Officials be designated to attend on behalf of the City of Otsego. Representation by the Planning Commission for this sub -committee may also be appropriate as this is a land use issue. DNR Staff anticipates completing the draft plan by next spring. The draft plan would then be distributed to all interested parties, including the City of Otsego, for review and comment. The opportunity to comment on the draft plan is a second chance for the City to participate in the preparation of the management plan update. Staff from our office will be available at the City Council meeting on 28 September 1998 to discuss this matter further. If there are any questions in advance of this meeting, please do not hesitate to contact our office. pc. Mike Robertson Elaine Beatty Alan Robbins -Fenger, DNR 2 CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES SEPTEMBER 16, 1998 - SPM 1. Chair Carl Swenson will call meeting to order* Chair Swenson called the Planning Commission meeting to order at 8PM. ROLL CALL_ Carl Swenson, Chair; Commissioners; Arleen Nagel, Richard Nichols, Bruce Rask and Eugene Goenner were present. Commissioners; Jim Kolles and Ing Roskaft had excused absences, Christian Mbanefo, Alternate, was also absent. CM Vern Heidner, Planning Commission representative, Dan Licht, Assistant City Planner and Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator were also present. 2. Consideration of the Planning Commission Minutes of• A. Planning Commission Meeting of September 2,1998. These minutes had been approved at the September 9, 1998 Special Planning Commission Meeting and changes have been made. Elaine Beatty noted that the proper publishing, posting and mailings had been completed for this application. Dan Licht explained NAC's Planning Report dated September 4, 1998. He read the CUP criteria on Page #3 of the report numbers one thru five. The building material is pole building construction with white metal siding and black trim. Setbacks, height, grading and drainage and utilities were reviewed. The City Engineer's letter states that he had no issues with this application. NAC recommends that the Planning Commission approve the Conditional Use Permit subject to the conditions on Page #2, of NAC's report, Numbers one thru five, which Dan Licht read. THE APPL.IC'ANT SPOKF- LeRoy Lindenfelser commented that the height maximum is equal to the peak of the existing home. (Explained the 5' incline on the property.) CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 16, 1998 AT 8PM PAGE 2 THE HEARING', WAS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC* No one spoke. Application issue was brought back to the Planning Commission for discussion. The Planning Commission had no discussion. Chair Swenson dispensed with going back to the Public, because of lack of public input. BRUCE RASK MOTIONED TO APPROVE THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW THE FOLLOWING; A. MORE THAN ONE DETACHED ACCESSORY BUILDING ON A SINGLE FAMILY LOT, B) ACCESSORY BUILDING SIZE GREATER THAN 1,500 SQ FT ON A SINGLE FAMILY LOT, C) TOTAL ACCESSORY AREA GREATER THAN 2,000 SQ FT ON A SINGLE FAMILY LOT, D) POLE BUILDING CONSTRUCTION WITHIN THE A-1 (GENERAL AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT), SUBJECT TO THE FIVE (5) CONDITIONS OF NAC'S REPORT DATED SEPTEMBER 4, 1998. ARLEEN NAGEL SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. This will be on the September 28, 1998, City Council Meeting at 6:30 PM 4. PUBLIC HEA TNG initiated by applicant/owner John J. and Barbara Sue DeMars, 8790 Mason Ave.NE, Otsego, MN 55330 PID #118-500-191206, in Sec 19, Twp. 121, Range 23. Legal description is available at City Hall The proper is approximately 5 acres, A-1 Zoned, located E of Mason Ave and N of 87TH ST NE, 61i, of Otsego, Wright Co Mn Request is as follows• 1. A Conditional Use Permit n allow the following• A. More than one detached accessory building on a single lot B. Accessory building size greater than 1,500 sq ft on a single family lot C. Total accessory area greater than 2,000 sq ft on a single family lot D. Pole building constniction within the A-1 (General Agricultural District) Elaine Beatty noted that the proper posting, publications and mailings had been completed on this application. Dan Licht explained NAC's Report of September 9, 1998. This is approximately a 3.73 acre site Zoned A-1 (Agricultural, Rural Service Area). A 30' x 40' foot, 1,200 sq. ft. new building is being requested. The applicant has two existing detached buildings 864 sq. ft. and 936 sq. ft. for a total of 1,800 sq. ft. for 3,000 sq. ft. total accessory space being asked for. Dan Licht stated that the landscaping home extended business was there before the current Zoning Ordinance was adopted. Mr. Licht explained the home extended business and read the criteria for the CUP on Pg. #4, one thru five of NAC's Report. The property is single family use. The Planning Commission can consider a Home Extended Business Permit or a relocation of this business to an I-1 district (lower standard district). Dan Licht asked the Planning Commission to consider the number of accessory buildings. CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 16, 1998 AT 8PM PAGE 3 Dan also explained the materials being used, setbacks, height, grading, drainage and utilities. The new building will be a brown roof with tan walls and will match the existing home. The Engineer stated in a letter dated September 11, 1998, that there are no engineering issues on this property. Mr. Licht stated that the Planning Commission may consider the building inappropriate with the home extended business, which may not have been approved. If the Planning Commission feels it is appropriate, the home extended business needs to be added. The Planning Commission can table this application to allow the applicant to provide information and the applicant can apply for an interim uselhome extended business permit. Dan Licht read the conditions on Page 2, and 3, Numbers one thru nine. APPLICANT SPOKE John DeMars, applicant, stated that he had 4.74 acres not 3.74 acres. He is a caretaker at Maple Grove, but has no big equipment. He has no attached garage and his daughter will be driving soon. More storage space is needed. HEARING OPENED TO THE PTTBT TC'• Ed Specht He moved in 1992 and chose Mason avenue because of 8748 Mason Ave NE the rural area and nice homes clustered. John's land has a baseball field. He has the best maintained yard and home in the neighborhood. He would like to see this application approved. Back to the Planning Commission for Discussion Vern Heidner stated that he didn't believe the applicant to have a home extended business. Dan Licht stated that on the application a statement was made that the accessory building was for maintenance and landscape business equipment. Richard Nichols was confused if it was a home extended business or equipment that was taken by one person to another site. Is the description the applicant gave a home extended business? Dan Licht stated he gets compensation for it. John DeMars stated that he has a rider, two push mowers and he has worked at Fish Lake Woods since 1979 as a caretaker. Bruce Rask asked if there were any other employees? No, just his brother Joe occasionally. Mr. Rask did not feel this application was any different then the previous one on the agenda tonight. Dan Licht explained that the home extended business is all on the farmstead and within the attached garage. Richard Nichols - Would we put Mr. DeMars out of business by incorporating this in the Ordinance? Dan Licht sated he is required to get an interim use permit, and read the criteria for home extended business permit. Mr. Nichols stated that he visited this property tonight and it is a nice property, well taken care of. CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 16, 1998 AT 8PM PAGE 4 Chair Swenson felt it was different if he is doing caretaker work and he is using this equipment also at his home. There was discussion of the three detached buildings and how one could be attached to the home with a deck or breezeway. Mr. Licht stated if the Planning Commission approves the use, they need to make a finding that what the applicant is doing is not a home extended business. Mr. Rask - I am not sure this is a home extended business. I feel it does not apply. Mr. DeMars stated that he has a rider and two push mowers and a leaf blower on a trailer. His brother Joe works approximately one day a week. Chair Swenson stated that the three detached accessory buildings are excessive. Mr. DeMars stated that he was thinking of adding it to one of the existing buildings, but it is very costly. He collects classic cars and part of the building would be for that storage. Mr. Nichols - The deck could be brought around and attached to the building, then he would have two detached buildings. RICHARD NICHOLS MOTIONED TO TABLE THIS REQUEST FOR CUP TO ALLOW THE APPLICANT TIME TO APPLY FOR AN INTERIM USE PERMIT. ARLEEN NAGEL SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED THREE TO TWO (3 TO 2). WITH BRUCE RASK AND GENE GOENNER VOTING AGAINST. Mr. Rask felt that it had not been demonstrated that this is a home extended business. John DeMars agreed. Mr. Goenner felt it would be holding Mr. DeMars up if tabled. Arleen Nagel asked if people that plow snow are considered as having a home extended businesses. Answered No. Mr. Rask felt this did not fit under the ordinance. There would be no increased traffic, no extra parking, nobody coming to his home. More discussion Dan Licht. - One qualification is storage. Chair Swenson - This equipment is used for business and home. Mr. DeMars stated that he is not a landscaper. Mr. Licht asked Mr. DeMars if the lawnmower is the standard lawn size. Answered Yes. Mr. Licht stated that the Planning Commission can determine this is not to be a home extended business because of the equipment stored is used for the home. RICHARD NICHOLS MOTIONED TO RECONSIDER HIS MOTION. ARLEEN NAGEL SECONDED. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. MOTION WAS REMOVED FROM THE TABLE. Mr. Licht noted that the Planning Commission should include that the type, size and quantity of the equipment is used for a large lot residential use. Mr. Nichols -Regarding the three detached buildings, could one condition be that the garage nearest the home be attached. Mr. Swenson felt that three detached buildings was too many. If one is attached to the home, then it would only be two detached accessory buildings. CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 16, 1998 AT 8PM PAGE 5 RICHARD NICHOLS MOTIONED TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE REQUEST FOR THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW A) MORE THAN ONE DETACHED ACCESSORY BUILDING ON A SINGLE FAMILY LOT. B) ACCESSORY BUILDING SIZE GREATER THAN 1,500 SQ FT ON A SINGLE FAMILY LOT. C) TOTAL ACCESSORY AREA GREATER THAN 2,000 SQ FT ON A SINGLE FAMILY LOT. D) POLE BUILDING CONSTRUCTION WITHIN THE A-1 (GENERAL AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT) AND THIS BE ALLOWED CONTINGENT THAT ITEM #1 BE DELETED FROM THE STAFF REPORT AND SUBSTITUTE #1 LANGUAGE "THF, GARAGE. BEHIND THE HOUSE BE ATTACHED TO THE HOME". WITH THE UNDERSTANDING THAT THE P.C. DOES NOT CONSIDER THIS PROPERTY TO BE THE SITE OF A HOME EXTENDED BUSINESS (AS PER #4) AND REMOVE NO.7 OF NAC'S CONDITIONS. EUGENE GOENNER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION WAS APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY. This item will be on the September 28, 1998 6:30PM Council Agenda. 5. Any other P.C. Bmsiness CM Heidner asked that the Planning Commission, as it looks at other ordinances, to keep in mind the Home Extended Business/Home Occupation Ordinance needs some changes and more definitions. The City Council approved the Comprehensive Plan. Also the City accepted bids for the water tower, which all came in came in under estimate. Mr. Goenner asked about the variances on Thein Well Industrial Site. Mr. Heidner noted that this applicant withdrew the request. The City Council took no action on this. 6_Acljourn by 1OPM BRUCE RASK MOTIONED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. RICHARD NICHOLS SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 9:25PM. Jim Kolles, Secretary Minutes by: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator eb FILE: 98PCMiN. W PS Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. '& Municipal Engineering A Surveying September 23, 1998 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue N.E. Otsego, MN 55330 RE: Construction of Well #2: Bids Dear Mayor and Council, 3601 Thurston Avenue Suite 101 Anoka, Minnesota 55303 612/427-5860 612/427-0520 Fax At 11:00 a.m. on September 22, 1998, the City Administrator and myself received bids for the above-mentioned project at the City Hall. There were four bidders, and below they are listed in rank of lowest bid first: Mark J. Traut Wells, Inc. $53,290.00 Hydro Engineering, Inc. $55,870.50 Berg erson-Caswell, Inc. $59,320.00 E.H. Renner & Sons $65,830.00 The engineer's estimate in February of 1998 was $78,650.00. The lowest bidder constructed Well #1 and completed the work satisfactorily. We therefore recommend award of the contract for Well #2 to the lowest responsible bidder, Mark J. Traut Wells, Inc., in the amount of $53,290.00. Before the project can start we will need to acquire the necessary permits from the Minnesota Health Department and the Department of Natural Resources. The location of the well will be repositioned from the exhibits shown in the bidding documents to avoid the tree crowns of the big oak trees. We will move it approximately 40 — 50 feet to the southeast of the present site. I will be available to discuss the bids with you on September 28, 1998. Yours tr HAKxAVSQ,N ANDE N SSOCIATES, INC. Lawr r . Ko ak, PE cik Attachment: Bid Tabulation cc: Mike Robertson, Administrator Elaine Beatty, Clerk Andy MacArthur, Attorney Mark J. Traut Wells, Inc. C:\Share\WPmuni\AOTSEGO\506\ot506cc2.doc BID . JLATION MUNICIPAL WELL #2 CONSTRUCTION CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA Tuesday, September 22, 1998 11:00 a.m. Bid Schedule "A" - COMMUNITY P UBLIC WATER SUPPLY FOR THE CITY OF OTSEGO Mark JTraut Iffells Inc Hydro Engineering, Inc. CeNmatorl 1 Init Unit B erg ers o n -Gas well. Inc. Unit E H Renner Unit OOO.00 8 Sons Price Extension LS $8,000.60 Extension 17.250.00 Item Description Quantity Price Extension _Price Extension Price Extension $1000 ` _ $8, 1 MobllizatioNDemoblllzation 1 LS $5,000.00 LS $5,000 00 $2,500.00 - - - --.. _ LS ..._- $2,500.00 ......_ - - . _....- $10.00 - - -- - LS _ ... 2 .......-- _ _ _ DrilUDrive 24" Casi - _ _ 115 _ LF ___ $120.00 LF $13,800.00 $99.50 LF $11,442 50 $150 00 LF $17,250.00 00 $150.00 LF $50.00 LF $ �- 3 „ Drill 23 Open Hole .. ... ... _ .. .. - - - --� � 6.0 � _ 8 LF CY $85.00 $130.00 LF CY _$5 100.00 $1,040.00 $48.00 $132.50 LF CY $2,880.00 $1,060.00 $90.00 $125.00 LF CY $5 400 $1,000 00 ._.. _ $10 00 CY - 4 i 5 FilUBail Open Hole Set 18" Casing 120 FT - $40.00 FT $4,8_00.00 ---$1,950.00 $40.00 FT $4,800.00 -$2,178.00 - _ $50 00 FT $6.000.00 ^ -$50..O FT CY 6 i ._ Install Grout- --------- 6 2 CY LB $325.00 $50.00 CY LB_ $363.00 $275.00 CY LB_ $260.00 CY LB_ $1,560.00 $250.00 .....__$25.00 LB _ _.. 7 Blast _._._ ........ _ .__._.$100.00 .. .. ___.....__$550.00 - ---$50:00 ._.._--...._$100.00 .__ 8 F.I.R. Development Equipment_- _....�_ 1 LS $4,000.00 LS $4,000.00 $3 000.00 LS $3,000.00 $2,500.00 LS $2,500_00 $2,500_00 1. $165.00 HR $13,200.00 . $145.00 HR 9 .. _.._ _. _ -_ Develop WelUSandstoneRemoval 80 HR $10000 HR $8,000:00 _.. ....0:00 $200.00 HIR $1,500.00ILS $ i 10 11 12 . F.I.R. Test Pum E-gui ment Test Pump Well Disinfect Well 1 60 1 LS HR LS $2,500.00 $55.00 $150.00 LS HR_ LS _$2,500.00 $3,300 00 $150.00 $5,810.00 $95.00 $470.00 $475.00 LS HR LS LS $5,810.00 $5,700.00 $470.00 $475.00 $2,500.00 $115 00 $500.00 $1,250 00 LS HR ____. LS LS $2,500.00 $6 900.00 _ $50000 $1.250.00 .............. .__ _ $100.00 HR $200.00 LS_ _ _ _ _ ---�--`- 1 LS $800.00 LS $800.00 14 15 Video Record Well _ Water Anal sis Report/Permit/Submittals- 1 1 LS LS $8_00.00 $450.00 LS LS_ $800.00 $450.00 $555.00 $750.00 LS LS $555.00 _$750.00 $1,250.00 $1 000 00 LS LS $1,250.00 $1,000.00 _- $1,200.00 LS _ $700 00 LS __ .. Y.... 1 LS _ $1,500.00 LS _ $1,500.00 $500.00 LS 500.00 $500.00 LS $500.00 - $900.00 LS `- 16 Site Restoration - - Total Bid Schedule "A" TOTAL BID: $53,290.00 $55,870.50 $59,320.00 ` $53,290.00 $55,870.50 $59,320.00 ' indicates corrected entry $6,000.00 $1,500.00 $50.00 $2.500-00 16,000.00 $1,500.00 $6,000.00 $950.00 $1,20(.00 $700-00 $900.00 $65,830.00 $65.830.00 FILE: Share\ExceI\\St. MtchaeW1506bUds Pape t 9/23/98 SHEET: BID TAB Hakanson Anderson 1 Assoc., Inc. •il & Municipal Engineering I Surveying MEMORANDUM TO: Otsego City Council FROM: Lawrence G. Koshak, PE, City Engineer CC: Mike Robertson, Administrator Elaine Beatty, Clerk RE: Update on Odean Avenue Project DATE: September 23, 1998 3601 Thurston Avenue Suite 101 Anoka, Minnesota 55303 612/427-5860 612/427-0520 Fax We have completed the plans for Odean Avenue (CSAH 39 — CSAH 37) to about the 90% level. Generally, the easements and right-of-way have been determined. Storm sewer and ponding issues have been addressed, assuming satisfactory closure of the Wilson property acquisition. Soil borings were completed last spring and a report prepared for use in our design. Our next steps in this process have to do with Federal requirements. The ISTEA projects are controlled by Mn/DOT. This project will be advertised and bid by Mn/DOT, much like the Bike Path. Since actual monies from the Grant will not be available to Otsego until October 1999, a 1999 schedule for construction would not be possible. However, Mn/DOT will allow the City to move forward with the project earlier assuming all of the procedures are followed and approval received. The City would need to "front" the monies until October 1999 when Federal dollars will be available. The City can draw MSA funds which are normally available for 20% of the construction and for all of the engineering and right-of- way and easement acquisition costs. The State Aid District Engineer has verified to the above process for an early start. If some Cities and/or Counties drop projects equal to Otsego grants in the 1999 funding year, then construction funds would be available sooner. This scenario will probably not happen since the amount required for this project is among the maximum project amounts. It would take two or three projects to drop out. The proposed schedule for early start is as follows: • Submit Project Path Report 10/5/98 • Categorical Exclusion Concurrence by FHWA No Date Projected • Hold Public Hearing by Mn/DOT at City Hall for Project (Feasibility Study can be presented at that time should assessment be anticipated for street) 11/16/98 • Submit Design Study Report to State Aid 12/7/98 C:\Share\WPmuni\AOTSEGO\334\ot334ccl.doc Memo to Otsego City Council Page 2 September 23, 1998 • Complete Plans and submit to State Aid for approval 1/99 • Begin procedures for right-of-way and easement acquisition 1/99 • Assume Plan Approval by Mn/DOT 2/99 • Bid Opening by Mn/DOT 4/99 • Contract Award 5/99 • Project Substantial Completion 10/99 The other scenario is to hold off on the bidding until after Federal funds are available and bid in early 2000 and complete the project in the year. I will be available to discuss this matter or answer any questions at the council meeting. C:\Share\WPmunAAOTSEGO\334\ot334ccl.doc Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION DEPARTMENT MEETING DATE Council Items City Engineer September 28, 1998 ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: PREPARED BY: 7.2. 7.3. Odean Ave Improvement 83rd Street Culvert Repair Mike Robertson City Administrator 7.2. Odean Avenue Improvement Project. City Engineer Larry Koshak will update the Council on the status of the Odean Avenue Improvement Project. 7.3. 83rd Street Culvert Repair. This item is on the agenda because the Public Works Sub - Committee discussed doing this improvement this fall. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Odean Avenue is just an update of information. The culvert repair would have to be ordered by Council to proceed. Hakanson Anderson Assoc., �_"] /-�Inc. Civil & Municipal Engineering nd Surveying September 23, 1998 Mike Robertson, Administrator City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue N.E. Otsego, MN 55330 III •• I 3601 Thurston Avenue I� I SEP 2 "vR Suite 101 ' ' Anoka, Minnesota 55303 'u i 61 2/42 7 5860 RE: 83`d Street Culvert at Otsego Creek Crossing Dear Mike, — ____J 612/427-0520 Fax As requested, I looked at the estimated costs we had put together for the Otsego Creek Project in February 1996. The cost is for a Concrete Arch Pipe (54" X 88") which is equivalent to a 72" diameter pipe. The pipe length was determined to fit under the standard collector street section. The cost is broken down as follows: • Concrete Pipe and End Section (54" X 88") $30,500 • Rip -Rap, Wood Fiber Blanket Silt Fence, Seeding $6,800 • Road Pavement Restoration $2,500 Total Estimated Cost of Construction $39,800 If the Council wishes, we could get quotes for this work. However, we would need to put together a quote form, specification and a sketch of the work to be done. The cost of concrete pipe is more than the Corrugated Metal Pipe (CMP). The existing CMP is eroding out on the bottom due to corrosion. If you have further questions, please contact me. Yours truly, HAKANSO NDER ON ASSOCIATES, INC. LAYrOce 5Y K ak, PE clk cc: Elaine Beatty, Clerk Public Works Committee C:\Share\WPmunAAOTSEGO\910\ot910mr2.doc AGREEMENT iETWEEN TRE OTSEGO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AU'T'HORITY AND LONG HAUL TRUCKING, INC. REGARDING E('-ONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE. THIS AGREEMFeNT is made this day of , 1998 between the Otsego Economic Development Authority (hereafter "EDA"), a public body corporate and politic, and Long Haul Trucking, Inc. (hereafter "Developer"), a Minnesota corpora ;n, concerning financial assistance for development of the following described property (hereafter "Development Property"): Lot 2, Block 2, OTSEGO INDUSTRIAL PARK, according to the plat on file and of record at the Wright County Recorder's Office, Wright County, Minnesota.' Recitals: WHEREAS, Developer is the owner of the above-described property and has thereon constructed buildings valued at approximately $750,000.00; and WHEREAS, The land described above and certain other improvements thereto are valued at approxirhately $100,000.00; and WHEREAS, The :County Assessor's estimate of the Development Property's taxable market value upon full development is approximately $850,000.00; and WHEREAS, the 17evelopment Property is located in a subdivision, platted by Developer, known; as OTSEGO INDUSTRIAL PARK and, further, Developer has constructed within the above -referenced plat street and drainage facilities at a cost of approximately $65,000.00; and WHEREAS, the City has committed to provide assistance to Developer in an amount, not to exceed $65,000.00, by making an annual levy on behalf of the EDA in an amount not tb exceed the City's share of real property taxes generated by the above-described property and subject to such limitations as are provided by law; and WHEREAS, the EDA will reimburse the levy proceeds to Developer for certain costs, subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. NOWTSEREFOItE, in consideration of the mutual promises, covenants, obligations and conditions contained herein, the parties hereby agree as follows: 1. Am unt of Assikance. For a period of ten (10) years, commencing in 1999, the City has agreed tolevy evy and contribute to the EDA a sum of money not to exceed $65,000.00, pursuant to and subject to the limitations contained in Minnesota Statutes §469.107.' Contributions will be made from the proceeds of an annual levy and will be equal to the lesser of $6,500.00 or the City's portion of property taxes collected froin the Development Property described above. Contributions shall be made in November of each year, after all property taxes have been and received by the City. if in any year no property taxes are collected by the City from the Developrnient Property, then no contribution will be made by the EDA to the Developer. The City may levy additional amounts on behalf of the EDA as provided in Section 8 of this Agreement, provided that such additional levies do not violate §469.107 or any other applicable law. 2. Payment of Assistance. The EDA will reimburse Developer for costs incurred incident to constructing roads, drainage facilities and other improvements on the Development Property. Reimbursements shall be made annually for a period of ten (10) years beginning in 1999 and shall not exceed a total of $65,000.00. The annual reimbursement to Developer shall be paid from, and shall not exceed, the levy proceeds described in section one (1) above. No interest shall be paid to Developer on its development costs. Payment, as herein provided, shall be made to Developer in Nbvember after receipt by the EDA of the levy proceeds. 3. Developer's Obligations. Developer shall construct and maintain buildings and other improvements, including installation of street and drainage facilities, on and for the benefit of the Development Property so as to increase the taxable market value of the Development Property to $850,000.00. Developer agrees to promptly pay all ad valorem property taxes levied against the Development Property as provided by law. Developer further agrees to abide by all statutes, ordinances and regulations applicable to the Development Property. 4. Assignment Prohibited. Assignment of this Agreement, or any interest herein, is strictly prohibited: Any such assignment shall render this Agreement null and void and shall discharge any obligation on the part of the EDA or City to perform under the terms of this Agreement. 5. Sale of Develoibment Property. Except with the express written consent of EDA, Developer shall not sell the Development Property. Any such transfer without consent shall render this Agreement null and void and shall discharge any obligation on the part of the EDA or City to perform under the terms of this Agreement. 6.Events of Default. The following events shall constitute default by Developer: a. Failure by the Developer to timely pay any ad valorem real property taxes assessed with respect to the property herein described. b. Failure by the Developer to cause the construction and installation of the improvements to be completed pursuant to the terms, conditions, and limitations of the Developer's Contract- Otsego Industrial Park as previously ixecuted and recorded c. Failure df the Developer to observe or perform any other covenant, condition, gbligation or agreement on its part be observed or performed under this Agreement or under the Developer's Contract- Otsego Industrial Park. d. assignmcs t of this Agreement by Developer. e. sale of the Development Property without receiving the consent of the EDA as provided in section five (5) above. f. any transfer of a legal interest in the Development Property which shifts the burden for payment of property taxes to another party. g. petition or application by Developer for detachment from the City under existing lave, or any amendment thereto. 7. Election of Remedies. Upon breach of this Agreement or default by Developer, as provided in seciion six (6) above, the EDA may elect any one of the following remedies: a. the EDAmay cancel and rescind this Agreement, upon thirty (30) days written noticce of default and intent to cancel to Developer and failure of Developer to cure its default within that time. b. the EDA may suspend its performance under this Agreement until it receives assurances from the Developer, deemed adequate by the EDA, that the Developer will cure its default and continue its performance under this Agreement: c. the EDA may take any action, including legal or administrative action, in law or equity, that is deemed necessary or desirable to enforce performance and observeince of any obligation, covenant or promise of the Developer under this Agreement. 8. Incentive for Further Development. The parties acknowledge that Developer owns or has a legal interest in four (4) additional lots located within Otsego Industrial Park. As incentive to Developer for developing these remaining Lots, the EDA may provide additional economic development assistance to Developer. For each additional Lot described above, Developer shall be eligible for an additional five hundred dollar ($500) reimbursement per lot, per year, subject to the following terms and conditions: a. No lot s4all be eligible for the $500 reimbursement until it is developed for a commercial or industrial use consistent with the applicable zoning and other land 4se regulations and provided that the lot is developed by a party other than Developer. b. No lot shall be eligible for the $500 reimbursement until it is actually generating property taxes collected for the benefit of the City. c. Payments made, as provided in this section, shall come solely from the City's portion property taxes collected from Lot 2, Block 2, OTSEGO IlVDUSTRIAL PARK and shall be paid solely from the proceeds of a levy by the City:on behalf of the EDA as provided in Section 2 above. Neither the EDA or the City shall be liable to make payments, as provided in this section, to Developer if the City's portion of property taxes received from Lot 2 are insufficient to cover such payment. d. Payments, as herein provided, shall be made to Developer in November following the first full year receipt of property taxes from any additional development as contemplated in this section, except that in no case whatsoever shall any payments be made after November of 2008. e. No payment shall be made under this section 8 on any lot in which the Developer ietains any legal interest whatsoever. Moreover, no payment shall be in id.e under this section if Developer is a partner, shareholder or in any way a party to the business undertaking the development on the remaining lots in Otsego Industrial Park. 9. Job Creation. Broth the City and Developer acknowledge and agree that Minnesota Statutes § 116J.991 requires that Developer create at least one additional job within two years of receiving the first installment of assistance provided under this Agreement. Developer agrees to create at least one job in addition to any jobs presently existing in relation to Developer's business within two years of signing this Agreement. Developer agrees to provide proof, deemed adequate by the City, that the job has been created. Developer's receipt of the assistance provided under this Agreement is conditioned upon the above - referenced job creation. As per the above-cited statute, Developer must repay the assistance received hereunder if at least one job is not created within two years of signing this Agreement. 10. Recording ofAgeement. The parties agree that this written Agreement shall be filed for record'against the Development Property above-described in the Office of the Wright County Recorder. Recording of this Agreement shall give any subsequent purchaser, or successor in interest, of the Development Property, or any portion thereof, constructive notice of the terms of this Agreement and their application to the Development Property. 11. Severability. Should any section, paragraph, provision or term of this Agreement, or lesser part thereof; be found invalid by a Court of competent jurisdiction, then d11 remaining sections, paragraphs and provisions of the Agreement shall remain in frill force and effect and be binding upon the parties hereto. 12. Merger Clausd. Modification by Written Agreement. This Agreement represents the full land complete understanding between the parties hereto. Neither parry is relying on any prior agreement or statement, whether oral or written. Modification of this Agreement will occur, if at all, with the signed consent of all parties. Dated: CITY OF OTSEGO By Its Mayor By Its Clerk Dated: Dated: Dated: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY By Its Presidcnt By Its Secretary LONG HAUL TRUCKING By Its STATE OF MINNESOTA } ) ss. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) Subscribed and swKorn before me this day of , 1998 by Larry Fournier, Mayor of Otsego and Elaine Beatty, Otsego City Clerk, pursuant to the authority of the Otsego City Council. NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) Subscribed and sworn before me this day of , 1998 by Larry Fournier, President and Elaine Beatty, Secretary on behalf of the Otsego Economic Development Authority (EDA) pursuant to the authority of the EDA Board NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF Ml NESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF WRTGHT ) Subscribed and sworn before me this day of , 1998 by the of Long Haul Trucldng, Inc., a Minnesota corporation on behalf of the corporation. NOTARY PUBLIC THIS INSTRUMENT DRAFTED BY: COURI AND MACARTHUR LAW OFFICE 705 Central Avenue East St. Michael, MN 55376 8. 1 f} . AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE OTSEGO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AND APEX BUSUSESS CENTER, LLC REGARDING ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE. TMS AGREEMENT is made this day of _ , 1998 between the City of Otsego, a municipal corporation organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota, (hereafter "City") Otsego Economic Development Authority (hereaftex "EDA"), a public body corporate and politic, and Apex Business Center, LLC (hereafter "Developer"), a Minnesota limited liability company, concerning financial assistance for development of the following described property (hereafter "Development Property"): Lot 2, Block 1, OTSEGO INDUSTRIAL PARK, according to the plat on file and of record at the Wright County Recorder's Office, Wright County, Minnesota. Recitals: WHEREAS, Devbloper is the owner of the above-described Development Property and intends to construct an office/warehouse building located thereon; and WHEREAS, The above-described Development Property is presently vacant and undeveloped; and 'WHEREAS, Developer will incur certain additional expenses by Developing Otsego Industrial Park, as opposed to other possible locations, due to and absence of City sewer and water service to the location; and WHEREAS, the proposed Development will increase the City's tax base and create at least one additional job within the State of Minnesota; and WHEREAS, the City has committed to levy property taxes on behalf of the Otsego EDA, subject to such limitations as are provided by law, in amount equal to providing the assistance more fully described below; and WHEREAS, the EDA will reimburse the proceeds from the City's levy, or an appropriate portion thereof, to Developer for certain costs, subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. NOWT'HEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises, covenants, obligations and conditions contained herein, the parties hereby agree as follows: 1. Developer's Obligations. Developer shall construct and maintain a office/warehouse building and other improvements in substantial conformance with the plans submitted to the City by Developer. Construction of the building and improvements shall be completed by December 31, 1998. Developer agrees to promptly pay all ad valorem property taxes levied against the Development Property as provided by law. As a condition of receiving assistance, Developer further agrees to abide by all statutes, ordinances and regulations applicable to the Development Property. 2. Amount of Assistance. The EDA agrees to provide assistance to Developer in an amount equal to 3.75% of building's market value, as determined for property tax purposes for assessment year 1999 (i.e. the value of the building as of January 2, 1999, as determined by the Wright County Assessor) in installments as provided in section (3) three below. Beginning in 2000, and continuing until such time as Developer has received all of the assistance allowed under this section, the City of Otsego agrees to make an annual levy, pursuant to and subject to the limitations contained in Minnesota Statutes §469.107, on behalf of the EDA in an amount estimated to be 30% of the property taxes it receives from the Development Property. Contributions will be made in November of each year, after all property taxes have been and received by the City. If in any year no property taxes are collected from the Development Property, then no contribution from the above- described levy will be made by the City to the EDA. 3. Payment of Assistance. The EDA will reimburse Developer for costs incurred incident to constructing the warehouse/office building and other improvements on the Development Property. Reimbursements shall be made annually, beginning in 2000, until an amount equal to 3.75% of the building's assessment year 1999 market value has been reimbursed. The annual reimbursement to Developer shall be paid from and shall not exceed the levy proceeds described in section two (2) above. No interest shall be paid to Developer on its development costs or on the assistance to be provided by the EDA. Payment, as herein provided, shall be made to Developer in November after receipt by the EDA of the City's levy proceeds. 4. Assignment Prohibited. Except as provided in the following section (5)five, Assignment of this Agreement, or any interest herein, is strictly prohibited. Any such assignment shall render this Agreement null and void and shall discharge any obligation on the part of the EDA or City to perform under the terms of this Agreement. 5. Bank Foreclosure Agreement to Subordinate. The parties acknowledge that National City Bank is providing substantial financing to this project in the form of a loan and, Authcr, as security for such financing Developer will give a mortgage in the Development Property to National City Bank. In the event that National City Bank forecloses on the above -referenced mortgage, the City and the EDA agree that the assistance provided for in this Agreement shall be paid to National City Bank, provided National City Bank continues to pay property taxes on the Development Property and until such time as either the full amount of the assistance is paid or National City Bank sells the Development Property. National City Bank shall not assign or transfer any interest in this Agreement and any such purported assignment or transfer shall discharge the obligation of the City and the EDA to perform under this Agreement. Neither the City nor EDA is obligated to provide the assistance contemplated in this Agreement to any successor in interest of National City Flank in the Development Property. The City and EDA agree that this Agreement is subordinate to the above -referenced mortgage to be given to National City Bank by Developer. The City and EDA further agree to execute any subordination documents as National City Bank may reasonably require. 6. Sale of Develgliment Property. Except with the express written consent of EDA, Developer shall not sell the Development Property. Any such transfer without consent shall render this Agreement null and void and shall discharge any obligation on the part of the EDA or City to perform under the terms of this Agreement. 7. Events of Defaiilt. The following events shall constitute default by Developer: a. Failure by the Developer to timely pay any ad valorem real property taxes assessed with respect to the property herein described. b. Failure of the Developer to observe or perform any other covenant, condition, obligation or agreement on its part be observed or performed under this ,Agreement. c. assignment of this Agreement by Developer. d. sale of the Development Property without receiving the consent of the EDA as provided in section six (6) above. e. any transfer of a legal interest in the Development Property which shifts the burden for payment of property taxes from Developer to another party, except in the case of mortgage foreclosure by National City Bank as provided in section (5) five above. . .�v..rr.... 1 • iG f petition or application by Developer for detachment from the City under existing law, or any amendment thereto. 8. Election of Remedies. Upon default by Developer, as provided in section six (6) above, the EDA may elect any one of the following remedies: a. the EDA may cancel and rescind this Agreement, upon thirty (30) days written notice of default and intent to cancel to Developer and failure of Developer to cure its default within that time. b. the EDA may suspend its performance under this Agreement until it receives assurances from the Developer, deemed adequate by the EDA, that the Developer will cure its default and continue its performance under this Agreement. c. the EDA may take any action, including legal or administrative action, at law or in equity, that is deemed necessary or desirable to enforce performance and observance of any obligation, covenant or promise of the Developer under this Agreement. 9. No Remedy Exclusive. No remedy contained in this Agreement and reserved to or conferred upon the City is intended to be exclusive of any other available remedy. Each and every remedy available to the City shall be cumulative and shall be in addition to every other remedy given under this Development Contract or now or hereafter existing at law or in equity. 10. Waiver of Remedies. Waiver of any right, remedy or breach of this Agreement by either party will occur, if at all, in writing signed by the waiving party and delivered to the non -waiving party. All such waivers are limited to the particular right, remedy or breach so waived and shall not be a deemed waiver of any additional right or remedy, nor any other past, present or future breach. No delay or omission by the City in exercising any right, power or remedy accruing upon any breach of this Development Contract or Event of Default shall impair the City's ability to exercise such right, power or remedy, nor be construed as a waiver thereof. All rights, powers and remedies of the City under this Agreement may be exercised from time to time and as often as may be deemed expedient by the City. 11. Job Creation. Both the City and Developer acknowledge and agree that Minnesota Statutes § 116J.991 requires that Developer create at least one additional job within two years of receiving the first installment of assistance provided under this Agreement. Developer agrees to create at least one job in addition to any jobs presently existing in relation to Developer's business within two years of signing this Agreement Developer agrees to provide proof, deemed adequate by the City, that the job has been created. Developer's receipt of the assistance provided under this Agreement is conditioned upon the above - referenced job creation. As per the above-cited statute, Developer must repay the assistance received hereunder if at least one job is not created within two years of signing this Agreement. 12. Recording of Agreement. The parties agree that this written Agreement shall be filed for record against the Development Property above-described in the Office of the Wright County Recorder. Recording of this Agreement shall give any subsequent purchaser, or successor in interest, of the Development Property, or any portion thereof, constructive notice of the terms of this Agreement and their application to the Development Property. 13. Severability. Should any section, paragraph, provision or term of this Agreement, or lesser part thereof, be found invalid by a Court of competent jurisdiction, then all remaining sections, paragraphs and provisions of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect and be binding upon the parties hereto. 14. Merger Clause: Modification by Written Agreement. This Agreement represents the full and complete understanding between the parties hereto. Neither party is relying on any prior agreement or statement, whether oral or written. Modification of this Agreement will occur, if at all, with the signed consent of all parties. The undersigned individuals represent that they have actual authority to bind the entities listed below and associated with their respective signatures. Dated: CITY OF OTSEGO By Its Mayor By Its Clerk Dated: Dated: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY By Its President By Its Secretary APEX BUSINESS CENTER, LLC Dated: By Its STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) Subscribed and sworn before me this day of , 1998 by Larry Fournier, Mayor of Otsego and Elaine Beatty, Otsego City Clerk, pursuant to the authority of the Otsego City Council. NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) Subscribed and sworn before me this day of , 1998 by Larry Fournier, President and Elaine Beatty, Secretary on behalf of the Otsego Economic Development Authority (EDA) pursuant to the authority of the EDA Board. NOTARY PUBLIC VI GJ �JJV VL•VJI 11 I 11VII \.VVI ! 411 IIG1r rN 1r11V1 I -4141004-) r-. I-) STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) Subscribed and sworn before me this day of , 1998 by the of Apex Business Center, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company on behalf of the Company. NOTARY PUBLIC TMS INSTRUMENT DRAFTED BY: COURI AND MACARTHUR LAW OFFICE 705 Central, Avenue East St Michael, MN 55376 TOTAL P.15 Muhael C. Couri- Andrew J. MacArthur Marcus W. Miller •Atw ecaued in n&a. September 22, 1998 Otsego City Council City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue N.E. Elk River, MN 55330 COURI & MACARTHUR Anornep at Law 715 Central Avenue East PO Bas 369 St. Midiael, MN55376-0369 (612) 497-1930 (612) 497-2599 (FAX) cowian&nacmthwCPobaz cons Re: Otsego -Apex and Long Haul Economic Development Assistance Dear Council Members: Please find enclosed four (4) resolutions for your consideration concerning the above - referenced matter. Two of these resolutions are for consideration and possible adoption in your capacity as the City Council. The remaining two are for consideration and possible adoption by you in your capacity as the Economic Development Authority. The following is the suggested procedure for adopting these resolutions, should you so choose: 1. The City Council adopts the two separate resolutions authorizing an annual levy on behalf of the EDA, for purposes of providing economic development assistance to Apex and Long Haul. 2. The Council approves, by motion, the two contracts (which you previously received) between the City, EDA and Apex and Long Haul pertaining to economic development assistance. 3. The City Council meeting is recessed and the EDA Board meeting is convened. 4. The EDA Board adopts the two separate resolutions authorizing the EDA to provide economic development assistance to Apex and Long Haul. 5. The EDA Board, by motion, approves the economic development assistance contracts. 6. The EDA Board adjourns its meeting and the City Council meeting is resumed. These resolutions are all very similar. Nonetheless, there is one important difference. Under these resolutions Long Haul should receive its first payment in November, 1999, while Apex will not receive its first payment until November, 2000. This difference is due to construction completion dates and the fact that the assistance provided is intended to be offset by an increase in property taxes generated by the respective projects. The Apex project, for instance, will not be completed until later this year. The value of the new construction will be factored in by the County for assessment year 1999, with property taxes on the increased value of the new construction payable in 2000. Please call if have any questions or concerns. Yours y An ew J Arth ouri a d acArthur Law Office enclosures c: Les Anderson, Attorney Dino Buege, Long Haul Trucking John Gries, Attorney CITY OF OTSEGO WRIGHT COUNTY STATE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY OF OTSEGO TO MAKE AN ANNUAL TAX LEVY ON BEHALF OF ITS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Resolution No. WHEREAS, Apex Business Center, LLC (hereafter "Developer") has undertaken development of an office/warehouse building which will add taxable market value to the City's tax base; and WHEREAS, the Development Property is legally described as follows: Lot 2, Block 1, Otsego Industrial Park, as shown on the plat and survey thereof, on file and of record in the Office of the Wright County Recorder, Wright County, Minnesota. WHEREAS, the development property is located in a subdivision, previously platted and known as OTSEGO INDUSTRIAL PARK; and WHEREAS, Developer has approached the City requesting economic development assistance for the development project located on the Development Property within the City of Otsego; and WHEREAS, because of the absence of City sewer and water to the Development property, Developer will incur expenses that it might not otherwise incur in another location; and WHEREAS, the City has resolved to provide, as more fully described herein, financial assistance to the above -referenced project; and WHEREAS, the City has previously created an Economic Development Authority (EDA), the purpose of which is to encourage and promote economic development within the City of Otsego; and WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes §469.90 through §469.1081, the Economic Development Authority Act, allows the EDA to exercise all the powers granted to cities under the Development District Act, Minnesota Statutes §469.124 through §469.134, including adoption of Development Programs; and WHEREAS, The EDA has adopted a Development Program for Development District # 1, the boundaries of which include the above-described Development Property; and WHEREAS, the City may levy taxes on behalf of the EDA as provided in Minnesota Statutes §469.107. NOWTHEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Otsego City Council as follows: 1. City's Contribution. Beginning in 2000, the City will annually levy on behalf of the EDA a sum of money not to exceed thirty percent (30%) of the City's estimated share of property taxes to be collected from the Development Property above-described, subject to the limitations contained in Minnesota Statutes §469.107 and other applicable law. Said levies shall continue until a sum equal to 3.75% of the office/warehouse building's assessment year 1999 market value has been levied on behalf of the EDA. Levy proceeds shall be released to the EDA in November of each year, after all property taxes have been and received by the City. 2. EDA to Provide Assistance to Developer. Upon proof of payment of taxes, the EDA will reimburse Developer for costs incurred incident to constructing the above-mentioned office/warehouse building on the development property. The annual payment to Developer shall be paid from, and shall not exceed, the City's levy contribution described in section one (1) above and no interest shall be paid by the City or EDA in addition to the financial assistance provided for in this resolution. 3. Assistance Conditioned Upon Development Agreement. Receipt by Developer of the financial assistance described above is conditioned upon, and shall be subject to, an Agreement made between Developer, the City and the EDA. The terms of this resolution shall be incorporated into the Agreement, as well as any provisions as may be recommended by the City Attorney. The City Council shall review and approve the Agreement referenced herein before any taxes will be levied by the City on behalf of the EDA. Dated: Larry Fournier, Mayor ATTEST: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk CITY OF OTSEGO WRIGHT COUNTY STATE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE OTSEGO EDA TO PROVIDE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE AND TO ENTER AND AGREEMENT REGARDING THE SAME Resolution No. WHEREAS, Apex Business Center, LLC (hereafter "Developer") has undertaken development of an office/warehouse building which will add taxable market value to the City's tax base; and WHEREAS, the Development Property is legally described as follows: Lot 2, Block 1, Otsego Industrial Park, as shown on the plat and survey thereof, on file and of record in the Office of the Wright County Recorder, Wright County, Minnesota. WHEREAS, the development property is located in a subdivision, previously platted and known as OTSEGO INDUSTRIAL PARK; and WHEREAS, Developer has approached the City requesting economic development assistance for the development project located on the Development Property within the City of Otsego; and WHEREAS, because of the absence of City sewer and water to the Development property, Developer will incur expenses that it might not otherwise incur in another location; and WHEREAS, the City has resolved to provide, as more fully described herein, financial assistance to the above -referenced project; and WHEREAS, the City has previously created an Economic Development Authority (EDA), the purpose of which is to encourage and promote economic development within the City of Otsego; and WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes §469.90 through §469.1081, the Economic Development Authority Act, allows the EDA to exercise all the powers granted to cities under the Development District Act, Minnesota Statutes §469.124 through §469.134, including adoption of Development Programs; and WHEREAS, The EDA has adopted a Development Program for Development District # 1, the boundaries of which include the above-described Development Property; and WHEREAS, the City may levy taxes on behalf of the EDA as provided in Minnesota Statutes §469.107. NOWTHEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Otsego City Council as follows: 1. City's Contribution. Beginning in 2000, the City will annually levy on behalf of the EDA a sum of money not to exceed thirty percent (301/o) of the City's estimated share of property taxes to be collected from the Development Property above-described, subject to the limitations contained in Minnesota Statutes §469.107 and other applicable law. Said levies shall continue until a sum equal to 3.75% of the office/warehouse building's assessment year 1999 market value has been levied on behalf of the EDA. Levy proceeds shall be released to the EDA in November of each year, after all property taxes have been and received by the City. 2. EDA to Provide Assistance to Developer. Upon proof of payment of taxes, the EDA will reimburse Developer for costs incurred incident to constructing the above-mentioned office/warehouse building on the development property. The annual payment to Developer shall be paid from, and shall not exceed, the City's levy contribution described in section one (1) above and no interest shall be paid by the City or EDA in addition to the financial assistance provided for in this resolution. 3. Assistance Conditioned Upon Development Agreement. Receipt by Developer of the financial assistance described above is conditioned upon, and shall be subject to, an Agreement made between Developer, the City and the EDA. The terms of this resolution shall be incorporated into the Agreement, as well as any provisions as may be recommended by the City Attorney. The EDA Board shall review and approve the Agreement referenced herein before any assistance is provided to Developer. Dated: Larry Fournier, President ATTEST: Elaine Beatty, Secretary CITY OF OTSEGO WRIGHT COUNTY STATE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY OF OTSEGO TO LEVY TAXES ON BEHALF OF ITS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Resolution No. WHEREAS, Long Haul Trucking (hereafter "Developer") has undertaken development which has added approximately $850,000 in taxable market value to the City's tax base; and WHEREAS, the Development Property is legally described as follows: Lot 2, Block 2, Otsego Industrial Park, as shown on the plat and survey thereof, on file and of record in the Office of the Wright County Recorder, Wright County, Minnesota. WHEREAS, the development property is located in a subdivision, previously platted by Developer, known as OTSEGO INDUSTRIAL PARK and, further, Developer has constructed within the above -referenced plat street and drainage facilities at a cost of approximately $65,000.00; and WHEREAS, Developer has previously approached the City requesting economic development assistance for the development project located within the City of Otsego; and WHEREAS, prior to its completion, the City resolved to provide, as more fully described herein, financial assistance to the above -referenced project; and WHEREAS, the City has previously created an Economic Development Authority (EDA), the purpose of which is to encourage and promote economic development within the City of Otsego; and WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes §469.90 through §469.1081, the Economic Development Authority Act, allows the EDA to exercise all the powers granted to cities under the Development District Act, Minnesota Statutes §469.124 through §469.134, including adoption of Development Programs; and WHEREAS, The EDA has adopted a Development Program for Development District # 1, the boundaries of which include the above-described Development Property; and WHEREAS, the City may levy taxes on behalf of the EDA as provided in Minnesota Statutes §469.107. NOWTHEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Otsego EDA as follows: 1. City's Contribution. Beginning in 1999 and for a period of ten (10) years, the City agrees to levy on behalf of the EDA a sum of money not to exceed a total of $65,000.00, subject to the limitations contained in Minnesota Statutes §469.107 and other applicable law. Said annual levies shall be equal to the lesser of $6,500.00 or the City's portion of property taxes collected in the preceding year from the development property described above. Levy proceeds shall be turned over to the EDA in November of each year, after all property taxes have been and received by the City. 2. EDA to Rebate Contributions to Developer. Upon proof of expenditures made, the EDA will reimburse Developer for costs incurred incident to constructing roads, drainage facilities and other improvements on, or for the benefit of, the development property. Reimbursements shall be made annually for a period of ten (10) years and shall not exceed a total of $65,000.00. The annual reimbursement to Developer shall be paid from, and shall not exceed, the City's annual levy described in section one (1) above and no interest shall be paid by the City or EDA in addition to the financial assistance provided for in the resolution. 3. Incentive for Additional Development. The City may levy additional taxes on behalf of the the EDA to encourage additional development on the Lots owned by Developer within Otsego Industrial Park. For each additional Lot, Developer shall be eligible for an additional five hundred dollar ($500) reimbursement per lot, per year, subject to the following terms and conditions: a. No lot shall be eligible for the $500 reimbursement until it is developed for a commercial or industrial use consistent with the applicable zoning and other land use regulations, provided that the lot is developed by a party other than Developer. b. No lot shall be eligible for the $500 reimbursement until it is actually generating property taxes collected for the benefit of the City. c. Payments made, as provided in this section, shall come solely property taxes levied by the City on behalf of the EDA and contributed by the City to the EDA as provided in Section 2 above. Neither the EDA or the City shall be liable to make payments, as provided in this section, to Developer if the City's portion of property taxes received from Lot 2 are less than the amount to be levied or such payments would be in violation of any applicable law. d. Payments, as herein provided, shall be made to Developer in November following the first full year receipt of property taxes from any additional development as contemplated in this section, except that in no case whatsoever shall any payments be made after November of 2008. e. No payment shall be made on any lot in which the Developer retains any legal interest whatsoever. Moreover, no payment shall be made under this section if Developer is a partner, shareholder or in any way a party to the business undertaking the development on the remaining lots in Otsego Industrial Park. 4. Assistance Conditioned Upon Development A egrr ,ement. Receipt by Developer of the financial assistance described above is conditioned upon, and shall be subject to, an Agreement made between Developer, the City and the EDA. The President and Secretary are authorized and directed to enter said agreement, subject to approval of the agreement by the City Attorney as to its form and content. The terms of this resolution shall be incorporated the above-mentioned agreement. Dated: Larry Fournier, President ATTEST: Elaine Beatty, Secretary OTSEGO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY WRIGHT COUNTY STATE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE OTSEGO EDA TO PROVIDE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE AND TO ENTER AN AGREEMENT REGARDING THE SAME Resolution No. WHEREAS, Long Haul Trucking (hereafter "Developer") has undertaken development which has added approximately $850,000 in taxable market value to the City's tax base; and WHEREAS, the Development Property is legally described as follows: Lot 2, Block 2, Otsego Industrial Park, as shown on the plat and survey thereof, on file and of record in the Office of the Wright County Recorder, Wright County, Minnesota. WHEREAS, the development property is located in a subdivision, previously platted by Developer, known as OTSEGO INDUSTRIAL PARK and, further, Developer has constructed within the above -referenced plat street and drainage facilities at a cost of approximately $65,000.00; and WHEREAS, Developer has previously approached the City requesting economic development assistance for the development project located within the City of Otsego; and WHEREAS, prior to its completion, the City resolved to provide, as more fully described herein, financial assistance to the above -referenced project; and WHEREAS, the City has previously created an Economic Development Authority (EDA), the purpose of which is to encourage and promote economic development within the City of Otsego; and WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes §469.90 through §469.1081, the Economic Development Authority Act, allows the EDA to exercise all the powers granted to cities under the Development District Act, Minnesota Statutes §469.124 through §469.134, including adoption of Development Programs; and WHEREAS, The EDA has adopted a Development Program for Development District # 1, the boundaries of which include the above-described Development Property; and WHEREAS, the City may levy taxes on behalf of the EDA as provided in Minnesota Statutes §469.107. NOWTHEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Otsego EDA as follows: 1. City's Contribution. Beginning in 1999 and for a period of ten (10) years, the City has agreed to levy on behalf of the EDA a sum of money not to exceed a total of $65,000.00, subject to the limitations contained in Minnesota Statutes §469.107 and other applicable law. Said annual levies will be equal to the lesser of $6,500.00 or the City's portion of property taxes collected in the preceding year from the development property described above. Levy proceeds shall be turned over to the EDA in November of each year, after all property taxes have been and received by the City. 2. EDA to Rebate Contributions to Developer. Upon proof of expenditures made, the EDA will reimburse Developer for costs incurred incident to constructing roads, drainage facilities and other improvements on, or for the benefit of, the development property. Reimbursements shall be made annually for a period of ten (10) years and shall not exceed a total of $65,000.00. The annual reimbursement to Developer shall be paid from, and shall not exceed, the City's annual levy described in section one (1) above and no interest shall be paid by the City or EDA in addition to the financial assistance provided for in the resolution. 3. Incentive for Additional Development. The City may levy additional taxes on behalf of the the EDA to encourage additional development on the Lots owned by Developer within Otsego Industrial Park. For each additional Lot, Developer shall be eligible for an additional five hundred dollar ($500) reimbursement per lot, per year, subject to the following terms and conditions: a. No lot shall be eligible for the $500 reimbursement until it is developed for a commercial or industrial use consistent with the applicable zoning and other land use regulations, provided that the lot is developed by a party other than Developer. b. No lot shall be eligible for the $500 reimbursement until it is actually generating property taxes collected for the benefit of the City. c. Payments made, as provided in this section, shall come solely property taxes levied by the City on behalf of the EDA and contributed by the City to the EDA as provided in Section 2 above. Neither the EDA or the City shall be liable to make payments, as provided in this section, to Developer if the City's portion of property taxes received from Lot 2 are less than the amount to be levied or such payments would be in violation of any applicable law. d. Payments, as herein provided, shall be made to Developer in November following the fust full year receipt of property taxes from any additional development as contemplated in this section, except that in no case whatsoever shall any payments be made after November of 2008. e. No payment shall be made on any lot in which the Developer retains any legal interest whatsoever. Moreover, no payment shall be made under this section if Developer is a partner, shareholder or in any way a party to the business undertaking the development on the remaining lots in Otsego Industrial Park. 4. Assistance Conditioned Upon Development Agreement. Receipt by Developer of the financial assistance described above is conditioned upon, and shall be subject to, an Agreement made between Developer, the City and the EDA. The President and Secretary are authorized and directed to enter said agreement, subject to approval of the agreement by the City Attorney as to its form and content. Dated: By Larry Fournier, President ATTEST: Elaine Beatty, Secretary Date: September 22, 1998 To: Mayor & Council From: City Administrator Mike Robertson Re: Starting time for part-time person in Public Works Department As Council will recall, as part of its discussions on the 1999 budget, it approved the addition of a part-time person in the Public Works Department for 1999. After discussion with Public Works Director Dave Chase and the City Council Public Works Sub - Committee, it is my recommendation that the Council allow the part-time person to start this fall for the following reasons; 1) Fall, with the final trimming of ditches and the preparation of equipment for winter; and Winter, with snow plowing, are the busiest seasons and the most difficult working conditions. Dave would like to have some more help for this period and would like them to experience the toughest part of the job off the bat to see if they are interested. 2) Kenny Shierts, who is currently part-time, is not quite the spry young man he was when he was 65. Dave would like to have someone else as the regular part-time person so he doesn't over work Kenny. Dave would still call on Kenny for help occasionally for things like major snow storms. cc: City Staff Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. vil & Municipal Engineering -and Surveying September 23, 1998 Mike Robertson, Administrator City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue N.E. Otsego, MN 55330 RE: 83rd Street Culvert at Otsego Creek Crossing Dear Mike, SEP L4,.B 3601 Thurston Avenue Suite 101 Anoka, Minnesota 55303 612/427-5860 612/427-0520 Fax As requested, I looked at the estimated costs we had put together for the Otsego Creek Project in February 1996. The cost is for a Concrete Arch Pipe (54" X 88") which is equivalent to a 72" diameter pipe. The pipe length was determined to fit under the standard collector street section. The cost is broken down as follows: • Concrete Pipe and End Section (54" X 88") $30,500 • Rip -Rap, Wood Fiber Blanket.Silt Fence, Seeding $6,800 • Road Pavement Restoration $2,500 Total Estimated Cost of Construction $39,800 If the Council wishes, we could get quotes for this work. However, we would need to put together a quote form, specification and a sketch of the work to be done. The cost of concrete pipe is more than the Corrugated Metal Pipe (CMP). The existing CMP is eroding out on the bottom due to corrosion. If you have further questions, please contact me. Yours truly, HAKANSO"NDER}SON ASSOCIATES, INC. L r Oce . K hak, PE clk cc: Elaine Beatty, Clerk Public Works Committee C:\Share\WPmuni\AOTSEGO\910\ot910mr2.doc �1;> ON ON h w L C�b�ooblF'��� A h W v1 � W - N W so cc h v c� o � o 4 '44 t3 0 �1;> ON ON h w L RiverRider Heartland Express Wright County Month: July, '98 ROUTE ADULTS ELDERLY DISABLED STUDENT/CHILD TOTAL Community Buffalo 298 341 64 32 735 Community Cokato 8 161 16 185 Otsego to Elk River 15 25 40 Ostego/St. Michael Elk River 2 22 24 Montrose to Buffalo 2 2 LCO—Lto to Buffalo 6 6 12 Deviated Fixed Disabled Elderly Total Buffalo Adult Daycare 139 139 Functional (1) 66 66 Functional (2) 471 471 Total: 1672 Memo To: Otsego City Council From: Marcus Miller, Attorney, Couri and MacArthur Law Office Date: September 28, 1998 Re: Economic Development Authority (EDA) Introduction The following is a brief explanation regarding the purpose, powers and operation of an Economic Development Authority (EDA). This is not intended to be a comprehensive explanation. Rather, it is intended to provide a brief overview of the subject. EDA Purpose, Creation and Membership Purpose and Creation The purpose of and EDA is to encourage and promote economic development within the City. Economic development includes that activities that help create, maintain and grow local economies. A City may create an EDA by adopting an enabling resolution after holding a public hearing upon two weeks published notice. (See attached City of Otsego Enabling Resolution for your information) The enabling resolution's purpose, in part, is to establish the EDA's powers or limitations on powers. The enabling resolution may later be amended or modified by the City upon that same procedure as it was adopted. Once an EDA is established, it is a body corporate and politic and a political subdivision of the State of Minnesota. It may sue and be sued in its own name. Membership An EDA is governed directly by its Board of Commissioners. Commissioners are appointed by the Mayor, with approval of the City Council. The EDA board may range in size from three (3), five (5) or seven (7) members. The following chart shows the initial terms and the number of Council Members required to be on the Board for each size makeup. Board Size # of Council Members Initial Term of Office 3 at least 1 2, 4, 6 years 5 at least 2 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 years 7 at least 2 1,2,3,415 and 2 for 6 years After the initial terms, all Board members are appointed for six year terms, except that Council Members may be appointed to terms which coincide with their Council terms. Vacancies, Removal Vacancies are filled by Council appointment for the remainder of the unexpired term. A commissioner may be removed by the City Council for inefficiency, neglect of duty, or misconduct in office. To accomplish removal, the removal procedures set forth in Minn.Stat. §469.095 must be followed. EDA Powers An EDA may exercise the following powers: Acquire by lease, purchase, gift, devise, or condemnation proceedings, the needed right, title and interest in property to create economic development districts. 2. Sign options to purchase, sell or lease property. 3. Use eminent domain (condemnation) to acquire property for certain economic development purposes. 4. Enter contracts for certain economic development purposes. The Authority may contract to purchase or sell real or personal property provided, however, existing funds, together with reasonable expected revenue, are sufficient to either discharge the obligation or pay expenses when due. 5. The EDA may become a limited partner in a partnership, as long as the partnership's purpose is consistent with the EDA's purpose. 6. Acquire property rights or an easement for a development district. 7. Sell land held by it in a development district for economic development purposes. 8. Operate and maintain a public parking facility to promote development in a development district. 9. Accept conveyances of land from other public agencies or governmental units, if the land can be used to carry out a proper EDA purpose. 10. Fill, grade and protect property it owns, including taking necessary steps to make the property suitable for economic development. 11. Use Tax Increment Financing as provided law. 12. Exercise Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) powers. 13. Issue G.O and/ or Revenue Bonds under certain circumstances. 14. Create committees for itself. 15. Hire employees. Limitations on Powers The City, through the enabling resolution, may impose the following limitations on the EDA Boards actions and powers: 1. No HRA, EDA or City Development powers may be exercised by the Authority without the prior approval of the City Council. 2. The Council may, by resolution, require the EDA to transfer any portion of reserve funds generated by EDA activities, unless previously pledged by the EDA, to the debt service fund of the City, to be used solely to reduce tax levies for bonded indebtedness of the City. 3. The EDA must get prior Council Approval before issuing any and all bonds or obligations. 4. That the EDA must follow the budget process for City departments. 5. That all actions of the Authority be consistent with the comprehensive plan. 6. That the Authority submit all planned activities for influencing other governmental units to the City Council for prior approval. 7. That the EDA submit its structure and management practices to the City Council for approval. 8. Any other limitation or control as determined by the City Council and adopted in the enabling resolution. Administration and Budeet Compensation Minnesota law requires that commissioners be paid for attending regular and special meetings of the EDA. The City Council sets the rate of compensation. The law does not require that any minimum amount be paid. Compensation could be set, for example, at a dollar (51.00) per meeting. Bylaws, Rules and Seal The EDA may adopt bylaw and rules of procedure and shall adopt an official seal. Officers The EDA must elect a president, vice president, treasurer, secretary and assistant treasurer. The president, treasurer and secretary are elected annually. The secretary and assistant treasurer do not need to be commissioners. A single commissioner may not be both president and vice president. All other offices may be held by the same commissioner. Official duties of the officers are set by statute. 3 Treasurer's Bond The EDA treasurer must post a bond to the state for faithful discharge of official duties. The amount of the bond shall be equal to twice the money likely to be on hand at any given time, but in no circumstances shall the bond amount exceed $300,000.00. Financial Statement The Authority must approve its financial statement by resolution. Financial statements must be prepared, audited, filed, published or posted in the same manner as the City financial statements. The financial report must be filed with the State Auditor by June 30`h each year. Budget The EDA must submit its proposed budget to the City annually. The budget must include a detailed written description of what it needs to conduct business, minus any revenues from other activities. The EDA and City operate on the same fiscal year. The City Council is not obligated to budget any money for the EDA. Depositories Every two years the EDA must name a national or state bank(s) as its depository. The bank must post a bond as to amount, form and surety. Conflict of Interest A Board member, Officer, employee, representative or agent of an EDA must not acquire any financial interest, whether direct or indirect, in any property included or planned to be included in any project sponsored by the EDA. EDA Board members, Officers, employees, representatives or agents may not have any financial interest, whether direct or indirect, in any contract or proposed contract for materials or services to be furnished or used in connection with any project. A list of conflict of interest exceptions is attached. An individual Council member should refrain from voting on a motion or resolution to appoint when that council member is under consideration for the appointment. 4 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 92-33 RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING AN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY FOR THE CITY OF OTSEGO THE 14TH DAY OF SeDtomhar 1992 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Otsego recognizes the need for economic development within the City; and WHEREAS, the City Council of Otsego desires to encourage, attract, promote and develop economically sound industry and commerce within the City; and WHEREAS, such economic development will enhance the community and the economic welfare of the citizens of the City of Otsego; and WHEREAS, the above said economic development requires the encouragement of the City and assistance in making suitable land available for development; and WHEREAS, the above said economic development requires control by the City to prevent conflicts with the City of Otsego Comprehensive Plan and the desired orderly development of the City; and WHEREAS, the establishment of an economic development authority will promote and enhance the above said economic development; and WHEREAS, a notice of public hearing to consider the need for an economic development authority was duly published in the Elk River Star News once a week for two weeks on eDtem er 1992 andSPnrAmhPr 16, 'qj,' and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on Sem 1Tlgg7 and all concerned members of the public were heard; and WHEREAS, the City Council has considered the comments made at the hearing and the facts presented there; r NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Otsego City Council hereby establishes an Economic Development Authority to be known as the Otsego Economic Development Authority. The Otsego Economic Development Authority shall be established in the form and shall and operate with the powers established in the attached document titled "Governing Resolution, City of Otsego Economic Development Authority" and that said document is incorporated herein and made part of this resolution. By order of the City Council of the City of Otsego. CITY OF OTSEGO Norman reske, Mayor ATT ST: ' Imo" )77,- J'Idme- Perrault, City Clerk W GOVERNING RESOLUTION, CITY OF OTSEGO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 1. Authority to Establish, Governing Law: a. The City of Otsego Economic Development Authority (hereinafter the "Authority") is established under the authority of Minnesota Statutes 469.090 through 469.1081, as amended, and the organization, powers and activities of the Authority shall be governed by those said statutes and this resolution. 2. Commission Size, Appointment, Compensation and Removal of Commissioners• a. Size: The Authority Commission shall consist of the members of the serving City Council. b. Terms and Appointment of Commissioners: The members of the Commission shall serve as Commissioners during their regularly elected term of off ice as a member of the Otsego City Council. C. Increase in Commission Members: The Authority Commission may be increased in number from five to seven members by a resolution adopted by the City Council following the same procedure used to pass this resolution or that prescribed by Minnesota Statute 469.095, Subdivision 3, as amended. d. Compensation and Reimbursement: Commissioners, including the President, shall be paid for attending each regular or special meeting of the Authority in an amount to be set by resolution of the City Council. In addition to the said payment for attending regular and special meeting Commissioners shall be reimbursed for actual expenses incurred in doing official business of the Authority. All money paid for compensation or reimbursement shall be drawn form the Authority's budget. e. Removal for Cause: A Commissioner may be removed by the City Council for inefficiency, neglect of duty or misconduct in office. Such removal shall be preceded by a hearing wherein the Commissioner charged shall be given an opportunity to be heard in person or by counsel. The Commissioner charged shall be provided a written copy of the charges at least ten days before any hearing. If written charges are submitted against a Commissioner the City Council may temporarily suspend the said Commissioner. When any Commissioner is removed for cause a record of the proceedings of the hearing shall be filed in the office of the City Clerk together with the charges and findings of fact. r 3. Authority Officers, Duties and Organizational Matters: a. The Authority shall adopt bylaws, rules of procedure and an official seal. b. Officers Required: The Authority shall elect a president, vice president, secretary, treasurer and an assistant treasurer. The president, treasurer and secretary shall be elected on an annual basis. The office of president and vice-president shall not be held by the same Commissioner, the other offices may be held by the same Commissioner. The offices of secretary and assistant treasurer need not be held by a Commissioner. C. Duties and Powers of Officers: i. The officers shall have the usual duties and powers of their offices. They may be granted other duties and powers by resolution of the Authority. ii. Treasurers Duties: The (1) shall receive, and Authority monies; (2) is responsible for treasurer; treasurer: is responsible for, all the acts of the assistant (3) shall disburse money by check only; (4) shall keep an account of the source of all receipts, and the nature, purpose and authority of all disbursements; and (5) shall file the Authorities detailed financial statement with its secretary at least once a year at times to be set by the Authority. Assistant Secretary: The assistant treasurer has the powers and duties of the treasurer if the treasurer is absent or disabled. iv. Treasurers Bond: The treasurer shall give bond to the state conditioned for the faithful discharge of official duties. The said bond shall be approved as to form and surety by resolution of the Authority and shall be for twice the amount of money likely to be on hand at any one time as determined annually by the Authority. In no case shall the bond exceed $300,000. V. Public Money: Authority money is public money. V1. Checks: All Authority checks must be signed by the treasurer and one other officer named by resolution of the Authority. The check must state the name of the payee and the nature of the claim for which the check is issued. d. Financial Statement: i. Contents: The Authority's financial statement must r I show all receipts and disbursement, their nature, the money on hand, the purposes to which the money on hand is to be applied, the authorities credits and assets and its outstanding liabilities in the form required for the financial statements of the City of Otsego. ii. Examination and Approval: The Authority shall examine the financial statement along with the treasurers vouchers. If the Authority finds the financial statement and vouchers are correct the Authority shall approve them by resolution and enter the said resolution in its records. 4. EmplOvees. Services and Supplies: a. Employees: The Authority may employ an executive director, a chief engineer, other technical experts and agents and other employees as it may require and determine their duties, qualifications and compensation. b. Contracts for Services: The Authority -may contract for the services of consultants, agents, public accountants and other persons needed to perform its duties and exercise its powers. C. Legal Services: The Authority shall use the services of the City Attorney and said City Attorney shall serve as its chief legal advisor. d. Supplies: The Authority may purchase the supplies and materials it needs to carry out its duties and exercise its authority as prescribed by this resolution and Minnesota Statue 469.090 to 469.108, as amended. e. City Purchasincx: The Authority may use the facilities of the City of Otsego in connection with construction work and to purchase equipment, supplies or materials. f. City Facilities and Services: The City of Otsego may furnish any offices, structures and space, and stenographic, clerical, engineering or other assistance to the Authority required in the performance of its duties or the exercise of its powers. 5. Conflict of Interest: Except as authorized in Minnesota Statute 471.88 a Commissioner, officer or employee of the Authority shall not acquire any financial interest, direct or indirect, in any project or any property included or planned to be included in any project, nor shall the said party have an financial interest, direct or indirect, in any contract or proposed contract for materials or service to be furnished or used in connection with any project. 6. Depositories Default and Collateral: I a. Depositories: Every two years the Authority shall name a national or state chartered bank located within the State of Minnesota as a depository. Before acting as a depository the named bank shall give the Authority a bond approved as to form and surety by the Authority. The said bond shall be conditioned for the safekeeping and prompt repayment of all deposits and shall be at least equal in amount to the maximum sums expected to be deposited at any one time. The Authority may deposit all funds from any source in one account. b. Liability for Deposits: When Authority funds are deposited in a bonded depository, the treasurer and the surety of the treasurer official bond are exempt from liability for the los of those said deposits because of the failure, bankruptcy or other act or default of the depository. The Authority may accept assignments of collateral from its depository to secure deposits just as assignments of collateral are permitted by law to secure deposits of the City of Otsego. 7. Obligations: a. Taxes and Assessments Prohibited: The Authority must not levy a tax or special assessment, except as otherwise provided in Minnesota Statutes 469.090 to 469.108, pledge the credit of the State of Minnesota or the City of Otsego or incur an obligation enforceable on any property not owned by the Authority. b. Budget to the City: Annually, at a time to be fixed by resolution or ordinance of the City of Otsego, the Authority shall send its budget to the Otsego City Council. The budget must include a detailed written estimate of the amount of money that the Authority expects to need from the City of Otsego to do Authority business during the next fiscal year. The needed amount shall be that amount in excess of any expected receipts from other sources. C. Fiscal Year: The fiscal year of the Authority shall be the same as the fiscal year of the City of Otsego. d. Annual Report: Annually, at a time and in the form fixed by the Otsego City Council, the Authority shall make a written report to the Otsego City Council giving a detailed account of the Authorities receipts and expenditures during the preceding calendar year together with additional matters and recommendations the Authority deems advisable for the economic development of the City of Otsego. e. Audits: The financial statements of the Authority shall be prepared, audited, filed and published or posted in the manner required for the financial statements of the City of Otsego. The Authorities financial statements shall be such form to permit comparison and reconciliation with the City of Otsego accounts and financial reports. The above said financial report shall be filed with the state auditor by June 30 of each year. The auditor shall review the Authorities financial report and may accept it or, in the public interest, audit the books of the Authority. f. Compliance Examinations: At the request of the City of Otsego, or on the state auditor's initiative, the state auditor may make a legal compliance examination of the Authority for the City of Otsego in accordance with Minnesota Statute 469.100, Subdivision 6, as amended. 8. Bowers Bonds. of the Authority, General obligation Bonds. Revenue a. Owers: The Authority shall have all of the powers listed and granted in Minnesota Statute 469.101, as amended. b. General Obligation Bonds: The Authority shall have the authority to issue such bonds in the amounts and by the process established by Minnesota Statute 469.102, as amended. C. Revenue Bonds: The Authority shall have the authority to issue such bonds in the amounts and by the process established by Minnesota Statute 469.103, as amended. 9. City Tax Levy - a. The City �of Otsego may levy a tax in any year for the benefit of the authority. The said tax must not be more that 0.01813 percent of the taxable market value. The amount levied must be paid by the City of Otsego treasurer to the treasurer of the Authority to be spent by the Authority. b. The Authority shall request the levy of the above said tax in a manner set by the City Council. C. The City of Otsego may increase its levy for the Authority's purposes in accordance with Minnesota Statute 469.107, Subdivision 2, as amended. EDA4A t The following is a List of exceptions when P an EDA may contract for goods or services with a board member or officer of the EDA who has a financial interest in a project. Approval of this action must be passed by a unanimous vote of the EDA Board with the affected board member abstaining from the vote on the resolution! 1. When an officer or a board member is employed by a bank or savings ciation that serves as the FDA's depository or as a source of borrowing, and that board member ohas an interest either direct or indirect, no restrictions apply. However, if a board member or officer does have a direct or indirect interest as a director or an employee of the bank or savings association, he or she must make that disclosure and enter it into the minutes of the EDA. This disclosure serves as notice ' of the board member's interest and does not need to be made on future transactions with that designated financial institution. 2. When a board member of the EDA is employed by'a bank that is engaged in making loans or Performing trust services involving real or personal property affected by any plan of the EDA, there is no restriction that applies to the loans made or trust services performed by the board members bank if he or she discloses the nature of the loans or trust services that the board member has personal knowledge of. This disclosure must be entered in the minutes of the EDA. notices and minutes, and a board member has an interest in the paper. 3. If the EDA has designated an official newspaper, or publication where it publishes its public 4. If the EDA enters into a contract with a cooperative association where a board member is a shareholder or stockholder, but not an officer or manager. 5. A contract for which competitive bids are not required by law and where the amount does not exceed $5,000. 6. Contracts for goods or services when consideration does not exceed $5,000 in any year and the contracting governmental unit has a population of less than 5,000. 7. When an EDA board member is engaged in or employed by a firm that is in the business of importing or exporting or general trade, the EDA may enter into business transactions with the Board member or the Board member's employer provided that the board member abstains from voting on any resolution that sets rates affecting shippers or users of an EDA -owned facility." Mnnasota Statute 471.88 WMnQSota Statute 471.88 20 MN -STAT -AN - MSA S 469.095, Commissioners; appointment, terms, vacancies, pay, removal ------------ Excerpt from page 69292 follows 469.095. Commissioners; appointment, terms, vacancies, pay, removal Subdivision 1. Commissioners. Except as provided in subdivision 2, paragraph (d), an economic development authority shall consist of either three, five, or seven commissioners who shall be appointed after the enabling resolution provided for in section 469.093 becomes effective. The resolution must indicate the number of commissioners constituting the authority. Subd. 2. Appointment, terms; vacancies. (a) Three-member authority: the commissioners constituting a three-member authority, one of whom must be a member of the city council, shall be appointed by the mayor with the approval of the city council. Those initially appointed shall be appointed for terms of two, four, and six years, respectively. Thereafter all commissioners shall be appointed for six-year terms. (b) Five -member authority: the commissioners constituting a five -member authority, two of whom must be members of the city council, shall be appointed by the mayor with the approval of the city council. Those initially appointed shall be appointed for terms of two, three, four, five, and six years respectively. Thereafter all commissioners shall be appointed for six-year terms. (c) Seven -member authority: the commissioners constituting a seven -member authority, two of whom must be members of the city council, shall be appointed by the mayor with the approval of the city council. Those initially appointed shall be appointed for terms of one, two, three, four, and five years respectively and two members for six years. Thereafter all commissioners shall be appointed for six-year terms. (d) The enabling resolution may provide that the members of the city council shall serve as the commissioners. (e) The enabling resolution may provide for the appointment of members of the city council in excess of the number required in paragraphs (a), (b), and (c). (f) A vacancy is created in the membership of an authority when a city council member of the authority ends council membership. A vacancy for this or another reason must be filled for the balance of the unexpired term, in the manner in which the original appointment was made. The ity council may set the term of the commissioners who are members of the city council to coincide with their term of office as members of the city council. ------------ Excerpt from page 69293 follows ---- Subd. 3. Increase in commission members. An authority may be increased from three to five or seven members, or from five to seven members by a resolution adopted by the city council following the procedure provided for modifying the enabling resolution in section 469.093. Subd. 4. Compensation and reimbursement. A commissioner, including the president, shall be paid for attending each regular or special meeting of the authority in an amount to be determined by the city council. In addition to receiving pay for meetings, the commissioners maX be reimbursed for actual expenses incurred in doing official business of the authority. All money paid for compensation or reimbursement must be paid out of the authority's budget. Subd. 5. Removal for cause. A commissioner may be removed by the city council for inefficiency, neglect of duty, or misconduct in office. A commissioner shall be removed only after a hearing. A copy of the charges must be given to the commissioner at least ten days before the hearing. The commissioner must be given an opportunity to be heard in person or by counsel at the hearing. When written charges have been submitted against a commissioner, the city council may temporarily suspend the commissioner. If the city council finds that those charges have not been substantiated, the commissioner shall be immediately reinstated. If a commissioner is removed, a record of the proceedings, together with the charges and findings, shall be filed in the office of the city clerk. Copyright (c) West Group 1998 No claim to original U.S. Govt, works 23 Sep 1998 Claims List Page 1 Wed 10:59 PM CITY OF OTSEGO Name Batch Name 092398 AUDIO COMMUNICATIONS BREZE INDUSTRIES CONSTRUCTION BULLETIN CORROW TRUCKING CORROW TRUCKING CORROW TRUCKING COURI MACARTHUR LAW OFFICE COURI MACARTHUR LAW OFFICE COURI MACARTHUR LAW OFFICE COURI MACARTHUR LAW OFFICE COURI MACARTHUR LAW OFFICE COURI MACARTHUR LAW OFFICE COURI MACARTHUR LAW OFFICE COURI MACARTHUR LAW OFFICE COURI MACARTHUR LAW OFFICE COURI MACARTHUR LAW OFFICE COURI MACARTHUR LAW OFFICE COURI MACARTHUR LAW OFFICE COURI MACARTHUR LAW OFFICE COURI MACARTHUR LAW OFFICE COURI MACARTHUR LAW OFFICE COURI MACARTHUR LAW OFFICE EAST SIDE LEASING CO ELECTION SYSTEMS & SOFTWARE H G WEBER OIL COMPANY LEAGUE OF MN CITIES INS TRUST LEAGUE OF MN CITIES INS TRUST LYLE H NAGELL CO INC. LYLE H NAGELL CO INC. LYLE H NAGELL CO INC. LYLE H NAGELL CO INC. MENAROS MINNESOTA MUTUAL MINNESOTA MUTUAL MN POLLUTION CONTROL OMANN BROTHERS INC. RASK HARLAND AND TERRY SOFTRONICS ST JOESPHS EQUIPMENT INC S1 JOESPHS EQUIPMENT INC STS CONSULTANT'S LTD TRENT MACDONALD TRENT MACDONALD TRUCK TECHNOLOGIES TRUCK TECHNOLOGIES WRIGHT COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPT Grand Total Dept Description Hwys, Streets, & Roads Hwys, Streets, & Roads Sanitary Sewer Construction General Govt Buildings -8899 Hwys, Streets, & Roads Recycling Sanitary Sewer Construction Legal Services Sanitary Sewer Construction Sanitary Sewer Construction Administration Sanitary Sewer Construction Sanitary Sewer Construction Legal Services Legal Services Hwys, Streets, & Roads Administration Sanitary Sewer Construction Legal Services Administration Administration Administration Administration Hwys, Streets, & Roads Administration Administration Sanitary Sewer Construction Sanitary Sewer Construction Sanitary Sewer Construction Sanitary Sewer Construction Culture and Rec (GENERAL) Administration Hwys, Streets, & Roads Hwys, Streets, & Roads Hwys, Streets, & Roads Old Town Hall Administration Hwys, Streets, & Roads Hwys, Streets, & Roads Park Improvements Hwys, Streets, & Roads Hwys, Streets, & Roads Hwys, Streets, & Roads Comments Part for radio Ear Plugs Water Tower Bid Advert September Service September Service August Recycling Dauphinais Condemnation Thein Well Credit for Tape Water Tower 1998 Bonds Apex Lahn Condemnation Dayton Sewer Agreement Assessor's Contract Elementary Well Odean Ave Project Lin -Bar Estates Wastewater Treatment August Services Heritage Hills Long Haul Truckimg September rental Secrecy Sleeves Diesel 09-25-98 to 9-25-99 09-25-98 to 9-25-99 Brisbin/Pouliot/Cota app Sebeck app/meeting Benesh/D&Y appraisals Swiggum/Zachman/Cots app Haunted House Prem due 10-1-98 Prem due 10-1-98 Odean Ave Project Ground shingles Paint rep ceiling Old Twn Monitor/labor Parts Parts Bike Path/Const Tech Damage Deposit Refund Less Bldg Super hours 1994 Ford repair 1980 Ford repair Signs and supplies Transaction Batch Amount Name 234.98 092398 106,50 092398 239.25 092398 48.50 092398 10.00 092398 1,368.75 092398 236.50 092398 195.50 092398 -10.00 092398 100.80 092398 42.50 092398 357.00 092398 1,037.20 092398 665.5002398 42.50 092398 654.50 092398 327.40 092398 46.00 092398 654.50 092398 2,074.50 092398 248.40 092398 170.00 092398 237.92 092398 25.72 092398 506.19 092398 15,476.00 092398 500.00 092398 600.00 092398 400.00 092398 400.00 092398 600.00 092398 206.16 092398 22.75 092398 29.60 092398 115.00 092398 1,341.90 092398 1,453.67 092398 337.55 092398 166.88 092398 40.92 092398 411.80 092398 400.00 092398 -60.00 092398 516.63 092398 190.57 092393 130.80 092393 32,900.84 28 Sep 1498 Claims List Page 1 Mon 11:30 AM CITY OF OTSEGO Grand Total Transaction Batch Amount Name 19,000.00 092898 9,142.50 092898 192.31 092898 499.31 092898 -100.00 09,898 400.00 092898 187.71 092898 128.16 092898 289.64 092898 50.00 092898 29,789.63 Dept Name Description Comments Name 092898 _..,� OF ELK RIVER Water Utilities (GENERAL) Principal due 10-1-98 3ANK OF ELK RIVER Water Utilities (GENERAL) Interest due 10-1-98 ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST Administration PPE 9/19/98 !CMA RETIREMENT TRUST PPE 9/19/98 KIM AYRES Less Supervisor Fees KIM AYRES Damage Deposit Refund PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT FD Administration PPE 9/19/98 PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT FD Hwys, Streets, & Roads PPE 9/19/98 PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT FD PPE 9/19/98 STATE CAPITAL CREDIT UNION ACT# 141923 Grand Total Transaction Batch Amount Name 19,000.00 092898 9,142.50 092898 192.31 092898 499.31 092898 -100.00 09,898 400.00 092898 187.71 092898 128.16 092898 289.64 092898 50.00 092898 29,789.63