ITEM 3.5A OHC 4.14.2015 MinutesITEM 3-5A Otsego Heritage Preservation Commission - April 14, 2015 Toni 9=roshek, Zonja Matushenko, Gail Anderson, Chris Wilson, Mayor ,Jessica Sockamp, cameo appearance from Vern Heidner. Meeting called to order at 7:10pm. Minutes of the last meeting were approved. Easter Egg FbIl and Cutouts from OHPC- Zonja reported that the event was very successful. The cutouts were a good activity. A discussion included what might be done for future celebrations. We discussed needing a stool for little kids. Jessica thought the activities may need to be spread out to ease traffic. Photo scanning - Toni and Zonja scanned four picture albums and there are more to be scanned. The process is now set up and more can be done quicker next time. City Council Member Vern Heidner brought in an Bk fiver paper, The Star News, from October 31, 1990 including information about the first Otsego City election. We will find a way to include appropriate info in the 25th Anniversary of Otsego's incorporation. Park 9gns - no new information. Book revisions, binding. Lisa Fahey called and was unable to come so this item will be postponed. Otsego's 25th Anniversary Party Therewill be a meeting next Tuesday night for the Committee. Zonja suggested a time capsule, perhaps for the future and perhaps from twenty five years ago and perhaps a time capsule of visions, what the original elected officials, envisioned and what we citizens and staff envision for the next 25 years. Gail mentioned the idea of a Medallion search following a history trail. The actual date of the Anniversary is November 15, 1990. Gentleman and his metal detector: Toni has talked with a man who has a new metal detector and would like to try it out at the old City Hall/school in Otsego. The City has no objection as long as he signs a waiver stating that anything he finds belongs to the City. Jessica will check with the City Attorney about such a form, possibly from the MacDonald/ Peavey house Dig. Meeting adjourned at 8pm. Next meeting will be Tuesday, May 12 at 7pm. Gail Anderson