6:30 PM
APRIL 13, 1998
1. Mayor L ournier will call meeting to order:
Mayor Fournier called the April 13, 1998 City Council Meeting to order at 6:30 PM.
a. Pledge of Allegiance.
Mayor Fournier led in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mayor Larry Fournier; Councilmembers: Virginia Wendel, Suzanne Ackerman, Vern
Heidner, Mark Berning.
Staff: Mike Robertson, City Administrator; Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning
Administrator; Judy Hudson, Deputy Clerk; Andrew MacArthur, City Attorney; Dan
Licht, Assistant City Planner; John Harwood, City Engineer.
2. Consider agenda approval,
Mayor Fournier requested the following additions:
Item 9. LE.2. Consideration of Tony Beming's app. for Planning Commission.
Move 9.I.E.1. to 8.4. Letter from Chris Wilson
Item 9. I.E.3. Letter from MnDOT
Delete Item 7.1. Discussion of contract with Dayton for Wastewater Treatment
CM Wendel motioned to approve agenda as amended. Seconded by CM Berning.
All in favor. Motion carried.
a. Regular Council Meeting of March 23. 1998,
Mayor Fournier motioned to adopt the March 23, 1998 City Council Meeting
Minutes. Seconded by CM Ackerman. All in favor. Motion carried.
4. Open Forum:
No one appeared.
4-A- Second continuation of Council Annual Review of CUP for Dennis Fehn
(for grading, mining, and excavation CUP).
Mayor Fournier requested to move this Item further down on the agenda since Dennis
Fehn had not yet arrived at the meeting.
5. Consent Agenda,
5.1. Approve a Joint City/School District 728 Meeting for A rip 1 21.1998
CM Berning motioned adoption of the Consent Agenda. Seconded by CM Wendel.
All in favor. Motion carried.
City Council Meeting of April 13, 1998, cont'd. Page 2.
6_ Dan Licht Assistant i y Planner_
Mayor Fournier welcomed Dan Licht as Otsego's new Assistant Planner.
Dan Licht reviewed the proposed amendment.
CM Heidner motioned to adopt Ordinance No. 98-3, An Ordinance Amending
Section 20-4-3 of the Otsego Zoning Ordinance Regarding The Cancellation of
Conditional Use Permits. Seconded by CM Ackerman. All in favor. Motion
There was none.
7. Andrew MacArthur, CityAttorney:
7.2. Update on 62nd Street_
Mr. MacArthur explained since he hasn't received back all the Quit Claim Deeds from the
property owners the Resolution can't be passed.
CM Heidner requested that at the time the Resolution is considered, the Council should be
presented with all costs this issue has generated. The Council agreed.
Mayor Fournier requested this Item be placed on the April 27, 1998 City Council Agenda.
7.3. Consider Ordinance regulating Right of Ways inOtsego
Mr. MacArthur reviewed the Ordinances.
CM Heidner motioned to adopt Ordinance 98-2, Ordinance to Regulate The Public
Right Of Way in the Public Interest, and to Provide For the Issuance and
Administration of Right-of-way Permits. Seconded by CM Berning. All in favor.
Motion carried.
CM Heidner motioned adoption of Summary of Ordinance 98-2. Seconded by CM
Ackerman. All in favor. Motion carried.
7.4. Consider Assessor's Contract,
Mr. MacArthur reviewed but would like more time to further review when and why PERA
is being withheld. Mayor Fournier requested staff to contact Mr. Merges.
Mr. Harwood went over the bids.
CM Heidner noted, in reviewing this project, that there is $100,000 committed from the
Park and Trail Fees. Since this Fund's current balance is $55,000 the City will loan
$60,000 for this project. Therefore, the Parks Commission will have no money for other
projects and they should be made aware of this.
Mayor Fournier directed Mike Robertson to write a memo to the Park and Rec.
Commission explaining this and the future Odean Avenue bike trail.
City Council Meeting of April 13,1998, cont'd. Page 3.
CM Berning reminded the Council that they had previously decided to hold an information
meeting on this project.
John Harwood said he would organize this with a direct mailing.
CM Heidner motioned to accept Buffalo Bituminous bid of $259,000 for the
construction of the ISTEA Bike Trail. Seconded by Mayor Fournier. All in favor.
Motion carried.
8.2. Informational Memo - Test Well Program`
A City well at Site #1, North of the School and adjacent to the
County Ridge Subdivision will be pursued. We expect to have
plans and specs. to the City of Otsego 4/27/98 for authorization
for bids.
Mr. Harwood brought the Council update on the Test Well Program. There is a good
aquifer at Well #1. They will be reviewing specific sites for the pump house.
8.3_ Council consideration of a Resolution for Odean Avenue ROW
(Andy to Resolution/John to provide Memo & Plan Sheets)
Mr. Harwood asked for this Item not to be considered at this time and to be brought back
to the April 27, 1998 Council Meeting.
8.4. Any other Engineering.Business,
8.4.1. Letter from Chris Wilson_
Mr. Harwood noted the intersection the Wilson's refer to (Odean and 85th St.) will be
reconstructed. There will be a Public Hearing and they can address their concerns at that
time. Mr. Harwood feels what they are referring to is a program for signage and there
would be no funding for this. Mayor Fournier directed Mr. Harwood to contact Chris
Wilson and explain this. The Council agreed.
9. Council Items:
At this time the Fehn CUP was considered.
Mike Robertson gave a history update and current status.
Shirley Khoshnevis, 15089 Scenic Drive, Hasson Township. She purchased the property
in June of 1997. She complained of the excavation, rock crushing, noise and dust. Fehn
starts at 7 AM and goes to 7 PM. She feels the hours are too long, especially on
Saturdays. She would like to see the hours cut down to normal business hours and
eliminate Saturdays.
Terry Olson, 15509 Scenic Drive. He supports Ms. Khoshnevis' statements. He also
noted there are three Otsego residents on the petition.
Mayor Fournier motioned to change the hours of operation to begin at 7 AM and
end at 6 PM, Monday through Friday and Saturday from 7 AM to 2 PM effective
May 1 and back to the previous hours after November 1. The crushing hours are to
remain as is. Seconded by CM Ackerman. All in favor. Motion carried.
City Council Meeting of April 13, 1998, cont'd. Page 4.
9-1- Council consider the following
A_ Discussion of Civil Defense_
Mike Robertson said the Council may appoint a Civil Defense Director. He has checked
with Ron Black and Ron stated he is still interested in this position. This is for emergency
preparedness and is in conjunction with the police and fire departments.
This person's responsibility is for better coordination within the city in the event of an
CM Heidner motioned to table this decision. Seconded by CM Ackerman.
Voting For the Motion: CM Ackerman, CM Heidner, CM Berning, Mayor
Voting Against the Motion: CM Wendel
Motion carried four (4) to one (1).
B_ Discussion of Community Rec. Participants
Mayor Fournier said the City has asked Jeff Asfahl several times for a valid list of Otsego
participants and it hasn't been received.
CM Berning discussed this again with Jeff Asfahl today and Jeff s goal is to have this list
ready at the next Community Rec. Board Meeting. He can now complete it, since the
Winter participants are done.
Mike Robertson has also discussed this with Jeff. Mike asked for last year's list and never
received it, but he will call Jeff. Mayor Fournier requested receipt of this information by
April 27th, the next Council meeting.
C. Discussion/Information - Virginia Wendel
1. River Rider Bus
CM Wendel updated the Council on River Rider Bus. There will be an additional bus
going to Anoka Mercy Hospital and Northtown. She will receive a update information
sheet on ridership every month.
2. Kadler Avenue NE
CM Wendel checked with the City of Albertville. They assured her that Albertville has no
intention of closing Kadler Avenue. She also was successful in getting a "No through
traffic" sign on Kadler rather than the "Road Closed" sign.
D. Consider Mowing Quotes,
Mayor Fournier motioned to award the Lawn Service Contract to Superior Lawn
and Snow Removal. Seconded by CM Heidner. All in favor. Motion carried.
Mayor Fournier requested staff to notify all contractors who submitted quotes.
E. Any other Council Business.
2. Tony Berning's application for Planning Commission.
CM Heidner motioned to leave the Planning Commission position open until the
end of April, at which time interviews should be conducted. Seconded by Mayor
Fournier. All in favor. Motion carried.
No discussion was held.
City Council Meeting of April 13, 1998, cont'd. Page 5.
9.2. Mike Robertson, City Administrator - u dp ate:
A_ Discussion of 1998 Annual LMC Conference in Duluth
June 16th - 19th, 1998,
Mr. Robertson encouraged the Council to attend this conference since it is very
informative. Mike will be attending the Wednesday session.
B. Recommendation of ROW Agent
Mayor Fournier motioned to authorize the City Administrator to negotiate with the
firms of Evergreen, Wilson and North Star to determine which one could best fit
Otsego's needs and schedule. Seconded by CM Heidner. All in favor. Motion
Mr. Robertson will bring back a recommendation before the final hiring.
C. Recommendation for Accounting Software
CM Heidner motioned to purchase the Banyon Accounting Software and training.
Seconded by CM Ackerman. All in favor. Motion carried.
D. Any other Administration Information.
CM Heidner motioned to send the letter Mike Robertson prepared to the MPCA.
Seconded by CM Ackerman. All in favor. Motion carried.
The Council requested copies to also be sent to Governor Carlson, Dayton's State
Representative, Senator Wellstone, Senator Grams and Representative Minge.
9.3. Elaine Beatty., City Clerk update-
p d� ate.
Elaine Beatty informed the Council the majority of the funds have been received from
FEMA. An additional $6,856 will be sent.
Elaine also informed the Council she and Dan Licht will be attending a Mississippi River
Forum in St. Cloud on April 22nd and a meeting will also be held at Riverwood
Conference Center on April 30, from 7 PM to 9:45 PM.
9.4. Consider Claims List for approval.
CM Berning motioned to accept the Claims List as presented. Seconded by CM
Ackerman. All in favor. Motion carried.
9.5. Adjourn by 10 PM_
CM Berning read the Park and Recs. Commission Mission Statement: "The mission of the
Otsego Parks and Recreation Commission is to create and enhance the quality of
recreation for the residents of Otsego through the development of parks and activities."
CM Berning said the Road Closing Signs on MacIver Avenue are tipped over and also
that they should now be removed since the repair has been completed.
CM Berning requested the portable speed radar sign be placed on Parrish Avenue, CSAH
39 and Odean Avenue. Wright County Deputy Jake Hermanson was in attendance and he
will request this for Otsego.
Mike Robertson will check with the County about placing orange flags on the speed signs
on Parrish Avenue to bring more attention to them.
City Council Meeting of April 13,1998, cont'd. Page 6.
4ayoZrL Fo 'er
Elaine Beatty, City Clerks kning Adm.
Recorded by: Judy Hudson, Deputy Clerk
City Seal