ITEM 3.6 Wilson PreserveOtITYF o MINNESOTA C DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Planning City Planner Licht 26 May 2015 PRESENTER(s): REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: Consent Agenda City Administrator Johnson 3.6 — Wilson Preserve AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: Citv staff recommends approval of the revised gradi ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? No BACKGROUND/JUSTIFICATION: Ian for Wilson Preserve. IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? M CBR Development, LLC received approval at the City Council meeting on 9 March 2015 for subdivision of the 35.14 acre property located at the northeast quadrant of Odean Avenue and 85th Street. Following approval of the application, the developer submitted a revised grading plan that would excavate a portion of the existing regional storm water drainage basin within the 12.6 acre outlot to be dedicated to the City. City staff considered the revised grading plan as having a potentially significant effect on the parcel the City was accepting for park dedication and advised the developer that the revised grading plan would need to be reviewed by the Planning Commission and approved by the City Council. The revised grading plan proposed to excavate the south side of the regional storm water basin to provide material to create walkout and lookout home sites within the lots being subdivided in an area that is otherwise generally flat. City staff and the developer had discussed the potential to excavate the pond as part of the concept plan review but it was not shown on the grading plan submitted with the preliminary and final plat application. Based on the concerns expressed by City staff regarding the negative effects of excavating the south side of the regional storm water basin, the developer revised their proposal to excavate the north side of the regional storm water basin to a lesser extent than originally shown. The change in location of the excavation and the reduce amount of material removed will alter the rear yards of the planned houses and not affect the usable open space to be acquired by the City. City staff, including the Parks and Recreation Department, supports the revised grading plan. The Planning Commission reviewed the revised grading plan at their meeting on 18 May 2015 and voted 7-0 to recommend approval. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: ❑ ATTACHED o NONE A. Revised Grading Plan POSSIBLE MOTION Please word motion as you would like it to appear in the minutes. Motion to approve a revised grading plan for Wilson Preserve. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: o YES NA o NO ACTION TAKEN Ei APPROVED AS REQUESTED DENIED Ej TABLED o OTHER (List changes) O'DEAN AVENUE k t _ t I ys N -- ln-- ----- - ' '---- ` ---- _ i ti— 8 s� aL• � 1 IM X i t - Y-_ S Wilson Preserve 5p �1 -- Slnple Fumlly poaidontfnl Devalopmenl Project - a — Olraapo, MN o a "p A' Sp DEVELOPMENT GRADING �.q kECkeo sr :D a f' r "•E Ir \d AND DRAINAGE PLAN n7th Court and VD.11 cwt