05-11-15 City Council MinutesOTSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING OTSEGO PRAIRIE CENTER MAY 11, 2015 7:00 PM Call to Order. Mayor Jessica Stockamp called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Roll Call: Mayor Jessica Stockamp; Councilmembers: Vern Heidner, Doug Schroeder, Jason Warehime and Tom Darkenwald. Staff: Lori Johnson, City Administrator; Daniel Licht, City Planner; Ron Wagner, City Engineer; Andy MacArthur, City Attorney; and Tami Loff, City Clerk. Attending from the Wright County Assessor's office was Mike Vanderlinden. Pledge of Allegiance: Mayor Stockamp led in the Pledge of Allegiance. 1. Open Forum. Bank of Elk River 20 year Anniversary. Bank of ER Representative present; Kevin Strobel, Otsego Branch Manager and Peter Onstad, Manager of Retail Banking. The City Council presented a plaque to the Bank of Elk River recognizing their 20 year anniversary. Certificates of Appreciation presented to the Boy Scouts for their help with the Easter Event. The City Council and Parks & Recreation Administrative Assistant Connie Schwecke presented certificates of appreciation to the Boy Scouts for their volunteer work with the Otsego Easter Event. Elk River Fire Chief John Cunningham. This will be moved to the May 26 City Council Meeting. 2. Consider agenda approval. CM Heidner motioned to approve as written. Seconded by CM Schroeder. All in favor. Motion carried. 3. Board of Review continued from April 27, 2015. Wright County Assessor Mike Vanderlinden gave an update from the previous meeting on parcel 118-025-004020, 15446 93rd Avenue NE; stating Mr. Ibeling has dropped his appeal. Mr. Vanderlinden is requesting the consideration of the following item after inspection. Darin Ronken 118-024-002010; 15548 95th Circle NE $251,200 Value $224,000 Recommended Value CM Heidner motioned to approve the recommended value of $224,000 for PID 118- 024-002010. Seconded by CM Schroeder. All in favor. Motion carried. CM Heidner motioned to close the Board of Review for 2015. Seconded by CM Darkenwald. All in favor. Motion carried. 4. Consent Agenda. Non -controversial items). 4.1 Approve Claims List. 4.2 Approve City Council Meeting Minutes. A April 27, 2015 Meeting. B April 272015 Board of Review. 4.3 Approve Service Contract for K&C Painting of Minnesota LLC for the painting of the Prairie Park shelter and skate park. 4.4 Approve hire of Document Imaging Assistant. 4.5 Approve hire of Utility Assistant. 4.6 Approve proposal from Adventure Delights for providing concession services in Prairie Park. 4.7 Approve Resolution 2015-23 accepting bid for 70th Street NE/CSAH 37 Improvements. CM Heidner motioned to approve. Seconded by CM Schroeder. All in favor. Motion carried. 5. Public Works: 5.1 Approve Resolution 2015-25 Authorizing Preparation of Plans and Specs for Packard Avenue. City Engineer Wagner presented the staff report. CM Darkenwald asked when you expect the plans and specs to come back. City Engineer Wagner said the feasibility report is ready; and the Public Hearing is scheduled for May 26. CM Heidner asked if wider turn lanes are required. City Engineer Wagner said no this is just an improvement to the road. City Planner Licht said in the long term plan for Packard Avenue the road shifts. CM Darkenwald stated he has an uncle that lives on Packard Avenue and asked City Attorney MacArthur if he should abstain. City Attorney MacArthur said this is just preliminary he should be fine but recommended he abstain from the actual vote to proceed and the assessment roll. Schroeder motioned to approve Resolution 2015-25 ordering the preparation of Plans and Specification for the improvement of Packard Avenue from 60th Street to 70th Street. Seconded by CM Warehime. All in favor. Motion carried. 5.2 90th Street Crosswalk/Signals. City Engineer Wagner presented the staff report. City staff received a low quote from Tapco in the amount of $10,400 for two sets of crosswalk signs and hardware. CM Warehime questioned the flashing crosswalk signs on 90th Street; he said he is not sure the road generates enough traffic to spend $10,000 and that it would be less expensive to just put up pedestrian crosswalk signs or some sort of sign in the road and striping. He is concerned with the flashing light and said he thinks it will be distracting. He is also concerned with the maintenance of the crosswalk signs. Mayor Stockamp said that this item was in the CIP and that the Parks and Recreation Commission and the Administrative Subcommittee both reviewed it and recommends it and that there are events Monday -Thursdays of every week through the summer and her concern is getting people across safely. CM Schroeder said the Public Works Subcommittee also had discussion on it and they thought the flashing light would catch the attention of drivers. CM Darkenwald said he would assume the flashing light is safer. Mayor Stockamp said she agrees. City Engineer Wagner noted the crosswalks would be installed at the location of future trails so they will be a little offset; four or five feet off the driveway so that way when the trails are put in it will match up. CM Heidner said this is funded from the park dedication fees not from general tax base. Mayor Stockamp motioned to approve the quote from Tapco in the amount of $10,400 for two sets of crosswalk signs and hardware to be used on 90th Street and up to $700 for the painting of the lines for the two crosswalks. Seconded by CM Schroeder. Motion carried 4-1. CM Warehime opposed. 6. Administration: K-1 Consider Compensation and Classification Study RFPs. City Administrator Johnson said the City received two proposals; Flaherty and Hood, P.A. and Springsted. She said there is a $3,700 difference in quotes. She stated the importance that all City Council feel comfortable with the abilities of the consultant selected and suggested an interview could be set. Mayor Stockamp said that if the City does interview the consultants she feels it should be the full City Council. CM Warehime said he agrees. CM Warehime asked if both companies have experience with working with cities. City Administrator Johnson said Springsted has years of experience and Flaherty and Hood since May, 2014. CM Warehime asked if they were similar in size to Otsego. City Administrator Johnson said Flaherty and Hood, P.A. has done mostly small cities and Springsted has done many larger cities. CM Warehime asked if the consultant will use the current job descriptions. City Administrator Johnson said they will look at them, but they will have their own position questionnaires that they will use CM Schroeder said he feels it's important to interview both companies. Mayor Stockamp and CM Darkenwald agreed. Mayor Stockamp called a Special City Council meeting on June 8, 2015 at 6:00 PM to interview Flaherty and Hood, P.A. and Springsted. Seconded by CM Schroeder. All in favor. Motion carried. The City Council agreed to reserve on their calendars June 11, 2015 at 6:00 PM as the second choice. 7 City Council Reports and Updates. CM Warehime said he was not in attendance at the last meeting when the joint worksession was set with the City Council and the Public Safety Commission; he asked for clarification on that meeting. CM Heidner said his understanding was that the Public Safety Commission was reviewing their bylaws. He said all bylaws are done by Ordinance and only the City Council can change them so he feels the City Council should be included in the conversations.CM Warehime said he thinks the City Council should sit down before meeting with the Commission. Mayor said she would be fine with the City Council sitting down beforehand. CM Heidner said he doesn't have a problem meeting with them or any other commissions to see what they are up to. We have done that before where the City Council has met with them all. The City Council had met with the Heritage Preservation Commission and that was a very positive meeting. CM Warehime said the emergency service providers have been attending the Public Safety Commission giving updates and that has been very positive. Mayor Stockamp said she would like to see the fire chief's come and give updates to the full City Council. City Administrator Johnson said she could ask them to come quarterly. CM Heidner said he thinks coming to a regular meeting is good but the workshops allow for more time and discussion. There was also discussion on adding commission updates to the City Council agenda. City Administrator Johnson suggested adding commission liaison updates to the last City Council meeting of each month and each liaison can give an update. The City Council concurred. CM Warehime said he has been working with the City Clerk on the set up of a Public Safety Commission Facebook page. CM Darkenwald said he is concerned with a Facebook page for a commission. Mayor Stockamp said she agrees. CM Warehime said it is similar to other city Facebook pages. CM Heidner said only City Departments have Facebook pages that are monitored by City staff. CM Heidner said we need to have a Social Media Policy. City Administrator Johnson concurred. Mayor Stockamp said she feels the Public Safety Commission Facebook page should be taken down. The City Council agreed. City Clerk Loff will delete the Facebook page. CM Darkenwald said sitting down with the Public Safety Commissioners makes more sense and having an open dialog and then the City Council sitting down after to review their comments. Mayor Stockamp said she agrees. Mayor Stockamp asked the City Council if they are ok with that. The City Council concurred. CM Warehime said he agrees as long as it's an informational meeting only and not directive and the City Council can then sit down and review the comments as a group at a later date. Mayor Stockamp said at the joint meeting on June 9 she would like to see just the commissioners; she doesn't think the reports and updates from the emergency response are needed at that meeting. CM Warehime said he feels there is plenty of time for a quick update. Mayor Stockamp said she would like to make sure there is enough time with the Commissioners. A joint meeting of the City Council and Public Safety Commission has already been called for June 9, 2015 at 6:30 PM. Other Mayor Stockamp discussed the phone call she received from the Elk River Mayor regarding the fire district and also talked on a joint City Council meeting with the Elk River fire advisory board. There was discussion on the Elk River School District 728 E-8 building. City Administrator Johnson said she connected with Dr. Bezek and he said the district will have an analysis of the site and costs by Friday. 8 Staff Reports and Updates. 8.1 Update on HF 698 -Eminent Domain and Legacy Funds. City Administrator Johnson said the HF 698 was not included in any of the omnibus bills. She thanked Representative Eric Lucero for his work on this legislation. 8.2 Charter Communications Update. City Administrator Johnson said there is no action needed on this item just for info. She stated as noted in the letter the merger is not going to take place. CM Schroeder asked if the city received a lot of calls regarding Charter service. City Administrator Johnson said the calls are mainly from residents. CM Warehime said that some of the business south of Queens Avenue are having Charter issues. City Administrator Johnson said she has exchanged voice mails with Canvas Craft regarding their service. Other City Administrator Johnson said at a previous meeting there was a special meeting called for June 1 at 6 PM for Finance Director Interviews but with no location. She is recommending it be called for City Hall. CM Darkenwald motioned for the June 1, 2015 Special City Council meeting at 6:00 PM for the Finance Director Interviews be held at City Hall, 13400 901h Street NE. Seconded by CM Heidner. All in favor. Motion carried. 9. Adjourn. CM Warehime motioned to adjourn. Seconded by CM Schroeder. All in favor. Motion carried. Adjourned at 8:49 PM. or Jessica Stockamp W ATTEST: Axv�, `� "WtL Tami Loff, City Clerk