05-04-98 SCCCITY OF OTSEGO SPECIAL COUNCIL NIEETLNG MINUTES MAY 4, 1998 - 6:30PNI 1. Mayor Fournier will call meeting to order: Mayor Fournier called the Special Council Meeting to order at 6:30PM. Introductions were given and the audience introduced themselves as well. ROLL CALL: Mayor Fournier and Council Members Suzanne Ackerman, Mark Berning, Virginia Wendel and Vern Heidner were present. Also present were Ted Field and Don Burgardt, Engineers from Bonestroo, Andy Mac Arthur, City Attorney, Larry Koshak, City Engineer, Mike Robertson, City Administrator and Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator. 2. Discussion of 62ND Street and decision on City Road issue with Andrew ;MacArthur, City Attorney, Mayor Fournier explained the 62nd Street issue and made the following motion: MAYOR FOUR:NIER MOTIONED TO ACCEPT 621ND STREET AS A ONE- HALF (1/2) STREET CONTINGENT ON THE FOLLOWING: 1. RESIDENTS PAY THE EXPENSES INCURRED 2. THE FINAL QtiIT CLAIM DEED BEING SIGNED VIRGINIA WENDEL SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. DISCUSSION: CM Heidner questioned if we had already made a motion to that effect? Mayor Fournier stated that the reason for his motion is to allow the City Attorney to handle this. More discussion occurred. Attorney MacArthur stated that the road will not be accepted unless or until the last quit claim deed is signed. He also explained that he has the deed via fax from Mr. Emmerich for the ninety (90') foot turn around at the end of the road. Discussion was had about putting this in a reasonable time frame. CM Wendel asked about the bill to residents. Mayor Fournier had an up-to-date billing from Gary Groen of $1,302.50, which amounts to $234.00 per property owmer and it was stated that more bills will be coming in, plus the cost of recording. She also asked what happens when the developer wants to develop this? Engineer Koshak noted that we would make sure there was adequate right-of-way. More discussion on the right-of-way. CM Berning asked about development of the road. CITY OF OTSEGO SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY =1, 1998 AT 6:3PNI - PAGE 2 - CM Wendel questioned if this was not adopted would we have to change our maps to take this road off `? Engineer Koshak said technically yes, unless it was desirable to have the road on the maps for emergencies. 3. Council review the Plans and Saecifications for the Wastewater Treatment Facility with Ted Field, Bonestroo Engineer. If Council agrees, Motions on the follow*ng• A. Council Motion to approve plans and specifications B. Council Motion to authorize submittal of plans and specifications to NIPCA C. Council Motion to authorize advertisement of construction bids Mayor Fournier noted that he has contacted our State Representative and he will write a letter and make a phone call Re: Wastewater Treatment Plant Permits for Otsego. Meeting was turned over to Ted Field who updated the Council on the EAW Permit issue. The EAW has run into a snag and is the reason for the letter to MPCA. The EAW was submitted last October. We learned when Mike Robertson and Ted Field met with MPCA recently that they intended to review Greenfield's EAW application first and hold off on ours. The N1PCA noted both a possible road block by DNR and a possible phosphorus cap. The two agencies (DNRiWCA) are not on the same page regarding sewage treatment plants. The City of Hinkley had a similar problem and MPCA backed down to the DNR.. (They have not yet required a phosphorus limit for Hinkley). Ted Field estimated S100,000. to $125,000. in extra construction costs would be added for phosphorus limit. Ted indicated that at this point, early to mid July would be the earliest we can bid the sewer plant and we could extend the award of construction for up to sixty days. CM Heidner asked about the phosphorus procedure. Mr. Field stated it is a chemical treatment and it results in more solids (sludge) being precipitated out of the wastewater. Engineer Koshak had two questions for Mr. Field. I . If you add this chemical and create more sludge, is the result a better quality for field application'? Mr. Field did not think it would increase sludge quality and he said he consider it a neutral affect. 2. Greenfield phosphorus - we will know if it is an issue when May 15th comment period ends. Mr. Field said if Greenfield does not have phosphorus limits, we probably will not. Mr. Field wants to wait and see if phosphorus is an issue with Greenfield before we bid. CITY OF OTSEGO SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 4, 1998 AT 6:30PNI - PAGE 3 - He said an extra 15 x 15 building would hold the phosphorus treatment chemicals, it could be in current building, but he felt it was better to have a separate building, because of liquid chemicals. CM Wendel discussed sludge and us needing permitted sludge application sites. Mr. Field stated it would be 2001 before we would need to dispose of sludge. Mike Robertson noted he had suggested a separate EAW process to the MPCA for sludge application sites. CM Berning questioned how much additional sludge would we get with phosphorus limit? Ted estimated an additional 10% . Engineer Koshak asked about adding lime to sludge. Mr. Field stated that with one years storage, no lime treatment is needed. All sludge is hauled in the Fall when it has a better chance to meet all the requirements. CM Wendel questioned if we get OK to go to Crow River, what assurances do we have of future discharge? Mr. Fields said once permitted you are entitled to expand. Once we are permitted for Crow River, we should be OK for a long period of time. Mr. Field brought the specs (blue books 2 -volumes) and passed them out. MPCA probably will not take too much time to review plans and specs, because we are not asking for a PFA loan from the State. He felt we can submit plans and specs now and if we are required to have a phosphorus limit, we can resubmit. CM Heidner questioned where the building would go to hold the chemicals if needed. Mr. Field stated they needed access to the road to deliver liquid chemicals, so it had to be adjacent to the road. CM Wendel questioned if this facility would be large enough for the entire City. Mr. Fields stated close to one million gallons per day can be handled on this site without purchasing more land. It is limitless if more land is purchased. Some pipes are now already sized for tripling of flow. Mr. Koshak questioned the "barn style" building. Mayor Fournier asked what other choices do we have? Mr. Field stated they strongly recommend pitched roofs. Discussion of barn look of building, CM Wendel, Mayor Fournier and CM Heidner felt the barn look was fine and CM Berning and Ackerman thought it should look like a house. Discussion of changes that could be made to accomplish this. There would have to be changes to sheets A2 and 3 and eliminate the barn features. CM Wendel did not want a red building. CITY OF OTSEGO SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING OFF MAY 4, 1998 - 6:30PLNI - PAGE 4 - Engineer Koshak asked Mr. Field what he would add if he could spend more? Ted said grit removal (for sand, gravel and grit). We are eliminating it to save money. Grit will accumulate in the oxidation ditches. They will be shut down and periodically cleaned. Mr. Koshak asked how will the oxidation ditches be drained? Mr. Field answered a pipe over the side. Mr. Koshak felt it was wise to keep the drains in. Mr. Field answered they have a pump that handles the drainline because the pumping station would have to be deepened if they kept the drains in the ditches. Mr. Koshak felt it was a maintenance thing, weigh the maintenance against the cost of drains. Mr. Field stated the new collection system brings less grit. This would be for 10 years or less. If it is a twenty year plant, we would look at it. Mr. Koshak asked if Mr. Field had considered a grinder? Mr. Field had not, but felt it was an option for the future instead of a mechanical screen. Mr. Koshak felt it would be difficult to add this. Mr. Field explained the process of building expansion. Mr. Robertson stated that he felt manual screen worked fine in his experience and talked about everyday maintenance of plant. Cost saving measures were discussed and having two tanks rather than one. Mr. Field stated MPCA requires the two tanks. Discussion of steel tanks Vs concrete. Mr. Field felt concrete was the better way to go. Discussion of next expansion and what needs to be done. Mr. Koshak still questioned the drainage of the tanks. More discussion of proprietary items and does this add to cost. Discussion of how many people regularly bid these plants. Ted said between 3 and 8. After the plans are signed by the engineer, MPCA changes will be made without an addendum. Addendum's added to the bid if necessary. Building changes are estimated to be a minor cost. This plan assumes that no phosphorus is taken out. If we need to take out phosphorus, plans would change. It is premature to go out for bids now. Sheets will be added if phosphorus needs to be taken out. CM HEIDNER MOTIONED OTSEGO APPROVE THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY DESIGNED BY BONESTROO, WITH AMENDMENTS. CM ACKERMAN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. CM HEIDNER MOTIONED AND CM ACKERNIAN SECONDED TO AUTHORIZE THE ENGINEERS TO SUBMIT THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY TO THE MPCA. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. CITY OF OTSEGO SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETLNG OF NIAY 4, 1998 AT 6:30PNI - PAGE 5 - CM Wendel asked if there was any way MPCA could say NO you cannot discharge into the Crow River`' Mr. Field felt we have the permit, but a phosphorus limit is the issue. CM Wendel asked if Mississippi discharge is stricter standards than the Crow River'? Ted said they are similar. Mayor Fournier stated we have a preliminary permit approval. Mr. Robertson said MPCA told him they want us to go to the Crow River when he asked. On Item C. Mr. Field said we do not need a motion now, as the MPCA response to Greenfield will make a difference to us. 4. Any Other Council Business CM Wendel questioned if a letter should be written to clarify the newspaper article that was incorrect? It was noted that regarding future articles that are incorrect, should be corrected. Mr. Robertson stated he had called the Editor and in the future if he has questions he will check with Mike. It was noted that regarding the Dayton Contract, Mr. MacArthur had sent a draft but had not received a call from Dayton's Attorney Hoff. CM BERNLNG MOTIONED TO ADJOURN. CM HEIDNER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. N-IEETLNG ADJOURNED AT 8:26PM. CITY OF OTSEGO: R ATTEST: ELALNE BEATTY, CITY CLERK/ZONING ADM. eb VHA?': 48(TS11.WPS